English assignments on the topic of appearance. English topic “Appearance”

Today we will learn how to describe appearance in English. Often, when we communicate with someone, we describe some objects or people. When communicating in English, it is also important to be able to express your opinion beautifully and competently. The more detailed and colorful you can describe an object or person, the more clearly your interlocutor will be able to imagine it. Sometimes details such as the shape of the cheeks, nose, lips, and smile can tell a lot about a person, making his verbal portrait complete and vivid.

Physical appearance may be

Very often we talk about appearance in general, expressing our opinion about how a person looks: whether he is attractive, pretty, repulsive. Let's look at English words that will help you express your opinion about a person's appearance.

  • Beautiful |ˈbjuːtɪfʊl – beautiful, wonderful.

This is what they say about a person whose appearance is truly admirable, but if the person is simply handsome, pleasant to look at, you can use the following words:
nice |naɪs| - pretty, cute;

  • Likeable |ˈlaɪkəbl| - a person whose appearance is attractive; cute;
  • Pretty |ˈprɪti| - cute, pretty;
  • Handsome |ˈhænsəm| - handsome (about a man), stately. It is worth considering that in modern English this word is used extremely rarely; more often they say pretty;
  • Attractive |əˈtraktɪv| - attractive; and the antonym to this word is Unattractive - unattractive.

By the way, here is a very interesting word that is easy to remember:

  • La-la - this is what they say about a physically attractive person who is actually a bastard. That is, arrogant, but cute.
  • Cute |kjuːt| - pretty;

And there are people from whom it is impossible to take your eyes off. At the same time, sometimes you can’t even call them handsome/beauties, but there is something charming and attractive in their appearance. Such people can be called:

  • Charming |ˈtʃɑːmɪŋ| - charming, bewitching, charming;

There are refined people in whom style is felt in everything - in manners and habits; their appearance is harmonious and arouses admiration. We can say about them:

  • Exquisite |ˈɛkskwɪzɪt| - refined, sophisticated.

A person may have an ordinary appearance:

  • Common |ˈkɒmən| - ordinary, simple;
  • Homely |ˈhəʊmli| - unattractive (but you should be careful with this word, since sometimes it can mean “ugly”);
  • Mediocre |ˌmiːdɪˈəʊkə| - ordinary (you can say both about a person’s appearance and about his personal qualities);
  • Plain |pleɪn| - rustic;
    We believe that there are no ugly people, but it’s better to learn the words:
  • Hideous |ˈhɪdɪəs| - ugly, disgusting;
  • Ugly |ˈʌɡli| - ugly.

Facial features in English

Let's look at how we can describe a person's facial features in general.

There are people whose features look very beautiful and harmonious:

  • Chiseled |ˈtʃɪzəld| — turned;
  • Regular |ˈrɛɡjʊlə| - "proper facial features. Of course, there are no wrong ones, but we usually call “correct” facial features - a straight nose, a rounded chin, moderately plump symmetrical lips, etc.;

Also, facial features may be “wrong”, but a person can still look very beautiful:

  • Irregular |ɪˈrɛɡjʊlə| - incorrect;

And there are people who look impressive, usually such people have a strong chin, clearly defined cheekbones:

  • Forceful |ˈfɔːsfʊl| - strong-willed;

The man or woman may even look stern. For example, if they have thick eyebrows, a protruding chin, or eyebrow furrows:

  • Stern |stəːn| - harsh;

Facial features can be large or small:

  • Large |lɑːdʒ| - large;
  • Small |smɔːl| - small;
  • Delicate |ˈdɛlɪkət| - thin, chiseled;

And there are people with very expressive appearance:

  • Clean-cut |klinˈkʌt| - clearly defined facial features.


Eyes are the first thing we pay attention to when we look at a person. They and the way a person looks tell us a lot, it’s not for nothing that they say that the eyes are the mirror of the soul.

It's amazing what a huge variety of eye colors there are. At first glance, it may only seem that a person’s eyes are simply blue or brown, but in fact, if you look closely, there are many shades of blue, green, brown, etc. What’s even more surprising: eye color can change with the change of season, day and night, mood, age, and many other factors affect how our eye color changes.

We suggest looking at the name of the basic colors in English:

  • Blue |bluː| - blue, azure, bluish; Blue-eyed - blue-eyed, but if you say
  • blue-eyed boy - this will mean “favorite”, one who is pampered;
  • Brown |braʊn| - brown;

But if the eyes are completely dark, almost black, they are called Dark |dɑːk|;
And there are people who have a very beautiful warm eye color, reminiscent of amber:

  • Amber |ˈambə| - amber;

And there are eyes of a beautiful brown color, a velvety shade, this color is called:

  • Hazel |ˈheɪzl| - light brown, brown with a slight reddish tint;

It is interesting that, despite the fact that gray seems to us to be a completely common eye color, people with pure gray eyes are rare. Most often, people have gray-blue, gray-green, etc. eyes.

