Ayia napa cyprus what country. Open left menu ayia napa

Ayia Napa- a resort town in Cyprus, located in the eastern part of the island. Life on the local streets is in full swing 24 hours a day, and popular places for swimming with their spicy competitions and the incessant roar of "clubbing" resemble a bizarre hybrid of a beach and a dance floor.

Video: Ayia Napa

Basic moments

Immersed in foamy parties, drinking exotic cocktails in liters and dancing famously on the bar counter, Ayia Napa is an ideal resort for those “who love it hot” and crave the most unexpected adventures. And if during the day the Cypriot sun warms the tourists eager for drive with scorching rays, then at night this task falls entirely on the shoulders of local bars and nightclubs, which, it is worth noting, they masterfully cope with. Adepts of passive recreation and families with children, Ayia Napa will also find something to hook on and where to shelter: there are enough clean and secluded beaches in and around the city that a desperate party-goer has never set foot on. The main thing is to book a comfortable family hotel in advance, since spontaneous searches for a room in local hotels at the height of the high season are a deliberately failed undertaking.

History of the resort

The name of the youth resort of Cyprus was given by an ancient monastery located in its center. The monastery itself was named in honor of the miraculous icon of the Mother of God found in these parts, which, according to historians, was hidden here by the Christian community fleeing the persecution of the Byzantine emperor. At first, the Cypriots dubbed the image of the Blessed Virgin "Panagia Napa", which in the local dialect should have meant "Virgin of the Forest", but later the phrase was shortened to Ayia Napa. Gradually, the grotto in which the icon was hidden was expanded to a full-fledged temple, and Ayia Napa began to be called the entire area on the Mediterranean coast, which extended to modern Protaras.

Best time to travel to Ayia Napa

Ayia Napa belongs to the subtropical zone, so the climate in the city is typical Mediterranean, characterized by long hot summers and short and very mild winters. The holiday season here lasts from April to November, but the peak of tourist dominance falls on the summer months, when the air and water are warmest, and most entertainment establishments work non-stop. The average temperature in July is +32 °С.

In autumn, the youth party gradually fades away, and hotels sharply lower the price bar, so during this period the beaches of Ayia Napa are entirely owned by age-related vacationers and families with children. The most pleasant bonus that comes with the autumn months is the absence of sizzling heat, while the water in the sea is still comfortable for swimming. The average temperature of Ayia Napa September is +22 °C. The only thing that can slightly spoil the impressions of the velvet season is heavy rains and winds that periodically visit the resort at this time of the year.

From November to March, a dead calm sets in in the city, so in the low season only fans of excursions are torn in Ayia Napa. If you want to catch the Cypriot spring in all its splendor, it is better to plan a tour for April. For almost two months, Ayia Napa literally blooms and smells, and the city flower beds and the surroundings of the resort are covered with a motley flower-herbal carpet. In addition, local bars and nightclubs begin to come out of their "winter hibernation" in the spring, which gives tourists a chance to have a good time.

beach holiday

The beaches of Ayia Napa are a real Mediterranean fairy tale, and absolutely free of charge: the entire coastline is considered a municipal property, respectively, anyone can spread their towel on its golden sand. The same rule applies to sections of the coast assigned to hotel complexes: not only hotel guests, but also anyone who pleases, has the right to relax on them. Inveterate eco-lovers will be pleased to see the Blue Flag on local beaches: a prestigious European "indicator" of cleanliness and safety.

As for the tourist rating, Nissi Beach remains the most trendy and “busiest” vacation spot. A wide strip of sandy coast with a clear azure sea, a developed entertainment industry and its own cozy bay has long become the hallmark of the resort. Due to the abundance of bars and nightclubs, Nissi can be called the most party beach in Ayia Napa, however, despite the extensive range of 18+ entertainment and hot young ladies sunbathing topless, children are also welcome in this part of the resort. The descent into the sea in the Nissi area is gentle, so for those who cannot swim, there is a real expanse here. However, for the younger generation in Ayia Napa there are enough other pleasant places with a less unbridled contingent. For example, you can calmly splash around in shallow water and play volleyball on Grishn Bay and Landa Beach (aka Golden Beach).

Note: all sun loungers and equipped relaxation areas on Ayia Napa beaches are paid.

