Dod Evgeny scams and corruption. Evgeny Dod: a scammer or a victim of slander and information attacks? What are the consequences of an arrest?

The former head of RusHydro, Evgeny Dod, and the former chief accountant of this company, Dmitry Finkel, accused of embezzling 73.2 million rubles, were released from house arrest. As explained to Kommersant in law enforcement agencies, as part of the renewed investigation, the deadline for the preventive measure has expired.

The fact that the investigator of the TFR, dealing with the case of especially large embezzlement (part 4 of article 160 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), did not go to court with a request to extend the period of house arrest for Yevgeny Dod and Dmitry Finkel, “Kommersant” was confirmed by sources in law enforcement agencies . The defendants have been under house arrest since the end of last year, and before that they spent about six months in a pre-trial detention center. The mitigation of the preventive measure, as Kommersant said, was dictated by the fact that the alleged damage in the case by friends and relatives of the defendants had been repaid by that time.

Initially, Evgeny Dod and Dmitry Finkel were accused by the TFR of especially large-scale fraud (part 4 of article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). It was about the approval by Mr. Dodom, when he was the head of RusHydro, of the order “On special bonuses for members of the board of JSC based on the results of 2013”, according to which he accrued to himself, with the help of Chief Accountant Finkel, a special bonus based on the results of work for 2013 in the amount of 353.21 million rub., overestimating, according to investigators, the amount of remuneration by at least 73.2 million rubles. According to the same order, according to the investigation, other top managers of the company also illegally received bonuses, which led to an increase in damage. Its amount was 200 million rubles. The defendants in the case plead not guilty.

In early September, the case was sent to the Prosecutor General's Office for approval of the indictment. However, the deputy head of the supervisory agency, Viktor Grin, returned it to the investigation to eliminate contradictions in the materials of the investigation. The reason was inconsistencies in the results of financial and economic expertise. Some of them during the investigation were appointed by the investigation, others were carried out by various experts at the request of the defense - the investigators attached these materials to the materials of the criminal case. Yevgeny Dod's lawyers believed that these data refute the position of the investigation about the guilt of their client.

The law enforcement agencies explained to Kommersant that since it was necessary to resume the investigation in order to correct the shortcomings, the preventive measure again began to be counted from the moment of the arrest of Messrs. Dod and Finkel - from June last year. That is, at the moment it has already exceeded the maximum allowable period - one year.

That is why the investigation did not go to court on this issue, but took a written undertaking not to leave the defendants.

As for the case itself, according to Kommersant's sources, it will take two to three months to eliminate the shortcomings of the investigation, and by the New Year the ICR expects not only to endorse the indictment in the Prosecutor General's Office, but also send the materials of the investigation to the court.

“The defense believes that there is no event of a crime in the actions of Evgeny Dod,” one of the lawyers for the ex-head of RusHydro told Kommersant today. “He acted in accordance with the law and the interests Russian Federation. During the investigation, he assisted the investigation. Despite his disagreement with the accusation, he repaid the amount of the alleged damage, which testifies to his good faith. The procedural decisions currently being made in the case are reasonable and lawful.”

Alexander Alexandrov

The Kyrgyz side, in turn, demanded that the investigation conduct an investigation into spending 37 million dollars, which RusHydro demands from the Kyrgyz Republic as reimbursement for the start of construction of the Upper Naryn HPP cascade.

Dod is detained, but...

The Investigative Committee of Russia detained Yevgeny Dod for two months on charges of causing particularly large damage to the state. Russian publications wrote that the detention of the former top manager of RusHydro was carried out with the support of the FSB special forces. The reason for this was the impressive security that the suspect hired. Investigators conducted searches at the office of RusHydro and the homes of Yevgeny Dod.

