Yuri Bondarev - biography, information, personal life. Yuri Bondarev biography briefly Soviet education is the best in the world Yuri Bondarev

(March 15, 1924)
Yuri Vasilevich
Born on March 15, 1924 in the city of Orsk, Orenburg region. Father - Bondarev Basil Vasilevich(1896-1988), worked as a people's investigator. Mother - Bondareva Klavdia Iosifovna (1900-1978). Spouse - Bondareva Valentina Nikitichna (born 1927). Daughters: Bondareva Elena Yurievna (born 1952), specialist in English language; Bondareva Ekaterina Yurievna (born 1960), artist. Grandson - Bondarev Andrey, diplomat.

In 1931 Bondarevs moved to Moscow. We lived in Zamoskvorechye. Yuri studied at the 516th secondary school. Lessons, passion for football, ice skating, pigeons - an ordinary boy's life with its joys and sorrows. Books also occupied a large place in a number of his interests. This was largely facilitated by his mother, who often read to him in the evenings and gradually attracted her son to Russian classics.

But, perhaps, the future writer received his main test of character during the war. In 1941, a Komsomol member Bondarev together with thousands of young Muscovites, he participated in the construction of defensive fortifications near Smolensk. Then there was an evacuation, where Yuri graduated from 10th grade. In the summer of 1942, he was sent to study at the 2nd Berdichev Infantry School in the city of Aktyubinsk. In October of the same year, the cadets were transferred to Stalingrad. Bondarev was enlisted as the commander of the mortar crew of the 308th regiment of the 98th Infantry Division. In the battles near Kotelnikov, he was shell-shocked, received frostbite and was slightly wounded in the back. After treatment in the hospital, he served as a gun commander in the 23rd Kiev-Zhitomir Division. Participated in the crossing of the Dnieper and the assault on Kyiv. In the battles for Zhitomir he was wounded and again ended up in a field hospital.

Since January 1944 Yu. Bondarev fought in the ranks of the 121st Rylsko-Kyiv Red Banner Division in Poland and on the border with Czechoslovakia. In October, by order, he was sent to the Chkalov School of Anti-Aircraft Artillery and after graduating in December 1945, he was declared partially fit for service and demobilized due to injuries.

Front path Bondareva awarded with military awards: order Patriotic War I degree, two medals “For Courage”, medals “For the Defense of Stalingrad”, “For Victory over Germany”, Polish medals. During the war, he joined the Communist Party and remained in its ranks until 1991.
It was at the front in the consciousness of Yu. Bondareva The crystal clear and clear commandments of love for the Motherland, decency, and loyalty finally entered. After all, in battle everything is naked and obvious - what is good and what is evil. And everyone faces a choice. Bondarev made my choice once and for all. He chose the shore of human decency. And there, during the war, the writer understood the main thing: “man is born for love, not for hatred” (the words of the hero of the story “Battalions Ask for Fire”).

After the war Yuri Bondarev Graduated from the Gorky Literary Institute in Moscow and began publishing in 1949. In 1951 he was elected a member of the USSR Writers' Union. The first collection of his stories, “On the Big River,” was published in 1953.

Very soon Bondarev became one of the most published authors. He has written the following novels: “Silence” (1962), “Two” (1964), “Hot Snow” (1969), “The Shore” (1975), “Choice” (1980), “The Game” (1985), “Temptation "(1991), "Non-resistance" (1996), "Bermuda Triangle" (1999); stories: “Youth of Commanders” (1956), “Battalions Ask for Fire” (1957), “Last Salvos” (1959), “Relatives” (1969); collection of short stories "Late in the Evening" (1976); cycles of miniatures "Moments" (since 1977); books of literary articles “The Search for Truth” (1976), “A Look into Biography” (1977), “Keepers of Values” (1978).

Works Bondareva translated into more than 70 languages, including English, French, Italian, Spanish, German, Japanese, Dutch, Danish, Finnish, Polish, Turkish, Romanian, Czech, Slovak, Serbian, Hungarian, Bulgarian, Greek, Arabic, Hindi and other. A total of 130 works were published abroad between 1958 and 1980 Bondareva. In the Soviet Union and Russia, 3 collected works of the writer were published: 1973-1974 (4 vols.), 1984-1986 (6 vols.), 1993-1996 (9 vols.).

