Protection of the base of the fence foundation. Concrete strip for fence

Even if you have no experience or skills, you can still make a foundation for a fence with your own hands! Because in this matter the main thing is not experience, but an understanding of what needs to be done. And of course, doing the opposite is not possible.

In this article we will look at what type of foundation is optimal to make for a particular type of fence.

Why do they build fences on foundations? In fact, in some cases you don’t have to do them - if you don’t need the fence to stand for a long time. In other situations, at least minimal filling is necessary.

Let's look at everything in more detail.

Foundation for light fences

Lightweight structures can be called those made of metal, wood, or with a small amount of artificial or natural stone. In addition, this category also includes.

Let's get acquainted with everything in order.

Foundation for welded and forged fences

If we are talking about a fence that is made in the form of a mesh, a frame, or from forged elements, or corrugated sheets, then two types of foundation can be made:

  • Point, exclusively for the supports themselves. As for how to properly make such a fence foundation, then, in general, everything is simple. It is best to make a hole in the ground about 70 centimeters deep and so that the width of each side is about half a meter.
    Then you need to insert a support there and fill the entire space with concrete mixture. Just remember to fix each post as vertically as possible so that it does not deviate while the concrete hardens;

  • . Essentially, this is a trench dug along the line of the future fence, into which supports are inserted and the entire space is filled with concrete mixture.
    As a rule, this is done when the pillars and supports are located at a very small distance from each other, and there is simply no point in bothering with filling each individual vertical pipe.
    Or, as an option, tape filling is done even when it is planned to make a low perimeter of brick or stone in the area of ​​​​the lower part of future supports - it simply cannot be laid on the ground.

As you can see, pouring a foundation for a fence of this type is really not a difficult task, but there are still important points here and you need to remember them.

  • Firstly, do not under any circumstances skimp on the quality of the mixture.. The ratio of cement and sand in the solution should be no less than 1:3.
    And it is better to use crushed stone with a fine fraction of 5-20 mm. If the stones are larger, then the finished concrete in this case will not be very strong.

Please note that the mixture should not contain any organic matter: soil, branches, pieces of wood, etc.
If they are, they will rot over time and in this place a void will form in the foundation, a weak point that will constantly fill with water and gradually destroy the entire tape.

  • Secondly, if you are making a strip foundation for a fence with your own hands and it is not possible to fill it all at once, then do not allow the mixture to be completely poured to the top of the formwork in one place, and not to be there at all in another.
    Otherwise, later, in these places, the tape may simply break. This is especially true on heaving soils.

It’s better to pour the mixture in horizontal stripes, one layer on top of the other - it will be stronger.

Now let's talk about the secrets of pouring wooden supports.

Foundation for wooden fences

In principle, any wooden product is afraid of one thing – high humidity. But if the outer part similar designs They are constantly painted, treated with various antiseptics and solutions, what to do with the part that is concreted?

The answer is very simple - take care of protecting the bottom of the supports in advance!

Whatever the depth of the foundation for a fence of this type, it usually does not exceed one meter. This means that, most likely, groundwater will not reach the beginning of the construction, which means everything is not so scary.

Most likely, it will be enough to do a couple of things:

  1. Before pouring concrete, make a moisture-proofing layer of roofing felt along the bottom and walls of the pit. This will to some extent protect the concrete from water penetrating into its structure;
  2. Wrap the wooden supports with roofing felt as well. This will directly protect the tree from rotting.

Advice: it’s better not to waste money and buy not an ordinary roofing material for such moisture protection, but a good one, on a film basis - it is more reliable and will last longer.

In principle, we have looked at how to make a foundation for a lightweight fence, now let’s talk about heavier structures.

Foundation for massive stone projects

It is clear that if there is a stone fence on a foundation that was made in violation of all SNIPs, then the condition of the fence will very soon present a truly depressing sight.

Cracks will appear, vertical deviations are possible, or simply strong subsidence of the entire structure.

To prevent this from happening, remember a few important rules.

And it’s probably worth familiarizing yourself not only with how to pour a foundation for a fence, but also with how to protect the concrete strip from rain and melting snow.

How to make a blind area

In essence, a blind area is a concrete threshold running along the ground, along the entire line of the fence, with a slope. The slope is made in such a way that rain or melt water flows down it away from the overall structure and, accordingly, the foundation itself.

However, the blind area is still not only concrete; you need to know how to properly arrange it in order to achieve the desired effect.

It is most convenient to do the blind area at the stage of pouring the solution, but even if you forgot about it, then in principle it can be done later.

The instructions are very simple.