  • Gray |ɡreɪ| - gray;

Pure green eye color is also rare:

  • Green |ɡriːn| - green.

Now let's look at what eye shape can be:

  • Close-set |kləʊs set | - close-set;
  • Sunken |ˈsʌŋkən| - sunken;
  • Pursy eyes |ˈpɝːsi| - eyes with squinting;
  • Bulging |ˈbʌldʒɪŋ| - convex eyes;
  • Almond-shaped |ˈɑːməndʃeɪpt| - almond-shaped;
  • Beady |ˈbiːdi| - small, shiny eyes, we usually call them “beady eyes”;
  • Puffy |ˈpʌfi| - swollen;

There are people in whose eyes one can read indomitable vital energy and enthusiasm, such eyes can be called:

  • Lively |ˈlʌɪvli| - “live”, cheerful;

Naturally, a person laughs or pretends to be funny, which can be determined by the wrinkles around the eyes:

  • Crinkly |ˈkrɪŋkli| - with small wrinkles;

And if a person leads an unhealthy lifestyle or simply does not get enough sleep, his eyes may be:

  • Baggy |ˈbaɡi| - with bags;
  • Red-rimmed - reddened, inflamed.

Eyebrows and eyelashes

Eyelashes and eyebrows are like a frame for the eyes; they add character and expressiveness to the look.

Eyebrows can be:

  • Arched |ɑːtʃt| - with a rounded bend, arc;
  • Beetling |ˈbiːtlɪŋ| - overhanging;
  • Bushy |ˈbʊʃi| - thick;
  • Shaggy |ˈʃaɡi| - shaggy;
  • Penciled – finely defined;


  • Curving |ˈkɝːvɪŋ| - curved;
  • Straight |strɪt| - straight;
  • Thick |θɪk| - thick.


Interestingly, dissatisfaction with the shape of the nose is one of the most common complexes. At the same time, those who have a beautiful and rather neat nose are often dissatisfied with their nose. What is most interesting is that those around you often do not notice this imaginary flaw at all. Let's look at how you can talk about the shape of your nose in English:
Aquiline |ˈakwɪlʌɪn| - Roman nose;

Roman nose - Roman nose (that is, a nose with a hump);

  • Flat |flæt| - flattened;
  • Fleshy |ˈflɛʃi| - fleshy;
  • Hooked |ˈhʊkt| - hooked;
  • Snub |snʌb| — upturned.


Lips can be described in the following words:

  • Full |fʊl| - full;
  • Composed |kəmˈpəʊzd| - compressed;
  • Sanguine |ˈsaŋɡwɪn| - although this adjective usually means cheerful, sanguine, when it comes to lips, it means red, scarlet lips.
  • Purse one’s lips – fold your lips into a bow;
    Parted |ˈpɑːtɪd| - half-open;
  • Thin |θɪn| - thin;
  • Parched |pɑːtʃt| - weathered, dry.


Cheeks (cheeks) can be cute, plump, or, on the contrary, sunken, giving the face a certain asceticism or severity

  • Chubby |ˈtʃʌbi| / plump |plʌmp| - plump;
  • Hollow |ˈhɒləʊ| / sunken |ˈsʌŋkən| - sunken;
  • Ruddy |ˈrʌdi| - ruddy;
  • Stubby |ˈstʌbi| / unshaven |ˌʌnˈʃeɪvn| - unshaven.


Chin (chin) in English can be described with the following words:

  • Massive |ˈmasɪv| - heavy;
  • Double |ˈdʌbl| - double;
  • Pointed |ˈpɔɪntɪd| - pointed;
  • Protruding |proˈtruːdɪŋ| - prominent, or as we say “outstanding”;
  • Round |raʊnd| - soft, rounded chin.


  • Broad |brɔːd| - wide;
  • Retreating |rɪˈtriːtɪŋ| - sloping;
  • Tall |tɔːl| - high;
  • Low |ləʊ| - short;
  • Doomed |duːmd| - convex.


  • Abundant |əˈbʌndənt| / thick - thick;
  • Bald |bɔːld| / bald-headed - bald;
  • Crisp |krɪsp| /wavy |ˈweɪvi| - curly, wavy;
  • Curly |ˈkəːli| - curly;
  • Disheveled |ˌdɪˈʃevəld| - disheveled, disheveled;
  • Land |lænd| /straight|straight| - straight;
  • Luxuriant |lʌɡˈʒʊərɪənt| - lush;
  • Scanty |ˈskanti| /thin |θɪn| - rare, thin.

Hair color can be:

  • Ash-blonde – ash blonde, light brown;
  • Auburn |ˈɔːbən| - reddish-chestnut;
  • Blond |blɒnd| - light, blond;
  • Fair |feə| - light brown (light shade);
  • Brown |braʊn| - chestnut;
  • Dark |dɑːrk| - dark.

