Zagainov Leonid Vitalievich. The case of the sale of positions in the federal tax service

Thanks to the “efforts” of tax swindlers, the country’s budget loses billions every year. The most common method of theft is illegal VAT refund. The same VAT that we regularly deduct when we go to a store to do some shopping or to a cafe for a cup of tea. The same VAT that should go towards the development of our state and care for citizens.

When we began to deal with corruption in the Federal Tax Service, a lot of honest employees responded, who were tired of enduring lawlessness and theft. Among them is the former head of the anti-corruption department of the Federal Tax Service, Sergei Vasilenko, who was fired by the leadership of the service... for fighting corruption. He has repeatedly given interviews on this topic, including to international publications The Financial Times and Reuters. The Russian media also raised this topic.

Not long ago, our organization received another statement, which I decided to post here. After all, the public has the right to know what the government is spending budget money on. The letter contains quite a few interesting facts from the biography of Mikhail Mishustin, which cannot be found in official sources and about which Mishustin himself would probably prefer not to be discussed in society.

An open letter from employees of the Federal Tax Service to V. Putin

To the President

Russian Federation

V.V. Putin

About leadership corruption

Federal Tax Service of Russia M.V. Mishustina

Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich!

I consider it appropriate to bring to your attention corruption activities of the head of the Federal Tax Service
M.V. Mishustin and his “team”
for you to make a subsequent management decision on the removal of M.V. Mishustina from office due to lack of confidence.

In April 2010, the Federal Tax Service of Russia found a new head in the person of M.V. Mishustina.

Let's begin with M.V. Mishustin, while in Canada at the 2010 Olympic Games, which is confirmed by photographs posted by M.V. himself. Mishustin on his personal page (, photo below) already knew about the draft Decree of the President of the Russian Federation on his appointment as head of the Federal Tax Service of Russia, which is under your consideration.

But then mysterious forces intervened in the person of the former head of the Federal Tax Service of Russia, the current Minister of Defense of Russia A.E. Serdyukov, who somehow miraculously “slowed down” the Decree on the appointment of M.V., which you had already practically signed. Mishustin as the head of the Federal Tax Service of Russia and began negotiations on the appointment of his favorites to this high position - N.V. Sinikov and T.V. Shevtsov.

When this did not work out, A.E. Serdyukov, through his former deputy M.P. Mokretsov, began the process of transferring the property of the Federal Tax Service of Russia to the Russian Ministry of Defense. Among the objects proposed for transfer are: there were all sanatoriums and health centers of the Federal Tax Service of Russia(sanatorium "Raduga": 354008, Krasnodar region, Sochi, Vinogradnaya str., 53; sanatorium "Ellada": 353456, Krasnodar region, Anapa, Pionersky Prospekt, 45; dispensary "Podmoskovye": 141052 , Moscow region, Mytishchi district, Fedoski rural district, Aksakovo village, 1; Rozhok sanatorium: 346857, Rostov region, Neklinovsky district, Rozhok village, Severnaya str., 2) and a significant part of the vehicle fleet of the Federal Tax Service of Russia(copies of documents are attached).

But here, M.V. Mishustin appointed: immediately an audit of service apartments provided by the head of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for ownership begins. The central apparatus of the Federal Tax Service of Russia has been increased by 1.5 times (up to 1,350 people without reduction, in contrast to the territorial tax authorities in accordance with the Decree of the President of Russia D.A. Medvedev), the control unit of the service, which had proven itself tough under previous leaders, has been completely replaced. But with effective methods of working with taxpayers, in a number of regions of Russia the heads of departments for constituent entities and territorial tax authorities have been replaced.

So who is he, M.V. Mishustin?

Born on March 3, 1966, the future head of the Federal Tax Service of Russia graduated in 1989 from the Moscow STANKIN Institute with a degree in systems engineering, after which for several years he studied computer technology at the International Computer Club JSC under the leadership of its creator and his close friend Levon Amdilyana. In 1998, the life of M.V. Mishustina changed dramatically when B.S., who then held the post of head of the State Tax Service of Russia. Fedorov appointed him as his assistant for information systems. He was given a difficult task - to engage in informatization of the service, computerize it and introduce electronic document management. Since August 22, 1998 M.V. Mishustin became deputy head of the State Tax Service of Russia, and the new head of the State Tax Service, G.V., appointed just a month later. Boos retained for M.V. Mishustin this position, which from December 23, 1998 began to be called Deputy Minister for Taxes and Duties. Appointed in May 1999 and May 2000 as Ministers of Taxes and Duties A.P. Pochinok and G.I. Bukaev also left M.V. Mishustina on her team.

As the chief informant of the Tax Ministry,
M.V. Mishustin became notorious for organizing the receipt in 2002 of two World Bank loans for the purchase of computer equipment for 100 and 160 million US dollars and managing to successfully use them. At the same time, he built himself a luxurious house on Rublevo-Uspenskoye Highway with a large sports complex
. Despite this, it was thanks to him that the tax department created the AIS (Automated Information System of Tax Authorities) and the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (Unified State Register of Legal Entities), and made a large-scale purchase of computers for territorial tax authorities.

In 2002 M.V. Mishustin meets a truly legendary personality in the field of VAT refunds from the budget - A.S. Karmanov (husband of the former lead singer of the group “Brilliant” O.B. Orlova) and his junior partner A.V. Udodov.

At the end of 2002, in the life of A.V. Udodov has a new love - the head of Internal Revenue Service No. 5 in Moscow O.V. Chernichuk, who reciprocates his feelings. The volume of VAT refunds received by Tax Inspectorate No. 5 in Moscow, which exceeded 1 billion rubles in 2003, was striking in its scope.

In March 2004, you, dear Vladimir Vladimirovich, decide to change the composition of the Russian Government and instead of G.I. Bukaev, you appoint young A.E. Serdyukov as Minister of Taxes and Duties. He, in turn, immediately breaks up with M.V. Mishustin. Under the patronage of the then Minister of Economic Development G.O. Gref M.V. Mishustin receives the portfolio of the head of Rosnedvizhimost in V.N. Zubkov’s office.

December 20, 2006 M.V. Mishustin was appointed head of the Federal Agency for the Management of Special Economic Zones. Having taken this position also on the recommendation of G.O. Gref,
M.V. Mishustin is getting closer to S.E. Naryshkin.

A. Udodov under the patronage of M.V. Mishustin, his former boss B.S. Fedorov is recruited to the OFG - Asset Management company for the position of Managing Director.

Being a rather obese man and having a disproportionate figure, Mikhail Mishustin nevertheless decides to take up hockey. Firstly, because his new patron, Sergei Naryshkin, plays hockey, secondly, because on the hockey rink you can get close and like a man with a huge number of necessary and important people, and finally, because he plays hockey Alexander Udodov. Very soon, Mikhail Mishustin begins to take to the ice of the hockey rink in Odintsovo together with Sergei Naryshkin, Rashid Nurgaliev and Vyacheslav Fetisov. Mishustin and Udodov begin to invite hockey celebrities, including from the NHL, to hold VIP tournaments. At the same time, Alexander Udodov’s company “Sportima” is one of the organizers of such tournaments, and Mikhail Mishustin himself plays for a team called “Sportima”, which is confirmed by photographs posted by M.V. himself. Mishustin on his personal page (, photo below).

With the departure of G.O. Gref from the post of Minister of Economic Development, chair under M.V. Mishustin's position in the government began to falter and at the end of February 2008 he resigned from the post of head of the federal executive body of his own free will.

At the same time, the departure of M.V. Mishustin's departure from the post of head of the Federal Agency for the Management of Special Economic Zones was preceded by a huge scandal.

In 2008, the General Prosecutor's Office of Russia, during an inspection of compliance with the law in special economic zones, revealed numerous facts of violations in the use of budget funds.

In this regard, submissions were made to the Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation E.Sh. Nabiullina and the head of the Federal Agency for Management of Special Economic Zones A.A. Alpatov.

According to the prosecutor's audit, since the entry into force of the law “On Special Economic Zones in the Russian Federation,” tens of billions of rubles have been allocated from the federal and regional budgets to ensure the functioning of special economic zones, but the agency has not ensured their effective and efficient use.

During the prosecutor's investigation facts were established of placing funds allocated for the development of special economic zones at extremely low interest rates. Thus, OJSC "Special Economic Zones", whose sole shareholder is the Federal Agency for Special Economic Zones, stored
5 billion rubles on deposit at 3.5% and 5.5% per annum.

In 2010, the Investigative Committee of Russia checked information about the possible theft of 2.5 billion rubles. when creating an automated information management system for the federal agency for managing special economic zones through the actions of a competition commission created for the purchase of equipment and software development.

The terms of the contract were identified, according to which they were supposed to be fulfilled in 2 days, and the warranty on the equipment reached up to 15 years. Even after the agency was liquidated in December 2009, its management continued to buy computer equipment and pay for work to create an obviously unnecessary information system.

The head of the agency at that time was M.V. Mishustin, who now heads the Federal Tax Service of Russia.

Isn't that where his famous declared fortune comes from?
at 79 million rubles? Or maybe it is much more?

His old business partner, the man to whom M.V. Mishustin owes almost everything, - B.S. Fedorov invites him to head the management company "OFG" and makes him his partner. But even after becoming an official businessman, M.V. Mishustin continues to communicate closely with senior Russian officials. Playing hockey even more, the OFG company becomes a sponsor of tournaments in which various VIPs participate. Unfortunately, Mishustin's career as a businessman actually ended in November 2008, when B.S. tragically died in London. Fedorov. M.V. Mishustin continues to work in the OFG, but will seriously think about returning to the government, and
S.E. Naryshkin arranges to be included in the “golden hundred” personnel reserve of the President of Russia.

The first two personnel decisions of M.V., who triumphantly returned to the tax service. Mishustin was the resignation of the head of the control unit of the service T.V. Shevtsova and the appointment to this position of a person who has been exclusively devoted to him since the early 90s - the head of the department of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for the Kemerovo region, S.A. Andryushchenko, as well as the appointment
O.V. Chernichuk Deputy Head of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for Moscow.

In the summer of 2010, the VAT bacchanalia begins in Moscow.

More than 50 organizations submit exactly the same type of documents for reimbursement of VAT paid by them for goods purchased in Russia that were previously imported from abroad. The only difference is the nomenclature of these goods - all documents are written as carbon copies. Each taxpayer declares a similar amount - from 200 to 450 million rubles. Of course, each set is written in a different font, not a single nominal general director is repeated, but any professional can see the signs of fraud at first glance.

