Riddles of the rules of the road. Riddles about traffic rules card index on the topic

When it comes to traffic rules for children, then one acute question immediately arises: how to explain everything to a child so that he finds it interesting and understandable? And then the parents try their best to get out. Dads put their children on their knees behind the wheel and show by example what and how. And mothers simply say: what color traffic light to go to, and what color to stand at, and where to cross the road. But this is not always effective. Because for children, especially under the age of 5, all this is not interesting at all, they are interested in going for a ride with dad in the car and listening to mom. But the child is unlikely to remember anything. You can also take your child by the hand and walk with him along the street with a traffic light and a zebra crossing, and other road signs. But this will also be ineffective. Therefore, he needs to present all this as a game. To make it interesting and fun for him. Then he will definitely remember everything. So we thought: why not make such a game, especially since we already have our own riddles on traffic rules. And we offer them to you. Twelve riddles about traffic rules with answers for you. And guessing riddles over and over again, your child will pronounce them to himself and remember the answer. Then you can easily explain all the rules to your child, and he won’t even understand that you taught him a lesson on traffic rules. And so, in fact, here are our riddles.

1. This guard is one-legged
Everyone is more important on the road.
He only has 3 eyes
Everyone recognizes him immediately.
Every day he keeps watch
(Traffic light)

2. Not only people walk on it,
The bus carries children to school along it,
There are markings on it,
And there are countless signs along it!
There can't be many options here,
After all, there is only one answer -...

3. Striped transition,
People are walking along it.
To cross the road,
Find this transition.
You will follow it
And all the cars freeze.
What do all people call him?

4. He helps everyone a lot at night,
Lights the way for people and cars
Answer quickly, don’t guess
What kind of assistant is that night...

5. He is standing on the road
"Follow the rules!" He says,
And it will show what and how
After all, he is on the road...

6. He doesn’t walk
He drives a car.
He's sitting behind the wheel, look
He is not a pedestrian, but...

7. If you are not by car,
And you walk forward,
So, remember that from now on
You're not the driver, but...
(A pedestrian)

8. Here two roads intersect,
What is this place called?

9. This sign is very strict,
He tells the drivers: ....

10. This light tells us:
“The path here is closed for you now!”
And it's dangerous to go now,
The traffic light is on.....

11. And this light tells us,
Wait a little,
How the green one will tan,
You can cross the road!

12. If this light is on,
So the way is open for us!

Riddles about road signs will help your child not to get confused in all the variety of existing signs - the main component of all road traffic.

What kind of miracle is this?
Two humps like a camel?
This sign is triangular
What is it called?

Rough road

White triangle, red border.
Wonderful little train
With smoke at the window.
This locomotive is driven by an eccentric grandfather.
Which one of you can tell me
What is this sign?

Railway crossing without barrier

On the road sign
A man walks.
Striped paths
They made a bed under our feet.
So that we don't have any worries
And they walked forward along them.


Tell me, buddy,
What is the name of the pointer?
What's standing by the road?
Tells me to slow down?

Road sign

Here's a road riddle:
What is that horse's name?
What lay on the transitions,
Where do pedestrians walk?

What is this dark hole?
There's probably a hole here?
A fox lives in that hole.
What miracles!
This is not a ravine or a forest,
There's a crossroads here!
There is a sign by the road
What is he telling us?

He has a stern temper -
Long, thick, like a hog,
He lay down at the crossing,
Protecting the pedestrian.

speed bump

This sign warns
That the road here has a zigzag,
And there's a car waiting ahead

Dangerous bend

Stop! The cars are moving!
Where the paths meet,
Who will help the street
Should people move on?

Traffic light

Red circle, and in it is my friend,
A fast friend is a bicycle.
The sign says: here and around
There is no access for bicycles.

Riding bicycles is prohibited

There is a move ahead -
Brake and wait:
It's down - slow down
If they lift you up, go ahead.


