Foreign poets for children 7-8 years old. Topic: modern Russian and foreign poetry for children

TOPIC: Contemporary Russian and foreign poetry for children

Topic: Russian and foreign poetry for children of the 20th century.

OBJECTIVES: 1) To introduce students to the work of foreign and Russian poets of the 20th century, to teach them to analyze works from the point of view of moral and educational objectives, to convey the beauty of nature using expressive means of language;

2) Formation of students’ skills in independently organizing educational work in the classroom;

3) Deepening and consolidating the theoretical knowledge acquired by students in the process of studying the topic, creative use of the work experience of the best teachers in the city’s schools.

EQUIPMENT: Portraits and books of Akim, Berestov, Zakhoder, Korinets, Moshkovskaya and others.

I. Reading by heart Mikhalkov’s poems (expressive reading) 2. Cycle about Uncle Styopa

3. Fables (reading)

IIMain part

Poems for children are a complex phenomenon, since the aesthetic needs of children of different ages are different. In case for preschoolers and junior schoolchildren characterized by a figurative perception of the world, its playful development, the desire to rhythmically organize speech, to correlate it with movement, colors, sounds, then for a teenager the heroic principle, events of great emotional intensity, and therefore a craving for action-packed, heroic poetry are more important.

The world in poetry is reflected both in the content and in the form of the verse. The content is not a theme or even a plot, it is the poet’s worldview. The same theme, the same plot will sound differently based on the poet’s worldview. For example, you can write a joyful lyric poem about a thunderstorm, but it can also be tragic and gloomy. Naturally, the form of the verse, its sound orchestration, rhythm, and intonation will also be different, since the selection of artistic means is directly related to the general tonality and perception of the world by the artist-creator at the moment. The more deeply a poet perceives the harmony or contradictions of the world, the more serious his poetry. It becomes a phenomenon in literature. And, turning to modern poetry with their own special vision of the world, and therefore, with their own intonation, poets who have something to say to children.

A distinctive feature of the poetry of recent decades is the desire to introduce children to modernity in the broadest sense of the word, in the desire to reveal through the feeling of the poet and his lyrical hero amazing world surrounding us, the variety of states of nature, human spiritual movements.

In modern poetry, the lyrical hero is the discoverer of something new, seemingly familiar to us, adults, in the surrounding world, which the child reader learns every day.

Poetry for children in the second half of the 80s - the beginning of the 21st century develops mainly according to the play model specified in Silver Age and 20-30s. In this model, the main principle was a game with the word (Tim Sobakin ʼʼSquare Hippopotamusʼʼ).

New trends in poetry, like all DL, are in removing taboos from a number of topics and in developing them on the basis of naturally established traditions of modern children's folklore (Artur Aleksandrovich Givargizov (1956), music teacher, writes stories, fairy tales and poems “In first grade” ).

The lack of lyricism in playful and satirical poems is partly compensated by the work of poets of the older generation. In periodicals and collections, along with new poems, masters whose style developed several decades ago are published (Igor Aleksandrovich Mazin (1938) “Dawn in the Morning and Evening”, 1998).

The lyricism of Viktor Vladimirovich Lunin’s poems (1945) most often arises with the motif of a barely noticeable transformation, which allows you to feel and understand something important that comes into contact with the still distant world of adult experiences (“What the boats are sad about”).

In the works of modern poets, the most distant origins of Russian lyric poetry for children are clearly visible - from the poets of the Derzhavin-Karamzin era (S.G. Kozlov “On a clear autumn day”, 1980)

Thanks to the proximity in the active field of DL of poets “good and different” (in Mayakovsky’s words), eccentrics and lyricists, “sixties” and “new” poets, the possibilities of poetic language are expanded, more and more complex themes are made available for expression.


