Everything about the palm tree: what is this plant, where and how long does it grow, and what does it look like in the photo? Palm trees, variety of species How to breed them.

Having once visited Mexico, I without exaggeration fell in love with this country. At the moment I am in my homeland, and something tells me that in the future I need to go to the country of my dreams for permanent residence, which is what active work is underway.

Despite this, while I am in my hometown, I decided to bring a piece of the tropics into the local realities of my apartment in order to recreate the atmosphere of the Mexico I so desired, and a palm tree is the best way to cope with such a task.

Considering this fact, today I will talk about all types of palm trees suitable for keeping indoors, share the secrets of their cultivation and care, and also help you decide on the choice of variety based on its origin and your preferences.

Domestic palms are considered to be wild palms, which, due to their physiological characteristics, are able to successfully grow and develop in a relatively small volume of soil, successfully tolerate a relative lack of sunlight on a regular basis, and have moderate growth rates, allowing them to stay indoors for many years without growing out of him.

Despite the fact that there is now a fairly large range of varieties of indoor palm trees, none of them are 100% indoor, and here’s why:

  1. Absolutely all varieties are unsuitable for cultivation in open ground in the CIS countries due to cold winters, during which palm trees are placed either in greenhouses or brought indoors. In resort regions with relatively warm winters, the temperature of which rarely drops below -10°C, it is possible to grow some types of palm trees in open ground, but provided that they are insulated for winter (the leaves are tied and the plant is covered with a dome with a wire frame equipped with foam walls, after which the dome is wrapped with thick cloth). This method allows you to effectively grow a palm tree without the need to replant it, but this is only relevant for resort areas;
  2. Any palm tree needs long daylight hours, even if it is a shade-loving variety. With the onset of winter, any palm tree needs additional lighting at least 10 hours a day. You can neglect lighting, but then your palm tree will be stunted and underdeveloped (look at the date palms in the hallways of large buildings);
  3. Not a single palm tree will reach the peak of its development and beauty even in the best apartment conditions, and the point here is the size of the tree itself. A palm tree 1.5 meters high is essentially a child in the world of plants, but for an apartment it is already a giant, occupying the entire room. When purchasing a palm tree, you should remember that in 10 years you will have to look for a new home for it. However, I am not dissuading you from buying, live for today.

The best types of palm trees for your home

If you need an indoor palm tree, pay attention to the following types:

  1. Date palm. A classic of the genre, which has been grown everywhere in apartment conditions in the CIS countries since the middle of the last century. This plant has become so widespread due to its ease of care and maintenance, as well as its ability to live for years in conditions of lack of sunlight. The date palm is ubiquitous in flower shops, where you can purchase both the plant itself and its seeds (date pit). The date palm is very large in size, but due to its extremely slow growth, it can live in an apartment for decades. The plant is native to Africa, the Canary Islands, and Arabia. The date palm is perfect for people who adore Egypt, since this plant is associated with it;
  2. Washingtonia. I’ll say right away that this is my favorite type of palm tree. The fact is that the homeland of this plant is Mexico, mentioned at the beginning of the article, as well as the regions of the United States bordering it. In addition to the origin of this plant, its appearance is one of the most beautiful among all other types of palm trees that can be successfully grown at home. Moreover, Washingtonia is, without exaggeration, the most unpretentious palm tree for indoor keeping, and has only one drawback, its rapid growth rate. Washingtonia has 2 varieties in the form of Washingtonia filamentous and also Washingtonia powerful. In flower shops, it is the filiform Washingtonia that are ubiquitous, since the powerful Washingtonia can grow up to 30 meters in height, and does not even closely fit into the concept of a houseplant;
  3. Hovea. Also a very interesting and incredibly beautiful palm tree, native to Australia. The palm tree is not demanding of sunlight, and grows without problems in apartment conditions. Moreover, with a lack of sunlight, Hovea's leaves do not turn pale, and the plant retains its natural color. Howea grows very slowly, and if you buy a young plant in a store, it will grow to the ceiling of your apartment in 10-15 years, and will have a decorative appearance even at a very young age;
  4. Hamedorea. This palm is also from Mexico, and also tolerates lack of sunlight well. The fact is that the plant is an inhabitant of dense tropical forests, the lower tier of which fundamentally lacks light. Hamedorea is one of the few palm trees that can be planted several times in one pot, thereby creating a kind of dense shrub. If you love tropical forests, this plant is exactly what you need.

Caring for palm trees at home

Each of the palm trees listed above requires certain maintenance conditions, for example:

  1. Date palm. The plant must be illuminated for at least 10 hours a day, partial shade is allowed. The temperature of spring and summer maintenance of this palm starts from 20-30°C. The winter temperature should not fall below 15°C. In the summer, the palm tree is watered abundantly, without waiting for the earth ball to dry out completely, but also without turning the soil into mud. In winter, the palm tree is watered as the soil dries 5-10 cm. During the growth period, the palm tree is fertilized 2-3 times per season; in winter, fertilizers can be abandoned. When buying a date palm, I recommend paying attention to the dwarf date, which grows no more than 2.5 meters in height;
  2. Washingtonia. The plant should be illuminated for at least 10 hours a day (in this case the plant will be somewhat stunted), and in ideal conditions, receive 15 hours of diffused or direct sunlight. The temperature in winter can briefly drop to 10°C, but it is better to keep it at 15°C. Summer temperatures can reach +35°C. Watering in summer is carried out as the top (5 cm) layer of soil dries. In winter, water the soil once a month. Fertilizers are applied in the summer, 2-3 times per season. You can fertilize up to 5 times per season, but in this case the palm tree will grow even faster, which is not always necessary in an apartment;
  3. Hovea. The plant can grow in shade, but daylight should not last less than 10 hours. Howea also tolerates direct sunlight, which means it can be placed on any window. The palm tree is kept at a summer temperature of +20°C; in winter the temperature should not fall below +18°C. Water the plant abundantly, without allowing the soil to dry out completely. In winter, watering is reduced to once a month. They fertilize Khoveya about 2 times a summer, since the palm tree grows very slowly, there is no point in filling it with fertilizer. Howea grows on the coasts of Australia, which means it needs moist air. Spray Howea more often, and keep it away from radiators in winter;
  4. Hamedorea. The palm tree tolerates 8 hours of daylight very well, and thrives in shade (in the tropical forests where it comes from, it gets dark very early). The palm tree is heat-loving, which means that in winter its temperature should not be lower than +16°C. In summer, the palm tree is kept at a temperature of +20-27°C, without exposing it to the open sun. Hamedorea is extremely demanding of air humidity, which means its leaves must be sprayed several times a week. In winter, the palm tree should be placed as far as possible from radiators and fireplaces. Hamedorea is fed 2-3 times a month throughout the summer. The plant should be watered after the top few centimeters of soil in the pot have dried. Remember, Hamedorea loves moist air, but not waterlogged soil.

Be careful, as some plants are marketed as palm trees but are not. The most common "pseudo-palms" are listed below:

  1. Castor bean. This plant is popularly called a palm tree, as it has a long trunk with hanging and large leaves. In fact, the plant belongs to the Euphorbiaceae genus, and has nothing in common not only with palm trees, but with trees in general. In the CIS countries it is an annual;
  2. Dracaena. For an unskilled person, dracaena may well pass for a palm tree, but in fact the plant belongs to the category of asparagus and succulent shrubs. In the CIS countries it is a perennial;
  3. Yucca. Also one of my favorite plants, it has a very beautiful appearance, and in general it is also similar to a palm tree (for an inexperienced person). Yucca belongs to the family of tree-like evergreen agaves and grows throughout Mexico and desert areas of the United States.

When buying any variety of palm tree, carefully compare it with the names and photographs in a competent source, since some types of these plants are similar in appearance, but require different care!

Palms are monocotyledonous woody plants, have a trunk without branches, and are native to tropical and subtropical regions. Palm trees perform a decorative function; various parts of them are used as food, building material, and raw materials for the production of all kinds of things. The question of how to grow a palm tree can be easily resolved if you follow certain requirements and provide the plant with proper care.

Sabal - palm tree for growing at home

What types of plants are there?

There are about 200 genera and 3000 species in the palm family, which differ from each other in appearance and size. Some of them can only grow in natural conditions, while some palm trees live in city apartments. There are palm trees that feel comfortable outside even in winter; they are successfully grown in suburban areas. Jubei has the thickest trunk, it is about 1 m; vines do not have a trunk as such, only creeping leaves. Under natural conditions, the height of the palm tree can reach 12 meters. Plant leaves come in two types: fan-shaped and pinnate.

Among the palm trees there are:

  • coconut tree;
  • date palm;
  • rapeseed;
  • howea;
  • Liviston;
  • chamedorea;
  • sabal.

