What is the concept of exploitation? Basic concepts, definitions and operational tasks

Safe work measures during repair, adjustment and maintenance of certain types of electrical and radio equipment.

When repairing and adjusting, you must strictly adhere to labor safety rules. Failure to follow these rules may result in failure electric shock or injuries. It should be remembered that the most dangerous current for humans is a current with a frequency of 50 Hz.

Under voltage, it can be repaired and checked only in cases where it is impossible to perform work with the device disconnected from the network (setup, adjustment, measurement of modes, finding bad contacts in the form of “cold soldering,” etc.). It is extremely important to be careful to avoid being exposed to voltage. Be careful not to get burned by heating elements.

In all cases of working with an instrument or device turned on, it is extremely important to use a tool with well-insulated handles. You should work with one hand, wearing long sleeves or oversleeves. At this time, you must not touch the body of the device or other grounded objects (central heating pipes, water supply pipes, etc.) with your other hand.

Measuring instruments should be connected to the circuit only after disconnecting it from the network and removing residual charges from the circuit elements. Device wires must end with probes and have good insulation. The housings of the measuring instruments should be connected to the housing.


Soldering live installations.

Repair the device connected to the electrical network if the room in which it is located is damp or has a cement or other conductive floor.

It is located near the device by persons who are not repairing it.

The effect of electric current on the human body comes down to two types of damage: electrical injuries and electric shocks.

Electrical injuries- These are local damage to body tissues (electrical burns, electrical signs, metallization of the skin and mechanical damage).

Electric shock - This is the excitation of living tissues of the body by an electric current passing through it, accompanied by involuntary convulsive contraction of muscles, incl. muscles of the heart and lungs. Taking into account the dependence on the outcome of the current, electric shocks can be conditionally divided into the following four stages:

I - convulsive muscle contraction without loss of consciousness;

II - convulsive muscle contraction with loss of consciousness, but with preserved breathing and heart function;

III - loss of consciousness and disturbance of cardiac activity or breathing and circulation.

To maintain electronic equipment in good condition, it is extremely important not only to know and master it perfectly, but also to be able to organize and carry out its operation on a scientific basis. When developing the theoretical foundations of operation, the following tasks must be solved:

Ø justification of the volume and content of work and activities carried out at various stages of operation;

Ø development of methods for organizing the work of service personnel and technology various types work during operation;

Ø determination of the composition of operational and technical characteristics (ETC) and indicators characterizing the quality of operation;

Ø development of criteria and methods for quantitative assessment of ETC;

Ø study and analysis of factors affecting the quality of operation and electrical performance, as well as the development of recommendations for improving electrical performance;

Ø development of the basis for automation of the operation process;

Ø research economic problems operation and implementation of the results of these studies into operation practice.

Let's consider a number of basic concepts and definitions used to characterize and describe operation.

Exploitation- this is a set of works and organizational measures to maintain electronic equipment in constant technical condition.

The operation process consists of a number of stages. The operation stage is a specific part of the operation process that is completed for its intended purpose. Typically, the process of operating REA consists of the following basic stages: storage, transportation, preparation for use, intended use, maintenance, repair.

terms of Use- this is a set of factors acting on REA during operation. Operating conditions include climatic conditions, mechanical and electrical loads, electromagnetic radiation, qualifications of operating personnel, and availability of spare parts.

Under storage of REA It is customary to understand its maintenance in a technically sound condition for a specified period before sale. During storage must be created favorable conditions maintenance of equipment, which ensures the preservation of its performance.

Transportation- transportation of electronic equipment under conditions that ensure the preservation of its functionality.

Preparation of REA for use- this is a set of works to prepare equipment for normal operation in accordance with its purpose and technical conditions.

Intended use of REA- this is a set of works that ensure the normal functioning of the equipment in accordance with the technical specifications.

Maintenance- this is a set of works (operations) to maintain electronic equipment in good working order or operational condition

during preparation and intended use, storage and transportation.

Repair- a set of operations to restore serviceability or performance and restore resources of electronic equipment or its components.

Taking into account the dependence of the degree of aging, the nature of the faults, the complexity and volume of work, repairs are divided into planned and unplanned. Planned repairs are called repairs that are carried out in accordance with the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation. Unplanned- This is a repair that is carried out without prior appointment.

