All about the benefits and harms of turkey meat. Turkey meat - benefits and harm to the body Why turkey meat is considered dietary

Calorie content

Yulianna Pliskina, TV presenter, healthy lifestyle expert, wellness and life coach, author of a series of books about proper nutrition“Myth-eaters”, founder of the JP media agency, motivational speaker.
From the point of view of the dietary content of the product, turkey outperforms chicken. This product should definitely be included in the diet of people who want to lose weight and maintain high energy levels throughout the day. Turkey has less cholesterol and saturated fat, and slightly more protein. But don’t discount such a wonderful and nutritious product as chicken, which also contains a lot of useful substances.

It is important to remember that in dietetics there is a principle of variety of products - and therefore you should not limit yourself to one type of meat.

Oleg Iryshkin, Candidate of Medical Sciences, doctor of sports medicine and sports dietetics, teacher at ANO DPO "SNTA", host of the blog

The difference in the amount of protein in the meat of both birds is insignificant. As for fats, we prefer meat with less fat - this is breast, while the absolute amount of fat does not differ significantly. The method of raising poultry is of utmost importance. When choosing a product, give preference to poultry raised on natural feed, in natural conditions, without the use of drugs that stimulate poultry growth. In this case, it won't matter whether it's chicken or turkey.

A question of healthy choices

Dilyara Rizina, endocrinologist at the MEDSI Clinic in Khoroshevsky Proezd

“White meat” poultry is considered much more healthy and easily digestible compared to “red meat” such as pork, beef, and lamb. Chicken and turkey meat are similar in protein and micronutrient content, however, there are slight differences. Chicken breast Rich in niacin and vitamin B6, which have a protective effect against diseases such as Alzheimer's disease and dementia. Turkey is richer in micronutrient composition, especially in iron and zinc content. Turkey meat has less saturated fat and fewer calories. It extremely rarely causes an allergic reaction. Both types of meat are good in their own way. To summarize, turkey, by most indicators, is the more preferable meat, given the opportunity to choose.

Turkey meat was brought to Europe from North America, which is considered his homeland. This bird is one of the most popular; very often it becomes a replacement for everyone’s usual chicken.

Turkeys are the second largest poultry after ostriches.

Depending on the part of the carcass, the meat is white and red. In the first case, a product is made from poultry fillet, and in the second, all other parts are used. These types of meat have different nutritional properties. The benefits and harms of turkey meat for the body are described in detail in this article.

What does turkey meat contain?

Turkey meat

The chemical composition of turkey has distinctive features depending on the part of the bird. The concentration of some elements is much higher in red meat, but both types contain the following components:

  • B vitamins, beta-carotene, nicotinic acid, tocopherol;
  • minerals – iron, chromium, potassium, zinc, copper, manganese, phosphorus, sulfur, cobalt, magnesium, sodium, molybdenum, calcium, iodine, chlorine;
  • organic acids;
  • phospholipids and triglycerides;
  • choline

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The nutritional value of turkey fillet consists of a higher concentration of protein and less fat, unlike red meat. BZHU turkey breast fillet fresh 100 g of product is respectively 19.2 g, 0.7 g, 0 g. Turkey fillet proteins, fats, carbohydrates in boiled form are according to 22.8 g, 4 g, 0.5 g. BJU of red type turkey meat corresponds values ​​13 g, 8 g, 0.5 g. The energy value of turkey depending on the part of the bird is described in detail below.

How many calories are in turkey fillet? Corresponds to turkey fillet 121 kcal. How many calories are in turkey red meat? It also depends on the specific part. Turkey drumstick fillet has 142 kcal calories, and turkey thigh fillet has 144 kcal. Red turkey meat has almost the same calorie content when cooked. Turkey wings have 191 calories. Steamed turkey has 131 kcal. Speaking about turkey and cholesterol, it is worth noting that white meat contains much less of this harmful component, as well as calories, which is why it is often preferred.

What are the benefits of turkey meat for the body?

This product is one of the best sources of protein. This is a nutritious and low-calorie meat, in which the presence of moderate fat content promotes the absorption of calcium. So, the benefits of turkey for the body are as follows:

  • strengthens the heart muscle, prevents heart disease;
  • prevents the development of anemia;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • reduces cholesterol levels;
  • strengthens the musculoskeletal system, teeth, skeletal system;
  • increases immunity;
  • normalizes the process of hematopoiesis;
  • prevents the occurrence of osteoporosis, joint diseases, osteochondrosis;
  • activates brain activity;
  • improves metabolism;
  • prevents the development of pathologies in the fetus during pregnancy;
  • has a positive effect on potency.