How to grow a palm tree from seeds

This is the most common method of plant propagation. You can successfully grow a palm tree from seeds if you meet certain conditions:

  1. Take dry, high-quality seeds, purchased in a specialized store or picked directly from the tree, and check that all the seeds are ripe.
  2. To clean, soak the seeds for a day in warm water, which must be changed constantly.
  3. Open the thick skin to allow air to enter the embryo.
  4. To germinate, soak the seeds for a day; before planting, you can treat the seeds with a fungicide.
  5. Prepare dishes for sowing.
  6. Prepare a mixture for sowing from turf, humus, sand, and garden soil.
  7. It is correct to place one seed in one container, at the bottom of which there should be a hole and drainage. Cover with film to create a greenhouse effect. The depth of the seed in the ground and the temperature in the room depend on the type of palm tree.
  8. Sprouts need to be provided with optimal humidity, access to fresh air and sunlight.
  9. When the sprouts reach 2 cm, they can be replanted and the necessary care can be provided.

High-quality palm seeds germinate well

How to grow a palm tree by dividing the bush

Hamedorea, Hamerops, and Caryota reproduce in this way. The main condition is that the bush of the plant must be branched. The best time for this operation is May. You need to carefully cut off a shoot from the tree, so as not to damage it, to a length of at least 25 cm.

Place the shoot in a special soil mixture for palm trees or soil of the same composition as that used for propagation by seeds. You can make a greenhouse over a container with a sprout located in a dark place.

A growing palm tree needs to be watered regularly. The flower will appear in about a month, and after three months it can be transplanted into another pot, not forgetting to properly care for it.

Favorable conditions for the plant

Care depends on the species. It should be remembered that the palm tree is a plant from the tropics. Caring for house plants differs from caring for plants in the garden. Below we will talk about palm trees grown at home.

Appropriate place

The room must be spacious to accommodate the overgrown tree. It is better when the windows face south, especially for young plants. The pot should not be placed in a corner in a cold place or on a cold windowsill. The plant must be protected from drafts.

Correct capacity

Pots need to be changed every 2-3 years, increasing its size by 1/3. When choosing a pot, you need to take into account the characteristics of the material from which it is made; it can be ceramic or plastic. The diameter of the container should not exceed its height, the color of the container should be light to avoid possible overheating in hot weather. The pot must have a tray.

The soil in the pot needs to be loosened so that it can allow moisture to pass through unhindered, otherwise the plant may die. When replanting a palm tree, you need to preserve the earthen ball; only changing the top layer of soil is possible. The acidity of the earth should not change.


The plant needs diffused light; it should be in the light zone for 2/3 of the day. In the summer season, the plant must be protected from direct sunlight, and in winter it is permissible to place it on the windowsill. This rule especially applies to young flowers.


Dry air is contraindicated for palm trees; several methods are used to humidify the air:

  • spraying the plant with a spray bottle;
  • wiping the leaves with a damp cloth;
  • installing an air humidifier in the room;
  • placing a container of water near the pot.

How to water

It is better to water the plant with soft water at room temperature: settled water or rain. Watering should take into account the type of plant, temperature, and time of year. The colder the room, the less often you need to water.

In summer, daily watering is possible. The tree itself can regulate the moisture level with the help of a drainage hole.


A young flower (up to three years old) is replanted annually, after three years - once every 2 years. Replanting should be done in the spring; before this, dry and yellow leaves must be cut off. After transplanting, the plant should be watered with caution for two weeks.

Young plants are replanted annually

Top dressing

Even proper care cannot always give the plant a blooming appearance; additional feeding is necessary. When it is actively growing, you can give it organic fertilizers, at other times - mineral fertilizers (once every two weeks). In winter you can do without fertilizers.

Don't be afraid to plant a palm tree on your home windowsill. These huge indoor plants grow very slowly. In addition, the palm tree can become a real family heirloom! The palm tree in many cultures is considered a symbol of victory, bringing success to its owner. Many people are afraid to plant spectacular palm trees because a small plant can grow into a giant that reaches the ceiling. There is no need to worry about this, because the palm tree grows very slowly. Even after 30 years of life, it will grow no higher than 3 m. In addition, there are miniature varieties of the plant, as if created for life in indoor conditions.

The palm tree creates vibrations that have a beneficial effect on the biofield.

Right choice

You can grow a palm tree by planting a seed, but this is labor-intensive and time-consuming. It is better to buy a slightly grown tree in the store. Be careful when choosing! You are taking a big risk by purchasing a completely mature palm tree. It will take about six months to adapt to new conditions, and if the plant doesn’t like something, it may get sick and even die. Therefore, buy small shoots or very young palm trees. They get used to changes faster and increase their green mass. Choose specimens with beautiful, healthy leaves without various spots, creases and damage. Make the purchase in the spring during active growth, then by winter the plant will get stronger.

I just want to put a large palm tree in the corner of the room, but you shouldn’t do this, because it doesn’t tolerate darkening. Find a place where your tropical guest will receive diffused sunlight throughout the day. As a rule, these are windows that face east, southwest, southeast. On the northern windowsill you will need additional lighting.

Most types of palm trees do not tolerate direct sunlight, so shade them with a curtain in the summer. But in winter, plants can be placed on the windowsill without fear, if, of course, dimensions allow. To ensure that the stem grows straight and even, periodically change the sides of the palm tree's lighting. Focus on the top of the young leaf that is unfolding - it should be directed deeper into the room.

How to care for a palm tree?

The palm tree needs to be replanted every two to three years as it grows. In this case, you need to choose a new pot one third larger than the previous one. Its shape is also important: tall options are best. Small bowls are not suitable, since the root system of the palm tree is powerful, the roots grow down and to the sides. Check that the drainage holes are large.

Palm trees are tropical plants, so it is very important to provide them with high air humidity and regular watering, but without stagnant moisture. To assess humidity, take a handful of soil from the top layer, squeeze it in your fist, and then unclench it - dry soil will fall apart, wet soil will not. In winter, water the plant only with settled water at room temperature, Cold watering is strictly prohibited. Palm trees love spraying and showering, especially in summer, and in winter, just wipe the leaves with a damp cloth a couple of times a week.

How a plant feels is easy to tell by its appearance. If the tips of the leaves turn yellow, it means the air in the apartment is dry, try to create more humidity. If the leaves curl, you need to check the condition of the root system: the plant is either flooded or, on the contrary, overdried.

5 best palm trees for home

There are a lot of types of palm trees, but they are conventionally divided into two large groups, the names of which speak for themselves: pinnate and fan-leaved.


A very original palm tree. Its leaf blades consist of two feathers, for which it received the name fishtail. Kariota is not tall (1.5-2 m), tolerates low temperatures and low humidity well. Caryotes grow both in the form of a single-trunk tree and in the form of bushes, which over time form real thickets.


The leaves have the classic shape typical of palm trees: they are broad-legged and fan-shaped, and in young plants they look like an accordion. At home, the palm tree grows no higher than 2 m. Old leaves, dying, form scales characteristic of a palm tree. Caring for it is quite simple, but it is demanding on the soil and air humidity in the room.


The name of the plant is translated from Greek as “rod” or “stick”. Therefore, gardeners often call the plant a stick palm. Rapis is an ideal option for small spaces. The plant is easy to care for and does not require frequent watering or spraying. Even inexperienced flower growers should not be afraid of it, because the main advantage of this palm tree is the ability to quickly adapt to different conditions.


This is a classic example of a fan palm that is striking in size. The height of the sabal, even in indoor conditions, can reach 2 m, and the width of its luxurious leaves can be up to 2 m. The sabal needs space. Caring for it will not be difficult, because this palm tree is perhaps the only one that will easily forgive you for a short drought, overwatering or lack of fertilizing.


This palm tree has the rare ability to withstand temperatures as low as -10°C and also grows well in indoor conditions. Its appearance is unusual: the trunk is covered with coarse fibers, and it is decorated with a spectacular bunch of fan leaves. In the room, trachycarpus grows to impressive sizes - up to 2.5 m.

How to grow a palm tree at home?

Home tips

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Do you want to create a uniquely beautiful exhibition? Grow a tree plant. For those who have such a desire, a date palm from a seed at home is the best option.

Growing at home

To grow a date palm you will have to be patient. It grows slowly and, unfortunately, will not bear fruit at home. To do this, its height must be at least 15 m. But this is not necessary. Even without fruits, an attractive plant with huge fans of leaves will decorate any interior. This will require a lot of space and light.

How to germinate a date seed?

Every plant starts with a seed. The date palm is no exception. There is no need to specifically look for its seeds - you can buy dates at any vegetable store. There is no point in planting date palm seeds that have not been germinated. Most likely, they simply will not sprout or the process will drag on for a very long time.