Repairs performed to ensure or restore the operability of an object and consisting of replacing or restoring its individual parts are usually called current. It is carried out after a failure occurs and can be performed at the location of the electronic equipment.

Repairs performed to restore serviceability and partially restore the life of objects with replacement or restoration components limited nomenclature and control of the technical condition of components, carried out to the extent established in the regulatory technical documentation, is usually called average.

Repairs performed to restore serviceability and complete or close to complete restoration of the resource of an object with the replacement or restoration of any of its parts, including basic ones, are usually called capital.

The operation of household electronic equipment has some peculiarities. Thus, preparation for its use includes pre-sale preparation, installation and adjustment of equipment after purchase at the owner’s home. Pre-sale preparation involves preparing the equipment for operation, checking its functionality (adjustment and configuration if necessary), as well as a 2-hour electrical run of the equipment in the store with four disconnections from the network lasting 15 minutes each.

Another feature is essentially that during periods between maintenance and repairs, the equipment is operated by the consumer himself, ᴛ.ᴇ. Intended use is carried out by the owner of the equipment. Since the equipment does not have absolute reliability, during this period of operation malfunctions occur and device parameters go beyond tolerances. These circumstances require the creation of special repair bodies and the implementation of appropriate periodic Maintenance household electronic equipment at the home of the equipment owner.

The tasks of operating REA are to organize and carry out various activities that ensure preparation for use, intended use, and maintenance of good condition.

The operational properties of REA are understood as its reliability, readiness to perform basic functions, adaptability to maintenance, and efficiency. Let's look at each of these properties.

Reliability- this is the property of an object to perform specified functions, maintaining over time the values ​​of established operational indicators within specified limits corresponding to specified modes and conditions of use, maintenance, repairs, storage and transportation.

Readiness- this is a property of an object, characterizing its adaptability to transfer from any initial state to a state of direct application to its intended purpose.

Adaptability to maintenance is the property of equipment to effectively perform the tasks facing it when carrying out maintenance of a given duration with a certain frequency.

Economical- a property characterizing the costs associated with the operation of electronic equipment.

Reliability is one of the most important operational properties of REA, since it largely determines the effectiveness of using the equipment for its intended purpose, and the required level of reliability largely determines the cost of manufacturing REA.

Reliability is a complex property. Taking into account the dependence of the purpose of the electronic equipment and the conditions of its operation, reliability may include failure-free operation, maintainability, storability and durability.

Reliability- is the property of an object to remain operational for some time or some operating time. In this case, operability (operational state) is understood as a state of electronic equipment in which it is capable of performing specified functions, maintaining the values ​​of specified parameters within the limits established by regulatory and technical documentation. If the value of at least one specified parameter does not meet the established requirements, then the object is in an inoperable state.

A broader concept that characterizes the technical condition of electronic equipment is the concept of “serviceability” or “serviceable condition”.

The serviceable condition is understood as the condition of the electronic equipment in which it meets all the requirements established by the regulatory and technical documentation. From this definition it is clear that the concept of “serviceability” is broader than the concept of “operability”, since the electronic equipment must be faulty, but operational (satisfying the requirements for ensuring the fulfillment of specified functions), if it does not satisfy those requirements that are not affect the quality of its functioning (for example, requirements for external inspection). If the REA does not meet at least one of the requirements established in the regulatory and technical documentation, it is considered faulty.

The transition of a REA from one state to another is called an event.

An event consisting in a violation of the serviceable state of a electronic equipment or its parts due to various influences and its transition to a faulty state is called damage.

An event involving a malfunction of equipment is called a failure. As follows from the definition, failure should be understood not only as a complete loss of performance, but also as its deterioration due to changes in parameter values.

Failures are divided into:

1) according to the nature of the change in parameters before the failure occurs - sudden and gradual.

Sudden called a failure characterized by an abrupt change in one or more parameters.

Gradual called a failure characterized by a gradual change in the values ​​of one or more specified parameters;

2) according to the relationship with each other - into dependent and independent. Dependent call the failure of an element of an object caused by the failure of another element.

Independent call the failure of an object element not caused by failures of other elements;

3) according to the nature of the time of disruption - failures and intermittent ones.

