What are deferred tax liabilities? How to take into account liabilities so as not to distort reporting

An accountant needs to master accounting for deferred liabilities. After all, after standards for accounting in the public sector are adopted, those who do not do this will definitely begin to be held accountable or disqualified.

Accounting for deferred liabilities

When an institution creates a reserve for upcoming expenses, deferred obligations must be taken into account. These are commitments for expenses that the institution will have to make in the current year. These include, in particular, payment of vacations or compensation for unused vacation, including upon dismissal. Deferred liabilities are kept in account 1,502,99,000 “Deferred liabilities for other upcoming years (outside the planning period)” and are reflected in the volume of the created reserve according to the indicators of account 1,401,60,000 “Reserves for future expenses.”

  • How to fill out and submit reports

When accounting for deferred obligations, it should be remembered that budgetary obligations for the payment of wages and vacation pay are taken into account at a time for the entire annual volume of the adjusted limits (debit 1,501 13,211 and credit 1,502 11,211). Therefore, in order to accept obligations to pay vacation pay for time actually worked or compensation for unused vacation at the expense of the reserve, you need to make the following entries:

DEBIT XX XX 00000 00000 1 XX 1 401 60 211

- obligations have been accepted to pay vacation pay (compensation) at the expense of the reserve.

At the same time, accounting entries are made for 500 accounts:

DEBIT 1,502 99,211 CREDIT 1,502 11,211
DEBIT 1,501 13,211 CREDIT 1,501 93,211

- obligations have been accepted at the expense of the reserve for the upcoming payment of vacation pay (compensation);

DEBIT 1,501 13,211
LOAN 1,502 11,211 (REWARD)

- previously accepted budgetary obligations for the payment of vacation pay (compensation) were reduced by the amount of accepted obligations at the expense of the reserve.


Deferred liabilities are reflected in the report on budgetary obligations (form 0503128). Thus, according to the indicators of account 1,502,99,000, line 911 “Deferred liabilities” of section 3 of the report is formed (form 0503128). At the same time, for this line, the indicator in column 7 “Accepted budget obligations, total” should be equal to column 11 “Unfulfilled accepted budget obligations.” And columns 4-6, 8-10 on line 911 “Deferred obligations” are not filled out.

I.V. Artemova,
chief accountant, consultant

A.Yu. Shikhov
expert editor of the Publishing House "Accountant Advisor"

At the end of 2014, new concepts were introduced into the accounting procedure for state (municipal) institutions - “reserves for future expenses” and “deferred liabilities”. Some recommendations for accounting both with reserves and with these liabilities were given by the Russian Ministry of Finance in a letter.

The Ministry of Finance explains

According to clause 302.1 of the Instructions for the application of the Unified Chart of Accounts, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 1, 2010 No. 157n (hereinafter referred to as Instruction No. 157n), account 40160 “Reserves for future expenses” summarizes information on the status and movement of amounts reserved for the purpose of uniform inclusion of expenses on financial results institution, for obligations of uncertain amount and (or) time of fulfillment, including obligations for upcoming payment of vacations for actually worked time or compensation for unused vacation, in particular upon dismissal, including payments for compulsory social insurance of an employee (employee) of the institution.
The procedure for the formation of reserves (types of reserves formed, methods for assessing liabilities, date of recognition in accounting, etc.) is established by the institution as part of the formation accounting policy.
In addition, according to paragraph 319 of Instruction No. 157n, a new analytical group with code 9 “Deferred Liabilities” appeared on account 50200 “Liabilities”.
In accordance with the changes made to Instruction No. 157n by order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated August 29, 2014 No. 89n, it was planned to make changes to the accounting instructions for the relevant types of institutions, but the projects were not approved. But it was precisely in the unapproved projects that the connection between reserves for future expenses and deferred obligations reflected during their formation was outlined.
At the same time, the approved Instruction No. 157n is mandatory for use by all institutions, therefore, already at the end of 2014, institutions had many questions about how, at what point and on the basis of what documents they should record both reserves for future expenses and deferred obligations, corresponding to them. These issues became particularly acute at the beginning of 2015, when institutions were preparing their accounting policies for the current year.
In a recent letter from the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 04/07/2015 No. 02-07-07/19450 (hereinafter referred to as Letter No. 02-07-07/19450), department specialists explained some issues of accrual of deferred liabilities corresponding to transactions with a reserve for future expenses for vacation pay.
In particular, Letter No. 02-07-07/19450 provides:
- examples of detailing the institution’s chart of accounts, including account 50209 “Deferred liabilities” (Appendix No. 1);
- accounting records for recording transactions with deferred liabilities from recipients budget funds, budgetary and autonomous institutions (Appendix No. 3).