When RusHydro was headed by Evgeny Dod, the company began construction of the Upper Naryn HPP cascade in Kyrgyzstan, but did not finish it. The Kyrgyz government denounced an agreement with Russia to build hydroelectric power plants, but RusHydro presented an invoice for $37 million allegedly spent on the work. The deputy commission investigated this issue and ruled that the amount was too high and that corruption schemes were used during the construction.

The chairman of that deputy commission, Almambet Shykmamatov, states that the detention of Yevgeny Dod only confirms the suspicions associated with RusHydro:

- If he embezzled money during the construction of a hydroelectric power station at home, would he regret our facilities? Supervision of funds received for the construction of the Upper Naryn cascade of HPPs was weak. Therefore, we should ask the three representatives of the Kyrgyz side on the board of directors of the project why the costs are overstated by three to four times. If they did not participate in the theft, they must testify against the then leaders of RusHydro. Otherwise, we will conclude that they were shared with them too. The detention of Yevgeny Dod indicates that dishonest people were both from Russia and from our side. Therefore, our and Russian governments must take action against them.

For two years, RusHydro in the Naryn region built a camp for workers from containers and leveled 5 kilometers of roads to the facility. The Kyrgyz side became suspicious after the company estimated these works at $37 million. When checking, it turned out that a square meter of housing from containers was valued at $ 1.3, and a total of 1073 squares were built. Local builders noted that the price should not exceed $500.

Despite this, the authorities, fearing that this circumstance would negatively affect Kyrgyz-Russian relations, created a government commission for additional investigation.

The chairman of this commission, Deputy Minister of Economy Turatbek Zhunushaliev is cautious:

- The government commission continues to check. This is not just an investigation. Here it is necessary to arrange everything and then check. We must respond to every demand from the Russian side. They must provide documents for each of our accusations. There is a lot of work here. Their representatives should come from Russia again. They have been here twice before. We need to study all the documents they provided. Comments can be given only after the commission completes its work and comes to one opinion.

Suspicions were three years ago

Ravshan Jeenbekov, being a deputy in 2013, stated at a meeting of the Jogorku Kenesh that it was risky to trust RusHydro. As a justification for his words, he cited as an example the projects started but not completed by this company.

Now the opposition Jeenbekov says his fears have been confirmed:

- When RusHydro had just begun construction, we declared in parliament that the company was buying construction materials at an inflated price. But no one from the government headed by President Atambayev paid any attention to this. Time has proven that the company is involved in corruption, and the arrest of Yevgeny Doda, who cut the red ribbon at the laying of the hydroelectric power station with our president, proves this fact. Now it is necessary to disclose all the details of the issue of 37 million dollars, which are hung around the neck of Kyrgyzstan. Because such an amount was not spent there, a maximum of 10 million. The rest of the money was stolen. And now the leaders on the Kyrgyz side must answer for this, who silently watched how the price was inflated, random purchases were made, and 37 million, taken from the sky, were hung around the neck of Kyrgyzstan.

The parliament extended until June 30 the term for the investigation by the deputy commission of the situation on the Upper Naryn cascade of hydroelectric power stations. In parallel, the government commission is also working. After the denunciation of the agreement, the Russian side demanded reimbursement of expenses in the amount of $37 million within six months.

Translation from Kyrgyz, original article

The heads of the other show that today in the country the economic newsmakers are not oligarchs or directors of world-famous corporations, but modest investigators and prosecutors, who easily collapse Vimpelcom's capitalization by $300 million in one trading day.

It would seem that one should get used to this a long time ago - as well as the fact that it is not necessary to do business in Russia (at least even slightly larger than the one that the prime minister proposes to improve the financial situation of our teachers). However, this case, like many other cases of this kind, makes us think not so much about the fate of businessmen who are now in jail, but also about how the interaction between government and business is organized in Russia in general, and, most importantly, criminal prosecution. entrepreneurs who have been fined for various reasons. In my opinion, we look just the same here unique.