Failure called a self-correcting failure, leading to a short-term disruption of performance.

Intermittent a failure is a failure that occurs multiple times of the same nature;

4) by the presence of external signs - into explicit and implicit.

Explicit is a failure that is detected immediately after its occurrence without the use of measuring instruments.

Implicit (hidden)- this is a failure that has no external signs of manifestation and should only be detected using appropriate measurements;

5) by reasons of occurrence - structural, production and operational.

Structural called a failure that occurs as a result of violation of established rules or norms for the design of an object.

Production refers to a failure that occurs as a result of a violation of the established manufacturing process or repair of an object.

Operational called a failure resulting from a violation of established rules or operating conditions of the facility.

At the same time, all electronic equipment and its components are divided into repairable and non-repairable. Repairable refers to such an object, the serviceability and performance of which in the event of a failure or damage is subject to restoration. An object whose serviceability and performance cannot be restored is usually called unrepairable.

Maintainability is understood as the property of electronic equipment, which consists in its adaptability to preventing and detecting the causes of its failures, damage and restoring its operational state through maintenance and repairs.

During operation, REA can be transported and sometimes stored for a long time.

The property of REA to continuously maintain a serviceable and operational state during and after storage and transportation is usually called storability.

Durability- this is the property of REA to remain operational until the limit state occurs when installed system maintenance and repairs. A limiting state is a condition in which further operation of a REA must be stopped for the following reasons:

§ fatal violation of safety requirements;

§ unavoidable departure of the specified parameters beyond the established limits;

§ irreparable reduction in operating efficiency below the permissible level.

Signs of a limit state are established by regulatory and technical documentation.

Basic concepts, definitions and operational tasks. - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "Basic concepts, definitions and operational tasks." 2017, 2018.

Equipment operation is the totality of all stages of its existence from the moment it is entered into the balance sheet of the enterprise until write-off (including periods of intended use), all types of maintenance and repair, as well as storage and transportation by the consumer. [...]

Technical operation is a set of measures carried out by maintenance personnel to ensure the normal functioning of the equipment while maintaining the established technical and economic indicators. These activities include both the control of the technological process and the operation of machines and devices when they perform specified functions, as well as the maintenance and repair of equipment.[...]

The technological process and the overall operation of the equipment are controlled by the operational (technological) personnel of the production workshop. It consists of routine adjustment of units in accordance with the requirements of the technological process, monitoring the preservation of the established process parameters and timely changes in the operating parameters of machines and devices when their values ​​exceed acceptable limits.[...]

In the very general view condition management process technological equipment at the main stages of its life cycle can be represented as follows. Let the operational properties of a machine (device) be specified by a set of its output characteristics y" = (y1 y2,..., yn) (for example, reliability, product quality), which depends on the internal parameters of the equipment. [...]

The level and margin of reliability laid down during the design are realized during the manufacture of equipment during the production process. The main task of control in the manufacture of equipment is the development of a control complex y, which makes it possible to achieve a state y, close to the design y with a minimum spread of y (for different copies of the manufactured series) in the vector space of equipment states C. The largest volume in the complex consists of measures to control input parameters material from which the product is made, specified dimensions, cleanliness of processing, etc.[...]

Achieving the optimal state of the product before putting it into operation is achieved by carrying out control actions (running in, adjustment, tuning, etc.) directly at the pulp and paper mill. The scope of impacts is determined in accordance with the requirements of technical documentation developed during the process of creating the equipment.[...]

Finally, as operation progresses, there will be a change in the internal parameters And and a shift in the values ​​of y to the failure region in the state space C. At some point in time, the output parameters "y will reach the value Vz, which will be sufficiently close to the failure area. Reducing the probability of failure is achieved carrying out"! - management of the current technical condition of the product (determining the current performance, product quality and making a decision on the type and moment of the necessary control action: adjustment, tuning, lubrication and other activities during operation). Despite the implementation of control actions, at a certain point in time, a state will be formed, which will not provide the required safety margin. At this moment, it is necessary to carry out TC actions to eliminate accumulated wear damage (inspection, defect detection, replacement of worn parts with spare parts), as a result of which the output parameters of the product move to a point in space C, more distant from the failure area. Due to the fact that during repair the replacement or restoration of elements is not carried out completely, U4 does not coincide with U2, but is located closer to the failure area. With further operation of the equipment, the processes of changing and forming parameters characterizing the technical condition of the equipment will be repeated.[...]

