Jews were involved. Interesting facts about Jews

1. “You have such a Jewish face,” they once said to Buknik with love, and he immediately forgot all those times when the same phrase was uttered with disgust, embarrassment, sarcasm, hostility and even disgust. You will be recognized by your face, and then by your deeds, and there is no getting around it.

2. Recognizing a Jew by face has become a science. Recognizing a Jew by face is an innate skill of some peoples, in particular, the Jews themselves. Recognizing a Jew by face is a popular pastime, for it is known that a Jew is always a stranger, although he may seem endlessly like oneself. And it is important to be able to recognize it.

3. The art of reading faces - physiognomy - has long become a science. If you believe her, eyes, nose, ears, mouth - these peculiar antennas that twenty-four hours a day report what is happening around, and their shape, as well as facial wrinkles, can tell a lot about a person. It turns out that the large, wide-open eyes of that same average Jewish face are a sign of the enduring ability to be surprised and interact with the world around us. About large ears - the same conclusions, but a large nose... No, it doesn’t work. None of the texts we studied say that people of Jewish nationality perceive odors in any special way. Unless that same common Mediterranean ancestor sent us greetings along with a large nose - fortunately, there are a lot of spices and incense in the Middle East.

4. Buknik heard another version explaining the peculiarities of the ethnophysiognomy of Jews at school from a particularly militant classmate. He seriously defended the theory about noses: they say that Jews are smart because all sorts of nasal sinuses and other internal parts of the nose of homo sapiens among Jews are placed in the area of ​​​​the protruding part of the nose, and from this place in the head (and, consequently, space for the brain) remains more. Buknik never believed in this nonsense, but for some reason it is precisely this that is remembered from childhood, and not some important science.

Meryl Streep as Rabbi (Angels in America)

5. The nose, of course, is a theme. In Nazi Germany, special classes, lectures, and seminars were held where they taught how to recognize Jews. This is how in the children's textbook "Der Giftpilz", published by the number one anti-Semite of the Reich, Julius Streicher, boys and girls are taught to identify Jews. (We will give here brief retelling this text, which unites almost all stereotypes.)

Today there is excitement in the seventh grade: the beloved teacher, Herr Birkmann, is talking about Jews. Even the laziest boy, Emil the snorer, does not sleep and listens carefully. Herr Birkmann knows about Jews from life and knows how to present this knowledge in an accessible form, which is why the children’s favorite time is “Jewish hour.” The moment comes when you need to check what the children have learned. Hands are reaching out. How do we recognize a Jew? “We can recognize it by the shape of its nose: it bends at the very tip and looks like the number six. That’s what we call this feature – “Jewish six”. It differs from just a humped or aquiline nose in that it looks exactly like a six,” they answer students. We can recognize him by his lips - they are usually fleshy. And his eyes are different from ours - their eyelids are heavy, their gaze is suspicious and piercing, you can immediately see a deceitful person. They are small in stature, from medium to low, suffer from flat feet, ears "They are large and stick out like the handle of a cup. Their hair is black and curly, like a black man's, and when they talk they wave their hands."
At the end of the lesson, the children sing together in clear voices: “The devil himself is looking at us from the Jewish face” and run away joyfully.

6. It has been noticed that among Ashkenazi Jews the percentage of fair-haired people is lower than among other residents Northern Europe, and among Sephardim and Mizrahi the percentage of such people is higher compared to Arabs and other Asian groups. There are more fair-haired people among Ashkenazim, fewer of them among Sephardim, and they are even less common among Mizrahi. Before the Holocaust, 30% of German Jews were fair-haired, 25% of English Jews, but only 5% of Italian Jews. Studies conducted at the beginning of the 20th century showed: among Ashkenazim (Galicia, Poland, Germany) blond-haired from 10 to 30% and red-haired - from 2% to 4%. Sephardim (Bosnia, England, Italy) - 10% blonde, 1% red. Among Mountain and Dagestan Jews, 2% are blond and 2% are red-haired. Russia, Galicia and Poland had the highest concentrations of redheads.

7. Statistically processed data on 145,000 Jewish children in Austria, Germany and Hungary during the pre-Holocaust period showed: 30% blondes, 55% brown-haired and 14% dark-haired. Red - half a percent.

8. The eye color of the great-grandparents of living Jews also underwent statistical analysis at the end of the 19th century. Among Russian Jews, 23% were light-eyed, among Austrian Jews - 27%, and among Ashkenazim living in England - 11.1%.

9. If you delve into the statistics, you may find an explanation for another cliché - “Jews are more likely to have a combination of dark hair and light eyes than other peoples.”

10. In the middle of the 20th century, in the Peruvian city of Cajamarca, two brothers Alvaro and Segundo Villanueva Correa en/Community.aspx?Name=The+Inca+Jews">decided to convert to Judaism. They began a community that was formed by 1958. Members of this community, received the name Sons of Moses (Bnei Moshe), strictly observed the Sabbath, holidays and kashrut. Over time, this group grew to 500 people, and people began to call them “Inco-Jews.” More recently, they were recognized by the rabbinate, and many of them moved to Israel. I wonder how they are there? Have they settled in? If you don’t look too closely, Indian facial features vaguely resemble the stereotype of a Jewish one. In American Westerns, until the fashion for indigenous peoples began, Indians at first Jews or Italians played. So Buknik’s students, discussing his nationality, once argued: one said that he was a Jew, and the other said that he was Mayan.

11. The beard is also a theme. And not only Jewish. In the 15th century there lived Cardinal Vissarion, who converted to Catholicism from Greek Orthodoxy and kept trying to unite the split churches. He was popular, and the papacy was predicted for him, but the beard, which he wore from old memory, got in the way. At one of the receptions in 1471, King Louis XI pulled his beard and said rude things. Vissarion was upset and died a year later. Because of a beard, a papacy was lost. Now let’s imagine how everyone who is not too lazy mocked Jewish beards at all times. And they were completely wrong, for it is said: “Do not shave your head round, and do not spoil the edges of your beard” (Lev 19:27).

12. Jews keep this very covenant. In addition, beards and leadership are obviously interconnected things in culture. There is a Talmudic story about Rabban Gamliel II, the spiritual leader, the Nasi, in the period after the destruction of the Temple. The moment came in his life when he was removed from leadership for abuse of power, and Eleazar ben Azariah, a brilliant young rabbi, a descendant of the high priest Ezra, was appointed to replace him. But he was young and beardless, which became a serious obstacle to his appointment. However, a miracle happened: Eleazar woke up one morning and saw that God had given him a long and, most importantly, gray beard.