If we look at the situation with fraud, tax evasion, cases of corruption, various kinds of accidents, as well as other offenses that are committed by businessmen or become unintended consequences of their actions in Western countries, we will see a completely different attitude towards them than in Russia. Not softer, not harder, just different.

Let's start with the classic case that inspired this article: corruption. Corruption at, speaking in scientific terms, interpersonal level is often detected and punished harshly: for a bribe to a policeman (more precisely, for trying to give it) you can get a real prison term. At the same time, if the question (as in the case of Boris Vainzikher, Evgeny Olkhovik and Mikhail Slobodin [I'm not talking about a crime that still needs to be proven, but about what they are charged with]) is about actions taken by a company or in her interests, everything changes significantly (for example, article 11 of the British Bribery Act of 2010 distinguishes an “individual” from “other persons” as a bribe-giver). The former is punishable by up to 10 years in prison; in the second - only fines. The American Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977 treats the problem in the same vein. That is why, in case of corruption by entrepreneurs of officials, imprisonment for the former is practically not practiced anywhere. In my opinion, the governments of the respective countries are aware that it is easier to call a corporation to account than its leader - and, most importantly, more profitable. In 2014, for example, Alcoa was fined a total of $384 million because a representative of its Australian subsidiary tried to bribe Bahraini government officials during the privatization of a local corporation. Siemens paid $450 million in bribes to African officials. The examples go on. But at the same time, no one described the property of shareholders and owners of the company, did not conduct searches at their homes and did not force the best top managers to go on the run. The logic is simple: let the companies pay the fine and deal with their managers themselves. Why not introduce the same practice in Russia: an official gets a prison, an entrepreneur goes bankrupt (and a prison only if his company cannot pay, for example, ten times the amount of a bribe in the form of a fine)? Then our law enforcement officers will work to fill the budget, and not work out political orders or create the appearance of protecting state interests.

Another issue is tax evasion. In this case, surprisingly, the approach in the world looks the same. You can easily sit down for decades if you withheld your own income from the authorities, but it is almost impossible when it comes to corporate problems. Everyone knows that Al Capone himself was imprisoned for tax evasion - but can you name at least one head of a large Western company who shared the fate of Khodorkovsky? And this is also understandable: in the case of tax fraud, violations of antitrust or labor laws, it is much easier (and, again, more profitable) to "pin" a company than to keep its president in prison later. Of course, there is not even a question about the measure of restraint - all claims relate to the corporation, and not to a particular person. What prevents the introduction of such practice in Russia? Personally, it's hard for me to say. In this case, we are not talking about fraud, when managers and business owners act as individuals - in fact, that is why Bernard Madoff, who collected about $ 70 billion in his financial pyramid, (for 150 years) or Martha Stewart, who traded insider information, sat down ( for five months). Has anyone in Russia suffered more for insider information than for bribes to an official or non-payment of corporate taxes? I don't think so.

You can take, it would seem, and more obvious things. We all remember the terrible tragedy in Perm, where in 2009, 156 people died from suffocation and fire in the Lame Horse nightclub. Seven people received prison terms as a result of the proceedings, and the owner of the club was sentenced to almost 10 years in a penal colony - more than any of the defendants. Relatives of the victims received 500,000 rubles in compensation for each victim of the tragedy. Most Russian citizens considered this incident the most memorable event of the year. But let us take another case, which has attracted at least no less attention. On April 20, 2010, an explosion occurred on the Bluewater Horizon platform in the Gulf of Mexico, owned by BP, after which there were not even traces of 11 people from its staff. Nearly 5 million barrels of oil spilled into the ocean in the 87 days that the spill was stopped. Who ended up in prison after this disaster? Nobody. But the relatives of each of the victims received from BP and insurance companies from $7.9 to $9.2 million, the corporation itself paid more than $18.7 billion in fines on environmental and property claims; the president of the corporation soon resigned. Which option for resolving disputes with the state is preferable not only for entrepreneurs, but also for citizens? Of course, the second - but in Russia it is not practiced and, apparently, will not be soon.

