Cissus multi-colored care at home. Cissus - indoor decorative grapes

Cissus, a houseplant better known as " birch tree" or " indoor grapes" If the first name is purely folk, associated with the similarity of cissus leaves with birch leaves, then the second is purely specific. Cissus belongs to the large Grape family, numbering more than three hundred species. This plant is simple and unpretentious. The most inexperienced, novice gardeners willingly undertake to grow it. And the point is not even that cissus at home does not require particularly diligent care, but that to grow it you do not need to create special conditions. It can be easily placed either in a pot with a ladder on the windowsill or in a hanging flower pot. Indoor grapes are one of the favorite plants of florists and designers. They readily and successfully decorate offices, reception areas, lobbies, and shopping areas.

In indoor floriculture, three types of this vine are most often grown: Cissus rhombifolia, C. multi-colored And C. antarctic.

Cissus care


Cissus rhombifolia makes the most demands on lighting. This plant requires a lot of light; in low light it will not grow well. But if you do not have a place with good lighting, then choose Antarctic cissus. This species can easily tolerate a lack of light. It is successfully grown even in dimly lit hallways and reception areas. Cissus multicolored prefers illuminated places, but can also tolerate light partial shade. All types of cissus grow well even with artificial lighting.


The main thing to remember is that cissus does not tolerate cold drafts. They affect it very negatively, to the point of dropping all the leaves. Otherwise, ordinary room temperature (optimally +18 - 25 degrees) is quite acceptable for it. In the summer, if possible, it is best to take it out fresh air. IN winter time It is desirable to slightly reduce the temperature of the content. And although the plant can withstand temperatures down to +10 degrees, and Antarctic cissus up to +5 degrees, there is no need to create such extreme conditions for it. A sufficient temperature for keeping cissus in winter at home is +16 – 20 degrees.

Watering and air humidity

Indoor grapes grow very quickly and soon acquire an abundant mass of leaves, which promotes intense evaporation of moisture. For this reason, the soil in the pot dries out quickly and new watering is required. Watering in the warm season will require frequent and abundant watering, but without overdoing it. Do not over-moisten the soil. Let the top layer of soil dry slightly. Cissus will tolerate mild, short-term dryness more easily than waterlogging. This is especially true in winter when the temperature of cissus is low. During this period, the frequency of watering the plant is reduced.

High air humidity for cissus is perhaps the most important condition for keeping it at home. Be sure to spray it often! If in winter it is kept at normal room temperature, and the air is dried out by heating devices, then it should be sprayed twice a day. It is advisable to use additional methods of increasing air humidity.

Top dressing

Cissus is fertilized only during the growing season, in spring and summer. To feed it, universal fertilizers for decorative deciduous plants are used, which contain all the necessary substances for the growth and development of the plant. Cissus can be fed with this fertilizer weekly. When using a specialized fertilizer, you should follow the instructions for it.

Cissus transplant

While the plant is young, it grows very actively and will need to be replanted annually into a larger pot. Starting from the age of five, the frequency of transplants can be reduced to once every two to three years.

A ready-made earthen mixture for vines is quite suitable for transplanting cissus, but it’s not difficult to make it yourself at home. It is made up of equal parts of peat, humus, sand, leaf and turf soil. To avoid waterlogging of the soil and stagnation of water, high-quality drainage is required.

Reproduction of cissus

To get a new, young plant, it is enough to cut off the apical cuttings of the cissus, which has at least two buds, and place it in a glass of water. You can plant the cuttings directly in light soil. In any case, propagation of cissus by cuttings is the simplest and most effective way. To make the plant look most decorative, it is better to plant several young plants in one pot at once. Cissus also reproduces well by dividing the bush. Antarctic cissus is sometimes propagated by seeds.

Cissus pruning

To ensure that indoor grapes always look attractive, they must be pruned. Pruning is carried out before active growth begins, in the spring. First of all, sanitary pruning is carried out, dry and damaged shoots are removed. You can then trim off any overgrown or old branches. In general, cissus lends itself very well to shaping; it can be given any desired shape. From the cut shoots you can also select cuttings suitable for propagation.