For relative silence, fine-grained sand and the cleanest sea with a flat bottom without a single pebble, it is customary to go to Makronisos. The beach does not promise wild fun and alcoholic marathons in the style of Nissi, but it will more than satisfy the need for a peaceful rest and romantic gatherings against the backdrop of Mediterranean sunsets. Among the main benefits of civilization available to guests of Makronisos are free Wi-Fi, a diving center, beach equipment rentals and a pretty bar with a tempting assortment of cocktails. Everything is dignified and noble on Sandy Bay, so mothers with children are frequent guests here. The beach is located in a small bay and attracts, first of all, with a developed infrastructure, as well as suitable conditions for paragliding. Those who are going to soak up Ayia Thekla (also known as Ayia Thekla) should get slippers in advance, as the entrance to the sea is rocky here. Otherwise, the place is considered quiet and decent, so the regulars of the beach are, as a rule, connoisseurs of a relaxed holiday and snorkelers. For your information, many species of nimble fish live in the coastal caves of Ayia Thekla, so lovers of underwater photography will have a lot of work here.

Another owner of the Blue Flag scattered his possessions a couple of kilometers from Ayia Napa, west of Cape Greco. Kermia beach (second name - Limnara) enjoys a reputation as a paradise, where they get out for the weekend to get away from the bustle of the resort for a while. The range of entertainment here is also quite worthy: someone cuts through the waves of the lagoon on a surf, someone dives, and someone reserves a place on a pleasure yacht to rush along the coast with a breeze.

Nightlife in Ayia Napa

Tourists who are eager to "break away" in Ayia Napa are waiting not only for beach disco bars, but also for the entire Club Quarter. Label-loving travelers have long dubbed the resort as Cypriot Ibiza. However, despite the dance-alcohol euphoria that takes the city captive after dark, Ayia Napa is slightly inferior to its Spanish competitor in gloss and luxury. And yet the nightlife at the resort is unique in its own way, which once again confirms the surroundings of local clubs. If you want to verify this, check out The Castle Club (Louka Louka Str.). The building with an exterior in the style of a medieval castle has three dance floors, which can simultaneously accommodate up to 2000 clubbers.

The legend of Club Street is the disco bar "Senior Frogs" (Agia Mavri Str.). Despite the fact that the musical accompaniment here, according to reviews, often rolls into frank retro, the cocktails in the bar are some of the most delicious on the coast. More pretentious holiday-goers besiege the entrance to the "Soho Club" (Grigori Afxentiou Str.): The institution "takes" the clientele with glamorous interiors, free entry for girls and VIP areas. Well, since the situation obliges, the prices here are an order of magnitude higher than in other similar places. If nostalgia has finally stuck, drop by the Red Square Bar (Katalimata Str.). Here you will be mixed with a delicious cocktail, and Russian mixes will be turned on, and a company of compatriots will be provided.

Starting at 9 p.m., the barkers of the Ayia Napa bars generously endow passing tourists with flyers that guarantee free entry to the bar or drinks to the “giver” of the flyer, so if you are eager to go around the maximum number of clubs, but are afraid to stay broke, use this opportunity. . Those who do not like to hang out on the dance floors, but are eager to feel the atmosphere of the city at night, are ready to take the Nightmare attraction (Eleftherias Str.) into their suffocating embrace. A walk through the labyrinths of the institution and unexpected encounters with horror characters promise an uncontrolled adrenaline rush, so do not forget about the stop word (the name of the attraction), which automatically stops the execution and releases the martyr tourist into the light of day.

Attractions and entertainment

For those weary of the sun, the sea and the foam parties, the resort has more relaxing entertainment. In particular, the local monastery of Ayia Napa is among the top most visited attractions in the city. Over the centuries-old history of its existence, the monastery has accumulated a decent amount of tales and myths, so it’s better to take a guide on an excursion who can tell in a fascinating way about the most outstanding moments of the institution’s biography. In the courtyard of the monastery there is another unusual and noteworthy object - a mulberry tree, which, according to legend, is at least 600 years old.

Walking through the city streets can be combined with a visit to the Thalassa Museum of the Sea, whose exposition will show visitors all kinds of ocean creatures, as well as a skillful copy of an ancient Kyrenia ship that sank off the coast of Cyprus in the 4th century BC. e. You don’t have to go far to go down to the stone tombs of Makronisos: ritual rock structures are located next to the beach of the same name. According to historians, these semblances of crypts were built by the ancient Greeks, so archaeological expeditions to the rocky sites of Makronisos are frequent guests.