Detailing the chart of accounts

In Letter No. 02-07-07/19450, the Russian Ministry of Finance offers institutions, as an example, the following details of account 50209 “Deferred Liabilities”, which can be used when developing a working chart of accounts as part of their accounting policies (Table No. 1):

Table No. 1

Working Chart of Accounts (Extract)

Accounting is a complex system in which everything is interconnected, some calculations follow from others, and the whole process is strictly regulated at the state level. It contains a lot of terms and concepts that are not always clear to people without specialized education, but it is necessary to understand them in certain situations. This article examines such a phenomenon as the reflection of deferred tax liabilities in the balance sheet, what kind of phenomenon it is, which requires other nuances of the issue.

Balance sheet

Concept balance sheet necessary in order to proceed to the main issue of the article - deferred tax obligations in balance. This is one of the main elements financial statements, containing information about the property and funds of the organization, as well as its obligations to other counterparties and institutions.

Balance sheet, also known as the first form of accounting. reporting, presented in the form of a table that reflects the property and debts of the organization. Each individual element is reflected in its own cell with an assigned code. Assignment of codes is carried out through a special document called “Chart of Accounts” accounting". It is officially approved by the Ministry of Finance and is used by all organizations operating in the territory of the Russian Federation. Users of the information contained in Form No. 1 are both the organization itself and third-party interested parties, including the tax service, contractors, banking structures and others.

Assets and liabilities

The balance sheet is divided into two columns: assets and liabilities. Each contains lines with a specific property or its source of formation. How do you know whether deferred tax liabilities on the balance sheet are an asset or a liability?

There are two groups in the balance sheet assets: current and non-current assets, that is, which are used in production for less than one year or more, respectively. All this - buildings, equipment, intangible materials, materials, long-term and short-term

The liability reflects the sources of formation of funds listed in the asset: capital, reserves, accounts payable.

Deferred tax liabilities on the balance sheet - what is it?

In accounting, there are two concepts that are similar in name, and therefore can mislead an uninformed person. The first is deferred tax asset(in the abbreviation ONA), the second is a deferred tax liability (in the abbreviation ONO). At the same time, the goals and results of applying these accounting phenomena are opposite. The first phenomenon reduces the amount of taxes that the organization must pay in subsequent reporting periods. In this case, the amount of final profit in the reporting period will be reduced, since the tax payment will be higher.

Deferred tax liabilities on the balance sheet are a phenomenon that causes an increase net profit in this reporting period. This happens due to the fact that in the next periods the amount of taxes paid will be greater than in the current one. From this we conclude that deferred tax liabilities on the balance sheet are a liability, since the company uses these funds at a given time as profit, obliging to pay them in the reporting periods that follow this one.

How are phenomena such as IT and SHE formed?

The organization simultaneously maintains several types of accounting, namely accounting, tax and management. The emergence of deferred tax assets and liabilities is associated with temporary differences in the maintenance of these areas of accounting. That is, if in the accounting type of accounting expenses are recognized later than in the tax form, and income earlier, temporary differences appear in the calculations. It turns out that the deferred tax asset is the result of the difference between the amount of tax paid at the moment and calculated with a positive result. The liability, accordingly, is the difference with the negative result. That is, the company must pay additional taxes.

Reasons for temporary differences in calculations

There are several situations in which there is a time gap in accounting and tax accounting. They can be represented by the following list:

  • Obtaining the opportunity for an organization to defer payment of taxes or installment payments.
  • The company charged penalties to the counterparty, but the money did not arrive on time. The same option is possible with proceeds from the sale.
  • The financial statements indicate a lower amount of expenses than the tax statements.
  • In the bay. accounting and tax use different methods for calculating depreciation, as a result of which a difference in calculations has arisen.