All of these applicant companies are like twin brothers. Thus, for each company, the set of documents includes: a tax return for the second quarter of 2010 for VAT, a supply agreement under which the company purchased some goods, an invoice confirming the purchase of goods and the transfer of payment for the goods including the amount of VAT, a warehouse rental agreement , with an area of ​​80-150 m2 for storing supposedly purchased goods and a contract for their transportation, a supply agreement under which part of the goods was sold and an invoice for it, as well as a purchase book, a sales book and an application for a VAT refund. When a tax inspector or police officer came to the warehouse on behalf of the tax inspectorate, the storekeeper of the warehouse landlord showed him the stored boxes, but the inspector or police officer could not check what was in them, and, as a rule, did not want to. Thus, the formal conditions for VAT reimbursement from the budget were observed. Later, the version of the purchase of the goods is confirmed by a specially hired general director-nominee, who receives from 300 to 500 US dollars for memorizing the text from a piece of paper.

The amount of VAT declared for the second quarter of 2010 alone exceeded 30 billion rubles.

Having direct access to the head of the Federal Tax Service of Russia, bypassing your immediate supervisor - the head of the Federal Tax Service of Moscow
L.V. Vorobyova - O.V. Chernichuk selected people close to her for the positions of key Moscow tax inspectorates.

Thus, during the summer of 2010, new heads of territorial tax inspectorates were appointed in Moscow:

No. 1 - Tatiana Tsareva

No. 2 - Lyudmila Filimonova

No. 5 - Andrey Gavrilov

No. 6 - Irina Rodionova

No. 10 - Sergei Zhemchuzhnikov

No. 16 - Natalya Mikhailova

No. 45 - Vladimir Nosenkov

No. 46 - Vadim Guzhev

No. 48 - Olga Makhalova

However, instead of an objectively large and complex managed procedure, the VAT check can be entrusted to the Federal Tax Service of Russia for the corresponding federal district, for Moscow - for the Central Federal District. For the position of head of the MIFTS of Russia for the Central Federal District, M.V. Mishustin appointed one of the people closest to him -
M.V. Tretyakov, who held the position of head of the Rosnedvizhimost department for Moscow when this body was headed by M.V. Mishustin. Then, M.V. Mishustin claims M.V. Tretyakov as head of the Federal Tax Service for Moscow, and another devoted colleague, V.D. Guzhev - as head of the MIFTS of Russia for the Central Federal District.

Thus, in the 3rd quarter of 2010, applications for VAT refunds based on the results of the 2nd quarter of 2010 were satisfied in relation to
28 taxpayers. Of these, 26 taxpayers who received compensation in the amount of 6.86 billion rubles are large and reputable companies (for example, OJSC GT-TES Energo, CJSC DKM Engineering, CJSC South Ural Industrial Company,
MAN Automobiles Russia LLC, Castorama RUS LLC,
JV "RusVietPetro", LLC "Ruiz Diamonds", LLC "MZK", LLC "SCA Hygin Products", LLC "TARKETT SOMMER", LLC "ATB-Leasing", LLC "DS-Invest", LLC "Yug-Nefteprodukt", LLC "Client Leasing Company", LLC "BusinessPro", CJSC "Shell Aerofuels", LLC "Louis Dreyfus Commodities Vostok"), and four of them, as the largest taxpayers in Russia, received compensation without any verification at all ("SUEK", "CV Protek" , Alliance Oil, TD Tomsk Oil and Gas Company).

The remaining 2 suspicious taxpayers
Incorporating LLC and Rosmix LLC received 608.6 million rubles from the budget, which is less than 10% of what was issued.

But in September - early October 2010, 29 suspicious taxpayers unexpectedly contacted several Moscow tax inspectorates at once, asking for compensation from the budget
10.9 billion rubles. The most amazing thing is that all taxpayers seemed to deliberately submit applications to completely controlled
O.V. Chernichuk inspections No. 1, 2, 6, 7, 10, 25 and 28.

Inspection Taxpayer Amount to be reimbursed (RUB)

Federal Tax Service No. 1 Inform Svyaz LLC 249,000,000

Optima Torg LLC 472,000,000

Intercorporate LLC 386,000,000

Promtorg LLC 513,000,000

Federal Tax Service No. 2 LLC "Association TD" LLC 224,000,000

228 000 000

LLC "MMSG" 124,000,000

Tallinn LLC 249,000,000

Zodiac LLC 493,000,000

Federal Tax Service No. 6 NewCom LLC 270,000,000

Federal Tax Service No. 7 Torg Expo LLC 501,000,000

Sfera Trade LLC 505,800,000

Stealth Service LLC 127,600,000

Equator LLC 147,800,000

Federal Tax Service No. 10 Lux LLC 486,000,000

LLC "Investstroykompani" 349 929 916

LLC Shoe Factory Lux 393 719 387

Trading Invest LLC 378 706 548

Eliance LLC 270 610 965

Federal Tax Service No. 25 Maxitek LLC 348 545 196

LLC "Global Consult" 378 283 693

Energy LLC 380 684 098

Paris LLC 387 211 921

Federal Tax Service No. 28 Factor LLC 299,000,000

LLC "Mystery" 485 591 578

LLC "Children's Independent Film Company" 458 777 351

Sonata Plus LLC 498 165 166

Elite Status LLC 298 473 843

Veskont LLC 379 960 286

Country Plus LLC 260 010 753

When a taxpayer submits a declaration to the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate, according to which he asks the budget to reimburse him for VAT, the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate requests supporting documents from him, checks them and submits the taxpayer’s documents for consideration by a commission of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, which decides whether to reimburse VAT or not. However, if the amount of refundable VAT is less than 3 million rubles, the inspectorate can make a decision itself, without actually conducting a serious inspection. That's exactly what I thought. Apparently. M.V. Mishustin in April 2011, having convinced the former Minister of Finance of Russia A.L. Kudrin should be appointed head of the Federal Tax Service for the Moscow Region V.V. Polezhaeva. And after his appointment, he set the task for the new chief tax officer of the Moscow region as follows: the Federal Tax Service of Russia will appoint new heads of territorial inspectorates, and they themselves must organize the issuance of stolen VAT from the budget, breaking it into amounts of up to 3 million rubles, half of which should be accumulated in the Federal Tax Service in the Moscow region and transferred to the Federal Tax Service of Russia.

In the summer of 2011, 41-year-old R.M. was appointed head of the interdistrict inspection of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation No. 2 for the Moscow Region by order of the head of the Federal Tax Service of Russia. Botsoev, who headed the control and audit division of the Ministry of Finance for the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania. The promising financier was personally acquainted with A.L. Kudrin, who, in turn, recommended him
M.V. Mishustin.

M.V. Mishustin made R.M. Botsoev has a proposal: when you are appointed to a position, you do not have to pay for it, but half of the refundable VAT must be given to the Federal Tax Service through the head of the Federal Tax Service for the Moscow Region, V.V. Polezhaeva.

About this R.M. Botsoev could not even dream of it and, without hesitation, agreed. Having moved to Moscow, he lived a truly luxurious life, rented a huge apartment near Begovaya metro station for 17 thousand US dollars a month, visited expensive restaurants.

After the appointment of R.M. Botsoev, Interdistrict Inspectorate No. 2 for the Moscow Region began to methodically receive VAT tax returns from companies registered in the cities of Yubileiny and Korolev, providing for refunds of tax amounts of no more than 3 million rubles. Thus, the corruption scheme involved the tax inspector - the head of the department of desk audits - the head of the inspection - the head of the department of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for the Moscow Region - the management of the entire tax service.

Based on the documents received, the GUEBiPK of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia conducted a pre-investigation check, the results of which, on December 9
In 2011, a criminal case was initiated under Article 159 Part 4 of the Criminal Code of Russia. Searches at the Federal Tax Service, at the Federal Tax Service in the Moscow Region and at the house of suspect R.M. Botsoev was scheduled for Monday, December 19, 2011, but the Federal Tax Service of Russia did not report this in advance and his detention
R.M. Botsoev was killed on the morning of December 19, 2011. apparently
M.V. Mishustin and his “team” are in a state of shock.

Currently, this criminal case is being investigated by the Main Investigative Committee of Russia, but the leadership of the Federal Tax Service of Russia is providing all sorts of obstacles to the investigation. Thus, investigators still cannot reclassify the guilt of the suspects from Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation at Art. 285 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

PS.To the crooks And thieves at all Not like, When their catch behind hand. On days To us received letter from Ministry of Finance, V which us warned, on any happening, What cpublications O corruption V Federal Tax Service better end. His I Also decided post Here.

In January of this year, the capital's tax authorities found themselves at the epicenter of a major scandal involving the sale of positions. At the Federal Tax Service, FSB officers carried out a special operation, during which the deputy head of the control department, Andrei Morosanov, was detained. Acting officers were also under arrest. Director for Economic Affairs of the Center for Unique Instrumentation of the Russian Academy of Sciences Pavel Sverdlov and his adviser, former tax official Nikolai Ananyev.

On August 30, the fate of the scammers was decided: the Kuntsevsky Court of Moscow rendered a verdict in the case of the sale of positions in the Federal Tax Service. All three defendants were found guilty. Morosanov and Sverdlov received 2 and 2.5 years in prison, Ananyev got off with a suspended sentence. The case was considered in a special manner, since all three immediately after their arrest decided to cooperate with the investigation, and also fully admitted their guilt and repented of their actions.

Let us remind you that a criminal case was initiated in January 2012 after an employee of the Federal Tax Service for the Moscow Region, Alexander Kirsh, contacted the FSB, to whom the scammers promised a promotion for a monetary reward in the amount of 15 million rubles. According to investigators, Sverdlov, Morosanov and Ananyev repeatedly received money for lobbying the interests of certain people when appointed to various positions in the Federal Tax Service.

Before joining the post of deputy head of the control department of the department, Morosanov managed to work for a short time as deputy head of the security department at the Federal Tax Service of the Moscow Region. He soon quit, but 2 years ago he returned to the civil service, this time in the Moscow department. Probably, the reappointment of Morosanov was connected with a letter from senior leaders of the Federal Tax Service of Russia addressed to the head of the Moscow Federal Tax Service with a request to positively consider the issue of approving him as deputy head of the department.

A similar scheme in tax authorities is widespread and has been used for a long time: “their” people are appointed to leadership positions - proven, “loyal” to management. Several of the most striking examples of “our people” will be discussed further.