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The beneficial properties of turkey meat are also aimed at strengthening nervous system, thanks to which you can get rid of insomnia and overcome stress. In addition, protein helps restore strength after heavy physical activity. Which turkey meat is healthier - white or red? Both types have a set of useful vitamins and microelements. At the same time, white meat is lower in calories, contains more protein and a minimal amount of cholesterol, due to which it is preferred by people on a diet and those who adhere to a healthy lifestyle. Red meat has more protein, iron and sodium.

For more information about the properties of turkey meat, watch the video:

What are the benefits of turkey for children?

Is turkey meat good for children? Is turkey hypoallergenic or not? The product is not only healthy, but also does not cause allergies. It is easily digestible, saturates the body with protein, strengthens the musculoskeletal skeleton, and promotes teeth growth. Due to the fact that this is a hypoallergenic product, it is recommended as the first complementary food for babies from 6 months. Turkey for babies helps in brain development, strengthening bones, immunity, and the nervous system.

Turkey during breastfeeding is beneficial for both mother and child. The presence of calcium promotes bone growth and has a beneficial effect on nails and hair.

In addition, the baby is actively developing thanks to the supply of necessary substances through mother’s milk. These features are relevant, including during pregnancy. It also helps relieve depression, insomnia, and cope with stressful situations.

Benefits for men and women

For women, the question is whether turkey is a dietary meat or not. Due to its low calorie content and low fat content, the product is considered dietary and is widely used in the menu of various diets, which is important for maintaining a figure. Turkey for weight loss replenishes the body with useful substances, restores it after a diet, and energizes it. In addition, substances in meat help strengthen nails and hair.

For men, such a product is necessary to enhance sexual activity. If you regularly include it in your diet, it will increase your sex drive and potency. In addition, a positive effect is noted regarding the improvement in the reproductive function of the male half of the population.

What are the contraindications and harms?

In what cases should it be abandoned? Turkey is often included in therapeutic diets; on the contrary, it is indicated for pancreatitis, and it should be used with caution in the following situations:

  • in case of kidney problems, gout due to the high protein content;
  • for hypertension, since the product contains a lot of sodium; extra salt in a dish can increase blood pressure;
  • in case of a history of renal failure.


The bird is used on menus around the world. It is used to prepare salads, first and second courses, chops, casseroles, cutlets, pies, and rolls. Boiled meat is most beneficial, but it is also often stewed, fried, marinated, baked, steamed or grilled. It is combined with a huge number of products, in particular with the following:

  • vegetables, berries, sweet and sour fruits.
  • herbs, seasonings and spices.
  • chestnuts, capers, olives.
  • sour cream, cream, .
  • dried fruits, .
  • offal, butter, vegetable oil.
  • , pasta.

Boiled turkey meat has the greatest benefits.

It is not recommended to consume meat with legumes and cabbage in the diet. This ingredient, finely chopped, cooks very quickly, so it is important to monitor its content on the fire so as not to overcook. On a diet, it is unacceptable to use high-calorie sauces and dressings, in particular mayonnaise, with poultry.

Signature dish

A variety of dishes are prepared from this bird, however, one of the most festive and popular dishes is the baked stuffed bird carcass. It is coated inside and out with a mixture of 30 mg of olive oil, 0.5 tsp. nutmeg, marjoram, oregano, 2 cloves of garlic. You need to marinate it this way in the refrigerator, leaving it overnight.

For stuffing, mix 4 apples, 100 g of grated cheese, 300 g, half a bunch, 6 cloves, lemon juice and salt. Stuff the carcass with this mixture, wrap in foil and place in the oven to bake at 250 degrees. After half an hour, the temperature should be reduced to 180 degrees. Just before it's ready, unwrap the bird to brown it.

How turkey is beneficial for those who want to lose weight, watch the video:

Let's sum it up

The benefits and harms of turkey fillet and its other parts are determined by the content of beneficial components and cholesterol. Meat not only saturates with protein and other beneficial substances, but is also a low-calorie product, which is why it is used for weight loss.