To relax in Ayia Napa and not spend money on a subscription to a local water park is a real blasphemy. In any case, the children will never forgive you for this. If you want more entourage adventures, look into the resort harbor, where the legendary Black Pearl anchored. Unlike its cinematic prototype, this boat lets everyone on board, from young to old. A trip in the company of fearless corsairs will cost around 35 EUR, which includes an exciting excursion, swimming in blue lagoons and fun quests for children and adults. Those who like to amuse themselves with extreme entertainment and let off steam can be recommended to visit the local Luna Park Parko Paliatso. Attractions here are aimed at the most diverse audience, so while the younger generation will peacefully "spin" on retro carousels, older holidaymakers will have a chance to test the most dangerous inventions of the modern entertainment industry.

SLR owners, newlyweds and divers usually book an excursion to Cape Greco. The first are attracted by incredibly photogenic landscapes, the second by romantic sunsets and the so-called “bridge of lovers”, and the third by the legend of a mythical monster living in the ocean depths, which has been ruining the lives of local sailors since the time of Homer. Having explored the most hidden parts of the cape, it is worth at the same time taking a walk to the Cavo Greco National Park, where you can ride bicycles and horses, admire the rarest varieties of crocuses and orchids blooming in park beds, fool around in the Cyclops cave and, finally, arrange a wedding photo session against the backdrop of the charming church of Agia Anargyri.

From Ayia Napa, you can rush to Famagusta, a city of difficult fate. Once the port knew better times, and its luxurious beaches near the Varosha quarter were literally occupied by the Cypriot elite. But, after the political coup of 1974, the Greek Cypriots were expelled from here by the Turks, after which the luxurious resort turned into a "ghost town". Today, the apocalyptic ruins of Varosha are only of interest to tour groups: of course, tourists will not be allowed into the quarter itself, but hardly anyone will forbid watching the city turning into a pile of concrete from the outside.

Do not forget

  • Take a picture against the backdrop of the Ayia Napa Mermaid and the Farmer, surrealistic monuments set in the resort harbor and city center.
  • Lay on Nissi Beach and test drive your own cardiovascular system by jumping from a 50-meter bungee.
  • Visit a tiny house-museum of local life, located next to the Ayia Napa monastery.
  • Walk through the park of modern sculptures on the outskirts of the resort, trying to comprehend the creative intent of the creators of such extraordinary monuments along the way.
  • Buy a ticket for the attraction "Slingshot" in the Luna Park and "fly away" into the night sky, announcing the resort surroundings with heart-rending cries.

Where to stay

The most expensive hotels in Ayia Napa are concentrated in the Nissi beach area. Most of the hotels are 4- and 5-star options aimed at family vacationers. As you move away from the sea, housing in the resort becomes cheaper. In particular, you can find a relatively inexpensive hotel in the city center: in contrast to the fashionable beach area, economy hotels already “rule” here. Well, since almost all the drinking and entertainment establishments of Ayia Napa are located in its center, rooms in this part of the resort are rented mainly by loose and economical youth. There are relatively few four-star hotels in the city center, which is explained by the specifics of the area: due to the noise and too vibrant nightlife, wealthy tourists prefer not to stay here.

As for the level of hotel service and prices, both the first and second in Ayia Napa are quite high. So, for example, even in the most budget hotel, a tourist has the right to count on a room with air conditioning and Wi-Fi, but all these benefits of civilization will cost more than a similar “kit” in neighboring, less popular resorts. The cost of accommodation in the Ayia Napa "treshka" in the high season ranges from 60 to 100 EUR, a room in a four-star hotel located in the coastal zone will cost 90-140 EUR, and you can not rent an apartment in a local "five" like Grecian Bay less than 170-200 EUR. In addition, the service of at least half of the local hotels is “tailored” for guests with children, which implies the presence of all kinds of “goodies” for young tourists, from a children's menu to enchanting show programs organized by professional animators.

Useful information: due to the growing popularity of the resort, accommodation in Ayia Napa during the high season should be booked at least a few weeks in advance.

Food in Ayia Napa

There are two ways to solve the issue of food at the resort: put this task on the shoulders of hotel chefs by choosing an institution with a full board or an all-inclusive system, or get acquainted with the local cuisine in numerous restaurants and cafes on your own. Despite the fact that the resort menu is based on all kinds of fast food, you can try traditional Cypriot food in Ayia Napa at any tavern. By the way, you can’t blame the owners of local catering outlets for being stingy: portions in cafes are almost always huge.