13. So the beard became an important cultural marker. But still, facial hair is not to the taste of all Jews; some of our contemporaries are looking for and finding a compromise solution between the covenant and reality. If you can’t just shave, that is, cut, then you can, for example, depilate with cream (in this case, however, there is a risk of losing facial skin). Further, as usually happens, the dispute moves into the area of ​​semantics of the expressions “cut off the ends of the hair” and “destroy/spoil the ends of the hair.” For example, you can remove hair with a machine (trimming is possible, shaving is not): the hairs on the face are destroyed, but not completely. Some halachic authorities prohibit electric shavers, others believe that the device does not cut the hair as thoroughly as a machine, and therefore does not destroy it completely, and it is possible to use an electric razor. Don't ask where the logic is here, read the literature. Another thing is that both the Torah and the Talmud make it clear: a Jewish man must have a beard. Its loss is directly related to the loss of identity.

14. However, Christians interpret Scripture differently. Pope Gregory VII (1073-1085) may have introduced the rule of shaving for Catholic priests to distinguish them from their Jewish and Muslim counterparts, but over time this rule found a more elevated explanation in the works of the medieval theologian Guilhelm Durand (1237-1296), who argued that By cutting our beard, we get rid of vices and sins, for their essence is superficial, and beardlessness brings a person closer to the angels who are forever young. So Joseph was shaved before being taken to the Pharaoh’s chambers, for the Egyptians cultivated beardlessness as a sign of youth. It turns out that Jews are not at all afraid of appearing older, because they cultivate the wisdom that inevitably accompanies age. Eh, if only it were so...

15. Here is a reconstruction of an Israeli Jewish face from the first century AD. It was made for the BBC film "Son of God" - this is a version of Jesus' appearance. And researcher and documentarian John Romer, in another Discovery Channel film, Seven Wonders of the World, points out that the traditional depiction of Jesus may be derived from the classical Hellenistic depiction of Zeus. Now let’s put this all together and look at a hypothetical representative of “Jewish nationality.” How was it?

16. There are not so many images of ancient Jews. Buknik came across two interpretations of one of the most famous - the procession from the fresco of the tomb of Khnumhotep III from Beni Hassan. “A group of four Jewish women carry antimony to color the eyes of an Egyptian prince. This fresco shows us how great the difference is in the clothes of the Egyptians and the Jews. We also see how very different Egyptian and Jewish women are in profile: Egyptian women are beauties, with perfect noses, and Jewish women are fearful people! - with humped noses. Jews generally envy the beauty of other peoples, since they have faces like gnomes (no one has yet paid attention to this obvious similarity, because they are afraid of Jews), huge noses and shaggy eyebrows, like a Yeti.”

17. Surprisingly, others see in the same paintings of the tomb of Khnumhotep III a source of knowledge about the arts and crafts of the Jews. “Thirty-seven merchants and artisans with their wives and children are depicted on a fresco inside the burial. Their clothes, hairstyles and skin color indicate that they were from Canaan." The artists carefully depicted the garments of the Semites, and this allows scientists to establish that the fabrics were made on machines not yet known in Egypt, and dyed in colors that were not used in Egypt at that time. Actually, for our topic it is not so important that many advanced technologies were brought to Egypt by the Semites. What is important to us is the portrait of ladies who lived in Canaan in the 19th century BC and were seen through the eyes of an Egyptian artist. They are very attractive, and the similarities with our contemporaries are obvious.

18. Bees recognize people's faces. No one has yet figured out how they do it. And they will find out the right person, even if his photo is turned upside down.

19. Sniper rifles soon they will be able to distinguish a person’s face in the sight, so that they can know for sure whether to shoot or not.

20. The habit of determining a person's nationality by his appearance will never disappear, because it is directly related to survival and the need to classify the world. Just like animals with their skills of accurately attributing individuals different types. And only the most advanced of us are able to remember in time how easy it is to deceive the eye and how little this classification gives to the heart.

Jews are a nation whose roots go back to the ancient kingdoms of Judah and Israel. The people, who existed without their own state for more than two thousand years, are today scattered across many countries of the world.

Thus, according to official data, 43% of Jews live in Israel, 39% in the USA, and the rest in various parts of the world. Many of them live very close to us. Do you know how to recognize a Jew among Russians, Germans, Caucasians and other peoples of the world? What features of appearance and character distinguish this ancient and mysterious nation?


So, how to recognize a Jew? Ask him about it directly. Most Jews are proud of who they are and do not hide their origins. Many half-breeds do not even ask themselves which half to prefer: Jewish or Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian... And even a drop of blood is priceless for them. This, by the way, is a normal human reaction. After all, Jews are an ancient people with a rich history and cultural characteristics. So why not be proud of it? Ask them yourself.

But there are cases when people try to hide their Jewish origin. And that's not normal. For example, during the distant years of perestroika, TV presenter Lyubimov was directly asked about this. And the showman swore live in front of the whole country that neither he nor his parents were Jews. Characteristic features, however, were present both in his appearance and behavior. And the surname spoke for itself: Lyubimov is derived from Liberman.

Look in your passport

What surnames do Jews have? Characteristic features of Jewish surnames are the German suffixes “-man” and “-er”. However, you need to be careful here. After all, both Germans and Latvians themselves have such surnames. For example, Blucher was pure and got his German surname from an ancestor who participated in the war with Napoleon. It was a reward for courage and service to the fatherland - to bear the name of a famous German commander.

There is one more feature of Jewish surnames. So, this may be a kind of “geographical stamp”. Many Jews, moving to Russia from Poland, changed their surnames in such a way that they could understand where they came from. For example, Vysotsky (Vysotsk village in Belarus), Slutsky, Zhitomirsky, Dneprovsky, Nevsky, Berezovsky (Berezovka village), Donskoy, etc.

They can also be formed from diminutive female names. After all, unlike Russians, they trace their ancestry through the maternal line. Example: Mashkin (Mashka), Chernushkin (Chernushka), Zoykin (Zoyka), Galkin (Galka), etc.

But remember that a surname is not a distinctive feature of Jews. Mashkin and Galkin may turn out to be real Russian men, and the seemingly standard Ivanov and Petrov may turn out to be Jews. So it’s too early to draw conclusions based on the last name alone.

Choosing names

With names, everything is much more complicated - they can be anything. Of course, there are purely Jewish ones. For example, Leo (derived from Levi), Anton (from Nathan), Boris (from Boruch), Jacob, Adam, Samson, Mark, Abram (from Abraham), Moses, Nahum, Ada (Adelaide), Dinah, Sarah, Esther ( from Esther), Faina and others.