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Which turkey meat to choose depends on the purpose of its use. At the same time, it is also important to know the consumption standards of the product due to its protein content. For an adult man this is 120-140 g, and for a woman 100-120 g. Children under three years of age should not consume more than 80 g of this meat. The norm is considered to be four times a week.

Quality product has elastic muscle fiber, and there are no pronounced fatty layers. The skin has a pale pink tint, sometimes a little yellowish. There should be no dark spots or bluish color on the bird. It should be stored refrigerated for no more than two days, and frozen for about two months.

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Turkey meat has become a part of the diet of those who watch their diet or simply prefer tasty and healthy food. Its dietary properties have long been appreciated throughout the world, and today it deservedly holds second place in the consumption of poultry meat, second only to chicken. The composition of turkey meat and its hypoallergenic nature make it possible to use it in dietary, sports or baby nutrition. But people who do not adhere to a strict diet should not give up this delicate, tasty and healthy product: it has much more benefits than potential harm.

Composition and calorie content of turkey

The popularity of turkey meat is explained not only by its taste. Compared to other types of poultry, it contains much more nutrients and vitamins. First of all, it is necessary to note its unique mineral composition. Turkey meat is a real record holder for iron content - if you compare it with beef, turkey contains twice as much of this microelement. It contains minerals such as calcium, potassium, phosphorus (its content in turkey meat is no less than in sea fish). Selenium, an element that allows you to maintain youth and has antioxidant activity, also brings turkey meat to first place in terms of its content.

Another substance this product is rich in is magnesium. It has a positive effect on the nervous system and it is because of its high content that turkey meat is recommended for people suffering from prolonged depression, sleep and mental disorders. It is rich in B vitamins and also contains large amounts of folic and nicotinic acid.

Nutritional value of the carcass + table

An undoubted advantage of turkey meat is its low calorie content. One hundred grams raw meat contains only 276 kcal. Turkey meat does not contain carbohydrates, which makes it indispensable in the diet of patients diabetes mellitus. Turkey, despite the fact that it is much less than in any other bird, has a very low cholesterol content (only 210 mg per 100 grams of product). In addition, it contains vitamins A and E. Another advantage of this product is that the fat content of the product is low, and turkey fiber is absorbed much easier and faster than other types of meat.

Turkey meat has many beneficial properties

But when creating a menu, if accurate calorie counting is important to you, you need to remember that their quantity in different sections of the carcass is not the same.

Table: number of calories in different parts (raw meat)

A special place in a turkey carcass is occupied by the breast, which makes up about 30% of the mass of all edible parts of the bird. This is the so-called white meat. Despite the fact that it tastes a little dry, the breast is considered the healthiest part of the carcass, because it contains absolutely no fat and carbohydrates, only water and protein.


Turkey has long been appreciated as a dietary product by those who watch their figure. Indeed, the minimal content of fats and carbohydrates, along with the ability of this meat to be digested by 99%, allows you to receive a limited amount of calories without experiencing hunger. But this is not the only opportunity to use unique features this product.

Why is it used in sports nutrition?

Turkey is the undoubted leader among people actively involved in sports. Its use allows not only professional athletes, but also those whose daily work involves hard physical labor to quickly restore strength after active physical activity. Another important criterion that makes turkey indispensable in an athlete’s diet is its high protein content. After all, the goal of most sports diets is to provide the body with as much energy as possible. a large number protein with a minimum number of calories and, in particular, fat. Turkey breast is ideal in this regard.

Boiled turkey breast can be an excellent alternative in an athlete's diet

In the diet of pregnant women

Nutrition in the life of a pregnant woman is one of the fundamental moments. After all, it is what she eats that the body uses as “ building material"for the development of the baby. A large supply of minerals and vitamins with an almost complete absence of fats makes it easy to obtain the necessary supply of nutrients. In addition, turkey meat helps cope with stress and depression.

Turkey meat contains the amino acid tryptophan. It stimulates the production of endorphins - hormones responsible for a good mood.

Benefits for children

Turkey meat does not cause allergic reactions, and this property allows it to be included in the menu without fear, even for children who are prone to them. According to most pediatricians, meat products should be introduced into a baby’s diet from 7–8 months, and turkey breast is most suitable for this. Due to its ability to be easily absorbed in the body, it does not put much strain on the child’s not yet very developed digestive system. As a first complementary food, they begin to give meat puree on the tip of a teaspoon, gradually increasing the portions. At 9 months, the daily portion should be from 20 to 40 grams, and by one year - 60–70.

