Buildings and structures methods for measuring illumination. Buildings and constructions

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GOST R 54945-2012. BUILDINGS AND CONSTRUCTIONS. Methods for measuring the pulsation coefficient of illumination.

Official publication


The goals and principles of standardization in the Russian Federation are established by Federal Law No. 184-FZ of December 27, 2002 “On Technical Regulation”, and the rules for applying national standards of the Russian Federation are GOST R 1.0-2004 “Standardization in the Russian Federation. Basic provisions".

Standard information

1 DEVELOPED by the federal state budgetary institution "Research Institute of Building Physics of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences" (NIISF RAASN), Limited Liability Company "CERERA-EXPERT" (LLC "CERERA-EXPERT") with the participation of Limited Liability Company "L" .I.S.T", Limited Liability Company "All-Russian Research, Design and Engineering Lighting Institute named after. S.I. Vavilov" (LLC "VNISI named after S.I. Vavilov"), Limited Liability Company "Research Institute of Labor Protection in Ivanovo"

2 INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 465 “Construction”

3 APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated July 30, 2012 No. 206-st


Information about changes to this standard is published in the annually published information index “National Standards”, and the text of changes and amendments is published in the monthly published information index “National Standards”. In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard, the corresponding notice will be published in the monthly published information index “National Standards”. Relevant information, notifications and texts are also posted in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet

© Standardinform, 2012

This standard cannot be fully or partially reproduced, replicated or distributed as an official publication without permission from the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology

1 Application area................................................... 1

3 Terms and definitions.................................................. 1

4 Measuring instruments................................................... 2

5 Preparation for measurements.................................................... 2

6 Taking measurements.................................................... 3

7 Processing and evaluation of measurement results.................................... 4

in industrial and public premises.................................... 6 Appendix B (recommended) Location of control points when measuring the average

coefficient of illumination pulsation in the room................................. 8 Appendix D (mandatory) Methodology for measuring the coefficient of illumination pulsation

using an oscilloscope................................... 9

Bibliography................................................... 10


BUILDINGS AND CONSTRUCTIONS. Methods for measuring the pulsation coefficient of illumination.

Buildings and structures. Methods for measuring the illuminance pulsation factor

Date of introduction - 2013-01-01

1 area of ​​use

This standard establishes methods for measuring the coefficient of illumination pulsation at workplaces (working surfaces) from general and local lighting, as well as on a conventional working surface in the premises of buildings and structures.

Note - The illumination pulsation coefficient takes into account luminous flux pulsation up to 300 Hz. Illumination pulsation above 300 Hz has no effect on general and visual performance.

Compliance with the norms of the illumination pulsation coefficient allows you to prevent the negative influence of the stroboscopic effect and reduce visual and general human fatigue.

2 Normative references

GOST 8.023-2003 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. State verification scheme for means of measuring light quantities of continuous and pulsed radiation

GOST 8.332-78 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Light measurements. Values ​​of relative spectral luminous efficiency of monochromatic radiation for daytime vision

GOST 26824-2010 Buildings and structures. Brightness measurement methods


When using this standard, it is advisable to check the validity of the reference standards in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet or using the annually published information index “National Standards”, which was published as of January 1 of the current year, and according to the corresponding monthly information indexes published in the current year. If the reference standard is replaced (changed), then when using this standard you should be guided by the replacing (changed) standard. If the reference standard is canceled without replacement, then the provision in which a reference is made to it is applied in the part that does not affect this reference.

3 Terms and definitions

This standard contains terms in accordance with GOST 26824, as well as the following terms with corresponding definitions:

3.1 illumination pulsation coefficient K P, %: A criterion for assessing the relative depth of illumination fluctuations as a result of changes in time of the luminous flux of light sources in a lighting installation when powered by alternating current, expressed by the formula

where E max and E min are, respectively, the maximum and minimum values ​​of illumination during the period of its fluctuation, lux;

E av - average illumination value for the oscillation period, lux.

3.2 illumination E, lux: A physical quantity determined by the ratio of the light flux incident on a surface element to the area of ​​this element.

3.3 stroboscopic effect: The visual perception of an apparent change, cessation of rotational motion, or periodic oscillation of an object illuminated by light varying at a similar, coinciding, or multiple frequency.

3.4 conditional working surface: A conditional horizontal surface located at a level of 0.8 m from the floor.

4 Measuring instruments

4.1 To measure the coefficient of illumination pulsation, instruments with measuring radiation transducers are used with a permissible error limit of measuring instruments of no more than ± 10%, taking into account the error of spectral correction, defined as the deviation from the relative spectral sensitivity of the measuring radiation transducer from the relative spectral luminous efficiency of monochromatic radiation for daytime vision V (A) according to GOST 8.332, calibration errors of absolute sensitivity and errors caused by the nonlinearity of the light characteristic.

4.2 The linearity of the characteristics of the measuring radiation transducer of the device for measuring the pulsation coefficient must be determined using standard light-measuring lamps with an error of no more than ± 5% according to GOST 8.023.

4.3 It is allowed to measure the illumination pulsation coefficient using a measuring radiation transducer that meets the requirements of 4.1 and 4.2 and an oscilloscope. The methodology is given in Appendix D.

4.4 Instruments for measuring pulsation coefficient must be verified and have valid certificates of verification of measuring instruments. Verification of instruments is carried out by standardization and metrology bodies.

5 Preparation for measurements

5.1 Measurements of the illumination pulsation coefficient are carried out at night, when the illumination from natural light is no more than 10% of the value of the standardized illumination.

5.2 Before measuring the light pulsation coefficient, the burnt-out lamps of the controlled lighting installation should be replaced.

It is allowed to measure the pulsation coefficient without preliminary preparation of the lighting installation with the obligatory recording of this fact when recording the measurement results.

5.3 Measurements should be carried out after stabilization of the luminous flux of the lighting installation.

5.4 Measurements of the illumination pulsation coefficient at workplaces (working surfaces) with general and combined lighting systems should be carried out in the plane specified in the standards - (or on the working plane of the equipment), at the illumination measurement points.

5.5 When measuring the coefficient of illumination pulsation from a general lighting system in a room, to determine the location of control points for measurements, the floor plan is divided into equal square parts if possible. Control points are placed in the center of each square. The minimum number of control measurement points is determined based on the size of the room and the height of the lamps suspended above the working surface. To do this, calculate the index of room i using the formula:

where a and b are the sides of the room, m;

h0 - height of suspension of lamps above the working surface, m.

The minimum number of control points N for measuring the coefficient of illumination pulsation from general lighting in a square room is determined according to Table 1.

Table 1 - Minimum number of measurement control points

5.6 In non-square rooms, a square with the largest area S k is selected, for which the definition

divide the number of measurement points N 1. The minimum number of points for measuring the coefficient of illumination pulsation from general lighting N is calculated by the formula

where S p is the area of ​​the room, m 2;

S k - square area, m 2.

5.7 When placing control points on the floor plan, their grid should not coincide with the grid for placing lamps. If the grids coincide, it is advisable to increase the number of control points on the floor plan (see Appendix B). When large equipment is located in a room, control points should not be located on the equipment. If control points fall on equipment, the grid of control points should be made more frequent and points falling on equipment should be excluded.

5.8 Measurements of the illumination pulsation coefficient from local lighting are carried out directly at workplaces in the plane specified in the standards - , or on the working plane of the equipment.

6 Taking measurements

6.1 Measurement of the illumination pulsation coefficient is carried out by the direct method of measuring the illumination pulsation coefficient on the working surface using instruments for measuring the illumination pulsation coefficient.

6.2 When measuring the light pulsation coefficient, the following requirements must be observed:

There should be no shadow from the device or the person taking the measurements on the surface being measured.

6.3 For combined lighting of workplaces, the illumination pulsation coefficient is measured first from general lighting lamps, then local lighting lamps are turned on in their operating position and general lighting is turned off.

6.4 At one workplace, at least three measurements are taken within 5 minutes.

6.5 The results of measuring the light pulsation coefficient are documented in a protocol in accordance with Appendix B.

7 Processing and evaluation of measurement results

7.1 The pulsation coefficient of illumination in the workplace from general and local lighting complies with the standard if its value does not exceed K p<= К пн, где К пн - нормированное значение.

7.2 Illumination pulsation coefficient from general lighting K p is determined as the arithmetic mean value of the measured illumination pulsation coefficients at control points of the room according to the formula

where Kpi - measured values ​​of the illumination pulsation coefficient at control points of the room, lux;

N - number of measurement points.