To solve the second problem, a maintenance and repair system is being developed, which is a set of interrelated provisions and norms that determine the organization and procedure for carrying out work to maintain or restore the operability of equipment.[...]

The selection of a maintenance and repair system for use in specific operating conditions is made on the basis of a comparative technical and economic analysis. Thus, planned preventative repairs of auxiliary equipment in a pulp and paper industry are usually carried out in the case where the cost of repairs and time spent in the event of an emergency failure of the equipment is higher than the cost and time spent during maintenance. For the main process equipment of a pulp and paper industry, which operates continuously, post-emergency repairs are always more expensive than planned preventive repairs.[...]

I. Trace in general terms the process of managing the technical condition of equipment at the stages of its creation, operation and repair.

GOST 25866-83

Group T00



Terms and Definitions

Exploitation of technique. Terms and definitions

OKSTU 2800

Date of introduction 1985-01-01

DEVELOPED by the USSR State Committee for Standards


T.K.Alferova, Ph.D. tech. sciences; V.P. Nikiforov, Ph.D. tech. sciences; V.A. Semenov, Ph.D. tech. sciences; V.M. Starikov, Ph.D. tech. sciences; L.M. Pilshchikov, Ph.D. tech. sciences; A.I. Moguev; A.T.Ostapko, Ph.D. tech. sciences; V.M.Zabrodsky, Ph.D. tech. sciences; T.G. Zwick; G.V.Shalimov

INTRODUCED by the USSR State Committee for Standards

Member of Gosstandart V.N.Shakhurin

APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Resolution of the USSR State Committee on Standards dated July 13, 1983 N 3105

INTRODUCED Change No. 1, approved and put into effect by Resolution of the USSR State Committee on Standards dated December 29, 1988 N 4656 from 01/01/90 and published in the IUS No. 4, 1989.

Amendment No. 1 was made by the legal bureau "Code" according to the text of IUS No. 4, 1989.

This standard establishes terms used in science, technology and production and definitions of basic concepts in the field of operation of technical products.

The terms established by this standard are mandatory for use in all types of documentation, scientific, technical, educational and reference literature.

There is one standardized term for each concept. The use of synonymous terms of a standardized term is prohibited. For individual standardized terms, short forms are provided as a reference, which are permitted to be used in cases that exclude the possibility of their different interpretation. Established definitions can, if necessary, be changed in the form of presentation, without violating the boundaries of concepts.

In cases where the necessary and sufficient characteristics of a concept are contained in the literal meaning of the term, the definition is not given and, accordingly, a dash is placed in the “Definition” column.

The standard provides alphabetical index terms contained therein.

The reference appendix provides explanations of some standardized terms.

Standardized terms are in bold font, their short form is in light font.



1. Operation

The stage of a product’s life cycle at which its quality is realized, maintained and restored.

Note. Product operation generally includes intended use, transportation, storage, maintenance and repair*


* For special types of equipment, the range of types of repairs included in operation is established in industry normative and technical documentation.

2. Technical operation

Part of the operation, including transportation, storage, maintenance and repair of the product

3. Means of operation

Buildings, structures, technological equipment, spare parts and operating materials necessary for the operation of the product

4. Operation system

A set of products, operating equipment, performers and documentation establishing the rules for their interaction, necessary and sufficient to perform operational tasks

5. Operating conditions

A set of external influencing factors affecting a product during its operation

6. Commissioning

An event that records the readiness of a product for its intended use and is documented in the prescribed manner.

