Sound switch for an ordinary home: is it necessary? Acoustic switches. Design and operation

Hello, dear readers and guests of the Electrician's Notes website.

Have you heard anything about clapper switches? These are like this electronic devices, which allow you to control the lighting with a simple clap of your hands. To be honest, this is the first time I’ve come across these, although I’ve seen them used more than once in various films.

Today I will show you an example of how I will make my apartment a little “smarter”. I’ll start by installing the Ecosvet-X-300-L cotton switch. It is produced by the Nootekhnika company, which is located in Minsk, Republic of Belarus (website:

I’ll tell you the cost of this device right away, because... it is quite acceptable compared to similar devices from other manufacturers - it’s only 350 rubles.

The package includes packaging, instructions and the switch itself:

Technical characteristics of Ecosvet-X-300-L

The technical specifications of the cotton switch are shown below:

  • mains voltage 220 (V)
  • load power up to 300 (W)
  • sound adjustment - from 30 to 150 (dB)
  • operating temperature from -20°С to +40°С
  • housing protection class IP-30

Applicable lamps:

As you can see, “Ekosvet-X-300-L” can be used with almost any lamps, including fluorescent and LED, which is good news, because Federal Law No. 261 “On Energy Saving” has not yet been repealed.

But its overall dimensions are comparable to a matchbox.

It easily fits into the base of a chandelier or lamp, although you need to provide the mounting yourself. You can glue it with double-sided tape. I secured it to the lamp body using the mounting tabs using self-tapping screws.

Application and purpose of cotton switch

Using this switch, you can remotely (from a distance) turn the light on and off by clapping your hands.

By the way, the load can include not only the lamps listed above, but also fans, transformers, contactor coils and other electrical equipment; the main thing is to comply with the load power limit.

The algorithm of the switch’s actions is as follows: the first clap is to turn on the load, the second clap is to turn it off. It's simple.

It is not advisable to install such switches in places where there are many people and there is constant extraneous noise. Such premises include offices, production sites, workshops, etc. In such rooms there is a possibility of false switch activations due to sudden and loud noises.

I plan to install a clap light switch in my bedroom. After reading a book before bed, sometimes you don’t want to get out of your warm bed and go turn off the light in the room (I’m getting lazy). Just clap your hands and the light will go out. Convenient, isn't it?

This device can also be useful for children. Previously, it was high (about 1.7 m) and every time children had to turn to their parents for help or use a chair. But this is not entirely safe - a child can easily lose his balance and fall off it. Now this is not necessary, because just clapping your hands is enough.

People with disabilities A cotton switch can provide indispensable help.

I think the examples given are sufficient. You can give a lot of other examples, everything is limited only by your fantasies and desires.

By the way, please do not confuse the clapper switch with an acoustic light switch. The latter is triggered by any sounds and noises, and the cotton one is triggered only by clapping in the palm, but I will check this a little later. Acoustic switches are most often installed in entrances to save energy - this application is quite advisable there. There will be a separate article about the acoustic switch - subscribe to the newsletter.

Installation and connection diagram of a cotton light switch

As I said above, I plan to install a cotton switch in my bedroom. I have a lamp installed there with two CFL lamps.

For now . The diagram looks like this:

Here is a diagram for connecting the Ecosvet-X-300-L remote switch, which responds to claps.

The white wires need to be connected to a 220 (V) network, and strict polarity is not required. A load is connected to the black wires - in my case, two CFL lamps.

Currently with distribution box the lamp receives phase (through a single-key switch) and zero. These are the ones we need to connect to the white wires.

The black wires must be connected directly to the lamps of the lamp, which are connected in parallel with each other.

Here is the power supply diagram for a lamp with a cotton switch:

The clap switch is powered through the existing single key switch. If we want to temporarily disable it, then just turn off this single-key switch.

Using the sound sensitivity control, we set the level we need.

Let's adjust the regulator so that the clap is not weak (to eliminate false positives from light random clapping) and not strong (so as not to knock off your hands).