Based on the works of Yuri Bondareva removed art films“Last salvos”, “Silence”, “Hot snow”, “Battalions ask for fire”, “Shore”, “Choice”. Pictures based on the writer’s works were viewed, without exaggeration, by the whole world. According to the script by Yu. Bondareva(together with Yu. Ozerov and O. Kurganov) the epic “Liberation” was filmed, the audience of which was more than 350 million people. As one of the authors of the script for the films “Liberation”: “Arc of Fire”, “Breakthrough”, “Direction of the Main Strike”, “Battle of Berlin”, “The Last Assault”, in 1972 Yu.V. Bondarev was awarded the Lenin Prize.
Several books are dedicated to the writer’s work. Among them: V. Mikhailov " Yuri Bondarev"(1976), E. Gorbunova" Yuri Bondarev"(1989), V. Korobov" Yuri Bondarev"(1984), Yu. Idashkin" Yuri Bondarev"(1987), N. Fed "Artistic discoveries Bondareva" (1988).

Along with creativity, Yu.V. Bondarev leads and active social activities. From 1959 to 1963, he was a member of the editorial board and editor of the literature and criticism section of the Literary Newspaper. In November 1971, he was elected first deputy chairman of the board of the Union of Writers of the RSFSR, and from 1990 to 1994 he was chairman of the Union of Writers of Russia. For eight years, from 1991 to 1999, he worked as co-chairman of the International Community of Writers' Unions. In 1974-1979 he headed the voluntary society of book lovers.

In 1963 Yuri Bondarev was admitted to the Union of Cinematographers. In 1961-1966, he was the editor-in-chief of the Association of Writers and Film Workers at the Mosfilm studio.

The writer was elected as a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR of the IX-X convocations, was deputy chairman of the Council of Nationalities of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR (1984-1989), and a member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the RSFSR (1990-1991).

Currently Yu.V. Bondarev- full member of the Russian, International Slavic and Pushkin academies, as well as the Academy of Russian Literature. He was elected honorary professor of the State Open Pedagogical University.
Yu.V. Bondarev- Hero of Socialist Labor (1984), laureate of the Lenin Prize (1972), two USSR State Prizes (1974, 1983) - for the novels "The Shore" and "Choice"), the State Prize of the RSFSR (1975 - for scripts for the film "Hot Snow" ), Leo Tolstoy Prize (1993), Mikhail Sholokhov International Prize (1994), All-Russian Stalingrad Prize. He was awarded two Orders of Lenin, the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, the October Revolution, the Badge of Honor, the gold medal of A. A. Fadeev, as well as the Order of the Great Star of Friendship of Peoples (GDR).

Yuri Vasilevich enjoys painting. At home, he collected an impressive collection of books on painting and albums with reproductions of world masterpieces.

The writer extremely values ​​integrity in people: “This means being able to be restrained, being able to listen to your interlocutor (a great virtue in human communication), not overstepping the boundaries of anger, namely, being able to control oneself, not being late to come to a call for help in someone else’s trouble, being able to be grateful..."
His assessments of modernity are extremely harsh: “We live in timelessness, without big ideas, without natural kindness and morality, without modesty and defensive bashfulness... Our freedom is the freedom to spit in our past, present and future, in the sacred, inviolable, pure ..." However Yuri Bondarev does not lose faith in the future. He is convinced that even in the most terrible tragedy there is hope.
Lives and works in Moscow.

On Victory Day, only some holiday television broadcasts remain without ubiquitous advertising, but all central channels always show their favorite war films - as a tribute to the memory of the fallen and the living who fought on the battlefield. Among the cult classics "", "", "", "", "Two Fedoras", a special place was occupied by the series "Battalions Ask for Fire", filmed based on work of the same name Yuri Bondarev. By the way, he is also the author of the script for the film.