2. Submit a review of the poem (the cover matches the poem) 3.0 Zhitkov

TOPIC: Modern Russian and foreign poetry for children - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "TOPIC: Contemporary Russian and foreign poetry for children" 2017, 2018.

text: Evgenia Kartashova

Poems by foreign authors are like distant, mysterious islands. There the heroes have completely different, strange names and very strange things happen. Maybe that’s why foreign poetry is often even more attractive to children than the poems of “compatriots.” Below are five books you can start reading with to mentally find yourself with your child in children's England, France, Spain, New Zealand or Holland. You can also collect a whole collection of poetic images of the world on a bookshelf.

Publisher: “Pink Giraffe”

Age: 4-8 years

A new product that is worth opening, if only for the sake of that poem by Alan Milne, which is included in the title - “The Royal Counting Counter”. The classics of English children's poetry, under the influence of Boroditskaya's translation talent, are quickly becoming recognizable and “classical” in Russia. The collection begins with English folk songs and nursery rhymes, followed by poems by Robert Louis Stevenson and Alan Alexander Milne. These friends are known to us rather through prose, but as Boroditskaya notes in the preface, Alan Milne wrote two collections of poems even before the fairy tale about Winnie the Pooh. In Milne's poems collected under this cover, you can find Winnie the Pooh completely different: not the merry fellow we are used to, but a cute, thoughtful bear, complex about his own completeness.

The book closes with the dreamy poetess Eleanor Fargen with her strawberry saleswoman and the slightly sad James Reeves: in his poems the sea looks like a stray dog, and old Aunt Flo blows soap bubbles in the kitchen to lift the mood. And in this way the old woman is similar to the king, who, to keep his spirits up, mutters under his breath a little rhyme: “What do we get? Five five - twenty five and a cheesecake with tea!

The book contains moderately bright watercolor drawings by Mikhail Fedorov - what is called illustration in the best traditions. They themselves are works of art, but they do not wander far from the meaning of the author’s text; first of all, they bring to life the heroes of the poem. A clear, simple, large font on a white background makes the text accessible for children to read independently.

modern French poetry for children translated by Mikhail Yasnov

Publisher: DETGIZ

Age: 7-10 years

Authors included in the collection: Jean-Luc Moreau, Jacques Charpentreau, Robert Vinay, Jacqueline Saint-Jean. The sophistication that a lover of everything French is looking for will be found in this book. There are “wonderful” and hooligan poems (“At the sorcerer’s market”, “Martian war song”, “Mr. Khruke”), there are subtle lyrical sketches about nature and time of day (“Monsieur, monsieur, what time is it? That hour when your clothes the slug hangs along the path and puts on a firefly jacket when going to visit"). And there are also “educational and everyday” ones - for example, “At the hairdresser”: “Tell me, what should I do here? Accept that they are cutting your hair”). The age indicated is middle school, and not by chance.

Yes, the melodiousness and musicality of French poetry, the subtlety of metaphors may not be appreciated by children under 6-7 years old, but the book contains simple counting rhymes (“counting to jump rope”, “counting to climb stairs”) and many amazing poems about animals with clear images. Mikhail Bychkov’s aerial illustrations maintain that necessary balance between “naturalism” and poetic imagery, which makes it possible to recognize a sparrow, a rabbit, a swallow and an antelope, but at the same time allows for the development of imagination and taste (the wild wind is depicted as an “invisible” janitor sweeping away the thistle thorns in all directions). The definite disadvantages of the publication: the lack of page numbering and a table of contents by poem, and not just by author. The definite advantages: short stories about each of the French poets presented in the collection.

By the way, it is also worth finding a book of poems by Maurice Careme “Cats and Mouse” (double-sided game book, publishing house “Pink Giraffe”) and “Poems of French Poets for Children” with works by such classical French poets as Jacques Prévert, Madeleine Ley, Robert Desnos , Claude Roy, Rene de Obaldia (Samokat publishing house, poetry series). This small collection has not been reprinted for a long time, but if you see it somewhere, grab it quickly.

Lynley Doddtranslations by Marina Boroditskaya

Publisher: “Pink Giraffe”.