A round sign with a window in it,
Don't rush rashly
Think a little
What is this, a brick dump?

No entry

It lies next to the highway,
There is no traffic running along it.
Well, if suddenly there’s trouble,
Then everyone comes here...

I'm an expert on the rules of the road
I parked my car here
To the site by the fence -
She also needs to rest.

Parking place

The sign was hung at dawn,
So that everyone knows about this:
The roads are being repaired here -
Take care of your feet!

Men at work

He will tell the driver everything,
It will indicate the correct speed.
By the road, like a beacon,
Good friend -...

Road sign

Riddles about road signs for children

Riddles about road signs, especially specific ones, are quite difficult for children. It’s no secret that there are so many road signs today that not every adult is familiar with all of them, of course, if he doesn’t have a car and he didn’t specifically memorize them when taking the driver’s license exam. Consequently, requiring a child to completely memorize them is also far from the best idea. Since, firstly, it provides for an unjustified increase in the volume of material being studied, which can adversely affect the quality of training. And, secondly, it does not have any logical argumentation, because some of them may never be useful to a child in life.

What to do? Introduce the child only to those signs that he will have to face in life: everything that relates to railway, pedestrian crossing, as well as signs warning about the need to be extremely careful on certain sections of the road. In the traffic rules you will find such signs in groups: prescriptive, prohibitory and signs of special instructions.

Getting to know all of them should begin in junior school age(from 6-7 years old) as easily and unobtrusively as possible for the child, that is, from simply naming them when meeting, in a game and talking about why it looks exactly like this and why it needs to be followed, followed by consolidation of the acquired knowledge in game form using riddles about road signs.

This online section contains the best and most interesting riddles for children about road signs. They may still be quite difficult for little children, but for older children they are quite doable.

It is the riddle that best focuses the student’s attention on the details that allow him to recognize this or that sign, so even if your child has not yet fully grasped the features and characteristic features of each of the signs, he still needs to be asked riddles about them. It is these (and not rhymes, pictures, cartoons, etc.) that will help a little person “dot the i’s”, quickly remember the “unyielding” sign, and also see something that he may not have noticed before .

The main thing is not to scold him for an unsuccessful attempt to answer the question hidden in the riddle; it is better to read the task again, placing logical emphasis on in the right places, it didn’t help - tell me, if you don’t already have any clues - name the answer, and next time on the street try to study the “unfamiliar” sign from all sides, saying a riddle with a clear demonstration of those signs that in the future should definitely help your child recognize this sign and adhere to its instructions while driving.

Hey, driver, be careful!

It's impossible to go fast.

People know everything in the world -

Children go to this place! (Children sign)


There are road works here -

Neither pass nor pass.

This is a place for pedestrians

It's better to just bypass. (Road Works Sign)


Will never let you down

Us underground passage:

Pedestrian road

It's always free. (Sign "Underground passage"


It has two wheels and a saddle on a frame

There are two pedals at the bottom, you turn them with your feet.

He stands in the red circle,

He talks about the ban.

(No Bicycles Sign)

In the white triangle
With red border
For schoolchildren
Very safe.
This road sign
Everyone in the world knows:
Be careful,
On road …
He will oblige us to go quietly,
Turning close will show
And it will remind you what and how
On your way...
(Road sign)
Road sign on the way
The path is iron ahead.
But there is a mystery in the sign:
Why is moving dangerous?
(Railway crossing without barrier)


And, walking along the roads,
Don't forget, kids:
The edge of the road is for pedestrians,
The rest is for...

Young and old walk boldly,
Even cats and dogs.
Only this is not a sidewalk,
It's all about the road sign.

What kind of sign is that hanging?
- "Stop!" - he tells the cars. -
Transition, go boldly
Black and white stripes.