The first place in the list of local delicacies unconditionally belongs to the meze, which is a platter of meat and fish delicacies. Of the must-eat Cypriot dishes, tourists also call moussaka (a Mediterranean variety of domestic casserole), Greek cabbage rolls “dolmades”, pork skewers “suvlaki” and baked eggplant salad “melinzanosalata”. Fresh and deliciously cooked seafood in Ayia Napa can be found in every self-respecting tavern. The prices for all this yummy are typical resort prices, that is, they are decently overpriced. The cost of meat dishes starts from 9 EUR, seafood like octopus and mussels go for 18 EUR, and a snack with a giant sandwich will cost 6-7 EUR. If you come to the resort not only to sunbathe, but also to practice culinary arts, local supermarkets, a market and food stalls are at your disposal, but please note that some private shops may not work during the low season.

Holidays and solemn events

Despite the fact that every high season in Ayia Napa is one continuous youth carnival, the resort periodically covers with a wave of various religious holidays and festivals. Cypriots especially splendidly celebrate Maslenitsa, arranging theatrical performances and parade processions on the streets. In May, the Anfestiria flower carnival comes to the city, during which the resort is immersed in flower arrangements. In October, a medieval festival unfolds its tents near the walls of the Ayia Napa monastery, providing residents and guests of the city with the opportunity to participate in amusing costume contests, listen to medieval music, as well as gawk at fire shows and staged fights.


Traditional Cypriot treats like honey, olive oil, soaps, wines and symbolic souvenirs can be purchased at resort shops like Taste of Life and Planet Store. Brilliance Jewelery is worth a visit to admire the skillfully cut diamonds, or buy yourself some jewelry if finances allow. Fashion gurus usually do not recommend updating your wardrobe at the resort, but if necessary, in Ayia Napa you can get hold of inexpensive clothes from no-name brands. But the prices for products of famous manufacturers in local stores are not the most attractive.

For something more authentic, head to Lefkara, famous for its amazing lace. Products, of course, are not cheap, but given that the products of lacemakers were presented as a gift to the Pope himself, it is worth spending money on it. In addition to patterned napkins and openwork tablecloths, silver jewelry made by local craftsmen is usually taken away from Lefkara. Painted ceramics can be found in almost every provincial shop, barely leaving the resort. But for baskets made of vines, it is highly recommended to take a ride to the village of Liopetri.


Ayia Napa is a small resort, and it is easy to get around on foot. Those who don't like these extreme savings can rent a bike, scooter, or a fun variation of the iGo local electric vehicle, which is a beefed-up version of a children's tricycle with an electric motor. For cyclists in the city, special road lanes are equipped, so you don’t have to maneuver in traffic, risking your own life.

When renting a scooter or bike at a resort, you should first agree on the boundaries of movement with the rental employee, since most companies prohibit their customers from leaving the city. Well, for those who have planned a sightseeing tour of the surroundings, it would be wiser to splurge on an ATV, which is equally convenient to drive along “polished” tracks and bumpy country roads. As for rental rates, for a day of renting a bike in Ayia Napa they ask from 5 EUR, a scooter will “pull” for 15 EUR, and an ATV or buggy for all 50 EUR.

If you do not want to steer yourself, you can trust the resort buses. Most often they go to neighboring cities and villages, buy souvenirs or go to the beaches. All buses depart from central square resort, but the schedule depends on the tourist season. In summer, this type of transport darts through city streets every hour, but in winter, you will literally have to catch the necessary route. Taxi in Ayia Napa is a separate issue. There are many cars, they are all comfortable, but due to constant traffic jams in the high season, riding them is not very pleasant. The minimum cost of a trip is usually 5 EUR.

Car rent

Before renting a car, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the peculiarities of local traffic rules. In particular, in Ayia Napa, as in all of Cyprus, left-hand traffic. There are also speed limits:

  • 50 km - a trip within the city;
  • 80 km - restriction for country roads;
  • 100 km is the speed limit on highways.

And the resort has a specific system of fines. So, for example, you can get a tidy sum by smoking in your own car if there is a child in the cabin with you.

