Hall for a photo shoot in Halloween style. Halloween decor or the best Halloween decor ideas

On All Hallows' Eve, many people on our planet celebrate Halloween (although initially this holiday was relevant only among the English-speaking population); from year to year, the population of many countries prepare Halloween decorations in order to appease evil spirits. According to legends, it is believed that on the last day of October, namely the 31st, spirits return to earth, and to prevent them from attacking the living, people dress up in costumes of creepy creatures: monsters, witches, zombies, etc.

This holiday has successfully gained a foothold in Russia, but not under its fundamental understanding, but as an ordinary reason for a fun costume party. And for a themed party to be successful, you need to take care of creating the appropriate atmosphere, which is why Halloween decor is so important.

The roots of the Halloween celebration go back to the period of the Celtic tribes, who on October 31 put on animal skins, extinguished the fire in their houses, left treats outside the threshold, and themselves went to a traditional gathering of the population, where they lit a sacred fire and carried a piece of it in pumpkins to themselves. house. It was believed that in this way they simultaneously appease and scare away evil spirits. By the way, at that time, the Celts called the night of November 1 Samhain.

Halloween decor ideas.

1. Witch's potion.

Bottles with colored witchcraft potions placed on shelves will create an atmosphere appropriate to the occasion. To create a potion, you need to prepare various small glass bottles (from pharmaceutical tinctures or juices), pour water into each and add food coloring (it is better to create different shades). Then print out labels with the appropriate inscriptions: “Tincture of bat wings”, “Potion of cobra venom”, “Poison”, “Spider legs”, “Eyes of newt”, “Truth serum”, “Drops of fearlessness”, etc. d. Below are sketches of the labels, you can print, cut and stick them on the bottles with “potions”.

Interesting fact: on English language“All Hallows Evening” is written - All Hallows Even, abbreviated as Halloween, and this is how the name of the well-known holiday was formed.

2. Witch's feet.

The witch’s legs can be present everywhere, in the decor of a door wreath, in an outdoor flowerpot (we take the legs of a mannequin, put striped tights and old boots on them, install the structure upside down in the flowerpot), a tablecloth (we sew suitable legs from the fabric and sew them to the tablecloth) , in the fireplace (we sew legs from fabric, put old shoes on them and fasten the product inside the fireplace, so that the legs hang down freely, it will look like the witch is stuck in the fireplace portal).

3. Rats.

Rat figures can be placed literally anywhere, on the floor, tables, shelves, window sills, etc. Below you can print or redraw silhouettes of rats, which you can cut out and stick on walls or steps.

4. Bats are vampires.

Not a single Halloween party would be complete without these bloodsuckers; it would be ideal if you purchased ready-made plastic mice that faithfully replicate the outlines of a real vampire. But if you don’t succeed, just print out the templates below, cut them out and attach them to walls, trees, doors, etc.

5. Witches' brooms.

The witch's broom is also a fundamental decoration, and making it is not at all difficult. We go to the park, collect bare branches, return home, take a suitable stick or pipe (from a mop or vacuum cleaner), attach the collected branches to its end, and tie them to the base of the holder with rope or tape. That's it, the broom is ready!

The following idea for creating a broom is suitable for tabletop decor. We take woolen threads and soft, fluffy bendable wire, cut the threads into 7 cm long pieces, apply the wire to the center of the resulting bundle and wrap it around the threads. By the way, the wire can be replaced with a table skewer, and woolen threads can be tied to it using ordinary sewing threads or the same woolen thread.

6. Creepy spiders.

You can buy ready-made spiders (sold in prank stores) or make your own. We take plasticine, form a ball out of it, wrap it with black electrical tape, create punctures around the perimeter into which we install legs made of fluffy wire, draw eyes on the paper and glue them to the body of the spider.

7. Web.

  1. Without the web, the atmosphere will clearly not be complete. To create it, you need to take several twigs or skewers (3 pcs.), place the sticks on top of each other with a cross, fix them in the center with wire, take threads, fishing line or white wire and form a web, as in the photo below.
  2. You can also take identical pieces of planks or skewers, cut a circle out of cardboard, glue skewers to it around the perimeter, take white woolen threads and create a winding around the skewers, as in the photo below.
  3. In addition, you can take a sheet of paper, fold it in half at an angle, draw the outline of a spider on it (redraw the diagram in the photo below), cut out the product and attach it to the windows.

8. Ghosts.

We create ghosts from gauze, take a deep plate, pour PVA glue into it, dilute it slightly with water, mix, soak the gauze in this solution, form balls (heads) from newspaper, on which we hang the gauze. We tighten the thread in the neck area, hang the product, and wait for the ghost to dry completely. When the cast dries, it will hold its shape well and will not be deformed.