Tests and experiments (video)

Let's check this switch for the following extraneous loud and ringing sounds from:

  • hammer blows
  • working vacuum cleaner
  • phone ringing
  • hammer drill operation
  • knocking of dishes (mug with spoon)

Let's try to provoke false alarms by exposing the switch to sounds from the above-mentioned instruments and devices. I filmed the operating algorithm of the switch, as well as the experiments I carried out:

Let's draw a conclusion from the experiments: the switch falsely reacts to sounds from the operation of a hammer drill and to very loud sounds from the sound of a spoon hitting a mug. In other cases, no false positives were observed.

In principle, I believe that the identified shortcomings are completely smoothed out by the advantages of this switch.

After an hour of work, I checked the heating of its case. I can please you - the case is slightly warm, which is safe from a fire standpoint.

The real benefit of a clap light switch. Is it needed?

You can say these are all toys. Now I’ll try to explain the opposite to you.

If these are toys, then why do people increasingly introduce them into their homes and apartments every year? Why do they pay hundreds of thousands of rubles for this? The fact is that in fact, such devices bring convenience and comfort to your home. You decide. Personally, I already use it and love it.

P.S. But I won’t dwell on this. For example, I installed it in the living room, because... It is not advisable to install a cotton switch there (it is often crowded and noisy).

When you find yourself in the dark, it is not always possible to immediately find the light switch, especially if it is located far from the door. A similar situation may occur in the case of leaving the room, when we turn off the lighting and then are forced to feel our way to the exit. An acoustic switch, various circuits and designs of which are discussed in this article, can save you from problems.

This circuit can be used for a variety of purposes, for example, to turn lights on and off with a clap, or similarly control any household appliances. Overall, this acoustic switch is very useful thing in the apartment and in the house.

The circuit is powered by a power supply with a voltage of 5 to 12 volts.

The circuit consists of a typical microphone amplifier, which is assembled on two old KT315 bipolar transistors and a power section, on domestic transistor KT3107 (BC557). To increase the microphone sensitivity, you can set more powerful transistors, for example KT368, etc. Almost all powerful transistors of PNP structure (KT814 or KT818) are suitable for the power part, depending on the power of the power source used.

When making a printed circuit board, the drawing of which you can take in lay format, pay attention to the holes for the VD1 diode, since I plan to control the lighting in the apartment and act as a load, there will be a 12 volt relay. The diode is used to protect transistor VT3 from the EMF of the inductor in the relay. If you are going to connect a small load, then the diode can be replaced with a jumper.

The circuit uses a 1.5 kOhm resistor R8, but I changed it to 2 Ohms, because the voltage at the load output dropped significantly and the relay did not operate stably.

The circuit is used to turn on any load using any sound signal. The power of the switched load can be quite large and is determined only by the capabilities of the relay used.

The sound sensor is a regular microphone, from it, through resistor R4, and capacitor C1, pulses follow to the base VT1, opening it. To adjust the microphone sensitivity level, you may need to select resistance R4. Next, a trigger built on transistors VT2, VT3 fires. Transistor VT4 in this amateur radio design plays the role of electronic key, control relay. Power the circuit from any 12 volt.

The circuit breaker uses only an acoustic relay; to do this, you need to unscrew the variable resistor R2 to the minimum position.

Acoustic switch with photosensor

The photosensor is a photodiode FD263. It is included in the circuit in the opposite direction so that, together with resistance R2, it forms a voltage divider. The sensitivity threshold of the FD263 photosensor is set variable resistor R2.

Elements DD1.1 and DD1.2 of the K176LA7 microcircuit form a Schmitt trigger, which prevents the light machine from cycling in natural illumination close to the threshold. Therefore, when the photodiode is illuminated, the output of element DD1.2 will be a logical one, and when it is insufficiently illuminated, it will be a logical zero.

Sensor acoustic relay is an electret microphone with a built-in amplifier. The microphone is connected to a two-stage amplifier assembled using bipolar transistors. The amplified sound signal from the collector of the second transistor is sent to a single-vibrator assembled on logic elements DD1.3 and DD1.4 of the same microcircuit. The latter produces single pulses lasting about 10 seconds; if necessary, it can be changed by selecting resistance R12 and capacitor C6. From the output of the monostable the signal goes to field-effect transistor, which turns on the lighting lamp. The monovibrator is started and turned off by a control signal from output 4 of element DD1.

The automatic switch will smoothly turn on the light within 1 second if the noise threshold in the room exceeds the specified value and smoothly turn off the lighting if there is no sound in the room after 20 seconds.