  1. Along the entire foundation strip (or if it is a point foundation, then along the fence line) a recess is made 15 centimeters and approximately 50 centimeters wide.
  2. We fill the bottom of the dug space with crushed stone. A stone with a fraction of 5-20 mm is optimal.
  3. We compact the crushed stone well.
  4. If the blind area is made simultaneously with the foundation, then rods are released from its reinforcement frame into the niche space, which should be slightly raised above the rubble.
    If the foundation and fence already exist, or are partially there, then you need to make holes in the stone with a hammer drill equal to the diameter of the reinforcement and drive its pieces there.
  5. We place a layer of roofing felt under the reinforcement, and it is better not to use paper-based material - buy film roofing felt. Its price is not much higher, but it will be really high-quality material.
  6. Now you need to make formwork along the outer edge of the future blind area. As a rule, in this case, the formwork can be made from almost any old boards, since its height will be no more than 5-7 cm.

In general, now you can pour concrete. Just don’t make the solution too thin - remember that you need to make not just a concrete “threshold” along the fence, but make it with a slope!

It turns out that it is not enough to just make fences with a foundation - it is also important to take care of the blind area and the protection of the main structures. Only with such a careful approach will the product last a truly long time and without problems.


As you can see, laying a foundation for a fence is not a very difficult matter - everything can be done independently. There would be desire, effort. We hope that our review was really useful to you.

And even if you don’t do anything yourself, you will at least know what to pay attention to.

All the best to you!

During operation, the underground part of the house is subject to significant loads, so its construction should be approached responsibly. Timely identification of weak soil layers, carrying out calculations and following installation technology will help get rid of a lot of problems, including uneven settlement of the building, which is fraught with deformations and destruction of the entire structure. First of all, the foundation must be protected from moisture, since water is its main enemy. Its negative impact causes destruction of the underground part of the house and the basement, characteristic cracks appear on the walls, and doors and windows stop closing.

Signs and causes of destruction

The cause for concern for the residents of the house, as a rule, is obvious signs of a violation of the integrity of the ground part of the building, determined visually. These include:

  • cracks on the outside of the walls and basement;
  • failures of the base of the floor covering;
  • longitudinal tears in the wallpaper;
  • numerous peelings of plaster in areas located at a short distance from each other;
  • soil failures near the base;
  • partial destruction of the foundation, including delamination and leaching of walls in the basement.

In addition to visible traces indicating that the process of foundation destruction has already begun, there are hidden signs. They can only be identified through special examinations or completely by accident. This is the insidiousness of invisible problems, which may later turn out to be insoluble.

Deformations of the foundation, as well as the plinth, are possible for several reasons:

  • high groundwater level;
  • the presence of quicksand or heaving soils;
  • heterogeneous soil composition;
  • sharp temperature changes on both sides of the zero mark;
  • constant dampness near the base;
  • humid climate.

Most problems are related to the presence of water. But besides natural factors, there are also human irresponsibility. One of them is associated with non-compliance with the foundation construction technology due to ignorance or negligence, and the other is due to excessive savings.

Developers must realize that the foundation is the basis of the future structure, so reasonable decisions should be taken in matters of frugality.

So, errors related to:

  • with gross miscalculations;
  • with the wrong choice of design;
  • with insufficient base compaction;
  • using low-quality materials;
  • with lack of waterproofing;
  • with incorrect laying of reinforcement;
  • with violation of technological processes;
  • with unprofessionalism of workers.

A responsible approach to the construction of the underground part of the building will help to avoid many problems and ensure the long life of the house. If there are difficult hydrogeological conditions on the site, as well as with increasing loads, it is recommended to periodically perform a visual inspection of the external walls, base and internal partitions. This will help to identify negative processes that have begun and take timely measures to eliminate them.

Main types of protection

For the foundation and plinth the following is provided:

  • thermal insulation required for houses with basements;
  • waterproofing that prevents water from penetrating into structural elements and the building itself;
  • chemical protection that prevents destruction associated with the aggressive effects of an acidic or alkaline environment.

Thermal protection involves installing internal or external insulation of basement walls. It should be noted that its effectiveness is directly dependent on the quality of the waterproofing layer, which protects the foundation from moisture penetration. The fact is that wet walls increase heat loss, and the result can be peeling of concrete or plaster from the inside of the basement.

Backfills and layers located between the foundation wall and the soil poured into the sinuses of the trench or pit help to insulate the wall from the outside. The materials used are:

  • mineral wool;
  • foamed polystyrene boards;
  • expanded clay, etc.

To prevent the heat insulator from collapsing under the influence of frost heaving after the first or second winter, the sinuses are filled with sand and gravel. Protect the outer surface of polystyrene foam or mineral wool in winter time A layer of heat-saving bulk materials will help prevent freezing to the ground.

The question of how to properly protect the foundation and plinth from the effects of groundwater and capillary moisture absorbed into the thickness of concrete through microcracks and pores can be answered unequivocally. This requires a reliable waterproofing device, which is made from various materials– the choice is great. Based on the method of application, they are divided into several groups:

  • pasting - rolls, including film;
  • coating – bitumen, cement-polymer;
  • sprayed - penetrating;
  • mounted - membrane.