Video: Dietary properties of turkey meat

Turkey or chicken - what to choose

When choosing between chicken and turkey meat, first of all you need to understand exactly what you expect from eating them and which cooking method you will choose. If we talk about calories, here turkey is ahead of chicken, although the difference between them is not so great.

Comparative table of caloric content of dishes (% of daily value)

But in addition to useful substances and vitamins, today there is a high probability of “enriching” your diet with unwanted chemical additives. And in this case, the difference between chicken and turkey will be huge. Everyone knows that unscrupulous producers, in order to save money and quickly increase the weight of birds, can use various chemicals and additives. Chickens are much less demanding in this regard than turkeys. The latter are very selective about feed and living conditions, which explains the higher price of their meat. But, on the other hand, this ensures that only natural feed is used when raising turkeys.

I raise turkeys myself and I know what it’s like to raise them. Turkey birds are very picky and they simply die from feed with chemicals, so everything is a natural product, that’s why the price for them is higher, especially for them, we cook potatoes, carrots, cabbage, zucchini, pumpkin every day and all this with grain and mixed feed, and the chickens eat up everything that is bad, especially broilers that are used for meat, they are really much easier to raise.


Contraindications and potential harm

Turkey meat has virtually no contraindications. The only thing worth considering is that due to its high protein content, its consumption should be limited to people suffering from chronic renal failure or gout. In addition, since its fiber contains a lot of sodium, pregnant women and those who suffer from high blood pressure should be more careful about the amount of salt with which the dish will be flavored. It is better if it is slightly undersalted, otherwise blood pressure may increase.

How to choose

Today you can buy turkey meat at almost any retail outlet. Manufacturers provide a huge selection - you can buy a whole carcass or already divided into semi-finished products, frozen or chilled. But when purchasing meat, you should not neglect the rules known to everyone:

  • the turkey carcass, if you buy it whole, must be meaty, with thick legs and breast, there cannot be spots on its skin, and the color must remain a light, yellowish tint;
  • The hole in fresh meat should recover quickly after pressing;
  • It is recommended to store the chilled product in the refrigerator for no more than a day;
  • It is better to defrost the turkey immediately before cooking - at room temperature, bacteria quickly begin to multiply in the carcass, which do not die when re-frozen.

What to cook with

There are many recipes and methods for cooking turkey. It can be baked, boiled, stewed, fried, prepared pates and sausages based on it, and smoked.

Turkey is ideal for cooking in a slow cooker

  • The taste of turkey is perfectly complemented by fruit. Plum, orange, tangerines, and kiwi will not only add fresh notes to the dish, but will also serve as an excellent base for preparing the sauce.
  • Among the herbs you can use in cooking turkey meat are thyme, thyme, cilantro, parsley, and rosemary. Also, fennel, celery, and watercress go well in these dishes, but red or white onions will somewhat drown out the taste of the meat itself and therefore it is better to use leeks.
  • When it comes to side dishes, it's all a matter of your preferences. Turkey goes well with potatoes, rice, stewed and baked vegetables, and legumes. When preparing dishes using turkey meat, you can only be limited by your imagination.

Video: How to cook baked turkey with potatoes

Turkey is deservedly considered one of the most dietary meat products available on the consumer market. By including this meat in your diet, you will not only enjoy its delicate taste, but also provide serious support for your health. Turkey meat is a universal product that is suitable for everyone - from children just starting to receive complementary foods to athletes whose task is to quickly recover and maintain physical fitness after enormous stress. Its unique composition allows you to get the required amount of nutrients even in a small portion, while avoiding excess fats and carbohydrates.

Turkey meat (Meleagris gallopavo) is sold in different types: whole carcasses, packaged slices, in the form of minced meat and cutlets, separately breasts and thighs. But how can we explain the growing popularity of all these products among consumers? Why are buyers increasingly turning their attention to turkey, forgetting about the usual chicken? This can be explained by the wonderful beneficial properties of the product.

Turkeys belong to the large Phasianidae family. The homeland of this bird is Northern and South America. These birds were originally associated with the Native American cultures of the indigenous populations of the “New World.” This is where they are believed to get their name.