Acoustic switch on op-amp

A regular analog microphone is used as an acoustic sensor. The signal from it is amplified by the first operational amplifier. The sensitivity of the amplifier is set by the ratio of resistances R3 and R4. The amplified acoustic signal, detected by two detector diodes VD1 and VD2, charges capacitance C6. After charging, the voltage on it becomes higher than on capacitance C7, which in turn switches the comparator made on the second op-amp, as a result of which a logical one level is established at its output.

A logical unit from the output of the op-amp starts the generator on transistor VT1. The operation of the generator is synchronized with the supply network through the second base of the same transistor. This fact makes it possible to carry out phase power control.

As soon as the voltage on capacitor C6 drops to 2V, the voltage on DA1.2 also decreases. Because of this, the pulses that open the triac arrive with an ever-increasing phase delay, and the incandescent lamp goes out smoothly. The ratings of R5 and capacitor C6 indicated in the diagram allow you to create a delay of up to three minutes when complete silence comes into the room.

The clap switch design is triggered by clapping your hands, provided the volume is sufficient. Thus, when there is a clap, the circuit turns on the lighting in the entrance (or other room) for one minute. The first design has one interesting feature to prevent cycling of work, namely, the microphone turns off automatically after turning on the lights, and turns back on only a couple of seconds after the lights turn off.

The design will not turn off the light immediately after pressing the button, but with a delay of three minutes. It will also turn on the light with a loud sound signal, similarly for three minutes.

The device is connected in parallel with the usual light switch S1 and while it is closed, the lighting is on, as soon as it is opened through the circuit R7-V4-the control electrode of the thyristor V5, capacitance C3 begins to charge. Thyristor V3 is still open, closing the diagonal of the rectifier bridge through itself, the lamp is on. Thyristor V5 will remain open until capacitor C3 is charged. After 3 minutes, the container will be charged and the thyristor will be closed, thereby turning off the lighting.

If someone does not have time to leave the room, just clap your hands and impulses will appear on the microphone that unlock thyristor V3. Capacitor C3 will begin to discharge through resistance R4 and V3, continuing to hold it open. A pulsating voltage follows the control electrode of the fifth thyristor, which will unlock it and the lamp will light up again.

Resistance R3 adjusts the sensitivity of the microphone. This machine is designed for a load of 100 watts. If you are interested in the design, then you can take the drawing of the printed circuit board from No. 5 for 1980.

Acoustic sensor selection of simple circuits

In the first scheme considered, an acoustic type sensor based on a piezoelectric sound emitter reacts to various vibrations in the surface to which it is leaning. The basis of another design is a standard microphone.

The third circuit is very simple and does not require adjustment; its disadvantages include the following: the sensor reacts to any loud sounds, especially low frequencies. In addition, the device exhibits unstable operation at sub-zero temperatures.

An acoustic switch is a very useful and necessary thing in the household, especially if you want to automate some devices or lighting in your home and add creativity to your home! Using an acoustic switch, you can turn the lighting off and on or use it for other appliances, such as an electric kettle or fan.

This scheme is fully operational, streamlined and stable. There are many diagrams of similar devices on the Internet, but when assembling them, a lot of performance problems arise and some of them lead to long discussions at the end of which, the problem is often not solved. Below is the diagram itself.

The circuit is powered by a voltage of 5 to 9 volts, so choosing a power source will not be difficult. You can use, for example, a crown or other batteries and accumulators. If you need stationary power, then there are many power supply circuits online, even a transformerless one will do.

The printed circuit board is made for DIP components, but despite this, it has quite compact dimensions and choosing a housing for it will not be difficult. You can download the printed circuit board from the link:

(downloads: 726)

List of parts for assembly

PCB manufacturing

I will not explain in detail how to make a printed circuit board, as it will take a lot of time. The PCB file is opened using the sprint-layout 6.0 program:

(downloads: 612)

The circuit uses diode VD1; it is needed to protect transistor VT3 from the EMF of the relay coil. If you connect a relay as a load, then you need to install a diode; if you use a light load, then you can install a jumper instead.

After making the board, to avoid oxidation, tin the thresholds with tin. Open the sprint-layout 6.0 program and solder all the parts on it according to the location. If everything is done correctly, the parts and values ​​are not mixed up, then the device should work immediately without any problems.

