Ammonia water: fertilizer, how to use, formula and composition. Ammonia water: preparation, formula, application Ammonia 25 aqueous solution

Anhydrous ammonia is a liquid nitrogen fertilizer that is widely used in the agricultural industry. A transparent liquid with a yellowish tint stimulates the development of both root and green mass, providing high performance productivity.

Water and ammonia are similar in their properties because they are hydrides of non-metals. The second compound – NH3 – in normal conditions is a gas that changes its state of aggregation with decreasing temperature and increasing pressure, acquiring a liquid state. Anhydrous ammonia is an excellent refrigerant and solvent that freezes or dissolves very quickly when used. It has found application in the agricultural sector of the economy.

Biological role, formula

In the body of any mammal, nitrogen metabolism occurs, the product of which is hydrogen nitride. Its formation is the result of the metabolism of proteins, amino acids and other nitrogenous compounds.

The toxicity of ammonia to the body is very high, which is why a significant portion of it is converted through the liver into a less harmful compound - urea. The latter is removed from the body by the kidneys, and a small part can be converted back into ammonia.

The reverse process is also possible, in which the liver plays the main role. Through this organ, amino acids are resynthesized from a chemical compound of nitrogen and hydrogen.

The boiling point and heat of evaporation of ammonia are explained by hydrogen bonds between its molecules. But due to their low strength, the viscosity of water is much higher - 7 times.

The presence of hydrogen bonds in liquefied ammonia is reflected in the formula as follows: 2NH3.

Physiological action

The liquefied form is toxic:

  • causes burns;
  • irritates mucous membranes - when its volume fraction in the air is equal to 0.5%;
  • affects the respiratory and visual organs - in case of acute intoxication;
  • weakens the functioning of the hearing organs, leads to catarrh of the upper respiratory tract and gastrointestinal dysfunction - in the case of chronic intoxication.

The maximum permissible concentration of toxic gas is 20 mg/m3.

Impact on crops

Like the 25% ammonia solution, its anhydrous form is a highly effective fertilizer with the simplest form of nitrogen for plant nutrition, and it is the most concentrated (N = 82.3%).

Impact of agrochemical on plants:

Advantages of using liquefied gas:

  1. Uniform application into the soil to the depth of the arable layer, facilitating access of the crop root system to nitrogen.
  2. Increased mobility of other macroelements - phosphorus, potassium.
  3. Tolerance to weather conditions due to ammonia entering into an inextricable connection with the soil - there is no threat of nitrogen leaching.
  4. Protection from harmful organisms.
  5. Possibility of autumn application of nitrogen in an accessible form, due to which the substance will remain in the soil during the entire growing season.
  6. Increased fertility.
  7. Reducing the number of dead plants.
  8. Increase in yield up to 30%.

It is recommended to conduct research before applying fertilizer. chemical composition soil to avoid nitrogen overdose.

Ammonia water

Nitrogen water, known to the general public as ammonia– a solution of ammonia in water. It is used as a mineral agrochemical if it is grade “B”.

Formula and chemistry

Ammonium hydroxide is the result of the reaction of ammonia with water. The formula of ammonia water – NH4OH – reflects chemical reaction, in which the compound dissociates in water, forming ammonium cations and hydroxide anions, that is, it is not just a mixture of hydrogen nitride with water - NH3-H2O. The “controversial” hydrogen ion belongs to both a nitrogen and an oxygen molecule.

physical characteristics

Nitrogen water is a liquid with a slightly yellow tint and a pungent odor.

Main physical characteristics:

  1. The density of the solution is 25% – 0.930–0.910 g/cm3 at +15 °C.
  2. The partial pressure of hydrogen nitride vapor is 0.1 MPa (at +40 °C).
  3. Temperature values ​​for solid phase precipitation are from -31.3 to -53.9 °C.

Ammonia water is an unstable compound: with prolonged storage, the proportion of nitrogen decreases.