Deputy Head of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for the Moscow Region, INLadimirINladimirovichGrigoriev

Vladimir Grigoriev began his career as the head of the field inspection department of the interdistrict inspection of the Federal Tax Service for Moscow No. 45. Since it is this inspection that controls construction organizations in Moscow, it is possible that Grigoriev may have taken an active part in compensation schemes VAT on construction work and export of building materials. And such privileges are granted only to trusted, “our” people. After working in the 45th tax office, Grigoriev went up the career ladder. In 2009, young, but already experienced in such “his” cases, Grigoriev, based on the results of a specially organized repeated competition, was appointed as an adviser to the department for the consideration of litigation with taxpayers of the federal districts of the Russian Federation of the Legal Department of the central apparatus of the Federal Tax Service of Russia. For “their” people, such a rapid career rise in the Federal Tax Service is not uncommon. Then Grigoriev was promoted to deputy head of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for the Moscow Region, where he still works. At the moment, he is in charge of a control unit, a number of tax inspectorates and an interdistrict inspection for the largest taxpayers in the Moscow region. It is Grigoriev who coordinates the activities of the departments of the Federal Tax Service of Russia in the Moscow region. And this already symbolizes the extreme degree of trust on the part of the leadership of the Federal Tax Service of Russia.

Deputy Head of the Federal Tax Service of Russia, Natalya Savelyevna Zavilova.

A special role in the appointment of tax officials to senior positions in the Central Federal District is assigned to Natalya Zavilova. Her career began at the territorial tax inspectorate of Pavlovsky Posad, where she worked as a programmer, but was fired, according to Natalya’s former colleagues, “for gossip, intrigue and unhealthy careerism.”

Perhaps it was these character traits that brought Natalya Zavilova to the Ministry of Taxes and Duties, where she met Mikhail Mishustin. Subsequently, Mishustin and Zavilova were fired together from the Ministry, and then also jointly went to work at the Federal Real Estate Cadastre Agency (Rosnedvizhimost).

Mikhail Mishustin, after being appointed head of Rosnedvizhimost, took Natalya Zavilova as head of the Department of Cadastral Chambers. But even in this department, Natalya’s relationship with the staff did not work out - after her departure, her colleagues breathed a sigh of relief, claiming that the former boss was completely incompetent in matters of the work of the land management service.

Mishustin, who subsequently left for the Federal Agency for the Management of Special Economic Zones (RosSEZ), did not take his long-time girlfriend with him. However, then Zavilova unexpectedly found herself appointed head of the analytical department of the central apparatus of the Federal Tax Service of Russia, which caused a lot of surprise among department employees. After her appointment, Zavilova began to establish “her own” rules in the territory entrusted to her. For example, she appointed her friend L. Shuikova as the head of the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate for the city of Pavlovsky Posad, probably adopting the “scheme” of the work of tax officials: appointing “their” people to resolve important departmental issues in their favor. After all, “their own” will not let you down, at least until they fall into the hands of the law.

Former Deputy Head of the Federal Tax Service of Russia, Kirill Vadimovich Yankov

Let us note that previously one of those especially “close” to the Head of the Federal Tax Service of Russia, Mikhail Mishustin, was his deputy, Kirill Yankov, who in February of this year, immediately after Morosanov’s arrest, was dismissed from the tax authorities.

Yankov came to the Federal Tax Service in May 2010, having previously worked with Mishustin as his deputy at Rosnedvizhimost and at the Federal Agency for the Management of Special Economic Zones (RosSEZ).

A source in the tax authorities told the Federal Research Center “Analytics and Security” that, probably, not without the help of Kirill Yankov, Marina Tretyakova, who from June 2010 to January 2011 headed the MIFTS of Russia for the Central Federal District, moved to work in the tax authorities. In turn, Tretyakova, according to the source, while working in the tax authorities, contributed to the appointment of the convicted Morosanov to the position.

Shortly after the arrest of Andrei Morosanov, Kirill Yankov also left the tax authorities with the wording “of his own free will.” However, a FIC source said that Yankov’s dismissal could be connected with some kind of scam, during which a possible transfer of a large sum of money intended for Yankov took place. According to the source, this amount was intended from one of the heads of the tax inspectorate, who was appointed to the position not without the intervention of Yankov.

One of Yankov’s possible protégés may be his former assistant, D. Penkin, who currently holds the position of head of the Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 10 for the Moscow Region. Before working in the tax authorities, Penkin, who does not have an economic education, also managed to work at the Federal Real Estate Cadastre Agency (Rosnedvizhimost) as head of the information processing department No. 11 of the Federal State Institution “Cadastral Chamber” for the Moscow Region in the Moscow region town of Kolomna.

Probably, thanks to Yankov’s patronage, Penkin changed his job and, following Yankov, moved to the tax authorities.

Here are just a few examples of personnel policies that guide high-ranking employees of the Federal Tax Service when appointing them to positions. Based on this approach to personnel selection, the disappointing conclusion follows that this practice of distributing positions in the tax service fits into the general “philosophy” on the basis of which the management of the Federal Tax Service of Russia builds the work of the entire service. It can probably be boiled down to a few slogans that will not inspire optimism among citizens who regularly pay taxes into the pockets of criminals.

In order to organize effective management of processes for improving tax administration, including the implementation of projects to automate tax administration processes, I order:

1. Include in the order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated 03/21/2014 N ММВ-7-12/105@ "On the creation of the Coordination and Methodological Councils of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for improving the tax administration system" (as amended by the order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated 05/25/2016 N ММВ-7- 12/336@) (hereinafter referred to as the Order) the following changes, approving:

1.1. Regulations on the Coordination Council of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for improving the tax administration system as amended in accordance with this order;

1.2. The composition of the Coordination Council of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for improving the tax administration system as amended in accordance with this order;

1.3. Regulations on the Methodological Council of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for improving the tax administration system as amended in accordance with this order;

1.4. The composition of the Methodological Council of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for improving the tax administration system, as amended in accordance with this order;

1.5. The list of functional sections of the Methodological Council of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for improving the tax administration system as amended in accordance with this order.

2. Entrust control over the implementation of this order to the Deputy Head of the Federal Tax Service S.N. Andryushchenko.

Appendix No. 1

Regulations on the Coordination Council of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for improving the tax administration system

1. General Provisions

1.1. These Regulations define the main tasks, functions, and organization of activities of the Coordination Council of the Federal Tax Service of Russia to improve the tax administration system (hereinafter referred to as the Coordination Council).

1.2. The Coordination Council is a permanent coordinating and advisory body of the Federal Tax Service of Russia on the development and improvement of the tax administration system, including the implementation of projects to automate tax administration processes.

1.3. The Coordination Council in its activities is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, other federal laws, decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 24, 2010 N 365 (as amended on November 22, 2013) “On coordination of measures for the use of information and communication technologies in the activities of government bodies", Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 26, 2012 N 644 (as amended on November 14, 2015) "On the federal state information system for recording information systems created and acquired at the expense of the federal budget and budgets of state extra-budgetary funds" and other decrees and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, Regulations on the Federal Tax Service, order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated March 14, 2016 N ММВ-7-6/135@ "On approval of the Regulations on organizing the implementation of development (modernization) work and the provision of services to support the automated information system of the Federal Tax Service (AIS "Tax-3")" and other orders and instructions of the Federal Tax Service of Russia, decisions of the management of the Federal Tax Service of Russia, as well as these Regulations.

2. Main tasks and functions

2.1. The main tasks of the Coordination Council are:

Determining priority areas for improving the tax administration system;

Making decisions on the development of functional and organizational models of the Federal Tax Service of Russia;

Determination of principles and procedures for project management in the Federal Tax Service of Russia;

Making decisions regarding planning and monitoring activities for the long-term and medium-term periods, monitoring the implementation of Strategic projects in the Federal Tax Service of Russia, achieving milestones and indicators.

2.2. To solve the assigned tasks, the Coordination Council performs the following functions:

Considers proposals on issues of strategic development and improvement of tax administration, functional and organizational models of the Federal Tax Service of Russia;

Reviews draft conceptual documents and plans for the development of priority areas of tax administration, the introduction of promising tax administration processes;

Provides general management of the implementation process of the AIS "Tax-3", including:

control over the implementation of the basic plan for the implementation of the AIS "Tax-3", as well as the status of the implementation of relevant measures on the basis of reports submitted by the Department of Modernization of Tax Authorities and the Department of Information Technology in accordance with the functions assigned to them;

approval of changes to the basic implementation plan for AIS "Tax-3";

making decisions on the readiness of AIS "Nalog-3" subsystems for commissioning;

Carries out the functions of the Project Committee in pursuance of the order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated 04/06/2016 N ММВ-7-12/180@ “On approval of the Regulations on project management in the Federal Tax Service of Russia”.

3. Organization of activities

3.1. The Coordination Council is created, reorganized and liquidated by orders of the Federal Tax Service of Russia.

3.2. The composition of the Coordination Council is formed from representatives of the central apparatus of the Federal Tax Service of Russia and its subordinate organizations. Representatives of third-party organizations that are executors of State contracts for the development or support of AIS "Tax-3" may be included as experts (hereinafter - Experts) in the Coordination Council. Representatives of territorial tax authorities may be involved in the work of the Coordination Council.

3.3. The Coordination Council is formed by: the chairman of the Coordination Council, two deputy chairmen of the Coordination Council, the executive secretary of the Coordination Council and members of the Coordination Council from among employees of the structural divisions of the central apparatus of the Federal Tax Service of Russia, representatives of organizations subordinate to the Federal Tax Service of Russia and Experts.

3.4. The Chairman of the Coordination Council is the head of the Federal Tax Service.

Chairman of the Coordination Council:

Provides general management of the activities of the Coordination Council;

Distributes responsibilities among members of the Coordination Council;

Presides over meetings of the Coordination Council;

Determines the directions of work of the Coordination Council;

Sets dates for meetings of the Coordination Council;

Approves the agendas of meetings of the Coordination Council;

Signs the minutes of meetings of the Coordination Council.

3.5. The deputy chairmen of the Coordination Council are the deputy heads of the Federal Tax Service S.N. Andryushchenko and A.S. Petrushin.

The deputy chairmen of the Coordination Council coordinate issues in accordance with the established distribution of responsibilities between the deputy heads of the Federal Tax Service of Russia.

Deputy Chairmen of the Coordination Council:

Act as chairman of the Coordination Council in his absence (by decision of the chairman of the Coordination Council);

Monitor the implementation of decisions adopted by the Coordination Council (minutes of meetings) and report to the Coordination Council on the progress of their implementation in terms of coordinated issues;

Submit proposals to the Chairman of the Coordination Council to improve the work of the Coordination Council;

Sign the minutes of meetings of the Coordination Council in the absence of the chairman of the Coordination Council.

