The meaning of the name Evdokim. Evdokim (male name) Short name Evdokim


The meaning of the name Evdokim

Well-crafted. Glorified. “Glorious” (Greek) They are born weak children, but develop normally. They are musical. They are similar in character to their mother, kind and flexible. During school years, the character of boys changes: it becomes more emotional. They go in for football, gymnastics, and swimming. They master mathematics and Russian well. They are not confrontational, sociable, but stubborn. They love to make things, and they are good at it. Adult Evdokimov have the same character, but the “winter” ones are more stubborn and persistent; they are truth-seekers. "Autumn" - prudent, reasonable. They choose the profession of engineer, electrician, teacher, accountant, doctor, cutter, cook, driver. “Winter” people are more complex in nature, they are stubborn - if they are offended, they will not be the first to reconcile, time must pass. Religious, sometimes to the point of fanaticism. Some of them take priestly orders. Accurate and prudent. They don't do anything thoughtlessly. They have golden hands, all the work on home improvement is on their shoulders, they can disassemble and assemble a car on their own, but they do not like to be pushed. They work slowly but surely. More like homebodies. But the company is cheerful, they sing, they know how to play the accordion and guitar. They create a strong family.

Name day: July 31 (August 13) (August 13) - The holy righteous Evdokim, military leader, pleased God with a pious life (IX century). NAME DAY: August 13 (July 31) - righteous Evdokim the Cappadocian. October 18 (5) - Venerable E. Vatopedi, Athos (discovery of relics).

Numerology of the name Evdokim

Soul Number: 3.
Name number 3 corresponds to creative people. They are talented in art, sports, cheerful and reckless. However, they need constant adjustment. Without it, the “triples”, as individuals who are addicted, get very carried away. With a patient mentor and advisor, who can be one of the relatives or just a loved one, the “troika” can move mountains and achieve incredible success in life. But in the absence of such, the fate of the “troikas” is often unenviable. Despite all their external invulnerability, in their souls “troikas” are quite vulnerable and sensitive to criticism. Difficult in personal life.

Hidden Spirit Number: 5

Body number: 7


Planet: Saturn.
Element: Earth-water, cold-dry.
Zodiac: Capricorn, Aquarius.
Color: Black, olive grey, lead, dark.
Day: Saturday.
Metal: Lead.
Mineral: Onyx, chalcedony, magnetite, obsidian.
Plants: Cumin, rue, hellebore, cypress, mandrake, pine, ivy, borax, belladonna, blackthorn, comfrey.
Animals: Hoopoe, mole, camel, donkey, turtle, ants.

The name Evdokim as a phrase

E Esi (Is, To Be, To Exist)
In Vedi
D Welcome
Oh He (Oh, Oh)
To Kako
AND AND (Union, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, “Together with”)
M Think

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Evdokim

E - the need for self-expression, exchange of ideas, the tendency to act as a mediator, insight due to the ability to enter the world of secret forces. Possible talkativeness.
B - sociability, connection with life, unity with nature. Creative personality, focused on the future.
D - reflection, thinking before starting a task, family orientation, willingness to help, sometimes moodiness. Often - psychic abilities.
O - deep feelings, ability to handle money. To be fully realized, however, a person must understand his purpose. The presence of this letter in the name shows that a goal has been prepared for it and you need to use your rich intuition to highlight it from the bustle of existence.
K - endurance, which comes from fortitude, the ability to keep secrets, insight, the “all or nothing” life credo.
And - subtle spirituality, sensitivity, kindness, peacefulness. Outwardly, a person shows practicality as a screen to hide a romantic, soft nature.
M - caring personality, willingness to help, possible shyness. At the same time, a warning to the owner that he is part of nature and should not succumb to the temptation to “pull the blanket over himself.” By being predatory towards nature, the owner of this letter harms himself.
  • Male name
  • Meaning and origin of the name Evdokim: This name is of Greek origin and means "Glorious".
  • Energy named after Evdokim: Constancy, perseverance, restraint

Try to choose a convenient diminutive name for Evdokim: Evdokimka, Kimka, Evdokusha, and finally, Evdya - all these names are either too long, or dissonant, or even simply do not have sufficient connection with full name. Of course, all this makes communication somewhat difficult, and therefore one should hardly be surprised if from childhood Evdokim is distinguished by taciturnity, at times giving the impression of a closed or even unsociable person. Of course, this does not mean at all that Evdokim treats others poorly; on the contrary, he is quite good-natured, capable of sympathy, it’s just that his name inclines him more to carry his impressions and experiences within himself. Moreover, in some cases, when feelings begin to overwhelm him, he is able to suddenly transform, which often happens at some holidays and friendly parties, but more often than not, after a quick outburst, he withdraws into himself again.

