Fried chicken in the sleeve. How to cook a whole chicken in the oven in a sleeve

Cooking delicious and aromatic chicken in the oven, what could be easier? It will take very little time and effort, and the result will exceed all expectations. A baking sleeve will help with this like no other. So, today we have chicken in a sleeve in the oven, we attach the recipe step by step with photos for clarity, everything is simple, and the result is awesome!

Baked chicken in the sleeve can be the main dish, both at a regular dinner and at festive table. It is appropriate everywhere, guests will always be happy with it. Also good - especially with breast meat and apples.


  1. Chicken carcass 2-2.5 kg;
  2. Mayonnaise - 40 g;
  3. Ground black pepper;
  4. Allspice peas;
  5. Bay leaf 4-5 pcs.;
  6. Garlic 2-3 cloves;

Cooking chicken in the sleeve:

A chicken carcass must be tarred over a fire if there are any remaining fluff and feathers on the skin. Wash thoroughly and dry with a towel.
So that the chicken on the table has a beautiful aesthetic appearance, tie her legs with thread. In this case, it will be possible to avoid breaking during baking and it will remain intact.

Pour mayonnaise into a small container, add ground black pepper, salt and stir. If the skin of the carcass is very hard, you can add more mustard, but if it is young and tender, then this is not necessary. The mayonnaise should make the crust golden brown and crispy.

Peel the garlic, cut it into several pieces and, using a knife, make a 45 degree puncture under the skin and insert a piece of garlic there. Rub the carcass with mayonnaise, salt and pepper on top and inside.

Prepare a baking sleeve. It is necessary to cut the required length correctly. If it is not enough, then the sleeve may open during baking and the seal will be broken. Cut off the sleeve, place the chicken inside, add evenly bay leaves and allspice peas, thanks to which, as well as garlic, the chicken will be aromatic. Tighten the edges of the sleeve on both sides with metal clips and place it on a baking sheet. If the size of the sleeve allows, add chopped apples or potatoes to the chicken, and you will immediately get a side dish for the chicken, very tasty, soaked in the juices of the bird, and incredibly aromatic.

The oven should first be thoroughly preheated to 180 degrees and the chicken should be placed in it. The baking process will take approximately 45-60 minutes, which depends on the size of the carcass, so check the degree of readiness visually. As soon as you see that the chicken is almost ready, carefully open the sleeve to brown the skin. Remember that you can get burned by the steam! Some modern ovens bake in such a way that a beautiful crust is obtained directly in the oven.

That's it, our chicken with garlic, baked in a sleeve in the oven in a sleeve is ready! Before serving, remove the string from the legs, move the finished chicken to a dish and you can treat your guests and household members. Bon appetit!

Today I’ll tell you how to bake juicy chicken in a sleeve in the oven - with vegetables (potatoes and carrots) and fruits (apples and oranges). These two super recipes are simple, but that makes them all the better!

Do you want to feel like a true professional? Like a magician deftly pulling a bouquet of fresh flowers out of his sleeve... Like a card carder pulling out a trump card from his sleeve... With exactly the same sense of professional superiority, you will take your delicious chicken out of the sleeve in the oven, filling the kitchen with an amazingly appetizing aroma, and from that moment on, an honorable The title of “The Best Chef in the Universe” will be assigned to you forever!

Do you think I'm joking? Everything is so serious that God forbid... :)

Sleeve for baking in the oven - advantages and features

No, jokes aside, after the invention of special “gadgets” for the kitchen, like ours baking sleeves, anyone can feel like a pro at cooking chicken in the oven.

Moreover, we can bake not only chicken, but also any other products, with guaranteed excellent results.