7.3 The illumination pulsation coefficient in the workplace is determined as the arithmetic mean of three measurements taken within 5 minutes.

7.4 When carrying out measurements using a radiation measuring transducer and an oscilloscope, the ripple coefficient is calculated in accordance with Appendix D.

7.5 The coefficient of illumination pulsation in premises complies with the norm if its average value does not exceed K p<= К пн -.

Multichannel radiometer "Argus".

Pulse meter-lux meter "Argus 07".

Pulse meter-lux meter “TKA-PKM”/08.

Luxmeter-brightness meter-pulse meter "Ecolight-01".

Luxmeter-brightness meter-pulse meter "Ecolight-02".

Protocol for measuring the pulsation coefficient of illumination in industrial and public premises

Name (number) of the premises ___________________________

Dimensions of premises:

length Width Height _____

installation height of lamps ___________________________________

room index _____________________________________________

Date of measurements ________________________________

Name and number of the measuring device ____________________

Number and date of the verification certificate _______________________

Name of the current regulatory document _________

Condition of the lighting installation _________________________

Control point numbers






Measurement plane



inclined) - height

from the floor, m

Illumination pulsation coefficient, %

Conclusion on the degree of compliance coefficient of illumination pulsation in the workplace to current standards

Measured Normalized





Combined lighting General lighting
general local general local
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Conclusion on compliance with regulatory requirements.


GOST 24940-96



Light measurement methods


Methods for understanding the illumination

Date of introduction 1997-01-01


DEVELOPED by Research Institute

of construction physics (NIISF) with the participation of the Moscow Research Institute of Standard and Experimental Design (MNIITEP) and the Limited Liability Partnership "Ceres" of the Russian Federation INTRODUCED by the Ministry of Construction of Russia 2 ACCEPTED by the Interstate Scientific and Technical Commission for Standardization, Technical Standardization and Certification in Construction (MNTKS) 15 May 1996

Voted for adoption Name of the state Name of the state construction management body Republic of Azerbaijan State Construction Committee of the Azerbaijan Republic Republic of Armenia Ministry of Urban Development of the Republic of Armenia Republic of Belarus Ministry of Construction and Architecture of the Republic of Belarus Republic of Kazakhstan Ministry of Construction of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kyrgyz Republic Ministry of Construction of the Kyrgyz Republic Republic of Moldova Department of Architecture and Construction of the Republic of Moldova Russian Federation Ministry of Construction of Russia Republic of Tajikistan State Construction Committee of the Republic of Tajikistan Republic of Uzbekistan State Committee for Architecture and Construction of the Republic of Uzbekistan INSTEAD GOST 24940-81 4 ENTERED INTO EFFECT from 01.

01.97 as a state standard of the Russian Federation by Decree of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated July 31, 1996 No. 18-56 1 Scope This standard establishes methods for determining the minimum, average and cylindrical illumination, the coefficient of natural illumination in the premises of buildings and structures and in workplaces, minimum illumination in places where work is carried out outside buildings, average illumination of streets, roads, squares and tunnels, which are subject to SNiP 23-05-95.

SNiP 23-05-95 “Natural and artificial lighting”

GOST GSI. Methods and means for verifying 8.014-72 photoelectric lux meters GOST 8.023-90 GSI. State verification scheme for means of measuring light quantities of continuous and pulsed radiation GOST 8.326-89 GSI. Metrological certification of measuring instruments GOST 8.332-78 GSI. Light measurements. Values ​​of relative spectral luminous efficiency of monochromatic radiation for daytime vision GOST Analog instruments showing 8711-93 direct-acting electrical measuring devices and auxiliary parts for them. Part 2. Special requirements for ammeters and voltmeters GOST 17616-82* Electric lamps. Methods for measuring electrical and light parameters.

3 Definitions and designations The terms used in this standard, their designations and definitions are given in Table 1.

–  –  –

4 Equipment

4.1 To measure illumination, you should use lux meters with measuring radiation converters that have a spectral error of no more than 10%, defined as the integral deviation of the relative spectral sensitivity curve of the measuring radiation converter from the relative spectral luminous efficiency curve of monochromatic radiation for daytime vision V() according to GOST 8.332.

It is allowed to use lux meters with a spectral error of more than 10% to measure illumination, subject to the introduction of a correction factor for the spectral composition of the light sources used, determined according to GOST 17616. Correction factors for lux meters Yu-116 and Yu-117 when measuring illumination from the most common light sources are given in Appendix B.

4.2 Lux meters must have certificates of metrological certification and verification. Certification of lux meters is carried out in accordance with GOST 8.326, verification - in accordance with GOST 8.014 and GOST 8.023.

4.3 To measure voltage in the network, voltmeters with an accuracy class of at least 1.5 according to GOST 8711 should be used.

5 Preparation for measurements

5.1 Before measuring illumination from artificial lighting, all burnt out lamps should be replaced and the lamps should be cleaned. Illumination measurements can also be carried out without preliminary preparation of the lighting installation, which must be recorded when recording the measurement results.

5.2 KEO measurements are carried out in rooms free of furniture and equipment, not shaded by landscaping and trees, with washed and in good working order translucent fillings in the light openings. KEO measurements can also be made in the presence of furniture, shading by trees and faulty or unwashed translucent fillings, which must be recorded when recording the measurement results.

5.3 To measure KEO, select days with continuous uniform cloudiness of ten points, covering the entire sky. In areas located south of 48° N, KEO measurements can be carried out without taking into account the intensity on days of continuous cloudiness covering the entire sky. Electric light in the premises is turned off for the measurement period.

5.4 Before measurements, control points for measuring illumination are selected and applied to the plan of the room, structure or illuminated area (or as-built drawing of the lighting installation) indicating the placement of lamps.

5.5 Placement of control points when measuring the minimum illumination of premises 5.5.1 Control points for measuring the minimum illumination from working lighting are placed in the center of the room, under the lamps, between the lamps and their rows, near the walls at a distance of 0.15 - 0.25l, but not less 1 m, where l is the distance between the rows of lamps.

5.5.2 Control points for measuring illumination from emergency lighting should be placed at workplaces in accordance with emergency lighting standards.

5.5.3 Test points for measuring the minimum illumination from evacuation lighting should be placed on the floor along the path of evacuation of people from the premises.

Examples of the location of control points for measuring illumination in industrial and public buildings when using luminaires with point and linear light sources for lighting are shown in Figures A.1, A.2.

5.6 Placement of control points when measuring the average illumination of premises 5.6.1 To determine control points, the floor plan is divided into equal, if possible square, parts. Control points are placed in the center of each square. The minimum number of control points for measurement is determined based on the size of the room and the height of the lamps suspended above the working surface.

To do this, calculate the room index i" using the formula ab i =, (1) h0 (ab) where a is the width of the room, m;

b - length of the room, m;

h0 is the height of the lamp suspension, m.

The minimum number of control points N for measuring the average illumination of a square room is determined according to Table 2.

–  –  –

5.6.2 In non-square rooms, a square with the largest area Sк is allocated, for which the number of measurement points N1 is determined in accordance with 5.6.1. The minimum number of points for measuring average illumination N is calculated using the formula Sp N = N1, (2) Sk where Sp is the area of ​​the room, m2;

Sк - square area, m2.

5.6.3 When placing control points on the floor plan, their grid should not coincide with the grid for placing lamps. If the grids coincide, it is advisable to increase the number of control points on the floor plan (Figure A.3). When large equipment is located in a room, control points should not be located on the equipment. If control points fall on equipment, the grid of control points should be made more frequent and points falling on equipment should be excluded.

5.7 Placement of control points when measuring cylindrical illumination of premises 5.7.1 Control points for measuring cylindrical illumination should be placed evenly throughout the room under lamps, between lamps and on the central longitudinal axis of the room at a height of 1.5 m above the floor and at a distance of at least 1.0 m from the wall.

5.7.2 The number of control points for measuring cylindrical illumination must be at least 5.

5.8 Placement of control points when measuring the minimum illumination of premises in places where work is carried out outside buildings 5.8.1 Control points are placed at workplaces along the path of movement of workers. In the illuminated area limited by the supports, control points are selected in the centers between the supports.

For security lighting, control points are located along the perimeter of the illuminated area.

5.8.2 The number of control points in the illuminated area or along the perimeter of the illuminated area must be at least 5.