Reflection in Form No. 1

Since obligations relate to the sources of formation Money and property of the organization, they are classified as liabilities on the balance sheet. On the balance sheet, deferred tax liabilities are working capital. Accordingly, in the table they are reflected in the right column. This indicator relates to the fourth section - “Long-term liabilities”. This section contains several amounts related to different sources. Each of them is assigned its own individual code, also called a line number. Deferred tax liabilities in the balance sheet are line 515.

Calculation and adjustments

IT is taken into account strictly in the period in which it was identified. In order to calculate the amount of liabilities, it is necessary tax rate multiply by the temporary taxable difference.

IT is gradually repaid with a decrease in temporary differences. Information about the amount of the liability is adjusted in the analytical accounts of the corresponding item. If the object for which the obligation arose is removed from circulation, these amounts will not subsequently affect income tax. Then they need to be written off. Deferred tax liabilities in the balance sheet are account 77. That is, the entry by which liabilities for retired taxable items are written off will look like this: DT 99 CT 77. Liabilities are written off to the profit and loss account.

Calculation of net profit and current tax

Current income tax is the amount of actual payment paid to the state budget. The tax amount is determined based on the difference between income and expenses, adjustments to this amount, deferred liabilities and assets, as well as permanent tax liabilities (PNO) and assets (PNA). All these components add up to the following calculation formula:

TN = UD(UR) + PNO - PNA + SHE - IT, where:

  • TN - current income tax.
  • UD(UR) - specific income (specific expense).

This formula uses not only deferred, but also permanent tax assets and liabilities. The difference between them is that in the case of constants there are no temporary differences. These amounts are always present in accounting throughout the entire process of the organization’s economic activity.

Net profit is calculated using the formula:

PE = BP + SHE - IT - TN, where:

  • BP - profit recorded in accounting.

Stages of calculation and recording

To reflect all the above-described phenomena and procedures in accounting, certain entries are used based on the approved accounting chart of accounts. At the first stage of generating transactions and making calculations, it is necessary to reflect the following operations:

  • DT 99.02.3 CT 68.04.2 - the posting reflects the product of the turnover on the debit of the account by the tax rate - these are permanent tax obligations.
  • DT 68.04.2 CT 99.02.3 - the product of loan turnover and the tax rate is reflected - these are permanent tax assets.

Permanent tax assets are formed in the balance sheet if profit according to accounting data is higher than according to tax data. And accordingly, on the contrary, if the profit is less, tax obligations are formed.

At the second stage of calculations, losses of the current period are reflected. It is calculated by the difference between the product of the final debit balance by the tax rate in tax accounting and the final debit balance of account 09 of accounting. Based on the above, we form the postings:

  • DT 68.04.2 CT 09 - if the amount is negative.
  • DT 09 CT 68.04.2 - if the amount is positive.

At the third stage of calculations, the amounts of deferred tax liabilities and assets are derived, taking into account temporary differences. To do this, it is necessary to determine the balance of taxable differences as a whole, calculate the balance at the end of the month, which should be reflected in accounts 09 and 77, determine the total amounts for the accounts, and then adjust them according to the calculations.

Current deduction from profit It consists of the amount actually paid to the budget within the reporting period. This value is calculated based on the amount of conditional income/expenses, as well as its adjustments to the indicators used in the formation of IT, IT and fixed payments. For calculations, therefore, the formula is used: TN = UR(UD) + PNO – PNA + SHE – IT. The calculation model is defined in PBU 18/02, in paragraph 21. You can check the correctness of the calculation using an alternative formula: TN = taxable profit for the reporting period x rate of deduction to the budget. If the organization does not make regular tax payments, then the absolute difference between the notional amount calculated from profit and the current one will be equal to IT - IT. This indicator will affect the amount of actual deductions.