The advantages of baking in a sleeve are obvious:

  • It's universal. In a baking sleeve you can (and should!) cook not only chicken, but also any type of meat, fish, vegetables, and also combine these products in various recipes. For example, chicken with apples, potatoes with minced meat, fish with vegetables, boiled pork, etc.
  • It is delicious. Baking in a sleeve gives the products a very interesting taste - it is something between regular baking in the oven and stewing with the addition of water. The dishes turn out juicy and aromatic - after all, everything remains inside the sleeve; the natural taste of the food is not distorted or diluted with water and oil. This, by the way, is another big plus
  • This is useful. Ideal for lovers healthy eating, for those who watch their figure, etc.
  • It's comfortable. In my opinion, baking in a sleeve is much more convenient than in the same foil. After all, the film is transparent - we can also monitor the readiness of the dish visually. No oil splashes, everything is sealed.

Using the baking sleeve is very simple.

Cut a piece of film to the required length. We take the length of our dish, which we plan to bake, and add 10 cm on each side - for clamps. A regular 3-meter package is enough for 4-5 bakes.

It is better to pierce the top of the sleeve in several places so that steam escapes and the bag does not inflate too much.

The bag should not be placed in the oven on a hot surface - it may melt if it comes into contact with hot metal. Therefore, we take a cold sheet or frying pan, do not lubricate it with anything, do not sprinkle it with anything - we simply place the bag with the contents on it.

You need to be careful when cutting the sleeve so as not to burn your hands with the escaping steam.

If the dish is not browned enough and you want a crispy crust, open the sleeve 15 minutes before cooking and put it back in the oven.

That, perhaps, is all the simple rules for using a baking sleeve!

Let's look at two simple recipes for baking chicken in a sleeve today.

Chicken in a sleeve with vegetables (with potatoes and carrots)

  1. The first thing to do is prepare the chicken carcass. Let's say thank you to modern chicken producers, we no longer need to pluck feathers and char the carcass over a fire :) Just cut off the tail (tail) of the carcass and rinse thoroughly in cold water from all sides.
  2. We will also peel the potatoes and carrots and cut them into large pieces (approximately as in the photo below).
  3. Now let's prepare the mixture for marinating the chicken. Mix all the ingredients: olive oil, dry sweet paprika (about 1 tsp), salt and black pepper (half a teaspoon each, but be guided by the weight and volume of your chicken).
  4. Generously coat the chicken with this mixture both outside and inside.

  5. If there is any mixture left, pour the remainder into the potatoes and carrots and mix.
  6. We cut off the piece we need from the sleeve, leaving about 10 cm on each side for tucks. We fix the latch on one side - we get a bag. Place the vegetable mixture in this bag and distribute it along the bottom, as in the photo.
  7. Place the chicken on top and close the sleeve with a fastener on the other side. We place our entire “structure” on the bottom of a clean, dry, cold frying pan or oven tray. It is better to make several punctures in the sleeve so that excess steam escapes and the bag does not inflate too much.
  8. Place in the oven, set the temperature to 200 degrees and wait for about 1-1.5 hours (depending on the thickness and fatness of your chicken).
  9. If you want a more crispy look for the chicken, carefully cut the sleeve at the top (be careful not to get burned by the steam!) and leave it in this “opened” form for another 10-15 minutes until a browned crust appears.

  10. Place the chicken on a separate plate.
  11. To serve, first place the vegetables on the dish and the chicken carcass on top. You can sprinkle with herbs.

All! Believe me, it is very simple and very tasty.

Chicken in the oven, baked in a sleeve with apples and oranges

In addition to the chicken (prepare the carcass in the same way as in the previous recipe), we will need 3 apples And 1 orange. Cut the apples into 8 parts - first into 4 slices, and then cut each slice in half crosswise. The orange must be peeled not only from the peel, but also from the white skins, as they will taste a little bitter. And also cut into large pieces.

The dressing here has a different composition. By the way, whoever doesn’t like mayonnaise can replace it with sour cream, it will also turn out delicious.