5.9 Placement of control points when measuring the average illumination of streets, roads, squares and tunnels 5.9.1 Control points for measuring the average illumination of streets, roads and squares should be located evenly on the section of the road surface, limited by the spacing of the lamps, at a distance of 3 - 5 m from each other .

5.9.2 Control points for measuring the average illumination of tunnels should be located on the road surface at a distance of 3 - 5 m from each other:

In evening and night modes - in areas limited by the pitch of lamps operating in these modes;

In daytime mode - in successive sections limited by distances from the entrance portal, where average illumination is standardized according to SNiP 23-05-95.

5.9.3 The number of control points must be at least 15. Examples of the location of control points for different locations of luminaires are shown in Figures A.4 - A.10.

5.10 Placement of control points when measuring the natural illumination of premises 5.10.1 Control points are placed at the intersection of the vertical plane of the characteristic section of the room and the conditional working surface (or floor). The first and last points are taken at a distance of 1 m from the surface of the external walls and internal partitions (or the axis of the columns).

5.10.2 The number of control points must be at least 5. The number of control points must include the point at which illumination is normalized in accordance with current standards.

6 Taking measurements

6.1 Measuring illumination from artificial lighting 6.1.1 Measuring illumination during working and emergency lighting should be carried out at night, when the ratio of natural illumination to artificial illumination is no more than 0.1, measuring illumination during evacuation lighting - when the value of natural illumination does not exceed 0, 1 lux.

6.1.2 At the beginning and at the end of measurements, the voltage on the panels of lighting distribution networks should be measured. The measurement results are recorded in protocols, the form of which is given in Appendix B.

6.1.3 When measuring illumination, the following requirements must be observed:

No shadow from a person should fall on the measuring photometric sensor;

The measuring device should not be located near strong magnetic fields.

6.1.4 Illumination at the workplace is determined by direct measurements in the plane specified in the illumination standards, or on the working plane of the equipment.

With combined lighting of workplaces, illumination is measured first from general lighting lamps, then local lighting lamps are turned on in their working position and the total illumination from general and local lighting lamps is measured.

6.1.5 To determine the cylindrical illumination at each control point, four measurements of vertical illumination are carried out in mutually perpendicular planes.

6.1.6 The results of illumination measurements are drawn up in accordance with Appendix B.

6.2 Measuring the coefficient of natural illumination 6.2.1 When determining the coefficient of natural illumination, simultaneous measurements of illumination are carried out at control points indoors Evn and external illumination Enar on a horizontal area illuminated by the entire light of the sky (for example, outside on the roof of a building or on another elevated place), with taking into account the requirements of 5.3.

6.2.2 The measurement results are recorded in a protocol, the form of which is given in Appendix B.

7 Processing of measurement results 7.1 Determination of artificial lighting parameters 7.1.1 Minimum illumination indoors and outdoors is determined as the minimum measured illumination values ​​from the sequence of their values ​​at control points according to the formula Emin = min (Ei), (3) where Ei - measured illumination values at control points.

7.1.2 The average illuminance in a room is determined as the arithmetic mean of the measured illuminances at control points of the room according to the formula

–  –  –

where Ei - measured illumination values ​​at control points of the room, lux;

N - number of measurement points.

7.1.3 The average illumination of streets, roads, squares and tunnels is determined as the arithmetic mean of the measured illumination Ei at control points of the road surface according to formula 4.

7.1.4 Cylindrical illumination Ec at a control point is determined as the arithmetic mean value of illumination measured in four mutually perpendicular vertical planes, according to the formula

–  –  –

where Ei are the measured illumination values ​​in mutually perpendicular vertical planes, lux.

7.1.5 If the network voltage deviates from the nominal voltage by more than 5%, the actual illumination value is specified using the formula

–  –  –

where E is the minimum, average or cylindrical illumination, determined according to 7.1.1-7.1.4, lux;

Unom - rated network voltage, V;

K - coefficient equal to 4 for incandescent lamps (including halogen), 3 - for inductive ballast and for DRL lamps, 1 - for fluorescent lamps when using capacitive ballast;

Uav - average voltage value, determined by the formula

–  –  –

where Evn is the value of natural illumination indoors, lux;

Enar - the value of natural illumination outdoors, lux.

8 Evaluation of measurement results

8.1 Evaluation of the results of artificial illumination measurements should be carried out in accordance with Table 3.

Table 3

–  –  –

8.2 Natural lighting of premises corresponds to the standard if at the point of normalization the coefficient of natural illumination is EEN, where EEN is the normalized value of KEO.

–  –  –

Location of control points during measurements - control point; - lamp;

Conventional grid for dividing the area of ​​a room into parts to determine the location of control points Figure A1 - Location of control points when measuring the minimum illumination of a room from lamps taken as point emitters - control point; - lamp;

Conventional grid for dividing the area of ​​a room into parts to determine the location of control points Figure A2 - Location of control points when measuring the minimum illumination of a room from luminaires taken for linear emitters - control point; - lamp;

Conventional grid for dividing the area of ​​a room into equal parts Figure A3 - Location of control points when measuring average illumination in a room - control point; - check Point;

Lamp; - lamp;

Figure A4 Figure A5 - Location of control points - Location of points when measuring the average control points of street illumination with two-sided, when measuring the average rectangular arrangement of street illumination with luminaires, one-sided single-row arrangement of luminaires

–  –  –

Check Point; - lamp;

Figure A9 - Location of control points when measuring average street illumination at an intersection - control point; - lamp;

Figure A10 - Location of control points when measuring the average street illumination in places of curvature

–  –  –

Name (number) of the premises______________________.

Device number ____. Date of measurements ________.

Mains voltage: U1 =____________, U2 = _____________.

(at the beginning of measurements) (at the end of measurements) Name of the current regulatory document _____.

Condition of the lighting installation______________________.

–  –  –

Conclusion on the inspection of the lighting installation ___________ Protocol for measuring cylindrical illumination in the premises of public buildings Name (number) of the premises____________________

Device number _____. Date of measurements _____ Mains voltage: U1 = ____________, U2 = ___________ (at the beginning of the measurement) (at the end of the measurement) Name of the current regulatory document ______ _____________________________________________________

Condition of the lighting installation___________________________

–  –  –

Name of the illuminated space ______________.

Device number ______. Date of measurements _____.

Mains voltage: U1 =____________, U2 = _____________.

(at the beginning of measurements) (at the end of measurements) Name of the current regulatory document _____ _____________________________________________________

Condition of the lighting installation______________________

–  –  –

Conclusion on the inspection of the lighting installation _____ _____________________________________________________

Protocol for measuring natural light coefficients Address of the object being examined _______________________.

Date of measurement ________. Measurement time ________.

Name of the current regulatory document ______ _______________________________________________________.

1 Characteristics of the room:

floor (height above ground level) ___________________

2 Characteristics of light openings:

translucent filling, its condition ___________ presence and name of sun protection devices ____.

3 Finishing the surfaces of the room __________________.

4 Availability of equipment and furniture in the room __________.

5 The presence of landscaping, opposing buildings __________.

6 Site plan indicating the number of storeys of opposing buildings.

–  –  –

1 Luxmeter “Kvarts-21” by “Kvarts” software (Russia).

2 Photometer type 1105 from Brühl and Kjær (Denmark).

6.1 Measuring illuminance from artificial lighting

6.2 Measuring the coefficient of natural illumination 7 Processing measurement results 8 Evaluation of measurement results Appendix A Location of control points during measurements Appendix B Measurement protocols Appendix C Correction factors for luxmeters of types Yu-116, Yu-117 Appendix D List of recommended measuring instruments UDC 721:535.241. 46:006.354 OKS 91.040 Zh25 OKSTU 2009 Key words: illumination, lux meter, lighting installation,

Approvedand put into effect

Resolution of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation





Methods for mearsuring the illuminance

GOST 24940-96

Group Zh25

OKS 91.040;

OKSTU 2009

Date of introduction


1. Developed by the Research Institute of Building Physics (NIISF) with the participation of the Moscow Research Institute of Standard and Experimental Design (MNIITEP) and the Ceres Limited Liability Partnership of the Russian Federation.

IntroducedMinistry of Construction of Russia.

2. Adopted by the Interstate Scientific and Technical Commission for Standardization, Technical Regulation and Certification in Construction (MNTKS) on May 15, 1996.


