Why do you need and how does an inverter compressor work in a refrigerator? What is good about a linear refrigerator compressor from LG, the advantages of a LG with a linear compressor.

Everyone is accustomed to the fact that the operation of the main kitchen unit is accompanied by rumbling sounds and slight shuddering. And few people think that these facts of “life activity” indicate the type of refrigerator compressor. Which refrigeration unit is better is determined by this building block. Today, in addition to the traditional linear version, an inverter version is often found.

Let's figure out what these devices are, how they differ from each other, their pros and cons, and try to find out which refrigerator compressor is better.

Why is he purring?

The sound of refrigerators that was there before cannot be compared with the current one. It became quieter. This is explained by the fact that previously refrigerators used compressors, the operation of which was carried out by a crank system under the influence of torque. In the future, and even now in some brands, the electromagnetic field created by the electric motor windings ensures the translational movement of the compressor pistons in one plane. Hence the name of the unit - linear compressor.

In order not to go further into the technical jungle, let’s get acquainted with the elementary principle of operation of this unit, which is as follows:

  1. Throughout the entire process, the relay sensor constantly analyzes the existing temperature readings.
  2. If the temperature has risen, the sensor gives a signal (a click is heard), the compressor starts working (the refrigerator shudders) and with all its power, with full load and maximum speed, begins to cool the chamber.
  3. While the compressor is operating, the sensor continues to compare temperatures.
  4. When the air in the chamber has cooled sufficiently to the desired level, the compressor will turn off, the refrigerator will shudder, and the relay will click. But the sensor will still analyze temperatures.

This cycle continues until the end of the refrigerator's life.

This method of relay operation is called stepped. Needless to say, these constant switching on and off of the linear compressor unit are accompanied by its strong heating. This negatively affects the entire refrigeration system and increases the load on the internal electrical network. Maximum compressor speeds during operation cause high energy consumption.

But it is not all that bad. Linear refrigerators also have their advantages:

  • It is characterized by high environmental friendliness, since safe cooling working substances are used during operation. Because these products do not cause damage to the atmosphere, they were awarded the title “green”;
  • the energy efficiency level of this unit is considered highly economical, so it has earned the “A++” energy consumption class;
  • Vibration and noise when turning on and off are significantly reduced, that is, a “quiet start” and “quiet stop” system is provided.

Silent and high quality

The inverter compressor of the refrigerator works calmly and steadily without peak increases and loads, and therefore, without systematic switching on and off. This is facilitated by an inverter system, which allows the consumed alternating current from the network to be converted into direct current. Next, the direct current is converted into alternating current with a change in its parameters: voltage, current, frequency.

Cooling of the chamber is maintained not by turning the compressor on and off, but by reducing its speed.

This explains the following advantages:

  1. Refrigeration units of this type are characterized by low efficiency, which is why they are awarded the highest energy saving class. It is 20% more economical than other compressors. The reason for this saving is that it uses maximum power only when turned on, and then the speed decreases, ensuring the required temperature in the chamber.
  2. As follows from the design and operational features of the inverter compressor, it turns on once and without sound accompaniment from the temperature sensor.
  3. The temperature set by the user is constantly kept at the same level.
  4. The long service life is explained by the absence of amplitude jumps in operation, which lead to wear of the mechanism. The ten-year warranty confirms the highest quality of the product and guarantees its long-term performance.

But “every barrel of honey” will always have its drawbacks:

  • The downside to this high-quality technology is its high price. Of course, in the future, energy savings will cover the cost of a refrigerator with an inverter compressor, but this takes time;
  • Failures in power supply networks with a significant jump can cause a refrigerator of this type to fail. Some provide protection for their products from power surges by installing a barrier or voltage stabilizer. When there is a threat to stable operation, the unit is switched to “standby mode”, and after the voltage returns to normal, the standard process is resumed.

Comparison results

Refrigerators with inverter compressors are confidently entering our lives. But not everyone can put up with the increased cost for the sake of silent operation with the same quality of freezing as a linear unit. And the environmental friendliness, durability and energy efficiency of the latter are no less than those of inverter models. Owners of good old and familiar units are not annoyed by the rumbling and shuddering miracle of technology in the kitchen.

Kirill Sysoev

Calloused hands never get bored!


An important household appliance that every home has is a refrigerator. Now these devices have become more advanced. The latest technology in this area is considered to be the Digital Inverter, or inverter refrigerator - what it is, you can find out from the leading companies producing refrigeration units Bosch, LG, Samsung. The difference from linear devices is the automatic change in the number of revolutions, which provides a smooth transition between modes.

What is an inverter compressor in a refrigerator?

Digital inverter control technologies are used not only in the production of refrigeration equipment. These compressors are also used in the production of computer, medical, automotive and instrumentation equipment. The engine operates on the principle of converting alternating current into direct current. After this, a new adjustment occurs to the desired frequency. All control is carried out using a special board.