In my opinion, when we are dealing with corporate abuses, we need to clearly distinguish them from crimes committed by citizens as individuals. If someone evaded paying taxes, used insider information for personal enrichment, organized a false bankruptcy, fraudulently stole funds from citizens or from an organization, then a criminal case should be initiated, which could end in a prison term. If we are talking about the actions of the company, then no pre-trial detention centers and prisons can be involved here: the state must defend its financial interests through judicial methods and seek compensation for damage through financial instruments. I think that in the conditions of a growing hole in federal budget this approach is even more relevant than in previous decades: on the one hand, it will replenish the treasury, and, on the other hand, it will make entrepreneurship a safer activity, which, ultimately, will again replenish the treasury.

Moreover, there is another significant circumstance. Our state is in deep cognitive dissonance with the reality in which it is allegedly oriented towards protecting order. Because a significant number of criminal cases are initiated in connection with abuses within commercial companies which these companies themselves do not consider as such. A classic example is the case of Evgeny Dod, who is in jail on charges of embezzling funds from the RusHydro company, which she herself paid him in the form of a bonus for the success achieved in the development of the company. At the same time, Mr. Dod offered to return this money at the stage of the pre-investigation check, then twice repaid the demands put forward against him, already in the cell - but still in prison. Tens of thousands of similar cases initiated by “law enforcement officers” due to “withdrawal of funds” from private companies by their own owners or managers with the consent of the owners - and without applications to law enforcement agencies, open tens of thousands a year. The state, thus, having proclaimed guarantees of the inviolability of private property, goes crazy from the fact that it does not dispose of this property. A major or a lieutenant colonel in the Ministry of Internal Affairs or the Investigative Committee sees a blatant injustice in the fact that Mr. Dod or his ilk receive their millions and do not share with him. Probably, “law enforcement officers” can be understood, but with such a state system, a modern economy, alas, cannot be built.

I certainly foresee an objection to the last plot. The Roshydro company is 60.49% owned by the state represented by the Federal Property Management Agency, and therefore we can assume that damage was done to the state here. But before making such statements, it would be more correct for the authorities to decide who to believe: the security officials, who consider the company with more than 50% state participation to be state-owned, or Mr. Sechin, who, in somewhat different circumstances, believes that Rosneft is a private company. In general, there are many questions left, as well as entrepreneurs sitting in prisons, and the Russian economy is still looking for the coveted bottom. Although we all know what it means to "go under" - in a time when the authorities were not yet accustomed to lying as they are today, someone said about such an incident: "She drowned." This was true then about the submarine, and it would be correct to say this now about our national economy.

The cunning top manager deceived Andrei Rappoport and Anatoly Chubais, but stumbled on an attempt to betray Igor Sechin.

The personal expenses of the arrested state manager Yevgeny Dod were amazing. An 800-meter mansion in the village of Pestovo, known as the "island of millionaires", a 400-meter apartment on Bolshaya Yakimanka in the super-elite Copernicus residential complex ... Experts estimated the cost of real estate alone at 2 billion rubles.

On November 16, 2011, Deputy Prime Minister Igor Sechin, who headed the Stavropol list of United Russia in the elections to the State Duma, arrived in Stavropol on a pre-election visit. The program of the visit includes the solemn laying of the first cubic meter of concrete in the foundation of the Barsuchkovskaya small hydroelectric power station. Sechin was accompanied by Chairman of the Board of RusHydro Yevgeny Dod, Governor of Stavropol Valery Gaevsky and Director of the Cascade of Kuban HPPs Viktor Macheev.

Russian power engineers have a tradition: participants in the solemn event must throw their wristwatches into the concrete under the base of the power plant so that the enterprise will then work like clockwork. “Are you ready to give your watch?” one of the visitors asked Dod. He showed his Vacheron Constantin and confidently gave a positive answer. “I laugh: and it’s not a pity? - recalls the participant of this event. - And he laughs in response: yes, this is a Chinese fake. Why wear a real watch, I know what will happen now.