Taxable temporary differences and deferred tax liabilities

If the enterprise does not make constant contributions to the budget, then the absolute difference between the conditional payment accrued from financial profit, and current, will be equal to the deferred tax asset minus deferred tax liabilities. This value will affect the amount of current profit payments.

Deferred tax liability: entries According to the structure of the income and loss statement, the formula is used to determine net profit: PE = BP + SHE - IT - TNP, where BP is the amount of accounting profit; TNP – current tax. This formula shows deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities reflected in the balance sheet as follows:
sch. 09, credit. sch. 68.
  • deb. sch. 68, credit. sch. 09.
  • deb. sch. 68, credit. sch. 77.
  • deb. sch. 77, credit. sch. 68.
  • They adjust the amount of income tax.

    Calculation and accounting of deferred tax liabilities

    The amount of income tax that the company will have to pay is a deferred tax liability. To calculate it, you need to multiply the taxable temporary difference by the income tax rate.

    Deferred tax liabilities are accounted for on balance sheet account 77 “Deferred tax liabilities” (Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated May 7, 2003 No. 38n). Example 4. Stationery LLC calculates income tax using the cash method.
    In June 2016, the company shipped products worth 100,000 rubles to customers. The buyers partially paid for the amount of 30,000 rubles.

    The taxable temporary difference amounted to 70,000 rubles (100,000 – 30,000). We calculate income tax at a rate of 20 percent. We calculate the deferred tax liability as follows: 70,000 rubles x 20% = 14,000 rubles.

    Postings for accounting for deferred tax liability.

    Deferred tax liabilities


    Sample of depreciation in different accounts leading to the formation of fixed assets Initial data Reflection in accounting Reflection in tax accounting Acquisition of fixed assets, initial cost 960,000 rubles 960,000 rubles Depreciation method Linear Non-linear Depreciation group 3 3 Accrued depreciation 20,000 rubles (960,000/4 years/12 months) 53,760 (960,000*5.6/100) Taking into account the above conditions, the taxable temporary difference is 53,760 rubles - 20,000 rubles = 33,760 rubles. What is a deferred tax liability? If expenses appear in accounting later and in more than in tax, at the same time, income is determined more early dates, then conditions arise in the organization for the emergence of IT.

    Factors influencing the discrepancy between the calculation of income and expenses in tax and accounting:
    • use of legal

    Deferred tax liability - what is it?

    The reasons for the formation of temporary differences accepted for taxation may be:

    • the difference in methods for calculating depreciation in two accounting options (tax, accounting method);
    • difference in types of accounting for expense transactions: according to the cash method in accounting and according to tax method accrual method;
    • discrepancy in accounting and taxation methods for reflecting interest payments made by enterprises when using borrowed funds (loans, credits);
    • rescheduling (deferment) or payment in installments (installments) of tax payments on profits.

    Reflection of deferred tax liabilities in accounting To display deferred tax liabilities in accounting documentation, a credit of account 77 is used in conjunction with a debit of account 68 (for calculations of taxes and fees).

    What are deferred tax liabilities?

    If the change in deferred tax liabilities is upward, this will lead to a decrease in profit deductions, and if there is a decrease, then, on the contrary, it will lead to an increase. Current income tax It is the amount of actual payment for the reporting period to the budget.
    This amount is determined in accordance with the size of the conditional expense/income and its adjustments to the amounts that form permanent deductions, deferred tax assets and liabilities. Thus, the formula is used: TN = UD (UR) + PNO – PNA + SHE – IT.


    The scheme for calculating TN is provided in PBU 18/02 (clause 21). To check the correctness of the calculation, you should use an alternative method: TN = taxable profit in the reporting period x income tax rate.

    Account 77 in accounting: deferred tax liabilities

    As a result of these differences, a deferred tax liability arises. This PBU also provides for a certain procedure for reflecting deductions from profits. Conditional expense/income is equal to the product of the payment rate to the budget and accounting profit. The adjustment to this indicator is affected by deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities, as well as permanent differences.
    As a result, the amount that is reflected in the declaration is determined. Terminology Deferred tax liability is that part of the contribution to the budget, which in the next period should lead to an increase in the amount of payment. For brevity, in practice the abbreviation ONO is used. A deferred tax liability is a temporary difference that arises if the income in the financial statements before taxation is greater than in the declaration.