Indications for use in the vegetable garden

The popularity of ammonia solution as a fertilizer is explained by its low cost on the market of other mineral agrochemicals. The main indication for use is autumn preparation soil for the next season, since nitrogen water has a slow action: nitrogen is not washed out of the soil throughout the winter, stimulating plant growth during the growing season.

Application procedure and rates for garden and vegetable crops

All garden crops require nitrogen. However, the anhydrous form is very toxic. Its transportation is carried out only by specialized transport with a license. And only people who have undergone appropriate training are allowed to work with the connection.

Placement into the soil is carried out using special units. Due to its tendency to evaporate, it is not practical to distribute it over the surface layer of soil. The application rate can vary from 100 to 200 kg/ha depending on the depletion of the soil and the crop being sown.

Anhydrous ammonia is dissolved in water and added during irrigation.

Nitrogen water is widely used in gardening, which is due to its cheapness and efficiency. This fertilizer is very productive on soils rich in humus.

The optimal time for application is early spring, when temperatures do not exceed the thermometer value of +10 °C, and the autumn period – six months before plant cultivation. Planting is carried out to a depth of 10-15 cm with a consumption rate of 50-70 kg of agrochemical per 1 ha.

Precautionary measures

Aqueous ammonia 25% technical is less toxic in comparison with the anhydrous form. However, when using it, you must follow safety measures: wear gloves, special clothing and a respirator.

Mandatory protective equipment when working with liquefied gas:

  • industrial gas mask;
  • protective suit;
  • insulated rubber gloves;
  • boots made of similar material.

The anhydrous form is very toxic and causes burns upon contact with the skin. If fertilizer gets on your hands, you should immediately wash them and apply a bandage soaked in citric acid. If it enters the respiratory tract, the victim must Fresh air. In the case of the eyes, the organs of vision are washed with plenty of clean water.

An aqueous solution of ammonia is an effective agrochemical that, at a low cost, demonstrates excellent results in the form of high yields.

Ammonia water has found quite wide application in, and this is primarily due to its cheapness and ease of use. Nowadays, chemical plants produce two grades of this substance. Grade "A" is used for various industrial needs, and grade "B" is used both in agriculture. The latter will be discussed in this article.

Description and composition

Simply put, ammonia water is a solution of ammonia in water. Externally, it is a transparent liquid, which can sometimes have a yellowish tint. It has a sharp specific aroma, reminiscent of the smell of rotten eggs.

Did you know? A 10% ammonium solution has found wide use in medicine and is called “ammonia.”

Chemical formula of this substance - NH4OH . The percentage of ammonia in this solution is usually about 30%: 70% is water, and approximately 24.6%.
In order to obtain such a solution, coke or synthetic ammonia is dissolved under a pressure of 2 atmospheres.

Ammonia is highly volatile and can erode out of solution if not stored correctly. Therefore, under unfavorable conditions, it may well be unsuitable for use. The density of ammonia water is about 0.9 g per 1 cu. cm.

Impact on the garden

Ammonia water is actively used for gardening, which is due to its cheapness and ease of use. For example, the price of a liter of this solution starts from 10 rubles per kg, while a kilogram of ammonium nitrate costs at least 25 rubles.
Ammonia-based fertilizer is suitable for almost any crop, which makes it one of the most popular and widely used on the market.

On the ground

The use of this fertilizer is relevant at the most various types soils. It is always worth remembering that this substance has an alkaline reaction, and therefore it can change.

The best effect was recorded when applied to well-cultivated land, which contains a large amount.
A similar effect is obtained due to the fact that in such ammonia absorption process occurs much more intensely than on poor and light soils, which, in turn, indicates that plants absorb much more large quantity nitrogen, which is part of ammonia water.

Did you know? Nitrogen, the main component of ammonia,- one of the most common elements on Earth and the main component of air (78.09%).