How does it work

The principle of operation of the inverter refrigerator compressor is that after turning it on, the required temperature threshold is reached very quickly. Thanks to this operation, the cooling temperature can be maintained at an optimal level for a long time. This compressor does not turn off, but only slows down. It continues to operate at the power that is sufficient to maintain the desired temperature in the refrigeration chamber, while the speed of the refrigerant is slightly slowed down.

The operation of a simple linear compressor differs in many ways from that of an inverter. The first one picks up maximum engine speed and then turns off when the desired temperature is reached. This process is regulated using a special relay. If you listen closely, you can hear a characteristic click when the engine turns off. At the same time, the inverter type of compressor consumes less electricity, and the temperature can be maintained constantly at the same level.

Advantages of an inverter refrigerator

The main reason why many consumers buy this type of refrigeration equipment is the large number of advantages. These include:

  1. Low power consumption. According to many manufacturers, the device saves up to 40% compared to a simple linear compressor. This effect is achieved due to the absence of constant switching on and off of the engine.
  2. Long service life. Due to the fact that the inverter motor in the refrigerator has a low power, all mechanical parts experience less stress. As a result, wear is reduced and service life is increased. This fact is confirmed by the manufacturer’s statement, which guarantees uninterrupted operation of the refrigerator for 10 years.
  3. Silence. The low noise level is due to the operation of the inverter motor at low speeds. In addition, there are absolutely no clicks that are heard during operation of the starting relay.
  4. The best conditions for storing food. A refrigerator with a linear compressor may experience temperature changes due to the fact that it turns on and off, while devices with a Digital compressor maintain a constant mode set on the temperature sensor.

Disadvantages of an inverter refrigerator

Why then haven’t all equipment manufacturers switched to using Digital Inverter compressors? Unfortunately, this type of household device also has its drawbacks. These include:

  1. High price. The cost is 30% higher compared to simple refrigerators, and savings on electricity are not immediately noticeable.
  2. Demanding requirements for operating conditions. This means that the wiring in the house must be in good working order, and the voltage in the network must be maintained at the same time.

Causes of breakdowns

Refrigeration equipment repair technicians advise that before purchasing, make sure that the home electrical network is reliable, because the most common cause of breakdown is a voltage drop. A refrigerator with an inverter compressor fails even with a slight change in performance. However, many manufacturers protect their devices with Volt Control technology, which puts the device into standby mode until the voltage level is restored.

LG Electronics (LG) announces that it has sold 15 million refrigerators worldwide featuring its home appliance division's most successful technology, the Inverter Linear Compressor. Sales of LG premium refrigerators grew 8 percent in 2016 compared to the previous year. This year the company plans to sell another four million refrigerators, i.e. sell an average of seven refrigerators every minute.

LG refrigerators equipped with Inverter Linear Compressor technology. The company's core technology ensures high performance, energy savings and low noise levels

LG Inverter Linear Compressor- This is the most important element of premium refrigerators. It was thanks to this key technology that sales success was achieved. Unlike conventional rotary compressors, which use circular motion, the LG Inverter Linear Compressor converts linear motion into cooling much more efficiently. This reduces energy consumption and noise levels compared to refrigerators with traditional motors.

Since the development of the Inverter Linear Compressor 16 years ago, LG has continually worked to improve its technology. In 2014, LG introduced the fifth generation Inverter Linear Compressor. Currently, LG has registered 981 patents in South Korea related to Inverter Linear Compressor technology, as well as 232 patents in the US and 52 in Europe.

LG refrigerators, equipped with Inverter Linear Compressor technology, have been repeatedly voted "Best Refrigerator" by various global consumer and professional associations for their high performance, stable temperature control and low noise level. Last year, LG expanded its product line with the new Centum System™ model, which was developed specifically for the European market. For the first time in the industry, the Centum System Inverter Linear Compressor has received a VDE test certificate for twenty years of motor life.

“Our commitment to developing key technologies such as the Inverter Linear Compressor is at the core of the success that LG refrigerators have achieved around the world,” - says Dae-hyun Song, President of LG Home Appliance & Air Solutions Company. “Our priority will remain to continue to improve refrigerator performance, reduce noise levels and provide more efficient energy consumption. This is how we take care of our consumers.”

Until recently, only linear compressors were installed in refrigerators. Today, many manufacturers of such refrigeration equipment are beginning to introduce inverter compressors, the operating principle, pros and cons of which you will learn further.

What is an inverter compressor?

This is a device with which you can adjust the speed to obtain a sufficient amount of cold. If previously three compressors were installed in the refrigeration unit, then with this type of compressor only one unit will be required. It turns on without overloads and power surges, and during its operation, energy is saved.

