What is an individual heating point (ITP). Heating points Minimum area, etc. according to snip

An individual heating point is designed to save heat and regulate supply parameters. This is a complex located in a separate room. Can be used privately or apartment building. ITP (individual heating point), what it is, how it works and functions, let’s take a closer look.

ITP: tasks, functions, purpose

By definition, an IHP is a heating point that heats buildings completely or partially. The complex receives energy from the network (central heating station, central heating point or boiler house) and distributes it to consumers:

  • DHW (hot water supply);
  • heating;
  • ventilation.

At the same time, it is possible to regulate, since the heating mode in the living room, basement, and warehouse is different. The ITP is assigned the following main tasks.

  • Heat consumption accounting.
  • Protection against accidents, control of parameters for safety.
  • Disabling the consumption system.
  • Even heat distribution.
  • Adjustment of characteristics, control of temperature and other parameters.
  • Coolant conversion.

To install ITP, buildings are modernized, which is not cheap, but brings benefits. The point is located in a separate technical or basement room, an extension to the house or a separate building located nearby.

Benefits of having an ITP

Significant costs for the creation of an ITP are allowed in connection with the benefits that follow from the presence of a point in the building.

  • Cost-effective (in terms of consumption - by 30%).
  • Reduce operating costs by up to 60%.
  • Heat consumption is controlled and taken into account.
  • Optimization of modes reduces losses by up to 15%. The time of day, weekends, and weather are taken into account.
  • Heat is distributed according to consumption conditions.
  • Consumption can be adjusted.
  • The type of coolant is subject to change if necessary.
  • Low accident rate, high operational safety.
  • Full automation of the process.
  • Silence.
  • Compactness, dependence of dimensions on load. The item can be placed in the basement.
  • Maintenance of heating points does not require numerous personnel.
  • Provides comfort.
  • The equipment is completed to order.

Controlled heat consumption and the ability to influence performance are attractive in terms of savings and rational resource consumption. Therefore, it is believed that the costs are recouped within an acceptable period.

Types of TP

The difference between TPs is in the number and types of consumption systems. Features of the type of consumer predetermine the design and characteristics of the required equipment. The method of installation and placement of the complex in the room differs. The following types are distinguished.

  • ITP for a single building or part thereof, located in the basement, technical room or nearby structure.
  • Central heating center - the central heating center serves a group of buildings or objects. Located in one of the basements or a separate building.
  • BTP - block heating point. Includes one or more units manufactured and supplied in a factory. It features compact installation and is used to save space. Can perform the function of ITP or TsTP.

Principle of operation

The design scheme depends on the energy source and specific consumption. The most popular is independent, for a closed hot water system. The operating principle of ITP is as follows.

  1. The heat carrier arrives at the point through a pipeline, giving the temperature to the heating, hot water and ventilation heaters.
  2. The coolant goes into the return pipeline to the heat generating enterprise. Reusable, but some may be used by the consumer.
  3. Heat losses are replenished by make-up available in thermal power plants and boiler houses (water treatment).
  4. The thermal installation receives tap water, passing through the cold water pump. Part of it goes to the consumer, the rest is heated by the 1st stage heater, sent to the DHW circuit.
  5. The DHW pump moves water in a circle, passing through the consumer's TP, and returns with partial flow.
  6. The 2nd stage heater operates regularly when the liquid loses heat.

The coolant (in this case, water) moves along the circuit, which is facilitated by 2 circulation pumps. Its leaks are possible, which are replenished by replenishment from the primary heating network.

Schematic diagram

This or that ITP scheme has features that depend on the consumer. A central heat supplier is important. The most common option is a closed hot water system with an independent heating connection. A heat carrier enters the TP through a pipeline, is sold when heating water for the systems, and is returned. For return, there is a return pipeline going to the main line to the central point - the heat generation enterprise.

Heating and hot water supply are arranged in the form of circuits through which the coolant moves with the help of pumps. The first is usually designed as a closed cycle with possible leaks replenished from the primary network. And the second circuit is circular, equipped with pumps for hot water supply, supplying water to the consumer for consumption. When heat is lost, heating is carried out by the second heating stage.

ITP for different consumption purposes

Being equipped for heating, the IHP has an independent circuit in which a plate heat exchanger with 100% load is installed. Pressure loss is prevented by installing a double pump. Make-up is carried out from the return pipeline in the heating networks. Additionally, the TP is equipped with metering devices, a DHW unit if other necessary components are available.

ITP intended for hot water supply is an independent circuit. In addition, it is parallel and single stage, equipped with two plate heat exchangers, loaded at 50%. There are pumps that compensate for the decrease in pressure, and metering devices. The presence of other nodes is assumed. Such heat points operate according to an independent scheme.

This is interesting! The principle of district heating for a heating system can be based on a plate heat exchanger with 100% load. And the DHW has a two-stage circuit with two similar devices, each loaded by 1/2. Pumps for various purposes compensate for the decreasing pressure and recharge the system from the pipeline.

For ventilation, a plate heat exchanger with 100% load is used. DHW is provided to two such devices loaded at 50%. Through the operation of several pumps, the pressure level is compensated and replenishment is provided. Addition - accounting device.

Installation steps

During installation, the TP of a building or facility undergoes a step-by-step procedure. The mere desire of the residents in an apartment building is not enough.