Note. For special types of equipment, commissioning additionally includes preparatory work, control, acceptance and assignment of the product to the operating department

7. Start of operation

Moment of product commissioning

8. Decommissioning

An event that records the impossibility or inexpediency of further use for its intended purpose and repair of the product and documented in the prescribed manner

9. End of operation

Moment of decommissioning

10. Quality of product operation

11. Intended use


12. Waiting for intended use

Finding the product in a state of readiness for use for its intended purpose, provided for in the regulatory and technical documentation

13. Storage during operation


14. Transportation during operation


Moving a product in a given state using, if necessary, transport and lifting equipment, starting with loading and ending with unloading at the destination

15. Technological maintenance

A set of operations to prepare a product for its intended use, storage and transportation and bring it to its original state after these processes, the need for which is not determined by the reliability of the product

16. Maintenance

17. Repair

18. Normal operation

Operation of products in accordance with current operational documentation

19. Controlled operation

Operation to obtain additional information

20. Leadership exploitation

Normal operation of a given number of products allocated for more intensive resource consumption compared to the rest of the product fleet

21. Real use

Operation under the conditions prevailing in the operating organization

22. Operating costs

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).




Intended use

Operating costs

Quality of product operation

End of operation

Start of operation

Technical service

Technological service

Waiting for intended use


Operation system


Means of operation


Transportation during operation

terms of Use


Storage during operation


Leading operation

Operation normal

Controlled operation

Operation is real

Technical operation

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).




To the term "Operation (clause 1)

The life cycle of a product is understood as the totality of development, manufacturing, circulation, operation and disposal of a product from the beginning of research into the possibility of its creation until the end of its use. A distinctive feature of operation is the use or expectation of using the product for its intended purpose.

To the term "Operation system" (clause 4)

An integral part of the operation system is the system of technical maintenance and repair of equipment.

To the term "Operating conditions" (clause 5)

External factors acting on the product during operation include natural conditions, thermal, chemical and mechanical influences, dust, humidity, etc.

To the term “Start of operation” (clause 7)

For household products, the beginning of use is the moment of their sale through a retail chain or receipt by the buyer for off-market consumption.

The start of operation of components and components coincides with the start of operation of the main product.

To the term "Repair" (clause 17)

Repair of products may be accompanied by its modernization.

For special types of equipment, some types of repairs may not be included in the operation.

To the term "Technological maintenance" (clause 15)

Technological maintenance is an integral part of intended use, transportation and storage.

In some cases, technological maintenance can be carried out during intended use, transportation and storage, for example, cleaning an excavator bucket from adhering soil, cleaning products stored in an open area from snow, etc.

To the terms "Normal operation" (clause 18)
and “Leadership exploitation” (item 20)

For special types of equipment, instead of the term “Normal operation” it is allowed to use the term “Normal operation”.

Application. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

The text of the document is verified according to:
official publication
M.: Standards Publishing House, 1983

Revision of the document taking into account
changes and additions prepared
JSC "Kodeks"

The following terms and definitions are used in the following meanings:

3.1. A hard-to-reach space (room) is a space in which, due to its small size, work is complicated and natural air exchange is insufficient.

3.2. Explosion-proof electrical product (electrical device, electrical equipment) is a special-purpose electrical device designed in such a way that the possibility of ignition of the surrounding explosive atmosphere due to the operation of this device is eliminated.

3.3. An operating electrical installation is an electrical installation or a section thereof that is under operating or induced voltage or to which voltage can be applied by turning on switching devices, as well as an overhead line (hereinafter referred to as overhead line) intersecting with an existing overhead line.

3.4. Duplication - independent execution by an operational, operational and production worker (understudy) professional responsibilities at the workplace under the supervision of an experienced worker with mandatory emergency and fire safety training.

3.5. Operation is the stage of the product life cycle, during which its quality is implemented, maintained and restored.

3.6. Electrical substation is an electrical installation designed to receive, convert and distribute electrical energy.

3.8. Electrical equipment - devices in which electricity is generated, transformed, converted, distributed or consumed; switching devices in switchgear of electrical installations; all types of protection of electrical installations.

3.9. Energy service (energy department) is a structural unit of an enterprise, organization, consumer installation, which, in accordance with these powers, organizes technical operation, repair and safe maintenance power plants, as well as high-quality, uninterrupted and economical energy supply.

3.10. A closed space (room) is a space limited by surfaces that has hatches (manholes) with dimensions that prevent the free and rapid passage of workers through them and impede natural air exchange.

3.11. Customer - legal or individual which orders the execution of work, the supply of products, the provision of services related to capital construction, organizes bidding (tenders), enters into agreements (contracts), monitors the progress of construction and carries out technical supervision over it, makes payments for the products supplied, work performed, provided services, accepts completed work.