These words are useful to know to describe appearance in English. For training and quick memorization, try making a verbal portrait of your friend or acquaintance. And you can find words that will help describe the character in this article:.

Level of foreign language proficiency of students: Intermediate (pre-intermediate).


Vocabulary by topic:

- description of people,
- colors.


I have (she has) got..,
Question forms.

New vocabulary: dark / blond / red / long / short/ curly / wavy / straight hair, eyebrows, beard, moustache, tall / short / slim / well-built / young / middle-aged/ old.



Activation of previously studied vocabulary on the topic “Appearance”;
- introduction and primary consolidation of new lexical units on the topic “Appearance”;
- speaking, dialogical speech on the topic “Appearance”.


create conditions for development:

Listening skills, extracting the necessary information when perceiving sentences by ear;
- creative thinking abilities;
- semantic guesses;
- ability to work in pairs and groups.


create conditions for:

Cultivating aesthetic taste, a sense of collectivism, fantasy, imagination;
- increasing interest in foreign language lessons;
- increasing interest in participating in communication in a foreign language.

Materials and equipment:

- Pictures;
- textbooks “Enterprise-1”;
- colored crayons.

During the classes


“Good morning. Nice to see you.”

“How are you?”

“Today we are going to learn how to describe the appearance of different people.”

“First of all, let’s remember how to say that I have got something.”

Language awareness

“Look. I have got a picture. I’ve got a book.”

“Do you know how to say “short hair”, “beautiful smile” in English?” (See application 1)


Activity 1

“Now look at the board.

She's got dark/blond/red hair.

She's got long/short hair.

She's got curly/wavy/straight hair.

“Do you know how the words cheek, mustache and beard will be in English?”

“Eyebrows – eyebrows, mustache – moustache, beard – beard.”

He's got a beard/mustache.”(See application 1)

“She/he is tall / short / slim / well-built / young / middle-aged / old.”(See application 2)

Activity 2

“Now look at the pictures and say:

Who's got brown curly hair?
- Who’s got brown wavy hair?
- Who’s got short gray hair?
- Who’s got long straight fair hair?
- Who’s got dark hair?
-Who's got a mustache?
“Who’s got a beard and a moustache?”

Activity 3

“Write all the new words in your vocabularies.”


Activity1. "Matching"

“Now look at the board. Match the pictures and the words.” (See application 3)

Activity 2. “Completion”

“Now I’d like you to look at the pictures on the blackboard (see application 1) and complete the following sentences”:

1. Helen has got _____ and _____ hair.
2. Susan has got _____ eyes and _____ lips.
3. _____ has got long red hair and straight nose.
4. Alice's hair is _____
5. Kate has got green _____ and red _____
6. John's _____ is grey.
7. Jack has got _____ hair and white _____
8. _____ and _____ have got short hair and blue eyes.

Activity 3. “Correction”

“I’ll describe two persons: Alice and John (see application 1). Your task is to listen and correct if something is wrong.”

1. Alice is 21 years old. She is a nice old woman. Alice has got short straight blond hair. She's got blue eyes and pink lips.

2. John is 47 years old. He is young. He has got black beard and moustache. His nose is straight and his eyes are blue. He is a very friendly man.

Pre – listening

Activity 1

“Look at the pictures in your books at page 12 and say what these people can do / like to do?”

While – listening

Activity 2

While – reading

Activity 2

While reading you should underline the new words.

Post – reading

Activity 3. “Answer the questions”

“Now work in pairs. You have got cards with different questions to this text. Ask each other and answer.

For example: What can Pierre do? (Play tennis very well.)”

1. How old is Mario?
2. Who has got brown eyes?
3. Who is tall and well-built?

1. Is Mario's hair curvy?
2. What can Anna do?
3. What is last sentence in each advertisement?


Activity 1. “Make up the photo”

All children should be divided into 2 or 3 groups. Each group is given the description of a person and fragments of photos (eyes, eyebrows, noses, lips, hair). According to the description each group should make up the photo.

This person is a middle-aged woman. She has got short red hair. She has got thin lips. Ner smile is very nice. She has straight nose. She has brown eyebrows and green-gray eyes.

This person is a well-built man. He has blue eyes and round eyebrows. He has straight nose. His mustache is grey. He has white teeth. (See application 5)


Activity 1. “Describe and guess”

Each person in the class should describe a classmate using the following plan:

5. Eyebrows
6. Nose
7. Lips

It’s not necessary for you to tell the name. The rest of the class should guess this person. The pupil who guesses correctly chooses another person and the game continues.


“What new have we learned today?

So, today we have learned how to describe the appearance of different people. You have known some new words. So, your home task is to learn them by heart and to describe your mother or father (or your friend).”


“Gosha and Vika have got a five for listening; Seryozha has got a four for reading, Vera has got a three for reading. Please try to read more in English. Yulya and Maxim have got a five for describing the pictures. Thank you for good work. Good bye.

