Growing strawberries in Siberia in open ground. Proper cultivation and care of strawberries in Siberia When to open strawberries in Eastern Siberia

Difficult climatic conditions somewhat complicate the process of growing some crops. For planting in this region, only those plants are suitable that are not afraid of frost and will have time to produce a harvest even though the summer in these parts is quite short. In this article we will talk about planting, we will figure out which varieties to give preference to, when to plant strawberries in the beds and how to care for them in this area.

The best varieties

In order to receive good harvest and enjoy sweet, ripe berries, you need to choose the right strawberry varieties for planting in this region, which will be resistant to climatic conditions and to various and.

Taking into account these nuances are:

  • "Amulet"– high-yielding mid-season variety. The color of ripe berries is dark red, the shape is cone-shaped. Their rich aroma and sweet taste deserve special attention. They are beautiful as in fresh, and in compotes and jam. Due to the high density of the berries, they hold their shape well and are suitable for freezing; Amulet can also be transported over long distances without fear of loss of presentation;
  • "Berdskaya early"– a variety resistant to frost, as well as diseases and pests. It does not give high yields, but has a number of other advantages. For example, the berries have good taste, have a pronounced aroma, and most importantly, they ripen early. Ripe strawberries are painted in scarlet, matte color, their shape is cone-shaped;
  • characteristic features this variety are powerful bushes with big amount leaves. This strawberry is not picky in care and tolerates frost and drought well. The variety "Tanyusha" belongs to the mid-season variety. The berries are glossy, dark red, sweet with a piquant sourness;

  • – in the first year after planting it produces very large berries, weighing up to 30 g, and in subsequent years they become significantly smaller. The disadvantages of this variety include its low yield. But the taste characteristics of “Pavlovchanka” are more than worthy, since this strawberry is sweet and sour, with soft tender pulp and a wonderful light aroma. Another advantage is that the plant is not afraid of frost and is not susceptible to diseases;

  • - large-fruited strawberry, which is popularly called the “Black Prince”. From one bush you can collect up to 1 kg of delicious huge berries; the weight of one strawberry can reach 40 g, they are very beautiful and incredibly sweet. The disadvantages of the Kama variety include the fact that it is susceptible to diseases such as gray and brown mold. But if you properly care for the plant and carry out preventive treatments in a timely manner, unpleasant situations will not arise.

  • Did you know? 100 g of strawberries contain only 32 kcal, but even this amount is enough to provide the body with the daily requirement of vitamin C, as well as protect it from cancer.

    When to plant strawberries in Siberia

    The landing is also considered acceptable for this area. In spring, strawberries are planted from the end of April to the 20th of May, and “autumn” is called planting seedlings in the ground from the end of July to the 10th of August. In both the first and second cases, the plants have time to take root and grow stronger before the onset of frost.

    Important! Planting strawberries later in the spring can lead to the seedlings drying out, and if you ignore the recommendations and move the seedlings into open ground after August 10, the plants simply will not have time to take root and get stronger.

    In the spring, at the time of planting, daytime temperature should consistently exceed +8°C, in this case the soil will have time to warm up enough for the comfortable life of this plant.

    Choosing a location on the site

    For strawberries you need to choose the brightest and sunniest place. Optimally suited for this culture is rich, loose soil. It is worth paying attention to the fact that the plant does not tolerate excess moisture, therefore it is necessary to provide him good drainage and avoid planting in areas where groundwater is located nearby, as well as where there is a possibility of stagnant water. Soil moisture should not exceed 78%. Taking these factors into account, the ideal location for the beds would be on hills or plains. Wind and drafts are completely undesirable for berries, they are even destructive, so their presence in strawberry beds should be prevented.

    Never plant strawberries after nightshades. Compliance with this simple rule Crop rotation will increase the endurance and yield of the crop.

    Strawberry bushes should not stay in one place for more than 3 years; transplanting to a new area within this period is considered optimal.

    Preparing the bed

    It is ideal to prepare the beds for strawberries in advance. She is very responsive to nutritious fertile soil, and especially in regions with difficult climates. For spring planting, it is better to prepare the soil in the fall, add humus or any other material to it. Perfect for these purposes.
    The soil for strawberries must certainly be loose and well-drained. It also matters soil acidity, it should not exceed 6.5 pH.