Age: 2-5 years

These two small-format books with “indestructible” thick cardboard pages are small masterpieces for little ones to add to their own library. Simple stories told in rhyme by a poet and artist from New Zealand. You can read before bed, or you can look at the drawings when you are traveling with your child in public transport. The first book is about a domestic black cat who, under the cover of darkness, became a “thief”, but one day he finally got caught, and it’s so funny. The second is a story about a brave dog. At the same time, it is also a real gallery of all dog breeds, which are completely recognizable. On the right page there is a dog, on the left there is text about it: the Dalmatian “Max with a pattern of blots” or “Polyxena - just like a haystack” and “Sausage tummy low”. You can easily and cheerfully “attach” these descriptions to your neighbor’s dogs together with your child.

Hans and Monika Hagen intranslations by Irina Mikhailova and Mikhail Yasnov

Publisher: "Compass-GID"

Age: from 5 years

An immensely romantic and tender picture book. This would be a good gift to give to a married couple with children for Valentine's Day. “You are everyone’s favorite!” - this is the case when illustrations are perhaps more important than the text of poems. The artist Marit Tornqvist creates a special mood, atmosphere, and image on each spread. She manages to convey the world of a dreamy, gentle child through pastel colors, cute everyday details and “haze.” This is probably why both children and romantically minded adults love her. Poetry in the picture is when the metaphor comes to life and a real boat appears and sails in the yellow sea of ​​sunflowers. Such books are good to look at and read before bed. However, excellent illustrations do not change the fact that the authors of the poems are one of the favorite children's writers in Holland.

Spanish children's folklore translations by Vsevolod Bagno

Publisher: DETGIZ.

Age: from 4 years (for reading by adults to children).

The book contains Spanish folk songs, teasers, riddles and lullabies. Each work is given in two languages: in the original Spanish and in Russian, in translations from Vsevolod Bagno - a famous philologist, Spanish scholar, director of the Pushkin House.

The folk poetry of Spain is absurd, but it is not at all the absurdity to which we are more or less accustomed, having become acquainted with English folk songs. Therefore, the book “I Saw the Mouse Sowing” evokes conflicting feelings and doubts among those parents who cannot immediately admit their love for Spanish culture. However, the publishing house and experts clearly say that the book is intended just for the little ones; Spanish children have grown up on these poems and are quite happy. We open it and, along with the absurdity, we see completely harmless and understandable riddles: “The size of a nut, it crawls above everyone else” (Snail).

As for the illustrations, here is a Spanish riot of bright colors, worthy of Russian illustrators Svetlana Atnagulova and Leonid Tskhe. And although for short riddles, nursery rhymes and songs it is customary to choose a smaller format, here the large format is fully justified by the style of the drawings.

Halfdan Rassmussen

* * *
This story is quite true:
in one small remote country,
in one very small house with a porch
there was one very small man,
and with him is an exceptionally small mouse...
It would seem that they look like such babies,
And they started singing, and it was strange for everyone
where do both voice and strength come from?
They sit on the porch, sing in chorus,
and the song can be heard across the river and the forest...
It would seem that both are such babies, -
just a trifle: a little man and a mouse.

Translation by Mikhail Grozovsky

Night thoughts of a turtle,
suffering from insomnia
on a trimmed lawn

The earth is, of course, flat,
Moreover, it is terribly tough.

Translation by Grigory Kruzhkov

Shale Silverstein

If I were...

If I were a little, little gnome,
I would wash myself with one drop of rain,
I would ride a ladybug
He hid the fishing rod in a nail hole,
I could easily walk under the doors,
A mosquito would seem like a big eagle to me,
The saucer is a wide lake, if I were...
If I were a little, little gnome.
I couldn't hug my dad or mom,
Is it the little finger, and even then - not for sure,
I would jump out from under my feet in fright
Even a one and a half month old puppy.
If you gave me the candy "Flight"
Auntie who loves me very much
I could eat this candy for a whole year
The candy wrapper alone would take half a day to unwrap.
To write a short word "hello"
I could spend a week using the eternal pen...
(I wrote these poems for fourteen years,
I am, after all, a little, little gnome.)