There is a hole under the road.
Who realizes it the fastest?
Why on it in the morning
Are people walking back and forth?
(Underground pedestrian crossing)

Day and night I'm burning
I'm giving signals to everyone.
I have three signals.
What's my friends name?
(Traffic light)

The guard watches vigilantly
Behind the wide pavement.
How to look with a red eye.
They will all stop at once.
And the green eye looks
He tells you to go. (Traffic light)

Gets everyone's attention
Punctuation sign
Maybe he's missing out
Those who are familiar with the alphabet?
(other hazards)

This is the way to the stadium
Don't forget about sneakers!
Do you see how everyone is running together?
Everyone needs to be friends with sports!

Apparently this sign is for those
Who studied best and therefore to him
They stuck the letter U
(training vehicle)

White circle with a red border -
So it's not dangerous to go.
Maybe it’s hanging in vain?
What do you say friends?
(Movement Prohibition)

All engines stop
And the drivers are attentive
If the signs say:
"The school is close, kindergarten" (Children)

At the landing sites
Transport passengers are waiting
Established order
We are not allowed to violate here (stopping point)

This kind of sign:
He is on guard for the pedestrian
Let's go with mom together
We are on the road in this place (pedestrian crossing)

On the roads for pedestrians
It became easier with the transition
Even the square is underground
Crossing is much easier (underground pedestrian crossing)

I'm an expert on the rules of the road
I parked my car here
In the kindergarten parking lot
For the time being she needs to stand (parking place)
Lyosha and Lyuba walk in pairs.
Where are they going? On the sidewalk.)

What are the names of those paths?
On which the legs walk?
Learn to distinguish them accurately,
Don't fly like you're on fire.
Pedestrian paths
It's just …? (Sidewalk.)

Well, what if a pedestrian
Is the sidewalk out of the way?
If a pedestrian needs
Cross the pavement?
A pedestrian is immediately looking for
Road sign...? (Transition.)

If you're in a hurry on your way
Walk across the street
Go there, where all the people are,
Where the sign is... (Transition.)

On the road sign
A man walks.
Striped paths
They made a bed under our feet.
So that we don't have any worries
And they walked forward along them. (“Pedestrian crossing.”)

Cars are rushing menacingly,
Like an iron river!
So that you don't get crushed,
Like a fragile bug -
Under the road, like a grotto,
There is...(Underpass.)

He has a stern temper -
He lay down at the crossing,
Protecting the pedestrian. (Speed ​​speed bump.)

He will tell the driver everything
It will indicate the correct speed.
By the road, like a beacon,
Good friend - ... (Road sign.)

White triangle, red border.
Wonderful little train
With smoke at the window.
This locomotive is driven by an eccentric grandfather.
Which one of you can tell me
What is this sign?
("Railway crossing without a barrier.")

The sign was hung at dawn,
So that everyone knows about this:
The roads are being repaired here -
Take care of your feet! (“Road works.”)

Stop! The cars are moving!
Where the paths meet,
Who will help the street
Should people cross? (Traffic light.)

There are no police caps,
And in the eyes there is a glassy light,
But any machine will say:
You can go or not. (Traffic lights.)

Standing from the edge of the street in a long boot
Three-eyed stuffed animal on one leg.
Where the cars move, where the paths meet,
Helps people cross the street. (Traffic light.)

At the transition strip,
On the side of the road
The beast is three-eyed, one-legged,
Of a breed unknown to us,
With different colored eyes
Talking to us.
The red eye looks at us:
- Stop! - reads his order.
The yellow eye looks at us:
- Carefully! Stop now!
And the green one: well, go ahead,
Pedestrian, cross!
This is how he conducts his conversation
Silent...(Traffic light.)

He blinks his yellow eye.
He strictly warns us:
To have a happy path
Be more careful!
And don't run, don't play,
Where are the bus and tram!
Be, baby, always smart
And step into the light...? (Green.)

He has a stern temper -
Long, thick, like a hog,
He lay down at the crossing,
Protecting the pedestrian.

(Speed ​​speed bump.)

The page contains a large number of traffic rules riddles. By guessing them, children will consolidate their knowledge about road safety, and perhaps learn something new.