This educational and methodological material is intended for students of all professions of secondary vocational education, studying the content of the main module on the topics: “Description of people (appearance, character, personal qualities, professions)”, “Interpersonal relationships”.

The main purpose of the manual is to develop and improve the skills and abilities of oral speech (dialogue, monologue), reading, and writing skills.

The manual consists of three sections, including:

1. Dictionary on the topic “Appearance”.

2.Useful phrases and expressions in English to describe a person's appearance.

3. Workshop.

The tasks are selected and organized on the basis of a functional-substantive approach, which is implemented in the communicative method of teaching a foreign language. The materials in this manual allow you to master all components of communicative competence - linguistic, speech, sociocultural, educational-cognitive and compensatory.

Extensive speech and text material has been selected.

A clear sequence of tasks will allow students to master lexical material and speech skills in various types of speech activity. The manual is intended for classroom and extracurricular independent work.



State regional budgetary professional educational institution "Dobrinskoye Technical School"

Educational and methodological material in English for students of all professions of secondary vocational education

on the topic "Description of a person's appearance"


English teacher

Polunina O.V.

Dobrinka 2015

Introduction………………………………………………………………………………………… …3


Part 1. Dictionary on the topic “Appearance”. ………………………………………..5

Part 2. Useful phrases and expressions in English to describe a person’s appearance………………………………………………………………………………………10

Part 3. Workshop………………………………………………………………..15



This educational and methodological material is intended for students of all professions of secondary vocational education, studying the content of the main module on the topics: “Description of people (appearance, character, personal qualities, professions)”, “Interpersonal relationships”.

The main purpose of the manual is to develop and improve the skills and abilities of oral speech (dialogue, monologue), reading, and writing skills.

The manual consists of three sections, including:

1. Dictionary on the topic “Appearance”.

2.Useful phrases and expressions in English to describe a person's appearance.

3. Workshop.

The tasks are selected and organized on the basis of a functional-substantive approach, which is implemented in the communicative method of teaching a foreign language. The materials in this manual allow you to master all components of communicative competence - linguistic, speech, sociocultural, educational-cognitive and compensatory.

Extensive speech and text material has been selected.

A clear sequence of tasks will allow students to master lexical material and speech skills in various types of speech activity. The manual is intended for classroom and extracurricular independent work.


Appearance... How often do we face the need to describe, compare someone, talk about our own strengths and weaknesses, look at the features of others with envy or admiration, and help find people based on external characteristics. That is why it is so necessary to learn how to write a description of a person in English.

Appearance is not just the features that nature gave us. The most mysterious, unusual and changeable state of our body. Writing a description of a person in English is not difficult. It is necessary to start beautifully, perhaps with a proverb. Then move on to specific details according to the principle from large to small: figure, height, hair, eyes, and so on. There are a lot of stable expressions in English associated with describing a person’s appearance; you definitely need to use them (of course, not all of them). Below are a number of words and expressions that will be useful to you.

Part 1. Useful Vocabulary

I. Introducing people


1. First name, Christian name - name

2. surname/second name/family name - surname

3. maiden name - maiden name

4. by the name of ... - by name

5. patronymic, middle name

6. namesake - namesake, nameday - name day

7. … was nicknamed… - nicknamed

8. ...is named after... - named in honor

9. ... is 16 years old…- 16 years

10. at the age of ... - aged

11. childhood; adolescence/youth – childhood, youth

12. an adult; a grown-up - adult; youngster

13. the same age as... - the same age as...

14. is my senior (junior) by a year - older (younger) than me by a year

Types of people

15. adolescent – ​​youth, young man

16. acquaintance – familiar

17. best friend - best friend

18. boyfriend/girlfriend – friend/girlfriend

19. classmate - classmate

20. neighbor - neighbor

II. Describing people: Appearance

What does he/she look like? - How he / she looks?

1. ... is a handsome boy

2. ...is lovely - delightful

3. ...is a beautiful/ pretty girl

4. ...is attractive - attractive

5. ...is a nice-looking/comely girl - pretty girl

6. …took after his/her mother/father in appearance and character –

Similar to his mother in both appearance and character

Face - face

7. long, oval, round – long, oval, round

8. thin, square – thin, square

9. freckled, pock-marked – freckled, pockmarked

10. sunburned/ browned – tanned

Features – facial features

11. chiseled, clean-cut – chiseled, sharply defined

12. delicate, forceful – thin, strong

13. regular, irregular – correct, incorrect

14. large/massive, small, stern - large, small, severe

Smile - smile

15. charming/winning – charming (charming), attractive

16. engaging – charming

17. pleasant, pleased – pleasant, satisfied

18. cunning, ironical – cunning, ironic

19. sad – sad


20. delicate, rough – tender, rough

Nose - nose

21. aquiline, flat - eagle-like, flattened

22. hooked, snub-nosed

Lips - lips

23. full, thick, rosy – full, thick, pink

24. painted – painted

25. thin - thin

Cheeks - cheeks

26. chubby/plump, hollow/sunken – plump, sunken

27. pale, pink – pale, pink

28. ruddy – ruddy

29. dimples in one’s cheeks – dimples on the cheeks

Mouth - mouth

30. large/big, small – large, small

31. vivid – expressive

Figure - figure

32. fat, plump – fat, full

33. well-fed, lathy - plump. lanky

34. lean (about men), slender – thin, thin (slender)