│Name of the state │Name of the state body │

││construction management│


│Republic of Azerbaijan│Gosstroy of the Azerbaijan Republic│

│Republic of Armenia│Ministry of Urban Development│

││Republic of Armenia│

│Republic of Belarus│ Ministry of Construction and Architecture Republic of Bela-│


│Republic of Kazakhstan│Ministry of Construction of the Republic of Kazakhstan│

│Kyrgyz Republic│Ministry of Construction of the Kyrgyz Republic│

│Republic of Moldova│Department of Architecture and Construction -│

││va of the Republic of Moldova│

│Russian Federation│Ministry of Construction of Russia│

│Republic of Tajikistan│Gosstroy of the Republic of Tajikistan│

│Republic of Uzbekistan│ Goskomarchitectstroy Republic of Uzbekistan -│

││kistan │


3. Instead of GOST 24940-81.

4. Entered into force on 01/01/1997 as a state standard of the Russian Federation by Resolution of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated 07/31/1996 N 18-56.

1 area of ​​use

This standard establishes methods for determining the minimum, average and cylindrical illumination, the coefficient of natural illumination in the premises of buildings and structures and in workplaces, the minimum illumination in places where work is carried out outside buildings, the average illumination of streets, roads, squares and tunnels, which are subject to SNiP 23 -05-95.

This standard uses references to the following normative documents:

SNiP 23-05-95. Natural and artificial lighting

GOST 8.014-72 GSI. Methods and means for verifying photoelectric lux meters

GOST 8.023-90 GSI. State verification scheme for means of measuring light quantities of continuous and pulsed radiation

GOST 8.326-89 GSI. Metrological certification of measuring instruments

GOST 8.332-78 GSI. Light measurements of the relative spectral luminous efficiency of monochromatic radiation for daytime vision

GOST 8711-93. Analog devices showing direct-acting electrical measuring devices and auxiliary parts for them. Part 2. Special requirements for ammeters and voltmeters

GOST 17616-82*. Electric lamps. Methods for measuring electrical and light parameters.

3. Definitions and notations

The terms used in this standard, their designations and definitions are given in Table 1.

Table 1




││ measurements││

│1│2 │3│


│Illuminance│E, lux │Luminous flux ratio, pa- │

│││giving on a surface element, │

│││containing a given point, to the plane - │

│││spare this element│

│Minimum cooldown e- │E, lux │Lowest illumination value│

whelping │ min│indoors, in illuminated│

│││area ,V work area│

│Average illumination - │E, lux │Illuminance, averaged over│

density │ avg│area of ​​illuminated premises,│

│││site, work area│

│Cylindrical│E, lx │Characteristic of saturation by │

│illumination│ c│displacement by light, defined as│

│││average light density │

│││flow on the surface vertical-│

│││but located indoors│

│││cylinder, the radius and height of which │

│││horns tend to zero│

│Coefficient e With- │е, %│Ratio of natural light- │

mother-in-law e- ││ness created in some│

density (KEO)││point of a given plane inside │

│││rooms with sky light (directly -│

│││natural or after reflection), to│

│││simultaneous value of external │

│││horizontal illumination,│

│││created entirely by light│

│││open sky│

│Safety factor│K, rel.un. │Calculated coefficient, I take into account-│

││ з│ reducing KEO and illumination │

│││during operation due to -│

│││Vie pollution and aging of light - │

│││transparent fillings in light-│

│││openings, light sources│

│││(lamps) and fixtures, as well as│

│││reduction of reflective properties│

│││room surfaces│

│Relative│V (lambda) s│Ratio of two radiation fluxes│

│spectral light e- │length waves│respectively with wavelengths│

tovaya efficiency V- │lambda,│lambda and lambda calling in│

ity monochromat And- │rel. units│m│

ical radiation ││precisely defined photometric -│

│││under what conditions visual sensations│

│││of the same strength; while the length │

│││lambda waves are chosen like this│


│││in such a way that the maximum value is -│

│││the ratio of this relationship is equal to the unity-│

│││tse │


4. Equipment

4.1. To measure illumination, you should use lux meters with measuring radiation converters that have a spectral error of no more than 10%, defined as the integral deviation of the relative spectral sensitivity curve of the measuring radiation converter from the relative spectral luminous efficiency curve of monochromatic radiation for daytime vision V() according to GOST 8.332.

It is allowed to use lux meters with a spectral error of more than 10% to measure illumination, subject to the introduction of a correction factor for the spectral composition of the light sources used, determined according to GOST 17616. Correction factors for lux meters Yu-116 and Yu-117 when measuring illumination from the most common light sources are given in Appendix B.

4.2. Luxmeters must have certificates of metrological certification and verification. Certification of lux meters is carried out in accordance with GOST 8.326, verification - in accordance with GOST 8.014 and GOST 8.023.

4.3. To measure voltage in the network, voltmeters with an accuracy class of at least 1.5 according to GOST 8711 should be used.

5. Preparation for measurements

5.1. Before measuring illumination from artificial lighting, you should replace all burnt out lamps and clean the fixtures. Illumination measurements can also be carried out without preliminary preparation of the lighting installation, which must be recorded when recording the measurement results.

5.2. The KEO measurement is carried out in rooms that are free from furniture and equipment, not shaded by landscaping and trees, when washed and in good working order. translucent fillings in light openings. KEO measurements can also be taken in the presence of furniture, shade by trees, and damaged or unwashed translucent fillings, which must be recorded when recording measurement results.

5.3. To measure KEO, select days with continuous uniform cloudiness of ten points, covering the entire sky. In areas located south of 48° N, KEO measurements can be carried out without taking into account the intensity on days of continuous cloudiness covering the entire sky. Electric light in the premises is turned off for the measurement period.

5.4. Before measurements, control points for measuring illumination are selected and applied to the plan of the room, structure or illuminated area (or as-built drawing of the lighting installation), indicating the placement of lamps.

5.5. Placement of control points when measuring the minimum illumination of premises

5.5.1. Control points for measuring the minimum illumination from working lighting are placed in the center of the room, under the lamps, between the lamps and their rows, near the walls at a distance of 0.15 - 0.25 l, but not less than 1 m, where l is the distance between the rows of lamps.

5.5.2. Control points for measuring illumination from emergency lighting should be placed at workplaces in accordance with emergency lighting standards.

5.5.3. Control points for measuring the minimum illumination from evacuation lighting should be placed on the floor along the route of evacuation of people from the premises.

Examples of the location of control points for measuring illumination in industrial and public buildings when using luminaires with point and linear light sources for lighting are shown in Figures A.1, A.2.

5.6. Placement of control points when measuring average room illumination

5.6.1. To determine control points, the floor plan is divided into equal, if possible square, parts. Control points are placed in the center of each square. The minimum number of control points for measurement is determined based on the size of the room and the height of the lamps suspended above the working surface. To do this, calculate the room index using the formula

, (1)

where is the width of the room, m;

Room length, m;

Lamp suspension height, m.

The minimum number of control points N for measuring the average illumination of a square room is determined according to Table 2.

table 2


│Room index i"│Number of measurement points│

│Less than 1│4│


│From 1 to 2 inclusive .│9│


│St. 2 to 3 inclusive .│16│


│St. 3│25│


5.6.2. In non-square rooms, a square with the largest area is allocated, for which the number of measurement points is determined in accordance with 5.6.1. The minimum number of points for measuring average illumination is calculated using the formula

, (2)

where is the area of ​​the room, m2;

Square area, m2.

5.6.3. When placing control points on the floor plan, their grid should not coincide with the grid for placing lamps. If the grids coincide, it is advisable to increase the number of control points on the floor plan (Figure A.3). When large equipment is located in a room, control points should not be located on the equipment. If control points fall on equipment, the grid of control points should be made more frequent and points falling on equipment should be excluded.

5.7. Placement of control points when measuring cylindrical room illumination

5.7.1. Control points for measuring cylindrical illumination should be placed evenly throughout the room under the lamps, between the lamps and on the central longitudinal axis of the room at a height of 1.5 m above the floor and at a distance of at least 1.0 m from the wall.

5.7.2. The number of control points for measuring cylindrical illumination must be at least 5.

5.8. Placement of control points when measuring the minimum illumination of premises in places where work is carried out outside buildings

5.8.1. Control points are placed at workplaces along the path of movement of workers. In the illuminated area limited by the supports, control points are selected in the centers between the supports.

For security lighting, control points are located along the perimeter of the illuminated area.

5.8.2. The number of control points in the illuminated area or along the perimeter of the illuminated area must be at least 5.

5.9. Placement of control points when measuring the average illumination of streets, roads, squares and tunnels

5.9.1. Control points for measuring the average illumination of streets, roads and squares should be located evenly on a section of the road surface limited by the spacing of the lamps, at a distance of 3 - 5 m from each other.