  • Obtaining consent from the owners of premises in a residential building.
  • Application to heat supply companies for design in a specific house, development of technical specifications.
  • Issuance of technical specifications.
  • Inspection of a residential or other facility for the project, determining the presence and condition of equipment.
  • The automatic TP will be designed, developed and approved.
  • An agreement is concluded.
  • The ITP project for a residential building or other facility is being implemented and tests are being carried out.

Attention! All stages can be completed in a couple of months. The responsibility is entrusted to the responsible specialized organization. To be successful, a company must be well established.

Operational safety

The automatic heating point is serviced by properly qualified workers. The staff is introduced to the rules. There are also prohibitions: the automation does not start if there is no water in the system, pumps are not turned on if the shut-off valves at the inlet are closed.
Requires control:

  • pressure parameters;
  • noises;
  • vibration level;
  • engine heating.

The control valve must not be subjected to excessive force. If the system is under pressure, the regulators are not disassembled. Before starting, the pipelines are flushed.

Permission to operate

The operation of AITP complexes (automated ITP) requires obtaining permission, for which documentation is provided to Energonadzor. These are technical connection conditions and a certificate of their implementation. Needed:

  • agreed upon design documentation;
  • act of responsibility for operation, balance of ownership from the parties;
  • act of readiness;
  • heating points must have a passport with heat supply parameters;
  • readiness of the thermal energy metering device - document;
  • certificate of existence of an agreement with the energy company for the provision of heat supply;
  • work acceptance certificate from the installation company;
  • An order appointing someone responsible for the maintenance, serviceability, repair and safety of the ATP (automated heating point);
  • list of persons responsible for maintenance of AITP installations and their repair;
  • a copy of the welder’s qualification document, certificates for electrodes and pipes;
  • acts on other actions, as-built diagram of an automated heating point facility, including pipelines, fittings;
  • certificate for pressure testing, flushing of heating, hot water supply, which includes an automated point;
  • briefing

An admission certificate is drawn up, logs are kept: operational, on instructions, issuance of work orders, detection of defects.

ITP of an apartment building

An automated individual heating point in a multi-storey residential building transports heat from central heating stations, boiler houses or combined heat and power plants (CHP) to heating, hot water supply and ventilation. Such innovations (automatic heating point) save up to 40% or more of thermal energy.

Attention! The system uses a source - the heating networks to which it is connected. The need for coordination with these organizations.

A lot of data is required to calculate modes, loads and savings results for payments in housing and communal services. Without this information, the project will not be completed. Without approval, the ITP will not issue permission to operate. Residents receive the following benefits.

  • Greater accuracy of temperature maintenance devices.
  • Heating is carried out with a calculation that includes the state of the outside air.
  • The amounts for services on housing and communal services bills are being reduced.
  • Automation simplifies facility maintenance.
  • Reduced repair costs and personnel numbers.
  • Finances are saved on the consumption of thermal energy from a centralized supplier (boiler houses, combined heat and power plants, central heating stations).

Bottom line: how the savings happen

The heating point of the heating system is equipped with a metering unit upon commissioning, which is a guarantee of savings. Heat consumption readings are taken from the devices. Accounting itself does not reduce costs. The source of savings is the possibility of changing modes and the absence of overestimation of indicators on the part of energy supply companies, their precise determination. It will be impossible to attribute additional costs, leakages, and expenses to such a consumer. Payback occurs within 5 months, as an average, with savings of up to 30%.

The supply of coolant from a centralized supplier - the heating main - is automated. Installation of a modern heating and ventilation unit allows you to take into account seasonal and daily temperature changes during operation. Correction mode is automatic. Heat consumption is reduced by 30% with a payback period of 2 to 5 years.

Individual is a whole complex of devices, located in a separate room, including elements thermal equipment. It ensures the connection of these installations to the heating network, their transformation, control of heat consumption modes, operability, distribution by type of coolant consumption and regulation of its parameters.

Individual heating point

The thermal installation, which deals with or its individual parts, is an individual heating point, or abbreviated as ITP. It is designed to provide hot water supply, ventilation and heat residential buildings, housing and communal services facilities, as well as industrial complexes.

For its operation, it will require a connection to the water and heat system, as well as the electricity supply necessary to activate the circulation pumping equipment.

A small individual heating point can be used in a single-family house or a small building connected directly to a centralized heating network. Such equipment is designed for space heating and water heating.

A large individual heating station services large or multi-apartment buildings. Its power ranges from 50 kW to 2 MW.

Main goals

The individual heating point ensures the following tasks:

  • Accounting for heat and coolant consumption.
  • Protection of the heat supply system from emergency increases in coolant parameters.
  • Disabling the heat consumption system.
  • Uniform distribution of coolant throughout the heat consumption system.
  • Adjustment and control of circulating fluid parameters.
  • coolant.


  • High efficiency.
  • Long-term operation of an individual heating point has shown that modern equipment of this type, unlike other non-automated processes, consumes 30% less
  • Operating costs are reduced by approximately 40-60%.
  • Choice optimal mode heat consumption and precise adjustment will reduce thermal energy losses by up to 15%.
  • Quiet operation.
  • Compactness.
  • The overall dimensions of modern heating units are directly related to the heat load. When placed compactly, an individual heating point with a load of up to 2 Gcal/hour occupies an area of ​​25-30 m2.
  • Possibility of locating this device in small-sized basement rooms (both in existing and newly constructed buildings).
  • The work process is fully automated.
  • To service this thermal equipment, highly qualified personnel are not required.
  • ITP (individual heating point) provides comfort in the room and guarantees effective energy saving.
  • The ability to set a mode based on the time of day, apply weekend and holiday modes, as well as carry out weather compensation.
  • Individual production depending on customer requirements.