35. slim (about a woman), slight – thin (slender), fragile

36. neat (mostly about woman) – elegant

37. graceful – graceful (graceful)

Stature - height

38. diminutive, tall – miniature. high

39. short, middle-sized – low. average

Hand – hand, hand

40. large, small – large, small

41. puffy, soft - plump. soft

Legs - legs

42. long, short – long, short

43. slender, shapely – slender, “chiseled”

Eyebrows - eyebrows

44. arched, bushy - arched, thick

45. pencilled, penthouse – thinly defined, overhanging

46. ​​to knit/frown one’s eyebrows - frown

47. to raise one’s eyebrows – raise eyebrows

Forehead - forehead

48. broad, high/tall – wide. high

49. large/open, low – large/open, low

50. narrow, retreating – narrow, sloping

Hair - hair

51. black, jet-black – black; black as pitch

52. dark, brown – dark, dark chestnut

53. auburn, fair - reddish-chestnut, light brown

54. blond, golden, red – light. Golden, red

55. reddish, gray - reddish. gray-haired

56. ash-blonde – ash

57. crisp, waved, curled – curly, curled in waves, curly

58. curly, lank/straight, thick – curly, straight, thick

59. abundant, scanty/thin, short – thick and long, sparse, short

60. sleek/smooth, silky – smoothed, silky

61. luxuriant, rumpled, disheveled – lush, disheveled, disheveled

62. long, dyed, bobbed/shingled – long, dyed, short-haired

63. bald, braids/ plaits – bald, braids

64. forelock – a strand of hair on the forehead

65. a brunette, a blond(e) – brunette, blonde

Chin - chin

66. double, pointed – double, sharp

67. protruding, round – outstanding, round

68. massive – massive

Eyes - eyes

69. kind, warm – kind, which gives off warmth

70. blue, brown – blue, dark brown

71. dark, gray – dark (black), gray

72. hazel, steel-grey – light brown, steel

73. blue-eyed – blue-eyed

Eyelashes - eyelashes

74. curving, straight - curved, straight

75. thick – thick

Part 2. Useful phrases and expressions in English to describe a person's appearance.

By and large, I look like my father, but I took after my mother in character – In general, in appearance I look like my father, but in character I look like my mother.

People say that our family likeness is easy to see - People say that our family likeness is hard not to notice.

I and my sister look alike and we are often taken for each other - My sister and I are very similar and we are usually confused.

I am the very image of my brother because we’re twins - I am a copy of my brother because we are twins.

I'm said to look young (old) for my age but on the whole I think that I look my age (best) - They tell me that I look younger (older) than my age, but overall I think that I look for its age (very good).

I am a good-looking (gorgeous, attractive, charming, stunning) girl - I am a beautiful (attractive) girl.

People say that I’m nice (pretty) but I consider me plain (common) and ugly (unsightly, eyesore) - People say that I’m pretty, but I consider myself ordinary and ugly (unattractive).

I like to be neatly dressed so I’m always spick and span - I like to dress neatly, so I’m always dressed to the nines.

I have a slovenly (untidy) appearance and all my clothes are shabby - I have a slovenly appearance and all my clothes are shabby.

I’m a little plump (well-fed) but well-built - I’m a little plump, but well-built.

My figure is flawless – I’m slim and graceful – My figure is flawless – I’m thin and graceful.

I’m tall and strapping – I’m of 6 feet height – I’m tall and tall – I’m 182 cm tall.

I’m of average height (I’m short) - I am of average height (low).

My hair is jet-black, ginger, golden, auburn - My hair is jet-black, red, golden, golden brown.

I don’t like to wear my hair loose so I plait my hair - I don’t like to wear my hair loose, so I braid it

Her eyes are blue like the sea - Her eyes are blue like the sea

Your eyes are so deep - You have such deep eyes

She has a silly look - She has a silly expression on her face

She has a long beautiful neck - She has a beautiful, long neck

She has the thinnest waist in the world - She has the thinnest waist in the world

And her body is altogether slim - And in general she is very thin

How do you keep so slim? - How do you manage to maintain such weight?