    Account 77: deferred tax liabilities (it). postings

    The resulting conditional income or expense in accounting is adjusted by the amount of deferred liabilities and multiplied by the tax rate. The amount received is reflected in tax return.Enterprises that have the right to use simplified accounting reporting may not use the provisions of PBU 18/02.

    These include small organizations, non-profit institutions, and participants in the Skolkovo project. Decision must be included in the accounting policy.

    Those entities whose evaluation criteria classify the organization as a medium-sized business are required to use account 77 in their accounting. The procedure for determining the current income tax should be prescribed in the accounting policy.


    If the discovered reason that led to the appearance of the IT is later canceled in one of the past periods without reference to the IT, then the discrepancy must be recorded in accounting. The registration period is the reporting period in which the inventory was carried out.

    The write-off of deferred liabilities discovered during a targeted audit can be carried out subsequently as follows:

    1. Writing off an error. Removal of the amount (Dt 77 inc. / Kt 68 inc.) is allowed if a tax liability (for profit) is discovered that is not capitalized in account 68 and is equal to the value of IT (Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 63, 06/28/2010). In other situations, the adjustment is made by comparison with the balances of profits/losses (account 99) or with the account of retained earnings (account 84).
    2. Write-off of profits of past periods. The method is used if the reasons for the formation and non-writing off of deferred liabilities are not discovered.

    Annual report 2011: deferred tax liabilities

    Then a reverse entry is made in accounting: D-t 68 subaccount “Calculations for income tax” K-t 09 - the amount of the deferred tax asset is reduced or completely repaid. When disposing of an asset for which a deferred tax asset was accrued, the following entry is made: D-t 99 K-t 09 – the amount of the deferred tax asset is written off.

    Example 3. Let's complicate the previous example. In August 2016 the machine was sold. Let's do wiring D-t 02 subaccount “Deductible temporary differences” Kt 02 = 2000 rubles – deductible temporary differences are written off; D-t 99 K-t 09 = 400 rubles - the amount of the deferred tax asset is written off. Taxable temporary differences. Taxable differences arise when expenses are recognized later in accounting and income earlier than in tax accounting. For example, a company uses the cash method of accounting for revenue, has sold products, but has not yet received money.

    Deferred tax liability example

    The procedure for recognizing expenses in accounting and tax accounting is as follows: Get 267 video lessons on 1C for free:

    • Free video tutorial on 1C Accounting 8.3 and 8.2;
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    • Accounting - linear method depreciation, that is, for February = 5,000 rubles, the residual value as of March 1 was 235,000 rubles.
    • Tax accounting – nonlinear method depreciation, that is, for February = 10,000 rubles, the residual value as of March 1 was 230,000 rubles.
    • Therefore, the taxable temporary difference is RUB 5,000.

    Account 77 in accounting Account 77 “Deferred tax liabilities” of accounting is passive.

    Deferred tax assets example

    Reasons for deferred income tax include:

    • applicable different ways accounting for depreciation when calculating income tax and in accounting;
    • recognition of revenue and interest income for taxation on a cash basis, and in accounting - according to the temporary certainty of facts;
    • different accounting of interest on loans and borrowings;
    • other similar accounting differences.

    The procedure for reflecting and accounting for deferred tax liabilities The procedure for accounting for deferred tax liabilities is set out in PBU 18/02 (Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated November 19, 2002 N114n). The purpose of accounting for discrepancies between the actually paid income tax and the estimated (conditional) tax according to accounting data is to comply with the principle of completeness and continuity of accounting.

    Maintaining accounting and tax reporting of an enterprise requires good knowledge of legal relations both within the framework of Russian legislation and financial reporting in the general structure of IFRS. Even if the required documentation is completed on time and without errors, this does not mean that there will be no discrepancies in the reports. This state of affairs becomes possible because, despite all the similarities between the rules for recording income (or expenses) on the tax base and for accounting, there are some differences. And the result of such actions is deferred tax liabilities on the balance sheet.