Refill composition:

  • 2 tablespoons mayonnaise
  • 1 tablespoon mustard
  • salt, sweet paprika, coriander - one teaspoon each
  • black pepper and nutmeg - half a teaspoon each

3. Generously, without skimping, coat the entire chicken carcass with our mixture.

4. Stuff the inside of the chicken carcass with pieces of apples and orange.

5. Use two toothpicks to “secure” it so that our filling doesn’t run away.

6. Place the chicken in the sleeve, secure it on both sides with clips and place it on a clean, dry and cold sheet (frying pan). Make several punctures on top to allow steam to escape.

7. Place in the oven at 200 degrees for an hour and a half to two hours (the chicken here is quite large, almost 2.5 kg - even an hour and a half of baking was not enough for it). How to check readiness? Carefully open the sleeve with a sharp knife and make a deep cut in the most fleshy areas of the carcass. If the juice comes out clear, the chicken is ready; if it’s cloudy or red, it’s not yet. You can bring the already “opened” chicken to readiness - this way it will become crispier and more rosy, for this you just need to keep it in the oven for another 15 minutes.

8. When serving, additionally garnish the chicken with lemon or orange slices. The chicken according to this recipe turns out to be very aromatic and juicy, the taste of the fruit adds a new unusual note to the usual dish. Be sure to try this chicken roast option.

Tell us in the comments - do you use a sleeve for baking in the oven and what products have you tried baking this way, besides chicken? I will be grateful for your opinion!

Chicken in a sleeve in the oven turns out unusually juicy and simmered, and looks very impressive. But the minimum amount of hassle required from the hostess! We'll tell you how to master the most interesting and unusual recipe options.

The sleeve is a wonderful culinary invention. It allows you to simmer meat in its own juices without flavoring it with high-calorie sauces and butter. There is another big plus - the used sleeve is safely thrown away, and the cook does not need to wash greasy dishes. It is enough to rub the carcass with various spices, put it in the oven, and after 40-50 minutes enjoy the meat that simply melts in your mouth!

For the recipe we will need:

  • sleeve;
  • chilled chicken – 1.2 kg;
  • spices to taste;
  • salt pepper.

We wash the carcass under running water, then wipe it dry with a paper towel. Now we will rub it with any spices: garlic, curry, hops-suneli, Provençal herbs - at your discretion. You can grate it with mayonnaise sauce, but we advise you not to: the chicken will turn out very juicy, and there is no need for extra calories.

We cut the sleeve so that the carcass fits in it, place it and tie the bag tightly on both sides. Make sure that the size of the bag is not too large: otherwise the chicken will “swim” in its own juice, but you shouldn’t make it too small: the bird should “feel” free.

The breast, which usually turns out a little dry after baking, is saturated with juices and comes out divinely aromatic.

All that remains is to put the sleeve in the oven, preheated to 180 -200 degrees and simmer for 40 to 50 minutes. At the end of cooking, turn on the grill mode and let the bird lightly brown. Before serving, cut the bag, cut the chicken into portions, and serve with sauces. It’s great to dip the pieces in sauces of tomatoes and cilantro, yogurt and mint, sour cream, garlic and mayonnaise. The dish will acquire a wonderful, pan-Asian taste if you use sauce with pineapple and curry.

The chicken is so tasty that it does not need a side dish and is instantly eaten without a trace. And, of course, such a bird is worthy of serving as a main course at a festive feast, garnished with pomegranate seeds, pickled onion rings, and finely chopped herbs.

With vegetables

Chicken with vegetables turns out very impressive. Baked in a sleeve in the oven, it becomes both a main dish and a side dish. The beauty of the dish is that it is easy to use any seasonal vegetables: tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, zucchini, pumpkin, potatoes, carrots and onions. In a word, whatever your heart desires. But there is one little secret. Vegetables should not be cut finely so that they do not turn into mush. Let's learn how to cook the most proper dish of chicken and vegetables.

The step-by-step recipe looks like this:

  1. Wash the chicken and cut into large pieces.
  2. Wash the vegetables, peel them (especially if the fruits are ripe), cut them into large pieces of 5-7 cm.
  3. We put vegetables, meat, spices in a bag.
  4. Salt and season everything with spices.
  5. We close the bag and simmer everything in the oven for 30 to 45 minutes.