On dry soil and soil with a light mechanical composition, the effectiveness of ammonium hydrate will be slightly lower due to its high volatility. Ammonia simply evaporates from the treated area if it is not sealed to a sufficient depth.
When using ammonia water on cohesive soils that are highly resistant to erosion and particle breakdown (for example, loams), it is worthwhile to adhere to special temperature regime, since high temperatures will contribute to the rapid disintegration of the molecules of the substance.

The optimal period for application would be early spring, when the average daily temperature does not yet exceed 10 °C.

For culture

The use of ammonium hydrate will have an extremely favorable effect on crops for which a high protein content is a positive property, for example, barley. This is due to the fact that ammonia increases the concentration of this substance in plants.
Ammonium hydrate, like any other nitrogenous hydrate, helps to intensify photosynthesis processes in plants and increases the growth of green mass.

Find out what methods exist for sowing winter barley.

In this regard, it is extremely important to comply with application rates, since there is a possibility of getting a low yield, but at the same time with a fairly intensive stem and leaves.

Application methods and rates

Self-treatment with ammonia water is not a tricky business. It is enough to simply irrigate selected areas of land with the solution at a depth of 10 cm on heavy soils and about 15 cm on light soils. This technique is generally accepted in the world and is called "fertigation".

Important! Fertigation will be extremely ineffective in hot weather due to excessive evaporation of the active substance.

The best time for such processing is considered to be the autumn period, approximately six months before the start of the active summer season.
But it is not excluded that fertilization may also be carried out in the spring as part of comprehensive measures to prepare for sowing.

Now it’s worth saying a few words about application rates:

  1. If plants are planted in narrow rows or the land intended for planting grain crops is fertilized, ammonium hydrate is poured using specialized equipment. The spacing between the coulters is approx. 25–30 cm, and the amount of water needed for 1 ha - about 50 kg.
  2. Processing large areas where planting is planned vegetable crops, fertilizer is applied between rows. Norms - about 60 kg per 1 ha.
  3. When using ammonia water for industrial crops, it should be remembered that the standards are slightly increased - up to 70 kg per 1 ha.

Precautionary measures

Ammonia and its derivatives belong to the 4th hazard class according to GOST, which means they are insignificant, but still present a danger to humans. Therefore, it is recommended to carry out processing using special protective measures (protective suit, gloves, respirator, protective gloves).
High concentrations of ammonium in the air can cause nausea, dizziness, disorientation, abdominal pain, coughing and suffocation. If such symptoms occur, you should immediately stop processing and leave the area saturated with ammonia vapor.

Chemical formula: NH4OH

We offer a 25% solution of aqueous technical grade B ammonia (GOST 9-92).

Used as: mineral fertilizer (grade B); solvent of organic compounds, binding agent stabilizing chlorine (grade A with permitting documentation in the form of SEZ).

Not a stable product - during long-term storage, ammonia “leaves” from a saturated 25-27% solution - the concentration of the main substance can be reduced to 19-20%, therefore, in order to avoid loss of quality, it is necessary to comply with the storage conditions of this product in an airtight container. We have the ability to supply aqueous technical ammonia 25% using a specialized tank truck.

Trivial names: ammonia water 25%, technical aqueous ammonia, ammonia solution, aqueous ammonia solution, nitric water, ammonia, ammonia.

CAS No.: 1336-21-6

Hazard Class: 4

Density (g/dm3) at 20C: 0,901-0,9164

Appearance: transparent colorless liquid.

Physico-chemical indicators of technical aqueous ammonia 25%

Indicator name

Standard for NH3H2O ​​grade "B"

Mass fraction of ammonia, % not less

Mass fraction of ammonia in terms of nitrogen, % not less than


Mass concentration of non-volatile residue, g/dm3 no more

Not standardized

Mass concentration of carbon dioxide, g/dm3 no more

Note: When transporting an aqueous solution of ammonia (ammonia water) GOST 9-92 grade A, turbidity of the product is allowed.