3.12. Briefing - bringing to the attention of workers the content of the basic requirements for organizing safe work and the rules for the safe operation of electrical installations of consumers, analysis of mistakes made or possible in the workplace of instructed persons, deepening the knowledge and skills of safe work performance and knowledge of fire safety rules.

3.13. Major renovation- repairs that are carried out to restore serviceability and complete or almost full recovery product life with the replacement or restoration of any of its parts, including basic ones.

3.15. Complete transformer substation - a substation made up of cabinets or blocks with a transformer and other distribution equipment installed in them, which is supplied assembled or prepared for assembly.

3.16. Complete distribution plant- electrical distribution equipment, assembled from cabinets or blocks with built-in equipment, control, monitoring, protection, automation and alarm devices, which is supplied assembled or prepared for assembly for internal or external installation.

3.17. Power transmission line is an electrical line that extends beyond the power plant or substation, designed to transmit electrical energy over a distance.

3.18. Calculated accounting (commercial) - accounting of the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of energy flows, which serve as the basis for financial settlements between the seller and buyer of energy.

3.19. Technical accounting - accounting of the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of energy flows that are used by the energy consumer for their internal calculations.

3.20. The person responsible for electrical equipment is an electrical worker whose responsibilities include directly performing the functions of organizing the technical and safe operation of the consumer’s electrical installations, whose appointment is carried out by order of the consumer’s manager.

3.21. An enterprise is an independent business entity created by a competent authority state power or an organ local government, or other entities to meet public and personal needs through the systematic implementation of production, research, trade, other economic activity in the manner prescribed by the Economic Code and other laws.

3.22. Maintenance- repairs that are performed to ensure or restore the functionality of a product and consist of replacing and (or) restoring its individual parts.

3.23. Administrative and technical workers - managers of consumers, their deputies, heads of workshops, departments, services, districts, sites, laboratories and their deputies, foremen, engineers and their officials who are entrusted with administrative functions.

3.24. Operational workers (on duty) - workers who are on duty in a shift and are allowed to perform operational management and/or operational switching.

3.25. Operational production workers are production workers specially trained and prepared for operational maintenance of the electrical installations assigned to them in the approved volume.

3.26. Production workers are workers trained and authorized to repair and maintain equipment, secondary circuit devices and SDTU devices in electrical installations.

3.27. Electrical workers - workers whose position or profession is related to the maintenance of electrical installations, who have passed a knowledge test on work technology, fire safety rules and labor protection.

3.28. Electrotechnological workers - workers whose position or profession is related to service technological processes based on the use of electrical energy, or using electric tool, portable electric machines, electric welding equipment, etc. when performing work, but is not related to the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment.

3.29. An electrical energy receiver (electric receiver) is a device in which electrical energy is converted into another type of energy for its use.

3.30. Repair is a set of operations to restore the serviceability or performance of products and restore the resources of products or their components.

3.31. The maintenance and repair system is a set of interconnected means of documentation, maintenance, repair and performers, necessary to maintain and restore the quality of the products included in this system.

3.32. Electric energy consumer (hereinafter referred to as consumer) - a legal or natural person - an economic entity using electrical energy to meet the needs of own electrical installations on the basis of a contract.

3.33. Special training - additional training for electric power industry workers who have special education(complete higher, basic higher, vocational), to prepare them to fulfill their functional obligations.

3.34. Internship is the acquisition by an employee of practical experience in performing production tasks and responsibilities at the workplace of the enterprise after theoretical training before starting independent work under the direct supervision of an experienced specialist.

3.35. Technical operation is part of the operation, including transportation, storage, maintenance and repair of the product.

3.36. Maintenance is a set of operations or an operation to maintain the functionality or serviceability of a product during use for its intended purpose, storage and transportation.

3.37. Commissioning is an action that records the readiness of an object or power plant for its intended use, documented in the prescribed manner.

3.38. The maintenance cycle of RZAiT and PA devices is the period of operation between two close preventive restorations, during which the established types of maintenance provided for by the relevant regulatory documents are performed in a certain sequence.