Some difficulties when growing cissus

Among the pests, indoor grapes were favored by scale insects, leaf aphids and spider mites. If possible, you should refrain as much as possible from using too aggressive chemicals. Cissus leaves are quite delicate and sensitive to chemicals.

You can often find that the tips of cissus leaves begin to dry out. This is a clear sign of dry air.

Insufficient air humidity can also cause the leaves to become deformed.

About the disadvantage nutrients and the need to fertilize, is evidenced by the pale color of cissus leaves and its slow growth.

Due to lack of moisture and systematic drying out of the soil, the lower leaves of the cissus curl up and darken.

About caring for cissus - video

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The cissus plant is a grape ivy, sometimes called birch, a representative of the Vinogradov family.

In the wild, it is mainly found in the tropics and subtropics of the Australian and African continents.

Popular among flower growers indoor growing plants.

General information

Cissus is one of the representatives of perennial vines.

As the shoots grow, they reach 3.5 m in length.

With age, the base of the plant becomes lignified, loses its former flexibility and is enveloped in bark. gray, which soon begins to crack and peel.

The stems have characteristic internodes containing tendrils and petiolate leaves. Often the ends of the antennae form disc-shaped suckers, necessary for clinging to adjacent surfaces.

The light green petiolate leaves are lobed, palmately compound, or entire. They are fastened one after another. The root system is compact.

Reference! Flowering when grown in room conditions It is very rare, but the plant benefits from beautiful decorative foliage.

During the flowering period, small flowers of greenish color form clusters; if pollination occurs, black or red fruits containing seeds will appear in the future.

Cissus: types and varieties

The genus has more than 350 species. The most popular cissus indoor plants include the following representatives:

Cissus: can you keep it in the house - useful properties and signs

Thanks to the high bacterial and phytoncidal activity of the indoor flower, the atmosphere in the home is cleansed. Microcomponents released by cissus kill bacteria that cause allergic diseases and gastrointestinal disorders.

Decorative vine perfectly humidifies the air in the room and absorbs excess dust.

Helps get rid of formaldehyde - fumes from building materials, which often cause headaches, provoke nausea, and irritate the respiratory system.

Several pots of plants in the room increase vitality and reduce fatigue.

Popular signs and superstitions associate the cissus flower, like most lianas, with a muzhigon flower, that is, the flower is capable of surviving a spouse from home. Whether or not to keep hanging plants at home is up to everyone to decide for themselves; most flower growers do not pay attention to these myths.

How to care

Particularly popular among flower growers are diamond-shaped and Antarctic cissus, which are distinguished by their unpretentiousness, growth rate, and decorativeness.

Of course, the vine will take root in almost any room, but in order for the plant to always be pleasing to the eye, to fully develop and not suddenly die, it is important to adhere to the criteria for proper care.


Homemade grapes are unpretentious to soil, which can be purchased at any specialized store.

It is always possible to prepare the soil yourself by mixing leaf humus with turf and garden soil, peat and coarse sand in a ratio of 2/1/1/1/0.5.

Temperature and lighting

Popular varieties of cissus are adapted to a fairly wide temperature range - 10-25°C. Especially hardy varieties able to withstand a temperature drop of up to 5°C, but only for a short time.

Multi-colored cissus is more whimsical in this aspect; the favorable temperature range is 18-25°C.

It is a mistake to believe that the vine does not tolerate drafts. This is a wrong opinion.

Cissus is only afraid of sharp gusts of cold wind, after which the flower can shed its crown. If the weather outside permits, pots with plants can be temporarily placed, for example, on a balcony or veranda.

Best indoor flower Place cissus near western or eastern windows. Direct rays of the sun are harmful to the vine and can cause burns on the leaves.

If the flower is completely protected from the sun, it is important to take care of artificial light sources - high-power phytolamps, which must be in operating mode for at least 16 hours a day.

Watering and fertilizing

Cissus develops rapidly, while quickly depleting the soil. Therefore, from April until the end of summer, it is advisable to fertilize the vine twice a month; in other cases, monthly feeding is sufficient. To do this, you can take any composition for indoor flowers.

Given the fact that the vine actively releases moisture, it needs abundant watering both in summer and winter.

The intensity of irrigation increases with the onset of spring and decreases in autumn.