Childhood and youth

In the Russian past, unfortunately, there are many tragic and terrible pages, and it so happened that the male part of the Bondarev family became veterans of two wars: the father, who came from peasants - the First World War, the only son - the Great Patriotic War.

Yura, who was born on March 15, 1924 in Orsk, spent his childhood moving around the Urals, Central Asia, Orenburg region, and then Zamoskvorechye. The mother was the embodiment of love and tenderness for the child, Vasily Vasilyevich was the embodiment of fearlessness and perseverance. In the evenings, books were read, especially Russian classics, which influenced the development of the boy’s creative abilities.

At first, preference was given to another profession - a sailor. Thanks to learning special terms by heart, the body was tempered in winter and summer, and options were thought out for how to stay on one’s feet while pumping. But one day everything changed in a literature lesson, during which the whole class heard his best essay about the summer holidays with his uncle and cousin Sashka, who taught him the intricacies and wisdom of hunting, fishing, building a hut and field life on the Belaya River near Ufa.

The teacher, noticing the student’s talent, recommended writing. And, following her advice, he even published a magazine in his native school 516. But everything was interrupted by a voice announcing the invasion of German invaders. Trembling memories of the most carefree time were embodied in the story “The Steppe”.

At the age of 17, he was among those who built fortifications near Smolensk, barely having time to return before the start of the fighting in the last echelon to Moscow, then - collective farm labor in the steppes of Kazakhstan and in the mines.

The military path consists of Stalingrad, which resulted in the first wound, shell shock and hospital; the liberation of Kyiv and Zhitomir, which brought the second mutilation; battles in the Carpathians, Poland and Czechoslovakia. The junior lieutenant met the long-awaited victorious May 9 at the artillery school in Chkalov (now Orenburg). After demobilization, the question of what to do next was decided by an old friend who saw a notebook with sketches of the text. So Bondarev became a student at the Literary Institute, which he later graduated with honors.


In 1949, the first story “Late in the Evening” was published, which was appreciated long before publication by the author himself, who convincingly recommended that its creator be enrolled in a university without exams, the collection - after 4 years. By the way, Konstantin Georgievich also spoke flatteringly about “Silence,” which was later filmed and continued in the novel “Two.”

“After the war I started writing about the war. Everything that I have written about her is to atone for my debt to those who remained there... I tried to comprehend their fates,” said Yuri Vasilyevich.

From the pen appeared the piercing “Battalions Ask for Fire”, “Hot Snow”, “Youth of Commanders”, “Last Salvos”, “The Shore”, which are critically related to “lieutenant prose”. Bondarev’s works and even quotes from them will help you understand your attitude to the causes, consequences and outcome of the bloody armed conflict of the 20th century.

He worked on the script for the epic film “Liberation”, even met with Marshal Zhukov to clarify the nuances, and then received the Lenin Prize. Also in the bibliography, a special place is occupied by a number of articles devoted to thoughts about beauty, the search for truth, and the preservation of values.

Behind creative activity marked 19 literary prizes, of which Tavricheskaya was awarded in 2016. Readers can get acquainted with the author’s works in 70 languages.

Personal life

Bondarev was connected with his chosen one, 3 years younger, not only by fate, but also by the streets - it turned out that the young people lived next door. In addition, Valentina Nikitichna studied in the same class with her future husband’s sister. According to recollections, the lovers agreed to meet at a crossroads, walked and talked a lot. Subsequently, the wife gave her husband two daughters - Elena (1952) and Ekaterina (1960).

According to his wife, Yuri Vasilyevich is the main example of behavior for children in their personal lives, especially in their caring attitude towards each other and towards their elders. Great-grandchildren Yura and Lisa are growing up in the family.

Favorite classics - Konstantin Paustovsky, from contemporaries - Konstantin Vorobyov, . I was friends with, and they even share the same birthday.

Simple joy for him is “sunset, dawn, starry night,” the wonderful change of seasons and the surrounding reality. Disappointment – ​​lies, pain and saturation of the Russian language with jargon. Favorite hobbies are hunting and fishing. Another hobby is fine art - the house contains a rich collection of books about painting and albums with copies of famous paintings.