Translation by Grigory Kruzhkov


A microbe is a terribly harmful animal:
Insidious and, most importantly, ticklish.
Such an animal in the stomach
He climbs in and lives there quietly.
He’ll climb in, he’s a naughty boy, and wherever he wants.
Walks around the patient and tickles him,
He is proud that he is causing so much trouble:
And a runny nose, and sneezing, and sweat.
Did you dolls wash your hands before dinner?
Oh, brother Fox, you look like you have a cold...
Wait a minute, your forehead is hot:
There must be a microbe inside you!

Translation by Grigory Kruzhkov

Walter De La Mare

Ann, hurry up and run here!
Do you see the frying pan there?
The fish that bakes on it,
She said gloomily: “Hmmm…”
If I came up with this,
Don't blow my head off!
The fish, emerging from the oil,
She said sadly: “Alas!”
So sad, so unhappy
The fish was looking at me
And then, diving back,
The oil hissed again.


My name is Jemima.
But is this really a name?
My dad is a kind-hearted man,
Both Mom and Bob call me "Meg".
And only my sister, looking enviously
There are blond strands on my wonderful hair,
Shouts, mocking, stupid name:
"Jemima, Jemima, Jemima!"



cute creature

Three eyes

And only one head.

This head is very smart -

All the time

She winks

And a yellow eye


They look at you.

One of them

He says: GO!

The second one begs:

WAIT a little!

And the third commands:


Road closed

In front of you.

But if you are a horse

Or a tram

Then please -

Drive on.

One eye

Other eye

And then it lights up


Green light

Cars are racing

At full speed.

And he looks

Looks down on them




Robert Stevenson(translation by Valery Bryusov)

Say: you love with a swing board
Flying among the branches?
Ah, I'm sure of all the fun
It's just a mile away!

I'll fly high above the fence,
I'll look at everything at once:
I will see a river, and a forest, and a herd,
And the whole country!

Now I’ll see the garden deep below,
And the roofs and the cornice,
I'm flying high into the air,
Up and down in the air!



On the merry ones,
On the greens
Horizon Islands,
According to scientists,
Everyone goes
On their heads!

They say,
What lives there
Three-headed Sperm Whale,
He plays the piano himself
He dances himself
He sings himself!

Along the mountains on a scooter
They go there
Bulls in tomatoes!
And one scientist cat
He even drives

There are pears growing on the willow tree,
And marmalade
And by sea, as by land,
Hares are jumping,
They say!

They teach in schools!
These are the ones
In a nutshell,
On those funny ones
Horizontal Islands!

Sometimes I feel a little sorry
No way -
Neither me nor you! -
Can't find it anywhere
Way to go
To these glorious islands!

About a flying cow

William J. Smith

Many people think
That cows don't fly
So I take your word!
Who will see that cow
Flies in the heights
He, having agreed with his mother,
Let me send a telegram now
(Better - by urgent telegram!)
Let me know about it!

Naughty mom

Poems by Alain Alexander Milne Translation by Samuel Marshak James James Morrison Morrison, And simply - Little Jim, Looked after his stubborn, absent-minded mother Better than his mother looked after him. James James Said: - Darling, Remember that you can’t go alone to the city All the way to the farthest edge without me! But his mother was very stubborn (That’s what people say about her.) Stubborn mother stubbornly put on her most beautiful outfit. “I’ll go, I’ll go,” Mom thought, “And I’ll be back by dinner!” They searched and searched for the missing mother, searched for three nights, three days. The English king was very concerned, and his retinue, and his relatives. The English king said to the queen: - Well, which of us is to blame, That many mothers are terribly stubborn And travel alone, without children? “I know,” he said, “that square in the capital, where my palace is located. But in our capital it’s easy to get lost, ending up at a distant end! James James Morrison Morrison, Or simply - Little Jim, Looked after his stubborn, absent-minded mother Better than his mother looked after him. But then the missing mother was found, A telegram came from her from the road, In which she wrote: “I kiss you, I’m healthy, And - honestly - I won’t travel alone!”