The first case is often accompanied by root rot; in the second case, drying of the stem is observed.


The liana needs periodic pruning to maintain its decorative effect. Long and old shoots, on which the foliage cover has noticeably decreased, can be pruned.

The branch is cut somewhere in half or a little more to allow the formation of lateral branches.


Mature vines are usually replanted once every 2-3 years, young ones - once a year.

Favorable period is March.

The transplant is carried out in several stages:

  • the cissus is removed from the old container, leaving the soil on the roots;
  • V new pot pour fresh soil in the required quantity and place the plant there;
  • If root rot develops due to excess moisture, the soil is completely changed.

This process is called transshipment.
You should not use bulk pots for replanting, as the flower takes root and develops better in cramped containers.


The easiest way to propagate decorative grapes from cuttings at home.

The cut cuttings should have several leaves. Until the first roots appear, it is placed in water, then transplanted into a pot with soil familiar to an adult plant.

This video contains a detailed story about growing, caring for, feeding and propagating cissus:

Dividing the bush is mainly done during the season. spring transplant. An adult vine is removed from the old container and divided into several parts, each of which should have an already formed shoot and a sufficiently developed rhizome. The sorted bushes are planted in different pots.

Possible problems and illnesses

Almost all cissus diseases are the result of improper care:

  • the leaf cover loses its former color - the vine needs mineral fertilizer;
  • the leaves bend in one direction or another - the plant is not satisfied with air humidity, it is recommended to place a container of water next to the cissus and regularly spray the crown;
  • spots on the lower leaves, wrinkling - insufficient watering;
  • drying of shoots, premature loss of foliage - excess moisture;
  • the tips of the leaves dry out - the flower requires more air humidity, in winter the cause may be frostbite;
  • brown spots on the leaves - lack of phosphorus nutrition, it is necessary to select the appropriate fertilizer;

  • the foliage turns pale - too much lighting;
  • yellowing of the crown - lack of watering;
  • falling leaves - sharp draft, hypothermia;
  • the lower part of the stem becomes bare - the plant needs additional lighting.


The most dangerous enemies of indoor grapes are mealybugs, aphids, and scale insects. If the insect population is insignificant, it is enough to resort to mechanical removal by washing the cissus with an infusion of garlic, orange or tobacco. In case of a large number of pests, the vine must be treated with insecticides.

Cissus is a plant that will not only complement the interior, but also purify the air in the living room.

The plant is absolutely unpretentious in care and can grow in almost any indoor conditions.

Cissus is a long-term representative of the Vinogradov family. It is popular among gardeners due to its unpretentiousness, rapid development, and decorative leaves.

This plant can decorate any interior, and winter gardens act as a living wall. It does not require maintenance, and if followed certain rules grows beautiful, lush and colorful.

Cissus bicolor Excellent for landscaping, it has the property of absorbing harmful substances from the air. And in Kenya, extracts of this plant are used to relieve the symptoms of malaria.

Botanical description

(lat. Cissus discolor) belongs to the family Grape(lat. Vitaceae) and represents perennial vine, which is attached to the support with antennae.

Leaves may be whole or dissected. They are decorated with dynamic patterns. Silver spots on the reddish background of the leaves look charming. On the underside they are colored purple.

Does not have a pronounced dormant period and grows all year round. At this time, it is important to provide it with sufficient conditions for active growth in the spring and summer and calmer care in the fall and winter.

Maintaining consistency in maintaining external growth factors is the main requirement. It must be remembered in connection with biological feature plants that sudden and constant changes in temperature and humidity negatively affect general condition health vines.

The vine can be pinched to form a beautiful bush. To do this, in the spring it is recommended to pinch the apical bud of Cissus multicolored and install a support for the formation of the crown.

Lighting and temperature

For Cissus versicolor Bright diffused light or slight partial shade is required. Morning and evening sun contributes to the formation of a lush and beautiful bush. It is better to place it on a western or eastern window. When placed in the western or southern direction, shading is desirable.

Winter temperature must be maintained at a constant level and not lower than +15 °C. In summer, this indicator can vary from +22 to +26 °C. Cissus multicolored must be protected from drafts. The plant is placed further from entrance doors or open windows.