Despite the fact that in his youth he joined the ranks of the Komsomol and adhered to the ideas of communism, he treats religion and the church with respect, and calls the temple home, where he must enter with a bow.

Yuri Bondarev now

In 2018, on the occasion of the 73rd anniversary of the Victory over fascism, the front-line soldier gave a rare interview to a Russian weekly, where he shared unknown biographical facts, life observations and memories of the military past, reflections on a person’s actions and the every-second choice he faces.

Yuri Bondarev now

Nowadays, you rarely see Yuri Vasilyevich on television screens or in the media; communication with journalists and photographs flashing on the front pages of newspapers or on the Internet are a rarity. In 2019, they are preparing to celebrate their 95th anniversary. It is worth noting that the men in the Bondarev family are famous for their longevity.


“Literature keeps me grounded!”
“It’s impossible to forgive everything. And it’s probably not necessary.”
“Your life is a second in the universe. And you should be happy that it was given to you. This burning second. Just a second - I speak from the height of what I have lived.”
“A writer is dependent on the entire world culture, but he does not depend on anyone in particular. That’s what I boldly formulated once.”


  • 1956 – “Youth of Commanders”
  • 1957 – “The battalions ask for fire”
  • 1959 – “The Last Salvos”
  • 1962 – “Silence”
  • 1962 – “Late in the Evening”
  • 1964 – “Two”
  • 1969 – “Relatives”
  • 1970 – “Hot Snow”
  • 1975 – “The Shore”
  • 1981 – “Choice”
  • 1985 – “The Game”
  • 1992 – “Temptation”
  • 1996 – “Non-resistance”
  • 1999 – “Bermuda Triangle”
  • 2004 – “Without Mercy”

Yuri Bondarev's biography will briefly tell about the life and work of the Russian writer.

Bondarev Yuri Vasilievich short biography

Born on March 15, 1924 in Orsk in the family of a people's investigator. When he was 7 years old, the family moved to Moscow. In his youth, as part of other Komsomol members, he participated in strengthening the Smolensk defensive fortifications. In the summer of 1942, after graduating from 10th grade high school, sent to study at the 2nd Berdichev Infantry School.

Since 1942 he was a participant in the Great Patriotic War. After graduating from military school, he fought on the Stalingrad front, where he was wounded.

From 1945 to 1951 he studied at the Gorky Literary Institute.

His first stories were published in 1949. The first collection of stories, “On the Big River,” was published in 1953. Author of short stories (collection “Late in the Evening”, 1962), novels “Youth of Commanders” (1956), “Battalions Ask for Fire” (1957), “Last Salvos” (1959), “Relatives” (1969), novels “Hot Snow” (1969), “Silence” (1962), “Two” (continuation of the novel “Silence”; 1964), “Shore” (1975).

Heroes of novels by Yu.V. Bondarevs are usually strong people who are successful in creativity, which is partly autobiographical. In 1984, the writer was appointed as a deputy and received the Hero of Socialist Labor, and in 1990 he became a member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the RSFSR. And also, he was a laureate of the Lenin and two State Prizes of the USSR. Since 2001, Yu. V. Bondarev has been a member of the editorial board of the magazine “World of Education - Education in the World.”

Name: Yuri Bondarev

Age: 94 years old

Place of Birth: Orsk, Orenburg province

Activity: writer and screenwriter

Family status: married


The famous writer, screenwriter, Hero of Socialist Labor Yuri Vasilyevich was awarded the title of laureate of the Lenin and State Prizes. The whole world knows his works.

The writer comes from the Orenburg region, from the city of Orsk. His father, having received a law degree, worked as an investigator, his mother was a housewife. At first the family lived in the south of the Urals, then for some time they lived in Central Asia. When Yura was 7 years old, her parents moved to the capital. There the future writer graduated from high school. When the war began, the family was evacuated to Kazakhstan, but Yuri did not want to leave his homeland in danger.