    The area for strawberries must be dug up 10–14 days before the intended planting in open ground and the beds must be fertilized with rotted manure or compost. And just before planting on the beds, the soil needs to be loosened to a depth of 15 - 20 cm.

    Landing rules

    It is best to plant strawberries on a cloudy day.

    Before planting seedlings, it is necessary to water the soil; it should be well moist, but in no case over-moistened. Planting holes must be prepared in such a way that the distance between the rows is 60–80 cm, and between the bushes in the garden bed - 15–25 cm. The seedlings must be placed in the holes so that the roots of the plant are vertical and the root collar is flush with the ground.
    After all the seedlings are planted in the garden bed, cover the soil around it with peat or humus. If planting is carried out in the spring, the seedlings are covered with film for 10 - 14 days.

    Further care

    Difficult climatic conditions also make adjustments to plant care. Young strawberry bushes need regular watering, but overwatering the plants is strictly prohibited. Therefore, the gardener must constantly be on the lookout for strawberries as they dry out.

    Gardeners' opinions regarding the application fertilizing diverge. Some argue that if all the requirements for the substrate are taken into account before planting, the supply of nutrients is enough for 3 years and there is no need to fertilize before transplanting to another site. Others still believe that due to difficult weather conditions, the plants need fertilizer and several fertilizing, especially in the formation of ovaries, strawberries are simply necessary. For these purposes, complex ones are used, preferably with a high nitrogen content. Also suitable

Residents of any region need fresh berries, so growing strawberries in Siberia and caring for this crop have long become a common activity for summer residents. The main problems of cultivating berries in regions with harsh climates are freezing of plants in winter and damage to young shoots by frost in the spring. The work of breeders who create frost-resistant varieties. Gardeners also do not stand aside; they have their own ways to help delicate bushes survive the cold.

Choosing a site for a berry garden

The basic requirements for the soil and location of the site are the same in both the north and the south. Strawberries love the sun, which is sufficient in summer even in cold regions. Your task is to arrange the beds so that they are not shaded by buildings, trees and tall bushes. The plantation cannot be located on an area where nightshade crops previously grew. The soil should be loose and fertile. Make sure that the berry plant is not in a draft; strawberries do not like strong winds.

Growing in Siberia has its own characteristics: problems are created not only by frost, but also by high snow cover. In the winter cold, large snowdrifts will protect the plantings from the cold, but in the spring they will begin to melt rapidly. High-water streams will run across the earth, more like small southern rivers. If such a flow passes through the strawberry bed, all the work of planting the berry will have to be done again and in a different place. Bushes do not like proximity to groundwater; they will not grow in the flood zone during floods.

In a short summer, the bushes should quickly form, bear fruit and set buds for the next season. For the northern regions, varieties with rapid growth have been bred, but for intensive development they need a lot of nutrition, and serious care is required.

In the fall, dig up the soil for the future garden bed and add the following to each m2:

  • fatty chernozem - 1 bucket;
  • wood ash – 0.5 l;
  • complex mineral fertilizer – 30 g.

If you are going to grow large-fruited or, apply a double rate nutrients.

To form a good harvest, strawberries need space. In spring, the seedlings are still small, but they will grow in one place for several years and form a lush bush. Depending on the variety and expected size of the plant, planting should take place with a distance between holes of 25 to 40 cm. It is recommended to increase the interval between plants of remontant species to 50 cm. The distance between rows is 0.8-1 m; with this arrangement, planting care will be easier. It is recommended to grow strawberries in one place for no longer than 3-4 years, then the plantation is moved to a new place. In the fall, when preparing a future garden bed, you can plant winter garlic in the planned row spacing; it will clear the soil of infections.

To ensure you have berries every summer, don't replant all your strawberries at once. Every year, move a third of the plantation to a new location.

In the spring, dig holes, moisten the soil well and wait until the water is absorbed into the ground. The bed has been fertilized since the fall, but still put some humus and ash under the roots. After planting, be sure to water the soil so that it compacts and covers the roots well. Mulch the surface of the soil with compost, fallen leaves or straw. A layer at least 5 cm thick will prevent weeds from sprouting and will conserve moisture in the soil. Cover the bushes with film for 10 days, this will help them take root better. It is advisable to keep remontant strawberries under cover until the berries begin to ripen.