So, let's germinate:

  1. select seeds from store-bought dates;
  2. we inspect them for damage, traces of mold or insects, and reject anything that is not standard;
  3. soak in clean water for a day to remove any remaining pulp, changing it several times; the pulp contains substances that inhibit seed germination;
  4. wash the seeds;
  5. we awaken the seed for 48 hours in a thermos with slightly warmed melt water with the addition of a few grains of humate;
  6. put it in a container with damp, loose material: vermicult, hydrogel, crushed and sterilized sphagnum moss, placing all this in a plastic bag;
  7. To germinate seeds, you need a temperature of about 35 degrees - a place near a heating radiator is ideal;
  8. germination takes from 2 to 3 months, and all this time you need to monitor the humidity of the substrate and remove condensation formed on the film.

As soon as sharp sprouts appeared, it was time to move the seeds into the ground.

Soil requirement

The best soil for both young palm trees and grown plants is palm substrate.

If it is not possible to purchase it, prepare the soil with the following composition:

  • turf land;
  • peat;
  • sand.

All components are taken in equal parts. You can add a little steamed moss or hardwood sawdust for looseness. At this stage, a pot 10 or 12 cm high is enough for the plant. There should be drainage at the bottom of the pot.

Landing rules

There is no consensus among flower growers here. Most believe that the seed should be stuck vertically so that there is a 1 cm layer of soil above it. But there is an opinion that seeds placed in pots horizontally with the seam down and covered with a 2 cm thick layer of soil germinate better. In any case, start for the sake of one seed not worth the hassle. Their germination rate is not very good, so it is easier to plant several seeds in two pots in different ways and see which one is more effective. You will have to be patient while waiting for the shoots to emerge. Germination can take up to 5 months. All this time, a plastic bag should be placed on the pot, which should be removed for ventilation. The soil is sprayed with a spray bottle to maintain its moisture. The pots should be kept at a temperature of 20 to 30 degrees. They don't need light at this time.

How to care for a palm tree at home?

To grow a date palm from a seed, it is not enough to plant it; you need to properly care for the newly emerged seedlings and mature plants. This tree is very sensitive to any errors in care, to which it responds with poor health. Young sprouts that have just hatched especially need attention. They grow very quickly, which is not surprising - after all, this is a tree. Its growth vigor is much higher than that of herbaceous plants. Only after the first leaf blooms does the growth rate slow down. The first leaves are completely different from palm leaves; they are linear with clearly visible longitudinal grooves. Then they split into segments, which make up amazingly beautiful fans.

At the beginning of growth, the palm tree requires especially a lot of light, so the pots are placed in the brightest window. The air temperature for young plants should not fall below 20 degrees. In winter, you can insulate the window sill from below so that cold air does not lower the temperature of the soil in the pot.

If several plants have sprouted in a pot, each will need its own growing container.

The soil for replanting needs the following composition:

  • humus - 4 parts;
  • peat – 1 part;
  • turf and leaf soil, sand - 2 parts each.

It is good to add crushed charcoal to the mixture. Transplantation into individual pots with a diameter of about 15 cm is carried out when the first leaf is 15 cm long. Drainage should consist of expanded clay mixed with charcoal. Its thickness is about 2 cm.

If possible, the palm tree should spend the summer outdoors. Such a “summer vacation” will benefit the tree.

Basic conditions for keeping date palm indoors:

  • maximum illumination, but with diffused light; In its homeland, this tree can withstand the scorching rays of the sun without harming its health; in a room they can cause burns on the leaves; Even in winter, the daylight hours for a plant should not be less than 12 hours; it is extended by illumination with phytolamps.

For symmetrical development of the crown, every 14 days the pot with the plant is turned 180 degrees.

  • air humidity about 50%;
  • air temperature in summer is from 20 to 25 degrees, in winter it is reduced to 16 degrees to slow down the metabolism in plant tissues in conditions of lack of lighting;
  • planting and replanting into soil for date palms that has a neutral or slightly acidic reaction;
  • mandatory drainage;
  • daily ventilation of the room;
  • timely proper fertilizing and watering.

How to water correctly?

The watering schedule and amount of water directly depends on the time of year. In summer, water so that the earthen ball does not dry out - 3 to 4 times a week. During the period of forced rest from watering to watering, the earthen lump should dry out slightly. It is enough to moisturize the palm tree 1-2 times a week. Overfilling is harmful, so excess water from the pan should be poured out half an hour after the soil has been moistened. Particular attention is paid to the quality of irrigation water. Ideally, it should be melted or clean rain, soft with a minimum amount of salts. Water temperature is about 33 degrees.

The plant responds well to spraying with warm, soft water, especially in summer. It will also require sanitary procedures - wiping the leaves with a damp cloth and then drying with a dry cloth. Once a month, the plants can be given a warm shower, but the soil in the pot must be covered so that it does not get wet.

Feeding and fertilizer

During the season of active growth - spring and summer, the tree is fed with complex fertilizer for palm trees every 14 days. In winter, the intensity of fertilizing is reduced by 2-3 times.

The palm tree responds very well to foliar feeding on the leaves. They are made with the same fertilizer, but its concentration in the solution is reduced by 10 times. The frequency of fertilizing is from 3 to 1 time per month, depending on the vigor of plant growth.

Transplanting a plant

The best time to transplant a palm tree is April. Young plants need this operation annually. After 5 years, replanting is practiced once every 2-3 years, and for plants older than 10 years, the top layer of the substrate is simply changed. The palm tree itself will tell you that it needs a new pot - roots will appear in the old one from the drainage hole.

They are thick on the palm tree, but fragile. She has an extremely negative attitude towards their damage. For her, transplanting is a lot of stress; it needs to be done carefully, preserving the earthen lump as much as possible.

Choose a tall pot, and increase its diameter by 3-4 cm with each transplant. Drainage must be placed at the bottom of the pot. The soil is prepared in the same way as for planting young plants.

The date palm is replanted only by transshipment, without exposing the roots.

If this does happen, you will have to cut off some of the leaves to maintain a balance between the underground and above-ground parts. Even for not old plants, you can replace the top layer of soil - the palm tree will have more nutrition. This procedure is carried out once every six months.


The date palm reproduces by seed. In some species, shoots may appear. These include the Robelena date.

If the daughter plant has developed roots, it can be separated.

  • Using a sharp knife, cut off the baby as close to the trunk as possible without damaging it.
  • We transplant the division into palm soil, proceeding in the same way as when transplanting an adult plant.
  • At first, you will have to put a plastic bag on the pot with a young palm tree so that it will take root better.

Do not forget to spray the young plant more often.

Pests and diseases of date palm

A date palm that has spent the summer outside may acquire spider mites, scale insects, or mealybugs. But even if the plant is constantly kept indoors, pests still appear. Insecticides, for example, Actellik, will help to cope with them. It is only advisable to treat the plant with it outdoors. A good preventive measure is a monthly warm shower with washing the leaves with soapy water. But the soil in the pot needs to be protected from it.

The main palm diseases are pink rot and spotting. Plants that are weakened by poor care usually get sick. Control measures are fungicides, but do not contain copper: Mancozeb, Ridomil.

Possible problems during cultivation

The palm tree is very sensitive to compliance with all care rules. When retreating from them, the leaves are the first to suffer.

  • The tips of the leaves dry out - the air is too dry, you need to spray the plants more often.
  • The leaves turn yellow - lack of moisture, you need to water more often.
  • The leaves darken - waterlogging, reduce the amount of watering.
  • The date palm stops growing - the room is too cold. At temperatures below 16 degrees, the roots function poorly, practically not absorbing nutrients. Another reason may be high acidity of the soil. It becomes acidic when watered with hard water. This plant will have to be replanted.

In general, caring for an indoor giant is not that difficult. Palm trees are very responsive to care and will delight the gardener with good growth and a healthy appearance.

Palm - exotic house plant

Do you dream of a corner of the tropics on your windowsill? About the exotic? Then, get an indoor palm tree. And World Without Harm will tell you how to care for such an exotic indoor plant...

Which palm trees do not grow at home?

Before we get down to specific tips and recommendations on how to care for palm trees at home, let's decide which plants should not be kept indoors. And no matter how hard we try to create comfortable conditions for them to grow in an ordinary apartment, we are unlikely to succeed. The point is that

such palm trees need special maximum lighting, and throughout the daylight hours, this should be direct sunlight, high temperature and high humidity.

It is not possible to create such a microclimate on the windowsill. Therefore, in order not to torment the plant and not disappoint yourself, you should not plant the following types of palm trees at home: Bismarkia nobilis, Brahea, Archontophoenix cumminghaniana (King Palms), Pinangas and Cyrtostachys, most Licualas, Syagrus romanofskiana (Queen Palms), Verschefeltia species , Ravenea rivularis, Genomonas…

If you can create comfortable and proper conditions for growth and development for such plants, go for it, and these exotic guests will delight you with their lush growth.

Many people want to create a tropical garden or have a palm tree in their home. To grow palm tree at home, you need to create native tropical conditions and be patient. The majestic tree grows for several decades.