9. Creepy glowing eyes.

In the dark, such eyes will make a lasting impression. To create them, you need to cut holes in paper towel tubes in the shape of eyes, and place colored glow sticks in the tubes themselves, the effect is amazing.

10. Black raven of the witch.

A figurine of a black raven will look very impressive; in the absence of one, you can use a template, which should be printed on a printer, cut out and secured with tape on the walls, doors or windows.

11. Black cat.

A live black cat will bring a bit of mysticism to the room being decorated, but it can easily be replaced with a ceramic or clay figurine, or you can even print out a template and stick it on the walls or windows.

12. Witch's hat.

Below in the photo you can see how you can make a miniature, decorative witch hat.

13. Bloody candles.

Creepy bloody candles are made in an easy way, just drop red candle wax onto the white candles, creating very realistic “bloody” streaks.

14. Pumpkin Jack.

Of course, a holiday wouldn’t be complete without a pumpkin, but you’re already tired of the usual unremarkable faces on pumpkins, you want something more interesting, try cutting out the eyes and nose, and sewing up the mouth with thread, as in the photo below, so the pumpkin looks more intimidating. You can also take a large pumpkin, cut off the cap from it, place a smaller pumpkin with an imitation brain inside, and cut out scary eyes, nose and mouth.

15. Zombie dolls.

The dolls can be given a special creepy make-up and placed in the garden or house. It is better to do makeup with regular gouache, so that all this beauty can be easily washed off later. Also, don't forget to give them messy hairstyles.

16. Bloody finger on the doorbell button.

You need to purchase a torn finger from prank stores and use glue to glue it to the doorbell button, your guests will be impressed and will highly appreciate your Halloween decor.

17. Bloody handprints.

We smear our hands in red gouache and leave terrifying prints on the windows and doors. Don’t overdo it too much, don’t forget that after the holiday you will have a global spring cleaning.

18. Zombie hands.

The hands of mannequins immersed in a pond or fountain look terrifying, which is exactly what Halloween demands. If you are spending the holiday in the house, you can decorate the bathroom this way: pour water into the bathtub, tie weights to the hands of the mannequins, and lower them into the water.

10 more cool Halloween decor ideas (video):

Street house decorations for Halloween:

A walk through a store offering visitors all sorts of creepy decorations:

13 facts about Halloween:

Halloween decorations will help create a special atmosphere inherent to this holiday; without them, the holiday will not be so interesting, exciting, fun and incendiary. Take the time, carefully consider the decor of the premises, we hope that the Halloween decor ideas presented in this review will help you prepare for the upcoming holiday.

A Halloween-themed photo shoot is great option for shooting both couples in love and for girls who want to display the mystical mood of the holiday through beautiful and bright photographs. In addition, such a photo session will also be of interest to parents, who will be especially interested in taking advantage of the opportunity to capture their kids in bright, thematic photographs. Today there are a huge number interesting ideas for a Halloween photo shoot. Let's look at some of them with you.

Ideas for a Halloween photo shoot

Halloween has long been a popular holiday not only in English-speaking countries, but throughout Europe. On this day, people dress in bright carnival costumes, mainly in costumes of evil spirits or supernatural characters. If you want to conduct a themed photo shoot on the eve of a holiday or just like that, you can’t do without a special and festive costume.

When choosing a festive costume for Halloween, it would be best to stick to the traditional outfits of fairy-tale heroines. For example, the images of Snow White, Cinderella, and the witch will be quite original for both adults and children’s Halloween photo shoots. Also no less popular today is the Kitty costume. Otherwise, choose masculine looks. For example, a Freddy Krueger or policeman costume will look very bright and original.

Places for a Halloween photo shoot

The location for a Halloween photo shoot largely depends on the time of year. If you decide to take photographs on the eve of the holiday, and it’s still warm autumn outside, feel free to go to the city park. Photos in nature will turn out to be quite bright and impressive, and most importantly, “alive.” Here it is important not to forget about the important attributes for a Halloween photo shoot. These can be brooms, pots, artificial skulls, candles, pumpkins. Don’t forget about artificial false teeth, horns and similar attributes. The use of wigs will add special originality.

A studio space is also an excellent place for themed photography. A clear advantage in this case is the availability of professional equipment. A photo shoot in a studio will provide you with many benefits. Firstly, unlike simple outdoor shooting, studio shooting will not be directly affected by the weather. Secondly, not every person can calmly relax and feel confident surrounded by other people on the street. In addition, a photo shoot in the studio is also the best option directly for the photographer himself. After all, here he will be able to fully control the lighting, as well as choose the most convenient angles and poses for a Halloween photo shoot.