Don't go wrong with the choice of variety

In harsh climatic conditions Not every plant will survive in Siberia. There are craftsmen who grow the most delicate varieties of strawberries in the northern latitudes, but such work is very labor-intensive and requires expensive equipment. The cold-tolerant varieties also taste great and won't require any heroic efforts to produce a harvest. If you wish, you can make a warm bed: dig a trench, fill it with fallen leaves, straw, manure, and pour garden soil on top. When rotting, the filler will release heat, and in cool spring the roots will be comfortable.

If you want to get early fruits and are going to greenhouses, ask in advance whether the selected variety is suitable for indoor soil. To pick fresh berries in winter, you need to build a polycarbonate greenhouse and equip it with good heating. It is advisable to plant self-pollinating varieties in shelters, otherwise you will have to transfer pollen from flower to flower manually.

Do not bring strawberry mustaches from distant regions; they may not take root in your area. In the spring, take shoots from your neighbors or friends. To get pure varieties of berries, purchase seedlings from a nursery.

Many types of strawberries have been bred for Siberia, here are some of them.

  • Berdskaya will delight lovers of sweet and sour berries. In cold regions it is recommended to grow it under film.
  • Russian Darenka is a very productive variety, adapted to sudden temperature changes. This strawberry is resistant to fungal infections and pests.
  • The amulet can produce up to 2 kg of berries from one bush. The variety tolerates frost well and does not get sick. The fruits have a rich sweet taste.
  • Omsk early was bred specifically for cultivation in Siberia. The berries are small, sweet, perfect for compotes and jams for the winter.
  • Chamomile produces large, sweet berries. The fruits tolerate transportation well.

In areas with a harsh climate, it is better not to settle on one variety, but to plant several species with different ripening periods. If frost destroys the early harvest in the spring, bushes that bloom later will help you out. Observe which varieties adapt well to your soil and cultivate those varieties. The plants themselves will show you which species are growing well on your site, and which ones are best avoided.

Caring for northern varieties of strawberries

In order for strawberries to develop well and be able to accumulate strength for a difficult winter, they need proper care. Provide the plants with sufficient watering, apply to the soil the required rate nutrients. A drip irrigation system that constantly keeps the soil moist can be of great help. All you have to do is replenish the container and adjust the intensity of the water pressure according to the weather.

In spring, strawberry bushes require special attention. Young leaves are growing, buds are developing, fruits are forming - the plants require increased care. At the beginning of the growing season, feed them with a complex fertilizer with a predominance of nitrogen. During the flowering period, plants will need phosphorus and potassium.

In summer, plants begin to throw out tendrils. Leave on the bushes only those shoots that you intend to use for planting; cut off the rest immediately. The tendrils take away the strength of the main bush, it weakens, it may not survive the winter well or lay few buds for next year’s harvest. It is advisable to select 2-3 plants to obtain planting material and tear off their buds, then the shoots will be strong and well developed.

Remember that Siberian weather can bring any surprise. Always have covering material ready in case of sudden frosts. In summer, feed strawberry bushes with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers, they increase the frost resistance of plants. For the winter, cover the bushes with spruce branches, and if there is little snow, throw a snowdrift on the bed.


Growing strawberries in cold regions is possible, you just need to understand that a delicate garden crop in a harsh climate requires a special approach. In warm areas, with a lack of nutrition or poor watering, you will simply reap a meager harvest. In northern latitudes, only strong bushes will survive a frosty winter. If you don't provide them good care, in the spring you will only see frozen rhizomes and will not see green leaves, flowers and berries.

It is advisable to buy locally selected strawberry seedlings; they are adapted to your climate. Delicate species will not survive in open ground, they require shelter, warm beds or other structures to protect them from the cold. Choose the sunniest place for your berry garden. It is desirable that this be a flat area or a gentle slope directed to the south. Avoid close proximity to groundwater, the bushes will begin to hurt.

In cold climates, spring planting is recommended so that the plants have time to get stronger before winter. Don't forget to keep an eye on the weather forecast, especially in the spring when it can get very cold at any time. If there is a threat of frost, cover the berry plant with film or non-woven insulating material. Properly feed and water your green pets well, and they will thank you for your attention and care with a rich harvest.

Which berry is the priority among all berry crops? This is a strawberry; growing and caring for this berry in Siberia remains relevant. You can now enjoy aromatic ripe berries even in regions with a rather harsh climate. Leading breeders have created unique strawberry varieties for Siberia, ideally adapted to the rather harsh conditions of this region. Successful cultivation of perfect strawberries is now possible even in harsh environments. In order to get fragrant strawberries on your garden plot, you need to know its best varieties, optimally suited for Siberia.