Witnesses then doubted that a top manager with a remuneration of $ 6-7 million a year specially put on a Chinese watch. For one of the highest paid power engineers in Russia, losing real Vacheron Constantin worth 1-3 million rubles is not the biggest problem.

On June 22, 2016, Dod was arrested for exorbitant bonuses issued to himself for his work at RusHydro. He immediately compensated for the damage in the amount of 73 million rubles, and is now under arrest.

From blonde mistress to dirty cell

At the party of billionaire Mikhail Prokhorov at the Shatush restaurant in June 2016 during the days of the St. Petersburg Economic Forum, Evgeny Dod was in an excellent mood, looked happy and carefree. Unlike Prokhorov, who prefers men, Dod was accompanied by a blond girl - a new mistress. From St. Petersburg, Dod went to Finland for two days. I returned to Moscow on June 22 by train. On the platform, he was met by employees of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation and the FSB. Dod spent the night after the interrogation in the temporary detention facility at 38 Petrovka. On the evening of the next day, in the Basmanny Court, the investigation charged him with fraud on an especially large scale (part 4 of article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). He was taken into custody, with a foreign passport with an open Schengen visa and a driver's license issued in the Czech Republic confiscated.

The gist of the claims is this. The remuneration of top managers of RusHydro depended on financial results companies. To increase their bonuses, Dod and accountant Dmitry Finkel did not reflect in financial reporting in 2013, paper losses amounted to 12.4 billion rubles, arising from the depreciation of 84.39% of the shares of RAO ES of the East, 29.8% of Yakutskenergo and 1.04% of the Far Eastern Energy Company. By doing this, Dod misled shareholders and paid himself 73.2 million rubles of extra bonuses (the total amount of payments was 353.21 million rubles, or $11 million at the rate of 2013). Later, during numerous court hearings, the article on fraud was reclassified as Part 4 of Art. 160 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Embezzlement or appropriation of another's property on an especially large scale”).

Everything happened too unexpectedly, Doda's acquaintance was perplexed in a conversation with Forbes. Therefore, soon the story was overgrown with rumors and speculation. Some associated the incident with the "problems of Prokhorov." Dod chaired the board of directors of the billionaire-owned energy company, Quadra. In April 2016, searches were carried out in Quadra. But the manager came to the company just three months before the arrest.

Another explanation: Dod quarreled with Sechin. An acquaintance of the arrested manager believes that the size of all bonuses and bonuses, including overstated ones, was well known to Sechin, the deputy prime minister who oversaw the fuel and energy complex. “The decision on the award is made by the board of directors, there was an external and internal audit, the Accounts Chamber checks. Everyone has always agreed with these figures,” says another power engineer familiar with Dod.

Indirect evidence that Dod’s theft was noticed precisely because he fell into political disgrace was the seizure on July 28 at the Moscow office of PricewaterhouseCoopers of documents related to the audit of RusHydro for 2013. Before that, no one questioned the correctness of the audit. Which of the influential people was disappointed in Doda?

The vindictive Sechin

The rapid ascent of Evgeny Dod on the career ladder began when he was 26 years old. In 1999, a recent MAI graduate was brought to RAO "UES of Russia" by Andrey Rappoport, deputy chairman of the board of the holding. As Ruspres reported, Rappoport, being the head of the state-owned company FGC UES, formed during the division of RAO UES, created for himself the company Energostroyinvest-holding (ESIH), in which he brought more than half of FGC's contracts. In 2006, Rappoport sold ESIKH to Evraz Group co-owner Alexander Abramov. A share could also be obtained by Abramov's senior partner, billionaire Roman Abramovich. The new owners made Nikita Belykh chairman of the board of directors of the ESIH - he later became the governor of the Kirov region, and is now arrested on charges of taking a bribe on an especially large scale.