For those who are planning to buy technical aqueous ammonia from us, we offer steel tank trucks, IBC containers (Eurocubes) 1000 liters in a metal crate, PET barrels, PET canisters 10-30 liters for storage and transportation of raw materials. We also carry out filling into customer’s containers.

The weight of a container of ammonia water is 25% with a fill factor of 0.95 of the container volume:

Container type

Net weight, kg

Gross weight, kg

PET canister 11.5 l



PET canister 21.5 l



PET canister 31.5 l



PET drum 227 l



IBC container (Eurocube) 1000 l (+50 l)



Tank truck 5500 l


Tank truck 13500 l


Tank truck 15000 l


from 35.00 RUR / kg.

Delivery is offered throughout the Russian Federation and the countries of the Customs Union.

Anhydrous ammonia as nitrogen fertilizer (NH3)

Why is this beneficial?

Liquid technical ammonia (anhydrous) is a highly concentrated nitrogen fertilizer, where the nitrogen content is 82.2%

1. Payment only for the amount of nitrogen DV (active substance nitrogen) in the soil.

2. Flexible system of discounts and work with potential customers.

3. Guaranteed quality of nitrogen application (NI) in the soil.

4.Optimization of the application process.

5. Uniform distribution of nitrogen (DN) in the soil.

6. We use only the best nitrogen fertilizer in the form of anhydrous ammonia (82.2% nitrogen)

7. For the agricultural producer, there are no actions such as purchase, delivery, unloading, warehousing, delivery to the field, scattering, or the possibility of theft.

8. It becomes possible to postpone some of the work on applying fertilizers to the fall from the busy spring period

In industry, technical aqueous ammonia is used in the production of dyes, soda ash, electrical production manganese, ferroalloys, medical industry, everyday life.

In construction - as an anti-frost...

The LLC APEX company offers the supply of mineral fertilizers throughout Russia. We guarantee consistently high quality of shipped products,

and are ready to provide regular deliveries according to the schedule you propose


Grade A - for the production of nitric acid and nitriding; as a refrigerant; to create protective atmospheres;

Brand Ak - for export supplies and for transportation via the main ammonia pipeline for processing into fertilizers and for use in agriculture as nitrogen fertilizer;

Grade B - for processing into fertilizers and for use in agriculture as nitrogen fertilizer.

We provide assistance in filling ammonia containers for consumers.

Liquid ammonia GOST 6221-90

Liquid technical ammonia is produced synthetically

Application: technical liquid ammonia is used in the chemical industry to produce nitric acid and mineral fertilizers (ammonium nitrate, urea, ammophos, etc.); in organic synthesis; for the production of aqueous solutions used in medicine and the chemical industry; as liquid fertilizers. Depending on the purpose, liquid ammonia is produced in three grades:

A - for the production of nitric acid, for nitriding, as a refrigerant, for creating protective atmospheres;

Ak - for export deliveries and transportation via the main ammonia pipeline;

B - for processing into fertilizers and for use in agriculture as nitrogen fertilizer.

Packaging and storage: Special ammonia railway and road tanks, in steel cylinders. Liquid ammonia is stored in above-ground tanks in warehouses in accordance with the rules of Gosgortekhnadzor. Cylinders with liquid ammonia...

Grade A (ammonia water). It is used in agriculture as a liquid fertilizer with an ammonium nitrogen content of 20.5%.

Aqueous technical ammonia is used:

In agriculture, as a liquid fertilizer with an ammonium nitrogen content of 20.5%. From an economic point of view, nitrogen of this type of fertilizer is the cheapest. The highest effect from the use of ammonia is achieved when applied to the soil in the autumn, because is not washed out by precipitation, or in the pre-sowing period in spring. When applied to the soil, aqueous ammonia can be used for all economic crops. Ammonia nitrogen is better retained by the soil than ammonium nitrogen from solid fertilizers. Ammonia water - good fertilizer for potatoes, beets, grain and vegetable crops, perennial grasses. In terms of increasing productivity, ammonia water is not inferior to solid ammonium nitrate fertilizers.