Thermal energy accounting

The basis of energy saving measures is the metering device. This accounting is required to perform calculations for the amount of thermal energy consumed between the heat supply company and the subscriber. Indeed, very often the calculated consumption is much higher than the actual one due to the fact that when calculating the load, heat energy suppliers overestimate their values, citing additional costs. Such situations will be avoided by installing metering devices.

Purpose of metering devices

  • Ensuring fair financial settlements between consumers and energy suppliers.
  • Documentation of heating system parameters such as pressure, temperature and coolant flow.
  • Control for rational use energy systems.
  • Monitoring the hydraulic and thermal operating conditions of the heat consumption and heat supply system.

Classic meter diagram

  • Thermal energy meter.
  • Pressure gauge.
  • Thermometer.
  • Thermal converter in the return and supply pipelines.
  • Primary flow transducer.
  • Magnetic mesh filter.


  • Connecting a reading device and then taking readings.
  • Analyzing errors and finding out the reasons for their occurrence.
  • Checking the integrity of seals.
  • Analysis of results.
  • Checking technological indicators, as well as comparing thermometer readings on the supply and return pipelines.
  • Adding oil to the liners, cleaning the filters, checking the grounding contacts.
  • Removing dirt and dust.
  • Recommendations for proper use internal networks heat supply.

Heating point diagram

The classic ITP scheme includes the following nodes:

  • Input of the heating network.
  • Metering device.
  • Connecting the ventilation system.
  • Connecting the heating system.
  • Hot water connection.
  • Coordination of pressures between heat consumption and heat supply systems.
  • Recharge of heating and ventilation systems connected according to an independent circuit.

When developing a heating point project, the required components are:

  • Metering device.
  • Pressure matching.
  • Input of the heating network.

The configuration with other components, as well as their number, is selected depending on the design solution.

Consumption systems

The standard layout of an individual heating point may have the following systems for providing thermal energy to consumers:

  • Heating.
  • Hot water supply.
  • Heating and hot water supply.
  • Heating and ventilation.

ITP for heating

ITP (individual heating point) - an independent scheme, with the installation of a plate heat exchanger, which is designed for 100% load. A dual pump is provided to compensate for pressure loss. The heating system is fed from the return pipeline of the heating networks.

This heating point can be additionally equipped with a hot water supply unit, a metering device, as well as other necessary blocks and components.


ITP (individual heating point) - an independent, parallel and single-stage circuit. The package includes two plate-type heat exchangers, each of which is designed to operate at 50% of the load. There is also a group of pumps designed to compensate for the decrease in pressure.

Additionally, the heating unit can be equipped with a heating system unit, a metering device and other necessary blocks and components.

ITP for heating and hot water supply

In this case, the work of an individual heating point (IHP) is organized according to an independent scheme. For the heating system, a plate heat exchanger is provided, which is designed for 100% load. The hot water supply scheme is independent, two-stage, with two plate-type heat exchangers. In order to compensate for the decrease in pressure level, a group of pumps is installed.

The heating system is recharged using appropriate pumping equipment from the return pipeline of the heating networks. The hot water supply is made up from the cold water supply system.

In addition, the ITP (individual heating point) is equipped with a metering device.

ITP for heating, hot water supply and ventilation

The heating installation is connected according to an independent circuit. For the heating and ventilation system, a plate heat exchanger is used, designed for 100% load. The hot water supply circuit is independent, parallel, single-stage, with two plate heat exchangers, each designed for 50% of the load. Compensation for the decrease in pressure level is carried out through a group of pumps.

The heating system is fed from the return pipeline of the heating networks. The hot water supply is made up from the cold water supply system.

Additionally, an individual heating point can be equipped with a metering device.

Principle of operation

The design of a heating point directly depends on the characteristics of the source supplying energy to the IHP, as well as on the characteristics of the consumers it serves. The most common type for this heating installation is a closed hot water supply system with a heating system connected via an independent circuit.

The operating principle of an individual heating point is as follows:

  • Through the supply pipeline, the coolant enters the ITP, transfers heat to the heaters of the heating and hot water supply system, and also enters the ventilation system.
  • The coolant is then directed into the return pipeline and returned through the main network for reuse at the heat generating enterprise.
  • Some volume of coolant may be consumed by consumers. To replenish losses at the heat source, CHP plants and boiler houses have make-up systems that use the water treatment systems of these enterprises as a heat source.
  • Tap water entering the heating installation flows through the pumping equipment of the cold water supply system. Then some of its volume is delivered to consumers, the other is heated in the first stage hot water heater, after which it is sent to the hot water circulation circuit.
  • Water in the circulation circuit moves in a circle through circulation pumping equipment for hot water supply from the heating point to consumers and back. At the same time, consumers withdraw water from the circuit as needed.
  • As the fluid circulates along the circuit, it gradually releases its own heat. To maintain the coolant temperature at an optimal level, it is regularly heated in the second stage of the hot water heater.
  • The heating system is also a closed circuit through which the coolant moves using circulation pumps from the heating point to consumers and back.
  • During operation, coolant leaks may occur from the heating system circuit. The replenishment of losses is carried out by the IHP replenishment system, which uses primary heating networks as a heat source.