This is what the assembled acoustic switch looks like.

And another photo with a connected battery and an LED on the load.

I would like to tell you about one problem that may arise. The circuit contains a 1.5 kOhm resistor R8, if you use an LED as a load, you can leave it, if you plan to install a relay, then replace the resistor with a 2 Ohm. More problems shouldn't happen))

The result was an inexpensive but very effective and useful device that will definitely find its use in the household!))

An acoustic (or cotton) switch is an electronic device that is convenient to use at home. It is a device for remote control of lighting sources. You can turn the lighting on and off by clapping your hands by transmitting a sound signal to the acoustic device. Such equipment has some features, but it can also be assembled with your own hands.

Application of cotton switch

An acoustic (or clap) switch is designed to control electricity in various rooms remotely, that is, without directly touching the toggle switch. This device works by clapping your hands. In addition to lighting sources, the acoustic regulator can activate contactor coils, current converters, climate control systems and other electrical and electronic equipment - the main thing is that there is enough power.

Acoustic switches in residential areas

Sound switches are optimal for relatively quiet rooms in the house: bedrooms, libraries, offices, pantries, cellars. Installation similar device in the bedroom will allow you not to get out of bed to turn off the light after you read your favorite book at night and sit comfortably under the blanket. To make the room plunge into cozy, enveloping darkness, you just need to clap your hands.

Installing a cotton switch in the bedroom allows you to avoid getting out of bed to turn off the lights

It is not advisable to install such devices in noisy places and rooms, since extraneous sounds will regularly provoke unauthorized activation of the device. Therefore, the sound switch is not suitable for office and work areas, kitchens, dining rooms and living rooms.

The cotton switch is very useful in everyday life for people who use a wheelchair, and it will also be useful for children. As a rule, for safety reasons in children's rooms, electrical devices are placed at a height of 1.7 m. In order to independently turn on or off the light, the child has to stand on a stool, and this is also unsafe: the baby may lose his balance and fall. If you install a cotton switch, the child will not ask you to turn on or turn off the light every time. He will simply clap his hands and this will make the light come on or go out.

Interfloor space lighting

Using a clap switch, you can control the light on the area between floors. To do this, it must be equipped with a photo relay. The sensitivity of the motion sensor is controlled by a voltage divider with a resistor creating a photodiode. If using the motion sensor is not essential, you can disable it. To do this, you need to set the resistor to the lowest value.

Using a clap switch, you can control the light on the area between floors

When lighting the interfloor space, you can use the K176LA7 microcircuit. When using it, the automatic electricity activation device does not rattle at the upper and lower levels. Using an electret microphone, an acoustic wave is received and transformed into an electrical impulse. Then, through the use of three-electrode transistors, the pulse is received by the logical sections of the microchip, producing a signal lasting up to 10 seconds. During these 10 seconds, the lamp is in an activated, i.e., on state. To turn it off during daylight hours, you need to send a signal from the element’s output.

How does an acoustic switch work?

The operating procedure of the cotton device is very simple: the first clap turns on the load, the second turns it off. A fairly sensitive microphone receives an acoustic wave and sends it in the form of a signal to an audio frequency power amplifier. Next, the intense signal reaches the base of the switch, the value of which allows you to activate the transistor. At the moment the base of the switch receives a pulse, the electron-hole junction of the transistor opens and conducts electricity, powering the connected lighting fixture or relay that controls the loads.

An acoustic (sound) switch and a clap switch are not exactly the same thing. The acoustic (sound) sensor is triggered by any sounds and noises, and the cotton sensor - only by clapping your hands. Thus, we can say that the clap switch is a type of acoustic (sound) switch.

Technical characteristics of the cotton device

Light switches that are activated by clapping sounds can be found commercially or you can make your own. Let's consider the Ecosvet-X-200-L device, produced by the Belarusian company Nootekhnika. It has the following technical characteristics:

  • load power - up to 300 watts;
  • sound intensity - 30–150 decibels;
  • mains voltage - 220 volts.