Going out on the street
Prepare in advance
Politeness and restraint
And the main thing is attention.

Riddles about traffic light

I have three different eyes.
I keep an eye on the street traffic.
Silent, but still not silent -
I talk to people through my eyes.
(traffic light)

Standing on the edge of the street
In a long boot
Three-eyed stuffed animal
On one leg.
Where the cars move
Where the paths converge
Helps the street
People move on.
(traffic light)

Three colorful circles
They blink one after another.
They light up, blink -
They help people.
(traffic light)

Here's a three-eyed fellow.
How cunning he is!
Who will go from anywhere?
Winks at both this and that.
Knows how to settle a dispute
(traffic light)

Stop! The cars are moving!
Where the paths meet,
Who will help the street
Should people move on?
(traffic light)

There are no police caps,
And in the eyes there is a glassy light,
But any machine will say:
You can go or not.
(traffic light)

At the transition strip,
On the side of the road
The beast is three-eyed, one-legged,
Of a breed unknown to us,
With different colored eyes
Talking to us.
The red eye looks at us:
- Stop! - says his order.
The yellow eye looks at us:
- Carefully! Stop now!
And the green one: well, go ahead,
Pedestrian, cross!
This is how he conducts his conversation
(traffic light)

He has three eyes
Three on each side
And although never yet
He didn’t look at everyone at once -
He needs all the eyes.
It has been hanging here for a long time.
What is this? ...
(traffic light)

Three eyes - three orders,
Red is the most dangerous.
(traffic light)

The guard watches vigilantly
Behind the wide pavement.
How to look with a red eye -
They will all stop at once.
(traffic light)

Perched above the road
And he blinks a lot
Changing every time
The color of your round eyes.
(traffic light)

I blink my eyes
Relentlessly day and night.
And I help cars,
And I want to help you.
(traffic light)

Riddles about traffic light color (green, red, yellow) What light tells us:
“Come on, the way is open.”

It stood on guard for us
Bug-eyed...? Traffic light!
He blinks his yellow eye.
He strictly warns us:
To have a happy path.
Be more careful!
And don't run, don't play,
Where are the bus and tram!
Be, baby, always smart
And step into the light...?

What light tells us:
“Wait, the path is closed!”

But look who he is
He tells us: “Wait and walk!”?
And the signal: “The path is dangerous!”
Stop and wait while I...?

Riddles about road signs

He will tell the driver everything,
It will indicate the correct speed.
By the road, like a beacon,
Good friend -...
(road sign)

Tell me, buddy,
What is the name of the pointer?
What's standing by the road?
Tells me to slow down?
(road sign)
White triangle, red border.
Wonderful little train
With smoke at the window.
This locomotive is driven by an eccentric grandfather.
Which one of you can tell me
What is this sign?
(Railway crossing without barrier)

The train is moving fast and fast!
So that misfortune does not happen,
I am closing the move -
No cars allowed!
There is a move ahead -
Brake and wait:
It's down - slow down
If they pick it up, go ahead.

The sign was hung at dawn,
So that everyone knows about this:
The roads are being repaired here -
Take care of your feet!
(Men at work)

What is this dark hole?
There's probably a hole here?
A fox lives in that hole.
What miracles!
This is not a ravine or a forest,
There's a crossroads here!
There is a sign by the road
But what is he talking about?

What kind of miracle is this?
Two humps like a camel?
This sign is triangular
What is it called?
(Rough road)

This sign warns
That the road here has a zigzag,
And there's a car waiting ahead
(Dangerous bend)

I'm an expert on the rules of the road
I parked my car here
To the parking lot near the fence -
She also needs to rest.
(Parking location)

Red circle, and in it is my friend,
A fast friend is a bicycle.
The sign says: here and around
There is no access for bicycles.
(Riding bicycles is prohibited)

Riddles about the road

Close - wide
from afar it is narrow.

Not alive, but walking
Motionless - but leading.