In general, all this leads to the fact that outwardly Evdokim seems to be a rather balanced and serious person, but behind this calm mask very deep feelings can ripen. First of all, this, of course, affects pride, because grievances, having no external outlet, often begin to accumulate and strengthen in the soul. The same applies to other feelings, which, having found a place in Evdokim’s heart, begin to be distinguished by amazing constancy, and therefore concepts such as friend or enemy mean quite a lot to him.

Such constancy characterizes Evdokim in almost everything. In business, he is unusually patient and persistent, thanks to which he is able to achieve significant success in his work. The only pity is that his silence often makes him invisible, which usually interferes with his career. In addition, Evdokim does not adapt well to new circumstances. Sometimes he takes the collapse of his own plans too hard, and when he has to start from scratch again, and even in new conditions, he may fall into depression. In addition, being an excellent owner and distinguished by the constancy of his feelings in the family, he can still create a rather difficult environment in the house with his silence. When he wants not to complicate his life, it still doesn’t bother him to learn to be more open and cheerful.

How do you feel about the name Evdokim?

83% (635 votes) No, not sexy
17% (131 votes) Good for life
85% (658 votes) No, not good
15% (117 votes)

What does the name Evdokim mean?
This name means blessed, or simply glorious.

Origin of the name Evdokim:
This is an ancient Greek name that is of Byzantine origin. So, most often, male persons were often given this sonorous name when they were preparing to become monks.

Character conveyed by the name Evdokim:

Calmness and incredible poise are the main and main features that this wonderful name gives its owner. Nature often endows Evdokim with a certain magical ability to inspire almost all people that he is capable of certain outstanding achievements, and often this is exactly the case.

But Evdokim’s childhood is the most ordinary, and, despite the fact that sometimes he is born a rather weak child, his development still proceeds without the slightest deviation. Further, in his behavior, Evdokim can often adopt the character traits of his mother; he is kind and always flexible. Later, in adolescence, he becomes somewhat emotional and sometimes even stubborn, but at the same time he is always absolutely non-conflict, and is as sociable as possible. Studying is often extremely easy for Evdokim, especially Russian and mathematics. He is also often attracted to sports, for example, he will be happy to engage in gymnastics or swimming, as well as football.

Evdokim, who was born in winter, can often be distinguished by stubbornness and incredible perseverance; he madly loves to defend justice in every possible way, and sometimes at the same time choose a profession related specifically to religious service. In addition, if you try to offend Evdokim, he is unlikely to be the first to agree to a truce; this will only be possible after a certain amount of time has passed, when everything inside him calms down and settles down, he will still be able to come up and make peace with his offender. But the “autumn” Evdokim will most often be distinguished by some prudence, extraordinary prudence and thoughtfulness in all his actions, he is always incredibly neat.

Evdokim’s profession can often be associated with working with his hands, it can be the profession of a cook, or a cutter; he can also expect extraordinary success in teaching practice or engineering activities. Also, absolutely all work on home improvement will lie entirely on the shoulders of the strong and strong Evdokim, and believe me, he always does it with great pleasure. And if you have your own car, you can always easily carry out any repairs yourself. Evdokim works, as a rule, slowly but confidently; he doesn’t really like it when someone pushes him.

Usually, family life Evdokima is really doing incredibly well. He is always a homebody and a housewife, and in full combination with such wonderful character traits as extraordinary calmness, tolerance and even complaisance, Evdokim most often creates a strong, reliable family. He absolutely loves receiving guests at home, and is always cheerful with close friends, he can even play the guitar or accordion for them, he can often even sing.

The meaning of the name Evdokim: The boy's name means "glorious." This affects the character and fate of Evdokim.

Origin of the name Evdokim: Ancient Greek.

Diminutive form of name: Evdokimka, Evdokha, Evdonya, Kima.

