"Green Serpent". Alcohol addiction

A lot of talk is about the culture of drinking, unfortunately, the word "culture" is often omitted when it comes to various celebrations, weddings, banquets, receptions, in a word, any plentiful feasts. And in this case, there are a number of "provocateurs" who force a person to drink, as they say, "without knowing the measure."

For example, a child brought up in a family where parents do not refuse alcoholic beverages “with or without cause” eventually begins to perceive drinking as the norm of life. So, if later he also becomes addicted to alcohol, then this will not be surprising.

Some people perceive alcoholic beverages as a means, to a large extent, capable of facilitating communication, even with people who are far from strangers. At first, it may be so, but now, over time, their use becomes already a persistent habit.

Someone justifies their addiction to alcohol by the opportunity for themselves to relieve stress, emotional excitement, tension, or the opportunity to get rid of a sense of fear.

There are also people among us who start drinking alcohol simply out of banal boredom, because they have no desire to look for an interesting activity for themselves, and, in the end, they follow the “path of least resistance”, starting to look at the “bottom of the bottle” ".

Surely, you have seen a picture when, after drinking the first toast about some event, in the future, a person already ceases to control himself, and begins to take regular doses as a matter of course, and he no longer needs any reasons and toasts for this.

And someone even perceives alcoholic beverages, especially expensive ones, as an obligatory attribute of a luxurious life and, with their help, tries to create the most comfortable living conditions for themselves.

Unfortunately, both are mistaken, and others, and third ...

So, if you are sure that, in a particular case, there are reasons for concern about addiction to alcohol, then every effort should be made to ensure that a person who is at risk associated with heredity, as as rarely as possible encountered the presence of alcoholic beverages in his life.

In particular, if such people (person) live with you, then you should avoid having any alcohol in your house, especially when it comes to the younger generation.

The fact is that alcoholism is a serious disease, and the fight against it is very complex and lengthy. Of course, no one will argue with the fact that there is an opportunity to return a person to a normal lifestyle, for example, after a rehabilitation course at the Renaissance center http://ncrenessans.com.ua/lechenie-alkogolizma.html, but still, one should not forget that this is not so easy to do. Moreover, it is necessary that the drinking person himself realizes the full depth of the problem he has, and wholeheartedly wishes to reverse the current situation. Only in this case, you can count on healing.

And, again, close circle, and especially relatives, one should be patient and make every effort to provide effective assistance to a person who has such a harmful addiction.

The treatment of alcohol dependence is not the last in the list of problems that modern medicine is trying to solve. After all, a drinking person endangers not only his health and life, but also the health and life of other people. Therefore, any measures should be taken to cope with addiction to alcohol, and qualified medical specialists are always ready to provide the necessary assistance in solving this problem.

Why green kite (alcohol)? and got the best answer

Answer from Marco reasonable[guru]
GREEN SNAKE - was one of the main gods of the ancient Russian pantheon. He was considered the patron of fun and winemaking. The name comes from the tradition of the ancient Slavs to drink wine. And yet, on the basis of the folk-poetic turnover, wine is green, where the wine is named after the color of the product from which it is made. One of the versions is that this wine was infused with herbs. The name comes not from the color "green", but from "potion" (and most likely not "green wine", but "green wine")
In Rus', “red wine” and “white wine” have been known since the 15th century (“otstno” - sour, dry and “defiled” - sweet, dessert), and the adjective “green”, as evidenced by the “Historical and Etymological Dictionary” P Chernykh, appeared in Russian only in the 16th century, when the term “green wine” was already widespread. The fact is that this wine was ... “boiled”, bread, that’s how vodka was called until the middle of the 19th century (as the independent word “vodka” appears in the meaning of “strong alcoholic drink” only in dictionaries of the late 19th - early 20th centuries). And the “green wine” known to us from fairy tales and epics (otherwise - “greenery”, “greenery”, “harmful potion”) is, as the historian V. Pokhlebkin clarifies in the book “The History of Vodka”, a special type of vodka flavored with spicy, aromatic or bitter herbs, and its name comes from the Old Slavonic “potion” - “grass, cereal”. There was also “bitter wine” – vodka infused with wormwood, birch, oak, willow, and alder buds. However, the literal “bitterness” was completely lost at the end of the 19th century, and “bitter” turned (due to the etymological connection of the words bitter, grief and burn) into a drink that brings a bitter, unhappy life, one that is drunk from grief or from green anguish. And they cry with burning tears from intoxicating (“hot”, or rather “flammable”, that is, capable of burning like Ukrainian “vodka”) drinks. "
Realizing the harm of alcohol, our ancestors began to call wine a green snake. For example, in Russian epics, the phrase "green wine" is sometimes found ("he got drunk with green wine").
With the advent of Christianity in Rus', the cult of the "Green Serpent". not dried up, but was taken under its wing by the Russian Orthodox Church. The peak of worship came during the reign of Peter I.
In the history of the cult of the "Green Serpent" there were times of persecution and repression. So during the reign of M. Gorbachev, all mass and public rituals were banned. Cult followers were prosecuted. These were dark times in the history of the worship of the "Green Serpent". Currently, there is its revival and veneration.
Of course, the main thing in this matter is the measure. Then the "Green Serpent" will not be terrible.