Tall trees are longer,
Small blades of grass below.
With her the distances become closer
And we open the world with her.

A thread stretches, winding among the fields,
Forest, copses
Without end and edge.
Nor break it,
Not to wrap it in a ball.

You will find my first syllable among the notes,
The second and third moose will appear.
Wherever you go from home,
You will immediately notice the WHOLE thing.

Riddles about street

The houses stand in two rows -
10, 20, 100 in a row.
And square eyes
They all look at each other.

Riddles about sidewalk

The bus doesn't roll here.
Trams will not pass here.
It's peaceful here for pedestrians
They are walking along the street.
For cars and trams
There is another way.

Before bills and letters,
Drawing, reading,
All the kids need to know
ABC of movement!
What are the names of those paths?
On which the legs walk.
Learn to distinguish them accurately,
Don't fly like you're on fire.
Pedestrian paths –
It's just …?

Lyosha and Lyuba walk in pairs.
Where are they going? By …
(to the sidewalk)

Riddles about underground crossing

Where the steps lead down
Come down, don't be lazy.
Pedestrians must know:
Here …?
(Underground crossing)

Cars are rushing menacingly,
Like an iron river!
So that you don't get crushed,
Like a fragile bug -
Under the road, like a grotto,
(Underground crossing)

Riddles about crosswalk

There is a place to go
Pedestrians know this.
They lined it for us,
Everyone was shown where to go.

striped horse,
They call her “zebra”.
But not the one at the zoo,
People keep walking along it.

What is a zebra without hooves?
It’s not under her that the dust flies,
And above her there is a blizzard of dust
And cars fly.

Striped horses
They lay across the roads -
All cars stopped
If we pass here.

Well, what if a pedestrian
Is the sidewalk out of the way?
If possible for a pedestrian
Cross the pavement?
A pedestrian is immediately looking for
Road sign...?
(pedestrian crossing)

On the road sign
A man walks.
Striped paths
They made a bed under our feet.
So that we don't have any worries
And they walked forward along them.

If you're in a hurry on your way
Walk across the street
Go there, where all the people are,
Where the sign is...

Riddles about zebra crossing (pedestrian)

What animal helps us
cross the street?

An animal came from Africa to the city.
The beast was completely stunned with fright.
She lies as if she fell asleep, wake her up, don’t wake her up,
Either drive on it or walk on it.

What kind of horse is it, all striped?
Sunbathing on the road?
People go and go
But she doesn’t run away.

Riddles about radar

This device reveals
Those who exceed the speed limit.
Strict locator says:
— Violator on the road!

Riddles about speedometer

My first syllable tells me to sleep,
Middle - sounds in music,
And the latter knows when to stop;
WHOLE speed is measured.

Riddles about speed bump

He has a stern temper -
Long, thick, like a hog,
He lay down at the crossing,
Protecting the pedestrian.
(speed bump)

Riddles about traffic controller
Look, what a strong man:
On the go with one hand
I'm used to stopping
Five ton truck.

Where there is a difficult intersection,
He is a machine manager.
Where he is, it’s easy and simple,
He is a guide for everyone.

Commanding the rod, he guides everyone,
And one man controls the entire intersection.
He's like a magician, a machine trainer,
And his name is...

Riddles about rod

striped pointer,
Like a wand from a fairy tale.

Traffic rules must be explained to children almost from birth. And it is very important to adhere to the rules ourselves and set the right example for children. You should not run across the road with your child. He copies the behavior of adults and will soon run across inappropriate and dangerous places. Therefore, it is better to spend a few minutes reaching a traffic light or pedestrian crossing, but to protect the child from danger.

Much attention is paid to traffic rules in preschool and school institutions. In a playful way, children are introduced to the rules of the road - competitions, riddles, quizzes, initiation into other pedestrians. There are posters with traffic rules hanging in the corridors, in classrooms, and in groups.

Teach your child the rules of crossing streets as early as possible, and set the right example yourself. By forming the right habit, you will save a small life.