During the hot summer the leaves Cissus versicolor may dry out and fall off.

Humidity and watering

The plant likes it spraying. If heating radiators are located nearby, then spraying is carried out in the mornings and evenings. A warm shower will wash away dust from the leaves in the spring, when active growth begins.

For Cissus versicolor dry air is dangerous: the leaves become like parchment. For this reason, purchasing a humidifier will be a profitable purchase.

This device will carefully monitor and maintain the required level of moisture, which will have a beneficial effect on both the plant and all the inhabitants of the room.

The plant easily tolerates drought, but it is better to water regularly, using soft (preferably pre-settled) water at room temperature. Avoid excessive watering (especially in high humidity) - the cissus may shed its leaves. In winter, moderate watering is required.

Soil and fertilizer

Soil for Cissus versicolor should be light, highly permeable to water and have a neutral or slightly acidic reaction. Young plants need to be replanted annually in the spring, and adults - every two years. The pot is selected larger than the plant. prepared from:

  • leaf soil (2 parts);
  • turf land (2 parts);
  • sand (1 part).

In the process of transplantation The roots need to be cleared of soil, transplanted into a prepared pot and watered abundantly. A layer of expanded clay or other suitable materials is first placed on the bottom of the pot. It is required to feed the plant monthly (from March to October) with any fertilizer for indoor plants. In winter there is no need for fertilizing.


In indoor floriculture the plant is propagated more often vegetative way. When propagating by cuttings, a two-year-old shoot should be cut at an angle with 2-3 buds and placed in a moistened sandy-peat substrate.

Cover the top with glass. Keep at temperature and humidity: +22+24°C and 50%. After about a month and a half, the first leaves appear. Seedlings are transplanted into pots and cared for like adult plants.

Bush dividing method used for propagation during transplantation, when the rhizome is divided into parts, planting each part in a separate pot.

Diseases and pests

It often becomes a delicacy for lepidoptera and larvae. Aphids, thrips, spider mite, with great pleasure they choose this vine. They are especially often observed when the rules of plant care are regularly violated.

Excessive soil moisture
causes leaves to curl, mold and brown spots to appear on them. Insufficient or excessive watering leads to shredding of leaves, their falling and drying of shoots. Lack of nutrients leads to slow growth. If the air is too dry, the tips of the leaves begin to dry out.

With regular spraying plants and maintaining the necessary temperature regime the risk of developing diseases and pests is sharply reduced.

And for those who like to know more, we invite you to watch the video about Cissus

Cissus (indoor grapes, grape ivy, birch) – evergreen shrub with elastic, elastic, climbing stems. The name of the plant is translated from Greek as “ivy”. Belongs to the Grape family. Lives in the subtropics, tropics of Asia, Africa, Australia, South America. It is grown decoratively as hanging plant. Cissus is beautiful, easy to care for, and is very often found in homes, offices, and various institutions.

The plant has a spectacular appearance. Thin shoots of a reddish hue are covered with leaf plates shaped like birch or grape leaves. The leaves are glossy, dark green in color, there are varieties with a spotted pattern.

In indoor conditions, flowering occurs very rarely. It is not particularly decorative, so the flower stalks are disposed of when they appear. Flowers of a creamy, greenish hue are collected in umbrella inflorescences.

Propagation of cissus by cuttings

How to cut cissus photo

At home, cissus is most often propagated vegetatively (by cuttings, dividing the bush).

  • Cut apical cuttings 10-15 cm long, with at least 2 growth buds, at any time of the year.
  • Root in water with a rooting stimulator at an air temperature of about 18 ° C or in a sand-peat mixture, covered with a jar or cut plastic bottle.
  • IN the latter case Maintain the air temperature within 22-24 °C, ventilate daily, and periodically moisten the soil.
  • replant in a separate container with soil for adult plants.

The video will tell you how to prune and propagate cissus from cuttings:

How to divide a cissus bush

Carry out during transplantation. You can divide at the age of 3-4 years. Remove the cissus from the pot, carefully divide it into parts (2-3), each of which contains a full share of the rhizome and an adult shoot. Place in separate containers.

