PVC compound bow. How to make a bow from PVC pipe yourself

In Soviet times, boys were inspired to make bows by films about Indians. We made copies of Indian bows from branches coniferous trees, fir was especially suitable for this - its elastic and flexible branches turned into an excellent means for shooting. Arrows were made from slats or small boards, equipped with tin tips from cans. Today, materials have appeared that are not inferior to wooden bows, and if skillfully made, can surpass them. PVC pipes are an excellent material for this. The author of the model presented below is lawyer Egorov. His takedown bow has excellent qualities, which he will demonstrate in testing.

The first video shows in great detail the entire process of preparing materials and making a bow.

The second video is dedicated to testing in winter conditions; the bow became camouflaged. Onions have been shown to withstand frost.

You may recognize a bow made from pvc pipes and noticed that he was no longer white, but camouflaged.

This video is about testing a collapsible bow and about the technique of camouflaging it. It was written down for those who claim that this onion will burst in the cold. So, it has been proven that onions did not lose their properties in the cold. It remains only to emphasize that test firing of them was carried out at temperatures from + 27 to - 18 degrees and differences in the latter case No.

For our task we used Oxford camouflage fabric. Without impregnation, it does not affect the elasticity of the bow arms. After impregnating the fabric with epoxy resin, the weapon will become composite and the tension on the bowstring will increase. The bow's arms are asymmetrical. Top – 600 mm bottom – 650 mm Handle – 310 mm (grooves 50 mm).

For camouflage you need to remove all excess from the fabric. Normal allowance is 20 mm. Next, we use spray adhesive for fabrics. For the arms of the bow, the author of the idea used 3M glue. 77 and 90 are suitable. To camouflage the shaped handle and arrow shelf to strengthen the bow with a composite material - micarta, you need to impregnate the fabric with polymer. It's even better to glue the fabric directly onto the epoxy resin. To do this, you need to coat the entire surface of the shoulder with resin and wait for partial polymerization - the effect of adhesive tape. Further, as shown in the video.

After the glue is applied, you need to carefully straighten the folds, lay the fabric on the camouflage surface and remove the excess. The fabric can be glued end-to-end or overlapping. Even without impregnation with resin, the threads do not come out of the hemmed edge. If using spray adhesive, you will have to add more as needed.

To protect the table, you can place a sheet of glassine. This will allow you to avoid mistakes if you have a crease or crease. They can be removed by stretching the fabric in one place and smoothing it in another.

To begin with, all extra material was pressed into the socket, and then the joint was impregnated with superglue. Now you need to remove all excess with a knife. The fabric covered the string saddle, so I had to make cuts above the string slots and then use a string loop to crease the camouflage fabric into them. Although the work is primitive - there are only two steps - tensioning and smoothing, it is quite painstaking and, most importantly, regimented. The job must be completed before the glue dries. If you have started gluing the shoulder camouflage, then the work must be completed without interruption.

To properly impregnate the fabric with superglue, you need to use polyethylene and push the cyanoacrylate deep into the fabric. Thanks to the camouflage fabric, the bow became pleasant to the touch.

Next you need to move on to the camouflage of the shaped handle. The easiest way to do this step is to make a winding. It is best to make a mark to leave the moving part of the handle open, but you can wind an already assembled bow. First, you need to cut a strip about an inch wide from the canvas. Next, apply a layer of glue to the handle and begin winding. And thus move turn by turn until the end of the winding zone.

It is important to immediately cut the tape to the required length. It's easy to do. To prevent the edge of the tape from fraying, it must be laid with maximum tension and more glue applied, especially at its ends.

Camouflage on the arrow shelf is also done with superglue. By gluing the fabric to the inner surface of the half-ring, its diameter decreased, so it was necessary to adjust the diameter of the half-ring to original size upon completion of work.

Finally you need to screw the screws into place and the job is finished.

This article is about how to make a bow from PVC pipe (the arrows will be wooden).