Riddles in verses on traffic rules for kindergarten.

Riddles for children preschool age according to traffic rules.

1. You can’t take this tape
And you can’t braid it.
She lies on the ground
Transport runs along it. (Road)

2. I never sleep
I look at the road.
I'll tell you when to stand
When to start the movement. (Traffic light)

3. The car won’t work here.
The main thing here is the pedestrian.
Why not disturb each other?
You need to keep the path on the right. (Sidewalk)

4. What kind of transport is this?
What brings you home.
He runs back and forth
Resting against the wires. (Trolleybus)

5. Under Seryozhka’s feet
Striped path.
He walks along it boldly,
And behind him are all the people. (Zebra)

6. They stand on the roadsides,
They speak to us silently.
Everyone is ready to help.
The main thing is to understand them. (Road signs)

7. Two roads took a long time
And they approached each other.
They didn't quarrel
They crossed paths and continued running.
What kind of place is it,
We are all interested. (Crossroads)

8. Our bus drove and drove,
And I drove up to the site.
And people are bored with it,
The transport waits silently. (Stop)

9. Two wheels are enough for him,
And the engine won't let you down.
You just need to start -
And bon voyage! (Motorbike)

10. What kind of store is this?
It sells gasoline.
Here's a car pulling up
Fills them with a full tank.
She started up and ran.
For another one to come. (Gas station)

11. Builders are held in high esteem
This smart truck.
He's almost always at work
He was not used to resting.
He will bring it and unload it himself
Crushed stone, gravel and sand,
And then he hurries back
No matter how long the path is. (Dump truck)

12. It lies next to the highway,
There is no traffic running along it.
Well, if suddenly there’s trouble,
Then everyone comes here. (Curb)

Riddles for children (kindergarten).

1. Guess the riddles:

We're going in a taxi and a cab,
On the bus and train. (Passengers)

I'm sitting behind the wheel,
I look at the road. (Driver)

A man is walking over me.
He calls me a zebra. (Crosswalk)

2. What words are missing?

A brand new bus is traveling through the city.
To... drives up, (stops)
Quickly... opens, (doors)
... releases. (passengers)

Riddles for schoolchildren of grades 1-4

3. Blitz - survey.

– How are the words “Driver” and “passenger” related?
– What qualities must a public transport driver have?
– Is the job of a public transport driver easy or difficult? Why?
– Does the driver have responsibilities to the passenger? Which?
– Does the passenger have responsibilities to the driver and to other passengers?
– A polite driver is….
– A polite passenger is…..
– Can the driver and passenger communicate? In which cases? What should their communication be like?
– When do they say about a person that he is a “hare”?

4. Analysis of sketch situations.

a) On a moving bus, a passenger asks the driver to sell him a ticket. The driver refuses to do this. Is he doing the right thing?
b) The passenger saw that his neighbor was driving the bus. The passenger began talking to the driver, asking him questions about work and family. Such a polite passenger. But is he behaving correctly?
c) The passenger didn’t like that the driver abruptly started the bus with meth and stopped it abruptly. He began to reprimand the driver about this while driving. Is the passenger right? How should a driver behave?

5. Correct errors.

– Try to ride in public transport for free.
– Instruct passengers to validate your ticket.
– Don’t hold on to the handrails.
– Never give up your place to anyone.
– Don’t prepare in advance for going out.
– Jump out without waiting for the transport to come to a complete stop.
– Pack a lot of food and eat it all while you drive.
- Talk loudly, laugh.
– Close your ears and don’t listen to the driver when he announces stops.
– Don’t be afraid to pass your stop.

6. Game "Road Alphabet".

For each letter of the alphabet, come up with a word related to traffic rules. (Children receive pieces of paper with letters of the alphabet and complete the words, or the presenter names the letter, and the children shout out the words)

a – bus b – ticket c – bicycle, etc.

7. Summary. – What kind of passengers will you be?