The variety of species, sizes and varieties makes it difficult to choose what kind of home palm we want to get. Many grow quite quickly, grow to gigantic sizes and do not feel comfortable in a small apartment. Our article will help you understand the variety and choose the right plant for home use.

Home palm: description

The palm tree is so named because of the bizarre shape of its leaves, which resemble a human palm. Not all species have this leaf shape, but we learned about this a little later.

Main characteristics of palm trees:

  • Today, several thousand species of palm trees are known. There are far fewer domestic representatives.
  • Home palm is an unpretentious plant, which grows slowly in indoor conditions. The homeland of the palm tree is the tropics and subtropics.
  • The palm tree creates its beauty and spectacular appearance with the help of its leaves. They form a ball or circle of thin long leaves, some species have wide leaves. The plant does not tolerate the removal of green foliage. You shouldn't do this for no apparent reason.
  • Home palm growing in large pots. As they grow, they increase the earthen spaces for development and growth. In a few years or even decades, a real tree will appear in the house. Under the foliage you can create a tropical clearing for relaxation.
  • The palm tree has a thick trunk and large spreading leaves at the top. The trunk is formed as the plant grows and the stems die. At home, palm trees do not bear fruit. Due to aridity and cool temperatures, fruits do not form on the domestic palm tree.

Many people confuse domestic palms with false representatives. False palms grow from woody leaves.

False palms include:

  • dracaena;
  • yucca;
  • pandanus;
  • Cordilina.




They resemble dwarf palms, which rarely grow more than 1 m.

Another plant looks like a home palm - white-veined spurge. Outwardly, it resembles a bizarre small palm tree: wide green leaves with a red border grow on the upper part of the stem. In fact, it is a succulent and has nothing to do with the palm tree.

Real palm trees form home flower beds. Some species have many leaf stems with a large fan. Such home flowers in the form of palm trees are popular among lovers of tropical plants. To prevent the branches from falling apart, they are tied, forming a “bouquet”.

Varieties of domestic palm

All palms are divided into 2 large groups: fan and pinnate. They are distinguished by leaf shape.

Fan palms:

  • coconut:
  • banana:
  • date.

Typical representatives of the cirrus palm are Chamerops or Trachycaprus. Some palms are short in stature, like the pineapple palm, and with fancy flowers, like the caryota palm. What domestic palms have in common is their unpretentiousness to growing conditions and soil composition.

Below is a catalog of decorative indoor palm trees with photographs and descriptions.


This is one of the most common types of domestic palms:

  • Belongs to the pinnate species: a thick trunk and a fan of leaves at the top.
  • As the leaves grow, they die and the plant grows in height.
  • The family includes more than 20 species.
  • The homeland of the date is Africa, known since the times of Mesopotamia.

More often, lovers of exotic plants grow from seeds. But unfortunately, after a few years they regret their action: it grows very quickly and rests on the ceiling of the apartment. It is impossible to force a palm tree to bear fruit from a seed. It bears fruit after many years in nature and maintaining the required temperature. They do not require special care: moderate watering and constant temperature, they are afraid of drafts and cold windows in winter.

Date palm


The origin of the species is the Pacific Islands. Grows up to 2 meters at home. Belongs to the feathery species. The trunk is formed at a fairly “mature” age. The leaves grow straight from the roots, forming a giant cap. It is unpretentious and undemanding in care, tolerates lack of light and aridity. Prefers window sills, balconies and other bright and warm places.



Refers to the fan form. On the stem, thin leaves form a circle with a cut to the middle. Domestic species grow up to 1.5 m. Their homeland is southern Asia, Australia and the islands. She loves a lot of light and constant temperatures. Reducing the temperature to +10℃ can kill the plant. Propagated by seeds that form on the lower part of the leaf. Likes constant watering: every day or every other day.


Umbrella palm

Or Likuala. It also appeared in home greenhouses from the tropics. Spectacular leaves of huge sizes look like a corrugated fan, the trunk is thin and low. Grows no more than 2 m. Demanding on moisture. Due to excessive watering, the roots may rot, which does not bother the houseplant at all. You can get rid of this by pouring alcohol.

Umbrella palm

Hamedorea (Neanta)

It is called the bamboo palm from the tropical forests of Yucatan and Mexico. The feathery leaves are elongated. The trunk is low, formed from dead stems. At home, it grows up to 1.2 m in a few years. It requires light, but does not like direct sunlight. The optimal temperature is more than +18℃. It also requires a lot of watering without stagnation of water and drying out of the soil.


cat palm

Or cyperus grows only in Egypt. It was from this that the legendary papyrus was made. It produces thin, dark green stems straight from the ground. The leaves form umbrellas in several layers. Domestic cats love the palm tree, which is probably why it was given such a name. Like many members of the palm family, it requires light and humidity. It is important to maintain tropical temperatures.

cat palm


Refers to false palms that appeared at home from the tropics. There are several hundred species. There are thin leaves on the upper part of the trunk. Some species have a red border on the foliage. It grows unpretentiously. Tolerates drought, does not like direct sunlight and drafts.

"Palm" Dracaena


The tropical plant is classified as a fan species. Wide, fan-shaped leaves with many slits grow from a low trunk. At home, low rapis is common, which grows up to 1.5 m.

Great attention must be paid to watering: it does not tolerate waterlogging or drying out of the soil. Prefers high temperatures from +20℃. In summer, during dry times, take a shower with cool water.


Cycas or sago palm

The plant's homeland is considered to be India and the islands of Polynesia. The short plant has a “pot-bellied” trunk, from which stems grow in several groups. It grows very slowly. Under ideal conditions, it adds only 3 cm per year. The foliage remains practically unchanged and has a dark green color.

Belongs to the feathery varieties. Care requires direct sunlight for several hours, moderate watering and average temperatures. If the conditions are not met, it falls into stagnation and does not grow.



The palm tree is native to China and India. Of the few species, only a few are grown at home. There is no trunk. The stems are semicircular in shape, collected in bunches with wide leaves. Areca is difficult to grow.

A young plant up to 6 years of age does not survive sunburn or low temperature and eventually dies. Requires light from all sides and moderate watering. Optimum temperature +35℃. Can grow up to 12 m in an apartment.



Refers to false palms, native to the arid regions of Central America. A low shrub with a thick trunk with tough foliage at the top. The foliage is pointed in shape with stiff hairs along the edges, the leaf length reaches half a meter.

Under good conditions, it will bloom: on a high stick, a stem with many white flowers in shape grows from the center. When caring, it requires moderate watering: it dies in waterlogged soil and cold air. Tolerates aridity. Requires sunny color and air temperature from +20℃.

"Palm" Yucca


The variety is better known as fishtail. It got its name due to its unusual foliage, reminiscent of a fish tail. Indoor species grow small in size. Homeland - tropical forests of Asia, the Pacific Islands and Australia.

Karyote has no trunk; stems with fancy leaves grow from the ground. Requires air humidity as in the tropics. Resistant to moderate watering and average air temperatures.


Livistona Chinese

The species grows naturally on the Pacific Islands and eastern Australia. The indoor plant does not have a trunk. It grows quickly due to fan leaves with many cuts. Grows in the shade, at low temperatures of +16-18℃. But it does not tolerate dryness and prefers frequent spraying.

Livistona Chinese


Homeland: Madagascar and the islands of Oceania. At home it grows several meters. Tall, feathery leaves grow on thin trunks; it is impossible to force a palm tree to bloom in an apartment. Tolerates low temperatures in apartments, moderate watering. Does not like drafts and sudden drops in temperature.



Or the screw palm appeared in apartments from East Asia and Madagascar. Thick feathery leaves form a trunk. As they die, the plant trunk becomes woody. The leaves of an adult plant have prickly thorns at the ends, which can be dangerous for children and animals.

In an adult plant, roots appear throughout the trunk, forming bizarre shapes. It grows quickly and reaches several meters. Requires a lot of space and height. Undemanding in care.

"Palm" Pandanus


Or Bokarneya grows in the southern latitudes of North America. It is popularly called the bottle palm for its bizarre trunk shape: at the base it has the shape of a ball, and the trunk resembles a bottle. At the top of the trunk there are narrow feathery leaves. Sometimes confused with dracaena.

Requires full watering and no drafts. Undemanding to lighting, but the foliage will be thicker and brighter in a sunny place.



Or the Hawaiian palm tree came to our apartments from the Hawaiian Islands. At home it grows up to 1 m. The amazing shape of the plant attracts attention: on the top of the thick fleshy trunk grow wide leaves with a waxy coating, reminiscent of cabbage.

It blooms with amazing flowers of a simple shape of light yellow color. They grow in the same way as leaves - from the top of the trunk, creating an exotic bouquet. The trunk stores a large amount of moisture, so it tolerates drought. Prefers high temperatures and absence of drafts.



It grows naturally in the subtropical deserts of the southern North American continent. The variety prefers cool temperatures and bright light. Grows up to 20 m even at home. Fan-like hard leaves grow on a thick trunk.