Approval for operation

To prepare an individual heating point in a house for permission to operate, you must submit the following list of documents to Energonadzor:

  • Active technical specifications for connection and a certificate of their implementation from the energy supply organization.
  • Project documentation with all necessary approvals.
  • An act of responsibility of the parties for operation and division of balance sheet, drawn up by the consumer and representatives of the energy supply organization.
  • Certificate of readiness for permanent or temporary operation of the subscriber branch of the heating point.
  • ITP passport with a brief description of heat supply systems.
  • Certificate of readiness for operation of the thermal energy meter.
  • A certificate confirming the conclusion of an agreement with an energy supply organization for heat supply.
  • Certificate of acceptance of completed work (indicating the license number and date of issue) between the consumer and the installation organization.
  • persons for the safe operation and good condition of heating installations and heating networks.
  • List of operational and operational-repair persons responsible for servicing heating networks and heating installations.
  • A copy of the welder's certificate.
  • Certificates for the electrodes and pipelines used.
  • Acts for hidden work, as-built diagram of the heating point indicating the numbering of the fittings, as well as diagrams of pipelines and shut-off valves.
  • Certificate for flushing and pressure testing of systems (heating networks, heating system and hot water supply system).
  • Officials and safety regulations.
  • Operating Instructions.
  • Certificate of admission to operation of networks and installations.
  • Logbook for recording instrumentation, issuing work permits, operational records, recording defects identified during inspection of installations and networks, testing knowledge, as well as briefings.
  • Order from heating networks for connection.

Safety precautions and operation

The personnel servicing the heating point must have the appropriate qualifications, and responsible persons should also be familiarized with the operating rules that are specified in This is a mandatory principle for an individual heating point approved for operation.

It is prohibited to put pumping equipment into operation when the shut-off valves at the inlet are closed and when there is no water in the system.

During operation it is necessary:

  • Monitor pressure readings on pressure gauges installed on the supply and return pipelines.
  • Monitor the absence of extraneous noise and avoid excessive vibration.
  • Monitor the heating of the electric motor.

Do not use excessive force when manually operating the valve, and do not disassemble the regulators if there is pressure in the system.

Before starting up the heating point, it is necessary to flush the heat consumption system and pipelines.

2.2. Technical requirements for heating points and storage tanks hot water

Heating points

2.2.1. Thermal points of enterprises are divided into central (CHP) and individual (ITP).

The construction part of the premises of heating points must comply with the requirements of the current SNiP.

The heating point premises must be equipped with supply and exhaust ventilation.

2.2.2. Equipment, fittings, monitoring, control and automation devices should be placed at the heating point, through which the following is carried out:

transforming the type of coolant or changing its parameters;

control of coolant parameters;

accounting of thermal energy, coolant and condensate costs;

regulation of coolant flow and its distribution among heat consumption systems;

protection of local systems from emergency increases in coolant parameters;

filling and replenishing heat consumption systems;

collection, cooling, return of condensate and quality control;

thermal energy accumulation;

water treatment for hot water supply systems.

2.2.3. For enterprises with more than one heated buildings, it is mandatory to install a central heating station. At enterprises that have their own heat sources, the central heating station can be equipped at the heat source.

For each building, an ITP device is required, in which the equipment necessary for its connection to the heating network must be installed, as well as equipment that is not available (not installed) in the central heating substation.

2.2.4. Schemes for connecting thermal energy consumers to water heating networks at heating points must ensure minimum specific consumption of network water and thermal energy savings.

2.2.5 . At heating points, valves must be installed to separate the pipelines of the heating point from the heating networks, and valves at each branch from the distribution and collection manifolds.

2.2.6. At heating points of water heating networks, devices must be installed to release air from the highest points of all pipelines and to drain water from the lowest points of water and condensate pipelines.

2.2.7. On the supply pipeline at the entrance to the heating point, on the return pipeline in front of the control devices and devices for metering water and thermal energy flows, devices (mud collectors) must be installed for mechanical cleaning network water from suspended particles.

2.2.8. At heating points there should be no jumpers between the supply and return pipelines and bypass pipelines of elevators, control valves, sump tanks and devices for metering coolant flows and thermal energy.

It is allowed to install jumpers in the central heating substation between the supply and return pipelines with the obligatory installation of two sequentially located valves. Between these valves there must be a drainage device connected to the atmosphere. Under normal operating conditions, the fittings on the jumpers must be closed and sealed.

Condensate traps must have outlet pipelines with an installed shut-off valves.

2.3.9. Water treatment to protect against corrosion and scale formation of pipelines and equipment of hot water supply systems connected to heating networks through water heaters should, as a rule, be carried out in a central heating station. At the same time, its quality must comply with GOST 2874-82 “Drinking water. Hygienic requirements and quality control."

2.2.10. IN closed systems heat supply at the central heating station of the enterprise, it is allowed to install a water meter on the bypass of the return pipeline valve to control the density of the heating network.

2.2.11. Thermal units must be equipped with fittings with valves (valves), to which water supply and compressed air lines can be connected for flushing and emptying heat consumption systems. During normal operation, the water supply line from the heating unit must be disconnected.

The connection of drainage outlets to the sewer system must be made with a visible gap.

2.2.12. Heating points of steam heat consumption systems, in which the design steam pressure is lower than the pressure in the steam line, must be equipped with pressure regulators (reducing valves). After the pressure reducing valve, a safety valve must be installed on the steam line.

2.2.13. The heating point of the steam heat consumption system must be equipped with starting and operational drainage devices.