Basic requirements for Siberian strawberries

Growing strawberries in harsh Siberian conditions becomes possible only if the following requirements for this delicate plant are met:

  • possessing a sufficient degree of frost resistance so that strawberries can successfully withstand the harsh Siberian winters;
  • ability to quickly regenerate the green part of the bush;
  • the degree of resistance to rotting of mature fruits and frequent damage to the common strawberry mite;
  • Such strawberry varieties should be distinguished by increased yield of berries with excellent taste characteristics, quite suitable for further transfer.

It can be quite difficult to select strawberry varieties that are optimal for these requirements, but finding the best varieties strawberries perhaps. To reward the family with fragrant ripe berries, it is necessary to cultivate several varieties at once garden strawberries, differing in their fruiting period, unique unique taste, and berry size. You need to know exactly the care features of each variety.

Some nuances of caring for resistant strawberry varieties

Any crop requires proper care to obtain maximum yield. First you need to take care of careful preparation land for planting strawberries. Any strawberry cannot stand it if nightshade varieties were grown in the beds before planting it. The place should be out of reach of the spring water flow and be completely open to penetration sun rays, with rich in nutritious humus and fluffy soil.

Caring for persistent strawberry varieties in Siberia requires strict adherence to the irrigation regime, regular weeding, ensuring proper nutrition, removing new tendrils, and seasonal mulching. Seasonal care and soil preparation must begin in the autumn. Before digging strawberry beds for 1 square meter Once the bed has been formed, a nutrient mixture is added from a bucket of healthy humus, 0.5 liters of natural tree resin and 30 g of balanced fertilizer on a purely mineral basis. To plant large remontant varieties of strawberries, it is proposed to double the mixture.

Growing large-fruited strawberries requires creating beds no more than 50 cm wide; the permissible distance between beds should also be at least 80 cm. It is advisable to plant large varieties in fairly spacious beds in one row, the appropriate width for them is 1 meter. This is the care for such unpretentious varieties of garden strawberries.

The next planting of mature seedlings must be done in early spring. The planted seedlings must be covered with a special covering material for a period of 10 days for the necessary adaptation. Remontant varieties of strawberries should not be opened until the first ripe berries appear. After 3 years, it is necessary to transfer mature plants to other prepared beds; you can add useful wood ash to the holes of garden strawberries at any time convenient for gardeners.

Caring for strawberries in summer in Siberia (video)

Optimal strawberry varieties for the harsh conditions of Siberia

Suitable varieties for Siberia - this is the proven effectiveness of mature seedlings in practice. The following varieties are considered to be such:

  1. Berdsk sweet and sour strawberry. By carefully following the basic rules necessary care it can bring a colossal harvest. In Siberian conditions it is recommended to grow under special cover.
  2. Russian Darenka. These strawberry varieties stand out for their lush bushes with large leaves. If you follow the necessary care instructions, it pleases you with an early and fairly abundant harvest. These strawberry varieties are optimal for growing for sale. The main conditions for obtaining a sufficient harvest are dosed watering and dosed application of the necessary fertilizers. Sudden temperature changes do not frighten strawberries. Darenka is distinguished by its resistance to attacks by major pests and fungal diseases.
  3. Fragrant Black Prince or Kama. This variety was bred by leading Polish breeders. Its ripe fruits are distinguished by their striking red color and slightly sour taste. The berries are juicy, with sufficient density. One mature bush of this garden strawberry can produce up to 1 kg of aromatic ripe berries. It can withstand cool temperatures and is quite resistant to dry periods, but it is highly susceptible to brown or white spotting. High-quality treatment with special antibacterial agents will help preserve the integrity of the crop.
  4. Omsk early strawberry is a variety of crop specially bred by domestic breeders for the special climate of Siberia. A similar variety is different high performance productivity, it is practically not susceptible to various diseases. In the photo, this variety is presented as a rather lush bush with red berries, which can be immediately noticed because of their amazing aroma and sweet and sour taste.
  5. Dessert strawberries of the Amulet variety are distinguished by large-shaped fruits. One mature bush can produce up to 2 kg of these aromatic berries. The maturation process occurs simultaneously. Children prefer this amazing variety to other analogues for the rich sweet taste of ripe fruits. Skillful housewives take great pleasure in seasonal canning. The culture is not susceptible to any diseases and tolerates frost perfectly. In order to achieve the highest yield, it is recommended to plant only in early spring.
  6. The magnificent mid-early Tanyusha is the fruit of the successful work of scientists from this region. Powerful fluffy bushes with compact rosettes and small intense red fruits are the main thing that sets this variety apart from the rest. Tanyusha is a special variety of strawberry bred for this region.
  7. Sweet festival Chamomile is the result of the successful work of Ukrainian breeders. It produces fairly large fruits with a unique sweet taste and unique aroma. For further transportation, you cannot find a more ideal variety than this. As numerous reviews testify, Chamomile is good in any form: fresh, canned, in the form of aromatic juices and unique desserts.