The installation of a functional drainage system helps to reduce the groundwater level at the construction site, and a properly constructed blind area helps to remove precipitation from the base and foundation.

Reduction in the strength characteristics of reinforced concrete and concrete foundations often occurs due to exposure to an aggressive environment containing acids, salts or alkali. In this case, protection is carried out using special compounds applied in a production environment or locally. These can be special paints, primers, varnishes or putties. Coatings prevent corrosion of concrete and steel rods due to direct contact with soil saturated with mineral and chemical elements.

Options for the necessary protection of the foundation and plinth are considered at the design stage. Experts take into account specific conditions and make a feasibility study. As a result, recommendations appear for the use of materials and technology for performing work.

The foundation is the main foundation of any fence. The service life of the fence depends on its durability and strength. The concrete base does not allow the structure to deform, resist frost heaving, and shift due to uneven load.

Causes of foundation destruction

Let's figure out what mistakes when installing the base lead to premature destruction.

  1. The foundation is laid at the wrong depth and width. What does this mean? The heavier the fence, the deeper the foundation is laid. The foundation should always be placed below the freezing level of the soil. Otherwise, the force of frost heaving will push it to the surface, causing cracks and deformations.
  2. Failure to comply with the portions of cement mortar, poor quality filling. If there is too little concrete, or the mixing technology has not been maintained, over time this leads to cracks and crumbling of the foundation.
  3. Incorrect calculation of laying reinforcement. It turned out to be too little for the entire foundation.
  4. Lack of drainage, or the formation of voids due to poor compaction.
  5. Failure to comply with curing time.

If you are still at the installation project stage, then it is important to follow the correct foundation installation technology.


Concrete has low tensile strength. That is why metal frames should be installed that allow the foundation to withstand high loads. For this, high-quality reinforcement with a diameter of 6-8 mm is taken. Initially, a frame is assembled from rods. Each reinforcement must be securely fastened with a special wire, which will prevent it from moving when pouring concrete. Keep in mind that the width of the structure should be half the height.

If you need to strengthen an existing foundation, there is a time-consuming but effective method.

  • The base is dug in on both sides. The laying is carried out below the foundation itself. This can be called re-establishing the foundation.
  • The concrete is cleaned, all cracks and cracks are filled.
  • Having prepared the surface, holes are drilled in the foundation to install reinforcement. The rest of the frame is welded to it by welding.
  • Afterwards the formwork is installed. The trench is filled with concrete.

Thus, you strengthen the main foundation, preventing its further deformation.

Another effective way to protect the base of the fence from erosion and subsidence is to install a drainage ditch. It will remove excess moisture, preventing it from accumulating along the fence.

To install a drainage outlet around the perimeter of the fence, it is better to use open ditches. Thanks to their slope, excess moisture will be transported to groundwater, or to a special well (if provided).

  • The drainage ditch should be located at a distance of at least 30-50 cm. So that the water does not wash away the foundation.
  • The trench is dug 300-500 mm deeper than the base of the fence, and the width is slightly larger than necessary.
  • The bottom and walls of the trench are thoroughly compacted and covered with geotextiles. It can be a geomat or a biomat made of polymer materials. They prevent soil movement and at the same time do not interfere with the growth of plant root systems.
  • Then a layer of crushed stone is poured and a drainage pipe is installed. The top is covered with crushed stone and soil.

It is important to take into account the slope of the soil in order to calculate where all the water will flow.

Strengthening the foundation is labor-intensive work. Therefore, you should thoroughly examine all the defects to determine whether it makes sense to revive it.

Every country or country land plot needs a fence - a fence. This is protection and reliability, aesthetic beauty and business card owner. The first thing guests see is what all passers-by see. Therefore, it is necessary to take the construction of a fence responsibly and think through all the nuances.

First, you need to decide what type of fence will be, will it be with or without a foundation, will you hire builders or do it yourself?

Of course, a foundation is needed. This is the basis; without it, not a single structure will last long, and if you are going to do it, then do it with high quality and for a long time. But whether to hire workers or not is everyone’s business. For some it is easier to pay money and see the finished result, while for others it is more interesting to build it yourself and save money. Moreover, anyone can build it if they have the desire, the simplest tool and “smooth” hands.

Required tools and materials

To lay the foundation for a fence with your own hands, you will, of course, need certain tools and building materials. It is advisable to stock up on all this in advance, so that during the work process you are not distracted by searches or trips to the store.

Required tools:

    pegs, rope, tape measure (for marking);

    shovel, ax (dig a trench, chop roots if necessary);

    building level, plumb line (check horizontal and vertical evenness);

    hammer, hacksaw, nails (for making formwork).

Necessary materials:

  • fittings;

    steel rods;

    boards (for formwork).

Types of foundation

So, before starting construction of the fence, you need to prepare a reliable support. How to make a foundation for a fence with your own hands?