Inverter compressors generate alternating current, and it affects the rotation of the rotor. As soon as it enters the device, an alternating magnetic field is formed inside it, acting on the rotor, and not on the coils, and the EMF is directed. Electromagnets appear inside the device, which, when captured by a magnetic field, drive an asynchronous motor.

The compressor itself plays the role of the “heart muscle” of the steel cooler - when the device starts, it immediately accelerates to maximum power, and then its speed decreases.

Operating principle of an inverter compressor

A refrigerator with such a compress has the following operating principle:

  1. After receiving a signal from the temperature sensor, the motor starts - the inverter compressor begins to work under the influence of the refrigerant.
  2. As soon as the required temperature is reached, the sensor transmits a signal to stop working, but the engine does not stop completely, but reduces the intensity and speed of revolutions.
  3. The refrigerant circulation rate is reduced, but the system continues to cool, so the temperature in the refrigerator remains at the set point, without decreasing or increasing.
  4. When a certain amount of air escapes when the door is opened, the temperature in the chamber rises and the sensor sends a signal to the motor about the discrepancy. Since the compressor did not stop operating, the system does not restart to restore the temperature, but only increases the speed. So, the inverter compressor constantly works, but with different power - depending on the sensor signals.

It is worth noting that refrigerators with a linear compressor operate at maximum power, and when the cooling temperature you set is reached, the sensors give a corresponding signal and the engine automatically turns off. This process is controlled by a special relay, under the pressure of which, when the engine is turned on and off, a click is triggered and the characteristic hum of the engine is heard.

Consequently, the difference in the operating principle of an inverter compressor from a linear one is that it does not involve complete shutdown when the set cooling temperature is reached, but simply reduces the number and intensity of revolutions.

Pros and cons of an inverter compressor

The strengths of the inverter compressor in the refrigerator are as follows:

  • Greater energy savings (stated to be 50%) - compared to linear compressors by 10-20%. This is due to the fact that the inverter compressor operates at full power only when it is first turned on, after which the speed is reduced and the set cooling temperature is only maintained.
  • Increased service life of the parts involved in this scheme, since, unlike a linear compressor, the device does not heat up and does not fail after a certain time. All this leads to an increase in the service life of the refrigerator - manufacturers provide a 10-year warranty on it.
  • Low noise level of its operation both during startup and during temperature adjustment due to the low speed of the device. The maximum refrigeration unit with such a compressor can produce 38 decibels.
  • Maintaining an optimal level of humidity inside the refrigerator. This leads to an increase in the shelf life of products in it; moreover, with this mode, more nutrients are retained in them.

The refrigerator with an inverter device has a beautiful design and can organically fit into any interior of the kitchen area. It has the latest developments for optimal food storage.

But despite such important advantages, the inverter installation still has a couple of disadvantages:

  • Response to voltage surges. Electrical failures negatively affect the operation of the compressor. To reduce the risk of its failure, you need to additionally purchase a voltage stabilizer. Without it, the refrigerator may simply turn off during serious surges and will not start again.
  • Price. Naturally, models with this type of compressor will cost more, so they are out of reach for many. But considering that a refrigerator is purchased for a long time and the purchase quickly pays for itself by reducing electricity bills, it is worth purchasing a worthwhile item without hesitation.

Comparison of linear and inverter compressor

To choose the type of compressor, you should take into account the comparative table of characteristics:

Criterion Description
Device resource The operating life of a linear compressor has limitations, while its inverter counterpart has built-in special motors that do not have brushes, which negatively affect the operating life of the unit.
Current value when starting the device When the device starts, its maximum value is observed. Due to its operation, a linear compressor experiences this much more often than the inverter type of this motor.
In the linear version, energy consumption is clearly regulated, so peak surges occur, which pose a potential danger to all other switched-on household appliances in the home if they occur during a simultaneous power take-off. There are no such problems when using inverter-type refrigerators.
Noise level during operation In a linear device, the maximum power level is constantly used, which is also accompanied by an audible clicking of the relay, which leads to a lot of noise. The inverter type of the device operates almost silently.
Adjustment With smooth temperature control, all circuits and sensors work continuously, and a stable value of the set parameters is also maintained both in the linear and inverter versions.
Wear of compressor parts The low power used when operating moving structures in an inverter apparatus increases its service life, since its parts are not subject to significant loads.

To understand exactly which type is better, you can compare them with the operation of the engine in a car when it overcomes different road surfaces. Thus, a linear compressor works like a car that overcomes bumpy terrain, while its inverter counterpart rushes along a straight, smooth road.