Halloween look and makeup

Regardless of where you decide to shoot: in the studio or on the street, in any case it is better to use the services of a professional stylist and makeup artist if you really want to get a complete look that meets your expectations. In addition, a clear advantage is the fact that an experienced stylist will help you create the most original and sophisticated look.

For Russians, the Halloween holiday is relatively new, and has not yet acquired traditions similar to those that exist in the United States and Europe, where Halloween has been celebrated for a long time. But we don't need these traditions, we have our own traditions and rich story. And we like Halloween only for the opportunity to turn into any character for one evening, from a fairy-tale mermaid to a real one.

Halloween is celebrated on the eve of All Hallows' Day, and is considered the only day of the year when the spirits of the dead can return to the world of the living. Therefore, this holiday is associated with the revelry of all kinds of evil spirits, which is reflected in our images. I talked many times about all the components of the image, from makeup and manicure to dresses and accessories.

We recently discussed this image is very good and accessible if you use spoiled Wedding Dress, written off at a rental store or purchased through an ad. And today we’ll look at the brightest photos of girls from Halloween.

Halloween - photos of girls

Actresses, models and other celebrities celebrate Halloween on a special scale. Many people want to go to the main Halloween party in Beverly Hills, because this is an additional chance to remind the media and their fans about themselves. Celebrities dress in chic suits in order to attract the attention of photographers and get on the covers of magazines and pages of gossip sites for several days.

Actresses and models sometimes produce chic images, they can be taken as an example, but repeating something like this is not at all easy. Celebrities have extensive experience in transformation, they have stylists, makeup and costume designers working for them, and they can afford to spend a lot of effort and money on a festive look.

For ordinary girls, all this is inaccessible, so we will focus on photos of ordinary girls or fashion bloggers from Halloween of past years. These photos can serve as a source of inspiration for creating your own unique image. And if you don't have original ideas, you can completely repeat the image you like.

How to throw a kids Halloween party

How to throw a kids Halloween party.

Halloween is a great reason to organize an unusual, fun holiday for children. The New Year is still so far away, and with the onset of autumn and cold weather, you want something bright and unusual even more.

In America, on the night of November 1st, children of different ages, dressed in costumes, walk around neighbors' houses, jokingly threatening “trick or treat” and collecting sweets. In Russia, Halloween was interpreted a little differently and is more often celebrated at home with a cheerful group of children.

So, if you want to throw an interesting holiday for your child and his friends, then the following ideas for a children's Halloween party will be useful to you.

1. Prepare outfits and masks.

If the child is still small, when choosing a Halloween outfit, keep in mind that the child should be comfortable. It is better to limit yourself to accessories - a witch’s hat, a hoop with “horns”, a hat with “ears”. An older child can take part in choosing a costume himself. Let it be your favorite cartoon character or a fictional character. Mom can only support the idea and help choose an outfit for Halloween. You can also do simple face painting or cut out a suitable mask from cardboard together with your child. The holiday will be more interesting if the parents also wear appropriate outfits.

photo http://www2.fiskars.com/

2. Come up with entertainment.

Examples of games for children on Halloween:

- “jump over the fire” - we make a symbolic fire, for example, a cylinder made of cardboard with red flames glued to it.

- “catch the bat” - we cut out a bat, tie it to a thread, someone holds the thread at arm’s length, standing on a chair, other participants blow to make the bat swing, a blindfolded player tries to catch it.

- “complete the monster’s eyes” - we draw monsters on sheets of paper and attach them to the wall, the players take turns trying to complete the drawing blindfolded.

- “dance with a broom” - the players stand in a circle, one of them holds a broom, turn on the music, the children dance, passing the broom to each other, the participant whose broom remains in his hands when the music ends is eliminated from the game and wins the one who remains in the game last.

photo http://www.makoodle.com

3. Decorate the house.

It's worth starting with the fact that the main colors of Halloween are white, bright orange, purple, dark green and, of course, black.

The atmosphere of the Halloween holiday will be created by its unnamed attributes - black cats, bats, spiders and cobwebs, ghosts, mummies, skeletons, skulls, witches. And also colorful autumn leaves, candles in candlesticks, small pumpkins - everything that personifies autumn. You can also decorate windows for Halloween by cutting out funny silhouettes with your child and gluing them onto the glass.

photo http://keep.com

4. Think about the serving.

When the house is decorated, do not forget to pay attention and festive table on Halloween. The same tips as when decorating your home will help you decorate your table in Halloween style. Interesting napkins, unusual candles and oranges with pumpkin faces placed on the table will create a cheerful mood.

photo http://wantsandwishesdesign.blogspot.com

5. Prepare interesting snacks.

The main dish can be baked stuffed pumpkin. You can find examples of Halloween snack designs below.