The lower leaves die off, forming a scaly trunk. On an adult plant, flower stalks with 3 m stems appear. After flowering, small black berries are formed.


Madagascar palm

Or Pachypodium lamera. This amazing plant resembles both a palm tree and a cactus up to 1.5 m high at home. The trunk is covered with needles and resembles a cactus. Long narrow leaves are located at the top of the trunk. In winter it sheds its leaves.

It grows in Madagascar and is poisonous. Requires a lot of light and heat: in summer up to +30℃, in winter at least +15℃. Does not tolerate changing places or even turning the pot. May shed leaves.

Madagascar palm


The variety was found in the Himalayas, China and Japan. It grows slowly and tolerates freezing temperatures. Refers to fan types. It grows as the lower leaves die. At the top there are large fan-shaped leaves with many cuts, the leaves are hard.

You cannot cut off the bottom leaves - this is how the palm tree takes all the useful substances, and when the leaf is completely dry, it can be removed. Undemanding in care: tolerates shade, frost, drought.


Karludovika palmata

False palm. Thick palm-like leaves grow on a fleshy stem. Requires diffused light, moderate watering and no drafts. The homeland of the bush is Panama. It is also called the Panama palm.


Cryosophila spanisha

Not the most common type of palm tree at home. The homeland of growth is the tropics of Central America. A graceful, single-trunked plant with curved, feathery, fan-shaped leaves. Undemanding to light and watering. Does not tolerate excess salt in soil and water. Resistant to pests.

Necessary conditions for domestic palm trees

Each type of palm tree requires certain conditions: some need a lot of light, others cannot live without daily watering. However, there are general rules. With proper care and attention, the tropical beauty will grow for decades.

The average lifespan of palm trees at home is 15 years.

Let's consider the features of keeping ornamental palm trees.



Palm trees are preferred diffused light. The sun's rays will damage the plant and leave burns, which will cause the plant to die.

Place the pot with the home palm tree in direct sunlight for several hours, after peak hours of solar activity. Some species prefer partial shade. In extreme cases, artificial lighting is used.


The tropical plant prefers warm air temperatures from +16℃ in winter to +30℃ in summer.

Some species require cool wintering. When observing the temperature regime, do not forget about drafts. Plants cannot tolerate them.

It is also necessary to monitor the soil temperature: if the roots become too cold, the plant will die. Therefore, you should not place pots with indoor palm trees on the windowsill or cold floor. For many species, the temperature is detrimental - +10℃.

Air humidity

For many species, indoor humidity is important:

Palm trees are undemanding to care. Fulfilling the necessary conditions for the comfortable growth of domestic palm trees will allow you to admire the beauty for many years.

General rules of care

Let's look at the question of how to care for domestic palm trees.


How to replant domestic palm trees:


  1. Most varieties are propagated only by seeds. For this you need fresh seeds. After 3-4 years, the seed germinates poorly and takes a long time.
  2. Before sowing, soak the seeds in water for several days., changing the water daily.
  3. Plant in light soil with plenty of sand. When several leaves appear on the palm tree, transplant it into a permanent pot with a diameter of no more than 9 cm.
  4. It is better not to use tall pots. TO The root system is greatly elongated.
  5. Some species reproduce vegetatively. To do this, separate the branch and sprinkle it with earth.
  6. You can transplant the plant when replanting.“Tear up” the root system carefully and only after the new plant has its own roots.

Top dressing

Domestic palm trees do not require frequent feeding. Due to excess fertilizer, the plant will die.

The plant is fed rarely and only in spring and summer. If you replant the plant every year, then feed it only in the second half of the year. During this period, fertilizers in the soil run out. To feed the palm tree, universal fertilizer or flower fertilizer is suitable.


Rules for correct pruning:

  1. Many species do not require pruning. Palm trees at home grow slowly and therefore are pruned only for aesthetic reasons and dried foliage is removed.
  2. There is no need to prune slightly darkened or wilted leaves. until the sheet is completely dry. So, it takes all the nutrients.
  3. The rule that frequent pruning promotes rapid growth does not work with domestic palms. In some cases, on the contrary, it will even destroy the plant.
  4. Pruning to shorten a palm tree is possible already in adulthood. To do this, use clean and sharp tools.

Never cut off the top of the head - this will cause the plant to die and not grow back.

Diseases and pests

If improperly cared for and the conditions are not met, the palm tree may become sick. Withering and drying of leaves, unhealthy appearance indicate this. Palm trees can also “acquire” small pests.

The pests survive in the area and again settle on the palm tree, drinking the juices.

Problems when growing palm trees at home

In the process of growing palm trees, various difficulties and problems arise. Sometimes the plant does not feel very comfortable. It’s easy to revive a homely beauty if you know what a particular illness means.

Signs Reasons and what to do?
Leaf tips are dry or brown Appears when dry. The palm tree does not like dry air or does not receive enough moisture. To do this, increase watering or watering frequency. And also humidify the air by spraying the leaves, you can simply put an open jar of water. This will allow the water to evaporate and provide natural air humidification.

Perhaps a palm tree hot from the battery. Move it to the back of the room. Trim off the dried ends without damaging the green parts of the leaf.

Doesn't grow This happens for various reasons:
  • There is not enough warmth and light. Many species go into torpor at low or very high temperatures and do not grow.
  • Perhaps she is cold. Choose another place where it will be warmer and there will be no drafts.
Turns yellow Yellow leaves appear when insufficient watering. The palm tree may need more water if you water it frequently.

Yellow leaves also appear when insufficient air humidity. Spray frequently: several times a week. Afterwards, reduce the amount to 1-2 times a week. Also provide open containers with water.

Withers Palm withers after transplantation, expressing dissatisfaction with the change of place. Either you don’t like the soil or the roots were damaged during replanting.

If there was no transplant, then probably the roots are rotting. Examine the root system, remove damaged parts. Change the soil and reduce the amount of watering.

Leaves are drying This happens for burns, especially for young plants. Create a shadow or cover from direct rays with a light cloth or paper.
Rust colored stains Appear when the soil is waterlogged or water stagnates inside the pot:
  • The pot should have drainage and several holes to allow excess water to drain out of the container.
  • Be sure to remove water from the saucer when watering.
  • If the soil is not slightly dry, postpone watering until the next day.

Rusty spots are also possible when water salinity. For irrigation, use settled water so that chlorine, ammonia evaporate, and salts precipitate.

Some time ago, everyone was swept up in the fashion of looking for “energy vampires” among plants. According to the logic of adherents, since cacti are prickly, that means they are evil and scary, spewing “bad energy” and, in general, “vampires”. The authors of these statements are completely unaware of the fact that all life in the desert is concentrated exactly around these energy pumps. The sharp needles of cacti contribute to negative ionization of air and condensation of humidity - both of these factors have a positive effect on animals, and per person.

The tips of dissected palm leaves are also ionizers. The air under the palm tree is noticeably fresher and rich in ozone, and there is less dust. In short, the so-called “vampires” turned out to be biological filters. Which is certainly useful for you and me.

So what? - the reader will ask, rubbing his hands impatiently. How to breed and maintain these unique creatures?

Where can I get a palm tree?

Even dwarf palms are relatively large plants, more suitable for winter gardens and greenhouses (although many of them grow well in partial shade in apartments). Therefore, about a dozen relatively unpretentious species are widely sold. The vast majority are very young specimens. If a collector wants to purchase some curiosities, then he should contact foreign nurseries.

How to breed them?

Pinch off a leaf and root it will not work. With extremely rare exceptions, palm stems also do not take root. True, the author was once shown the “rooted” tops of dates with a trunk diameter of 30-40 cm, but it is not possible to assert that these plants were actually rooted and were not simply dug into the ground with the prospect of drying out. However, rhizomatous palms take root well. Bush palms can also be propagated vegetatively by cutting out the stems and roots. However, this should be done with extreme caution: the cuts must be treated with a fungicide and covered with garden varnish, and root formation in the cuttings must be stimulated with special substances. Due to all these difficulties, most indoor palm trees are obtained by sowing seeds.

I got my first palm tree seedling by simply sticking a date seed into a pot of soil. In fact, this was luck, since dates are often heat treated for better storage, after which the seeds in them die. If the embryo is viable, then its swelling should be ensured, that is, the penetration of moisture through the shell of the seed. Therefore, the substrate for germination must be light and moisture-absorbing. A mixture of equal volume parts of sand, peat and black soil (compost) may be optimal. The mixture is moistened and disinfected. It’s easier to do this in a microwave, oven or water bath.

The disinfected substrate is placed on a drainage layer in a pot and covered with a cap made, for example, from a plastic bottle or plastic bag. The seeds are cleared of pulp. Sometimes they even wash it with soap. If there are several seeds, you can try to carefully file the shells of some of them. The “bones” are buried 1.5-2 cm into the ground (the coconut is buried halfway) and the pot is placed in a warm place at a temperature of 22-25.C (some types require higher temperatures). On average, seeds germinate in a month, although in Pritchardia they can germinate in 10 days, and in Hameropsis they do not germinate for several months.