But there is also a separate category of names that are of Israeli origin, but Russian people wear them even more often than the Jews themselves. The characteristic features of such names are the ending -il (Daniel, Michael, Samuel, Gabriel), as well as the biblical meaning (Mary, Joseph, Ilya (Elijah), Sophia).


So, what are the characteristic facial features of Jews? The first thing people always pay attention to is the nose. Moreover, many believe that this sign alone is enough to consider a person a Jew. The famous “Jewish shnobel” begins to bend from the very base. Thus, the Israeli anthropologist Jacobs described this phenomenon in detail: “the tip bends down, resembling a hook, and the wings are raised.” If you look from the side, the nose resembles the number 6 extended upward. People call this nose the “Jewish six.”

However, based on this feature alone, it is impossible to say with certainty that a person is a Jew. If you look at it, it turns out that almost all of them had big noses: Nekrasov, Gogol, Karamzin, and even Turgenev. But it is known for certain that they were not Jews.

In fact, Israelis can have a wide variety of noses: fleshy “potato” noses, narrow ones with a hump, straight ones, long ones with high nostrils, and even snub noses. So, the nose alone is far from an indicator of “Jewishness.”

Common Mistakes

There is an opinion that there are certain signs that only Jews possess (characteristic facial features) - a huge nose, black eyes, thick lips. We've already dealt with the nose. As for dark eyes, these are the most common negroid characteristics. And the Negroid admixture is characteristic not only of Jews, but also of people of other nationalities. For example, as a result of the union of a Mongoloid and a Negro, the same traits can be obtained. This admixture is often observed among Greeks, Spaniards, Portuguese, Italians, Arabs, Armenians, and Georgians.

Another popular misconception is that Jews have dark, curly hair. Everything is the same here. The Negroid trait is obvious. On the other hand, the biblical Jew David was blond. This is already a Nordic admixture. And look at the Russian singer Agutin - a typical Jew, but by no means dark-haired.

Sign number one

And yet, how can one distinguish a Jew from a Slavic-Russian by his face? Are there reinforced concrete signs? Answer: yes.

If you doubt who is in front of you: a Jew or not, first of all pay attention to the racial trait - the Mediterranean admixture. Even Caucasians do not have it, who are often confused with Jews because of their fleshy noses, thick lips and curly hair. The Mediterranean admixture is very characteristic and clearly expressed even with great inbreeding. What is it?

Both straight and in profile it is a very narrow long face. It does not expand upward, unlike typical Slavic-Russian faces. Only Jews have this head shape with a narrow and elongated nape. Characteristic features can be seen in photographs by Louis de Funes or Sofia Rotaru. Russian Jews are a mixture of Mediterraneans and Western Asians (Caucasians, Armenians). Ideal examples are Boris Pasternak and Vladimir Vysotsky.

So, the main distinguishing feature of Jews is a very narrow, long face that does not widen towards the top. If, due to some impurities, such a face has expanded, then anywhere, but not in the forehead area. A Jew's forehead is always narrow, as if it were squeezed in a vice. In other places, in principle, the head can expand. And after you have seen this sign, you can pay attention to the nose, lips, eyes, last name and everything else that distinguishes Jews.

Character Traits

The main character traits of any Jew are self-confidence, absolute self-esteem and any lack of shyness and timidity. There is even a special term in Yiddish that combines these qualities - “khutzpa”. There are no translations of this word into other languages. Chutzpah is a kind of pride that causes a desire to act, without fear of being underprepared or incapable.

What is “chutzpah” for Jews? Courage, the ability to change your destiny, to fight its unpredictability. Many Jews believe that the very existence of their state of Israel is sacred, and this is an act of chutzpah.

As mentioned above, there are no analogues or translations of this concept in other languages. But in non-Jewish society, chutzpah has a negative connotation and is identified with the concepts of “arrogance,” “intolerance towards other people,” “shamelessness,” etc.

Indirect signs

It is worth considering some more Slavs and Jews. So, for example, facial cleanliness. Jews, unlike most Russians, often have an accumulation of birthmarks in the area of ​​the nose, mouth and chin. Moles are a sign of aging and degradation of the body. The later they form on the human body, the stronger the body. Jews, as a rule, are formed in childhood.

We continue to name the characteristic features of the Israelis - very naked. This is very rarely observed among Slavic-Russians. Jews often have a fairly sparse and asymmetrical dentition, unlike the Slavs, who are characterized by dense lower and upper teeth.

Burr as a speech defect is often considered an indirect sign. In principle, it is characteristic of some Jews. But only to a minority. Most Israelis pronounce the letter "r" very clearly. And they even teach this to Russians. But still, burring is a rare sign, because many of the Jews who had such a defect worked hard with a speech therapist. And any Russian child can have this pronunciation from birth.


All peoples of the world do not have mandatory and strict laws that regulate nationality. There is freedom of choice: either the nationality of the mother or the father. The only exceptions are Jews. They have a strict and inviolable law: only those born of a Jewish mother can be considered a Jew.

And this law is strictly observed throughout the entire existence of the nation.

It is time to name the true reason for the emergence of anti-Semitic sentiments in all non-Jewish nations soon after Jews come to live on their territory. All this has happened and has been happening for thousands of years, and it all always happens according to the same scenario. It is based on the strategy of existence of non-Jewish nations and Jews: non-Jews live in a certain territory, creating their own society, and Jews settle within societies already created by other peoples and live off them, destroying them. Find out more →.

→ Why they hate Jews

What do Jews look like?

Despite the ban on marriages with goyim, Jews, naturally, still mixed with the local population - slowly and sadly. In different groups of Jews we see completely different types of appearance. Nevertheless, they all consider themselves one people (and they have a genetic relationship).

Jews of Russia

→ Famous Jews

Why Jews were so often disliked ?

The main character traits of any Jew are self-confidence, absolute self-esteem and any lack of shyness and timidity. Jews have a character trait roughly defined by the Russian words “audacity,” “greyhound,” or “impudence.” Among the Jews themselves, it is defined as chutzpa (in Yiddish חוצפּה hutzpe mdash; insolence, goes back to Hebrew חֻצְפָּה, in English hutzpa, chutzpa, hutzpah, chutzpah, German chuzpe, Polish hucpa, Czech chucpe, Italian chutzpah) - means special courage and is considered as a positive quality. Therefore, bearers of chutzpah act as if they do not care about the possibility of being wrong.

Why are there so many Nobel laureates among Jews, not to mention musicians, poets and stand-up comedians?