Place the finished dish in a wide and deep dish, generously pouring over the juices that were released during stewing.

The dish is hearty, very tasty, and the aroma is fantastic! You can significantly reduce its calorie content if you first remove the skin from the chicken, cut off all the fat, or use one chicken fillet. Serve the dish with herbs and low-fat sour cream. It's good to sprinkle meat and vegetables with pine nuts or sesame seeds.

Juicy chicken in the oven

The bird turns out even juicier if you first marinate it, leaving it in the refrigerator for several hours.

The best marinade recipes:

  • fresh orange juice;
  • soy sauce and honey;
  • honey and mustard;
  • weak vinegar solution;
  • pomegranate juice;
  • natural lime juice.

It’s easy to add lemon inside a whole carcass to give the meat a slight, pleasant sourness. Lemon will soften the fibers, and the dish will turn out doubly tender, juicy and a little spicy. It is good to bake the bird at a low temperature of 180 degrees for an hour.

With potato

Chicken in a sleeve in the oven with potatoes – universal option a hearty warm dinner in the cold season. All the housewife needs to have on hand are a few potato tubers, an onion and a carrot.

You can make the dish a thick stew by adding a glass of boiled water directly into the sleeve.

You can bake the bird whole or in pieces, and put potatoes, carrots, which are cut into several large rings, and an onion in the sleeve. Next, everything is baked together for 40 to 50 minutes: the potatoes are soaked in meat juices and turn into a flavorful stew. These potatoes are good even when cold. Season the crust with sour cream and eat it with fresh bread, dipping the crust into the aromatic fresh broth.

Recipe for cooking in pieces

When you are sorely short of time and guests are just about to arrive, it is easy to bake chicken pieces in a sleeve - thighs, legs, legs, wings or a set “for chakhokhbili”.

If you first marinate the pieces in onion and vinegar, and then season them with spices, the meat cooks quickly, making it juicy and aromatic.

Process will go faster, if you are not lazy and cut them into two parts. Next, rub with any spices, place in a sleeve and bake for 40 minutes. While the pieces are baking, you can boil rice, potatoes or pasta - the dish will turn out to be complete and satisfying. Add the leek stalk to the sleeve at the same time as the meat. After stewing, it becomes transparent and imbues the bird with additional flavor. Slice light salad from greenery, Chinese cabbage, make light canapés with cheese and ham and enjoy your meal in the company of your favorite friends.

Stuffed with rice in a sleeve

The whole chicken in the sleeve can be cooked in the oven, stuffed with rice and vegetables. This version of the dish can become a family signature recipe.

Cooking step by step:

  1. Wash the chicken and wipe dry with a towel.
  2. Boil the rice until half cooked
  3. Three carrots on a coarse grater, cut garlic and onion into small slices.
  4. Mix rice and vegetables.
  5. Season them with salt and pepper.
  6. Stuff the bird with a mixture of rice and vegetables.
  7. We put everything in the sleeve.
  8. We tie the sleeve tightly on both sides.
  9. Bake in the oven until the carcass is browned, 40-60 minutes.
  10. Serve on a large ceramic dish, garnished with herbs and onion rings.

As a filling you can use rice with corn, peas, small rings bell pepper. It’s very tasty to mix rice cereal with mushrooms, fried and onions until soft. The dish turns out so tasty that the family always asks for more and demands that the recipe be repeated as often as possible.

Spicy chicken in sour cream

Any cream sauce goes perfectly with chicken pieces. Spicy chicken in sour cream – goes well with pasta, buckwheat and even simple barley. But what warms the soul most is that it is prepared extremely quickly and simply.

We cut the bird into small pieces, sprinkle with flour, season with spices (curry and khmeli-suneli are best), pour in sour cream of any fat content. All that remains is to place everything in the sleeve, tie it tightly and cook for 40-50 minutes at 180 degrees.