5.9.2. Control points for measuring the average illumination of tunnels should be located on the road surface at a distance of 3 - 5 m from each other:

In evening and night modes - in areas limited by the pitch of lamps operating in these modes;

In daytime mode - in successive sections limited by distances from the entrance portal, where average illumination is standardized according to SNiP 23-05-95.

5.9.3. The number of control points must be at least 15.

Examples of the location of control points for different locations of luminaires are shown in Figures A.4 - A.10.

5.10. Placement of control points when measuring natural light in rooms

5.10.1. Control points are placed at the intersection of the vertical plane of the characteristic section of the room and the conditional working surface (or floor). The first and last points are taken at a distance of 1 m from the surface of the external walls and internal partitions (or the axis of the columns).

5.10.2. The number of control points must be at least 5. The number of control points must include the point at which illumination is normalized in accordance with current standards.

6. Taking measurements

6.1. Measuring illuminance from artificial lighting

6.1.1. Measurement of illumination during working and emergency lighting should be carried out in the dark, when the ratio of natural illumination to artificial illumination is no more than 0.1, measurement of illumination during evacuation lighting - when the value of natural illumination does not exceed 0.1 lux.

6.1.2. At the beginning and at the end of measurements, the voltage on the panels of the lighting distribution networks should be measured. The measurement results are recorded in protocols, the form of which is given in Appendix B.

6.1.3. When measuring illumination, the following requirements must be observed:

No shadow from a person should fall on the measuring photometric sensor;

The measuring device should not be located near strong magnetic fields.

6.1.4. Illumination at the workplace is determined by direct measurements in the plane specified in the illumination standards, or on the working plane of the equipment.

With combined lighting of workplaces, illumination is measured first from general lighting lamps, then local lighting lamps are turned on in their working position and the total illumination from general and local lighting lamps is measured.

6.1.5. To determine the cylindrical illumination at each control point, four measurements of vertical illumination are carried out in mutually perpendicular planes.

6.1.6. The illumination measurement results are presented in accordance with Appendix B.

6.2. Measuring daylight factor

6.2.1. When determining the coefficient of natural illumination, simultaneous measurements of illumination are carried out at control points indoors and external illumination on a horizontal area illuminated by the entire light of the sky (for example, outside on the roof of a building or on another elevated place), taking into account the requirements of 5.3.

6.2.2. The measurement results are recorded in a protocol, the form of which is given in Appendix B.

7. Processing of measurement results

7.1. Determination of artificial lighting parameters

7.1.1. The minimum illumination indoors and outdoors is determined as the minimum measured illumination values ​​from the sequence of their values ​​at control points according to the formula

, (3)

where are the measured illumination values ​​at control points.

7.1.2. The average illuminance in a room is determined as the arithmetic mean of the measured illuminances at the control points of the room according to the formula

, (4)

where are the measured illumination values ​​at the control points of the room, lux;

N - number of measurement points.

7.1.3. The average illumination of streets, roads, squares and tunnels is determined as the arithmetic mean of the measured illumination at control points of the road surface according to formula 4.

7.1.4. Cylindrical illumination at a control point is determined as the arithmetic mean value of illumination measured in four mutually perpendicular vertical planes, according to the formula

, (5)

where are the measured illumination values ​​in mutually perpendicular vertical planes, lux.

7.1.5. If the network voltage deviates from the nominal voltage by more than 5%, the actual illumination value is specified using the formula

, (6)

where is the minimum, average or cylindrical illumination, determined according to 7.1.1 - 7.1.4, lux;

Rated network voltage, V;

A coefficient equal to 4 for incandescent lamps (including halogen), 3 for inductive ballast and DRL lamps, 1 for fluorescent lamps when using capacitive ballast;

Average voltage value determined by the formula

, (7)

where is the network voltage at the beginning of the measurement, V;

Mains voltage at the end of measurement, V.

7.2. Determination of natural lighting parameters

Natural light factor,%, is determined by the formula

, (8)

where is the value of natural light indoors, lux;

Value of natural illumination outdoors, lux.

8. Evaluation of measurement results

8.1. The results of artificial illumination measurements should be assessed in accordance with Table 3.

Table 3


│ View control│Ratio between measured and norm- │Evaluation│

││measured illumination values│ results │

││System│Combined system ││



│││General│General +││




│Acceptance of light -│E >= 0.9 K E │E >= 0.9 K E│E >= E │Compliant│

title │z n│z but│n│norms │

│installations in ├─────────────┼──────────────┼───────┼ ───────── ────┤

│operation │E< 0,9 К Е│Е < 0,9 К Е│Е < Е│Не соответст -│

││z n │ z but │n │follows the norms│


Inspector│E>= E│E >= E│E >= E │Compliant│

│control│n │but│n│norms │

││E< Е│Е < Е│Е < Е│Н е соответст -│

││n │but│n │follows the norms│


│Note. E - normalized illumination (minimum, medium- │

n │

nyaya, cylindrical); E-standardized illumination of the total│


│lighting in a combined lighting system; K - coefficient│



8.2. Natural lighting of premises corresponds to the standard if at the standardization point the coefficient of natural illumination is , where is the normalized value of KEO.

Application A


Figure A 1 . Location of control points during measurement

minimum room illumination from lamps,

acceptedfor point emitters

Check Point; - lamp;

Conditional grid for dividing the area of ​​the room

into parts to determine the location of control points

Figure A 2. Location of control points when measuring the minimum room illumination from luminaires received

for linear emitters

Check Point; - lamp;

Conditional grid for dividing the area of ​​the room into equal parts

Figure A3. Location of control points during measurement

average indoor illumination

Check Point; - lamp;

Figure A 4 . Location of control points during measurement

average street illumination with one-way

single-row arrangement of lamps

Figure A5. Location of control points during measurement

rectangular arrangement of lamps

Check Point; - lamp

Figure A 6. Location of control points during measurement

average street illumination with two-way

staggered arrangement of lamps

Check Point; - lamp

Figure A 7. Location of control points during measurement

average street illumination with axial single-row

location lamps

Check Point; - lamp

Figure A8. Location of control points during measurement

average street illumination with axial two-row

location lamps

Check Point; - lamp

Figure A 9 . Location of control points at

measurementaverage street illumination at the intersection

Check Point; - lamp

Figure A10. Location of control points during measurement

average illumination of streets in places of curvature

Application B


Protocol for measuring illumination in production areas

and public areas

Name (number) of the premises ______________________________.

Device number ________. Date of measurements ___________.

Mains voltage:U=0 _____________________,U=

1(at the beginning of measurements)2


(at the end of measurements)

Name of the current regulatory document ____________.

The state of the lighting installation is ___________________________.


│N to n- │Location │Plane│Illumination, lux │Conclusion│

troll b- │measuring - │measurements├─────────────┬─────────────┬─────── ──────┤o degrees │

nyh │rhenium,│(horizon n- │ measured│ actual │standardized│correspondence -│

│points │name e- │tal, ├─────────┬───┼─────────┬───┼───────── ┬───┤via osve - │

││new a- │verti-│Combini - │Ob-│Combini - │Ob-│Combini - │About-│generality │

││tion │hot, │hot │hot│hot │hot│hot │tooth│on the working surface│

││slave O- │tilt-│lighting│os -│lighting│os -│lighting│os -│place│

││whose│ naya ) -├───┬─────┤v e- ├───┬─────┤ve -├───┬─────┤ve -│acting- │

││п o- │height from│about -│general│more -│about-│general│more -│about-│general│more -│general standards│

││ver x- │floor, m│more │+│nie│whole │+│nie│whole │+│nie ││

││ness │││places-│││places-│││places-│││

│││││new │││new │││new │││

│1│2│3│ 4 │5│ 6 │ 7 │8│ 9 │10 │11 │12 │13│



Conclusion on the inspection of the lighting installation ──────────────.

Cylindrical illuminance measurement protocol

in public buildings

Name (number) of the premises ___________________________________.

Device number ____________. Date of measurements ___________.

Mains voltage:U=___________________________,U=

1(at the beginning of measurements)2


(at the end of measurements)

Name of the current regulatory document _________________

Condition of the lighting installation _______________________________.


│N│Cylindrical illumination, OK

│control-├──────────────────┬─────────┬───────── ───┬──── ────────┤

nykh points│ measured│ average │actual │standardized │

│├────┬────┬───┬────┤E│ E│E│

││ E│ E│E│ E│sr│f│n│

││1 │2 │ 3 │4 ││││

│1│2 │ 3│ 4 │ 5│6│7│8│




Protocol for measuring illumination in installations

outdoor lighting

Name of the illuminated space _______________________.