What does the name Evdokim mean? The name comes from the ancient Greek name Evdokimos. Evdokim is translated as “one who enjoys fame.” A man won’t take it, that’s how it will all work out. The meaning of the name Evdokim helps to attract new acquaintances. However, he himself does not really like noisy companies. A guy named Evdokim can have a little fun, but in real life so quiet that it seems boring and completely ordinary. Evdokim does not like to move, and he has not changed his group of friends since his youth - this is difficult for him.

Patronymic name Evdokim: Evdokimovich, Evdokimovna; decomposition Evdokimych.

Name Angel Day: Evdokim celebrates his name day once a year: August 13 (July 31) - St. Righteous Evdokim was a military leader, he pleased God with his pious life and care for the poor (IX century)

Signs of the name: On St. Evdokim collects wild poppy: an effective remedy for witches. One has only to sprinkle the house with this poppy, and all the machinations of the witches will be in vain.

Meaning of a boy's name

What character traits does the meaning of the name Evdokim determine? The guy is persistent, stubborn, calculating and reasonable. A guy with this name is neat, can’t stand laxness in others, but would prefer to do everything himself rather than try to convince someone. He is so laconic that sometimes he seems boring. However, in a cheerful company, among close people, Evdokim is transformed beyond recognition. This is where women are captivated by him, then discovering that they will have to live life with a completely different person than the one who sang, said witty toasts and showed tricks.

Evdokim is kind, flexible, sociable, and non-confrontational. He works slowly but confidently, any task is accomplished in his hands. Those born in winter have a complex nature, they are very stubborn, and if they are offended, they will not be the first to reconcile.

A man named Evdokim is religious, sometimes to the point of fanaticism, and can take the priesthood. A man with this name is careful, prudent, will not take an ill-considered step, and is a tireless seeker of the truth. Evdokim, born in autumn, is softer in character, more practical and reasonable.

Character of the name Evdokim

Positive features: He is characterized by prudence, early independence, sedateness, and seriousness. Evdokim does not like empty talk or laughter. The man bearing this name is known as a good-natured, silent, reliable and honest person, albeit a little simple-minded. Evdokim is able to come to the rescue at the first call. A man with this name is not inclined to express his feelings and emotions.

Negative features: The worst aspects of nature are gloominess, gloominess, taciturnity, and unsociability. Evdokim can surprise his loved ones with an outburst of feelings and emotions, but he immediately tries to extinguish it and becomes even gloomier, because he is dissatisfied with himself. Evdokim finds it difficult to join a new team and adapt to a new place of residence.

Name Evdokim in love and marriage

Does the meaning of the name Evdokim promise happiness in love? He may develop strong feelings for a particular female. In love he is faithful and constant. Evdokim does not spoil his wife, but takes care of her. He is an avid homebody and attaches great importance to a strong family.

Compatibility with female names

The union of Evdokim with Akulina, Evdokia, Iya, Claudia, Lilia, Melissa, Praskovya, Thekla is favorable. Difficult relationships are likely with Ada, Vasilisa, Irma, Capitolina, Melania, Elsa.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: He has “golden hands”. He can become famous throughout the area for his skill. Work has special meaning for him. In her he sees the meaning of his life. Evdokim is capable of achieving great success, but at the same time it is difficult for him to make a career. The man is simply not interested in her. In addition, he will not make business connections and necessary acquaintances.

Evdokim’s business and career: He has a small but solid capital. If Evdokim fails or is forced to give his savings to good causes, then he patiently starts everything from scratch.

Health and energy named after

Health and talents name: the name Evdokim is not protected from stressful situations. He is susceptible infectious diseases in an unfamiliar environment.

Evdokim's talismans

  • Zodiac - Leo
  • Planet - Sun
  • Color - golden
  • Auspicious tree - elm
  • Evdokim's treasured plant - sunflower
  • Patron name - locust
  • Talisman stone - onyx