In fact, the entire harvest Nobel Prizes(26% of total number issued in general) went to only one group of Jews - Ashkenazim, immigrants from Central Germany, Poland, etc. All Ashkenazim are very close relatives. According to calculations by scientists from Yale, the Albert Einstein Institute, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, who studied the genetic formula of Ashkenazi Jews in 2013, the total number of the original Ashkenazi group was about 350 people, and subsequently their descendants interbred mainly with each other.

In the Christian Northwestern Europe of the Dark Ages, where the Ashkenazi community was developing, living conditions for Jews were extremely difficult. While their fellow tribesmen in Asia and Byzantium enjoyed virtually all the rights of citizens, the Jews of this part of Europe were persecuted and limited in their activities (for example, they were prohibited from cultivating and owning land); Only a few of them could exist here, tolerated by local authorities for exceptional merits or on special petitions. Therefore, it is not surprising that Ashkenazim are often descendants of influential merchants, state advisers, large moneylenders, revered rabbis and other medieval intellectual and business elite.

After the flight of the Jews from Constantinople, the situation did not change much, and it was then that this subethnic group finally took shape. Guild rules prohibited them from being artisans in many professions; cultivating the land and serving in the army were also closed to them, so the Ashkenazim occupied other niches - primarily trade, banking, medicine, and law.

Later, when the Ashkenazim had the opportunity to more or less safely settle in Poland and Germany, they continued to have an evolutionary advantage for people with increased intelligence. The rich preferred to marry their daughters to the most successful students of the religious school - the yeshiva, even if this beacon of wisdom was naked as a falcon.

So yes, Ashkenazis have a genetic history of increased intellectual ability. But do not rush to envy: centuries-old consanguineous marriages have led to the fact that Ashkenazis suffer from many genetic diseases, from which representatives of other ethnic groups are practically immune. Now that the Ashkenazim have broken off their marital isolation, the situation is beginning to level out, and in a couple of centuries they will no longer be any different from ordinary earthlings.

On the expulsion of the Jews .

A diaspora - a group of people united on some basis in another, larger group - will always enjoy certain advantages due to their unity. It's a simple mechanic: together we are strong and the like. Therefore, diasporas, especially large and strong ones, generally do not enjoy much sympathy from the main population.

The Jews, so demonstratively isolated and limited in the ability to contact, make friends and enter into family ties with the aborigines, were perceived as 100% aliens, not their own, incomprehensible and sinister. Given this state of affairs, anti-Semitism was inevitable, and it eventually took on monstrous forms during the Second World War. Today, being an anti-Semite is positively uncool. As, indeed, to show any other xenophobia. See more →.

Since the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD, the Jews have become the most cruelly persecuted nation in the world. See →.

So, the oldest known expulsion of the Jews was from Egypt.

The Bible allows us to clearly understand the reasons for the exile: initially, the Jew Joseph acquired full power under the Hyksos dynasty of invaders from Asia. Under Joseph's rule, the Egyptian population was driven into slavery and poverty, and the Jewish population multiplied greatly. During the famine, Joseph begins to sell grain to the Egyptians from the Pharaoh's reserves (that is, he sells to the Egyptians the grain they produced and the grain that was taken away) first for silver, and then, when all the money was taken from the population (which the foreigner Pharaoh is happy about, because the treasury is full) , Joseph begins to sell grain for livestock. "And the silver was exhausted in the land of Egypt and in the land of Canaan. All the Egyptians came to Joseph and said: Give us bread; why should we die before you, because we have run out of silver? Joseph said: Drive in your livestock, and I will give you for your livestock, if your money is gone (Genesis 47:15,16)." In parallel, more and more Jewish population arrives in Egypt, which receives grain, land, property taken from the Egyptians, completely free of charge, while the Egyptians are starving.

After both cash savings and livestock were taken away from the population driven into famine, Joseph moves on to the phase of even greater enslavement of the Egyptians - the taking of land. “And Joseph bought all the land of Egypt for Pharaoh, because the Egyptians sold each of his fields, for hunger overcame them. And the land went to Pharaoh. (Genesis 47:20).” After this, all Egyptians became slaves. The Jews multiplied due to the destruction of the Egyptians. But retribution for their atrocities began with the collapse of the alien pharaoh, and, accordingly, the overthrow of the power of his Jewish entourage.

Under the new Egyptian dynasty, oppression of the Jews begins, who, although removed from power, legally own absolutely everything in the country. The "Egyptian captivity" begins. No restrictive or even repressive measures stop the Jewish yoke and everything comes to its logical conclusion - Pharaoh decides to completely expel the entire Jewish population in order to protect his people from their oppression. These events took place 1000 years BC and we already see that the Jews behaved differently from other nations: despite their small numbers, they did not assimilate, but carried out systematic work to seize power and increase their well-being at the expense of the entire nation, within which they settled. As a result, they were expelled.

Why did the Jews, who did not have their own land, dissolve into foreign peoples? ?

According to the most common version, the ancient Jews were a small tribe that lived in the Bronze Age in lands controlled by Ancient Egypt; a tribe that gradually gained independence, replaced a sedentary lifestyle with a partly nomadic one, escaped from the yoke of the damned Egyptians in one way or another, grew stronger and even founded its own small but aggressive state. Living in the ancient world, exactly between Egypt and Mesopotamia, is a risky business, so the Jews eventually found themselves forced to huddle in a very deserted area and endlessly butt heads with also quite aggressive local tribes. There were many peoples, peoples and peoples on the Fertile Crescent between the Mediterranean and the Red Sea, but in fact only the Jews managed to survive and survive - primarily thanks to their ideology.

Firstly, they learned legislative norms from the Egyptians and Babylonians, including the ideas of private property, proto-statehood, social hierarchy and other ideas that were extremely advanced at that time.

Secondly, they also possessed highly developed technologies, also borrowed from the most powerful civilizations in the world at that time. Their military affairs, agriculture, and tool making were, by those standards, extremely advanced.

And thirdly, they had their own, very jealous deity, who did not tolerate any rivals and did not like foreigners. Jehovah was the personal God of one single people and treated other nations with hostility. (The fact that as a result Jehovah became the God of both Christians and Muslims, becoming the most cosmopolitan deity on the planet, is, of course, a great joke of history.)

Therefore, Jews practically did not mix with other tribes, maintaining exceptional ethnic monolithicity, and acquired such an interesting thing as national identity by the first millennium BC (for comparison, it is worth noting that the countries of modern Europe, say, began to understand what it is, around the 16th century AD). Judaism was a religion of blood, family books were sacred here, Jews did not support any multiculturalism and ethnic diversity even in the heyday of their kingdoms, they practically did not know any colonies, and the defeated tribes preferred to be destroyed or expelled, making exceptions only in rare cases. Well, they endlessly fought for the purity of the ties, traditionalism and so that there were exactly as many hooks on the ceremonial curtain as indicated in Leviticus.