Growing cissus from seeds

Antarctic and Cissus quadrangularis can be propagated by seeds. Sow in spring in bowls with loose soil. Moisten and cover the crops with film. Ventilate daily and spray the soil periodically. At the stage of appearance of 2 true leaves, plant in separate containers with a diameter of no more than 7 cm.

To make the bush more lush, you can immediately plant 2-3 young plants in one pot. The container should not be large - cissus grows better in close quarters.

How to replant cissus

Young plants (up to the age of 3 years) need annual planting, then replant every 3-4 years. For adult plants, replace the top layer of soil with a new one (5-8 cm thick). Carry out all procedures in early spring.

Transfer along with the earthen lump: remove the plant from the pot, move it to a new container with a slightly larger diameter, add fresh soil.

If the roots are rotten, they need to be cut off, treated with a fungicide, and in this case, replace the soil completely.

Be sure to lay a drainage layer consisting of expanded clay and pebbles at the bottom of the pot. This way the water will not stagnate at the bottom, which will protect the plant from rotting. Drainage should occupy 1/5 of the container.

The plant requires loose, air- and water-permeable soil with a neutral reaction. You can use a universal substrate or, if possible, prepare a mixture of the following composition: 1 part each of leaf soil, turf soil, peat and 0.5 parts sand, add charcoal bushes.

How to care for cissus at home

The plant is quite unpretentious in care.


Lighting needs to be diffused, without direct light sun rays. The ideal place would be windows facing east and west; you can place them in the back of the room on interior items - the cissus will adapt to such conditions. The south window will require shading. It can grow in completely artificial light, but the daylight hours must be at least 16 hours.

Air temperature and ventilation

Cissus can withstand a temperature range of 10-25 °C, even a short-term drop to +5 °C is possible. Variegated species are thermophilic: they require a temperature range of 18-25 °C.

IN summer time move the plant to fresh air (balcony, veranda, terrace, personal plot). If this is not possible, ventilate the room more often. It should be protected from cold air currents, otherwise the vine will shed its leaves.

Watering and air humidity

Like most indoor plants: more abundant in summer, moderate in winter. Water as the earthen ball dries out. In summer it should dry out by half, in winter - by 2/3.

Lush greenery intensively absorbs and evaporates moisture; the air in the room should not be too dry. Spray the plant daily, place an aquarium or any container with water nearby. Periodically place the pot with the vine on a tray with damp expanded clay, moss, and pebbles. Bathing in a warm shower has a beneficial effect on the condition of the plant. In winter, place it away from heating systems.

Trimming and pinching

To limit the growth of the vine, it is necessary to trim and pinch the tips of the shoots. Old, long shoots begin to become bare: shorten them by 2/3. Usually pruning is carried out in the spring.

Top dressing

In spring and summer, apply complex mineral fertilizers for decorative deciduous plants every two weeks. In winter, the plant slows down all processes, so it is not needed during the cold period.

Diseases, pests, other difficulties


Interveinal chlorosis- a disease that occurs due to lack of nutrients. Between the veins the leaves turn yellow. It is necessary to apply iron-containing fertilizer or a complex of mineral fertilizers in half the dosage recommended by the manufacturer.

Leaves and stems turn black, leaves become spotted and fall off- this is how he manifests himself root rot caused by waterlogging of the soil. It is necessary to carry out an emergency transplant of the plant, cutting off all damaged roots. After transplantation, the plant is sprayed and watered with a phytosporin solution.

Possible pests:

  1. Mealybugs (round insects covered with a whitish coating).
  2. Scale insects (insects with brownish shells).

Mealybugs and scale insects are located on the leaves of the plant. First, remove them mechanically: moisten a cotton pad with soapy water and wipe the leaves. Then treat with an insecticide.

  1. Podura (small white insects located on the surface of waterlogged soil).
  2. Spider mite. It is necessary to carry out preventive treatments with actara every two weeks if you notice pests in your apartment. Their presence is manifested by yellowing and drying of the leaves, and a barely noticeable cobweb is visible on the reverse side.

It is necessary to treat with an insecticide. Adjust watering.

Why do cissus leaves dry out and fall off?