It’s not difficult at all, the main thing is to follow certain rules and tips:

    Decide on the type of soil for which to choose your type of foundation. If necessary, consult a specialist. The consultation will not cost much, but the fence will be built reliably and efficiently.

    Find out what material the fence will be built from. The heavier it is, the more powerful the foundation should be.

    The solution must have a cement/sand ratio of at least 1/3.

    Crushed stone should have a fraction of 5-20 mm.

    Avoid getting organic matter (twigs, leaves, etc.) into the foundation. Over time, they will rot, forming voids in which water will collect, destroying the foundation.

    Do not use moisture-absorbing materials (expanded clay or brick) as filler.

Types of foundations used in the construction of fences:

    pillar (or columnar);


    ribbon-columnar (or combined);


Pillar foundation

DIY strip foundation for a fence

It is a monolithic strip of concrete throughout the entire fence. Construction begins with careful marking and digging a trench 25–30 cm wide and 60–80 cm deep. A sand cushion 10–15 cm high is placed at the bottom, which is watered generously with water. At a distance of 7 cm from the bottom and 10 cm from the walls, reinforcement with a cross section of 8 - 10 mm is laid. Reinforcement is carried out using special wire. Next, the formwork is assembled from the boards; it will rise approximately 20 - 25 cm above the ground level. It is important that it is reliable and motionless, in order to avoid deformation under the weight of concrete.

When all preparatory work finished, you can start concreting. It is recommended to fill the strip foundation for a fence with your own hands with concrete based on cement grade M200 or M300; if the structure is very heavy, then it is better to use grade M400. After pouring, it is recommended to cover the concrete from the scorching rays of the sun.

After the concrete has dried, the formwork is dismantled. The soil around the foundation is carefully compacted. The upper part of the base is treated with a moisture-proof compound. You can start building the fence.

Ribbon-columnar type of foundation

Another option for building a foundation for a fence made of corrugated sheets with your own hands is strip-column or combined. The trench and formwork are made in the same way as in the tape version, only additionally every 2.5 - 3 meters, recesses are drilled or dug, at the bottom of which waterproofing (for example roofing felt), a sand cushion is laid, pillars are installed and secured. When everything is ready, the main foundation frame is poured.

Stone foundation

A stone foundation can be used if you decide to pour the foundation of a brick fence with your own hands. It is the most difficult to make yourself. The advantages of this type of foundation include reliability, durability, it does not require any maintenance for many years and will withstand the heaviest structure.

There are two types of stone foundation:

- Stone. Crushed stone or gravel is poured into the dug trench, leveled and watered, stone or rubble is laid and poured with concrete mortar in several layers in a ratio of 1/5 to the number of stones. The complexity of this type of foundation lies in the fact that the above-ground part must have aesthetic appearance, and this is not easy for an inexperienced builder to do.

- Brick. The technology is the same, only it is not rubble or stone that is placed, but brick. The width of the brickwork depends on the height of the fence. For 1 m of fence - 1 row of bricks in width and 15 cm in height. Cement mortar is used in a ratio of 1/6 to 1/4 to sand.

Each of the considered types of foundation can become a reliable basis for a beautiful and modern fence.

It is enough to put in very little effort and patience, and the owner will be able to be proud, because he has made DIY fence with foundation!

Without a solid foundation, the fence can be washed away during a rainstorm or toppled by a gust of wind. Therefore, the construction of the base is justified in any case. The main thing is to decide how to properly make the foundation for the fence so that it most fully matches the type of soil and fence; this will allow you to obtain the required quality at a lower cost.

Foundation structures

Foundation for a wooden fenceStrip foundation for a wooden fence

The foundation is made:

  1. From separate pillars. Supports can be driven into the ground (for example, posts for chain-link), partially or completely concreted, and also secured with crushed stone.
  2. Strip bases that look like a concrete strip.
  3. Ribbon-column structures. A combination of the two previous methods.
  4. On stilts.
  5. Rubble options made from stones.

Choosing the type of foundation depending on the characteristics of the soil

How to properly make a foundation for a fence made of corrugated sheets

On strong soils with good drainage, it is enough to insert supports into dug or drilled holes and secure them with compacted crushed stone. Water will flow down through it, so when it freezes it will not be able to affect them. For such soil, you can also use coarse sand. It is laid in layers with abundant wetting of each.

On weak soils (sandy, peat, etc.), it is correct to completely concrete the holes. This increases the supporting area and distributes the load evenly over it. The use of piles is equivalent if there is normal soil under the sand or peat bog. Moreover, it will cost less and require less time.

On medium heaving soils, supports are buried below the freezing point. However, the part passing through the freezing zone is subject to a buoyancy force, since the concrete and soil are frozen into one whole. This can cause the fence to become distorted and destroyed. To avoid such troubles, permanent formwork is used, which prevents them from freezing. It can be made from roofing felt, foam plastic, expanded polystyrene.