In this state of affairs, the Jews could dominate small tribes. But when faced with new powerful civilizations, they found themselves helpless. The Persians, the Greeks, the Ptolemaic troops - everyone who wanted, did whatever they wanted on the Jewish lands, without, however, completely destroying the Jewish statehood and even bringing there some cultural innovations on spears.

In the end, Judea was conquered by Rome, and the Latin pagans, tired of fighting unrest in a province that was inert and not amenable to real reforms, simply expelled virtually all the Jews from there to run away wherever they looked. The Jews had already been scattered by that time, count, all over Asia and the Hellenic world (thanks to the previous conquerors), so, sighing and packing their belongings, they left - some to Aunt Sarah in Damascus, some to their uncle in Armenia, some to former business partner in Anatolia, and some to his wife’s relatives in the Pyrenees. Thus began the almost two-thousand-year journey of the Jewish people around the world.

The Jews were not the only people who did not have their own land or lost it. But only the Jews, in human memory, managed to exist for two thousand years without dissolving into foreign peoples, without losing (well, almost) their language, preserving their religion, preserving a relative, but still undeniable genetic unity and recognizing themselves as Jews.

We must thank for this, firstly, their initial desire for such cultural and ethnic isolation, and secondly, those who created the Mishnah and Talmud - collections of religious instructions and explanations for them. Every Jew had to follow these instructions. These collections began to be compiled and edited in the 1st and 2nd centuries AD, immediately after the Roman expulsion, and they were written with an amazingly thoughtful purpose - to preserve the Jewish people in their journey.

If we study the holy book of the Jews, the Torah (which is, in fact, almost the entire Old Testament of Christians and a significant part of the Koran of Muslims), we will find there only a very small number of prohibitions and rules. But in the Mishnah, and then in the Talmud, these rules were so expanded and supplemented that now being an Orthodox Jew is a very dreary and time-consuming task. You can only eat kosher, specially prepared food, you must use not only separate utensils, but even separate fireplaces for cooking meat and dairy, you must dress in such a way that people on the streets will run after you in order to take a colorful selfie against your background, on Saturday you turn into a complete invalid, unable to even turn off the light in the toilet, and so on and so forth.

All these very inconvenient, cumbersome rules, for all their ludicrousness, nevertheless played a crucial role in preserving the Jews as a people. From childhood, a Jew was accustomed to the fact that he was different from other people, he could not come to a non-Christian for dinner (but it’s easy to invite one), he was forced to live next to Jewish butchers, milkmen, bakers and winemakers, since only their food was allowed to him, he could only marry a Jewish woman. A Jew who violated these rules was ultimately expelled from his people, and they mourned him more than the dead.

Of course, the prohibitions gradually weakened and traditions collapsed, but this happened very slowly. True, the 19th and 20th centuries caused enormous damage to Jewish identity; the people’s reserve of nomadic strength was already on the wane. But then the journey ended: the UN created Israel and the Jews returned home. Although not all.

Genetic diseases of Jews .

Many genetic diseases are specific to specific ethnic groups or nationalities. For example, 25 percent of Jews whose ancestors come from Eastern Europe are carriers of certain genetic diseases that can be passed on to their children. If one of the partners is a carrier of a genetic disease, then there is a 25 percent chance that the couple will have an affected child. There is also a 50 percent chance that the child will be a carrier of the defective gene, like the parents, and only a 25 percent chance that he will not inherit it at all.

Jews planning to become parents will find it very helpful to learn about genetic diseases that are common among Ashkenazi Jews. These diseases include: Bloom's syndrome, Canavan syndrome, cystic fibrosis, hereditary dysautonomia, Tay-Sachs disease (children's type), Niemann-Pick disease - type A, etc.

Fortunately, very accurate methods have been developed to determine whether a fetus has inherited genetic diseases or not. This can be either amniocentesis, performed at 15-18 weeks of pregnancy, or hornal villus analysis, usually performed at 10-12 weeks of pregnancy. Read more → The most terrible weapon of the Holy Roman Empire! .

How to become a Jew

Unlike Christians or Muslims, Jews never sought to turn everyone around them into Jews. On the contrary, they tried to avoid such metamorphoses at all costs. Nevertheless, they have a ritual of “conversion”, which makes the person who undergoes it one hundred percent Jewish - both in the religious, social and legal sense.

Going through conversion is an extremely tedious task. First you need to find three rabbis who will agree to make you a Jew. Moreover, the rabbis will refuse you, intimidate you, dissuade you and tell you what a terrible thing it is to be a Jew. But if a Jewish candidate is stubborn as a bull and is not afraid of anything, he must learn 613 commandments of the Torah (yeah, that’s not ten Christian commandments), undergo training in the religious canon and then clearly out loud before the religious court pronounce kabbalat - an oath of acceptance of these commandments. If he cannot pronounce it (for example, he is deaf and dumb), then he cannot become a Jew.

In addition, men will have to part with one part of their body (you know which one). A converted convert is immersed in a ritual container (mikvah) and becomes a Jew, a “her” - this is the name given to those who converted to Jewry after being a goy from birth. Yes, by the way, if you know for certain that you had ancient Amalekites in your family, refrain from reporting this. The Torah clearly states that an Amalekite cannot be a Jew. True, now there are no Amalekites in nature, and it is not known exactly who they are.

Why were Jews persecuted for their religion? ?

Sometimes you hear the nonsense that all “good and correct” people mean one God, also, all traditional religions are essentially the same, because they call for doing good and therefore everyone has the same God. This can only live in a damaged head or with a stream of masterfully hammered lies and propaganda.

→ Jew, Muslim and Christian...

Most people believe that the essence of the difference between Jews and Christians is that Jews believe in the Old Testament and Christians believe in the New Testament. The truth is that the real Bible for Jews is the Talmud. The Jewish book “The Mitzbeach” states that: “There is nothing higher than the “Holy Talmud.”

While the Jews pretend to the rest of the world to believe in the Old Testament, the real essence of the Jewish creed is not it, just like the books of Moses, it is the Talmud.

The Talmud is the real essence of Jewish doctrine. Sanhedrin 59a: “A goy who sticks his nose into the Law (Talmud) is guilty and punishable by death.”

There are several branches of the Jewish religion, such as Orthodox, Reform, Liberal, Conservative, Sephardim, Ashkanazim, Zionist, etc., but they all use the Talmud in their synagogues, just as different branches of Christians use the Bible.