2.2.14. The central heating point of the water heat consumption system must be equipped with the following instrumentation:

indicating pressure gauges on the supply and return pipelines before and after the inlet valves, on each supply pipeline after the valves on the distribution manifold, on the suction and discharge pipes of each pump;

indicating thermometers on the common supply and return pipelines, on all return pipelines in front of the collection and return manifolds;

recording flow meters and thermometers on the supply and return pipelines;

thermal energy consumption metering devices.

2.2.15. ITP of a water heat consumption system must be equipped with the following instrumentation:

indicating pressure gauges on the supply and return pipelines after the valves;

indicating thermometers on the supply and return pipelines after the inlet valves, on the mixed water supply pipeline after the elevator or mixing pump;

flow meters on the pipeline supplying water to the hot water supply system, and on the circulation line (in open systems heat supply).

In addition, the ITP of a water heat consumption system must be equipped with:

fittings for pressure gauges on the supply and return pipelines before the valves, on all branches of the supply pipeline after the valves and after the mixing device;

sleeves for thermometers on all return pipelines from individual heat-consuming systems or individual parts of these systems to valves.

2.2.16. Thermal points of the steam heat consumption system must be equipped with the following instrumentation:

recording and summing steam flow meters;

recording and indicating pressure gauges and thermometers on the inlet steam lines;

summing flow meters, indicating pressure gauges and thermometers on condensate lines;

indicating pressure gauges and thermometers before and after pressure reducing valves.

2.2.17. Heating points should be equipped with automation equipment, which should provide:

regulation of thermal energy consumption in heat consumption systems (heating, ventilation and air conditioning, in technological installations);

limiting the maximum consumption of network water for consumers;

set water temperature in the hot water supply system;

required pressure in heat consumption systems when connected independently;

the specified pressure in the return pipeline or the required water pressure difference in the supply and return pipelines of heating networks;

protection of heat consumption systems from increased pressure and water temperature in case of exceeding the permissible limit parameters of the coolant;

turning on backup pumps when workers are turned off;

stopping the supply of water to the accumulator when the upper level in it is reached and stopping the collection of water from the tank when the lower level is reached;

preventing emptying of heat consumption systems.

Storage tanks

2.2.18. Accumulator tanks must be manufactured according to specially developed designs.

External reinforcing structures must be installed on all newly introduced and operated storage tanks to prevent destruction of the tanks.

2.2.19 . The working volume of storage tanks, their location on heat sources, in heating networks must comply with SNiP 2.04.01-85 "Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings."

2.2.20. The use of standard petroleum product storage tanks to replace existing storage tanks is prohibited.

2.2.21. Anti-corrosion protection of storage tanks must be carried out in accordance with the "Guidelines for the protection of storage tanks from corrosion and from water aeration" (M., SPO "Soyuztechenergo", 1981).

2.2.22. The rooms in which storage tanks are installed must be ventilated and illuminated. The load-bearing structures of the room must be made of fireproof materials. Pallets must be provided under the tanks.

2.2.23 . Accumulator tanks must be equipped with:

water supply pipeline to the tank with a float valve. A shut-off valve must be installed in front of each float valve;

outlet pipeline;

overflow pipe at the height of the maximum permissible water level in the tank. The capacity of the overflow pipe must be no less than the capacity of all pipes supplying water to the tank;

a discharge (drainage) pipeline connected to the bottom of the tank and to the overflow pipe, with a valve (valve) on the connected section of the pipeline;

drainage pipeline for draining water from the pan;

a circulation pipeline to maintain, if necessary, a constant temperature of hot water in the tank during breaks in its disassembly. A check valve with a gate valve (valve) must be installed on the circulation pipeline;

air (messenger) pipe. The cross-section of the conductor pipe must ensure the free flow into the tank and the free release from it of air or steam (if there is a steam cushion), excluding the formation of a rarefaction (vacuum) when pumping water from the tank and an increase in pressure above atmospheric pressure when filling it;

equipment for monitoring the water level, signaling limit levels with output of signals to a room with constant presence of personnel on duty, as well as with interlocks that should ensure: complete cessation of water supply to the tank when the maximum upper level is reached, activation of backup pumps when operating pumps are turned off , switching the main power source of equipment associated with storage tanks to a backup one when the voltage at the main source disappears;

control and measuring instruments for measuring water temperature in tanks and pressure in inlet and outlet pipelines;

thermal insulation, protected by a covering layer from exposure to atmospheric factors.

2.2.24. All pipelines, with the exception of drainage, must be connected to the vertical walls of the storage tanks with the installation of compensating devices at the design draft of the tank. Constructive decisions when connecting pipelines to the tank, they must exclude the possibility of transferring force from these pipelines to its walls and bottom.

2.2.25. The valves on the water supply pipeline to each tank and the separation valves between the tanks must be electrically driven. The electric drives of the valves must be located outside the zone of possible flooding in such a way that in the event of an accident on one of the tanks, prompt disconnection of other parallel tanks operating from it can be ensured.

2.2.26. To avoid uneven settlement of the sandy base of tanks, devices must be provided for removing surface and ground water.

2.2.27. A group of tanks or a separate tank must be fenced with an earthen rampart with a height of at least 0.5 m and a width at the top of at least 0.5 m , and a blind area should be made around the tank. In the space between the tanks and the fence, water must be drained into the sewerage system. Around tanks located outside the territory of a heat source or enterprise, a fence with a height of at least 2.5 m must be provided and prohibition signs must be installed.