    Basic concepts and emergence process

    Accountants whose responsibilities include working with reporting know that even with the correct maintenance of all documentation, there are often cases when the organization’s profit indicators for calculating taxes and for regular accounting have differences.

    If we start from the timing of their validity, then these differences can be of two types: those that are permanent and those that should be a temporary phenomenon. If a permanent option arises, income and expenses will be reflected in regular accounting reports, but they will not have any relation to the tax base. Or, on the contrary, they will be taken into account when calculating taxes, but will not be presented in accounting documents.

    The second option means that profits, as well as existing costs, which are displayed in reports in one specific period, will be subject to taxation only in the next. The occurrence of such a difference is usually called deferred tax liability (or abbreviated as IT).

    That is, this concept means that part of the tax that was postponed for a given period of time with the expectation that in the future this may lead to its increase. This obligation should be recognized and documented only during the time period when the difference was discovered. The phenomenon under consideration may arise for the following reasons:

    • At an enterprise, specialists use different methods when calculating depreciation expenses when filling out tax returns and in accounting.
    • Expense transactions are also determined using different methods.
    • Differences in formulas used to reflect interest payments made by an organization if it uses borrowed funds for its activities.
    • There is a need to defer or pay in installments for tax payments.

    Deferred tax liabilities may arise for a number of reasons, which vary from case to case.

    To determine the size of the IT, use the following formula:

    The rate at which deductions are made from profits * time difference = IT.

    Legal basis

    Naturally, working with obligations is impossible without a legislative basis. The civil legal framework on this issue is represented by the following documents:

    • Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 114-n (dated November 19, 2002). It examines the options for the appearance of a temporary difference, the consequence of which is the emergence of IT.
    • Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 94-n (dated October 31, 2000). This document gives instructions for drawing up IT transactions if the enterprise carries out any economic activity related to financial turnover.

    How are they reflected in accounting?

    First of all, to carry out accounting, it is necessary to determine at what moment the desired value appeared. To do this, you should take VAT on the proceeds. You need to look for it on Account 76 as a future payment. In the same way it will be necessary to count IT. Accounting must be kept strictly on account 77. It is specifically designed to systematize information about the occurrence of IT and their movement.

    If it is necessary to display a reduction or complete repayment of IT, the consequence of which will be a reduction in income tax, then the posting is made DB account. 77 Cr. 68. If IT appears on the account, which led to a decrease in the amount of conditional income (or expense) in the period of time under consideration, then it should be issued: Db 68 Kr 77.

    If the resulting asset itself or the liability for which it was counted disappears, then it is necessary to write it off from the Debit account. 77 for Credit account. 99.

    You should always remember that this account is only used if a temporary difference has been detected. Provided that it decreases or even completely disappears, this automatically affects the gradual repayment of IT. If the asset is disposed of, then, naturally, it will not affect the tax amount in any way. This automatically implies the mandatory need to write off the obligation.

    Losses and profits associated with the obligation are recorded according to Db 99 and Kr 77. If there are changes in the IT indicator, then they should be entered on line 2420, where the amount of the obligation that just appeared and the amount that has already been fully repaid should be entered. In this case, you should focus on the principle: Debit minus Credit. Thus, a change in obligations is a change in the size of IT, which passes through line 2420.

    Like other obligations, IT should be correctly reflected in accounting

    To get the required amount, the accountant should contact account 77 (or 09) to subtract the expense turnover from the amount of income turnover. This is how the desired figure is obtained. In the report being compiled, a positive value or, when necessary, a negative value should be indicated for the corresponding lines. If during the calculation it turns out that IT has increased, this automatically leads to a decrease in the amount deducted as income tax. If IT decreases, then the tax increases accordingly.

    If an accountant has never encountered the need to display the current income tax, then PBU 18/02 will help him here. The required amount can only be formed in accordance with the existing amount of the conditional expense (or in some cases, income) and its mandatory adjustments to those amounts that form the permanent necessary deductions set aside for debt assets (DEA) and IT.

    This means that taxable profit is:

    Income (or sometimes expense), which is classified as a conditional category + tax liability (in this case permanent) – tax asset (also permanent) + IT – IT.