In areas with severe heaving or deep freezing, the racks are connected to each other so that the load is evenly distributed. The bond is a grillage - a strip of reinforced concrete. To prevent it from bending, a air bag made of polystyrene foam about 10 cm thick. Over the winter it will, of course, shrink, but the air gap will remain. This solution is perfect for pile foundation.

Fences requiring a reinforced base

These include fences made of heavy materials: brick, natural and artificial stone, concrete panels, with elements of artistic forging. A foundation 40-50 cm deep is built under them. It must be reinforced with reinforcement with a diameter of 12-14 mm, in pairs from below and from above. As an alternative, pillars buried below the freezing point and connected by a grillage are acceptable.

A fence made of corrugated sheets is not as monumental as previous types, but due to its significant windage it must withstand significant wind influences. Therefore, it is better to put it on a sound basis. Combined types, for example, made of wood with brick pillars, will also be correctly placed on a solid foundation. Despite the rise in construction costs, this is guaranteed to eliminate problems in the future.

Choosing the type of foundation depending on the type of fence

Foundation for mesh fencingFoundation for wooden fence

For fencing made of welded mesh or chain-link, wooden or low (up to 1.5 m) fences made of corrugated sheets, a columnar version is sufficient. For more massive fences, a strip foundation is built. It is also used in the construction of high fences from corrugated sheets and the installation of European picket fences.

Strip-and-post varieties are made for combined fences. The thickness of the concrete strip connecting the pillars does not exceed 20 cm. They are often chosen for foundations on soils with deep freezing.

Piles are universal. They are used for heavy and light structures. For heavy fences, special large-diameter piles are produced. Screwing them requires a special technique.

Rubble varieties are designed for massive fences. In execution they are similar to ribbon types deep laying. Instead of steel reinforcement, crushed stone (rubble) is used, which is bound with concrete mortar. The construction of a foundation for a fence of this type involves bringing the top to a surface 15-20 cm high. They look beautiful with wrought-iron fences.

Do-it-yourself strip foundation installation

How to mark under the foundation

The base is buried below the freezing point with the upper edge brought to the surface. A cheaper option is made from fully concreted pillars connected to each other by monolithic crossbars. They, playing the role of foundation beams or grillage, distribute the load. To protect against heaving, they are placed on a sand cushion with backfill on the sides. When there is an excess of reinforced concrete products, for example, from dismantled buildings, they are used as crossbars.

The degree of resistance to frost heaving is determined by the depth of the laying.

What is the right way to make a foundation for a fence?

It is built from monolithic or rubble concrete. It is easier to work with a monolith, but it costs more. Rubble concrete is often chosen when people want to build a fence with their own hands, since free cobblestones and large pebbles can be used as filler. Broken brick will also work. However, it should be borne in mind that not every breed is suitable for filler. It is preferable to use granite and basalt. Limestone and chalk rocks below ground level are not recommended for use. Since a rubble concrete base cannot be specifically strengthened with reinforcement, it should not be used under heavy loads on weak soils.


The base of the fence is made slightly larger than its thickness. For example, if you use a 25 cm long brick to build a fence at your dacha, the width of the base will be 30 cm. In the case of using blocks 20 cm thick, the width is chosen to be 25 cm. If the fence being built will consist of components of different thicknesses (brick pillars and adjacent products), then the width is chosen in the same way, but taking into account their sizes. The laying depth is selected below the freezing point of the soil. You can find it out from SNiP 2.02.01-83*.

Working with monolithic concrete

The brand is chosen based on the load, which is determined by the massiveness and height of the fence. For a heavy structure, such as brick, class B25 concrete will be required. For a light hedge, the cheaper class B20 is sufficient. Concreting is carried out at above-zero temperatures to avoid freezing of the mixture. With the help of frost-resistant additives, it can be laid without problems even when it’s below zero outside, but heat is required to gain strength. On weak concrete, a fence will fall apart very quickly under the influence of external negative factors.

Concrete must be compacted so that there are no voids left in it. For this purpose, a bayonet or a vibrating mace is used. For bayoneting, a steel rod with a diameter of 12 mm is used. In hot weather, concrete must be protected from drying out. For this purpose, it is covered with plastic film and watered regularly for several days.

Using rubble concrete

The technology for using this material is the same as that of traditional concrete. The only difference is the filler: in rubble concrete it is larger and is laid out separately. The stone filler is laid in layers of 30 cm. Then it is filled with sand-cement mortar slightly above the layer. In another scenario, it is poured first concrete mixture or a solution 15 cm deep, and a stone is sunk in it. To compact and fill voids, only the bayonet method is possible, since the use of a vibrating mace is impossible due to large stones. The rules for caring for poured rubble concrete are the same as for a monolith.

Preparing the trench

Trench for strip foundation

The depth of the foundation ditch for the fence is greater than the planned depth. This is necessary to create a sand cushion 15 cm high. It is poured from medium sand. The soil at the bottom should retain its initial properties. If it has been subjected to freezing, flooding, or loosening, the damaged layer must be removed and replaced with sand backfill. The width at the bottom is made 2-3 cm larger than the calculated one. This is necessary for installing the formwork. The width of the top is determined by the type of soil and the angle of its fall.