  • The leaf plates curl, dry out, fall off - the air temperature is too high. Move to a cool room or spray more often.
  • The stems became woody, the plant stopped growing - root system completely filled the pot, it's time to replant.
  • If young plants grow slowly, the container is most likely too large.
  • Leaves become smaller and fall off due to excessive watering or high humidity.
  • From lack of moisture lower leaves They will begin to become covered with yellow spots, and over time they will fall off.
  • The leaves curl and become covered with a gray coating or brown spots - the soil is waterlogged.
  • Growth rates are slowed due to lack of nutrients.
  • Too much light causes the color of the leaves to become pale.
  • The leaves become covered with brownish spots due to a lack of phosphorus and nitrogen.
  • The leaves become smaller, their shape becomes distorted, black spots appear - there is not enough phosphorus.

Types and varieties of cissus with photos and names

There are about 350 species of cissus, but only a few are cultivated with developed varieties.

Cissus rhombifolia or rhombifolia

Cissus rhombifolia or rhombic Cissus rhombifolia variety Ellen Danica Ellen Danica photo

The name is given due to the shape of the leaf plates. The shoots are long, flexible, curly, green in color, covered with brownish hair. The leaves are glossy, dark green in color. This species grows very quickly, the shoots are attached to the support with the help of antennae.


  • Ellen Danica – dissected leaf blades;
  • Fionia – carved leaf plates.

Cissus mandaiana Cissus mandaiana

A variety of rhomboid cissus with dense leathery leaves with a glossy sheen and red-brown shoots covered with short hairs. It has larger leaf blades and is resistant to temperature changes.

Antarctic cissus or kangaroo vine Cissus antarctica

The leaf blades are oval-shaped with jagged edges, painted green, reaching a length of 12 cm.

Cissus discolor

The leaves are oblong, whole, the surface is dark green with silver spots, the reverse side of the leaf is lilac-red.

The following species are rare and are mostly seen in botanical gardens.

Cissus quadrangularis photo

It has thick tetrahedral shoots with a diameter of about 1 cm. The leaves are small, oval in shape, and quickly fall off.

Cissus cactiformis

Cissus cactiformis photo

It has articulated tetrahedral stems. The leaves are few and small.

Cissus rotundifolia

Liana with stiff stems. The leaf blades are round in shape with jagged edges, have a green-gray color, and their surface is covered with a waxy coating.

Cissus adenopoda

A fast-growing vine-like plant. The leaf blades are divided into 3 lobes, heavily pubescent, the surface has an olive tint, the reverse side is burgundy.

Cissus striata Cissus striata

Beautiful with three-toed or five-toed bright green leaves and red-brown shoots. The leaves are miniature, the vine itself grows up to 10 m in length. The name was obtained due to the pronounced veins that line the leaf plates in stripes.

Useful properties, signs and superstitions about cissus

The plant is able to purify indoor air, providing antibacterial and antifungal effects.

Some believe that the energy of the plant drives men out of the house. Other Feng Shui experts claim that placing a plant in the house helps increase vitality and relieves fatigue.

In folk medicine, cissus quadrangularis is used as an analgesic and tonic, for the regeneration of bone tissue, tendons, and cartilage. Contraindications for use are individual intolerance, childhood, pregnancy and lactation.

It grows naturally in Vietnam and is found in India, New Guinea, Malaysia, and Australia. This liana is a good representative of hanging plants.

Cissus striata.

Cissus species:

  • Cissus rhombifolia(Cissus rhombifolia).
  • Cissus Antarctica or Kangaroo Liana (Cissus antarctica).
  • Cissus Versicolor(Cissus discolor).
  • Cissus quadrangularis(Cissus quadrangularis).
  • Cissus Striped(Cissus striata).

About caring for Cissus:

Temperature: The optimal temperature for cissus in summer is 18-25°C, and in winter the temperature should not fall below 16 ºC. It is unacceptable to place the plant near heating devices or under the cold air from an air conditioner. Cissus is very sensitive to temperature changes and various types of drafts. In summer, the plant can be taken out into the fresh air.

Cissus discolor.

Lighting: Cissus needs soft, diffused lighting and does not tolerate direct sunlight, which can cause leaf burns. A western or eastern window sill will suit him well, and a northern one is a good option. Cissus is shade-tolerant and can easily be placed at some distance from windows. In general, the plant is not particularly whimsical in terms of lighting and gives complete freedom actions in choosing a place of growth. On favorable conditions Where it grows, the plant responds with rapid development, bright color and large leaves.