The Talmud consists of 63 books and 524 sections and is often published in 18 large volumes. It was written by rabbis between 200 and 500 AD. Basically it contains a set of Jewish laws both in their relations among themselves and in the relations of Jews to non-Jews (goyim).

Eight Popes catholic church condemned the Talmud. Martin Luther, the founder of the Protestant Church, called for it to be burned. Pope Clement VIII said: “The wicked books of the Talmud and Kabbalah and other evil books of the Jews are hereby entirely condemned and must always remain condemned and prohibited and this law must always be observed.

In Nazi Germany, Jews were considered people who had at least three Jewish grandparents. They were deprived of citizenship, the right to hold public office and serve in the army. However, if there were only 1 or 2 Jewish grandparents, the person was considered half-breed and called a mischling. This category included the blue-eyed, blond Werner Goldberg, the son of a Jew and a German mother, who served in the Wehrmacht and whose photograph was published in newspapers with the caption “the ideal German soldier.” But in 1940, a new law was passed on the dismissal of all first-degree mischlings from the army, and Werner had to return to work in a clothing factory.

Jews created the language of the criminal world .

Ashkenazi Jews created the language of the criminal world - thieves' fenya - and approved the prison law with its own unique system of punishing the guilty, the most humiliating of which - "lowering" - is associated with homosexual violence of the guilty of something.

“The word “fenya” itself comes from the Hebrew אופן ofen - a way (apparently, of expression).

Blatnoy - Die Blatte (German Yiddish) - sheet, piece of paper, note. Anyone who got a job through connections had a “piece of paper” from the right person.

Fraer (Yiddish, German Frej - freedom) - free, free, one who is not in prison. Among thieves, the world is divided into their own - thieves, thieves, and into fraers - civilians who do not belong to the world of thieves. The latter are allowed to rob and deceive. In this meaning, the word fraer is a simpleton, someone who can be deceived.

Ksiva (from Hebrew כתיבה kt(s)iva - document, something written) - document. Read more → Jewish language is the basis of thieves' jargon and obscenities.

Is it true that Jews despise goyim? ?

Jews believe that Jews on Earth have a special function - to maintain the harmony of the world, bringing it into conformity with the wishes of the Creator. They are the chosen ones, they are different from other people, just as other people are different from animals. In the ideal world that will come after the coming of the Messiah, Jews will do nothing but pray incessantly. And other nations will feed and serve them in gratitude for the fact that the Jews are saving this world, which generally exists only because God loves the Jews.

But being a favorite of the Jewish God is a suicidal occupation, for this almighty sadist cruelly punishes his people for any disobedience. Therefore, the lot of the Jew - at least at this historical moment, before the Advent - is suffering. All other nations live better because they are not counted. The elephants, you know, have also settled down very well.

The Talmud states that only Jews are fully human, and the rest are goyim (which means “cattle” or “beasts”).

The following may be shocking, but these are exact quotes from various parts Talmud.

1. Sanhedrin 59a: “Killing a goyim is like killing a wild animal.”
2. Aboda Zara 26b: “Even the best of the goyim should be killed.”
3. Sanhedrin 59a: “A goy who sticks his nose into the Law (Talmud) is guilty and punishable by death.”
4. Libbre David 37: “To tell the goyim anything about our religious relations is tantamount to killing all the Jews,
because if they knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly.”
5. Libbre David 37: “If a Jew is given the floor to explain any part of the book of a rabbi, he must give only false explanations. Anyone who ever breaks this law will be killed.”
6. Yebhamoth 11b: “Sexual intercourse with a girl is permitted if the girl is 3 years old.”
7. Schabouth Hag 6d: “Jews may make false promises as excuses.”
8. Hikkoth Akum X1: “Do not save the goyim in case of danger or death.”
9. Hikkoth Akum X1: “Show no mercy to the goyim.”
10. Choschen Hamm 388.15: “If it can be proven that someone gave the money of the Israelites to the goyim, a way must be found, after reasonable compensation for losses, to wipe him out from the face of the earth.”
11. Choschen Hamm 266.1: “A Jew can have everything he finds if it belongs to Akum (goy). Anyone who returns property (to the goyim) sins against the Law, increasing the power of the offenders. However, it is commendable if lost property is returned to the glory of God’s name, that is, when Christians praise the Jews and look upon them as honest people.”
12. Szaaloth-Utszabot, The Book Of Jore Dia 17: “A Jew can and must swear to lies when the goyim ask whether there is anything against them in our books.”
13. Baba Necia 114.6: “The Jews are human beings, and the other nations of the world are not people but beasts.”
14. Simeon Haddarsen, fol. 56-D: “When the Messiah comes, each Jew will have 2800 slaves.”
15. Nidrasch Talpioth, p. 225-L: “Jehovah created the Gentiles in human form so that the Jews would not have to use the services of animals. Therefore, the Gentiles are animals in human form who are condemned to serve the Jews day and night.”
16. Aboda Sarah 37a: “Gentile girls from the age of 3 can be subjected to violence.”
17. Gad. Shas. 22: “A Jew can have a non-Jewish girl but cannot marry her.”
18. Tosefta Aboda Zara B5: “If a goy kills a goy or a Jew, he must answer for it, but if a Jew kills a goy, he has no responsibility.”
19. Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 388: “It is permitted to kill accusers of Jews everywhere. It is allowed to kill them even before they begin to denounce them.”
20. Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 388: “All property of other nations belongs to the Jewish nation, which thus has the right to enjoy everything without restraint.”
21. Tosefta Aboda Zara VIII, 5: “How to define the word robbery? A goy is forbidden to steal, rob, or take women and slaves from a goy or Jew. But a Jew is not forbidden to do all this in relation to a goyim.”
22. Seph. Jp., 92, 1: “God gave the Jews power over the property and blood of all nations.”
23. Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 156: “If a goy owes money to a Jew, another Jew can go to the goy and promise him money and deceive him. Thus, the goy will go bankrupt and the first Jew will take possession of his property according to the law.
24. Schulchan Aruch, Johre Deah, 122: “It is forbidden for a Jew to drink wine from a glass touched by a goy, because his touch could make the wine unclean.”
25. Nedarim 23b: “Whoever wants all his promises made during the year to become invalid, let him stand at the beginning of the year and say: All the promises that I can make during the year are canceled. Now his promises are invalid.”

We could provide many more quotes from this offensive book, but the message appears to be clear. The Jews are participating in what can and has been called a conspiracy against humanity and will take any steps they deem necessary to dominate the rest of humanity. Their extremely religious doctrine dictates this course to them. Because of such beliefs and the desire of the Jews to act upon them, anti-Semitism exists, and is perhaps the reason why the Jews were disliked and eventually persecuted by all the nations among which they dwelt." Read more →.