Sometimes rubble concrete foundations are made without formwork if the soil is dense and dry. But it’s still safer with her. After completion of construction, the free space is covered layer by layer with compacted sand. It is better not to take clay soil, as it will get wet and, upon subsequent freezing, have a destructive effect.

Formwork installation

How to properly install formwork for pouring a foundation

For the manufacture of formwork, depending on the purpose, you can use both high-quality materials and what is at hand. If it is disposable, then slabs, scraps of boards and sheet iron will do. Reusable formwork for pouring a strip foundation under a fence is made from edged boards, waterproof plywood, and wood boards. To secure it you will need wooden beam cross section 3-5 cm.

The lower part is reinforced with pegs driven into the bottom so that it does not move. To protect against expansion, spacers are installed on the outside in the upper part. For reliability, it is recommended to also secure the middle part with them. The spacers are located at an angle of 45° with support on driven pegs or on the walls of the trench. However, more often they use twisted wires, which are placed every 1.5-2 m in length and 0.5 m in height. To fix the internal dimensions, wooden spacers are installed.

Installation of fittings

Typically, reinforcement for a strip foundation with a diameter of 12 mm is placed in two rows with a gap between them of 10-15 cm. They are connected to each other by rods every 30-40 cm. self-production it must be taken into account that there must be at least 5 cm from it to the outer sides of the foundation. The check is carried out before pouring, focusing on the inner walls of the formwork. Simultaneously with the reinforcement, embedded elements are installed.

It is better to tie reinforcing bars with wire. The welded structure will make the foundation rigid.


Before pouring concrete into the formwork, it is recommended to impregnate its inner surface with a substance that reduces adhesion to the foundation. You can use a purchased composition, but used machine oil will also work. The solution is poured in layers of 0.5 m. Each is compacted with a vibrating pin or bayonet so that it evenly fills the volume. The formwork can be removed the next day if it is required to fill the next section. Construction of the fence should begin after 3-4 weeks, when the concrete has gained sufficient strength.

Set of tools for work

To carry out all operations when independently constructing a strip foundation for a fence, you need to acquire:

  • grinder to cut reinforcement;
  • level;
  • a hacksaw to cut boards;
  • tape measure;
  • concrete mixer;
  • a sledgehammer for driving in pegs;
  • shovels and bayonet shovels;
  • hammer;
  • with an axe;
  • screwdriver.

When planning to build a fence, you first need to find out what kind of foundation is needed for it, and how to properly make a foundation for the fence so that it serves faithfully for decades. The best option for any fence would be a strip foundation. Despite the high labor intensity, even a novice builder can easily build it.

Foundation for the fence - "MASTEROVIT"

Published: 06/16/2016

To build a reliable and durable fence, you need a foundation for the fence. Creating a solid foundation will avoid distortion of the structure. The passage of time will also not affect performance and appearance the buildings.

As practice shows, fences installed without a foundation on unstable soils require maintenance almost every year. This is due to seasonal soil fluctuations. Placing fences on solid foundations avoids unnecessary costs.

Let's consider what types of foundations for fences there are and what type of foundation is best to choose for erecting structures with a maximum safety margin.

What types of fence foundations are there?

There are two main types of bases for fencing.

    Spot. Foundations of this type involve strengthening exclusively the supports themselves. The construction of such foundations is relevant when constructing light fences made of wood, chain-link mesh or corrugated sheets with metal posts. Each support is placed in a separate recess. A sand and gravel cushion is placed at the bottom of the holes.

    Metal poles are installed strictly vertically. If necessary, reinforcement is placed in the cavities to further strengthen the structure. After this, the recesses are filled with concrete.

    Monolithic tape. Foundations of this type are most often built when constructing massive fences with brick pillars. Sections can be wooden or metal (including forged).

A strip foundation for a fence is a guarantee of the reliability and durability of the fence. The structure will not require additional maintenance and will perfectly withstand the effects of aggressive environments and seasonal soil fluctuations.

Foundations of this type can be used not only for the construction of brick buildings, but also to give strength and stability to lighter structures on unstable soils.

Strip foundations are chosen by property owners who want to save on fence maintenance in the future. The products retain their presentable appearance for many years.

Construction of fences on strip foundations

The strip foundation for the fence is a monolithic concrete structure. Its width is 250–400 mm. Installation depth - 500–600 mm. The base is erected along the perimeter of the future fence.

The construction of a strip foundation includes several stages.

After the concrete has hardened, they begin to install sections or build brick pillars, on which special caps are put on for protection.

Before starting construction, it is necessary to perform as accurate a calculation of the foundation as possible, since several important factors influence the performance characteristics of fences. Among them:

As practice shows, many property owners who installed fences themselves make mistakes in their calculations and forget about the need to build a blind area. This leads to rapid failure of structures.