Answer from ~*[email protected] [email protected]~*~ [guru]
entangles, suffocates slowlyoooooooooo ... and kills you ....

Answer from Elinka[guru]
probably from green bottles with wines of the USSR

Answer from Emerald[guru]
Well, maybe because 1) the snake is a tempter, and 2) many people associate snakes with something poisonous, and alcohol is the same poison.

Answer from Uzbek[guru]
Because Eve was seduced by a snake and she ate an apple, so alcohol seduces people from the true path. , Here is such an association

Answer from Fotisa[guru]
And who else to be a "green serpent" if not alcohol ...?

Answer from Bakhtiyar irgashev[guru]
Green is the color of the bottle and the snake is because the seducer and in general it is only a symbol

Answer from my surname[master]
Serpent - because it seduces, and green - because it causes glitches.

Answer from Michael (read my blog)[expert]
one person "in a state" dreamed of a green kite in a state. about. , that's what he called it

Answer from Niki Casanova - Nesterov[guru]
Probably its contents, in a green vessel, were stored for a long time ... until a special holiday time ...

Answer from Nephilim *[guru]
Probably because specific glitches have always been from absinthe and aniseed vodka. Both drinks are greenish in color.

Answer from DESIRABLE[guru]
Because with an overdose, green men are seen.

Answer from Lyudmila Dryuchina[guru]
because you want a green cucumber from a butt

Answer from User deleted[guru]
because the white cobra is feverish

Answer from Natalie[guru]
because they used to drink absinthe .. and it is green ..))

Answer from Love[guru]
What else could be a snake in a green bottle? Yes, and drunks are green of themselves ...

Answer from sun l[newbie]
Maybe because the serpent is a tempter, it tempts and deceives souls...

    GREEN SNAKE - was one of the main gods of the ancient Russian pantheon. He was considered the patron of fun and winemaking. The name comes from the tradition of the ancient Slavs to drink wine. And yet, on the basis of the folk-poetic turnover, wine is green, where the wine is named after the color of the product from which it is made. One of the versions is that this wine was infused with herbs. The name comes not from the color "green", but from "potion" (and most likely not "green wine", but "green wine")

    Found this

    Because fever comes after taking 1 liter of serpent)

    by itself. what is chuck norris)

  • There is a version that the version that the image of the green serpent was inspired by the hallucinations of alcoholics, as well as the biblical text: Do not look at wine ... later, like a snake, it will bite.

    Option: “red wine” and “white wine” have been known in Rus' since the 15th century (“otstno” - sour, dry and “smearno” - sweet, dessert), and the adjective “green”, as evidenced by the “Historical and Etymological Dictionary ” P. Chernykh, appeared in Russian only in the 16th century, when the term “green wine” was already widespread. The fact is that this wine was ... “boiled”, bread, that’s how vodka was called until the middle of the 19th century (as an independent word “vodka” appears in the meaning of “strong alcoholic drink” only in dictionaries of the late 19th - early 20th centuries). And the “green wine” known to us from fairy tales and epics (otherwise - “zelenitsa”, “zelenets”, “pernicious potion”) is, as the historian V. Pokhlebkin clarifies in the book “History of Vodka”, a special type of vodka flavored with spicy, aromatic or bitter herbs, and its name comes from the Old Slavonic “potion” - “grass, cereal”. There was also “bitter wine” – vodka infused with wormwood, birch, oak, willow, and alder buds. However, the literal “bitterness” was completely lost at the end of the 19th century, and “bitter” turned (due to the etymological connection of the words bitter, grief and burn) into a drink that brings a bitter, unhappy life, one that is drunk from grief or from green anguish. And they cry with burning tears from intoxicating (“hot”, or rather “flammable”, that is, capable of burning like Ukrainian “gorilka”) drinks.
    Realizing the harm of alcohol, our ancestors began to call wine a green snake. For example, in Russian epics, the phrase "green wine" is sometimes found ("he got drunk with green wine").
    The word serpent is included in this turnover in this form, since it is believed that alcohol tempts a person in the same way as the devil-tempter (in the form of a snake) tempts Eve.