Moonlit night

sl. Kitahara Hakushu Tone, Tone, Tone, "Open the door!" "Who knocks so quietly?" "It's me - the maple leaf." Tone, Tone, Tone, "Open the door!" "Who knocks so loudly?" "It's me - the mountain wind." Tone, Tone, Tone, "Open the door!" "Who's knocking so late?" "It's me - moonlight."

P.L. Stevenson "Swing"

Say: you love with a swing board

Flying among the branches?

Ah, I'm sure of all the fun

This is just a mile away!

I'll fly high above the fence,

I'll look at everything at once:

I will see a river, and a forest, and a herd,

And the whole country!

Here I see a garden deep below,

And the roofs and the cornice,

I'm flying high into the air,

Up and down in the air!

P.L. Stevenson "Countries Subtracted"

Around the lamps at the large table

Our people sit down in the evening.

Sing, read, talk,

But they don’t make noise or play pranks.

Then, squeezing the carabiner,

Only I sneak in the darkness alone

The path is narrow and deaf

Between the sofa and the wall.

Nobody sees me there

I lie down in my quiet wigwam.

Embraced by darkness and silence,

I am in the world of books I have read.

There are forests and mountain ranges here,

The shine of the stars, the vastness of the desert -

And the lions go to the stream to drink

They come in a roaring crowd.

There are people around the lamp - well, exactly

Like a camp, light streaming into the night,

And I am an Indian tracker -

I sneak silently, hidden in darkness...

But the nanny is already coming for me.

I'm sailing home across the ocean

Looking sadly through the fog

To the shore of the subtracted countries.

P.L. Stevenson "Small Country"

If you get bored at home,

If your head gets tired,

I have to close my eyes,

To set sail and set sail

Through the veil of fog

To the fresh groves of Igrostan,

Where he plays and sings

Free Little People,

Where dragonflies are giants,

Where is the poplar leaf?

From magical distant lands

Floats on the waves like a boat -

Fast, fast! —

Through the puddle-ocean.

If you turn north there,

You'll end up in a giant clover.

You'll probably meet there

Fly or spider

Or ants, needles

Dragged along the path.

And having climbed the sorrel,

Suddenly you see how with a buzz

Above the bloom

A huge bumblebee flies by.

There, by the daisy tree,

Behind the bushes of white porridge

I'll see myself

(A little bigger than an ant)

Reflected in a light puddle,

Like in a mirror - no worse!

Here a leaf will float up,

So it’s not difficult to equip

This ship is

And go hiking.

Hiding behind the flowers,

With curious eyes

The Little People are watching

How the boat sails.

Some of them are dressed in armor

(These are apparently soldiers)

Those are winged

And rich in coloring -

There is something for every taste and color:

Purple, blue,


Only there are no evil ones among them.

And when I open my eyes

And I will see before me

Long, long, flat floor,

Long, long smooth table,

Drinking from large glasses

Long, long giants

(Above the forest, above the mountains!),

Those who speak the same nonsense, -

How I want it again

Sailing along the grassy forest,

Climb daisies...

And just return home

Get some sleep -

And go play again!

K. Hakushu “Moonlit Night”

- Open the door!

- Who knocks so quietly?

- It’s me, the maple leaf.

- Open the door!

- Who knocks so quietly?

“It’s me, the mountain wind.”

- Open the door!

- Who knocks so quietly?

- It's me - moonlight.

E. Lear "Limericks"

One old man with a scythe

I spent half a day chasing a wasp.

But at four o'clock

He lost his braid

And he was stung hard by a wasp.

There lived an old woman on the mountain,

What the little frog taught to dance.

But everything is “one-and-two”

He answered: “Kwa-kwa!”

Oh, how angry that old lady was!

There lived an old man between the hives,

Fighting off bees with chairs.

But he didn't take into account

The numbers of these bees

And he died the death of the brave among the hives.

There lived a boy from the city of Mayena,

Accidentally dropped into the kettle.

He sat there, sat

And he turned completely grey,

This former boy is from Mayenne.

There lived an old man in a swamp,

Run away from my aunt and uncle.

He was sitting on a log

And, completely satisfied,

Sang ditties to frogs in the swamp.