In the wild, turkeys eat a variety of foods: acorns, pine seeds, tubers, bulbs, wild berries, alfalfa and clover, beetles, grasshoppers and cicadas. Such an extensive diet largely determines the high nutritional value of the meat of these birds. AND beneficial properties product.

Composition and calorie content

Turkey is rich in complete protein with the necessary set of amino acids (AA) for humans. And in terms of tryptophan amino acid content it beats even cheeses.

Contains almost half the daily value of selenium (per 1 serving). And it surpasses beef in the amount of iron in its composition. Other macro- and microelements in turkey meat: potassium, phosphorus, copper, magnesium and zinc.

The product is rich in B vitamins, including: niacin (B3, or nicotinic acid), pyridoxine (B6) and some riboflavin (B2), folic acid(B9), biotin (H, or B7) and choline (B4).

The content of unsaturated fatty acids, which have numerous beneficial properties, deserves special attention. For a balanced human diet, the ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 is extremely important. You can see this ratio for turkeys raised on an industrial scale, as well as the calorie content of different parts of the carcass in the table.

Fat content table

Based on 1 serving or 110 g.

As can be seen from the table, the ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 is 10:1. For farm birds feeding outdoors, this ratio could be improved to 7:1. The conclusion is obvious: the benefits of organic turkey meat are unrivaled.

Health Benefits

The important properties of this nutritious meat directly depend on its biochemical composition.

  1. A source of quality protein. A lack of protein in the diet leads to pale skin, a constant lack of energy, attacks of nervousness, weakness and absent-mindedness. Children experience behavioral disorders and lack of muscle tone. Turkey meat is rich in high-quality protein, but is also less fatty than many other animal products.
  2. Relaxation of the nervous system and good sleep. Say “thank you!” tryptophan is an essential amino acid (AA), which the human body is not able to produce on its own and must be obtained from food. Tryptophan helps produce the neurotransmitters melatonin and serotonin, key brain chemicals. They improve your mood and produce a relaxing effect.
  3. Maintains healthy bones and teeth due to phosphorus in its composition. Of course, one serving of turkey will not meet the daily requirement of this mineral, but it will make a useful contribution.
  4. Benefits the thyroid gland. One serving of turkey contains almost half the daily value of selenium. This substance plays an important role in maintaining normal hormonal levels and protecting the thyroid gland from diseases.
  5. Prevention of cancer. Among the beneficial properties of such meat are anti-cancer properties. We should thank for this the same selenium, which has a beneficial effect on the human immune system. It is also a powerful antioxidant that counters the carcinogenic activity of free radicals. It promises protection against colorectal cancer, prostate cancer, lung cancer, bladder cancer, skin cancer, esophageal cancer and stomach cancer.
  6. Protection against cognitive impairment. Turkey meat is a good source of vitamin B12, which helps reduce homocysteine ​​levels, which are responsible for cognitive impairment.
  7. Reducing cholesterol levels. Niacin in the product reduces the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood and increases the level of “good” cholesterol.
  8. Help in losing weight. If you want to lose extra pounds, you should start by normalizing your metabolism and improving the functioning of your gastrointestinal tract. The beneficial properties of turkey meat are also associated with a high concentration of vitamins B3 and B6, designed to solve the problem. In addition to accelerating metabolic processes, additional doses of these vitamins can relieve chronic constipation and improve intestinal motility.
  9. For strong muscles and endurance. Athletes value turkey for its high-quality protein. This meat gives strength, increases the body's endurance under conditions of serious physical exertion and helps build muscles.
  10. For pancreas health. Recent studies have shown that consuming 30-110 grams of skinless turkey meat per day significantly reduces the risk of developing pancreatic cancer.

In children's diet

Russian pediatricians also recognize the beneficial properties of turkey. The meat of this bird is allowed to be included in the diet of children starting from 6 months of age. It does not cause allergies, is easily absorbed by the baby’s digestive system, and supplies the body with high doses of protein necessary for the development of the musculoskeletal skeleton and tooth growth.

Turkey puree is a worthwhile option, especially if your baby has trouble gaining weight or suffers from mood swings.

Turkey meat is slightly inferior to rabbit meat in its dietary properties. When boiled, the fat content of poultry breast is approximately 3% higher than that of the opponent. But since both products are considered hypoallergenic, their appearance in children's diets is highly desirable. After all, they contain different sets of nutrients.