3.6. Members of the Coordination Council:

Obliged to take part in all meetings of the Coordination Council. If it is impossible to take part in a meeting, a member of the Coordination Council, no later than one working day before the date of the meeting, informs the executive secretary of the Coordination Council about this. In this case, a member of the Methodological Council of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for improving tax administration, who is an employee of the relevant structural unit (not below the position of deputy head of department), for an organization subordinate to the Federal Tax Service of Russia - not below the position of Deputy General Director, for Experts - not lower than the position of Deputy General Director;

Prepare issues for consideration at a meeting of the Coordination Council and send them to the Department of Modernization of Tax Authorities;

Take part in the discussion of issues and materials proposed for consideration by the Coordination Council, vote on issues included in the agenda of meetings of the Coordination Council.

3.7. Executive Secretary of the Coordination Council:

Prepares and draws up materials for the meeting of the Coordination Council, agendas and minutes of meetings of the Coordination Council;

Organizes meetings of the Coordination Council;

Provides control over the execution of protocol instructions of the Coordination Council.

3.8. Meetings of the Coordination Council are documented in minutes.

Appendix No. 2

Composition of the Coordination Council of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for improving the tax administration system
(approved by order of the Federal Tax Service dated October 28, 2016 N ММВ-7-12/591@)

Full Name Job title
Mishustin Mikhail Vladimirovich Head of the Federal Tax Service - Chairman of the Coordination Council of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for improving the tax administration system (hereinafter referred to as the Coordination Council)
Petrushin Andrey Stanislavovich Deputy Head of the Federal Tax Service - Deputy Chairman of the Coordination Council, acts as Chairman of the Coordination Council in his absence
Executive Secretary of the Coordination Council - Advisor to the Department of the Modernization of Tax Authorities
Members of the Coordination Council:
Arakelov Sergey Ashotovich
Deputy Head of the Federal Tax Service
Grigorenko Dmitry Yurievich Deputy Head of the Federal Tax Service
Egorov Daniil Vyacheslavovich Deputy Head of the Federal Tax Service
Zavilova Natalya Savelyevna Deputy Head of the Federal Tax Service
Satin Dmitry Stanislavovich Deputy Head of the Federal Tax Service
Overchuk Alexey Logvinovich Deputy Head of the Federal Tax Service
Budarina Tatyana Nikolaevna
Zasko Valery Nikolaevich
Chalikov Maxim Vladilenovich
Bakcheeva Marina Viktorovna Head of the Department of Taxation of Legal Entities
Shevchenko Igor Viktorovich Head of HR Department
Vorobyova Tatyana Sergeevna Head of Financial Department
Ovchar Oleg Valentinovich Head of Legal Department
Zagainov Leonid Vitalievich
Suvorova Elena Vladimirovna
Akunova Irina Vladimirovna Head of the Administrative and Control Department
Sergeev Mikhail Viktorovich
Volvach Dmitry Valerievich Head of the Department of Standards and International Cooperation
Chepurina Olga Nikolaevna
Budarin Andrey Vladimirovich
Laschenov Alexey Vasilievich
Bogatyrev Oleg Gennadievich
Shcheverov Andrey Yurievich Acting Head of the MI of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for Data Centers
Filimoshin Roman Vladimirovich General Director of FKU "Nalog-Service" Federal Tax Service of Russia
Vyshemirsky Oleg Yurievich
Ryasnov Viktor Viktorovich Deputy General Director of FKU "Nalog-Service" Federal Tax Service of Russia
Meleshkin Mikhail Fedorovich General Director of FKU "ODEZ Federal Tax Service of Russia"

Appendix No. 3

Regulations on the Methodological Council of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for improving the tax administration system
(approved by order of the Federal Tax Service dated October 28, 2016 N ММВ-7-12/591@)

1. General Provisions

1.1. These Regulations define the main tasks, functions, and organization of activities of the Methodological Council of the Federal Tax Service of Russia to improve the tax administration system (hereinafter referred to as the Methodological Council).

1.2. The Methodological Council is a permanent advisory body of the Federal Tax Service of Russia on the formation and development of the methodology of tax administration processes, the introduction of promising approaches and methods of tax administration, including the automation of technological processes of tax authorities.

1.3. The Methodological Council in its activities is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, other federal laws, decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, Regulations on the Federal Tax Service , orders and instructions of the Federal Tax Service of Russia, decisions of the leadership of the Federal Tax Service of Russia, as well as these Regulations.

2. Main tasks and functions

2.1. The main objectives of the Methodological Council are:

Development of proposals on priority areas for improving the tax administration system;

Making decisions on optimization of tax administration processes, as well as the introduction of promising approaches and methods of tax administration;

Making decisions to prioritize tax administration processes in order to automate them;

Organization of planning and control of project activities in the Federal Tax Service of Russia, implementation, administrative support and development of a project-oriented management system in the Federal Tax Service of Russia.

2.2. To solve the assigned tasks, the Methodological Council performs the following functions:

Considers proposals on optimization and development of tax administration processes;

Reviews proposals to improve the methodology of tax administration processes, introduce promising tax administration processes;

Considers questions and problems of a methodological nature, including problems arising when automating tax administration processes;

Determines priority requirements for application software and the order of their implementation, taking into account the assessment of increasing the efficiency of tax administration and the development of the information system of the Federal Tax Service of Russia;

Carries out the functions of the Project Office in pursuance of the order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated 04/06/2016 N ММВ-7-12/180@ "On approval of the Regulations on project management in the Federal Tax Service of Russia".

3. Organization of activities

3.1. The Methodological Council is created, reorganized and liquidated by orders of the Federal Tax Service of Russia.

3.2. The Methodological Council is formed from representatives of the central office of the Federal Tax Service of Russia, territorial bodies of the Federal Tax Service of Russia and organizations subordinate to it. Representatives of third-party organizations that are executors of State contracts for the development or support of AIS "Tax-3" may be included in the Methodological Council as experts (hereinafter - Experts).

3.3. The Methodological Council is formed by: the chairman of the Methodological Council, the executive secretary of the Methodological Council and members of the Methodological Council from among employees of structural divisions of the central apparatus of the Federal Tax Service of Russia, representatives of subordinate organizations of the Federal Tax Service of Russia and Experts.

3.4. Chairman of the Methodological Council:

Provides general management of the activities of the Methodological Council;

Distributes responsibilities among members of the Methodological Council;

Chairs meetings of the Methodological Council;

Determines the directions of work of the Methodological Council;

Sets dates for meetings of the Methodological Council;

Approves the agenda of meetings of the Methodological Council;

Signs the minutes of meetings of the Methodological Council.

3.5. Members of the Methodological Council:

Obliged to take part in all meetings of the Methodological Council. If it is impossible to take part in a meeting, a member of the Methodological Council, no later than one working day before the date of the meeting, informs the executive secretary of the Methodological Council about this;

Prepare questions for consideration at a meeting of the Methodological Council and send them to the Department of Modernization of Tax Authorities;

Report to the Methodological Council on the progress of implementation of decisions adopted by the Methodological Council (minutes of meetings);

Take part in the discussion of issues and materials proposed for consideration by the Methodological Council, vote on issues included in the agenda of meetings of the Methodological Council.

3.6. Executive Secretary of the Methodological Council:

Prepares and draws up materials for the meeting of the Methodological Council, minutes of meetings of the Methodological Council;

Organizes meetings of the Methodological Council;

Provides control over the execution of protocol instructions of the Methodological Council.

3.7. Employees of the central office of the Federal Tax Service of Russia, territorial tax authorities, subordinate organizations of the Federal Tax Service of Russia and Experts who are not members of the Methodological Council may be involved in the work of the Methodological Council.

To consider and make decisions on controversial and complex methodological issues and problems, deputy heads of the Federal Tax Service of Russia may be invited to the meeting of the Methodological Council regarding the issues under their supervision.

3.8. Meetings of the Methodological Council are documented in minutes.

3.9. Meetings of the Methodological Council are held at least once a month.

3.10. To develop proposals on the development and improvement of the methodology of tax administration processes, as well as other issues, functional sections (hereinafter referred to as Sections) are created within the framework of the work of the Methodological Council.

3.11. Sections are formed from representatives of the central office of the Federal Tax Service of Russia (with the involvement of employees of the Department for Modernization of Tax Authorities), territorial tax authorities, subordinate organizations of the Federal Tax Service of Russia and Experts. The list of Sections and their leaders is given in Appendix No. 5 to this order.

3.12. The powers of the Sections include:

Development of proposals for discussion at meetings of the Methodological Council;

Preparation of necessary materials on behalf of the Methodological Council to resolve the issues raised;

Organization and execution of decisions made on behalf of the Methodological Council, provision of information on their implementation;

Involving, if necessary, the implementation of instructions from territorial tax authorities and monitoring the implementation of instructions given to them.

3.13. The section is headed by the head of the Section.

The head approves the structure of the Section and submits information about its composition (changes in composition) to the Department for Modernization of Tax Authorities within two working days from the date of approval.

Head of Section:

Provides general management of the Section’s activities;

Distributes responsibilities between members of the Section;

Presides over Section meetings;

On behalf of the Methodological Council, organizes the preparation of the necessary materials, as well as proposals for resolving the issues raised;

Sets the date for Section meetings;

Approves the agenda of Section meetings;

Involves specialists from the Federal Tax Service of Russia, subordinate organizations of the Federal Tax Service of Russia, Experts and other government bodies to participate in the activities of the Section.

3.14. Members of the Section, on behalf of the Methodological Council and the head of the Section, prepare the necessary materials and present them for consideration at Section meetings.

3.15. The decisions of the Section are documented in minutes of meetings, which are signed by its head and sent within five working days after the meeting to the Office of Modernization of Tax Authorities.

3.16. Meetings of Sections are held as necessary when issues that require resolution arise, under the chairmanship of the Head of the Section or a responsible person appointed by him.