    The developed variety is characterized by increased resistance to major diseases and good tolerance to temperature changes.

Growing strawberries in Siberia in open ground has its own characteristics. The weather conditions of the region establish certain requirements for planting rules, organization of watering, pruning of plants and other procedures. Increased attention is paid to the choice of varieties, arrangement of strawberries and plant nutrition. When following the rules of care, a high yield of berries is obtained.

Requirements for strawberry varieties for Siberia

To grow strawberries in Siberia in open ground, certain varieties of strawberries are selected. The berry garden must meet the following conditions:

  • increased resistance to frost in winter and cold snap in spring;
  • the ability to grow quickly and produce crops;
  • fruiting in short daylight conditions;
  • resistance to fungal diseases, pests and rot;
  • good taste.

Many varieties of strawberries for Siberia are distinguished by early or medium fruiting. Equally in demand are remontant varieties that can produce crops from June until the onset of frost. About 2 weeks pass between each collection of berries of remontant varieties.

Most strawberry varieties for Siberia were bred by domestic specialists. The plants are adapted to the conditions of this region and produce a good harvest.

Growing strawberries in Siberia in open ground

The following varieties are most popular in Siberia:

  • Darenka is an early strawberry, bearing large sweet berries with sourness;
  • Omskaya early variety, bred specifically for the regions of Siberia, is characterized by small sweetish fruits;
  • Amulet is a dessert variety that produces a bountiful harvest;
  • Tanyusha is another variety of strawberry adapted to Siberian conditions;
  • Elizaveta Vtoraya is a remontant variety, distinguished by large fruits and long fruiting;
  • Temptation remontant strawberry with a nutmeg flavor.

Soil preparation

Strawberries prefer light sandy or loamy soils rich in organic fertilizers.

To prepare the soil before planting, you will need the following components:

  • chernozem 1 bucket;
  • wood ash - 0.5 l;
  • fertilizer containing a complex of useful substances 30 g.

Good fertilizers for strawberries are compost, humus or rotted manure. For 1 sq. m of soil requires up to 20 kg of organic matter. Additionally, you can use superphosphate (30 g) and potassium chloride (15 g).

When growing remontant or large-fruited varieties the fertilizer rate is doubled. Substances must be added according to the dosage to avoid an excess of minerals.

Strawberries do not tolerate highly acidic soils. This figure can be reduced by adding slaked lime (5 kg per hundred square meters).

Site selection

Strawberries require certain conditions that must be provided regardless of the region where they are grown. Plants require plenty of sunlight to bear fruit. Therefore, the beds are placed in such a way that they are not shaded by trees or buildings.

When choosing a place for planting in open ground, the rules of crop rotation are taken into account. It is not allowed to plant strawberries where eggplant, potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers or cabbage previously grew. Good precursors for strawberries are: garlic, lek, beets, oats, and legumes.

When choosing a site, you need to take into account that Siberia is characterized by severe frosts. High snow cover serves as reliable protection for plants from freezing.

In spring, the snow begins to melt, resulting in the formation of numerous deep streams. If a spring flow hits a strawberry bed, it will have a detrimental effect on the plantings. As a result, you will have to equip a new area for the berry garden.

Landing rules

It will help ensure long-term fruiting of strawberries. correct landing. Leave at least 25 cm between plants. Although in spring the seedlings take up little free space, they grow over the summer and form a powerful bush.

A distance of 0.8 m is left between the rows. This way you can avoid thickening of plantings and make caring for plants easier. Strawberries are grown in one bed for 3-4 years, after which a new plot is equipped for it.