She is fat and ugly - She is fat and ugly

She looks so childish - She looks like a child

Her finger nails are well groomed and painted in bright red - Her fingernails are well groomed and painted bright red

She has a strong attractive body - She has a strong beautiful body

Long shapely legs are a big asset now - Long shapely legs are a big asset now

Inner beauty is more important than physical beauty - Inner beauty is more important than external

Appearance is deceptive - Appearance is deceiving

His face looks angry all the time - He has an angry face all the time

She has a mole on her cheek - She has a mole on her cheek

She has a noble look - She has a noble look

Didn't take after his father - He looks like his father

They look alike - They look alike

Not is always so elegant, he dresses in the latest fashions - He is always so elegant. He dresses in all the latest fashions

She wears tasteful make-up - She wears makeup with taste

She is not my type - She is not my type

She has a heavy walk - She has a heavy gait

She has dark circles under her eyes - She has dark circles under her eyes

He is growing a beard - He is growing a beard

You lost weight - You have lost weight

You gained some weight - You have gained weight

to aged well - look good according to your age

to be dressed spick and span - to be dressed spick and span

to be pretty/handsome - to be beautiful/handsome (attractive)

to be typical of smb - typical appearance like someone else

to be well-groomed - well-groomed, well dressed

to be shortsighted/ near-sighted - to be myopic

to put/ gain on weight - add weight

to grow thinner, to recede - to fall out, to be sparse (about hair)

to look a mess, to look scruffy - look sloppy

to look like smb - look like

to look one’s age - look your age

to look one’s best - look most attractive

to remind smb of smb - remind someone to someone

closely resemble - very similar

to lose weight/ to slim - to lose weight

to stammer - to stutter

to take after smb - to be similar

to take much care over one’s appearance - takes care of appearance, take care of yourself

appearance is deceptive - appearance is deceptive

to go by appearance/to judge by appearance - judge by appearance

to look every inch a (profession) - to be someone to the tips of your nails

Part 3. Workshop

Task 1. Answer the questions

Teacher: What can you tell about the figures of different people?

Pupil 1: People's bodies can be slim or stout.

Pupil 2: A person may be tall, middle-sized or short.

Teacher: What does it mean when we say “She is middle-sized?”

Pupil 3: It means she is not very tall and not very short.

Teacher: Who is the tallest boy in your class?

Pupil 3: Vitya is the tallest boy in our class.

Teacher: Who is the shortest girl in your class?

Pupil 3: Dasha is the shortest girl in our class.

Teacher: Are you tall enough for your age?

Pupil 3: I think I’m tall enough for my age.

Teacher: What else can you add?

Pupil 4: A person may be thin or thick or plump.

Teacher: Is it better to be plump or thin?

Pupil 5: I think, it is better to be thin.

Teacher: Are you thin or plump?

Pupil 5: To my mind, I’m thin.

Teacher: What can you tell about the faces of different people?

Pupil 6: People's faces can be round, oval, square or narrow.

Teacher: What do you know about people’s hair?

Pupil 7: People's hair can be curly, straight, dark, fair, long or short. Its color may be black or fair, chestnut or red.

Teacher: Say some words about people's noses.

Pupil 8: People's noses may be long or short, straight or crooked, aquiline or snub (turned up).

Teacher: Tell me about people's eyes.

Pupil 9: Eyes may be large or small. They may be of different colors: grey, green, blue, black or hazel (brown).

Teacher: What color are your eyes? What color of eyes do you like best?

Pupil: My eyes are black. But best of all I like dark blue eyes.

Task 2

Match the descriptions of people with their images:

1. He isn’t very tall. He's short and stocky.

2. She's tall and slim. She's got a lovely figure.

3. He’s quite a big guy. He's quite well-built.

4. She's a bit overweight. She’s quite plump, isn’t she?

5. He’s very fat. He's absolutely enormous.

6. He’s very thin. He's so skinny.

Answers: 1-e, 2-a, 3-b, 4-d, 5-f, 6-c

Task 3

The pictures show excerpts from the texts. Match the passages (under the letters) with their sources (under the numbers).

1. An extract from a novel.

2. An extract from a newspaper report.

3. An extract from the Guinness Book of Records.

4. An advertisement in a lonely hearts section of a newspaper.

Answers: 1-b, 2-c, 3-d, 4-a

WLTM means Would Like To Meet, GSH means Good Sense of Humor.

Task 4

Put the following phrases into the sentences:

long nails

big feet

lovely complexion

hairy chest

bad skin

deep voice

long legs

thin legs

1. Size 12! Are these your shoes? You've got _______, haven't you?

2. You’ve got such _______ .Would you like to move the seat back a bit?

3. I’ve never seen you in shorts before. You've got such _______. You should go running and try to build up them up a bit!

4. My boyfriend’s got a really _______ . It's like being with a gorilla.

5. You’ve got such lovely _______. Are they real?

6. He’s got such a _______. I find it very sexy when he speaks to me on the phone.

7. Keith’s new girlfriend must spend a fortune on face cream to have such a _______.

8. Poor Tim. He’s had really _______ since he was 13.

Answers: 1. big feet, 2. long legs, 3. thin legs, 4. hairy chest, 5. long nails, 6. deep voice, 7. lovely complexion, 8. bad skin

Task 5

Instead of spaces, put the data in parentheses into the words.