Cotton switches "Ekosvet-X-300-L" are designed to turn lighting on and off using a loud and ringing sound

In addition to the switch itself, the kit includes a box and installation instructions. The price of this switch in comparison with similar devices from other manufacturers is quite affordable. The switch is produced in a protective housing class IP-30. It can operate at temperatures from -20 o C to +40 o C. This device can be combined with virtually any lamps: halogen, fluorescent, energy-saving, LED and standard incandescent lamps. The device is no larger than a matchbox, so it can be easily placed at the base of any light source. The switch is attached using double-sided construction tape or self-tapping screws.

Components of a sound switch

You can mount the acoustic switch yourself. Let's give an example using domestically produced KT315 transistors in a microphone amplifier. A transistor switch is used in the final stage high power on a bipolar transistor KT818. If you intend to control lamps with a power supply above 12 volts, then a relay is needed in the circuit. If the expected loads are less given value, then the relay can be deleted. Copper wires are connected using Wago 222 terminals, which have their pros and cons.

Copper wires can be connected using Wago terminals

Advantages of Wago terminal blocks:

  • speed, accuracy and ease of connecting wires;
  • electrical safety;
  • no need to use special electrician tools;
  • reliability;
  • aesthetics and beauty.

Disadvantages of Wago terminal blocks:

  • high price;
  • The location of the nest is not very convenient.

Connection diagram and installation of cotton switch

Below is a diagram of the installation of the acoustic device "Ekosvet-X-300-L" into a light source with two compact fluorescent lamps, currently connected to a single-key toggle switch.

The cotton switch "Ekosvet-X-300-L" can be connected to a light source with two compact fluorescent lamps

Step-by-step instructions for connecting an acoustic switch

Operating principle of an acoustic dimmer switch

An optical-acoustic switch is used for dimmer switching on electricity. It works as follows:

  1. The sound signal (in our case it is a clap) arrives at the sensitive membrane of the microphone. There the sound is converted into an electrical impulse. When passing through operational amplifier The pulse power increases and the capacitor is charged. When the charge reaches a higher value than on the capacitance, the comparator switches. In this case, the zero at the output is replaced by a pulse from the logical section.
  2. Such a chain is sequentially activated in the switch after receiving an acoustic signal from the microphone. Then the transistor generator is started, directing electrical impulses, and the triac opens. Through it, power is supplied to the light source.
  3. After some time, the capacitor loses voltage level. In this case, the triac receives control electrical signals with an ever-increasing phase delay, as a result of which the light turns off smoothly. At optimal selection denominations, the light source turns off with a pause of up to three minutes.

An optical-acoustic switch is used to switch on electricity by dimmer

Acoustic device test

The acoustic sensor for turning the light on and off is tested for the likelihood of activation from any sharp sounds and noises, except pops. As an experimental device, we will consider the domestically produced Claps Max switch. Let's check whether it will respond to sounds - from a hammer hitting a board, a switched-on impact wrench, a jigsaw and grinder, or the clicking of a screwdriver on metal. Such sounds may trigger the activation of the device.

Video: testing the Claps Max acoustic switch

In our version, the device did not respond to the sound of power tools turned on, nor to the sound of a hammer, nor to the clicking sound of a screwdriver. At the same time, it continued to respond to clapping its hands. This can be called an excellent result.

Self-assembly and installation of an acoustic (or cotton) switch should be carried out in compliance with safety standards. After testing the device for susceptibility, you can make adjustments to its settings.

Sound relay and circuits for turning on the lighting by calling a mobile phone. (10+)

Automatic lighting control - Mobile control. Sound control

Sometimes it is useful to be able to turn on the lighting with a call from your mobile phone. For example, in order to get home at night, I need to turn on the spotlight that illuminates the road. The switch, of course, is at home.

I immediately decided that I would not open the mobile phone and solder it inside. Firstly, it is illegal. Independent modifications to devices subject to mandatory certification are not permitted by law. Secondly, there is no need for such re-soldering.

As with previous devices, I chose the transformerless power supply option. This immediately necessitated galvanic isolation from the telephone. For safety reasons, the mobile phone should not be directly connected to the lighting network. I settled on three circuit options: acoustic, optical and transformer isolation. All three schemes respond to a call on a mobile phone. Since the connection is not established, no money is debited, so the function is completely free if you select a tariff without a subscription fee for the phone in the management system. After the call, the lighting is turned on for a fixed time. After which it goes out, but you can turn it on by calling again.

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