Appendix 2

Typical requirements for premisesfor placement of heat metering units for consumers

Premises for placing consumer heat metering units must comply with the requirements established by the following regulatory documents:

1. JV “Design of heating points” (Introduction date

2. Rules for metering thermal energy and coolant (approved by order
Ministry of Energy of Russia dated January 1, 2001 No. VK-4936);

3. Rules technical operation thermal power plants
(approved by the order of the Ministry of Energy of Russia);

4. Rules for electrical installations;

5. SNiP 2.04.07-86* Heating networks (with Amendments No. 1,2) (approved
Decree of the USSR State Construction Committee dated January 1, 2001 No. 75).

A heat metering unit is installed at a heating point owned by the consumer.

Individual heating units (hereinafter referred to as IHP) must be built into the buildings they serve and located in separate rooms on the ground floor near the outer walls of the building. It is allowed to place ITP in technical undergrounds or in the basements of buildings and structures.

Buildings of detached and attached ITPs should be one-story; it is allowed to construct basements in them for placing equipment, collecting, cooling and pumping condensate and constructing a sewage system.

Free-standing ITPs may be provided underground, provided:

Lack of groundwater in the area where the inlets are placed and sealed
utilities into the building of a heating point, excluding
the possibility of flooding the heating point with sewerage,
flood and other waters;

Ensuring gravity drainage of water from thermal pipelines

Ensuring automated operation of thermal equipment
point without permanent staff with emergency
alarm and partial remote control with
control center.

In terms of explosion and fire hazards, the premises of heating points should be classified as category D.

Heating points may be located in production premises categories G and D, as well as in technical basements and underground areas of residential and public buildings. In this case, the premises of heating points must be separated from these premises by fences (partitions) that prevent unauthorized persons from accessing the heating point.

In the premises of heating points, fencing must be finished with durable, moisture-resistant materials that allow easy cleaning, and the following work must be performed:

Plastering the ground part of brick walls;

Joint joints of panel walls;

Whitewashing of ceilings;

Concrete or tile flooring.

The walls of heating points must be covered with tiles or painted to a height of 1.5 m from the floor with oil or other waterproof paint, and above 1.5 m from the floor - with adhesive or other similar paint.

The following exits must be provided from heating points built into buildings:

a) when the length of the heating point room is 12 m or less and
its location at a distance of less than 12 m from the exit from the building to the outside
- one exit to the outside through a corridor or staircase;

b) when the length of the heating point room is 12 m or less and
its location at a distance of more than 12 m from the exit of the building - one
independent exit outside;

c) if the length of the heating point room is more than 12 m - two
exit, one of which should be directly outside, the second -
through a corridor or stairwell.

In underground, free-standing or attached heating units, it is allowed to place a second exit through an attached shaft with a hatch or through a hatch in the ceiling, and in heating units located in technical undergrounds or basements of buildings - through a hatch in the wall

Doors and gates from the heating point must open from the premises or building of the heating point away from you.

Dimensions doorway ITP must ensure free passage of personnel.

All passages, entrances, and exits must be illuminated, free, and safe for movement.

The passage between equipment and pipelines must provide free passage for personnel and be at least 0.6 m. Transition platforms must be installed through pipelines located at or above the floor level.

The height of the premises from the finished floor mark to the bottom of the protruding ceiling structures (in the clear) is recommended to be at least 2.2 m.

When placing ITP in basements and basements, as well as in technical underground areas of buildings, the height of the premises and free passages to them is allowed to be at least 1.8 m.

To drain water, floors should be designed with a slope of 0.01 towards the drain or drainage pit. The minimum dimensions of the drainage pit must be in plan - at least 0.5 x 0.5 m, with a depth of at least 0.8 m. The pit must be covered with a removable grate.

Open pipe laying must be provided at heating points. It is allowed to lay pipes in channels, the top of which overlaps with the level of the finished floor, if through these channels no explosive or flammable gases and liquids enter the heating unit.

Channels must have removable ceilings with a unit weight of no more than 30 kg.

The bottom of the canals must have a longitudinal slope of at least 0.02 towards the drainage pit.

To service equipment and fittings located at a height of 1.5 to 2.5 m from the floor, mobile or portable structures (platforms) must be provided. In cases where it is impossible to create passages for mobile platforms, as well as for servicing equipment and fittings located at a height of 2.5 m or more, it is necessary to provide stationary platforms 0.6 m wide with fences and permanent stairs. The distance from the level of the stationary platform to the ceiling must be at least 1.8 m.

The minimum distance from the edge of the movable supports to the edge of the supporting structures (traverses, brackets, support pads) of pipelines should ensure the maximum possible lateral displacement of the support with a margin of at least 50 mm. In addition, the minimum distance from the edge of the traverse or bracket to the pipe axis must be at least 1.0 Dy (where Dy is the nominal diameter of the pipe).

Distance from the surface of the heat-insulating structure of the pipeline to building structures building or to the surface of the thermal insulation structure of another pipeline must be at least 30 mm clear, taking into account the movement of the pipeline.

The laying of the water supply system must be carried out in one row or under the pipelines of heating networks, and the water supply system must be thermally insulated to prevent the formation of condensation on the surface of the water supply pipes.

At heating points, the supply pipeline must be located to the right of the return pipeline (along the coolant flow in the supply pipeline) when laying pipelines in one row.