    To check whether the tax was calculated correctly, you can use the verification formula:

    Postings to the control unit

    Let us briefly consider the entries that an accountant must prepare when such situations arise. To make a calculation to determine the available net profit, you should take the amount of recorded accounting profit, add IT to it, subtract IT and subtract the amount of current tax. The resulting figures from the presented formula are reflected in the balance sheet:

    It is important not to make mistakes in wiring

    The presented entries adjust the amount of income tax, but not net income. If an accountant needs to reflect the option of calculating the current deduction for the profit received and provide information about net income ready for distribution, then two positions can be displayed: SHE and IT, which influenced the account 68 and 99. In this case, these indicators can be shown in an explanatory special note to report or swipe on a free line.

    Let's look at accounting using a specific example:

    Organization A shipped goods for company B in the amount of 500 thousand rubles. Payment for the products was not made in full, but in the amount of 300 thousand rubles. Another 200 thousand were paid in the next reporting period. The wiring in this case will look like this:

    Db 62 Kr 90 – 500 thousand rubles. – the total amount that theoretically should be received for the goods provided.

    Db 51 Kr 62 – 300 thousand rubles. – the amount that was actually paid during the reporting period.

    Db 68 Kr 77 – 40 thousand rubles. (debt of 200 thousand rubles * at a tax rate of 20%) - the amount of IT for the period under review.

    Then, when reporting in the following periods, the postings will be as follows:

    Db 51 Kr 62 – 200 thousand rubles. full cash payment.

    Db 77 Kr 68 – 40 thousand rubles. – final repayment of an existing obligation.

    How to write off taxes

    If for some reason the size of the recorded temporary differences decreases, or even disappears altogether, then it is necessary to write off IT for taxes (or reduce their value). This operation is carried out using wiring Db 77 Kr 68.

    Provided that the item that led to the formation of the calculated taxable difference is disposed of, then it is necessary to write off the deferred liability in full. In this case, you should use wiring Db 77 Kr 99.

    Some debts may be written off

    Accountants should pay attention that when switching to a different tax rate, IT must also be changed. If it decreases, then the liabilities should be written off. We use the account Db 77 Kr 84. Provided that it increases, IT must be additionally charged. Wiring used here is Db 84 Kr 77.

    How is an inventory of liabilities carried out?

    The law requires accountants of enterprises to conduct a mandatory inventory of assets and liabilities. The purpose of this event is to determine their actual presence. To implement this, you must perform a thorough reconciliation of all accounting and tax documentation for the period under review.

    If significant inconsistencies are found, the next step is to establish the period in which they appeared and the reasons for this circumstance. Let's consider what reasons for the appearance of IT are most often determined by the inventory:

    • Discrepancy between expenses on the tax return and those recorded in accounting.
    • Differences in calculated income (accounting and tax).
    • Making an error when maintaining documentation.

    Registration and write-off of equipment that were identified during the inventory directly depend on the reasons for their occurrence.

    If the audit has established that the appearance of IT was the result of an error, then the write-off must be carried out by correcting the deficiencies found (PBU 22/2010). It is permissible to write off the liability by posting Debit 77 Credit 68. But only if the company has an income tax liability that was not taken into account in account 68. Moreover, the ratio of its value to IT is equivalent. In other situations, correction is carried out using an entry on account 84 or 99, depending on the type of error made and the period of its admission and detection.

    To identify it, an inventory is carried out

    If during the inventory the reasons for the occurrence of obligations and the errors that led to them were not identified, then they should be written off by recognizing the profit of previous years, which was established during the reporting period (PBU 9/99). The formation of such profit occurs due to the following reasons:

    • Inventory data.
    • Certificate provided by the accounting department.
    • Order of governing structures.

    If such a situation exists, you should use the Debit account entry. 77 Credit account 99.

    Reporting requires the accountant to have knowledge of both internal Russian rules and international standards. This rule also applies to such a phenomenon as deferred tax liabilities, which should not only be correctly recorded in documents, but also adjusted depending on many circumstances.

    The topic of the video is accounting for deferred tax liabilities.