Renting a car in Ayia Napa can be done by a driver between the ages of 25 and 70. Persons under the age of 25 also have the right to drive, but on special conditions: if they have driving experience (from 2 years) behind them, as well as for an additional fee. It is better to conclude a lease agreement immediately at the airport in Larnaca, and here the tourist has a choice: to stay at international offices like Europcar, Herz, Avis or trust local companies. Prices for the day of operation of an economy class vehicle start from 20 EUR.

If you do not take into account the traffic jams that clog the roads of the resort during the high season, then the movement along the streets and surroundings of Ayia Napa can be called comfortable. However, get ready for the fact that you will have to look for free parking in the city for a long time and, most likely, to no avail. In summer, all parking lots are packed to capacity, and in such cases only paid parking lots can help out, the rates for which start from 0.5 EUR / h.


Ayia Napa is a safe resort in all respects. And yet, it is not worth provoking city thieves with your own carelessness and ostentatious well-being, especially since there are safes for storing especially valuable things in every hotel. Another enemy of tourists who came to Cyprus during the high season is the local sun. It is very easy to get burned or sunstroke here, so spending on sunscreen cosmetics and hats in Ayia Napa can be considered as justified as possible. Travelers who decide to rent a scooter should immediately get a helmet: firstly, in order to protect their heads in case of an accident, and secondly, so as not to run into a fine.

How to get there

To get to Ayia Napa beaches, you will first have to get to the nearest airport to the resort in the city of Larnaca. From domestic air carriers, Aeroflot flies here, and from foreign ones - AirBaltic, Emirates, Air Berlin. In addition to traditional flights from Moscow and St. Petersburg, you can also fly to Larnaca from Yekaterinburg and Krasnodar.

The section of the path between Larnaca and Ayia Napa can be reached by taxi (the price of the issue is from 40 EUR), or by bus. The second option is relatively cheap, but less convenient, since you first need to buy a ticket for bus number 425 to get from the airport to Larnaca, and upon arrival in the city, transfer to route number 711, which departs from the Archbishop Makariou C Avenue 1 stop (beach area Finikoudes) in the direction of Ayia Napa. Ticket price - 1.5 EUR. A faster and more expensive option is Intercity Buses, which do not stop at all stops, which is why the journey from Larnaca to Ayia Napa takes about 40 minutes. The ticket price in this case will be 4 EUR.

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The island of Cyprus cannot boast of large size when compared with other islands of the planet. Its area, which is just over 9 thousand km², is much inferior to the area of ​​Greenland (more than 2 million km²). But Greenland is the largest island on Earth. And if we consider the Mediterranean region, then Cyprus closes the top three leaders there, second only to Sardinia and Sicily.

Cyprus, what kind of sea is there?

On the island of Cyprus there are resorts popular among tourists. A wonderful climate, warm waters, beautiful landscapes and clean beaches are the ingredients good place for a relaxing holiday. The island is fully consistent with these parameters. Great importance in the formation of good climatic conditions in Cyprus, the surrounding water area has. The island is washed by the Mediterranean Sea. But, perhaps, many have heard of the Cyprus Sea. It is logical to assume that it is somewhere nearby. Why is there such confusion? Let's try to figure it out.

Cyprus is really located in the Mediterranean Sea, more precisely, in its eastern part. But the water area of ​​​​this sea is so large that geographers divide it into several more water bodies. And one of them is the Cyprus Sea, on the territory of which the island of the same name is located. But that's not all! Cyprus, in turn, is also divided into seas: Cilician (north-eastern part) and Levantine (eastern part).

Thus, wondering which sea washes Cyprus, you can get two answers at once: the Mediterranean and the Cypriot. Both of them will be correct, because the Cyprus Sea is part of the Mediterranean.

Climatic characteristics of the sea

The Cyprus Sea has a whole set of unique characteristics that affect the climate of the entire island. And mostly, it's a beneficial effect. But the coastal territory also determines some characteristics of the sea. And this also has a positive effect on the washing area. So, the Cyprus Sea:

  • salty,
  • warm,
  • clean,
  • calm.

Cyprus is washed by the Mediterranean Sea and it is the most salty. This is mainly because the only river that flows into the Cyprus Sea is the Nile. Consequently, the fresh water inflow is weak and the salt concentration is high. Of course, it is not the same as in the famous Dead Sea, in which fish and plants cannot live (in fact, that is why it got its name). But in the salt water of the Cyprus Sea, many living organisms are also not very comfortable. This causes the absence of algae. Also in the coastal area you will not meet jellyfish and sea ​​urchins that can cause injury to swimmers. Sharks dangerous to humans also do not swim to the shores of Cyprus. So the high concentration of salt has positive influence for coastal safety.