1. He’s a _______, _______ man with _______, _______ hair. (short, tall, fair, good-looking)

2. She’s a _______, _______ woman with _______ hair. (tall, long, thin)

3. I’ve got _______, _______ hair and I’m tall and very _______. (thin, straight, black)

4. She’s very _______ with a _______ tan and _______ _______ hair. (blonde, lovely, good-looking, long)

5. I wouldn’t describe my husband as _______, _______ and _______! Short, overweight, and going thin on top is more accurate! (handsome, dark, tall)

Answers: 1- tall, good-looking, short, fair; 2- tall, thin, long; 3- straight, black, thin, 4- good-looking, lovely, long, blonde; 5- tall, dark, handsome.

Task 6

Match the sentences with the pictures:

1. The accident left a scar on his forehead.

2. He’s got a birthmark on his head.

3. I’ve just had a tattoo done.

4. He's got a mole on his back.

Answers: 1d, 2b, 3a, 4c

Task 6.

Work in pairs. Read the dialogue by role. Pupil 1: Hello! I’m very glad to see you!

Pupil 2: Hi! So am I! I haven’t seen you for ages. How are you?

Pupil 1: I'm fine, thank you! And you?

Pupil 2: I'm OK. I hear, you've got a new girl in your class.

Pupil 1: That's right.

Pupil 2: I've heard so much about her. Tell me about her. What's she like?

Pupil 1: Well, she’s nice and good-looking.

Pupil 2: What does she look like?

Pupil 1: She is tall and slim. She's got long fair hair.

Pupil 2: What color are her eyes?

Pupil 1: Her eyes are dark blue and rather large.

Pupil 2: How old is she?

Pupil 1: She is 12. Who does she look like?

Pupil 2: She looks like her mother.

Pupil 1: I'm looking forward to meeting her.

Pupil 1: Lyosha, will you help me, please?

Pupil 2: With pleasure.

Pupil 1: You see, my friend Nikita is coming today, but I can’t meet him at the station. I have a meeting after my lessons. Will you meet him?

Pupil 2: Sure. But I've never seen him.

Pupil 1: No problem. I'll try to describe him.

Pupil 2: OK. What does he look like?

Pupil 1: He is twelve, but I think he looks older as he is rather tall for his age.

Pupil 2: Hair?

Pupil 1: Fair and short…He has large green eyes and a straight nose.

Pupil 2: I'm afraid it is not much. There’ll be a lot of boys like that at the station.

Pupil 1: One more thing. Nikita has a big mole on his left cheek.

Pupil 2: That'll help me for sure. Go to your meeting and I’ll meet your friend.

Task 7. Make up a dialogue using words and expressions you know on the topic “Appearance.”

Task 8. Read and translate the text.

My neighbor Alex is 18 years old and he is a student. Alex is quite good looking. He is not very tall. He is well-built and has got broad shoulders, sturdy chest and strong back. His neck is quite short and firm.

Alex is very sporty; he does karate and goes running every day. That is why he has got well-developed muscles. His arms and legs are quite short, but they are very firm, his fingers are stumpy and his feet are not very large. Alex is very strong; he can lift heavy things easily.

He has got a handsome roundish face. His forehead is quite low; he has got thick eyebrows. Alex has got bright green almond-shaped eyes. His nose is not very big and it is a little snub. He has got small ears. His lips are neither full nor thin. He is usually clean-shaven and wears a neat small beard on his chin. As many people with red hair, Alex has got freckles on his face. He also has got a small scar on his forehead.

Alex usually wears casual or sport clothes. He likes wearing jeans very much. He prefers wide blue jeans. He enjoys wearing sports shoes too. He often chooses clothes of brown, green or blue colors. These colors suit him very well.

My neighbor Alex is 18 years old. He is a student. Alex is quite cute. He is not very tall and well built. He has broad shoulders, a muscular chest and a strong back. Its neck is quite short and strong.

Alex is very athletic; he practices karate and goes jogging every day. Therefore, he has well-developed muscles. He has rather short arms and legs, but they are very strong, he has short fingers and small feet. Alex is very strong; he lifts weights easily.

Alex has fair skin. He has red hair. They are medium length, curly and very thick. He has a beautiful round face. Alex has a rather low forehead; he has thick eyebrows. Alex has bright green almond-shaped eyes. His nose is not very large and is slightly upturned. He has small ears. His lips are not full, but not thin either. Alex is usually clean-shaven; he has a small, neat beard on his chin. Like many people with red hair, Alex has freckles on his face. He also has a small scar on his forehead.

Alex usually wears sportswear or casual clothes. He really likes to wear jeans. He prefers wide blue jeans. He also likes to wear sports shoes. He often chooses clothes in brown, green or blue tones. These colors suit him very well.