Some seemingly erroneous ideas about Jews

Only one born of a Jewish woman can be a Jew.

No, people who have converted (see this in the article) are considered one hundred percent Jews, regardless of their genetics. Theoretically, even a Martian can become a Jew if he has a body part suitable for religious circumcision.

The Jews crucified Christ.

Jews participated in the entire process leading up to the immediate execution of Christ. According to all the Gospels, Christ was crucified by the Romans, and the Jewish high priests and Pharisees only reported on him and then did not prevent the execution.

Jews have the biggest noses in the world.

- Indeed, most Jews have noses of a specific shape. According to the Guinness Book of Records, the longest nose in the world - 88 mm - belongs to the Turk Mehmet Ozyurk. The second contender for this record is also a resident of Turkey.

Jews are greedy.

Yes, this is their peculiarity. But there are plenty of them in other nations as well. For a long time, Jews were allowed to do something that was prohibited for religious reasons to Christians and Muslims - to lend money at interest. Therefore, they stood and stand at the origins of the banking business in most regions of the world.

There are so many Jews in Russia because they have always been well received here.

No, the entry of Jews into Russia has been extremely difficult and most often impossible since the time of Ivan the Terrible. Jews ended up here because Russia was conquering the territories in which they had traditionally lived, primarily the Caucasus and Poland. Jews who did not renounce their religion were denied rights almost until the revolution: they were prohibited from moving freely, owning certain types of real estate, living in most cities, etc.

Yiddish is a Jewish language.

Yiddish is just a dialect form German language, spoken by Ashkenazi Jews. There are two Jewish languages: Aramaic and Hebrew. They are both very similar.

Jewish women have big breasts.

In this regard, according to Wonderbra research conducted in 2004, UK women confidently hold the lead in the consumption of bras with D+ cups. Israel is still lagging behind.

All Jews burr.

Yes, they burr just like the French. And here lies one of the answers about the nature of the Jews.... The Jews had Yiddish as their native language - with a guttural “r”. The Russian nobility chatted in the nursery in French, which also has a complex relationship with this letter. But if a Jew (or nobleman) grew up in a Russian-speaking environment with traditional pronunciation, he has no problems with “r”.

Jews drink the blood of Christian babies and make matzah from it.

The question is debatable among the people. However, blood among Jews, like among Muslims, is a substance forbidden for consumption, no matter who it belongs to. Therefore, a religious Jew is deprived of the happiness of dining on foods that include blood.

Jews and the Holocaust .

Photographer Margaret Bourke-White photographed prisoners after the liberation of Buchenwald. The photo is so powerful not because it depicts the joy of liberation, but because it shows ordinary people whom we have turned into myth. They celebrate liberation with champagne and cigarettes. We hope they are still celebrating, wherever they are. See more → Jews and the Holocaust: 10 unexpected photos.

During the last war, 6 million Jews died in German concentration camps alone. Currently, there are about 13 million Jews in the world and they are distributed among the main countries of their dispersion as follows: USA - 5.8, Israel - 3.5, Russia - 1.6, France - 0.5, England - 0, 4, Canada - 0.3.. The number of Jews is approximately 0.2% of the world population. However, Jew Richard Harwood (real name Richard Verall) claims that the Nazis did not exterminate 6 million Jews. According to the author, during the Second World War, 256 thousand Jews died for various reasons. Read more →.

Dear Grieber, that for you there are no other topics. The same Fechtwanger in another work through the mouth of Don Ephraim warned all Jews no matter what the times were not to show off. This is me in the Spanish ballad or as it is also called the Jew. I’m telling you this for brevity. It’s also me I’m telling you as a Jew to a Jew, as a person who survived pogroms, as a person living in Israel and suffering a lot of troubles and grief from his new compatriots. So remember one thing, everywhere there are problems. And don’t get into these jungles. In short, don’t provoke new pogroms. I would tell you I explained something else, but 1. I don’t have the strength anymore. 2. It’s useless. For you are doing without knowing what you are doing and you are listening without hearing.

Original message by Alfred_Grieber

A. Griber

In the Jewish world, the following definition of Jewry is accepted: “A Jew is a person of the Jewish faith.” All! Briefly and clearly!

Austrian Bible scholar Chaim Bloch once proclaimed: “We are a race by religion, not by blood.”

All tsarist governments of Russia also considered Jews “persons of the Jewish confession.” Russian empire did not consider Jews a race and did not recognize their classification “by blood.”

J. Stalin in 1913 also recognized Judaism as the primary distinctive feature of the Jews. He wrote that Jews were distinguished by “their religion, their common origin, and certain features of their national character.”

L. Feuchtwanger wrote in the novel “The Jew Suess”: “Through two millennia they (the Jews - A.G.) carried with them the Book (the Bible, the Old Testament - A.G.). She was their people, state, homeland, heritage and possession.”

Indeed, for thousands of years, the common feature of the Jews was their religious affiliation, their common faith and the teaching of the prophet Moses, which is set out in the Torah - the Pentateuch of Moses.

The famous Jewish historian and religious philosopher S. Dubnov believed that when a Jew “formally converts to Christianity, he completely abandons Jewish nationality,” thereby erasing his Jewish identity. In his opinion, it is wrong to call a person who has broken with Judaism a Jew.

However, according to Jewish law, “a Jew, even after sinning, remains a Jew.” Therefore, we will not be as categorical as S. Dubnov, and will consider this issue from the point of view of those Jews who, by the will of fate, were cut off from Judaism, Jewish tradition and the life of the Jewish environment. For example, in Russia and the USSR.

Such people, for the most part intellectuals, came from Jewish families, broke with Judaism, mastered the Russian language perfectly, became familiar with Russian culture and tried to be more Russian than the Russians themselves. The historian P. Johnson called such assimilated Jews “non-Jewish Jews.”

At Soviet power after replacing the “religion” column in the passport with the “nationality” column, people who were convinced atheists, completely divorced from religion, who did not know another language other than Russian, who were brought up in the spirit of Russian culture, who lived throughout Russia, became “persons of Jewish nationality” only because their grandparents professed Judaism. These were, so to speak, “reluctant Jews.”

About such Soviet citizens who had the “Jew” mark in their passport, the writer V. Korotich wrote in his book “The Waiting Room,” published in New York in 1991:

“And most importantly, the Russian Jews, against whom hatred was directed, were not Jews at all. They did not go to synagogues and knew neither Hebrew nor Yiddish. Then they began to be forced into a nation, cut off from the country and people who live and suffer together, and the need to separate and leave was instilled in them. In fact, the attacks that broke out at the beginning of this century, during the years of the revolution, when popular anger and melancholy were provocatively discharged in Jewish pogroms, continued.”