Device number ___________. Date of measurements ________.

Mains voltage:U=______________________,U=

1(at the beginning of measurements)2


(at the end of measurements)

Name of the current regulatory document ____________.


The state of the lighting installation is ___________________________.


│N│Illuminance, OK

│control ├───────────────────┬───────┬────────── ─┬─────── ────┤

│dots│ measuredaverage│actual│standardized

│├────┬────┬────┬────┤E│ E│E│

││ E│ E│....│E│sr│f│n│

││1 │2 ││ 15 ││││

│1│ 2│ 3│ 4│ 15 │16│17│18│


Conclusion on the inspection of the lighting installation ___________


Protocol for measuring coefficients

natural light

The address of the surveyed object is ___________________________________.

Date of measurement ______________. Measurement time ______________.

Name of the current regulatory document _____________


1. Characteristics of the premises:

floor (height above ground level) ___________________________

location light openings(link to attached plan,

section of the room), orientation ____________________________.

2. Characteristics light openings:

translucent filling, its condition _________________

availability and name of sun protection devices __________.

3. Finishing the surfaces of the room ___________________________.

4. Availability of equipment and furniture in the premises _________________.

5. The presence of landscaping, opposing buildings ________________.

6. Site plan indicating the number of storeys of opposing buildings.

KEO measurement results


│N points│Time│E( inside│E(outside) , %│

│in pom e- dimension-│ vn│ nar├───────────┬────────────┤

marriagenia│premises),│premises),│for each│average for │

│││OKOK│ measurements │each point│




















Conclusion on the natural lighting of the room ________________


│Light source type in│Values correctional

│lighting installation│coefficients│

│Incandescent lamps│1.0│


│Fluorescent lamp types:││








│DRL type lamps│1.09│


Metal halide lamp types:││

│DRI 400│1.22│

│DRI 1000-1│1.06│

│DRI 3500-1│1.03│

│DRISH 575│0.93│

│DRISH 2500│0.98│



│Note. Depending on the light sources used│

│readings of lux meters Yu-116 and Yu-117 must be multiplied on

│correction factors.│


2. Photometer type 1105 from " Bruhl And Kjer"(Denmark).

The goals and principles of standardization in the Russian Federation are established by Federal Law of December 27, 2002 N 184-FZ “On Technical Regulation”, and the rules for the application of national standards of the Russian Federation are GOST R 1.0-2004 “Standardization in the Russian Federation. Basic Provisions”

1 DEVELOPED by the federal state budgetary institution "Research Institute of Building Physics of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences" (NIISF RAASN), Limited Liability Company "CERERA-EXPERT" (LLC "CERERA-EXPERT") with the participation of Limited Liability Company "All-Russian Scientific Research, Design and Construction Lighting Engineering Institute named after S.I. Vavilov"

EN 12464-1:2002 "Light and lighting - Lighting of work places - Part 1: Indoor work places", NEQ regarding the measurement procedure;

EH 12464-2:2007 "Lighting of work places - Part 2: Outdoor work places" (EN 12464-2:2007 "Light and lighting - Lighting of work places - Part 2: Outdoor work places", NEQ) regarding measurement procedures ;

EH 13201-3:2003 "Road lighting - Part 3: Calculation of parameters" (EN 13201-3:2003 "Road lighting - Part 3: Calculation of performance", NEQ) regarding the selection of control points;

EN 13201-4:2003 "Road lighting - Part 4: Methods of measuring lighting performance" (EN 13201-4:2003 "Road lighting - Part 4: Methods of measuring lighting performance", NEQ) regarding methods for measuring illuminance

Information about changes to this standard is published in the annually published information index "National Standards", and the text of changes and amendments is published in the monthly published information index "National Standards". Whenrevision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard, the corresponding notice will be published in the monthly published information index "National Standards". Relevant information, notifications and texts are also posted on the public information network - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet

This standard establishes methods for determining the minimum, average and cylindrical illumination, the coefficient of natural illumination (KEO) in the premises of buildings and structures and in workplaces, the minimum illumination of work areas outside buildings, the average illumination of streets, roads, squares, and the semi-cylindrical illumination of pedestrian areas.

GOST 8.023-2003 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. State verification scheme for means of measuring light quantities of continuous and pulsed radiation

GOST 8.332-78 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Light measurements. Values ​​of relative spectral luminous efficiency of monochromatic radiation for daytime vision

GOST 8711-2004* Analog instruments showing direct-acting electrical measuring instruments and auxiliary parts for them. Part 2. Special requirements for ammeters and voltmeters

Note - When using this standard, it is advisable to check the validity of the reference standards in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet or according to the annually published information index "National Standards", which was published as of January 1 of the current year , and according to the corresponding monthly information indexes published in the current year. If the reference standard is replaced (changed), then when using this standard you should be guided by the replacing (changed) standard. If the reference standard is canceled without replacement, then the provision in which a reference is made to it is applied in the part that does not affect this reference.