Harm and side effects

Semi-finished products are often treated with harmful substances to improve taste, presentation and extend shelf life. As a rule, these are salt, preservatives and antibiotics. The benefits of turkey in this case are minimal, but the harm is more noticeable. Especially when it comes to smoked meats. Such foods usually contain high doses of nitrites, a known carcinogen.

Frequent consumption of processed animal products leads to a number of diseases:

  • obesity;
  • heart disease;
  • infertility;
  • high blood pressure;
  • elevated cholesterol levels;
  • oncology.

The skin contains a lot of fat, so it is best to remove it before cooking.

Tryptophan, which the product is so rich in, has its own side effects. In particular, its excess can cause drowsiness.

Regular consumption of turkey meat may be harmful to some groups of people. Thus, due to the high protein content, the product is contraindicated for gout and kidney disease (including renal failure).

Selection and storage

  • Try to choose farm products. It usually contains fewer substances that are harmful to human health: pesticides and herbicides from feed, antibiotics, etc.
  • The meat should be soft, but not too soft. It should not fall apart or separate from the bone at the slightest impact.
  • The least fatty part of the turkey is the breast. It is recommended to include it in the diet for various diets.
  • Not all poultry products are low in saturated fat. For example, minced meat cutlets are usually made from the fattest parts of the carcass. You'll end up consuming as many unhealthy calories as you would from eating a hamburger.
  • Place marinated meat in the refrigerator immediately - it is sensitive to heat.
  • The chilled turkey can be stored in the refrigerator for 1-2 days. Cooked: no more than 4 days.

Cooking rules

When cooking turkey, careful heat treatment of the product is extremely important. The fact is that pathogenic microorganisms, including E. coli, enterococci and staphylococci, are often found in the raw meat of this poultry. Moreover, due to constant use medicines on large farms, dangerous strains are becoming increasingly resistant to antibiotics. The same problem is observed in the case of chicken meat.

To protect yourself and your family from intestinal infections, cook turkey meat until cooked. The table below shows the average cooking time various parts carcasses.

Remember that turkey will dry out quickly when heat treatment, so when frying and baking in the oven, control the process from start to finish.

According to the statement of the greatest healer of antiquity, Hippocrates, food should become medicine, and medicine should become food. Turkey meat is a product that perfectly combines premium taste qualities and proven medicinal properties. Of all sources of animal protein, Russian consumers prefer to buy poultry.

And recently, turkey has become a worthy competitor to chicken, goose and duck. You can cook turkey meat delicious dishes and diversify your daily diet. Also, the undeniable beneficial properties of turkey help improve health and well-being. Product contains:

    Lots of protein

    Small amount of fat

    A large amount of vitamins and minerals.

Of all the high-protein foods, turkey is the least likely to cause intolerance. It can be consumed by people allergic to chicken and fish. This is why turkey is chosen as the first meat food for babies.

Turkey fillets, carcass parts and minced meat are more expensive than similar semi-finished chicken products. This is due to the complex and expensive care of a capricious bird. But due to the high nutritional value of the product, the additional expenses are completely justified. In addition, turkey breeding is gaining popularity as highly profitable business. So, store shelves are soon expected to be flooded with this excellent product and, as a result, prices for dietary meat will decline. An undeniable argument in favor of eating turkey meat is the fact that the bird is raised without the use of growth hormones and antibiotics.

Why is turkey meat included in the TOP 14 healthiest foods?

Protein is essential for the life of adults and children. The nutrient is used to renew cells in the human body and maintain immunity. Turkey meat is an excellent source of protein. 100 grams of product contains 20 grams of complete, easily digestible protein.

Turkey meat protein contains the essential amino acids tryptophan and arginine. The body is unable to synthesize these substances. But they are extremely important for the efficient functioning of the human body. Tryptophan produces serotonin, a hormone good mood. And based on serotonin, the sleep hormone melatonin is produced. It normalizes the emotional background and gives a sound, restful sleep.

Turkey is the champion in the amount of tryptophan among poultry meat. 100 grams of turkey contains 219 milligrams of this essential amino acid. Arginine is the basis for the formation of nitrogen compounds in the body. They stimulate the growth of cells and tissues, dilate blood vessels and normalize blood pressure.