Materials and tools for assembling a bow from PVC pipe with your own hands:

  • PVC pipe with a diameter of 20 mm (outer diameter) and a length of 150-200 mm.
  • Two thin PVC pipes 0.6-1.0 meters long, which should be inserted into the above section of pipe.
  • Pencil, pen, saw or scissors for cutting PVC.
  • Rope or cord for making a bowstring.
  • A round wooden strip about 0.6 meters long.
  • Multi-colored tape (you will need 3 colors for the arrow fletching, and several for the target).
  • Double pencil sharpener (we will sharpen the arrows in the large hole intended for crayons).

Step 1: Preparing the pipes

It is better to choose a reinforced PVC pipe (aluminum or fiberglass). Although unreinforced can also be used. We use a 20 mm short one as a connector for two thin PVC.

Step 2: Making notches for the bowstring

Make two small notches at both ends of the bow (or at one end of the top and bottom arms of the bow if you are making a two-tube bow). To do this, use a saw to make V-shaped cuts about 1/2 the thickness. Serifs are needed to attach the bowstring.

Step 3: Stretch the Bowstring

Next, cut a piece of rope 150-200 mm long longer than the upper and lower arms of the bow put together. Then tie the rope around the ends; the knot must be very strong so that the string does not slide down the pipe.

Take one of the pipes and insert the end opposite where the rope is tied into the short thick pipe, about halfway through. Also insert the second thin one on the other side of the thick piece. Both should bend under the tension of the bowstring, which should not slip out of the notches.

Step 4: Making an arrow

First, make the arrow shaft from a wooden batten. Saw off the rod to the required length. Next, using a saw, make a groove (cutout for the bowstring) from the rear end of the arrow with a depth of about 25 mm. Wrap the rod near the groove with tape to prevent the arrow from splitting. Using a crayon sharpener, sharpen the other side of the arrow until it is sharp enough.

Step 5: Making the plumage

Now you need to make the fletching on the rear end of the arrow. Make feathers from colored tape or other similar material. First, make three small rectangles of different colored tape. Then cut out the feathers of the required shape from the rectangles.

Make sure that the shape and size of all three feathers are the same, this is very important. Now glue them to the rod, approximately 6-12 mm from the edge of the tape wound on the arrow (which you wrapped to prevent the arrow from splitting).

Step 6: Done!

Your bow is now ready! You can use it for its intended purpose, just don’t shoot at people or other living creatures! Let's say you are right-handed, then hold the bow with your left hand by the middle connecting tube and take the arrow right hand, place it on the ledge of the tube. Insert the middle of the string into the arrow groove. Stand with your left shoulder facing the target and turn your head to face the target. Now pull the string back as far as possible, aiming the arrow at the target. Release the string. It will take some practice to learn how to shoot, but eventually you will master such a simple weapon. Have a good hunting!

The bow is a noble weapon. Since ancient times it has been used to hunt wild animals. Over the millennia, this type of weapon has been improved and improved.

His modern options They are made from new materials and technologies; they are distinguished from previous products by their range of shots and accuracy of hits.

Many people think that a homemade product will be rough and far from ideal. But by following the advice and carefully watching the video, you can learn how to make a bow from a PVC pipe yourself.

Advantages of PVC products

This device is easy to transport. And the large dimensions do not interfere at all, because it has a prefabricated device and is very easy to disassemble.

Together with arrows, it easily fits into a quiver. The weight of such a bow is light, but the accuracy is high. A good homemade tool is in no way inferior to its factory-made counterparts in terms of combat capabilities.

This ancient weapon, made with your own hands from PVC pipes, differs from the factory version in its lighter weight. And it differs from its wooden counterpart in higher strength.

A video will help you make a bow from a PVC pipe, where the production is presented in great detail.

The low cost of synthetic materials makes it possible to produce this device at a cost that will be an order of magnitude less than purchasing a finished product.

PVC pipe is considered the simplest and most affordable material option. You can use leftovers after repairs, or buy a small size of the workpiece (3 meters).

IMPORTANT! An additional advantage of PVC bows is their long service life. After all, such a product is not subject to rotting, unlike wood.

What parts does an onion consist of?

The arrowhead can be made from a piece of flattened electrode. After shaping, the tip is inserted into the shaft and lightly sharpened.