The young man took part in the war of 1941-1945 and returned home with the rank of junior lieutenant. Part of his biography became military. From the very beginning of the war, he built fortifications for the defense of Smolensk. After graduating from high school, in 1942, he studied at the Berdichev Infantry School, which was evacuated to Aktyubinsk. After completing the training course, the young cadets were sent to Stalingrad. Bondarev commanded the mortar crew.


Bondarev had the opportunity to experience all the horrors of military operations. When the fighting took place near Kotelnikovsky, Yuri was shell-shocked, frostbitten and wounded in the back. Having recovered, he again went to the front in rifle division to the Voronezh Front. Crossed the Dnieper and liberated the capital of Ukraine. He was wounded again and ended up in the hospital again. He bravely fought the enemy, which is why he was awarded the medal “For Courage.”

He received the second medal for repelling a German attack near the city of Kamenets-Podolsky. The war did not end for Bondarev on Russian territory; he liberated Poland and Czechoslovakia. In the winter of 1945, he was demobilized due to wounds.

Literature, books

After the Victory and dismissal from the army, the future writer decides to change his biography. He spent a long time searching for himself, doing various jobs. By chance, one of his friends became interested in the drafts of stories that Bondarev wrote about his years in the war. The future writer took writing seriously, with inner trepidation.

Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky instilled confidence in Yuri Vasilievich. He gave the aspiring writer the necessary advice. Bondarev enters the literary institute. Two years after graduating from university, he released his first collection of stories, and 9 years later his second collection was published.

Bondarev begins to create scripts for films. Several films were filmed: “Battalions Ask for Fire”, “Last Salvos”, “Hot Snow”, “Shore”, “Liberation”. The plots of the writer’s works were based only on real events and people. The writer did not need to invent anything, he saw everything himself and experienced the brunt of the war himself. The Krasnaya Zvezda newspaper wrote about the feat of Red Army soldier Vasily Svinin.

The writer also mentioned this hero in one of his works. The novel "Hot Snow" was written over four years. Bondarev's hero actually existed. Such young lieutenants were sent to the front without being fired upon. Kuznetsov did everything in his power to earn the respect of his subordinates. The writer managed to show the reader how a personality is formed in war.

New novels

In novels written in the 70s, the writer begins to worry about other topics. The heroic theme continues, but now reflections on life and its meaning are added. He managed to create new genre, his works became miniatures with philosophical reflections. The writer's stories have their own distinctive features. They are humane, decent, humane and fair. A person is defined by his actions. Sometimes Bondarev acts like a prophet, talking about what will happen if Soviet Union will fall apart. The writer is active in social and political activities.

He is often chosen as a deputy, Bondarev boldly speaks out about the short-sightedness of M.S. Gorbachev’s policies. The media and television often began to invent facts that denigrate the past of the Motherland and distort reality. This greatly upset and outraged the author of truthful works. From 1991 to 2013, he was chairman of the Russian Union of Writers, with his participation the famous literary magazine “Roman-Gazeta” was published.

Personal life

Yuri Vasilyevich married once in his life. His wife Valentina Nikitichna gave birth to two daughters, Elena and Ekaterina, 8 years apart. The writer’s great-grandson Yuri and great-granddaughter Lisa are growing up. The boy loves to sing, and the girl speaks English in her sleep. The Bondarevs are hospitable. Their family has always had a good relationship with Viktor Rozov, Vladimir Tendryakov.

The writer was well acquainted with Marshal Zhukov, Marshal Chuikov. Bondarev was very interested in painting and loved great Russian artists. The writer fought for the accessibility of culture, for the purity of the Russian language. He was interested in hunting and fishing.

The writer's books were translated into 85 languages, but he did not win the Nobel Prize. Yuri Vasilyevich loved his parents very much, his father lived to be 92 years old. His biography of life was very difficult. Based on a false denunciation, he was arrested and imprisoned for 10 years; he returned sick with tuberculosis. Yuri Vasilyevich tried to cure him, but to no avail. In the Bondarev family, all the men are long-lived. How is the rating calculated?
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Biography, life story of Yuri Vasilievich Bondarev

Family and childhood

Yuri Vasilyevich Bondarev, writer, was born on the 15th of March in 1924 in the city of Orsk, which is located in the Orenburg region. His father, Vasily Vasilyevich Bondarev, was an investigator and lawyer. Mother - Klavdia Iosifovna. The family moved to Moscow in 1931.