At first, the seedlings grow slowly. Their growth can be slightly accelerated by fertilizing with nitrogen fertilizers mixed with stimulants. You shouldn't overuse "pushing". In nature, palm seeds usually germinate in partial shade. Our sun is not as active as in the tropics, but a long sunny day can slow down both seed germination and seedling growth.

When the seedlings reach 10 cm in height, without tearing off the shell, they are transferred with a piece of substrate into new soil. It differs from the seed mixture by adding 15-20% loamy soil. With further replantings, the proportion of loam is increased, and the proportion of peat (except for marsh species) is reduced. Pots are selected according to the size of the root ball so that the volume of the new pot is 10% larger than the volume of the root ball (with normal root development).

Pinnate palms

Areca betel (Areca catechu) is a tree-like plant with a thin single trunk 5-12 cm in diameter, covered with ring scars from fallen leaves. The leaves are bright green, pinnate, 1.2-1.8 m long, arched. Young specimens go on sale, planted several in one pot - which makes them similar to “reed” palms. Over time, young specimens begin to “press” on each other and require transplanting one at a time into separate pots. Tolerates partial shade and shade perfectly, but requires moist, warm air and a constantly moist substrate.

The coconut palm, or coconut (Cocos nucifera), is a tree-like palm that plays a huge role in the lives of people living in their natural habitats. In nature it reaches 20-25 m in height with a trunk diameter of 30 cm, which in the butt can be expanded due to adventitious roots up to 50 cm in diameter. The trunks are smooth, with vertical cracks and rings from fallen leaves. The leaves are pinnate, 2-4 m long, dense, with more or less evenly spaced lobes. The coconut palm grows quickly, and its presence in greenhouses and winter gardens is limited by the height of these structures. Actually, the coconut sprouts that go on sale are more of a fashion statement - sooner or later the plants will die. In order to delay this trouble as much as possible, the acquired coconut seedling should be carefully transplanted, without separating it from the nut, but after first washing it from the peat substrate, into loamy soil. At first after transplantation, the plant is watered well, but as soon as a new leaf begins to form, the watering rate is reduced and the proportion of phosphorus in the fertilizing is increased. Subsequently, the substrate is made up of 2/3 turf loam and 1/3 sand. Actively growing roots are pruned, and to preserve the viability of the leaves, foliar feeding is carried out with complex fertilizers with a predominance of nitrogen over phosphorus mixed with a biogenic stimulant. The coconut tree has a tendency to stretch out and lean towards the light, which is undesirable, so it should be given as much light as possible.

Mascarena lagenicaulis is a tree-like bottle palm reaching 3-5 m in height and with long leaves about 1.5-3 m long, with evenly dissected blades. At the age of 5-13 years, the trunk of this palm tree begins to thicken, but this only happens in open ground. These palms are offered extremely rarely in stores in this form. One-year-old seedlings can be found much more often. Mascarena loves fertile soil with a lot of sand. When young, the leaves are tender and require periodic spraying. The intensity of trunk expansion depends on the quality of the foliage and the amount of nutrients it supplies. Therefore, the seedlings of this palm tree should be kept in bright, indirect light. When replanting, you should select wide pots, but do not bury the plant itself. Content temperature +22 ...24.C.

Date (Phoenix dactylifera) - palmate date - a plant with well-known edible fruits in the tropics reaches a height of 20-30 m. Presumably, this palm was formed not without human influence. There are many varieties known, differing both in size and quality of the fruit. Thanks to their rapid germination and simple culture, young date palms can often be found in greenhouses, winter gardens, and on window sills. Today you can buy two types of ornamental date palms: the Canary date (Phoenix canarensis) and the Robelen date (Phoenix roebelenii). The first grows on rocky soils, in a harsh hot climate, reaching 15 m in height and having leaves up to 5 m long. The leaf blades move away from each other as the leaf shaft grows. The blades are sharp, the petioles have sharp spines, all the leaves are hard and covered with a bluish waxy coating. This is an ascetic plant: it can do without spraying, it grows on a light substrate, and winter temperatures can be around +18.C. In contrast, the Robelena date is a sissy date that grows in tropical rainforests. This low palm has short (up to 1 m) leaves with soft, dissected blades. Young leaves are covered with a white powdery coating, like powder. The plant requires fertile loamy soil, regular watering and spraying.

Chamaedorea seifrizii is a shrubby “reed” palm with numerous thin, straight, bamboo-like trunks 1-2 m in height and up to 3 cm in diameter, constantly growing from an above-ground rhizome. Each trunk can have up to 7 long arched leaves 30-100 cm long. Young leaves are whole, but the blade is rolled into a tube. As it grows, the plate unfolds and divides into soft, sometimes curly leaf blades. This palm blooms at the age of 5-7 years. It is completely undemanding in terms of lighting and tolerates diffused light well in partial shade and shade. It does not have any special requirements for humidity, but it can rot if overwatered. Loves fresh air, ventilation, but not cold. Watering is increased only during active growth. The intensive growth of chamedorea confronts the grower with the need to create a more fertile substrate and use fertilizers.

Howea Forstera (Howea forsteriana) is a tall, single-trunked, thin palm with a completely straight trunk, 5-8-10 cm in diameter. It goes on sale in the form of multi-trunk group planting of seedlings, so replanting will be required over time. The leaves of adult plants are straight, 2-2.5 m long, with the lower leaves directed horizontally, which indicates their maturity. The leaf blades are approximately 1.5-2 cm apart from each other, green, with small yellow or black dots on the bottom, similar to lesions of pathogenic fungi (which can frighten an inexperienced gardener). Khoveya is not particularly whimsical. Tolerates relative dry indoor air and, despite the fact that it prefers strong diffused light, grows well in partial shade for a long time. This palm tree does not suffer when the temperature drops to +12.C, but the owner should remember that as the temperature drops, watering and spraying should be reduced. For intensive growth, howea requires a fertile substrate and periodic fertilizing, including in winter, if the temperature does not fall below +20.C.

Chrysalidocarpus lutescens is a “reed” palm with several trunks, each of which can reach 7-9 m in height and 10-12 cm in diameter. Young trunks and leaf petioles are yellow or yellowish-green with black spots, which should not be considered a disease. The leaves are long, flexible, arched, up to 2 m long, petiole 50-60 cm long, leaf blade up to 90 cm wide, dissected into paired lobes. In indoor conditions, this palm tree grows best in a place that is maximally illuminated (but not in direct sunlight). Large specimens can withstand strong sun and high humidity. He loves watering, spraying, and "baths" very much. In nature, it grows on acidic flooded soils, therefore, when kept in a pot culture, it requires an acidic peat-containing substrate and a constant presence of water in the pan. In winter, watering is reduced, but spraying becomes more frequent and intensified. Long temperatures below +20.C can be detrimental to this palm tree.

Fan palms

Washingtonia robusta (Washingtonia robusta) and V. hairy (Washingtonia filifera). Washingtonias are tree-like palms with trunks up to 20-25 m high and up to 90 cm in diameter, in the upper part covered with dried petioles of leaves, which below turn into felt and fall even lower. The leaves are half or more divided into lobes, which are more or less dissected at the apexes, so that strings of veins form between them (especially in V. filamentosa). At a young age, Washingtonias are very decorative. And with age, their beauty is not lost - the trunks, like tiles, are covered with chocolate-colored petioles. The plants are easy to cultivate and undemanding to the soil; they are only afraid of overwatering. They love light and fresh air. Winter temperatures within 8-10.C promote the ripening of tissues and the formation of buds.

Caryota urens is a tree-like single-stem plant up to 9-15 m tall and 30-45 cm in diameter in the butt part, with a dense crown. The leaves are fan-shaped, divided into two lobes, which makes them similar to fish tails (for which these palms are called “fishtail”); blades are 5-6 cm long and up to 4 cm wide, light green. Young specimens require a warm and bright place to be kept (but not in direct sunlight), high humidity, and daily spraying. Karyote grows quite quickly and requires transplantation into a new substrate every 2 years.