    "During the flying saucer "sightings" in the 1950s, the term little green men came into popular usage in reference to aliens. In one classic case, the Kelly-Hopkinsville sighting on August 21, 1955, two rural Kentucky men described a supposed encounter with 3-4 foot (1 m) tall greenish, somewhat humanoid-looking aliens. Many newspaper articles used the term little green men in writing up the story."

    If you don't speak English, in short it means that it came into use in the 50s of the 20th century, when reports of alien sightings became popular and frequent. So the most typical case, when the uncle described them as "meter-high, greenish, human-like" - newspapers ran out of headlines with "green men" and they became a habit.

    There is a fairly common misconception:

    In fact, white wine can be made from any grape variety (be it white, red or even black). The secret lies only in the processing method. The so-called "white" processing requires that the squeezed grape juice is immediately strained and then fermented without the skin. As a result, the range of varieties of white wine in color is very wide: from light straw to cognac.

    Ripe sweet grapes are selected for the preparation of white wine. Clusters must be whole, undamaged, sorted from rotten, diseased and unripe berries. The berries are separated from the ridges. The combs contain a large amount of tannins, which, when crushed, together with the berries, pass into the must. The ridges are separated from the berries in a crusher with a comb separator. At home, this is done manually or on a sieve. These are lattices with holes larger than the diameter of the berry. These sieves are fixed over the container and the bunches of grapes are rubbed by hand. Crushing berries produce different ways: in crushers or manually in canvas bags, in screw or other presses, graters, juicers, etc. It is important not to destroy the seeds, which impair the taste of the wine.


    The reason is the same for which they call blackcurrant green when it's red... unripe

    Because white wines are made in the "white way", that is. And the color of the grapes does not matter at all: white wine can be made from grapes of any color (white, pink, red). A prerequisite for this is to prevent contact of the juice with the skin.

Alcohol is the Green Serpent. Who is he? And where did this beast come from, no one has seen, no one has heard of, but deadly settled in the minds of citizens?

No one knows the truth about the real Green Serpent that inspired the aphorism about alcohol, much has been said about him over the centuries. There are versions, assumptions, legends, conjectures, and even some facts that indicate the meaning of the meaning.

Remember the film "Viy" - the moonshine there is green, infused with herbs. A kind of balm for treatment, but people abuse this treatment and drink moonshine in excessive quantities, instead of water. The color of moonshine explains only part of the expression Green, but what about the snake? After all, snakes were not added to moonshine even in Dikanka, neither in appearance nor in composition, alcohol has anything similar to these reptile reptiles.

However, there is some similarity - poison. A snake poisons a person with a greenish substance that poisons the body. Moonshine has the same properties and color - green poison. But green poison doesn’t sound nice, you don’t want to drink, but according to the fairy tale, the Green Serpent is beautiful.

Guesses include the story of a monster living in green water, which necessarily contains alcohol. It is impossible to see a green snake in it until the liquid evaporates. People drink alcoholic beverages along with the green snake, without seeing it, and already in the body, left without its environment, the snake releases poison. To reduce pain, people drink alcohol again, again and again, being in constant intoxication and being poisoned either by alcohol or by green snake venom. The monster dies only without alcohol on the 7th day, but not everyone can bravely endure a week of a hangover. This story is a guess, an assumption, or maybe a fairy tale - like a horror story.

There is a controversial version that the human biofield changes its color to a greenish tint if a person is drunk. First, it's a guess. Secondly, again, the similarity is only in color, no kites.


The Biblical Serpent of the Tempter was also remembered, making it the main link in the definition of the Green Serpent - he is the tempter and the serpent, who seduced people onto the wrong, erroneous path. Alcohol has similar effects - the temptation to drink the forbidden drink is great, addiction plays a role in those who have tried it once. But the Bible does not mention anything about the color of the tempter - the snake and the snake itself, just seduced people and that's it.

As can be seen from the above information, all guesses about the origin of the aphorism about alcohol are definitely directly related to the color or image of the snake, but it seems to me that the meaning is deeper. There is something that is directly related to the image, and to the color, and to the meaning.

Take, for example, the legend of an ancient deity. The Green Serpent was an ancient Russian god, patronizing the winemaker, a cheerful life. The image of God was depicted in the form of the Green Serpent.

Even in the old days, people called alcohol "green wine" not from the word green, meaning the color of the drink, but from the word "potion", which carries the meaning of strong tincture on medicinal herbs, which can not be drunk in large quantities.

It was precisely such potions that the ancient Russian god the Green Serpent patronized. He also possessed the art of seduction, temptation and seduction to perfection.

Conclusion: the aphorism - alcohol is a "green serpent", most likely, took its origins from the ancient Russian deity, who patronized winemakers and fun. Everything else is just guesswork, assumptions, fairy tales that do not have any roots of truth.