War years

As a school student, Yuri Bondarev built defensive fortifications near Smolensk in 1941. I finished school while in evacuation. After graduating from school in 1942, he was sent to Aktyubinsk to the infantry school. In October, the school's cadets were sent to Stalingrad. There Bondarev was assigned as the commander of a mortar crew. He was shell-shocked in battle and wounded, after treatment he fought again, took part in the assault on Kyiv and was wounded a second time in the battles for Zhitomir. In January 1944 he fought again in Czechoslovakia and Poland. In October 1944 he was sent to the Chkalov Artillery School. In December 1945, he graduated from college and was recognized as partially fit for combat service and demobilized due to injuries.

Literary activity

Yuri Bondarev entered the Literary Institute and graduated in 1951. He quickly became a popular writer and was one of the most published Soviet authors. The first work was published in 1949. Then there were several books, of which the most famous are books about the war: “Battalions Ask for Fire”, “Hot Snow”, “Last Salvos”, “Silence” and many others. Scripts have been written and films have been made based on all these works. Yuri Bondarev took part in writing almost all the scripts. He is also the author of the script for the film "Hot Snow".

Union of Cinematographers, Mosfilm

Yuri Bondarev was accepted into membership of the Union of Cinematographers in 1963. From 1961 to 1966, he served as editor-in-chief of the Association of Film Workers and Writers at the Mosfilm studio.

Leadership positions and position in science

Yuri Vasilyevich Bondarev became a member of the Writers' Union in 1967 and held leadership positions in the USSR Writers' Union for all years until 1994. Bondarev was the chairman of the board of the voluntary society of book lovers, the honorary Chairman of the Union of Writers of the Moscow Region. He was also an Academician of the Academy of Russian Literature.


Party activities and social movements

Being a convinced communist, Yuri Bondarev was elected to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the RSFSR in the period 1990-1991. From 1984 to 1989 he was a deputy of the Council of Nationalities in the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. Bondarev was a delegate to the All-Union Conference of the CPSU in 1988. He was also a member of the Central Council of the movement called "Spiritual Heritage", and was a member of the Russian Duma National Cathedral and to the Duma of the Slavic Council.

Cooperation with magazines and newspapers

Bondarev was a member of the editorial board of the magazines "Roman-Gazeta", "Our Contemporary", "Our Heritage", "Kuban" and a member of the editorial board of the magazine "World of Education - Education in the World". He was also a member of the editorial board of the newspaper Literary Eurasia.

Biography facts

In 1991, Yuri Vasilyevich Bondarev signed the “Word to the People”, an appeal in support of the State Emergency Committee. Yuri Bondarev refused to accept the Order of Friendship of Peoples in 1994 from the president.

Personal life

Yuri Vasilyevich Bondarev and his wife Valentina Nikitichna had two daughters - Elena in 1952 and Ekaterina in 1960.

Medals and orders, other awards

Bondarev was awarded many military medals: “For victory over Germany”, “For the defense of Stalingrad”, “For courage” (two medals). Bondarev was awarded the orders of the October Revolution, (two), the Patriotic War, the Red Banner of Labor, and the Badge of Honor. He was also awarded the “Gold Medal named after”, medals “For Strengthening the Military Commonwealth”, “For Merit in the Border Service”, “90 Years of VOSR”, medal named after. Dovzhenko.

Lenin Prize and other awards

Yuri Bondarev was awarded the Lenin Prize for the script for the film "Liberation", the State Prize of the RSFSR, and the State Prize of the USSR (twice). He also has a number of other awards and prizes: he is a Hero of Socialist Labor, an Honorary Citizen of the city of Volgograd, awarded the All-Russian Stalingrad Prize, has a diploma from the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy and was awarded the Golden Dirk award.

Literary awards

Yuri Bondarev was twice awarded the "Our Contemporary" prize, a prize named after