In livestock farming - for ammoniation of feed.

In industry, technical aqueous ammonia is used in the production of dyes, soda ash, electrical...

4,600 rub/t.

We offer for supply aqueous technical ammonia 25% solution in accordance with GOST 9-92, from 20 tons. Products are delivered to any point in the Russian Federation by road and rail. Pickup of products is possible. Significant discounts are possible by agreement on good volumes.

Transparent, colorless or yellowish liquid with a pungent odor, soluble in water, alcohol and other organic solvents. Molecular weight: 17.03 g/mol. Density 0.907 g/cm 3.


bottle 1 l, p/e canister 5 l, p/e canister 10 l.

The price depends on packaging, not quantity. If you need a smaller package, please indicate this in the comments to your order. By default, the maximum packaging is sent, which corresponds to the quantity in your order.

For example, if you need 10 l (packed in 1 l), you need to indicate this in the comment. The price, in this case, will be recalculated based on the price of the minimum packaging (quantity 1 liter). Otherwise, the products are sent in a 10L canister (the price corresponds to the quantity of 10L).

Safety precautions:

Causes irritation of mucous membranes and skin. Maximum permissible concentration of ammonia gas in the air of the working area is 20 mg/m³ (4th hazard class).

A difficult-to-flammable liquid, incapable of spontaneous combustion. In closed volumes above aqueous solutions of ammonia, explosive mixtures of ammonia with air can form. The lower concentration limit of ammonia in air is 17% by volume, the upper limit is 28%

When working with the drug, you should use personal protective equipment (respirator, rubber gloves, safety glasses), and also observe the rules of personal hygiene. The premises must be equipped with general supply and exhaust ventilation; drug analysis in laboratories must be carried out in a fume hood.

Transportation and storage:

Transported by all modes of transport in accordance with the rules for the carriage of goods in force for this type of transport. The drug is stored in closed containers in covered warehouses. Storage should be carried out in a dry, ventilated area, away from sources of heat and ignition. Guaranteed shelf life - 1 year.


  • In agriculture - as a liquid fertilizer with an ammonium nitrogen content of 20.5%. From an economic point of view, nitrogen of this type of fertilizer is the cheapest. The highest effect from the use of ammonia is achieved when applied to the soil in the autumn, because is not washed out by precipitation, or in the pre-sowing period in spring. When applied to the soil, aqueous ammonia can be used for all economic crops. Ammonia nitrogen is better retained by the soil than ammonium nitrogen from solid fertilizers or superphosphate. Ammonia water is a good fertilizer for potatoes, beets, grain and vegetable crops, and perennial grasses. In terms of increasing productivity, ammonia water is not inferior to solid ammonium nitrate fertilizers.
  • In livestock farming - for ammoniation of feed.
  • In industry, technical aqueous ammonia is used in the production of dyes, soda ash, in the electrical production of manganese, ferroalloys, in the medical industry, and in everyday life.
  • In construction as an anti-frost additive. Unlike other antifreeze additives, ammonia water not only does not cause corrosion of reinforcement, but can serve as an anodic inhibitor of steel against corrosion in reinforced concrete structures containing chloride salts. The additive does not impair the adhesion of reinforcement to concrete, does not reduce the frost resistance of concrete, does not cause efflorescence and the formation of stains on the surface of the structure. Ammonia water somewhat slows down the setting time of cements, which allows maintaining workability concrete mixture from 4 to 7 hours. Depending on the calculated minimum outside temperature, a certain concentration of ammonia water solution is prescribed. Ammonia water - Economically rational

    The additive, compared to aqueous solutions of potash and calcium chloride, has a significantly lower percentage of volumetric expansion and is therefore the least dangerous with regard to possible deformations from expansion of the liquid phase with the formation of ice.