The following terms and definitions of concepts are used:

3.39. Emergency armor for the consumer's power supply - in the meaning established by the "Instructions on the procedure for drawing up an act of environmental, emergency and technological armor for the consumer's energy supply", approved by order of the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of Ukraine dated January 19, 2004 K? 26, registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on February 4, 2004 under No. 154/8753,

3.40. Block station, electrical network, electrical installation and power transmission organization ~ in the meaning established by the “Rules for the Use of Electrical Energy”.

3.41. Environmental protection of consumer power supply - in the meaning established by the Law of Ukraine “On Electric Power Industry”.

3.42. Verification of funds measuring technology, measuring equipment and calibration of measuring equipment - in the meaning established by the Law of Ukraine “On Metrology and Metrological Activities”.

3.43. Operational switching, operational management, operational management, complex switching and simple switching - in the meaning established by GKD 34.35.507-96.

PTEEP Terms Operating electrical installation - an electrical installation or part thereof that is energized, or to which voltage can be applied by turning on switching devices.

255-3.What is the definition of “Operation”?

PTEEP Terms Operation - the stage of the product life cycle at which its quality is realized, maintained or restored

256-4.What is the definition of “Secondary power transmission circuits”?

PTEEP Terms Secondary power transmission circuits - a set of rows of clamps, electrical wires and cables connecting electrical automation, blocking, measuring, protection and signaling devices and devices

257-5.What is the definition of “Target Instruction”?

PTEEP Terms Target briefing - instructions for the safe performance of specific work in an electrical installation, covering the category of workers defined by an order or order, from the person who issued the order, who gave the order, to a team member or performer

258-6.What is the definition of “solidly grounded neutral”?

PTEEP Terms Solidly grounded neutral - Neutral of a transformer or generator connected directly to the grounding device

259-7.What is the definition of the concept “Power electrical circuit”?

PTEEP Terms Power electrical circuit - an electrical circuit containing elements whose functional purpose is to produce or transmit the main part of electrical energy, its distribution, conversion into another type of energy or into electrical energy with other parameter values

260-8.What is the definition of the concept “Busbar system”?

A set of elements connecting the connections of an electrical distribution device
An electrical circuit containing elements whose functional purpose is to produce or transmit the main part of electrical energy, distribute it, convert it into another type of energy or into electrical energy with other parameter values
A device made in the form of buses or wires with insulators and supporting structures, intended for the transmission and distribution of electrical energy within a power plant, substation or workshop
Electrical network alternating or direct current, intended for the transmission and distribution of electrical energy used in control, automation, protection and signaling circuits of a power plant (substation)

PTEEP Terms Busbar system - a set of elements connecting the connections of an electrical distribution device

261-9.What is the definition of the concept "Current conductor"?

A device made in the form of buses or wires with insulators and supporting structures, intended for the transmission and distribution of electrical energy within a power plant, substation or workshop
A set of elements connecting the connections of an electrical distribution device
AC or DC electrical network designed for the transmission and distribution of electrical energy used in control, automation, protection and signaling circuits of a power plant (substation)
An electrical circuit containing elements whose functional purpose is to produce or transmit the main part of electrical energy, distribute it, convert it into another type of energy or into electrical energy with other parameter values

PTEEP Terms Current conductor - a device made in the form of buses or wires with insulators and supporting structures, intended for the transmission and distribution of electrical energy within a power plant, substation or workshop

262-10.What is the definition of the concept “Transformer substation”?

Electrical substation designed to convert electrical energy of one voltage into electrical energy of another voltage using transformers
An electrical installation used for receiving and distributing electricity and containing switching devices, busbars and connecting busbars, auxiliary devices (compressor, battery, etc.), as well as protection devices, automation and measuring instruments
A set of machines, apparatus, lines and auxiliary equipment (together with the structures and premises in which they are installed) intended for the production, transformation, transformation, transmission, distribution of electrical energy and its conversion into another type of energy
An electrical installation intended for the production of electrical or electrical and thermal energy, consisting of a construction part, equipment for converting various types of energy into electrical or electrical and thermal, auxiliary equipment and electrical distribution devices

PTEEP Terms Transformer substation - an electrical substation designed to convert electrical energy of one voltage into electrical energy of another voltage using transformers