Livistona rotundifolia, or patching, is a tree-like palm with a single trunk up to 10-14 m in height and 15-17 cm in diameter, covered with the remains of petioles from fallen leaves. The leaves are glossy, green, evenly dissected by 2/3 into folded lobes, the petiole is up to 1.5 m long, with numerous spines. Requires a sandy, but fertile and moisture-intensive substrate, which is achieved by adding 20% ​​peat. The substrate should not dry out. This palm tree grows quite slowly and produces 3-4 leaves per year. Loves diffused lighting, spraying and "bath". In winter, watering is reduced, but sprayed constantly. It has been noticed that lowering the temperature in winter to +16-18.C has a good effect on the future growth of this palm tree in summer. Licuala grandis is a magnificent bush-like palm tree, a relative newcomer among indoor plants. It has a straight trunk up to 2 m high and 5-7 cm in diameter and amazing all-fan ribbed leaves that burst apart at the time of aging. In general, this palm looks like a bunch of 5-10 fans 60-80 cm in diameter, raised on thin petioles, up to 90 cm long. This is a plant of tropical rainforests, so it loves moisture and diffused light. The substrate must contain a sufficient amount of nutrients. Rapis exelsa is a “reed” palm with bamboo-like trunks covered with fibers. Individual trunks are up to 3 m high and 3-4 cm in diameter. The leaves are fan-shaped, with serrated edges, dissected almost to the base into 5-10 lobes. The petiole is thin, up to 40 cm long. Rapis grows on moist soils, so when cultivated it requires a moisture-intensive substrate with the addition of up to 20% peat and constant watering, spraying and a “bath”. With good care, this palm tree actively sprouts and grows in width, which forces the gardener to provide it with wide pots. Despite its moisture-loving nature, rapis tolerates short-term frosts down to -7.C. In general, a decrease in temperature in winter to +7...10.C has a beneficial effect on future summer growth. Location - from light to partial shade.

Trachycarpus fortunei is a tree-like palm with a thick single trunk up to 12 m high and up to 25 cm in diameter, covered with dried leaf petioles. The leaves are dark green, hard, deeply dissected, petioles up to 1 m long, with sharp serrated projections. In Burma, China and Japan, where this palm grows, strong ropes are made from its leaf fibers. In culture, Trachycarpus grows beautifully in pots and even blooms. Requires a well-lit place, in summer - fresh air, abundant watering, and fertilizing. In winter, it can withstand temperatures dropping to 0.C and even short-term frosts!

Chamaerops humilis is a tree-like palm with a trunk 1-2-5 m in height and up to 50 cm in diameter, covered with the remains of petioles and reddish-brown fibers. The leaves are round, 50-80 cm long and wide, divided into narrow lobes almost to the base; petiole up to 90 cm long with claw-shaped spines. Young, unexpanded leaves have been used for food since ancient times, as a result of which this palm was literally almost completely eaten in the Mediterranean. In addition, people used this palm tree both as a cultivated plant and for decorative purposes - so we have several varieties at our disposal that differ in leaf size (up to 1.5 m in diameter) and petiole length (up to 3 m in length). Chamerops can tolerate minor frosts and is successfully cultivated in open ground up to the southern regions of the temperate zone. In potted culture, this palm tree is also very popular due to its relatively small growth. Undemanding to watering and air humidity, does not like overflow. With age, it prefers heavy loamy, but fairly fertile soil. It tolerates partial shade well and requires cool winter maintenance at a temperature of +10-15.C. Note: such popular plants as cycas, dracaena, cordyline, pandanus, banana, pineapple, papyrus, cyperus are NOT PALM TREES!

If your young palm tree has just arrived from the store, pay attention to the peat substrate in which it grows. In nurseries it is saturated with a nutrient solution, but at home its nutritional value is rapidly lost. Therefore, it is worth transplanting the purchased plants into a new fertile substrate. However, it should be remembered that dormant palms do not tolerate transplantation. Therefore, the palm tree should be replanted and replanted in the spring.

The plants are carefully removed from the shipping containers (the so-called pots in which the palm trees were purchased) and placed in a large container, such as a basin or bucket, into which water is poured generously. The temperature of this water, as well as water for watering palm trees in general, should be slightly higher than the temperature of a person’s hand, that is, you should feel some warmth. It would be useful to add 0.5 g of potassium permanganate (per 10 liters) to the water for soaking. When the peat substrate swells and softens, it can be easily separated without damaging the roots. The exposed root system is examined and black (rotten) roots are removed; the wounds are sprinkled with ground charcoal, ash or aluminum powder. It is advisable (although not necessary) before planting to dip the roots into a thick mixture of soaked loam - the clay will stick to the roots and they will not be injured when replanting and compacting the soil in the pot.

A new substrate is prepared from a mixture of equal parts of sand, loam (serozem) and chernozem (or compost). Non-swamp palm species do not need peat. If you purchased a “specialized” substrate for palm trees based on peat, then you should add an equal volume of sand and loam to it, as well as 20 g/l of chalk, slaked lime or potassium sulfate or 1 glass of ash per 10 liters of substrate for deoxidation. In any case, the new substrate must be disinfected.

The pot is selected according to the volume of the root ball. It must have a sufficiently large drainage hole. Drainage is laid at the bottom in a layer of at least 5 cm: broken red brick, broken shards or large destroyed expanded clay. Small expanded clay, like undestroyed clay, should not be used: it alkalizes the substrate too much. In addition, inside the large expanded clay, the black layer contains aluminum salts, which have a detrimental effect on pathogenic fungal microflora.

The disinfected substrate is poured in a heap onto a layer of drainage material. The roots are straightened so that they are evenly distributed in the pot and covered with a substrate that is compacted moderately. The distance from the edge of the pot to the substrate should provide the possibility of abundant watering, that is, be within 3-5 cm. The root collar should be at surface level - if it is too deep, the butt part of the stem may rot. If the plant “wobbles” at first, it should be secured with support sticks, a trellis or guy wires. As the roots grow, the palm will become fixed in the substrate and the supports can be removed.

There is no need to decorate the surface of the soil in a pot with expanded clay or marble chips. You should also not use pine nut shells, conifer bark or wood chips as decorative mulching material. However, leaving a large space of open ground around the stem is also harmful - this leads to acidification of the soil and the proliferation of harmful insects. This issue can be resolved in two ways.

1 - the surface of the substrate is covered with a cut circle of geotextile, onto which, for example, granite or basalt chips, pebbles, smalt (decorative glass) are poured;

2 - the free part of the substrate is sown with seeds of slowly growing lawn grasses (which will have to be cut periodically) or ground cover plants are planted there, for example dwarf ficus, solar ivy, etc.

Large tree palms can also be planted with small “reed” palms, such as chamedorea. Ferns, phytonias, terrestrial bromeliads, and ornamental grasses coexist well in one pot with palm trees. Naturally, over time, intensively growing plants will have to be thinned out and trimmed.

In nature, palm trees are very actively growing plants, not only in the aboveground part, but also in the underground part. In culture, the roots of palm trees are contained within the pot and, undoubtedly, cannot fully develop. In order for them to ensure successful growth of the stem and leaves, the grower will have to artificially increase the fertility of the substrate by introducing organic and mineral fertilizers. This should be done at the time of active growth of palm trees, that is, in spring and summer. If the visible growth of the palm tree does not stop in autumn and even in winter (this can also happen), the plants are also fed, although in a smaller volume. Feeding during stagnation (sleep) is not only meaningless, but can also harm the plant.

There are several opinions about watering palm trees. They all boil down to the fact that plants should not dry out, but they should not be flooded (except for marsh species) either. However, it must be remembered that settled tap water does not lose its hardness and after some time calcium will begin to be deposited on the walls of the pot and the surface of the substrate. For watering palm trees, boiled water or at least settled water from a “hot” tap is better suited.

Let me remind you that palm leaves actively attract dust, that is, those particles that should get into our lungs. If possible and if the weight of the pot with the plant allows, the palm tree is given a shower once a month. The water should be warm and plentiful to wash away the dust, and it should be poured obliquely so as not to wash away the substrate. If the pot is extremely heavy, the dust is removed with a damp sponge without pressure (however, not all specimens can tolerate wiping the leaves), and the plants are often (at least once a week) sprayed.

Not all palm trees tolerate the beginning of the heating season equally well, when indoor air humidity quickly decreases. Withered leaf tips indicate poor water conditions, in this case, insufficiently comfortable air humidity. Therefore, the intensity of spraying palm foliage should be increased.

As palm trees grow, they lose old leaves. In general, the intensity of the formation of young leaves in different species ranges from 3-4 to 10-15 per year. Each leaf stays on the plant for up to 2 years. The old leaf turns yellow and falls off in two stages: first the blade, then the petiole. In culture, the prevalence of leaf formation over leaf wilting is important. Otherwise, the florist risks being left with a palm tree without leaves.

By the way, inexperienced flower growers often unwittingly make one serious mistake that encourages palm trees to shed leaves - they remove yellow leaves. It should be noted here that the plant transfers substances it does not need into the fading, yellowing leaf. In nature, “waste” is also excreted through the roots, but in a potted culture, the activity of the roots is reduced and the function of the “buds” is redistributed to the leaves. When a yellow leaf is cut, the plant sends the waste to the next leaf, which encourages yellowing. If this leaf is removed, then the next one comes, and this can continue until the palm tree becomes completely bald. Therefore, it is categorically impossible to cut off yellow leaves, and in order to ensure that the decorative effect of the palm tree is not lost, they are camouflaged by bending into the crown. Sections of the leaf are cut off only when they are completely dry, and even then along dry fabric at a distance of 1.5-2 cm from the fabric that has not yet dried.