Appendix No. 4

Composition of the Methodological Council of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for improving the tax administration system
(approved by order of the Federal Tax Service dated October 28, 2016 N ММВ-7-12/591@)

Full Name Job title
Andryushchenko Svetlana Nikolaevna Deputy Head of the Federal Tax Service - Chairman of the Methodological Council of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for improving the tax administration system (hereinafter referred to as the Methodological Council)
Kozhevnikova Svetlana Yurievna
Kuvshinova Svetlana Nikolaevna Executive Secretary of the Methodological Council - Advisor to the Department of Modernization of Tax Authorities
Members of the Methodological Council:
Bondarchuk Svetlana Leonidovna Deputy Head of the Federal Tax Service
Grigorenko Dmitry Yurievich Deputy Head of the Federal Tax Service
Egorov Daniil Vyacheslavovich Deputy Head of the Federal Tax Service
Budarina Tatyana Nikolaevna Advisor to the Head of the Federal Tax Service
Zasko Valery Nikolaevich Head of Analytical Department
Chalikov Maxim Vladilenovich Head of the Control Department
Shevchenko Igor Viktorovich Head of HR Department
Matveeva Tatyana Vladimirovna Head of Information Technology Department
Zagainov Leonid Vitalievich Head of the Debt Management Department
Suvorova Elena Vladimirovna Head of the Department for Pre-trial Settlement of Tax Disputes
Sergeev Mikhail Viktorovich Head of the Department of Taxation of Personal Income and Administration of Insurance Contributions
Miroshnikova Inna Anatolyevna Head of the Department for Modernization of Tax Authorities
Kupriyanov Pavel Vladimirovich Acting Head of the Transfer Pricing Department
Kolesnikov Vitaly Grigorievich Head of the Department of Registration and Accounting of Taxpayers
Egorichev Alexander Valerievich Head of the Department of Cameral Control
Voronova Natalia Alexandrovna Head of the Tax Authorities Control Department
Chekmyshev Konstantin Nikolaevich Head of the Department for Providing Bankruptcy Procedures
Chepurina Olga Nikolaevna Head of the Department for Ensuring Control of the Turnover of Goods
Budarin Andrey Vladimirovich Head of Operational Control Department
Laschenov Alexey Vasilievich Head of the Property Taxation Department
Postnikova Tatyana Ivanovna Deputy Head of the Analytical Department
Novoselov Konstantin Viktorovich Deputy Head of the Control Department
Bazanova Svetlana Olegovna Deputy Head of the Department of Taxation of Legal Entities
Sakharuk Valery Adamovich Deputy Head of the Personnel Department
Balashova Irina Evgenievna Deputy Head of Financial Department
Baranov Roman Vladimirovich
Krasnov Dmitry Anatolievich Deputy Head of the Information Technology Department
Bozhenova Evgenia Viktorovna
Kharitonov Kirill Gennadievich Deputy Head of the Legal Department
Votyakova Ulyana Vladilenovna Deputy Head of the Debt Management Department
Tarasova Elena Viktorovna Deputy Head of the Department for Pre-trial Settlement of Tax Disputes
Vorobiev Stanislav Ivanovich Deputy Head of the Administrative and Control Department
Smirnova Elena Viktorovna Deputy Head of the Department of Taxation of Personal Income and Administration of Insurance Contributions
Galushkina Irina Gennadievna
Nesluzhenko Yuri Alexandrovich Deputy Head of the Department for Modernization of Tax Authorities
Kuzmichev Denis Evgenievich Deputy Head of the Department of Registration and Accounting of Taxpayers
Semenov Maxim Nikolaevich Deputy Head of the Tax Authorities Control Department
Sukhova Anna Igorevna Deputy Head of the Transfer Pricing Department
Golishevsky Vladimir Igorevich
Marachevsky Dmitry Alexandrovich Deputy Head of the Department of Standards and International Cooperation
Potudanskaya Elena Viktorovna Deputy Head of the Department for Providing Bankruptcy Procedures
Shalygina Natalya Viktorovna Head of the Accounting Methodology Department of the Analytical Department
Seleverstov Dmitry Anatolyevich Head of the Department for the Methodology of Office Work and Correspondence Processing of the Administrative and Control Department
Frantsuzov Artem Vladimirovich Head of the Department for the consideration of litigation with taxpayers of Moscow and the Moscow region of the Legal Department
Yudin Sergey Vasilievich Head of the Department for the consideration of litigation in the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of the Legal Department
Zhiryutin Stanislav Semenovich Head of the Information Resources and Reporting Department of the Debt Management Department
Smychnikov Igor Viktorovich Head of the Organizational and Analytical Department of the Department of Pre-trial Settlement of Tax Disputes
Germanov Sergey Valerievich Head of the Department for the Development and Implementation of Technological Processes of the Tax Authorities Modernization Department
Kovaleva Tatyana Evgenevna Head of the Department for the Comprehensive Development of Tax Authorities of the Office for the Modernization of Tax Authorities
Fedchenko Svetlana Igorevna Head of the Department of Regulatory and Methodological Support of State Registration of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs of the Department of Registration and Accounting of Taxpayers
Starostina Irina Evgenievna Head of the Department of Methodology for Maintaining, Monitoring State Registers and Providing Information of the Office of Registration and Accounting of Taxpayers
Fedorovich Marina Vladimirovna Head of the department for organizing the accounting of legal entities and individuals of the Department of Registration and Accounting of Taxpayers
Medvedenko Larisa Leonidovna Deputy Head of the Department for Methodology of Maintaining, Monitoring State Registers and Providing Information of the Department of Registration and Accounting of Taxpayers
Krivchikov Sergey Albertovich Deputy Head of the Office of the Federal Tax Service for the Moscow Region
Shilova Yulia Yurievna Deputy Head of the Department of the Federal Tax Service for Moscow
Kurochkina Natalia Vasilievna Deputy Head of the Federal Tax Service for St. Petersburg
Antonov Alexander Alekseevich General Director of JSC "GNIVC"
Bogatyrev Oleg Gennadievich First Deputy General Director of JSC "GNIVC"
Pilyugin Alexey Vyacheslavovich Head of the design and regulatory support center of JSC "GNIVC"
Chistyakov Andrey Vladimirovich Deputy Head of the Center for Design and Regulatory Support of JSC "GNIVC"
Galiakhmetov Rustem Vagizovich Deputy Head of the Project Management Center of JSC "GNIVC"
Kuksa Anton Dmitrievich Project manager of the project management center of JSC "GNIVC"

Appendix No. 5

List of functional sections of the Methodological Council of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for improving the tax administration system
(approved by order of the Federal Tax Service dated October 28, 2016 N ММВ-7-12/591@)

Functional section name Head of functional section
Section 1. Registration and accounting of taxpayers Kolesnikov Vitaly Grigorievich - Head of the Department of Registration and Accounting of Taxpayers
Section 2. Desk control Egorichev Alexander Valerievich - Head of the Department of Cameral Control
Section 3. Test Chalikov Maxim Vladilenovich - Head of the Control Department
Section 4. Taxation of personal income and administration of insurance premiums Sergeev Mikhail Viktorovich - Head of the Department of Taxation of Personal Income and Administration of Insurance Contributions
Section 5. Taxation of legal entities Bakcheeva Marina Viktorovna - Head of the Department of Taxation of Legal Entities
Section 6. Analytical work Zasko Valery Nikolaevich - Head of the Analytical Department
Section 7. Dealing with debt Leonid Vitalievich Zagainov - Head of the Debt Management Department
Section 8. Transfer pricing Kupriyanov Pavel Vladimirovich - Acting Head of the Transfer Pricing Department
Section 9. Information technologies Matveeva Tatyana Vladimirovna - Head of the Information Technology Department
Section 10. Control of tax authorities Voronova Natalya Aleksandrovna - Head of the Tax Authorities Control Department
Section 11. Pre-trial settlement of tax disputes Suvorova Elena Vladimirovna - Head of the Department of Pre-trial Settlement of Tax Disputes
Section 12. Legal support for the activities of tax authorities Ovchar Oleg Valentinovich - Head of the Legal Department
Section 13. Functions of the Administrative and Control Department Akunova Irina Vladimirovna - Head of the Administrative and Control Department
Section 14. Staffing the activities of tax authorities Shevchenko Igor Viktorovich - Head of the Personnel Department
Section 15. Financial support for the activities of tax authorities Vorobyova Tatyana Sergeevna - Head of the Financial Department
Section 16. Standards and international cooperation. Working with taxpayers Volvach Dmitry Valerievich - Head of the Department of Standards and International Cooperation
Section 17. Coordination of the conduct and methodological support of the experiment on the transition to a two-level management system in the tax authorities of the Altai Republic
Section 18. Ensuring bankruptcy procedures Chekmyshev Konstantin Nikolaevich - Head of the Department for Support of Bankruptcy Procedures
Section 19. Improvement of technological processes of the Federal Tax Service of Russia Miroshnikova Inna Anatolyevna - Head of the Department for Modernization of Tax Authorities
Section 20. Operational control Budarin Andrey Vladimirovich - Head of the Operational Control Department
Section 21. Taxation of property Alexey Vasilievich Laschenov - Head of the Property Taxation Department

Document overview

The procedure for the activities of the Coordination Council of the Federal Tax Service of Russia to improve the tax administration system has been updated.

Thus, it is envisaged that representatives of third-party organizations that are executors of government contracts for the development or maintenance of the AIS "Tax-3" will be included in the council as experts.

A number of amendments are due to changes in the structure of the central apparatus of the Federal Tax Service of Russia.

Similar changes have been made to the Regulations on the Methodological Council of the Federal Tax Service of Russia to improve the tax administration system.

In connection with the approval of the order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated 04/06/2016 N ММВ-7-12/180@ "On approval of the Regulations on project management in the Federal Tax Service of Russia" and in order to organize effective management of processes for improving tax administration, including the implementation of projects for automating tax processes administration, I order:

1. Include in the order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated 03/21/2014 N ММВ-7-12/105@ "On the creation of the Coordination and Methodological Councils of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for improving the tax administration system" (as amended by the orders of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated 07/16/2014 N ММВ-7- 12/374@, dated 11/17/2014 N ММВ-7-12/587@, dated 02/26/2015 N ММВ-7-12/84@, dated 03/25/2015 N ММВ-7-12/121@, dated 08/12. 2015 N SA-7-12/350@, dated 01/22/2016 N ММВ-7-12/26@ and dated 02/05/2016 N ММВ-7-12/63@) (hereinafter referred to as the Order) the following changes, approving:

1.1. Regulations on the Coordination Council of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for improving the tax administration system as amended in accordance with this order;

1.2. The composition of the Coordination Council of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for improving the tax administration system as amended in accordance with this order;

1.3. Regulations on the Methodological Council of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for improving the tax administration system as amended in accordance with this order;

1.4. The composition of the Methodological Council of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for improving the tax administration system, as amended in accordance with this order;

1.5. The list of functional sections of the Methodological Council of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for improving the tax administration system as amended in accordance with this order;

1.6. The composition of functional section N 17 "Coordination of the conduct and methodological support of the experiment on the transition to a two-level management system in the tax authorities of the Altai Republic" of the Methodological Council of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for improving the tax administration system as amended in accordance with this order.

2. Entrust control over the implementation of this order to the Deputy Head of the Federal Tax Service S.N. Andryushchenko.

Appendix No. 1

on the Coordination Council of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for improving the tax administration system

1. General Provisions

1.1. These Regulations define the main tasks, functions, and organization of activities of the Coordination Council of the Federal Tax Service of Russia to improve the tax administration system (hereinafter referred to as the Coordination Council).