But there are also disadvantages from salt water in the Cyprus Sea. Flocks of colorful fish will not please those who love to scuba dive and explore the beauty underwater world. Fish and seafood on the island are mainly imported, as it is difficult to organize a catch on an industrial scale. But do not be afraid that the gifts of the ocean in Cyprus will not be quite fresh, transportation from nearby regions takes a little time. In addition, there are special fish farms, equipped right in the sea. From them, the freshest fish gets almost immediately into the kitchen of local restaurants.

Cyprus offers traditional entertainment: sea fishing. But tourists should not expect a big catch. Especially you should not have illusions about the size of the fish caught. But for avid amateur fishermen, the process itself is important, so this can be quite enjoyable entertainment. Yes, you can get a lot of pleasure from a sea trip.

The Cyprus Sea is the warmest part of the Mediterranean. This determines the long beach season. It is comfortable to swim here from May to October, the water temperature at this time does not fall below +23°C. But often the sea warms up already in April and remains warm until November. So it could be even longer.

All tourists note the purity of coastal waters. Clear water allows you to see the bottom even at great depths. This is partly due to the lack of algae. It is also clean on the beaches of Cyprus, despite the fact that they are very different in composition. Some are sandy (moreover, there are those on which sand is imported), some are sandy-shell, some are with pebbles. The purity of the water and the coastal area is one of the parameters that allow beaches to be awarded the Blue Flag special distinction. More than half of all beaches in Cyprus have received this award.

Many resorts in Cyprus are located in bays and are closed from the winds. This determines the calm nature of the surrounding waters. There are few waves here, so even kids feel comfortable in the sea. But what for some is considered a virtue, for others can become a serious minus. Too calm water of the Cyprus Sea is not suitable for surfing. Although there are board rentals in almost all resort areas. It will be even more convenient for a novice surfer to comprehend the basics of this sport. And it is better for professionals to choose another sea for training.

Cyprus is an island, as if created for relaxation and pleasure. No wonder that almost every city here automatically turns into a resort. The competition between them is great, and each has its own tourist "specialization". This fully applies to Ayia Napa.

Ayia Napa is a resort for youth, parties and fun. But families with children or couples looking for a relaxing holiday - this is not the place.

Settlements on the site of modern Ayia Napa arose in Byzantine times, around the 10th century AD. Cyprus, as a tasty morsel, has always attracted the attention of the Greeks, the Ottomans, and the powerful Venetians. They occupied the island in the 14th century and wanted to settle here for a long time, so they built a monastery here on the site of the appearance of the miraculous icon of the Mother of God.

As a resort, the city has been rapidly developing since the 70s of the last century, and it can be said that this is a young city for the young at heart.

How to get there

The nearest airport where planes land from Moscow is Larnaca. Ayia Napa is located in the eastern part of the island of Cyprus, an hour from Larnaca by bus. First, you need to take the green Inter City Buses bus from the airport to the bus station in Larnaca (fare is about 7 euros), and only there transfer to the bus to Ayia Napa.

It is faster to get by taxi, on average 40 minutes, but the cost will be from 50 - 60 euros. Taxi is possible. If you eat with a group, it's cheaper.


Near the city, Cape Greco (Capo Greco) protrudes into the sea, forming a bay with the same name. Thanks to this geographic location the resort has a warm calm sea with clear and gentle water.

The climate here is quite favorable for recreation from April to November: in the summer months - 31̊, in spring and autumn - from 21̊ to 27̊. In winter, the temperature does not rise above 17̊. The water in the sea is not lower than 17̊ during the winter months, and from 21̊ to 26̊ during the high season. There is little rainfall, and the bright Cypriot sun shines for 300 days a year.

Where to stay

In Ayia Napa there are many hotels and small hotels (about 130). All of them are located on lines along the beaches of the bay, and getting to the sea is not a problem.

The most respectable and chic are five-star hotels, the best of them offer classic rooms, junior suites and suites, rooms for newlyweds. Children can live with adults, this is provided by the service. These are Adams Beach Hotel, Grecian Bay, which are located in close proximity to the beaches.