For heating points, supply and exhaust ventilation should be provided, designed for air exchange, determined by heat release from pipelines and equipment. The design air temperature in the work area in the cold season should be taken no higher than 28°C, in the warm season - 5°C higher than the outside air temperature.

In the premises of heating points it is necessary to carry out measures to destroy insects and rodents (disinfestation, deratization).

SNiP 41-02-2003

14.1 Heating points are divided into:
individual heating points (ITP)— for connecting heating, ventilation, hot water supply and technological heat-using installations of one building or part of it;
central heating points (CHS)- the same, two buildings or more.
14.2 Thermal points provide for the placement of equipment, fittings, monitoring, control and automation devices, through which the following is carried out:
transformation of the type of coolant or its parameters; control of coolant parameters;
accounting for heat loads, coolant and condensate flow rates;
regulation of coolant flow and distribution across heat consumption systems (through distribution networks in central heating stations or directly to heating and heating systems);
protection local systems from an emergency increase in coolant parameters;
filling and replenishing heat consumption systems;
collection, cooling, return of condensate and quality control;
heat accumulation;
water treatment for hot water supply systems.
At a heating point, depending on its purpose and local conditions, all of the listed activities or only part of them can be carried out. Devices for monitoring coolant parameters and metering heat consumption should be provided at all heating points.
14.3 The installation of an ITP input is mandatory for each building, regardless of the presence of a central heating point, while the ITP provides only for those measures that are necessary for connecting a given building and are not provided for in the central heating point.
14.4 In closed and open heat supply systems, the need to install central heating stations for residential and public buildings must be justified by technical and economic calculations.
14.5 In the premises of heating points it is allowed to place equipment for sanitary systems of buildings and structures, including booster pumping units that supply water for domestic drinking and fire-fighting needs.
14.6 Basic requirements for the placement of pipelines, equipment and fittings in heating points should be taken according to Appendix B.
14.7 The connection of heat consumers to heating networks at heating points should be provided according to schemes that ensure minimum water consumption in heating networks, as well as heat savings through the use of heat flow regulators and limiters of the maximum flow of network water, correction pumps or elevators with automatic control that reduce the temperature water entering heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems.
14.8 The design temperature of water in the supply pipelines after the central heating point should be accepted:
when connecting heating systems of buildings according to a dependent scheme - equal, as a rule, to the calculated water temperature in the supply pipeline of the heating networks to the central heating point;
with an independent circuit - no more than 30 °C below the design temperature of water in the supply pipeline of the heating networks to the central heating point, but not higher than 150 °C and not lower than the design temperature accepted in the consumer’s system.
Independent pipelines from central heating stations for connecting ventilation systems with an independent connection scheme for heating systems are provided at a maximum thermal load for ventilation of more than 50% of the maximum thermal load for heating.
14.9 When calculating the heating surface of water-water heaters for hot water supply and heating systems, the water temperature in the supply pipeline of the heating network should be taken equal to the temperature at the break point of the water temperature graph or the minimum water temperature, if there is no break in the temperature graph, and for heating systems - also the temperature water corresponding to the calculated outside air temperature for heating design. The larger of the obtained values ​​of the heating surface should be taken as the calculated value.
14.10 When calculating the heating surface of hot water supply water heaters, the temperature of the heated water at the outlet from the water heater into the hot water supply system should be taken to be at least 60 °C.
14.11 For high-speed sectional water-to-water water heaters, a countercurrent flow pattern of coolant should be adopted, while heating water from the heating network should flow:
in water heaters of heating systems - in tubes;
the same for hot water supply - into the interpipe space.
In steam-water water heaters, steam must enter the inter-tube space.
For hot water supply systems with steam heating networks, it is allowed to use capacious water heaters, using them as hot water storage tanks, provided that their capacity corresponds to that required in the calculation for storage tanks.
In addition to high-speed water heaters, it is possible to use other types of water heaters that have high thermal and operational characteristics and small dimensions.
14.12 The minimum number of water-to-water heaters should be:
two, connected in parallel, each of which must be calculated for 100% of the heat load - for heating systems of buildings that do not allow interruptions in the heat supply;
two, each designed for 75% of the heat load, for heating systems of buildings constructed in areas with a design outdoor temperature below minus 40 °C;
one for other heating systems;
two, connected in parallel in each heating stage, designed for 50% of the heat load each - for hot water supply systems.
With a maximum heat load for hot water supply of up to 2 MW, it is allowed to provide one hot water supply heater in each heating stage, except for buildings that do not allow interruptions in the supply of heat to hot water supply.
When installing steam-water water heaters in heating, ventilation or hot water supply systems, their number must be at least two, connected in parallel; backup water heaters need not be provided.
For technological installations that do not allow interruptions in the heat supply, backup water heaters must be provided, designed for the heat load in accordance with the operating mode of the enterprise's technological installations.
14.13 Pipelines should be equipped with fittings with shut-off valves with a nominal bore of 15 mm for releasing air at the highest points of all pipelines and with a nominal bore of at least 25 mm for draining water at the lowest points of water and condensate pipelines.
It is permissible to install devices for draining water not in the central heating station pit, but outside the central heating station in special chambers.
14.14 Mud traps should be installed:
at the heating point on the supply pipelines at the inlet;
on the return pipeline in front of control devices and water and heat flow metering devices - no more than one;