According to Jewish law, a person who is born of a Jewish mother or who converts to Judaism can be considered a Jew.

The “Nuremberg Racial Laws” of Nazi Germany developed “rules” by which membership in the “Jewish race” was determined. They established the categories of Jews and “persons with an admixture of Jewish blood.” "Race" and "blood" were the cornerstones of Nazi Germany's genocidal policies against the Jews. The “Nuremberg Racial Laws” provided the “legislative” and “scientific” basis for unthinkable discrimination and complete extermination of Jews.

Russian anti-Semitic nationalists, and then the Bolsheviks, also adopted the racial classification of Jews “by blood.” Russian Marxist P. Struve wrote in 1924:

"The development of Jewry in the most general formula can be depicted like this: from the tribe and nation, religion is born, and then for the rest of the non-Jewish world and even for the Jews themselves, religion turns into a race, into “blood.” The transformation of religion into blood is a socio-psychological process of vulgarization and obscuring of the Jewish problem.”

In the USSR, a Jew was considered to be a person who had at least one parent who was Jewish. Even if this person’s passport indicated a different nationality in the fifth column.

In Russian society, since the time of Alexander III, the so-called “science of Jewish studies” flourished, which included numerous books on the history of Russia, philosophical works, memoirs and novels. Discussions about “race,” “blood,” and the special “Jewish spirit” were generously scattered here. After all, according to anti-Semites and anti-Semites, a person who is born a Jew receives the “Jewish spirit” along with his blood.

If you follow this theory, it turns out that Jesus Christ and his apostles are also carriers of the harmful “Jewish spirit.” I dare to hope that not a single thick-headed Judeophobe or egg-headed anti-Semite doubts that the founders of the Christian religion were pure-blooded Jews, no matter how you look at it.

So, gentlemen, Judeophobes and anti-Semites, be careful in your conclusions. So it won’t be long before they are known as antichrists, enemies of Christianity.

The question of who is a Jew and who is not can be considered open, since there is no generally accepted acceptable criterion for defining Jewishness.

Writer Yu. Nagibin in his book “Darkness at the End of the Tunnel” wrote: “There is a wonderful saying: a Jew is the one who agrees to this.”

The poet and writer N. Sagalovsky once said that, according to his classification, “a Jew is not a nationality or a religious category, a Jew is a feeling. Anyone who feels like a Jew is a Jew, it’s very simple.”

Each nation has its own unique characteristics and customs that distinguish it from others. Jews are one of the most distinctive peoples on Earth, having an ancient and tragic history and at the same time national character, full of vitality and strength. These features are reflected in the mentality and traditions that no one else has.

Celebrating Saturday

Only Jews, as well as related Karaites and Samaritans, celebrate Shabbat - in Russian - “Saturday”. This is due to the fact that according to the Bible, God gave the Sabbath to all creation as a time of rest at the end of the sixth day of Creation, after man was created. Shabbat is a sign between the Creator and the people of Israel. The Sabbath prayers say: “And You did not give the Sabbath to the nations of the world, nor did You give it to the idolaters, but only to Israel, Your people whom You chose.” Orthodox Jews celebrate Shabbat on Friday evenings with the lighting of special Shabbat candles and blessings. Shabbat ends on Saturday evening. All this time the Jews remain at peace, without doing any work. You can't even light a fire!

They have a habit of answering a question with a question.

In reality, of course, not all Jews always do this. However, the idea that Jews answer questions with questions is based on the traditional Jewish educational system. Jewish children and teenagers in cheder (traditional theological school) are taught not only to read sacred texts in Hebrew and Aramaic, but also to analyze the text and pose questions to it. The ability to pose questions, and therefore find answers to them, is one of the reasons why we consider Jews very smart.

Selflessly care for their family

Of course, all people in the world care about their family to one degree or another - Jews are not alone here - but it is among Jews that fathers care for their children as touchingly and selflessly as mothers. Husbands dissolve in their wives, and the image of the “Jewish mother” has practically become a symbol of all-consuming care. For many reasons, primarily because the Jewish people lived for centuries without a homeland, surrounded by other, seemingly hostile nations, the Jews developed the habit of living in close-knit family clans, caring for each other and supporting each other. Because who else will take care of the poor Jews if not themselves?

Do not drink milk after eating meat

Jews have one of the most complex systems of food prohibitions. Everyone knows that they, like Muslims, are forbidden to eat pork. But that's where the similarities end. Kosher (permissible) meat for Jews is only the meat of cow, goat and sheep, as well as elk, gazelle and mountain goat. The only birds you can eat are domestic ones, such as chickens, geese, ducks, quails, and turkeys. You can only eat an animal that has been slaughtered by a religious carver who has a special permit for the slaughter of animals. The animal must die instantly, all blood from the carcass must be released in accordance with the rules. Only kosher wine is allowed, that is, made by a religious winemaker. And finally, mixing milk and meat is strictly prohibited, not only in the process of preparing food, but also in the human stomach. Drinking milk is allowed only 6 hours after eating meat.

Stones are brought instead of flowers

It is not customary for Jews to bring flowers to graves. Instead, they place a pebble on the gravestone. This is due to the fact that according to Jewish tradition, the stone symbolizes eternity. Therefore, at all Holocaust memorials, we almost never see flowers, but we will find a scattering of stones.

Spinning a rooster over your head as a sign of repentance

On the eve of Yom Kippur, Orthodox Jews perform a strange, in our opinion, ritual: they spin a rooster over their heads (for women, a chicken). This custom is called “kapparot” - purification, atonement. In this way, Jews remind themselves that punishment awaits them for their sins and that they need to repent. Holding the bird in right hand, the Jew reads the sacred text, then spins the hen or rooster around his head, and says: “This is my replacement, this is in my place, this is my ransom! This rooster (chicken) will go to the sacrifice.” Some people take fish (necessarily kosher) or just money instead of chicken. Chicken or fish, or money - everything should be given to the poor after the ceremony.

They give alms - wearing masks

During the celebration of Purim (one of the most joyful Jewish holidays associated with the memory of the deliverance of the Jewish people from danger in the 4th century BC), it is customary to distribute sweets and other treats, as well as alms to those in need. Usually, this is entrusted to children, but sometimes adults also take on this important responsibility. At the same time, such gifts must be brought in masks. This is due to the fact that carnivals and costumed processions are generally very common on Purim, as well as the fact that according to Jewish custom, the one who is given alms does not know who exactly did it. That's why benefactors hide behind disguises.