High heat will overcook the sauce and possibly curdle the sour cream; in this case, the chicken should simmer.

Baking in the sleeve is a budget-friendly, but at the same time very worthy recipe for the family piggy bank. Surprisingly, poultry meat is delicious when cold and is easy to take with you as a snack on the road or make cold sandwiches with it. If desired, the bird can be added to salads, or cooked in advance, and then served as cold snack, topping with any sauce. Try, experiment, pamper your household with delicious, healthy food as often as possible.

In order for baked chicken meat to be tender, juicy and have an original taste, it must be properly prepared. We will reveal the secrets of how to marinate chicken, what spices to add, and also share several recipes.

How to marinate chicken for the oven: secrets

Chicken meat is well digestible, suitable for dietary nutrition, contains iron and essential amino acids. Baked chicken is a delicious, flavorful dish.

Sometimes you try to cook tender meat in the sleeve, but it turns out tough or dry. The reason is improper marinating.

So, how to marinate chicken for baking correctly. The main secrets are as follows:

  1. Rub the meat with salt 15-20 minutes before cooking. Salt is known to promote the release of juices, which are best preserved in meat. Prolonged exposure to this spice makes the fibers tough.
  2. Do not add ingredients to the marinade that contain acetic acid. It is in mayonnaise. Acid hardens the product and changes the taste of the meat itself and some spices.
  3. Leave the whole chicken in the marinade for 12 hours. The breast and wings will be saturated with sauce in 2 hours, the thighs in 3–3.5 hours.
  4. To speed up marinating, do not put the meat in the refrigerator, but keep it warm for no more than 2 hours, otherwise bacteria will multiply.
  5. To give the dish a special taste and smell, combine vegetable oils and spices correctly. Prepare hot sauce based on sunflower oil, paprika, rosemary and basil mix with olive oil, and corn oil is suitable for most herbs.

If you add ready-made seasonings to the chicken marinade, keep in mind that they contain salt. When cooking a whole carcass, don’t forget to coat the inside with sauce.

How to marinate chicken: spices

Spices give the meat an appetizing aroma and a pleasant aftertaste. Let's figure out which ones to add to the marinade for chicken in the oven. The following spices are suitable:

  • standard mixture of spices for chicken - curry (the aroma of this spice spreads far beyond the kitchen);
  • black pepper or paprika;
  • if you like spicy dishes, add chili pepper;
  • nutmeg, rosemary, cumin, coriander, ginger give the meat a spicy note;
  • rub the chicken with turmeric: it is what makes the crust golden and crispy;
  • If you like the taste of basil, mint, sage or marjoram, feel free to cook chicken meat in a sleeve with these herbs.

It is important not to overdo it with spices. It’s also not worth throwing everything into the marinade at once. For delicious meat just add 2-4 favorite spices.

Experiment, combine different spices, or choose a proven oven-baked chicken recipe from the list below.

Marinade for chicken in the oven: recipes

If you want to bake chicken that tastes unforgettable for dinner, use the following marinade recipes:

  1. Pour 50 g of olive oil and 20 g of soy sauce into a container, add 2 tbsp. l. light honey. Add your favorite spices. Add pepper to taste.
  2. Mix in equal proportions vegetable oil, lemon juice and soy sauce. Add 1 tsp. salt, 2 tsp. sugar, 0.5 tsp. ground pepper. Grind the ginger root (you will need 1 tbsp) and a head of garlic.
  3. Rub the meat with ground pepper (0.5 tsp), pour in 250 g of dry white wine, add 1 tbsp. l. apple cider vinegar, olive oil and mustard.
  4. In 0.5 liters of kefir, put a head of garlic passed through a garlic press, 1 tbsp. l. hot sauce, 2 tbsp. l. lime juice. Add half rings of a small onion, ground pepper to taste and 0.5 tsp. dried thyme. Mix everything thoroughly and apply to the meat.
  5. You can quickly marinate the meat in olive or corn oil and lemon juice with the addition of 3 g of rosemary and ground pepper to taste.