photo http://www.sunset.com

photo http://www.myrecipes.com

photo http://www.mouthsofmums.com.au

6. Decorate glasses for drinks

Another opportunity to emphasize the specifics of the holiday.

photo www.studentsoftheworld.info

photo http://www.healthybonesaustralia.org.au

7. Carve the pumpkin.

No Halloween would be complete without a pumpkin with a face or other figure carved into it.

photo http://tipsaholic.com

It's very easy to carve a pumpkin using a template. To do this, print out a template for carving a Halloween pumpkin, lightly moisten it with water, attach it to the pumpkin and tape the edges. Make deep piercings along the edge of the entire design, then remove the template and pierce the rest of the way through.

photo http://www.myhalloweenland.com

8. Prepare gifts.

You can notify your little guests about the Halloween holiday by mail, sending everyone invitations made together with your child. For example, you can “age” paper in tea and scorch the edges over a candle to give the invitation a more “sinister” look. And in the text indicate that there will be a costume party.

Also prepare small gifts for guests. Something symbolic that will remind you of an interesting children's party for a long time - a keychain in the shape of a spider, gummy worms, etc.

photo http://www.shelterness.com

9. Take unforgettable photos.

Be sure to preserve the memory of the holiday for your children in photographs. After all, you all prepared and tried so hard! By ordering photography for a children's party from a professional photographer, you can relax and fully devote yourself to the holiday, and later make photo albums and give them to your guests.

If you want to have a Halloween-themed photo shoot, our professional photographers will do everything at the highest level, and the pictures will remind you of the pleasant moments of your life for many years.

What is Halloween style?

Many countries always celebrate Halloween and consider it one of the biggest holidays, second only to Christmas. A large number of people spend crazy amounts of money on their costumes, props and, of course, sweets. The main tradition Halloween involves people dressed as scary characters going from house to house offering performances, prayers and poetry in exchange for candy. Halloween is not only a children's holiday, because now the whole world celebrates Halloween, and adults love to transform into sexy and terrible heroes and go to a noisy party.


In order to create a complete Halloween look, you need to fully understand and be inspired by the chosen image. Try to approximate your favorite character. You can transform yourself into the main thing in Halloween-style photography - these are your emotions. Let these emotions become your main outfit. For Halloween, carnival costumes, flashy makeup and various “evil spirits” props have always been used. Also, the image of a terrible character can be created using scenery and props. You don't have to be a scary hero, but a cute and well-known character. You can become cute Mickey Mouse, Alice from Wonderland, Little Red Riding Hood or any fairy tale character.


Your props will be body art and makeup. IN modern world there are a large number of the most usual ways create the appearance of a torn wound or scar. Ideal items include contact lenses, dentures, candles, cone hats, and of course, a pumpkin.

Makeup and hairstyle

The image of a terrible and creepy character is always complemented by dark shades of makeup. You can resort to red, black, gray and other dark colors that will create a gloomy image. In advance, you should thoroughly whiten your facial skin using a light foundation. As for the hairstyle, it will depend on your look. However, you shouldn't work on it. Let your hairstyle consist of chaotic and tangled strands.

Poses for a photo shoot

When you appear in front of the camera, you should not take your eyes off it. Thanks to your gaze, you will create the appearance of a scary and dangerous character. Forget about smiling, because you should not radiate positivity, but quite the opposite, be gloomy and aloof.

Images, examples of photos in Halloween style

Cost of a Halloween photo shoot

How we do themed photo shoots



Rent a Photo Studio without our photographer

  • You can come with your photographer or take photos yourself
  • Minimum order 30 minutes/300 rub.


Photo session with our photographer in the studio

  • The price includes studio rental (floor-length background, interior, props, etc.)
  • Minimum order 30 minutes/1500 rub.
  • General color correction of the most successful photos. (this is NOT detailed retouching)
  • Designed for shooting no more than 2 people

RUR 2,900/hour

Photo session with our photographer on location

  • Minimum order from 2 hours (only with prepayment!)
  • Shooting with professional Canon photographic equipment
  • Recording all footage to disk or your flash drive
  • Designed for any number of people
  • General color correction of the most successful photos. (this is NOT a detailed retouch)


Subject photography

  • The cost is indicated for one item (the cost may increase to 300 rubles for particularly complex tasks)
  • Minimum order of 20 items


Stylist/makeup artist services

  • The cost is indicated for one image (the cost may increase for particularly complex tasks). Hairstyle + 1000 RUR

RUB 2,900

Professional photo retouching

  • Teeth whitening
  • Skin rejuvenation/smoothing
  • Elimination of skin defects (wrinkles, moles,
  • Changing eye color
  • A tan
  • Removing glare from skin
  • Body shaping (weight loss/gain)


Photo slideshow

  • You can use any photos/videos/music
  • Video duration no more than 12 minutes