Now you know how to make a compound bow. Just don’t forget that this is a hunting weapon and a piece of entertainment that can cause great harm to the owner if used without precautions.

Wounds caused by these weapons can be very serious. And do not forget that its use for hunting purposes is punishable by law.

Before you make a bow with PVC pipes and arrows, think about the fact that these items must be used with extreme caution. Only in this case will you be able to enjoy using this weapon and at the same time not be punished by law.

Plastic pipes are a good material to use in bow making. It is not subject to corrosion, does not rot, is easy to process, and when heated it becomes plastic. All this can be used to make a homemade collapsible bow.

The material used is ordinary PVC pipes from a hardware store. This collapsible bow fits completely into a quiver of arrows and can be assembled and disassembled in a matter of seconds.

How to make a bow from PVC pipe

The basis of the bow is pieces of PVC plumbing pipe, with walls of two millimeters. The smallest thickness of the bow shoulder at the edges in a compressed state is six millimeters. Moreover, unlike store-bought bows, this bow is very light, which is important for a survivalist.

Review of the design of a homemade PVC bow

Homemade bow from plastic pipes consists of three parts. The central part is the handle, string and limbs of the bow, reinforced with an internal insert.

For production, in addition to PVC pipe scraps, you also need a construction heat gun. It is necessary to thoroughly heat the plastic pipes with a construction hairdryer and form them into shape. Be sure to wear special gloves, as PVC pipes become hot when heated.

Let's prepare a piece of laminate and a clamp in advance. Cover the heated tube with laminate and press it with a clamp. In order for the parts to cool more slowly, the laminate must also be preheated. The result is a blank shoulder for a homemade plastic bow. Similar actions must be done with the second shoulder. The shoulder bends more where it is narrower, so heat the very tip of the shoulder and crimp it through a wooden block.

You can give the shoulder toe the desired shape by cutting off the excess with a grinder or a regular metal file. Then the edges of the cut are processed with a file.

The layers in the shoulder socks need to be glued and joined, riveted with a grommet. To do this, drill a hole in the toe of the shoulder with a drill. The diameter of the hole must match the diameter of the eyelet. As a grommet we use a six-millimeter scrap of copper or brass tube. Insert the tube into the hole and flare the ends. For flaring, you can use screw caps. Now we carry out the same procedure with the second shoulder.

Naturally, a homemade collapsible bow cannot be without a handle. The heated PVC pipe can be easily cut with a knife. We need a rigid shaped handle. The curvature of the shaft is necessary so that the shelf for the arrow is aligned with the plane of movement of the bowstring, and when shooting the shaft does not deflect the arrow. This makes aiming easier and increases shooting accuracy. In this case, the handle should be rigid and not twist. We heat a piece of prepared PVC pipe with a construction hairdryer. And we drive into the handle a pre-carved shape from wood, according to which the handle is molded.

To make it easier to drive the insert into the middle of the pipe, you can use a dowel and a hammer to expand the inner diameter of the pipe. If during operation the tube cools down and loses its plasticity, it must be reheated. And so heat the required number of times. In order to connect the shoulder and the handle, you need to heat the handle, squeeze the bell of its tube with your hands and push it inside the bell of the shoulder. With further joint heating, the shoulder and handle will fit perfectly against each other. And it’s even good that initially they were the same diameter.

Making a shelf for the arrow

To make a shelf for the arrow you will need a piece of pipe and three toothbrushes. First, you need to cut a piece in the shape of the letter T or G from a piece of pipe no less than ten centimeters long. Top part This letter will be a semi-ring of a shelf, into the slot of which an arrow is inserted. And the lower part, the leg, is fastened to the cavity of the handle.

In order to form a slot into which the arrows will be inserted in the future, the workpiece must be placed on a tube of larger diameter. And to form the leg of the shelf, you will need to connect the second part to the handle, and smooth the leg into its shape with your hands. You will have to act with both hands. With one hand, hold the half-ring from moving and opening, and with the other, press the handle against the half-ring, while simultaneously pressing the leg of the handle, giving it the shape of that very handle.