Watering: Cissus needs regular and abundant watering. It is necessary to water with soft, settled water; it is not permissible to use tap water, as this affects the beauty of the leaves. The water should be at room temperature or warmer. Watering cold water, even a single application can cause leaf fall. The frequency of watering depends on the temperature of the content. Water should not stagnate in the pot, but at the same time it should be constantly moist. It is necessary to constantly monitor the degree of drying of the soil, and watering should be done when the top layer has dried by 1-2 cm. The water from the pan must be drained after watering. If in winter the room temperature is low, it is necessary to reduce watering and maintain light moisture in the substrate, but if the cissus is warm, watering is not reduced and is carried out in the same way as in summer, when the top layer of soil 1-2 m has dried out.

Cissus Rhombifolia.

Humidity: Cissus needs high humidity and its daily procedure should be light spraying of the leaves twice a day in the morning and evening with soft, settled water, especially in the summer. Spraying in hot weather has a beneficial effect on the plant. It is necessary to regularly clean the leaves from dust and periodically give the plant a shower. The use of sprays to add shine to leaves is not recommended.

Crown formation: Cissus responds well to shaping, which can be done either by pruning or pinching to give the desired shape. During plant replanting, it is necessary to inspect the shoots and remove old, thinned, bare shoots down to the stumps.

Fertilizers: It is necessary to fertilize Cissus during the period of active growth from spring to autumn once a month with fertilizer for decorative deciduous plants in a half dose. In the fall, all fertilizer applications are stopped.

Cissus antartica.

Soil: For Cissus it should be light, loose and nutritious. Suitable soil for decorative foliage plants, universal substrate. Good drainage at the bottom of the pot is essential. It is recommended to add perlite to the substrate, charcoal. Grows well in hydroponics.

Transfer: It is necessary to replant a young specimen of cissus only when necessary, when the roots have completely mastered the earthen ball. Large plants can be replanted by transferring them into a larger pot every 3-4 years. The pot must be selected high and wide, approximately 3-4 cm larger than the previous one. The support is installed before planting the plant itself. After transplantation, the plant needs adaptation; it is placed in a shaded place for 2-3 days and is not fertilized for a month. If replanting is not carried out, it is necessary to change the top layer of soil annually.

Cissus. May be attacked by , and . Insecticides are used very carefully when controlling pests, since the leaves of this plant are very sensitive.

Reproduction of Cissus:

Cissus propagates by cuttings, layering and dividing the bush.

In order to propagate Cissus by cuttings, you need to cut it off and treat the cut area with crushed coal. The cuttings should have 2-3 internodes. It takes root easily both in the ground and in a container of water. If spruce is rooted in the ground, planting must be done so that one of the buds is above the level of the substrate and a greenhouse must be installed. The greenhouse is ventilated daily and the humidity level is monitored, and spraying is carried out if necessary. The cuttings must be treated with root formation stimulants. The main thing is to provide it with stable heat of 20-25 ºC and humidity.

Cissus Rhombifolia.

When propagating by layering, part of the stem is buried in the ground in the same pot or immediately in a separate one and wait for roots to appear. When roots form on the shoot, the stem is cut off and planted in a separate pot.

The division of the bush is carried out during transplantation.

Cissus. Growing problems:

  • Dry ends The plant is said to have very dry air in the room.
  • Leaves become arched due to the lack of humidity in the air, it is necessary to spray the plant more often.
  • Slow plant growth with a lack of nutrients in the soil.
  • Pale color of leaves indicates that the plant does not have enough fertilizer or is exposed to excessively bright light.
  • curling leaves with a lack of oxygen in the soil. It is necessary to loosen the soil.
  • Leaf crinkling, the appearance of spots indicates that the plant lacks moisture.
  • Mass leaf fall indicates that the plant is exposed to drafts and sudden temperature changes.
  • Curling leaves in combination with the appearance of brown spots, it means that the soil is waterlogged.
  • Leaves fall in combination with drying out of shoots occurs when the soil and air become waterlogged.

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