Before planting strawberries, you need to dig holes, then water the ground well and wait until the moisture is absorbed. Fertilizer for plants is applied in the autumn, however, in the spring it is allowed to use humus and ash.

Seedlings are carefully placed in holes so as not to damage them root system, which is covered with earth. After planting, the soil must be compacted. Then the strawberries are watered and covered with film for 10 days. This will protect the plants from cold weather and strengthen their roots.

Fertilizing strawberries

Strawberry fruiting largely depends on the supply of nutrients.

Caring for plants in order to saturate them with useful components requires several stages:

  • spring processing;
  • replenishment after the appearance of the ovary;
  • post-harvest processing;
  • autumn feeding.

In spring, strawberries are fertilized with bird droppings (0.2 kg), which are diluted in 10 liters of water. The solution is infused for a day, then the plants are watered at the roots.

Nitroammofoska is a complex fertilizer containing nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. These microelements are responsible for the development of strawberries.

When the ovaries appear, you need to water the plants with mullein solution. To do this, rotted manure is used, which should sit for several days.

In summer, plants are provided with potassium, which is responsible for the taste of berries. This substance is contained in humus and ash. Humus (0.3 kg) is diluted with water (10 l), and then left for a day.

Ash is a universal fertilizer for strawberries, containing a whole range of useful substances. It is embedded in the soil between planting rows or used as a solution. An additional effect of ash is to protect plants from pests.

In autumn, the main fertilizer for strawberries is mullein. Superphosphate or potassium sulfate is added to the solution based on it. The norm of mineral fertilizers per 10 liters of water is no more than 30 g.

Watering strawberries

To obtain a harvest, strawberries need to be watered regularly. Additionally, it is necessary to provide oxygen access to the plant roots. Therefore, another stage of care is loosening the soil.

The rate of incoming moisture is determined taking into account precipitation. In rainy weather, strawberries are covered with agrofilm during flowering and fruiting. This way you can protect your plantings from the spread of fungal diseases.

The level of soil moisture for strawberries depends on the type of soil. For sandy soil, moisture content should be about 70%, for clay soil about 80%.

Each plant requires up to 0.5 liters of water. After planting the strawberries, watering is carried out daily for 2 weeks. Then a break of 2-3 days is taken between procedures.

On average, strawberries are watered 1-2 times every week. Plants prefer a rare but plentiful supply of moisture. It is better to avoid frequent and scanty watering.

The water for watering strawberries should not be too cold. It can be left to stand in greenhouses or wait until it warms up in the sun. For a large number of plants it is better to equip drip irrigation ensuring a uniform supply of moisture.

Mustache trimming

As the strawberry grows, it produces long tendrils that allow the plant to grow. By using the mustache you can get new seedlings. If you do not trim the shoots in a timely manner, this will lead to dense plantings and a decrease in yield.

It is recommended to remove excess shoots immediately, since strawberries spend a lot of vitality on them. Additionally, dry leaves and plant stems are removed. Only shoots that are planned to be used for seedlings are left.

Pruning of the mustache is done in the spring before flowering and in the fall, when the last harvest is harvested. For work, choose a dry day without wind, morning or evening. Strawberry shoots are trimmed with scissors or pruners.

Mulching the soil

Mulching creates a protective layer on the soil surface. Its additional function is to enrich the soil with nutrients.

To mulch strawberry plantings, you can choose an inorganic material: film, polyethylene or woven material. It is recommended to cover plants in Siberia in the spring to protect them from cold weather.

Organic mulch—straw, hay, and sawdust—helps enrich the soil. This layer dries quickly after watering, which reduces the spread of rot on plants. Mulch becomes an obstacle to weed growth.

Mulching is done in the spring when the first strawberry ovaries appear. Plant stems often droop under the weight of the berries. The protective layer will protect the fruits from contamination.

For mulching in the fall, synthetic materials, straw, pine needles, and fallen leaves are used. This will keep the plants from freezing until snow cover appears. In spring, mulch will speed up the warming of the soil, which has a positive effect on the rate of ripening of berries.


To grow strawberries in Siberia, varieties bred for this region are mainly used. Plants must remain resistant to low temperatures, ripen in a short time and provide good taste.

The conditions of Siberia can tolerate strong plants that receive regular watering and fertilizing. A sunny place is chosen for the berry garden, where there is no darkness and the likelihood of flooding with melt water. Special attention paid to mulching the soil and sheltering plants from frost and spring cold snaps.