Don't forget to salt the meat a few minutes before baking. If you cook chicken in a sleeve, then at the end, open it and fry it in grill mode for an appetizing golden brown crust.

We hope these tips will help you prepare the best delicious chicken in the oven.

Before baking chicken in a sleeve, marinate it in a mixture of sour cream and mustard - they will soften the meat, make it softer and more tender. To balance the taste, add a little pomegranate sauce or honey to the marinade. Among the spices, it is better to give preference to granulated garlic (it does not burn when baked), suneli hops and sweet ground paprika; they will add aroma and color to the dish. However, you can use your favorite seasonings, as long as they go well with the bird.

The longer the chicken marinates, the tastier the end result will be. Therefore, it is advisable to let it sit for at least 2 hours, or even better, leave it to soak in the herbs and sauce overnight. The marinated chicken in the sleeve will cook for 1-1.5 hours, depending on the size (a large carcass weighing 2 kg was baked for 90 minutes). The optimal temperature is within 160-180 degrees. There is no need to place the pile too high, otherwise the bird will burn on top and remain damp and tough inside. The meat should simmer slowly in its own juices, then it will melt in your mouth!

Total cooking time: 4 hours
Cooking time: 90 minutes
Yield: 6 servings


  • whole chicken – 2 kg
  • 20% sour cream – 5 tbsp. l.
  • table mustard - 0.5 tbsp. l.
  • pomegranate sauce or honey - 0.5 tbsp. l.
  • ground dried garlic – 1 tsp.
  • coarse salt - approximately 1.5 tsp.
  • ground black pepper – 2-3 chips.
  • khmeli-suneli – 1 tsp.
  • sweet ground paprika – 1 tsp.


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    For baking, it is best to choose a chilled bird, that is, one that has not been frozen. Fresh meat always turns out tastier, since it has not lost some of the moisture during freezing and thawing - consider this point before purchasing. So, we wash the carcass under running water, then dry it thoroughly with a towel. We cut off the tail - the gland that is located on top of the tail.

    Preparing the marinade for the chicken. Mix in a bowl: sour cream, mustard, pomegranate sauce (or honey), salt, ground black pepper, granulated garlic, suneli hops, sweet ground paprika. As for the amount of salt, be guided by your taste (I used 1.5 teaspoons of salt, plus some of it was contained in the khmeli-suneli seasoning).

    Mix all the ingredients for the marinade with a fork until smooth. And lubricate the carcass on all sides.

    To keep the legs together, you can tie them with twine or tuck them under the skin in the area of ​​the tail, throwing them on top of each other.

    The chicken can be placed directly in the sleeve (pour the remaining marinade on top of the chicken) or placed in a deep bowl and covered with film to prevent it from airing. The sleeve should be cut with a margin so that the bird fits into it freely, leaving room for the rendered fat and steam that circulates inside during baking. In this form, keep the chicken in the marinade for at least 2 hours - if the room is cool, you can keep it at room temperature. If you plan to cook the next day, then put it in the refrigerator for 5-8 hours, during which time the meat will absorb all the aromas of the spices and will be tender after baking.

    We tighten the ends of the sleeve tightly with clamps and place them on a baking sheet so that the perforations (holes for steam escape) are in the upper part of the sleeve. We make 2-3 punctures in the sleeve on top using a sharp knife so that our sleeve does not burst, even if it swells very much. Place the baking sheet in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees, and simmer the chicken for 60-90 minutes. At the end of cooking, cut the sleeve (be careful, very hot steam!) and turn on the grill mode or increase the temperature to 200 degrees so that the bird is browned.

Chicken baked whole in the sleeve is very tasty, juicy, soft and tender. Before serving, cut into portions and serve with sauces, vegetables and herbs. Bon appetit to you and your dear guests!