The fate of the name Evdokim

  1. Eudokim of Rhodes - philosopher, student of Aristotle; devoted many works to the history of sciences. He reduces happiness to a person’s natural gifts, which seem to him to be a gift from God.
  2. Evdokim Shcherbinin - (1728 - 1783) general-in-chief, reformer and major statesman Russian Empire during the reign of Catherine II.
  3. Evdokim Demidov - (1713 - 1782) Russian landowner, industrialist, owner of the Avzyano-Petrovsky iron and iron smelting plants.
  4. Evdokim Romanov - (1855 - 1922) Russian and Belarusian ethnographer, folklorist, archaeologist and publicist. Member of the Russian Geographical Society since 1886, Vitebsk Statistical Committee (1891).
  5. Evdokim Minyura - (1880 - 1963) Ukrainian Soviet artist.
  6. Evdokim Volkov - (1922 - 1943) senior lieutenant of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army, participant of the Great Patriotic War, Hero Soviet Union (1943).
  7. Evdokim Ognev - (1887 - 1918) Russian revolutionary, participant in the October Revolution.
  8. Evdokim Petrunin - (1904 - 1959) commander of the 29th separate anti-tank artillery brigade of the Voronezh Front, lieutenant colonel, Hero of the Soviet Union.
  9. Evdokim Maltsev - (1910 - 1981) political worker of the Soviet Armed Forces, army general.
  10. Evdokim Zyablovsky - (1763 - 1846) Russian professor of statistics. His works on statistics and geography, for all their stereotypes, at one time brought him great fame.
  11. Evdokim Mogilevchik - (1890 - 1947) Soviet military leader, Belarusian, major general (1940).

Name translation

Translation of the name Evdokim into different languages has a slightly different meaning and sounds a little different. On English language translated as Eudokimos, in Polish: Eudoksjusz, in Ukrainian: Єдоким, in Belarusian language: Aўdakіm, in Serbian: Јевдикім, Jevdokim (Evdokim).

How the name is declined according to cases

  • Nominative case: Evdokim
  • Genitive case: Evdokima
  • Dative case: Evdokim
  • Accusative case: Evdokima
  • Instrumental case: Evdokim
  • Prepositional case: Evdokime

The male name Evdokim has Greek roots and means “glorious”, “excellent”. It came to Russia from Byzantium and, I must say, over the centuries it has taken root so much that now many people consider it almost primordially Russian. Currently, this name is not very popular, but it is not forgotten either.

Characteristics of the name Evdokim

Phonosemantically, the name Evdokim gives the impression of something meek and sweet. The character of its owner also cannot be called explosive, although it is a stretch to say that he is cute. Most often, Evdokim is a calm, balanced and serious person, inclined to hide his feelings, sometimes silent, stubborn and calculating. As a child, he is a quiet, good-natured child, often shy and hesitant to make friends with peers. He studies well and usually commands respect from adults. The children avoid Evdokim, not knowing what to expect from him. The adult owner of this name is also not the life of the party, although in the circle of people very close to him he is able to show such a cheerful and sociable disposition that one would never expect from him. Working with him is easier than being friends, because Evdokim does not like empty talk, but in the process of work he can open up and show his intellectual potential, extraordinary thinking, and a good sense of humor.

Compatibility with Zodiac signs

This name is suitable for a boy born under the zodiac sign of Taurus or Capricorn. Simple and patient Taurus (April 20-May 20) is in many ways similar to Evdokim, who, under the influence of this sign, will be an intellectually developed, emotionally and financially reliable, slightly pragmatic, creatively developed person. Capricorn (December 22-January 20) is also suitable for Evdokim, in whom he will develop hard work and extraordinary perseverance, making him not attract attention to himself, but always moving forward as a person.

Pros and cons of the name Evdokim

What are the pros and cons of the name Evdokim? It may appeal to parents who are looking for a not very common, ancient name with a beautiful and very gentle sound for their child. Its advantages are that this name is familiar to our country, therefore it goes well with Russian surnames and patronymics, and also has several euphonious abbreviations and diminutive forms, such as Kima, Evdokimka, Kimushka, Evdokimushka. Perhaps the only, and even then not fundamental, drawback of this name is the coldish character of its owners, which, however, can be softened in the process of education.


Evdokim’s health is not very good; they, as a rule, suffer from diseases of the digestive system, and also have weak immunity.

Love and family relationships

IN family relationships Evdokim proves himself to be a monogamous man and a good master. Usually this is a homely man who is very patient with family troubles and avoids conflicts. He chooses a calm, but active and purposeful woman as his life partner. Evdokim raises his children with great love, sometimes pampering them excessively.

Professional area

In the professional sphere, the owners of this name often remain in the shadows because of their modesty, but if they show a little more assertiveness, career advancement will happen as if by itself. Evdokim will make a successful engineer, teacher, accountant, doctor, sports coach, swimmer or water rescuer, driver, electrician, priest.

Name day