 GOST 24940-96 INTERSTATE STANDARD FOR BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES Methods for measuring illumination BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES Methods for mearsuring the illuminance Date of introduction 1997-01-01 Preface 1 DEVELOPED by the Research Institute of Building Physics (NIISF) with the participation of the Moscow Scientific Research Institute atelier institute of standard and experimental design (MNIITEP) and Limited Liability Partnership "Ceres" of the Russian Federation INTRODUCED by the Ministry of Construction of Russia 2 ACCEPTED by the Interstate Scientific and Technical Commission for Standardization, Technical Regulation and Certification in Construction (MNTKS) on May 15, 1996 Voted for adoption Name of the stateName of the state construction management bodyRepublic Azerbaijan Republic of Armenia Republic of Belarus Republic of Kazakhstan Kyrgyz Republic Republic of Moldova Russian Federation Republic of Tajikistan Republic of Uzbekistan State Construction Committee of the Azerbaijan Republic Ministry of Urban Development of the Republic of Armenia Ministry of Construction and Architecture of the Republic of Belarus Ministry of Construction of the Republic of Kazakhstan Ministry of Construction of the Kyrgyz Republic Department of Architecture and Construction of the Republic of Moldova Ministry of Construction of Russia State Construction Committee of the Republic of Tajikistan State Committee for Architecture and Construction of the Republic of Uzbekistan INSTEAD GOST 24940- 81 4 ENTERED INTO EFFECT from 01.01.97 as a state standard of the Russian Federation by Decree of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated July 31, 1996 No. 18-56 1 Scope This standard establishes methods for determining the minimum, average and cylindrical illumination, the coefficient of natural illumination in premises buildings and structures and in workplaces, minimum illumination in places where work is carried out outside buildings, average illumination of streets, roads, squares and tunnels, which are subject to SNiP 23-05-95. 2 Normative references This standard uses references to the following normative documents. SNiP 23-05-95 "Natural and artificial lighting" GOST 8.014-72 GSI. Methods and means for verifying photoelectric lux meters GOST 8.023-90 GSI. State verification scheme for means of measuring light quantities of continuous and pulsed radiation GOST 8.326-89 GSI. Metrological certification of measuring instruments GOST 8.332-78 GSI. Light measurements. Values ​​of relative spectral luminous efficiency of monochromatic radiation for daytime vision GOST 8711-93 Analog instruments showing direct electrical measuring and auxiliary parts for them. Part 2. Special requirements for ammeters and voltmeters GOST 17616-82* Electric lamps. Methods for measuring electrical and light parameters. 3 Definitions and designations The terms used in this standard, their designations and definitions are given in Table 1. Table 1 Term Designation, unit of measurement Definition 123 Illumination E, lx The ratio of the luminous flux incident on a surface element containing a given point to the area of ​​this element Minimum illuminationEmin, lx The smallest value of illumination in the room, in the illuminated area, in the work area Average illuminanceEsr, lxIllumination, averaged area of ​​the illuminated premises, area, work area Cylindrical osEts, lxCharacteristic of the saturation of the room with light, defined as the average density of the luminous flux on the surface of a vertically located cylinder in the room, the radius and height of which tend to zero ESE coefficient,% Ratio of natural illumination illumination created at a bare point (KEO) of a given plane inside the room by sky light (directly or after reflection), to the simultaneous value of external horizontal illumination created by the light of a completely open sky. Calculated coefficient that takes into account the decrease in CEC and illumination during operation due to contamination and aging of translucent fillings in light openings, light sources (lamps) and lamps, as well as a decrease in the reflective properties of room surfaces. Relative spectral luminous efficiency of monochromatic radiation V() with wavelength, rel. units The ratio of two radiation fluxes, respectively, with wavelengths m and, causing visual sensations of equal strength under precisely defined photometric conditions; in this case, the wavelength m is chosen in such a way that the maximum value of this ratio is equal to unity 4 Equipment 4.1 To measure illumination, lux meters with measuring radiation converters should be used, having a spectral error of no more than 10%, defined as the integral deviation of the relative curve of the spectral sensitivity of the measuring radiation converter from curve of relative spectral luminous efficiency of monochromatic radiation for daytime vision V() according to GOST 8.332. The list of recommended measuring instruments is given in Appendix D. It is allowed to use lux meters with a spectral error of more than 10% to measure illumination, subject to the introduction of a correction factor for the spectral composition of the light sources used, determined according to GOST 17616. Correction factors for lux meters Yu-116 and Yu-117 when measuring illumination from the most common light sources are given in Appendix B. 4.2 Lux meters must have certificates of metrological certification and verification. Certification of lux meters is carried out in accordance with GOST 8.326, verification - in accordance with GOST 8.014 and GOST 8.023. 4.3 To measure the voltage in the network, you should use voltmeters with an accuracy class of at least 1.5 according to GOST 8711. 5 Preparation for measurements 5.1 Before measuring illumination from artificial lighting, you should replace all burnt out lamps and clean the fixtures. Illumination measurements can also be carried out without preliminary preparation of the lighting installation, which must be recorded when recording the measurement results. 5.2 KEO measurements are carried out in rooms free of furniture and equipment, not shaded by landscaping and trees, with washed and in good working order translucent fillings in the light openings. KEO measurements can also be made in the presence of furniture, shading by trees and faulty or unwashed translucent fillings, which must be recorded when recording the measurement results. 5.3 To measure KEO, select days with continuous uniform cloudiness of ten points, covering the entire sky. In areas located south of 48° N, KEO measurements can be carried out without taking into account the intensity on days of continuous cloudiness covering the entire sky. Electric light in the premises is turned off for the measurement period. 5.4 Before measurements, control points for measuring illumination are selected and applied to the plan of the room, structure or illuminated area (or as-built drawing of the lighting installation) indicating the placement of lamps. 5.5 Placement of control points when measuring the minimum illumination of premises 5.5.1 Control points for measuring the minimum illumination from working lighting are placed in the center of the room, under the lamps, between the lamps and their rows, near the walls at a distance of 0.15 - 0.25l, but not less 1 m, where l is the distance between the rows of lamps. 5.5.2 Control points for measuring illumination from emergency lighting should be placed at workplaces in accordance with emergency lighting standards. 5.5.3 Test points for measuring the minimum illumination from evacuation lighting should be placed on the floor along the path of evacuation of people from the premises. Examples of the location of control points for measuring illumination in industrial and public buildings when using luminaires with point and linear light sources for lighting are shown in Figure A. 1, A.2. 5.6 Placement of control points when measuring the average illumination of premises 5.6.1 To determine control points, the floor plan is divided into equal, if possible square, parts. Control points are placed in the center of each square. The minimum number of control points for measurement is determined based on the size of the room and the height of the lamps suspended above the working surface. To do this, calculate the room index i" using the formula, (1) where a is the width of the room, m; b is the length of the room, m; h0 is the height of the lamp suspension, m. The minimum number of control points N for measuring the average illumination of a square room is determined from the table 2. Table 2 Room index i"Number of measurement points Less than 14 From 1 to 2 inclusive. 9 St. 2 to 3 inclusive.16St. 325 5.6.2 In non-square rooms, a square with the largest area Sк is allocated, for which the number of measurement points N1 is determined in accordance with 5.6.1. The minimum number of points for measuring average illumination N is calculated by the formula, (2) where Sp is the area of ​​the room, m2; Sк - square area, m2. 5.6.3 When placing control points on the floor plan, their grid should not coincide with the grid for placing lamps. If the grids coincide, it is advisable to increase the number of control points on the floor plan (Figure A.3). When large equipment is located in a room, control points should not be located on the equipment. If control points fall on equipment, the grid of control points should be made more frequent and points falling on equipment should be excluded. 5.7 Placement of control points when measuring cylindrical illumination of premises 5.7.1 Control points for measuring cylindrical illumination should be placed evenly throughout the room under lamps, between lamps and on the central longitudinal axis of the room at a height of 1.5 m above the floor and at a distance of at least 1.0 m from the wall. 5.7.2 The number of control points for measuring cylindrical illumination must be at least 5. 5.8 Placement of control points when measuring the minimum illumination of premises in places where work is carried out outside buildings 5.8.1 Control points are placed at workplaces along the path of movement of workers. In the illuminated area limited by the supports, control points are selected in the centers between the supports. For security lighting, control points are located along the perimeter of the illuminated area. 5.8.2 The number of control points in the illuminated area or along the perimeter of the illuminated area must be at least 5. 5.9 Placement of control points when measuring the average illumination of streets, roads, squares and tunnels 5.9.1 Control points for measuring the average illumination of streets, roads and squares should be located evenly on the section of the road surface, limited by the spacing of the lamps, at a distance of 3 - 5 m from each other . 5.9.2 Control points for measuring the average illumination of tunnels should be located on the road surface at a distance of 3 - 5 m from each other: - in evening and night modes - in areas limited by the spacing of lamps operating in these modes; - in daytime mode - in successive sections limited by distances from the entrance portal, where average illumination is standardized according to SNiP 23-05-95. 5.9.3 The number of control points must be at least 15. Examples of the location of control points for different locations of luminaires are shown in Figures A.4 - A. 10. 5.10 Placement of control points when measuring the natural illumination of premises 5.10.1 Control points are placed at the intersection of the vertical plane a characteristic section of the room and a conventional working surface (or floor). The first and last points are taken at a distance of 1 m from the surface of the external walls and internal partitions (or the axis of the columns). 5.10.2 The number of control points must be at least 5. The number of control points must include the point at which illumination is normalized in accordance with current standards. 