If you are not confident in your abilities, turn to professionals. Highly qualified specialists will produce a high-quality strip foundation for the fence, the price of the work will be justified. The fence will not require maintenance or repair.

How to make a blind area for a fence

The blind area for the fence is an inclined concrete threshold running along the entire line of the fence. It serves to protect the foundation from rain and melt water.

The best solution would be to have the threshold constructed by specialists at the stage of pouring the solution. This will avoid contact of the base with moisture and extend its service life.

To build a blind area:

  1. A recess is made along the entire foundation strip. Depth - 150 mm, width - 500 mm. The bottom is filled with crushed stone (fraction - up to 20 mm) and carefully compacted.
  2. Rods are released from the reinforcement frame of the base into the excavated cavity. They should be located just above the crushed stone layer. A film roofing material is placed under the reinforcement.
  3. Formwork is made along the outer edge of the future blind area. Boards or plywood are used.
  4. An even inclined sill is poured.

Fences made according to all the rules on strip foundations retain a presentable appearance for decades and reliably serve their owners.

To begin with, it should be noted that a fence is not only the protection of a site and a house from various external factors, but also its aesthetic component. That is why you need to pay a lot of attention to its design and construction. Very important stage in the construction of a fence is pouring the foundation. The foundation for the fence must be of high quality, since the service life of the entire structure depends on this. Saving on materials, and especially building a fence without a foundation, leads to its rapid deformation and destruction. So before construction, it is better to study all the recommendations, installation rules and construction of the foundation of the desired type.

Calculation and device

When designing, it is important to establish what depth the foundation should be. This is one of the main parameters; to determine the depth you need:

  • assess soil quality;
  • determine the depth of freezing;
  • determine at what level the groundwater is located.

It is recommended to set the depth below the freezing level of the ground by 20-30 cm, and the total depth can be from 60 cm. In this case, you also need to take into account the weight of the fence itself, that is, the upper structure. If the weight is large and the fence is planned to be massive, then the width of the base should be increased.

To make the correct calculation of the foundation, there are special engineering programs. With their help, you can determine such parameters as the depth of pouring the foundation, its width and diameter, the distance between the reinforcement and even the consumption of concrete. Specialists from construction companies can also make the correct calculation.

It is necessary to assess the quality of the soil, that is, the degree of heaving. Heaving soils are dominated by sand, clay, and pebbles, which means that they are capable of changing volumes when weather conditions change. In this case, it is especially important to carry out an accurate calculation and correctly design the entire structure. The construction of a foundation on heaving soils should include not only a trench for filling, but also a drainage system. To do this you need to do drainage system, which looks like wells made every 2-3 meters along the entire length of the fence. The depth of the wells should be greater than the freezing depth of the soil.

When installing a pole, the space around it is filled with crushed stone. This gives good drainage around and replacement of heaving soil with non-heaving soil. This means that the buoyancy forces cease to act on the pillar.

Types of foundations

There are several types of fence foundations. Namely, it can be noted:

  • Tape. In this case, you need to dig a solid trench into which the solution is poured.
  • Columnar. In this case, pillars are installed that hold the entire fence.
  • Pile. This type involves installing piles.
  • Pile-grillage. This is a combined type, which involves installing piles. And a strip foundation is poured on top, which actually connects the entire pile structure. In this case, the tape filling is done either on the surface of the soil or with a slight depth of 10-20 cm.

A properly selected type of foundation is a guarantee that the fence will be durable. The most popular type is strip foundation. This fill has quite a number of advantages, including affordable price, strength, resistance to adverse factors, it is also important that if a certain area is deformed, everything can be easily corrected.

A strip foundation has been poured for the fence

The tape-type pouring device allows you to install brick structures with brick pillars, concrete fences, and various combined structures. From this we can conclude that such a foundation for installing a fence is quite universal.

Often such a foundation is poured for a fence made of corrugated sheets. This design has a long service life, since corrugated sheeting is a lightweight material.

Installation of strip foundation

In order to make a strip foundation for a fence with your own hands, you need the correct calculation. And then you need to make markings. To do this, you need to stretch a special twine around the entire perimeter, and it is secured to pegs. At this level they begin to dig a trench for filling. Its depth corresponds to the quality of the soil, as a rule, it is 60-80 cm. Next, at an equal distance, you need to dig holes of the required diameter for the support pillars.

To strengthen the future structure, a gravel-sand mixture, the so-called cushion, is placed on the bottom, which must be filled with water for compaction. Another way to strengthen the foundation and the next step is to install reinforcement. These are rods that are laid on supports and welded along the trench. Transverse supports for reinforcement are installed at a frequency of about 40 cm.

The foundation frame needs to be designed so that it is 30 cm or so above the ground, that is, the calculation of the required height is done individually.