100 grams of poultry meat covers 38% of the daily requirement for selenium. This trace element is involved in the synthesis of thyroid hormones. Eating turkey will help normalize metabolic processes and maintain vitality.

Turkey contains a lot of iron (1.4 milligrams). Dishes from this bird will be an excellent prevention of anemia.

The composition of turkey meat includes phosphorus. The macroelement is an important component of calcium metabolism. There are 200 milligrams of phosphorus per 100 grams of product.

100 grams of product includes daily norm nicotinic acid - 7.8 milligrams. Vitamin PP regulates human metabolism and has a beneficial effect on digestion and lipid metabolism.

Fat-soluble vitamins A and E are found in turkey in high concentrations, which are usually not typical for meat products. Also, by eating a portion of turkey, you can get the necessary dose of B vitamins.

Important! Turkey is a source of potassium, an extremely beneficial element for cardiovascular system person. To increase the potassium content of your food, cook turkey with dried apricots.

What risks are possible when eating turkey meat?

Despite the undeniable usefulness of turkey meat, there is still a relative harm in consuming this meat product for people with certain diseases.

    The product contains a large amount of sodium. This mineral promotes water retention in the body, which leads to the formation of edema.

    Turkey is a high protein product. In this regard, turkey meat should be consumed sparingly by people with kidney pathologies.

    There is a possibility of individual intolerance to turkey meat.

In what form is it better to buy the product?

Today, supermarkets offer a wide selection of semi-finished turkey products. Just sprinkle the processed pieces of carcass with salt and spices, fry them in a frying pan for a few minutes, and a nutritious dinner or lunch is ready. It is better to give preference to whole fillet rather than minced meat, which may contain cheap fillers. Please note the deadlines:

    Meat that has been subjected to shock freezing retains its consumer properties for 2 months.

    Weighted turkey can be stored for no more than 2 days.

    Turkey meat on a plastic backing must be sold no later than 7 days from the date of packaging.

    Turkey meat remains fresh in a gas atmosphere for 12 days.

When purchasing, focus on the quality of the product. There should be no bruises or torn pieces on the surface of the meat. The fillet is firm and evenly colored. The color of fresh turkey ranges from deep red to pale pink, depending on the part of the carcass. A high-quality product does not have an unpleasant odor.

Pay attention! Turkey is considered a somewhat tough bird. If you prefer softer meat, purchase small breast fillet.

Turkey meat in dietetics

Down with the stereotypes about the Indian as the main character festive table in America. Poultry meat will become the basis for hearty and low-calorie dishes. Turkey meat can be called a superfood for people leading healthy image life or wanting to lose weight. This is due to:

    Low calorie product

    High thermal effect of turkey dishes.

Turkey meat has low energy value. Calorie content: breasts - 102 kcal, thighs - 155 kcal, wings - 190 kcal, poultry broth - 31 kcal. The preferred methods of heat treatment are: stewing, boiling, baking, cooking in a double boiler and multicooker.

Prepare an interesting and easy “Peacock Tail” dish made from eggplant and turkey. Salt and pepper 500 grams of turkey breast, add a crushed clove of garlic and a tablespoon of Teriyaki sauce. Place in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. Cut 3 large eggplants lengthwise, not reaching the stem. Season the vegetable slices with salt. After half an hour, rinse the eggplants under cold running water. Now you can stuff the vegetables. Place slices of marinated turkey and tomato slices between the eggplant slices. Place the resulting “fans” on the greased vegetable oil baking tray Bake the dish in the oven preheated to 180 C°. Meanwhile, cut up a couple of mozzarella balls. After 40 minutes, remove the baking sheet and place the cheese slices on top of the eggplant. Place the dish in the oven for another 10 minutes. Dietary “Peacock Tail” will provide aesthetic and gastronomic pleasure. The dish will be a satisfying dinner with a balanced composition.

Useful advice: Some people don't like the specific smell of turkey meat. Season the product with rosemary, nutmeg, lemon juice and the unpleasant aroma will disappear.

Turkey in baby food

Turkey meat extremely rarely causes allergies. Therefore, turkey meat puree will be an excellent complementary food for children starting from the age of six months. The product is introduced gradually: from half a teaspoon, increasing the amount every day. Turkey puree will promote the development of the child, strengthen the immune system, and protect against anemia. Poultry meat is completely digested, minimally burdens the baby’s digestive system, and does not provoke increased gas formation.