6 Carrying out measurements 6.1 Measuring illumination from artificial lighting 6.1.1 Measuring illumination during working and emergency lighting should be carried out at night, when the ratio of natural to artificial illumination is no more than 0.1, measuring illumination during evacuation lighting - when the value of natural illumination is not exceeds 0.1 lux. 6.1.2 At the beginning and at the end of measurements, the voltage on the panels of lighting distribution networks should be measured. The measurement results are recorded in protocols, the form of which is given in Appendix B. 6.1.3 When measuring illumination, the following requirements must be observed: - no shadow from a person should fall on the measuring photometric sensor; - the measuring device should not be located near strong magnetic fields. 6.1.4 Illumination at the workplace is determined by direct measurements in the plane specified in the illumination standards, or on the working plane of the equipment. With combined lighting of workplaces, illumination is measured first from general lighting lamps, then local lighting lamps are turned on in their working position and the total illumination from general and local lighting lamps is measured. 6.1.5 To determine the cylindrical illumination at each control point, four measurements of vertical illumination are carried out in mutually perpendicular planes. 6.1.6 The results of illumination measurements are drawn up in accordance with Appendix B. 6.2 Measuring the coefficient of natural illumination 6.2.1 When determining the coefficient of natural illumination, simultaneous measurements of illumination are carried out at control points indoors Evn and external illumination Enar on a horizontal platform illuminated by the entire light of the sky (for example , outside on the roof of a building or on another elevated place), taking into account the requirements of 5.3. 6.2.2 The measurement results are recorded in a protocol, the form of which is given in Appendix B. 7 Processing of measurement results 7.1 Determination of artificial lighting parameters 7.1.1 Minimum illumination indoors and outdoors is determined as the minimum measured illumination values ​​from the sequence of their values ​​at control points according to the formula Emin = min (Ei), (3) where Ei are the measured illumination values ​​at control points. 7.1.2 The average illumination in a room is determined as the arithmetic mean of the measured illuminance at the control points of the room according to the formula, (4) where Ei is the measured illuminance at the control points of the room, lux; N - number of measurement points. 7.1.3 The average illumination of streets, roads, squares and tunnels is determined as the arithmetic mean of the measured illumination Ei at control points of the road surface according to formula 4. 7.1.4 Cylindrical illumination Ec at a control point is determined as the arithmetic mean of the illumination measured in four mutually perpendicular vertical planes , according to the formula, (5) where Ei are the measured illumination values ​​in mutually perpendicular vertical planes, lux. 7.1.5 If the network voltage deviates from the nominal voltage by more than 5%, the actual illumination value is specified using the formula, (6) where E is the minimum, average or cylindrical illumination, determined according to 7.1.1-7.1.4, lux; Unom - rated network voltage, V; K - coefficient equal to 4 for incandescent lamps (including halogen), 3 - for inductive ballast and for DRL lamps, 1 - for fluorescent lamps when using capacitive ballast; Uav is the average voltage value, determined by the formula, (7) where U1 is the network voltage at the beginning of the measurement, V; U2 - network voltage at the end of measurement, V. 7.2 Determination of natural lighting parameters The coefficient of natural illumination e, %, is determined by the formula, (8) where Evn is the value of natural illumination indoors, lux; Enar - the value of natural illumination outdoors, lux. 8 Evaluation of measurement results 8.1 Evaluation of artificial illumination measurement results should be carried out in accordance with Table 3. Table 3 Type of control Relationship between measured and standardized illumination values ​​Evaluation of measurement results General lighting system Combined lighting system General General + local 12345 Acceptance of lighting E 0. 9 KzENE 0. 9 KzENE En Corresponds to installation standards for operation E< 0, 9КзЕнЕ < 0, 9КзЕноЕ < ЕнНе соответствует нормамИнспекторский контрольЕ ЕнЕ ЕноЕ ЕнСоответствует нормамЕ < ЕнЕ < ЕноЕ < ЕнНе соответствует нормамПримечание - Ен- нормируемая освещенность (минимальная, средняя, цилиндрическая); Ено - нормируемая освещенность от общего освещения в системе комбинированного освещения; Кз - коэффициент запаса 8.2 Естественное освещение помещений соответствует норме, если в точке нормирования коэффициент естественной освещенности еен, где ен - нормированное значение КЕО. ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ А (рекомендуемое) Расположение контрольных точек при проведении измерений * - контрольная точка; - светильник; - условная сетка раздела площади помещения на части для определения расположения контрольных точек Рисунок А1 - Расположение контрольных точек при измерении минимальной освещенности помещения от светильников, принимаемых за точечные излучатели * - контрольная точка; - светильник; - условная сетка раздела площади помещения на части для определения расположения контрольных точек Рисунок А2 - Расположение контрольных точек при измерении минимальной освещенности помещения от светильников, принимаемых за линейные излучатели * - контрольная точка; - светильник; - - условная сетка раздела площади помещения на равные части Рисунок A3 - Расположение контрольных точек при измерении средней освещенности в помещении * - контрольная точка; - светильник;* - контрольная точка; - светильник;Рисунок А4 - Расположение контрольных точек при измерении средней освещенности улиц при одностороннем однорядном расположении светильниковРисунок А5 - Расположение контрольных точек при измерении средней освещенности улиц при двух-стороннем прямоугольном расположении светильников * - контрольная точка; - светильник;* - контрольная точка; - светильник;Рисунок А6 - Расположение контрольных точек при измерении средней освещенности улиц при двухстороннем шахматном расположении светильниковРисунок А7 - Расположение контрольных точек при измерении средней освещенности улиц при осевом однорядном расположении светильников * - контрольная точка; - светильник; Рисунок А8 - Расположение контрольных точек при измерении средней освещенности улиц при осевом двухрядном расположении светильников * - контрольная точка; - светильник; Рисунок А9 - Расположение контрольных точек при измерении средней освещенности улиц на перекрестке * - контрольная точка; - светильник; Рисунок А10 -Расположение контрольных точек при измерении средней освещенности улиц в местах закругления ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ Б (рекомендуемое) Протоколы измерений Протокол измерений освещенности в производственных и общественных помещениях Наименование (номер) помещения______________________ . Номер прибора ____ . Дата проведения измерений ________ . Напряжение сети: U1 =____________ , U2 = _____________ . (в начале измерений) (в конце измерений) Наименование действующего нормативного документа _____ . Состояние осветительной установки______________________ . № Место Плоскость Освещенность, лкЗаключение оизмерения,измеренияизмереннаяфактическаянормируемаястепениконтрольных точекнаименование рабочей поверхности(горизонтальная, вертикальная, наклонная) - высота от пола, мКомбинированное освещениеОбщее освеще ниеКомбинированное освещениеОбщее освещениеКомбинированное освещениеОбщее освещениесоответствия освещенности на рабочем месте действующим нормамобщееобщее + местноеобщееобщее + местноеобщееобщее + местное12345б78910111213 Заключение по обследованию осветительной установки ___________ Протокол измерения цилиндрической освещенности в помещениях общественных зданий Наименование (номер) помещения____________________ Номер прибора _____ . Дата проведения измерений _____ Напряжение сети: U1 = ____________ , U2 = ___________ (в начале измерении) (в конце измерении) Наименование действующего нормативного документа ______ _____________________________________________________ Состояние осветительной установки___________________ № Цилиндрическая освещенность, лкконтрольныхизмереннаясредняя Есрфактическая нормируе точекЕ1Е2Е3Е4Ефмая Ен12345678 Заключение по обследованию осветительной установки ___________ ___________________________________________________________ Протокол измерения освещенности в установках наружного освещения Наименование освещаемого пространства ______________ . Номер прибора ______ . Дата проведения измерений _____ . Напряжение сети:U1 =____________ , U2 = _____________ . (в начале измерений) (в конце измерении) Наименование действующего нормативного документа _____ ____________________________________________________ Состояние осветительной установки______________________ № Освещенность, лкконтрольных точекизмереннаясредняяфактическаянормируемаяE1E2......E15EсрЕфЕн123415161718 Заключение по обследованию осветительной установки _____ _____________________________________________________ Протокол измерения коэффициентов естественной освещенности Адрес обследуемого объекта_______________________ . Дата измерения ________ . Время измерения ________ . Наименование действующего нормативного документа ______ ______________________________________________________ . 1 Характеристика помещения: этаж (высота над уровнем земли) ___________________ расположение светопроемов (ссылка на прилагаемый план, разрез помещения), ориентация _______________________________ . 2 Характеристики светопроемов: светопрозрачное заполнение, его состояние ___________ наличие и наименование солнцезащитных устройств ____ . 3 Отделка поверхностей помещения __________________ . 4 Наличие в помещении оборудования, мебели __________ . 5 Наличие озеленения, противостоящих зданий __________ . 6 План участка с указанием этажности противостоящих зданий. Результаты измерения КЕО № точек в Время Евн (внутри Енар (вне е, %помещенииизмеренияпомещения), лкпомещения), лкдля каждого измерениясреднее для каждой точки Заключение о естественном освещении помещения ________ ______________________________________________________ . ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ В (справочное) Поправочные коэффициенты для люксметров типов Ю-116 и Ю-117 Тип источника света в осветительной установкеЗначения поправочных коэффициентовЛампы накаливания1,0Люминесцентные лампы типов:ЛБ1,17ЛХБ1,15ЛЕ1,01ЛД0,99ЛДС0,99ЛХЕ0,98Лампы типа ДРЛ1,09Металлогалогенные лампы типов:ДРИ 4001,22ДРИ 1000-11,06ДРИ 3500-11,03ДРИШ 5750,93ДРИШ 25000,98ДНаТ1,23Примечание - В зависимости от применяемых источников света показания люксметров Ю-116 и Ю-117 должны быть умножены на поправочные коэффициенты ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ Г (рекомендуемое) Перечень рекомендуемых средств измерения 1 Люксметр "Кварц-21" ПО "Кварц" (Россия). 2 Фотометр типа 1105 фирмы "Брюль и Къер" (Дания). Содержание 1 Область применения 2 Нормативные ссылки 3 Определения и обозначения 4 Аппаратура 5 Подготовка к измерениям 6 Проведение измерений 6.1 Измерение освещенности от искусственного освещения 6.2 Измерение коэффициента естественной освещенности 7 Обработка результатов измерений 8 Оценка результатов измерений Приложение А Расположение контрольных точек при проведении измерений Приложение Б Протоколы измерений Приложение В Поправочные коэффициенты для люксметров типов Ю-116, Ю-117 Приложение Г Перечень рекомендуемых средств измерения УДК 721:535.241.46:006.354 ОКС 91.040 Ж25 ОКСТУ 2009 Ключевые слова: освещенность, люксметр, осветительная установка, коэффициент запаса, коэффициент естественной освещенности