1.2. The Coordination Council is a permanent coordinating and advisory body of the Federal Tax Service of Russia on the development and improvement of the tax administration system, including the implementation of projects to automate tax administration processes.

1.3. The Coordination Council in its activities is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, other federal laws, decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 24, 2010 N 365 (as amended on November 22, 2013) “On coordination of measures for the use of information and communication technologies in the activities of government bodies", Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 26, 2012 N 644 (as amended on November 14, 2015) "On the federal state information system for recording information systems created and acquired at the expense of the federal budget and budgets of state extra-budgetary funds" and other decrees and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, Regulations on the Federal Tax Service, order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated March 14, 2016 N ММВ-7-6/135@ "On approval of the Regulations on organizing the implementation of development (modernization) work and the provision of services to support the automated information system of the Federal Tax Service (AIS "Tax-3")" and other orders and instructions of the Federal Tax Service of Russia, decisions of the management of the Federal Tax Service of Russia, as well as these Regulations.

2. Main tasks and functions

2.1. The main tasks of the Coordination Council are:

Determining priority areas for improving the tax administration system;

Making decisions on the development of functional and organizational models of the Federal Tax Service of Russia;

Determination of principles and procedures for project management in the Federal Tax Service of Russia;

Making decisions regarding planning and monitoring activities for the long-term and medium-term periods, monitoring the implementation of Strategic projects in the Federal Tax Service of Russia, achieving milestones and indicators.

2.2. To solve the assigned tasks, the Coordination Council performs the following functions:

Considers proposals on issues of strategic development and improvement of tax administration, functional and organizational models of the Federal Tax Service of Russia;

Reviews draft conceptual documents and plans for the development of priority areas of tax administration, the introduction of promising tax administration processes;

Provides general management of the implementation process of the AIS "Tax-3", including:

control over the implementation of the basic plan for the implementation of the AIS "Tax-3", as well as the status of the implementation of relevant measures on the basis of reports submitted by the Department of Modernization of Tax Authorities and the Department of Information Technology in accordance with the functions assigned to them;

approval of changes to the basic implementation plan for AIS "Tax-3";

making decisions on the readiness of AIS "Nalog-3" subsystems for commissioning.

Carries out the functions of the Project Committee in pursuance of the order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated 04/06/2016 N ММВ-7-12/180@ “On approval of the Regulations on project management in the Federal Tax Service of Russia”.

3. Organization of activities

3.1. The Coordination Council is created, reorganized and liquidated by orders of the Federal Tax Service of Russia.

3.2. The Coordination Council is formed from representatives of the central office of the Federal Tax Service of Russia and its subordinate organizations. Representatives of territorial tax authorities may be involved in the work of the Coordination Council.

3.3. The Coordination Council is formed by: the chairman of the Coordination Council, two deputy chairmen of the Coordination Council, the executive secretary of the Coordination Council and members of the Coordination Council from among employees of structural divisions of the central apparatus of the Federal Tax Service of Russia and representatives of organizations subordinate to the Federal Tax Service of Russia.

3.4. The Chairman of the Coordination Council is the head of the Federal Tax Service.

Chairman of the Coordination Council:

Provides general management of the activities of the Coordination Council;

Distributes responsibilities among members of the Coordination Council;

Presides over meetings of the Coordination Council;

Determines the directions of work of the Coordination Council;

Sets dates for meetings of the Coordination Council;

Approves the agendas of meetings of the Coordination Council;

Signs the minutes of meetings of the Coordination Council.

3.5. The deputy chairmen of the Coordination Council are the deputy heads of the Federal Tax Service S.N. Andryushchenko and A.S. Petrushin.

The deputy chairmen of the Coordination Council coordinate issues in accordance with the established distribution of responsibilities between the deputy heads of the Federal Tax Service of Russia.

Deputy Chairmen of the Coordination Council:

Act as chairman of the Coordination Council in his absence (by decision of the chairman of the Coordination Council);

Monitor the implementation of decisions adopted by the Coordination Council (minutes of meetings) and report to the Coordination Council on the progress of their implementation in terms of coordinated issues;

Submit proposals to the Chairman of the Coordination Council to improve the work of the Coordination Council;

Sign the minutes of meetings of the Coordination Council in the absence of the chairman of the Coordination Council.

3.6. Members of the Coordination Council:

Obliged to take part in all meetings of the Coordination Council. If it is impossible to take part in a meeting, a member of the Coordination Council, no later than one working day before the date of the meeting, informs the executive secretary of the Coordination Council about this. In this case, a member of the Methodological Council of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for improving tax administration, who is an employee of the relevant structural unit (not lower than the position of deputy head of department) or an organization subordinate to the Federal Tax Service of Russia (not lower than the position of Deputy General Director);

Prepare issues for consideration at a meeting of the Coordination Council and send them to the Department of Modernization of Tax Authorities;

Take part in the discussion of issues and materials proposed for consideration by the Coordination Council, vote on issues included in the agenda of meetings of the Coordination Council.

3.7. Executive Secretary of the Coordination Council:

Prepares and draws up materials for the meeting of the Coordination Council, agendas and minutes of meetings of the Coordination Council;

Organizes meetings of the Coordination Council;

Provides control over the execution of protocol instructions of the Coordination Council.

3.8. Meetings of the Coordination Council are documented in minutes.

Appendix No. 2

Coordination Council of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for improving the tax administration system

Full Name Job title
Mishustin Mikhail Vladimirovich Head of the Federal Tax Service - Chairman of the Coordination Council of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for improving the tax administration system (hereinafter referred to as the Coordination Council)
Petrushin Andrey Stanislavovich Deputy Head of the Federal Tax Service - Deputy Chairman of the Coordination Council, acts as Chairman of the Coordination Council in his absence
Executive Secretary of the Coordination Council - Advisor to the Department of the Modernization of Tax Authorities
Members of the Coordination Council:
Arakelov Sergey Ashotovich
Deputy Head of the Federal Tax Service
Grigorenko Dmitry Yurievich Deputy Head of the Federal Tax Service
Egorov Daniil Vyacheslavovich Deputy Head of the Federal Tax Service
Zavilova Natalya Savelyevna Deputy Head of the Federal Tax Service
Satin Dmitry Stanislavovich Deputy Head of the Federal Tax Service
Overchuk Alexey Logvinovich Deputy Head of the Federal Tax Service
Budarina Tatyana Nikolaevna
Zasko Valery Nikolaevich
Chalikov Maxim Vladilenovich
Bakcheeva Marina Viktorovna Head of the Department of Taxation of Legal Entities
Shevchenko Igor Viktorovich Head of HR Department
Vorobyova Tatyana Sergeevna Head of Financial Department
Ovchar Oleg Valentinovich Head of Legal Department
Zagainov Leonid Vitalievich
Suvorova Elena Vladimirovna
Akunova Irina Vladimirovna Head of the Administrative and Control Department
Sergeev Mikhail Viktorovich
Kupriyanov Pavel Vladimirovich
Volvach Dmitry Valerievich Head of the Department of Standards and International Cooperation
Chepurina Olga Nikolaevna
Budarin Andrey Vladimirovich
Bogatyrev Oleg Gennadievich
Chernyak Alexander Alekseevich First Deputy General Director of JSC "GNIVC"
Shcheverov Andrey Yurievich Acting Head of the MI of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for Data Centers
Filimoshin Roman Vladimirovich General Director of FKU "Nalog-Service" Federal Tax Service of Russia
Vyshemirsky Oleg Yurievich
Ryasnov Viktor Viktorovich Deputy General Director of FKU "Nalog-Service" Federal Tax Service of Russia
Meleshkin Mikhail Fedorovich General Director of FKU "ODEZ Federal Tax Service of Russia"

Appendix No. 3

Appendix No. 3

on the Methodological Council of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for improving the tax administration system
(approved by order of the Federal Tax Service dated May 25, 2016 N ММВ-7-12/336@)

1. General Provisions

1.1. These Regulations define the main tasks, functions, and organization of activities of the Methodological Council of the Federal Tax Service of Russia to improve the tax administration system (hereinafter referred to as the Methodological Council).

1.2. The Methodological Council is a permanent advisory body of the Federal Tax Service of Russia on the formation and development of the methodology of tax administration processes, the introduction of promising approaches and methods of tax administration, including the automation of technological processes of tax authorities.

1.3. The Methodological Council in its activities is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, other federal laws, decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, Regulations on the Federal Tax Service , orders and instructions of the Federal Tax Service of Russia, decisions of the leadership of the Federal Tax Service of Russia, as well as these Regulations.

2. Main tasks and functions

2.1. The main objectives of the Methodological Council are:

Development of proposals on priority areas for improving the tax administration system;

Making decisions on optimization of tax administration processes, as well as the introduction of promising approaches and methods of tax administration;

Making decisions to prioritize tax administration processes in order to automate them;

Organization of planning and control of project activities in the Federal Tax Service of Russia, implementation, administrative support and development of a project-oriented management system in the Federal Tax Service of Russia.

2.2. To solve the assigned tasks, the Methodological Council performs the following functions:

Considers proposals on optimization and development of tax administration processes;

Reviews proposals to improve the methodology of tax administration processes, introduce promising tax administration processes;

Considers questions and problems of a methodological nature, including problems arising when automating tax administration processes;

Determines priority requirements for application software and the order of their implementation, taking into account the assessment of increasing the efficiency of tax administration and the development of the information system of the Federal Tax Service of Russia;

Carries out the functions of the Project Office in pursuance of the order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated 04/06/2016 N ММВ-7-12/180@ "On approval of the Regulations on project management in the Federal Tax Service of Russia".

3. Organization of activities

3.1. The Methodological Council is created, reorganized and liquidated by orders of the Federal Tax Service of Russia.

3.2. The Methodological Council is formed from representatives of the central office of the Federal Tax Service of Russia, territorial bodies of the Federal Tax Service of Russia and organizations subordinate to it.

3.3. The Methodological Council is formed by: the chairman of the Methodological Council, the executive secretary of the Methodological Council and members of the Methodological Council from among employees of structural units of the central apparatus of the Federal Tax Service of Russia and representatives of subordinate units of the Federal Tax Service of Russia.

3.4. Chairman of the Methodological Council:

Provides general management of the activities of the Methodological Council;

Distributes responsibilities among members of the Methodological Council;

Chairs meetings of the Methodological Council;

Determines the directions of work of the Methodological Council;

Sets dates for meetings of the Methodological Council;

Approves the agenda of meetings of the Methodological Council;

Signs the minutes of meetings of the Methodological Council.