Four- and three-star hotels are the most popular. Mon Repos and Limanaki Beach Hotel are especially popular among Russian tourists. Of the three-stars, Napa Mermaid Design Hotel and Nissi Park Hotel are popular. All hotels of these classes have tennis courts, spa, swimming pool, fitness center.

If you need a budget vacation option, you can choose hotels of a lower class, there are also many of them in the city.


Sea Caves Cavo Greco- Beach "Sea Caves", with a complex of bizarre caves, grottoes, arches and labyrinths of natural origin. Here is surprisingly clear sea water of all shades of blue. Pirates used to hide their treasures here.

Beach love bridge, or "Bridge of lovers" - one of the most romantic places in all of Cyprus. Here is an arched bridge stretching from a rocky plateau into the turquoise-emerald sea. If you go down from the “sea” edge of the bridge to its base, you can swim or go diving nearby.

Beautiful white and gold beach Agia Thekla named so in honor of St. Thekla - there is a blue and white church nearby. The lagoon here is very shallow and ideal for children.

beautiful beach Makronissos with white sand is located on the outskirts of Ayia Napa, on a cape in the shape of a mermaid's tail. Here is the most transparent water, a diving center, and nearby is an ancient cave complex, which is more than two thousand years old.

Resting in Ayia Napa, you can not miss the famous sandy beach Nissi Beach with a relaxed vibe and neighboring Nissi Bay with DJs and Blue Flag awarded foam parties.


Arch of Love

Cavo Greco

Saint Thekla

Things to do

The main feature of the resort is its focus on young people. This is the city that never sleeps. Many nightclubs, discos, restaurants, dance floors are ready to accept everyone who loves noisy and cheerful companies, loves to dance and sing.

But not only a beach holiday offers the city to its guests. Ayia Napa also has historical monuments that tell about the life of the island over the centuries. This is primarily a monastery founded by the Venetians. The monastery itself is no longer active, but it has a church where services are held. A 600-year-old mulberry tree grows in the courtyard of the Latin Chapel, probably remembering the first monks who settled here.

The natural monuments of the resort (grottoes, Cape Greco, Bridge of Lovers) are among the most beautiful in Cyprus.

An excursion to the Troodos mountains can also take place in the most picturesque places - mountain peaks, waterfalls, relict forests, old villages. Do not miss the opportunity to travel to northern Cyprus and see the fortresses and castles of the Byzantine period, rebuilt in the Middle Ages.

I fell in love with Cyprus almost 5 years ago, having visited sunny Ayia Napa (www.agianapa.org.cy www.discoveryianapa.com ) with its sandy beaches, crystal clear sea, noisy discos and "delicious" taverns. Rested then in the city center in a modest hotel Margandina 3 *. At night they hung out in clubs, and during the day they slept on the beach, sunbathed and swam.
Once we got out to the water park, took a boat trip and “for show” went on the main excursion “Kourion - the birthplace of Aphrodite-Paphos”. In general, my last visit to Cyprus was marked by a purely youthful half-drunk holiday. We did not really see the island, and I decided to definitely return. Total in Cyprus at the moment was 2 times. The first - at the end of August-beginning of September 2005 and the second - at the beginning of November 2009.

Ayia Napa is a small resort town where there are mainly hotels (mostly 3* and 4* and with no territory as such), apartments, restaurants, taverns, bars and of course CLUBS. Ayia Napa is, first of all, YOUTH RESORT. The second Ibiza, so to speak. By the way, I'm not happy with Ibiza. And from Ayia Napa and Cyprus only positive emotions.

beach near Asterias beach 4* hotel

hotel Asterias beach 4*

Nissi Beach

Nissi beach

Nissi beach

Ayia Napa never sleeps. This resort is in constant motion. Party everywhere and always. From 21.00 evening traffic begins in restaurants, taverns and pubs. There are a huge number of them, everyone will find a suitable option for themselves both in terms of cuisine and decor.

Cypriot beer Keo. be sure to try.

Most of the clubs open from 2 am. Some information about the clubs can be found herewww.ayianapa.com Parties go from one to another. Crowds of people dance in the street, in bars on counters, tables, poles, etc. There will be no photos of this “disgrace”, since I had no time for photos) you yourself understand) The atmosphere of general fun is mesmerizing. It looks like a Brazilian carnival. A foam disco, a disco with popcorn showering you, a disco with a swimming pool, girls dancing on tables and poles, etc. The most famous and largest club in Cyprus Castle (www.thecastleclub.com ) has 4 dance floors, which play different music.