Thanks to Rappoport, Dod became deputy head of the RAO UES export department and became close friends with the company's chairman of the board, Anatoly Chubais. Pretty soon the young manager was assigned international trade electricity. Dod headed Inter RAO UES from 2000 to 2008. It was in this post that he became close to Deputy Prime Minister Igor Sechin, who took him under his wing.

Dod was almost the only top manager of RAO UES who remained after the departure of Chubais and continued his career. In 2009, Sechin, who at that time headed the board of directors of Inter RAO, appointed the “loyal and conflict-free” Dod as the head of RusHydro. He often talked, consulted with his mentor, absorbed Sechin's ideas.

Igor Sechin is late even more often than Vladimir Putin - it is considered normal for subordinates to wait for the boss for 4-5 hours. Dod “could sit all day with a briefcase in Sechin’s waiting room and wait for him,” says an acquaintance of the arrested person. Such behavior of the head of a huge electric power company clearly testified to his devotion to the vice-premier, who oversaw the fuel and energy complex. “They had a very good relationship,” admits a person close to Sechin. In an interview, Dod called Sechin a "senior comrade."

In 2012, the government prepared a plan for additional capitalization of RusHydro for 50 billion rubles. Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich, who oversaw the fuel and energy complex in the government, wanted to withdraw this amount from Rosneftegaz (the main shareholder of Rosneft) as dividends. Sechin, who headed Rosneft at that time, offered another option: Rosneftegaz would send money to the capital of RusHydro on its own behalf. Almost half of RusHydro's board of directors supported Sechin, and management, led by Dod, suddenly sided with Dvorkovich.

“Dod supported the position of the government, and Igor Ivanovich, of course, could not forgive him for this. In fact, Dod betrayed him, ”says a friend of the manager. “He behaved wrong. And it was his choice, ”a person close to Sechin agrees. “Perhaps Dod decided that he could already live without guardianship and operate on his own. Or maybe he thought that a chair was shaking under Sechin, ”recalls another participant in the events. The chair under Sechin did not shake, and for Dod this conflict had far-reaching consequences.

Another Forbes interlocutor recalls a story with gray schemes around RusHydro contracts, which Sechin might not like. In early 2013, President Vladimir Putin publicly reprimanded Dod at the commission for the development of the fuel and energy complex in Novo-Ogaryovo for embezzlement at the Zagorskaya PSP-2. The companies were allocated 12 billion rubles, half of these funds went to the accounts of the general contractor - Gidrostroy. “Evgeny Vyacheslavovich, is this your office?” Putin asked. Dod replied that these were old contracts concluded in 2005-2006. Putin recalled that the Ministry of Internal Affairs had repeatedly turned to RusHydro with proposals to act as the injured party. In response to Dod's meager excuses, the president was indignant: “What-what? Do you understand what you are saying now? You have to snatch all this money with your teeth! A billion was stolen from you, a billion went to front offices where two people work, and you still understand and do not consider it necessary to protect the interests of the company, ”the president was indignant. Dod hadn't expected this kind of uproar. Billions were lost, then found, but the sediment remained, Sechin's friend ironically says. Once, Dod sat all day in Sechin's waiting room, but he was never accepted, his acquaintance says.

“Dod became uncontrollable and forgot all agreements with Sechin. In the same way, before that, he forgot about Rappoport, to whom he owed everything. Because of such betrayals, he eventually lost all his supporters, ”says another friend of Doda.

In September 2015, Dod was forced to leave the post of head of RusHydro. And although for some time he positioned himself as a project of Sechin, he, in turn, apparently no longer considered him as such. In public, they communicated normally, but people familiar with the head of Rosneft note that he remembers old grievances for a long time.