Palm trees, especially young ones, tolerate partial shade indoors well. However, they should also be given a “vacation” for some time a year, moving them to a more illuminated place. It should be remembered that a sharp transition from partial shade to abundant sun is undesirable and can even lead to burns.

Any “palm lover” should be aware that palm trees, especially tree-like ones, will eventually hit the ceiling after some time. In botanical gardens, workers have to either add caps to greenhouses or part with overgrown specimens. But in the room you can try to somewhat slow down the growth of palm trees by reducing soil fertility, watering intensity and the application of phosphorus fertilizers.

Oddly enough, not all people can answer the question correctly about what grows on a palm tree. Some believe that not only dates and coconuts can grow on them, but also bananas and pineapples, which is absolutely incredible.

Types of Palm Plants

Palm is a southern woody plant that grows exclusively in tropical and subtropical climates. The Palm family belongs to flowering plants and has about 185 genera and 3,400 species. There are especially many of these plants in the areas of Southeast Asia and the tropical countries of South America.

In colder regions, palm representatives can be seen in the Mediterranean and North Africa, Crete, Japan and China, northern Australia, etc.

Palm trees can be found in completely different places, from the sea coast to the slopes of the highlands, near swamps and forests, as well as in hot oases in the desert. However, most of all they prefer humid and shady areas with a tropical climate, forming continuous thickets. Palm trees are also widespread in African savannas, where they easily tolerate drought and hot winds.

Shapes and structural features of palm trees

Palm trees have a wide variety of growth forms:

  • tree-like: Cuban, royal, corypha umbelliferous; Washingtonia filamentosa; barrigona, hyphene thebes (dum palm);
  • shrub-like: lanceolate chamedorea, acelorapha;
  • stemless: palmetto shrub, Wallich herring, saw palmetto;
  • climbing vines: calamus.

The original structural features of palm trees are that the plant does not have the usual botanical elements, such as a trunk and branches:

  • its “trunk” is formed from the remains of obsolete leaves, which harden and form a column; it can only grow upward, but not in width, and this process is quite long (1 m grows in 10 years);
  • the roots at the base form a bulb, from which small roots extend;
  • nutritious juices circulate only in the center of the “trunk”, due to which palm trees are considered fire-resistant;
  • Thanks to its ability to re-sprout leaves from its own trunk, this plant is called a “phoenix tree.”

Among palm trees there are monoecious and dioecious plants; in the second option, there are male plants that pollinate the female ones, and accordingly, only the latter bear fruit. In nature, pollination occurs with the help of the wind, but in cultivated plantings people do it manually. Fruit ripening lasts about 200 days.

Fruits of palm trees

The palm tree is one of the most useful plants for humans, because many of its varieties produce very tasty and even medicinal fruits: dates, coconuts, etc. Flour, oil, alcoholic drinks are made from them, fibers are also produced on an industrial scale, from which bags and other fabric products.

The most beneficial fruits for humans that grow on palm trees are dates and coconuts.

The date is a cylindrical berry with a thin peel; its average weight is 7 g, of which 2 g is per seed. The sugar content in it reaches 70%, calorie content - 30 kcal/piece. 10 dates a day provide the daily need of the human body for magnesium, sulfur, copper, iron and a quarter of calcium.

Many tasty and healthy ingredients are extracted from coconut:

  • juice or water - a clear liquid, the endosperm of a coconut, contained inside the fruit; as it ripens, it mixes with oil and hardens;
  • coconut milk - obtained after squeezing grated copra, it is white and quite fatty, after adding sugar it is very tasty;
  • oil - extracted from coconut copra, is a valuable product due to its high content of fatty acids, used in cosmetics and treatment.

Coconut palm

It is not for nothing that this plant is called the “tree of life” in the tropics, because local residents use almost all of its parts for food and making various products; the leaves and wood are used in construction.

However, for unlucky people, this palm tree can become a “tree of death”, because according to statistics, 150 people die every year from blows to the head from such nuts. The weight of an average coconut is about 1-3 kg, so dropping it even on the roof of a car leaves a dent, and it is deadly for the head.

Coconut palm fruits grow in groups of 15-20 pieces. and ripen in 8-10 months. Fruiting in trees lasts up to 50 years, during this period each palm tree produces 60-120 nuts annually.

The outside of the coconut is covered with a hard shell, inside there is pulp and liquid, which becomes sweet as the fruit ripens. You can clean it with a knife or machete.

Date palm

Date palms were grown in Mesopotamia (in modern-day Iraq) starting in the 4th century BC. e. The tree bears fruit for 60-80 years, and can live up to 150.

There are legends about the benefits and calorie content of date palm fruits. Thus, the Arabs believe that every warrior can live in the desert for 3 days, eating 1 date, first eating the pulp, then the skin, and on the 3rd day, the ground pit. Regular consumption of these fruits reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases and slows down the aging process.

One of the resorts of Elche in Spain is famous for its park of date palms (since 2000 the park has been included in the UNESCO World Heritage List), about 300 thousand of which are planted here; dates are harvested here regularly.

Roystonea Palm

Royal Palm ( Roystonea) - has a chic appearance corresponding to its name, standing out from its surroundings and landscape. The height of the tree can reach 40 m, the trunk is smooth gray, at its top there is a crown of huge feathery leaves up to 8 m long and 2 m wide. The plant is monoecious: male and female flowers are located on the same tree below the crown.

Roystoneea has 17 species, distributed in the southern states of the United States, Central and South America, and the West Indies. The most popular species are the Cuban palm ( Roystonea regia) and the royal vegetable palm, from which the edible succulent apical buds, called "palm cabbage", are collected.

Roystones are planted as a decorative ornament along boulevards and avenues in cities of the tropical region, along the edges of beaches, and are often used in landscape design.

Everything that grows on the Roystone palm tree is successfully used by humans: the trunks are used in construction, the leaves and fibers are used to make roofing and wickerwork, the fruits are happily eaten by livestock, and palm oil is produced from the seeds.

Bismarckia noble

Family of Bismarck ( Bismarckia nobilis) includes the only species that is also called the Bismarck palm, named after the 1st Chancellor of Germany. This drought-resistant tree has an original appearance and color and is widely distributed on the island of Madagascar.

The petioles grow from a single grey-yellow-brown trunk with ring-shaped depressions (45 to 80 cm in diameter at the base). In nature, palm trees grow up to 12-25 m tall. Beautiful silver-blue round leaves reach 3 m, dividing into segments at the ends. The petioles are 2-3 m long, protected by spines and covered with white wax.

The plant is dioecious, the flowers grow on dark purple stems, the fruits are brown, ovoid, up to 48 cm long, and there is a drupe inside with one seed. Bismarckia leaves are used to make roofing and wickerwork, and the bitter-tasting sago is prepared from the core.

This palm tree can be successfully grown at home; it looks impressive in the interior and is easy to care for.

Decorative and indoor palm trees

Palm trees are perfect for lovers of exotic plants, since growing them at home does not present any difficulties in caring for them. In the countries of the European region and Russia, ornamental palm trees take root best in winter gardens and greenhouses, where a suitable microclimate can be created for them, because the plant is, after all, southern and heat-loving.

The plant propagates by seeds, which can be found in specialized flower shops. The most common types that can be grown in apartments and houses:

  • Date palm, often grown from seed, can grow up to 2 m at home, forming a lush crown over a shaggy trunk.
  • Dracaena has been used for landscaping houses and apartments for several 10 years, it is propagated by seeds and cuttings, the leaves are light or dark green, less often striped, and can form several trunks.
  • Areca - has a flexible trunk, decorated with feathery leaves a meter long.
  • Trachycarpus is a decorative type of palm tree with an original bottle-shaped trunk and fan-shaped leaves, blooms with white and yellow flowers with a pleasant smell, the fruits are blue-black.
  • Howea Fostera is a popular species, easy to care for, little susceptible to attack by pests and diseases, dark green leaves, etc.

Caring for a palm tree in an apartment

The most important rule when growing ornamental palm trees at home is to create high humidity and proper lighting. If the air in the apartment is dry due to winter heating, the plants must be frequently sprayed and watered with distilled or filtered water: in the summer months - 2-3 times a week, in the winter - daily.

Every year, a young palm tree needs to be replanted, choosing a more spacious pot; older trees - less often. Plants and their roots are afraid of drafts, so it is not recommended to place the tubs on the windowsill or floor. Many types of palm trees do not tolerate direct sunlight, preferring bright and diffused lighting.

However, at home, all plants only bloom, and the rare fruits that set never ripen. This way you won’t be able to find out what’s growing on the palm tree, but an exotic green beauty in a tub in the middle of the house will create a cozy tropical corner and a positive emotional atmosphere.