in ITP - regardless of their availability in the central heating center;
in thermal units of consumers of the 3rd category - on the supply pipeline at the inlet.
Filters should be installed in front of mechanical water meters (vane, turbine), plate heat exchangers and other equipment along the water flow (as required by the manufacturer).
14.15 At heating points, it is not allowed to install starting jumpers between the supply and return pipelines of heating networks, as well as bypass pipelines in addition to pumps (except for booster pumps), elevators, control valves, mud traps and devices for metering water and heat consumption.
Overflow regulators and steam traps must have bypass piping.
14.16 To protect pipelines and equipment of centralized hot water supply systems connected to heating networks through water heaters from internal corrosion and scale formation, water treatment should be provided, usually carried out in a central heating station. In ITP, only magnetic and silicate water treatment is allowed.
14.17 Processing drinking water should not worsen its sanitary and hygienic indicators. Reagents and materials used for water treatment that have direct contact with water entering the hot water supply system must be approved by the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision authorities of Russia for use in domestic drinking water supply practice.
14.18 When installing storage tanks for hot water supply systems in heating points with vacuum deaeration, it is necessary to protect the inner surface of the tanks from corrosion and the water in them from aeration by using sealing liquids. In the absence of vacuum deaeration, the internal surface of the tanks must be protected from corrosion through the use of protective coatings or cathodic protection. The design of the tank should include a device that prevents sealing liquid from entering the hot water supply system.
14.19 For heating points, supply and exhaust ventilation should be provided, designed for air exchange determined by heat release from pipelines and equipment. The calculated air temperature in the working area in the cold period of the year should be taken no higher than 28 °C, in the warm period of the year - 5 °C higher than the outside air temperature according to parameters A. When placing heating points in residential and public buildings a verification calculation of the heat input from the heating point to the adjacent rooms should be carried out. If the permissible air temperature in these rooms exceeds the permissible air temperature, measures should be taken for additional thermal insulation of the enclosing structures of adjacent rooms.
14.20 A drain should be installed in the floor of the heating unit, and if gravity drainage of water is not possible, a drainage pit should be installed measuring at least 0.5 ‘0.5 x 0.8 m. The pit is covered with a removable grate.
To pump water from the catchment pit into the sewerage system, drainage system or associated drainage, one drainage pump should be provided. A pump designed for pumping water from a catchment pit is not allowed to be used for flushing heat consumption systems.
14.21 At heating points, measures should be taken to prevent noise levels from exceeding those allowed for premises in residential and public buildings. Heating units equipped with pumps are not allowed to be placed adjacent to or above the premises of residential apartments, dormitories and playrooms of preschool institutions, sleeping quarters of boarding schools, hotels, hostels, sanatoriums, rest homes, boarding houses, wards and operating rooms of hospitals, premises with long stays patients, doctors' offices, auditoriums of entertainment enterprises.
14.22 The minimum clear distances from free-standing ground central heating centers to the external walls of the listed premises must be at least 25 m.
In particularly cramped conditions, it is permissible to reduce the distance to 15 m, provided that additional measures are taken to reduce noise to a level acceptable according to sanitary standards.
14.23 Based on their placement on the general plan, heating points are divided into free-standing, attached to buildings and structures, and built into buildings and structures.
14.24 Heating units built into buildings should be located in separate rooms near the outer walls of buildings.
14.25 The following exits must be provided from the heating point:
if the length of the heating point room is 12 m or less - one exit to the adjacent room, corridor or staircase;
if the length of the heating point room is more than 12 m, there are two exits, one of which should be directly outside, the second to the adjacent room, staircase or corridor.
The premises of heating points for consumers of steam with a pressure of more than 0.07 MPa must have at least two exits, regardless of the dimensions of the room.
14.26 There is no need to provide openings for natural lighting of heating points. Doors and gates must open from the room or building of the heating point away from you.
14.27 In terms of explosion and fire hazards, the premises of heating points must comply with category D according to NPB 105.
14.28 Heating units located in industrial and warehouse buildings, as well as administrative buildings of industrial enterprises, residential and public buildings, must be separated from other premises by partitions or fences that prevent unauthorized persons from accessing the heating unit.
14.29 For installation of equipment whose dimensions exceed the dimensions of the doors, installation openings or gates in the walls should be provided in ground-based heating units.
In this case, the dimensions of the installation opening and gate should be 0.2 m larger than the overall dimensions of the largest equipment or pipeline block.
14.30 To move equipment and fittings or integral parts of equipment units, inventory lifting and transport devices should be provided.
If it is impossible to use inventory devices, it is allowed to provide stationary lifting and transport devices:
with a mass of transported cargo from 0.1 to 1.0 tons - monorails with manual hoists and crampons or single-girder manual overhead cranes;
the same, more than 1.0 to 2.0 t - single-girder manual overhead cranes;
the same, more than 2.0 t - single-girder electric overhead cranes.
It is allowed to provide for the possibility of using mobile lifting and transport equipment.
14.31 To service equipment and fittings located at a height of 1.5 to 2.5 m from the floor, mobile platforms or portable devices (stepladders) must be provided. If it is impossible to create passages for mobile platforms, as well as to maintain equipment and fittings located at a height of 2.5 m or more, it is necessary to provide stationary platforms with fencing and permanent stairs. The dimensions of platforms, stairs and fences should be taken in accordance with the requirements of GOST 23120.
The distance from the level of the stationary platform to the upper ceiling must be at least 2 m.
14.32 In central heating stations with permanent staff, a bathroom with a washbasin should be provided.