It came to toothbrushes. In order not to damage the bristles when heated, you just need to wrap them with tape. Now, using a turbo lighter, we heat the brush, wait for it to melt, and, resting it on a flat surface, bend it. The result is a semicircle.

Now you need to separate all the excess and one of the three parts with bristles is ready. The bristles are held in the holes with aluminum clips. All that remains is to connect the finished parts with small screws.

Making a string for a plastic bow

In order to make a bowstring, you need to wind a fishing cord on a large reel, the size of a future bow. Tie the two ends and you get one closed ring, folded several times. Then, we wrap the string for the loops and for the entire string.

If you still have some unclear points, watch the video Making a bow from a plastic pipe.

Video of making a bow from a plastic pipe

By the way, you shouldn’t be afraid that the bow won’t work or will break in winter; look at winter bow tests, as well as how to apply camouflage to a homemade bow made from PVC pipes.

Review of bow designs made from plastic pipes

I must say – making bows from PVC pipes is a very common hobby! Plastic bow With a synthetic or steel bowstring, rain is not scary, you can shoot in any weather, that’s why people make all kinds of designs.

Here is the simplest bow made from one pipe, the shape of the bow is classic.

This design uses a wooden handle and only the arms are made of plastic pipes.

A couple more simple bows with different shapes.

Here the shape is quite curved, but the shoulders homemade bow not flattened.

And here, pieces of wood are inserted into the ends of the plastic pipes, onto which the bowstring is placed.

If a single pipe seems not enough for you, then to increase the tension force you can install additional pipes; the edges are connected to each other with the same string.

Well, those who are especially strong can build themselves a real monster from the same plastic pipes.

As you can see, it all depends on your preferences and desires!

There are many ways to make a bow from PVC pipe. There are sophisticated ones that require a lot of time and effort. There are simple, convenient ones that allow you to make crafts quickly and get a high-quality product.

For example, to make a non-separable bow structure, you need a PVC pipe approximately one and a half meters long and 25 mm in diameter. You will still need materials wooden plank, paint, tape, aluminum foil. Tools used in the work: hair dryer (well technical); measuring tape; drill; felt-tip pen; hand saw.

Start by marking the pipe. Mark with a felt-tip pen from both ends 30, 60 cm long, as well as the center (middle). In addition, 8 cm segments are measured from the center in both directions.

One of the edges of the 60 cm long pipe begins to be heated with a hairdryer. This is done evenly along the length, constantly rotating the pipe around its axis. After the material has become pliable, the pipe is laid on a flat board, the unheated end is raised by a quarter of the diameter, placing a lining under it. Place a board on top of the heated end, press it down - you can stand with your feet. As a result, a workpiece is obtained in which the pipe remains round in the middle part and has a narrow elliptical cross-section at the end.

Then everything described is done with the other end of the pipe. At the same time, it is fixed so that flattening occurs in the same plane as the first section. In addition, before deformation begins, the opposite end (which is already flattened) is raised by half the diameter of the pipe. Afterwards, a workpiece is obtained in which the middle part (approximately 25...30 cm) remains round in cross-section, and from it to the edges the cross-section changes smoothly from round to elliptical, the latter occurring symmetrically in both sections).

When heating a PVC pipe, do not allow it to heat quickly and unevenly. If this is allowed, the material will lose its elasticity and the craft will not be of high quality.

Afterwards, a section 15 cm long and 15 cm from the end of the pipe is heated with a hairdryer until it becomes round again. It is then positioned so that the previously flattened sections of the pipe are perpendicular to the support. Apply a 15 cm long board to the heated area and flatten it. The same is done with a 15-centimeter section on the other side of the tubular workpiece.

At the final 15-centimeter sections of the pipe, slots are made on the outside of the bow. Their distance from the ends is 3 cm. The places of the slots are heated, rounded, and loaded through wooden blocks. You can make them round with sandpaper.

Again, sections of the pipe near the 30-centimeter marks are heated - their total length is approximately 8 cm. When heated, they will expand, and the transition section will become smooth. As a result, a smooth tubular blank is obtained, the ends of which are bent in one direction.