3.5. Members of the Methodological Council:

Obliged to take part in all meetings of the Methodological Council. If it is impossible to take part in a meeting, a member of the Methodological Council, no later than one working day before the date of the meeting, informs the executive secretary of the Methodological Council about this;

Prepare questions for consideration at a meeting of the Methodological Council and send them to the Department of Modernization of Tax Authorities;

Report to the Methodological Council on the progress of implementation of decisions adopted by the Methodological Council (minutes of meetings);

Take part in the discussion of issues and materials proposed for consideration by the Methodological Council, vote on issues included in the agenda of meetings of the Methodological Council.

3.6. Executive Secretary of the Methodological Council:

Prepares and draws up materials for the meeting of the Methodological Council, minutes of meetings of the Methodological Council;

Organizes meetings of the Methodological Council;

Provides control over the execution of protocol instructions of the Methodological Council.

3.7. Employees of the central office of the Federal Tax Service of Russia, territorial tax authorities and subordinate organizations of the Federal Tax Service of Russia who are not members of the Methodological Council may be involved in the work of the Methodological Council.

To consider and make decisions on controversial and complex methodological issues and problems, deputy heads of the Federal Tax Service of Russia may be invited to the meeting of the Methodological Council regarding the issues under their supervision.

3.8. Meetings of the Methodological Council are documented in minutes.

3.9. Meetings of the Methodological Council are held at least once a month.

3.10. To develop proposals on the development and improvement of the methodology of tax administration processes, as well as other issues, functional sections (hereinafter referred to as Sections) are created within the framework of the work of the Methodological Council.

3.11. Sections are formed from representatives of the central apparatus of the Federal Tax Service of Russia (with the involvement of employees of the Department for Modernization of Tax Authorities), territorial tax authorities and organizations subordinate to it. The list of Sections and their leaders is given in Appendix No. 5 to this order.

3.12. The powers of the Sections include:

Development of proposals for discussion at meetings of the Methodological Council;

Preparation of necessary materials on behalf of the Methodological Council to resolve the issues raised;

Organization and execution of decisions made on behalf of the Methodological Council, provision of information on their implementation;

Involving, if necessary, the implementation of instructions from territorial tax authorities and monitoring the implementation of instructions given to them.

3.13. The section is headed by the head of the Section.

The head approves the structure of the Section and submits information about its composition (changes in composition) to the Department for Modernization of Tax Authorities within two working days from the date of approval.

Head of Section:

Provides general management of the Section’s activities;

Distributes responsibilities between members of the Section;

Presides over Section meetings;

On behalf of the Methodological Council, organizes the preparation of the necessary materials, as well as proposals for resolving the issues raised;

Sets the date for Section meetings;

Approves the agenda of Section meetings;

Invites specialists from the Federal Tax Service of Russia, its subordinate organizations, and other government bodies to participate in the activities of the Section.

3.14. Members of the Section, on behalf of the Methodological Council and the head of the Section, prepare the necessary materials and present them for consideration at Section meetings.

3.15. The decisions of the Section are documented in minutes of meetings, which are signed by its head and sent within five working days after the meeting to the Office of Modernization of Tax Authorities.

3.16. Meetings of Sections are held as necessary when issues that require resolution arise, under the chairmanship of the Head of the Section or a responsible person appointed by him.

Appendix No. 4

Methodological Council of the Federal Tax Service of Russia on improving the tax administration system
(approved by order of the Federal Tax Service dated May 25, 2016 N ММВ-7-12/336@)

Full Name Job title
Andryushchenko Svetlana Nikolaevna Deputy Head of the Federal Tax Service - Chairman of the Methodological Council of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for improving the tax administration system (hereinafter referred to as the Methodological Council)
Kozhevnikova Svetlana Yurievna
Kuvshinova Svetlana Nikolaevna Executive Secretary of the Methodological Council - Advisor to the Department of Modernization of Tax Authorities
Members of the Methodological Council:
Bondarchuk Svetlana Leonidovna Deputy Head of the Federal Tax Service
Grigorenko Dmitry Yurievich Deputy Head of the Federal Tax Service
Egorov Daniil Vyacheslavovich Deputy Head of the Federal Tax Service
Budarina Tatyana Nikolaevna Advisor to the Head of the Federal Tax Service
Zasko Valery Nikolaevich Head of Analytical Department
Chalikov Maxim Vladilenovich Head of the Control Department
Shevchenko Igor Viktorovich Head of HR Department
Matveeva Tatyana Vladimirovna Head of Information Technology Department
Zagainov Leonid Vitalievich Head of the Debt Management Department
Suvorova Elena Vladimirovna Head of the Department for Pre-trial Settlement of Tax Disputes
Sergeev Mikhail Viktorovich Head of the Department of Taxation of Property and Income of Individuals
Miroshnikova Inna Anatolyevna Head of the Department for Modernization of Tax Authorities
Kupriyanov Pavel Vladimirovich Acting Head of the Transfer Pricing Department
Kolesnikov Vitaly Grigorievich Head of the Department of Registration and Accounting of Taxpayers
Egorichev Alexander Valerievich Head of the Department of Cameral Control
Voronova Natalia Alexandrovna Head of the Tax Authorities Control Department
Chekmyshev Konstantin Nikolaevich Head of the Department for Providing Bankruptcy Procedures
Chepurina Olga Nikolaevna Head of the Department for Ensuring Control of the Turnover of Goods
Budarin Andrey Vladimirovich Acting Head of the Operational Control Department
Postnikova Tatyana Ivanovna Deputy Head of the Analytical Department
Novoselov Konstantin Viktorovich Deputy Head of the Control Department
Bazanova Svetlana Olegovna Deputy Head of the Department of Taxation of Legal Entities
Sakharuk Valery Adamovich Deputy Head of the Personnel Department
Balashova Irina Evgenievna Deputy Head of Financial Department
Baranov Roman Vladimirovich
Krasnov Dmitry Anatolievich Deputy Head of the Information Technology Department
Bozhenova Evgenia Viktorovna
Kharitonov Kirill Gennadievich Deputy Head of the Legal Department
Votyakova Ulyana Vladilenovna Deputy Head of the Debt Management Department
Tarasova Elena Viktorovna Deputy Head of the Department for Pre-trial Settlement of Tax Disputes
Smirnova Elena Viktorovna
Filamofitskaya Natalya Petrovna Deputy Head of the Department of Taxation of Property and Income of Individuals
Galushkina Irina Gennadievna
Nesluzhenko Yuri Alexandrovich Deputy Head of the Department for Modernization of Tax Authorities
Kuzmichev Denis Evgenievich Deputy Head of the Department of Registration and Accounting of Taxpayers
Semenov Maxim Nikolaevich Deputy Head of the Tax Authorities Control Department
Sukhova Anna Igorevna Deputy Head of the Transfer Pricing Department
Golishevsky Vladimir Igorevich
Marachevsky Dmitry Alexandrovich Deputy Head of the Department of Standards and International Cooperation
Potudanskaya Elena Viktorovna Deputy Head of the Department for Providing Bankruptcy Procedures
Shalygina Natalya Viktorovna Head of the Accounting Methodology Department of the Analytical Department
Seleverstov Dmitry Anatolyevich Head of the Department for the Methodology of Office Work and Correspondence Processing of the Administrative and Control Department
Frantsuzov Artem Vladimirovich Head of the Department for the consideration of litigation with taxpayers of Moscow and the Moscow region of the Legal Department
Yudin Sergey Vasilievich Head of the Department for the consideration of litigation in the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of the Legal Department
Zhiryutin Stanislav Semenovich Head of the Information Resources and Reporting Department of the Debt Management Department
Smychnikov Igor Viktorovich
Germanov Sergey Valerievich Head of the Department for the Development and Implementation of Technological Processes of the Tax Authorities Modernization Department
Kovaleva Tatyana Evgenevna
Fedchenko Svetlana Igorevna Head of the Department of Regulatory and Methodological Support of State Registration of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs of the Department of Registration and Accounting of Taxpayers
Starostina Irina Evgenievna
Medvedenko Larisa Leonidovna Deputy Head of the Department for Methodology of Maintaining, Monitoring State Registers and Providing Information of the Department of Registration and Accounting of Taxpayers
Krivchikov Sergey Albertovich Deputy Head of the Office of the Federal Tax Service for the Moscow Region
Shilova Yulia Yurievna Deputy Head of the Department of the Federal Tax Service for Moscow
Kurochkina Natalia Vasilievna Deputy Head of the Federal Tax Service for St. Petersburg
Antonov Alexander Alekseevich General Director of JSC "GNIVC"
Bogatyrev Oleg Gennadievich First Deputy General Director of JSC "GNIVC"
Pilyugin Alexey Vyacheslavovich Head of the design and regulatory support center of JSC "GNIVC"
Chistyakov Andrey Vladimirovich Deputy Head of the Center for Design and Regulatory Support of JSC "GNIVC"
Galiakhmetov Rustem Vagizovich Deputy Head of the Project Management Center of JSC "GNIVC"
Kuksa Anton Dmitrievich Project manager of the project management center of JSC "GNIVC"

Appendix No. 5

functional sections of the Methodological Council of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for improving the tax administration system
(approved by order of the Federal Tax Service dated May 25, 2016 N ММВ-7-12/336@)

Functional section name Head of functional section
Section 1. Registration and accounting of taxpayers Kolesnikov Vitaly Grigorievich - Head of the Department of Registration and Accounting of Taxpayers
Section 2. Desk control Egorichev Alexander Valerievich - Head of the Department of Cameral Control
Section 3. Test Chalikov Maxim Vladilenovich - Head of the Control Department
Section 4. Taxation of property and income of individuals Sergeev Mikhail Viktorovich - Head of the Department of Taxation of Property and Income of Individuals
Section 5. Taxation of legal entities Bakcheeva Marina Viktorovna - Head of the Department of Taxation of Legal Entities
Section 6. Analytical work Zasko Valery Nikolaevich - Head of the Analytical Department
Section 7. Dealing with debt Leonid Vitalievich Zagainov - Head of the Debt Management Department
Section 8. Transfer pricing Kupriyanov Pavel Vladimirovich - Acting Head of the Transfer Pricing Department
Section 9. Information technologies Matveeva Tatyana Vladimirovna - Head of the Information Technology Department
Section 10. Control of tax authorities Voronova Natalya Aleksandrovna - Head of the Tax Authorities Control Department
Section 11. Pre-trial settlement of tax disputes Suvorova Elena Vladimirovna - Head of the Department of Pre-trial Settlement of Tax Disputes
Section 12. Legal support for the activities of tax authorities Ovchar Oleg Valentinovich - Head of the Legal Department
Section 13. Functions of the Administrative and Control Department Akunova Irina Vladimirovna - Head of the Administrative and Control Department
Section 14. Staffing the activities of tax authorities Shevchenko Igor Viktorovich - Head of the Personnel Department
Section 15. Financial support for the activities of tax authorities Vorobyova Tatyana Sergeevna - Head of the Financial Department
Section 16. Standards and international cooperation. Working with taxpayers Volvach Dmitry Valerievich - Head of the Department of Standards and International Cooperation
Section 17. Coordination of the conduct and methodological support of the experiment on the transition to a two-level management system in the tax authorities of the Altai Republic
Section 18. Ensuring bankruptcy procedures Chekmyshev Konstantin Nikolaevich - Head of the Department for Support of Bankruptcy Procedures
Section 19. Improvement of technological processes of the Federal Tax Service of Russia Miroshnikova Inna Anatolyevna - Head of the Department for Modernization of Tax Authorities
Section 20. Operational control Andrey Vladimirovich Budarin - Acting Head of the Operational Control Department