Flyers to clubs are handed out on every corner, so you can get in mostly for free. Almost everywhere there are welcome cocktails, the so-called free drinks. Thus, you can dance and get drunk absolutely free. Noteworthy, disco parties on the beach. Don't miss the parties at Nissi Beach. Attention! With the advent of September, the club season in Cyprus begins to close. Girls and boys, don't miss it!!! Until October there is time to hang out!

taxi for a big girl company

taxi for a large male company

you can drive this car

Huge opportunities for dating and in order to break away to the fullest). The main contingent of vacationers is the British, followed by the Irish, Germans, Finns, Norwegians, Arabs, etc. The list goes on, without the Greeks, also nowhere. The international party speaks one language - it's English! In order to find yourself a cheerful company, it is enough to go outside after 22.00. Ayia Napa is absolutely safe.
Due to the fact that it is hardly physically and psychologically possible to return to the hotel on foot with some kind of after-party in the morning - take a hotel only in the center for these purposes, which we did back in August 2005.

Nissi beach

If you are interested in a good beach holiday with your family and child, then I also highly recommend going to Ayia Napa. Perhaps there are no better beaches than in this resort in southern Cyprus. We can also recommend Protaras. Golden sand, turquoise sea - this is what you need for a truly classy beach holiday. The best and most beautiful beach of Ayia Napa and the whole island is Nissi Beach. If you want white-golden sand, transparent as a tear of the sea and playing with colors - you are there.

Nissi beach in august

Nissi beach in november

The second time I chose a hotel near this beach. Since the second trip was in the off-season (beginning of November 2009) and the prices were no longer biting, I was able to afford a hotel Aeneas 5*. A week for two all inclusive cost 1214 euros (with flight and transfer). This hotel has the largest swimming pool in Europe, which seems to be true. All in all a good 4 star hotel - NOT MORE! If you want something more decent - welcome to Limassol in Four Seasons, etc., BUT there is another sea (((. Hotel Atlantica Aeneas 5* stands on the second line. Nissi Beach is less than 100 meters away. Attached is a photo of the hotel.

It is pointless to talk about Nissi Beach - you need to see it. Tear-clear water and white sand. Disadvantages: algae and garbage on the beach during the season from a large number of vacationers. Nissi is very shallow in places - very convenient with children. The center of Ayia Napa, however, is not within walking distance. You have to take a taxi! Luckily, there is a taxi rank right outside the hotel entrance - however, you can call a taxi from the reception from any hotel. On the beach itself there is a hotel with the same name Nissi Beach 4* with a beautiful garden.

Nissi Beach Hotel 4*

In the center of Ayia Napa there is a medieval monastery, near which a new Orthodox Church. Nearby you can sit in a cafe under tangerine trees.

I advise you to go for a walk to the pier (Aya Napa harbour) - there are wonderful fish taverns with delicious and fresh seafood. Greek cuisine I MISS! If 5 years ago not everyone spoke Russian in restaurants, now almost everywhere there are Russian-speaking waiters who are already running to you with a Russian menu in the hope of a tip. In general, Cyprus has become VERY Russian-oriented, but has not lost quality, which is extremely pleasing. If you are in Cyprus for the first time, be sure to order fish meze!

On the waterfront (Aya Napa harbour) you can take colorful pictures with colorful fishing boats and just take a walk.

Mother and son

berth. lovers. bottles.

two friends - a blizzard and a blizzard

Not far from Ayia Napa is Cape Greco. I am ashamed to admit that during my first visit to Ayia Napa I was not there. It has long been proposed to make this place a nature reserve. Cape Greco is one of business cards Cyprus (the birthplace of Aphrodite does not count). In summer, the view from there is amazing. Unfortunately, I did not manage to look at the eye-catching turquoise of the sea. In November, the sun is very low ((((. But I do not despair - I will be back))). See the photos - what are there.

On this bench you can watch the sunset together. romance.

I watch alone.

Relatively close to Ayia Napa is the village of Paralimni - I advise you to see 2 churches there.

sometimes you think you are in greece

If you are thinking about which resort in Cyprus to choose for a youth breakaway or a quiet holiday with children, then Ayia Napa will be an excellent choice. Read about the sights of southern Cyprus in the next article in my magazine.

Nissi beach, I will be back!