Video review of inverter compressor

The video shows a cut device taken from a Samsung refrigerator. With this examination, all its running parts will be visible: the shaft and piston, as well as the stators, bearing, and rotor. When cutting the compressor you can see that there are several windings inside. Its failure occurred as a result of a break in one of them. After sealing it, the device started working again:

Nowadays, freezing units with a linear compressor are still popular, but this is only because of their low price compared to the inverter type. New developments are becoming more and more accessible, and their main mechanism is in demand not only in refrigerators, but also in washing machines, air conditioners and other household appliances.

In contact with

The compressor is one of the main parts of modern refrigerators. Thanks to this invention, the refrigerator and freezer compartments function. The noise that we hear when the refrigerator is turned on comes from the compressor. Since this is the most important detail of the product, every user should at least roughly understand what it is. A compressor is needed to create a pressure difference in individual parts of the cooling system.

By compressing the refrigerant and pumping it through the heat exchange system, it ensures the correct operation of the refrigeration equipment. Depending on the design, refrigeration compressors are divided into several groups - piston, screw, rotary, centrifugal and scroll compressors. Each of them has its pros and cons. Many models are already outdated and are not used to create modern refrigerators. The use of the latest technologies has made it possible to create a simpler design, and nowadays refrigerators with a linear compressor have become very popular.

Linear compressor principle

What it is and how it works will be discussed below. This invention was created by LG, and at first the linear refrigerator compressor was used only by this brand. But over time, the technology became known to all manufacturers of refrigeration equipment. Linear compressors are distinguished by their high performance and efficiency, which is of no small importance, especially if two or even three compressors are installed in the refrigerator. The principle of operation can be described in three words: turned on, cooled, turned off.

A special sensor compares the temperature you set with the temperature in the refrigerator. If they differ, then the system starts working, that is, cooling as quickly as possible. Having reached the required temperature, the compressor unit stops operating, but continues to compare readings and, if necessary, turns on again. As a result of persistent experiments and continued work on the shortcomings, linear refrigerator compressors are now one of the latest technologies, in which the number of friction points has been reduced, unreliable components have been removed, and the pistons operate without the help of a crank mechanism and an electric motor.

As a result, the compressor consumes less energy, weighs significantly less and operates more quietly. The next step in the evolution of compressor units was the invention of the inverter compressor. Its main difference from a linear one is that it does not turn off, but continues to maintain the temperature regime, reducing its operating speed to a minimum. This operating principle allows you to work in a gentle mode, and therefore many companies that use this type of compressor unit in the production of their products provide a guarantee of up to 10 years.


LG refrigerator with linear compressor has its pros and cons. Let's consider its advantages:

  • the latest technologies and developments allow the refrigeration compressor to operate with more economical energy consumption;

  • this type of design is more durable and reliable due to the reduction in the number of moving parts;
  • an individual control system allows you to reduce temperature deviations in the refrigerator chamber from the one set by the user and cover the entire range of possible temperature changes;
  • stable temperature, continuous operation of the compressor allows you to cool products faster, preserving their beneficial properties;
  • a more universal design made it possible to create a smooth system for starting and stopping the compressor, which significantly reduced the noise level of the refrigerator.

Attention to customer feedback and the use of inverter linear compressors have allowed LG not only to take a leadership position, but also to maintain it for many years. As we see in the photo, the company does not stop developing new models of refrigerators, using the latest scientific developments. This is how the “door-in-door” function appeared, simplifying access to certain shelves, which allows you to maintain the overall temperature in the refrigerator.

Door cooling through the side walls and front door is also an LG invention, allowing the interior to be cooled more evenly. Electronic control also serves for comfortable use; with one click you can set the temperature in the freezer or refrigerator compartment. The photo shows that the company not only follows the latest innovations, but also tries to create a stylish, elegant image that fits perfectly into any kitchen interior.

Possible faults

Judging by user reviews, it is quite rare that anyone applies for warranty repairs. But let’s still look at some of the reasons why such reliable compressors break down. Most often this occurs due to improper operation or installation errors.

  1. Breakdown may occur if the amount of refrigerant, its density and suction pressure decreases. For example, if at a temperature below ambient you turn on the air conditioner operating in the reverse cycle;
  2. Liquid entering the compressor due to temperature changes can also cause failure;
  3. If you vacuum the compressor system incorrectly, for example with the wrong tool, an insulation breakdown in the motor winding may occur.
  4. Incorrect routing of freon lines or non-compliance with the installation diagram can lead to leakage, overheating of the compressor and, as a result, it breaks down.
  5. Debris getting inside the system during installation can also cause a breakdown.
  6. It is extremely rare for a compressor to break down due to a manufacturing defect or the use of poor quality components.

In any case, a compressor breakdown in refrigeration equipment is an unpleasant and expensive problem. And even with technical education, they are not advised to try to solve this problem on their own, but to contact a specialist who can determine the cause of the breakdown and repair or replace the compressor.

A refrigerator with a linear inverter compressor is one of the best and most durable inventions of the company, which is constantly being improved.