Task 8. Write a description of your best friend in the group in English.


  1. Bezkorovainova G.T. Planet of English. M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2014. - 320 p.
  2. Golubev A.P. English language: textbook for students. prof. textbook establishments / A.P. Golubev, N.V. Balyuk, I.B. Smirnova. – M.: Academy, 2014. – 336 p.
  3. Magazine of the Publishing House "First of September ""English" No. 23, 2005

Internet resources:

  1. Federal educational portal: Russian education [Electronic resource] – Access mode:http://edu.ru/ ;
  2. Website for English language learners, students, teachers and translators [Electronic resource] – Access mode:
  3. English Grammar [Electronic resource] – Access mode:http://www.mystudy.ru /;
  4. Learning English [Electronic resource] – Access mode:http://www.english4y.ru/ .

Appearance - appearance

Pretty - cute


Charming - charming

Beautiful - beautiful

Handsome - handsome (about men)

Ugly- ugly

Unpleasant - unpleasant

Attractive - attractive


Straight - straight

Wavy- wavy

Curly - curly

Thick- thick

Thin - rare, thin

Long- long

Shoulder length - up to the shoulders

Black hair - black hair

Red hair - red hair

Brown hair - brown hair

Blonde, fair - blond hair

Brunette- brunette, brunette

Brown- brown-haired (ka)

Blond, blonde (blonde, blonde)

Red - red, raging


Round - round

Square - square

Oval- oval

Angular - angular

Wrinkles - wrinkled

Freckled - freckled

Pale- pale

Fair - light

Swarthy - dark


Blue- blue


Green - green

Dark - dark

Grey- gray


Broad- wide



Narrow- narrow

Large- big

Small- small


Straight- straight

Snub - snub-nosed

Long- long

Pointed - pointed





Chubby (plump) - plump

Hollow (sunken) - sunken

Constitution (Build)

Slim - slender

Skinny - thin

Fat - thick

Plump - full


To have a good figure - to have a good figure


- Look at that slim girl with fair hair, full lips and blue eyes

Yes, she is good-looking. I know her. She`s sister of my friend

May be you introduce me to her


Look at that slender girl, with blond hair, plump lips and blue eyes

Yes, pretty girl. I know her, she is my friend's sister

Maybe you can introduce me to her


- I want to dye my hair

Which color would you like? Brown, red or black?

I don`t know. Can we help me to choose?

I think, brown is better for you


I want to dye my hair

What color would you like? Brown, red or black?

I don't know. Could you help me choose?

I think black suits you better


- I think I`m too fat. I'm going to go to the sport club

You`re not fat. You're a little plump

And I have a very long nose. I need a plastic surgery

Are you crazy?

No, I'm joking

- I think I'm very fat. I'm going to go to the sports club

You're not fat. You're a little overweight

And I have a very long nose. I need plastic surgery

You are crazy?

No, I'm kidding

You will probably need words and phrases that will help you compose description of a person's appearance in English. We advise you to pay attention not only to vocabulary, but also to examples. After all, they can be an excellent basis for creating your own proposals.

Words to describe a person's appearance in English

Let's start with the most common words for describing a person's appearance in English. If your friend looks great, then you can please her with the following lexical units: beautiful (handsome), pretty (handsome), wonderful (wonderful), attractive (attractive), gorgeous (spectacular), good-looking (attractive). In order to emphasize that a man looks good and not a woman, they usually use handsome (handsome). Also, you can use good-looking And attractive. What if you suddenly need to emphasize the opposite? Remember ugly (ugly, ugly) And unsightly (unsightly).

When describing a person’s appearance in English, do not forget to pay attention to the following points:

1. Height

tall (high), short (low), quite tall (quite tall), medium height (average height)

2. Figure

slim (slender), fat (thick), skinny (skinny), thin (thin), plump (full, plump)

3. Age

young (young), old (old), middle-aged (middle-aged)

4. Face

round, oval, thin, a double chin, long nose, straight nose, turned up nose

5. Hair

long (long), short (short), curly (curly), bald (bald), straight (straight), untidy (unkempt), haircut (haircut), hairdo (women's hairstyle)

6. Hair color

a blonde, fair-haired, fair, brown-haired, dark-haired, red, gray

How to describe a person's appearance in English?

Let us now turn our attention to examples of How Can describe a person's appearance in English.

This is a young man. He is rather attractive. The guy is of medium-height. He looks tired. He has short dark hair. His face is oval. His nose is turned up. The young man is thin. He is dressed neatly. He is wearing jeans, a shirt, a T-shirt and training shoes.

This is a young man. He's quite attractive. The guy is of average height. He looks tired. He has short brown hair. Oval face. The nose is turned up. The young man is thin. He is neatly dressed. He is wearing jeans, a shirt, a T-shirt and sneakers.