An important question is how to pour the foundation for the fence. This can happen in two ways. Pouring concrete can be done one time (the whole mass at once), or in several layers, this is necessary to give time to the previous layer to set. The first method is quite suitable for a foundation that is shallow. The second is used when pouring a large foundation with a massive upper structure. Filling in layers significantly strengthens and increases the service life of large structures.

After the solution has completely hardened, the frame (formwork) can be removed and soil can be added.

How to determine what kind of foundation is needed

If you need a foundation for a brick fence, then you should make a strip-column structure. This can be explained by the fact that such a fence is very heavy, and based on physical and mathematical parameters, this type is much stronger. The construction of such a foundation consists not only of pouring a trench, but also unique pillars.

As a rule, the foundation for a brick fence is shallowly buried. If the soil on the site is not heaving, then it is quite possible to make a depth of 20 cm. And if the fence is located on heaving soils, then the depth of pouring on the brick fence should be about 1 meter.

The foundation for a fence made of corrugated board must be made with pillars, since the sheets of corrugated board are attached to them. The depth at which the post is installed may vary, depending on the soil. In this case, the distance between the pillars should not exceed 2 meters. Using a plumb line, you need to set the level of the pillars.

The pillars are fixed by pouring and compacting; for this, various construction waste can be used. In this case, you need to do everything carefully so that the support pillar remains level.

Corrugated fence on strip foundation poured in stages so that the structure with pillars is stronger. And it is better to change the composition of the solution, namely, the filling for the trench should include cement, gravel and sand, and the above-ground part should only contain cement and sand.

In this case, it is necessary to pierce it with a rod along the entire perimeter of the fill so that excess air escapes.

This structure will dry completely in a week, but the formwork can be removed after 2-3 days. When the concrete has completely hardened, the process of attaching the corrugated sheeting to the support pillars begins.

Around the pillars you can do brickwork. It has a lot of weight, so the foundation for a brick fence in this place must be expanded and must have greater depth. That is, this structure is similar to piles.

To prepare the solution in the cold season, you need to use warm water, and if the weather is hot, then cold water is used. It is also not recommended to add water to a ready-made solution.

In hot weather, the top layer of concrete may crack, so it should be moistened with water until it dries completely. You can also cover the top of the foundation with film.

Many people, when designing a foundation, do not even suspect that they are making serious mistakes. Because of this, the foundation is not of high quality and not strong. One of the most common mistakes is the selection of low quality building materials. For this kind of work, M200 cement should be used; M100 is absolutely not suitable for this.

Do not add too much water. Also, the process of mixing concrete must be careful, that is, you need to make sure that no earth or other impurities get into it. Earth and clay can get into concrete along with low-quality gravel.

Another mistake in the work process is selecting the wrong steel rod for the reinforcement, that is, it is smaller in size than needed. Because of this, the reinforcement will not provide strength.

Before starting work, it is important to assess the depth of soil freezing and know at what level the groundwater is. If all this is not taken into account, then soon the foundation will begin to sag, and as a result, the fence will begin to deform and collapse.

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Foundation for a fence made of corrugated sheets: construction work

Corrugated fences are very popular today. They are installed both as temporary fencing and permanent. Such popularity is fully justified by its durability, closing the fenced area not only from prying eyes, but also from wind and dust. In addition, such a fence does not require any special care. When choosing a two-layer structure with a sound-proofing layer, the fence will also protect you from street noise, making the area quiet and peaceful. The height of the fence is chosen by the owner; the maximum length of one whole fence is 3 m. Color solution Such a fence, like the shape of the curvature, can also be very diverse. In order for the building to be truly durable and reliable, the foundation for a fence made of corrugated sheets must be appropriate.

This is important because such a fence is a very heavy structure with strong windage due to the continuous surface.

Types of strip foundation for a fence made of corrugated sheets

Corrugated sheeting is modern finishing material, widely used for making fences.

For this design, it is better to opt for a strip foundation, which is a strip of reinforced concrete along the entire length of the fence. This will protect the fence from distortions, since the foundation will take all its weight and distribute it evenly over the ground. The foundation for a fence is made of strip-type corrugated sheets, there can be 2 types.

  1. A prefabricated strip foundation is erected using reinforced concrete blocks. Naturally, this will require special equipment, that is, a crane. It is almost impossible to build such a foundation on your own without technical assistance. A fence made of corrugated sheets on a prefabricated strip foundation will last about 65 years. And in some cases when proper care this period is increasing.
  2. A fence made of corrugated sheets with a strip foundation can be made without the help of machinery.

For this you will need:

  • broken brick;
  • boulders;
  • gravel;
  • fittings;
  • cement mortar and sand;
  • roofing felt;
  • edged board.

The only special equipment you will need is a concrete mixer, which you can do without if you have a sufficient number of workers. The service life of a structure on a strip foundation can be up to 150 years. Tape monolithic foundation in order to build a fence from corrugated sheets, it is an ideal choice.