"No one protected him"

The current year was marked by a number of cases against managers and shareholders of energy companies. But until now, top managers in the industry, federal officials and acquaintances of Dod cannot understand what was the specific reason for what happened to him. Apparently, this is a confluence of several factors and circumstances at once.

Dod was arrested because “no one protected him,” two federal officials say. For various reasons, he lost the protection of those people who once paid attention to him, brought him closer and improved his financial situation. “Competent authorities work for a wide range of people, virtually anyone can be held accountable. And there is information on him, and on the rest, ”says one of the sources. “The president has hinted that there are few people held accountable in the energy industry and the financial problems are big. The security forces took it literally,” explains another.

Dod was included in the rating of the 25 highest paid managers in Russia. Probably, one of the officials argues, after it became clear that the company was in a difficult financial situation, questions arose about how it happened: it seemed that the managers were making good money, and now the state should close some holes.

Return to Evgeny Dod. $40 million real estate story

Yesterday, the ex-head of the state corporation RusHydro, official Evgeny Dod, was taken into custody for multimillion-dollar fraud. But two years ago, I found out that, in addition to the scam for 70 million rubles imputed to him by the investigation, this character is behind last years acquired luxury real estate in Russia for more than $40 million and, thanks to his efforts, another half a billion dollars went into “losses” from a company where 65% belonged to the state.

It took two years for law enforcement agencies to find out the details about the fraud of Evgeny Dod with bonuses (of course, at the expense of the state). I wonder how many years it will take to verify the facts I cited back in 2014 about luxurious apartments in the capital and mansions in the Moscow region of this great specialist in hydroelectric power plants? All documents are available.

For those who are not in the know, here is my full investigation about the millions of Evgeny Dod, dated March 20, 2014. And I would like to ask the regulatory authorities, which are so cheerfully reporting on the successes in the case of the freshly arrested Dod, “why did no one pay attention to the facts and documents I cited for so long?”

"The head of a state-owned company on the" Island of Millionaires ". A story about a billion that Putin did not find.

State-owned companies are those structures where the main shareholder is the state. Right? Basically, these are the largest and richest organizations that have, just in case, access to budget nipples, from where, just a little, the motherland will help. These companies are rich. Very rich. Remember UES, Russian Railways, Avtodor, Gazprom. And the leaders, although they are equated with state officials, are also not very poor. So to speak, they match.

But let's dwell on the most mysterious and little-known structure. So, the owner of most of the country's hydroelectric power plants is the Russian energy company RusHydro, 65% of which belongs to the Russian Federation.

The company is so-so, nothing at all. Only here with the economy it does not always work out. So only the debts of RusHydro from 2009 to 2013 increased from 22 to 179 billion rubles - more than 8 times. However, despite the huge debts, over the past four years, the state-owned company has managed to buy up non-core assets that have nothing to do with its core business, worth almost a billion dollars. Half of these purchases were quite officially written off at a loss.

And over the same four years, the level of capitalization of RusHydro fell from $14 billion. up to $5.6 billion. that is, 2.5 times, and its shares over the same period have fallen in price by almost half from 1 ruble 2 kopecks to 53 kopecks. Even the introduction to the board of the corporation of the former chairman of the Duma Commission on Regulations and Deputy Ethics, Vladimir Pekhtin, who interrupted his political career after he discovered undeclared mansions and penthouses in American Florida, did not help.

And why is there such a problem with the domestic hydropower business? Maybe, in principle, companies with state participation cannot work profitably? No. It turns out that they can. Here are Russian Railways, Gazprom, etc. It seems that with RusHydro, the matter is different - in personnel.

By a strange coincidence, problems in a large state-owned company began after Yevgeny Vyacheslavovich Doda came to the post of chairman of the board. And again, by a strange coincidence, only the state company RusHydro has financial problems, and the citizen Dod himself has no financial problems. It doesn't even have much. But more on that later.

Fraud in RusHydro: Evgeny Dod and Dmitry Finkel are taken into custody

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