Appendix No. 6

functional section N 17 "Coordination of the conduct and methodological support of the experiment on the transition to a two-level management system in the tax authorities of the Altai Republic" of the Methodological Council of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for improving the tax administration system
(approved by order of the Federal Tax Service dated May 25, 2016 N ММВ-7-12/336@)

Full Name Job title
Miroshnikova Inna Anatolyevna Head of the Department for Modernization of Tax Authorities - Chairman of the Section of the Methodological Council of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for Improving the Tax Administration System (hereinafter referred to as the Methodological Council)
Belova Maria Anatolyevna Advisor to the Department of Modernization of Tax Authorities - Executive Secretary of the Methodological Council section
Members of the functional section:
Budarina Tatyana Nikolaevna Advisor to the Head of the Federal Tax Service of Russia
Rodionova Olga Alekseevna Head of the Department for Analysis and Forecasting of Tax Revenues of the Analytical Department
Snezhko Victoria Mikhailovna Head of the Methodology Department for the Formation of Statistical Tax Reports, Analytical Department
Kozhemyako Elena Alexandrovna Deputy Head of the Accounting Methodology Department of the Analytical Department
Zubkova Lyubov Gennadievna Head of the department for analysis of control work and monitoring of the largest taxpayers of the Control Department
Korotaev Denis Vasilievich Deputy Head of the Department of Special Tax Regimes, Department of Taxation of Legal Entities
Nerubenko Nadezhda Gennadievna Head of the HR department of territorial bodies of the HR Directorate
Mikhailichenko Olga Nikolaevna Advisor to the Human Resources Department of the territorial bodies of the Human Resources Directorate
Nersesyan Olga Vladimirovna Deputy Head of the Budget Planning Department of the Financial Directorate
Bogdanov Andrey Nikolaevich Head of the Telecommunication Systems Department of the Information Technology Directorate
Tikhonov Alexander Evgenievich Head of the Information and Computing Infrastructure Department of the Information Technology Department
Solovyov Alexander Nikolaevich Head of Information Security Department, Information Technology Department
Boldinova Natalya Nikolaevna Head of the Department of Legal Support for the Activities of the Federal Tax Service of Russia Legal Department
Suhoveev Evgeniy Mikhailovich Head of the Department for the consideration of legal disputes with taxpayers of the federal districts of the Russian Federation of the Legal Department
Panfilov Nikolay Petrovich Head of the Department for Interaction with Law Enforcement Agencies of the Debt Management Department
Smychnikov Igor Viktorovich Head of the Organizational and Analytical Department of the Department of Pre-trial Settlement of Tax Disputes
Ekimseeva Tatyana Kurtovna Deputy Head of the Organizational and Analytical Department of the Department of Pre-trial Settlement of Tax Disputes
Donnik Natalya Vladimirovna Head of the Property and Land Relations Department of the Administrative Control Department
Savina Tatyana Anatolyevna Deputy Head of the Department of Taxation of Income of Individuals, Department of Taxation of Property and Income of Individuals
Khritinina Olga Vitalievna Deputy Head of the Property Taxation Department of the Department of Taxation of Property and Income of Individuals
Galushkina Irina Gennadievna Deputy Head of the Department for Modernization of Tax Authorities
Kovaleva Tatyana Evgenevna Head of the Department for the Comprehensive Development of Tax Authorities of the Office for the Modernization of Tax Authorities
Evtushenko Victoria Fedorovna Deputy Head of the Department for Methodology of Inspections and Analysis of Reports of the Transfer Pricing Department
Starostina Irina Evgenievna Head of the Department of Methodology for Maintaining, Monitoring State Registers and Providing Information of the Office of Registration and Accounting of Taxpayers
Fedorovich Marina Vladimirovna Head of the department for organizing the accounting of legal entities and individuals of the Department of Registration and Accounting of Taxpayers
Silakova Svetlana Sergeevna Deputy Head of the Office Control Automation Methodology Department of the Office Control Department
Sadov Mikhail Vladimirovich Deputy Head of the Department for Methodology and Analysis of Inspections of Tax Authorities, Directorate for Control of Tax Authorities
Safonova Svetlana Grigorievna Head of the Department for Monitoring the Quality of Public Services of the Department of Standards and International Cooperation
Andreev Vladimir Nikolaevich Head of the Department of Analysis and Interdepartmental Cooperation of the Department for Ensuring Bankruptcy Procedures
Sorokin Alexander Alexandrovich Head of the Methodology Department for Automated Control of Revenue Accounting, Operational Control Directorate
Zakutin Alexander Vasilievich Head of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for the Altai Republic
Ilyina Tatyana Anatolyevna Deputy Head of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for the Altai Republic
Afanasiev Ruslan Grigorievich Head of the Interregional Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for the Siberian Federal District

Document overview

A new procedure for the activities of the Coordination and Methodological Councils of the Federal Tax Service of Russia has been determined to improve the tax administration system.

The list of functional sections of the Methodological Council has been updated.

The changes are due, among other things, to the approval of the Regulations on project management by the Federal Tax Service of Russia. We are talking about activities aimed at creating a unique result under time and resource constraints.

Strategic projects are key projects from the point of view of achieving the goals of the Federal Tax Service of Russia as a whole, which are under the direct control of the head of the Service.

Operational projects - projects of structural divisions of the central office of the Service.

It's a good day today. And the weather is warmer than yesterday.

And my mood improved significantly.

Sometimes you think: should I give up?

Sometimes you want to give up on everything.

Well, the director of the Russian State Library, Vladimir Ivanovich Gnezdilov, has no desire to teach employees how to do their jobs correctly!

Vladimir Ivanovich Gnezdilov is quite happy with the fact that bibliographic cards are filled out in an hour, a teaspoon at a time, with one finger.

Computers were purchased. In the library they are on the desk of almost every employee. How do they work for them?

I wonder if they would hire someone who couldn’t write with a pen to work in the library? Hardly.

I imagine the scene: an applicant comes to the HR department and says:

Turn away such a person from the gate!

But if an applicant is able to type on a computer with one or two fingers while looking at the keyboard, he cannot write! They hire him.

But Vladimir Ivanovich Gnezdilov himself does not own it, so he cannot demand this from others.

I don't know Vladimir Ivanovich. I fully admit that he is a smart, talented, educated, well-mannered, in a word, intelligent person.

But in his childhood there were no computers, and he had an ingrained opinion that professional typists should type with the ten-finger touch method, and everyone else didn’t need it.

Wrong opinion.

Vicious opinion.

I once spoke with a Japanese computer scientist and asked him: how many years, in his opinion, are we behind Japan in terms of computers? Five, ten?

He looked at me carefully and, slightly smacking his lips, said: “I’m afraid, one hundred forever, sorry.”

Shall we take the customs service?!

At any customs service post, they fill out piles of documents and do everything on the computer.

98% of customs officers do not know the blind ten-finger method.

I'm not talking about the IRS. It is headed by one of the most advanced leaders in terms of the use of modern technologies, Mikhail Vladimirovich Mishustin.

But, unfortunately, both in the central office and locally, 95% of tax service employees type all reports, texts, certificates, developments, guidelines, explanations, orders and other documents on the computer with two, maximum four, fingers. They spend an inappropriate amount of effort and energy on this. How to move them, these people?

Here are the employees of the Federal Tax Service. All good people. Educated, businesslike, smart, well-mannered, but...

Alas! They just can’t understand that they need to learn how to touch type using the ten-finger method. And spend five minutes typing one page of text, not half an hour.

I am personally ready to teach you how to type correctly on a computer keyboard

Head of the Federal Tax Service:

Mishustin Mikhail Vladimirovich;


Andryushchenko Svetlana Nikolaevna;

Arakelov Sergei Ashotovich;

Bondarchuk Svetlana Leonidovna;

Grigorenko Dmitry Yuryevich;

Egorov Daniil Vyacheslavovich;

Zavilova Natalya Savelyevna;

Overchuk Alexey Logvinovich;

Petrushin Andrey Stanislavovich;

Satin Dmitry Stanislavovich;

Head of the administrative and control department:

Akunova Irina Vladimirovna;

Head of Analytical Department:

Zasko Valery Nikolaevich;

Head of the Control Department:

Chalikov Maxim Vladilenovich;

Head of Legal Department:

Ovchar Oleg Valentinovich;

Head of the Department for Pre-trial Settlement of Tax Disputes:

Suvorova Elena Vladimirovna;

Head of Information Technology Department:

Matveeva Tatyana Vladimirovna;

Head of HR Department:

Shevchenko Igor Viktorovich;

Head of the Office Control Department:

Egorichev Alexander Valerievich;

Head of the tax authorities control department:

Voronova Natalia Alexandrovna;

Head of the Department for Modernization of Tax Authorities:

Miroshnikova Inna Anatolyevna;

Head of the Department of Taxation of Property and Income of Individuals:

Sergeev Mikhail Viktorovich;

Head of the department for ensuring bankruptcy procedures:

Chekmyshev Konstantin Nikolaevich;

Head of the Department of Taxation of Legal Entities:

Bakcheeva Marina Viktorovna;

Head of the Debt Management Department:

Zagainov Leonid Vitalievich;

Head of the Department of Registration and Accounting of Taxpayers:

Kolesnikov Vitaly Grigorievich;

Head of the Department of Standards and International Cooperation:

Volvach Dmitry Valerievich;

Head of Transfer Pricing Department:

Kupriyanov Pavel Vladimirovich;

Head of financial department:

Vorobyova Tatyana Sergeevna.

At one time, “SOLO” began its ascent precisely from the tax office. This is a separate story in the story of SOLO. Maybe repeat?

And again today there are joyful moments. I look and examine, peer and cannot get enough of the photographs of the new students.

Irina Stepanovna Kicha
Natalya Vyacheslavovna Zherlitsyna
Dmitry Vasilievich Sorokin
Anton Evgenievich Reshetov