Harm from osb. Is it harmful to put OSB indoors?

OSB (oriented strand board) is a popular material used for various types works It is most often used for cladding walls and creating various partitions. Therefore, there is more and more talk about the harmfulness of OSB boards for interior decoration– is quite high and should be completely excluded from construction work. But is this really so?

To understand what may pose a threat to humans, it is necessary to study OSB production technology. It is divided into several stages:

  1. Receipt and processing of raw materials. In this capacity are waste from wood processing and its non-business part (rejected). It is thoroughly soaked at a certain temperature and cleared of bark. This is an important step - otherwise you will end up with a low-quality slab.
  2. Cutting chips. This process is performed by special machines
  3. Drying the resulting raw materials. This process takes some time. Rapid drying may damage the wood chips.
  4. Mixing with adhesives. The procedure takes place in a drum into which the required amount of chips, resin and additional components is supplied.
  5. Next, molding machines lay the material in layers. There must be at least three of them. Each of them is oriented in a given direction. Adjacent layers are perpendicular.
  6. The press (hot) crushes the resulting mass. Cutting to the required size is carried out.

For the production of OSB boards, special press machines are used.

Thus, the basis is environmentally friendly raw material – wood. But the danger may lie in the adhesive composition, or more precisely in formaldehyde resins.

On a note! Even natural wood can emit formaldehyde (within the current acceptable limit). Therefore, talking about the complete safety of freshly cut trees is a rather controversial decision. Every material needs processing or curing.

Formaldehyde and other hazardous substances

In fact, it is quite possible to make OSB boards from natural resins that are diluted with minor additives. But this technology is quite expensive and does not allow the production of the required volumes of material. Therefore, the adhesive mass is replaced with a mixture of formaldehyde, phenol and other toxic substances.

Their presence in the air leads to the following problems:

  • The appearance of allergic reactions and frequent headaches.
  • The occurrence of skin diseases.
  • Difficulty breathing and constant watery eyes.
  • General decrease in immunity.

High levels of formaldehyde and other hazardous substances in the air can lead to negative health effects

A certain threshold for formaldehyde content has been established. It is no more than 0.5 mg per m3.

On a note! The standards for substance content in air and material should not be confused. These indicators vary.

OSB boards - harmful or not?

The production of OSB boards began about thirty years ago in Canada. Then production began to appear throughout North America and Europe. For post-Soviet countries this is comparatively new technology, which is mostly borrowed from abroad. But there are enterprises that operate on cheaper equipment, excluding some stages from the manufacturing process (replacing them with cheaper ones).

OSB boards - real harm or a myth?

Currently, OSB boards are marked based on European standards. Namely, they use a formaldehyde resin emission classifier. The designations are as follows:

  1. E 0.5. The permissible limit is up to 4 mg per 100 g of dry slab. In this case, the content in the air will be up to 0.08 mg per m3.
  2. E 1. Limit rate – up to 8 mg. The concentration in the air will be up to 0.124 mg per m3.
  3. E 2. Content per 100 g of dry matter – up to 20 mg, when contained in air – 0.5 mg.

The data is based on GOST 10632-2014. Of course, Western standards are much stricter.

Thus, it becomes extremely clear that any contains formaldehyde. But why do many people claim that the concentration of harmful substances is literally off scale?

Foreign-made OSB boards are subject to more stringent quality control

There are several reasons:

  • Firstly, all foreign manufacturers comply with environmental standards. But currently, a lot of materials have appeared on the market of the CIS countries that were produced on the territory of some Asian countries. They contain chemical substances, the norm of which significantly exceeds all permissible standards. The popularity of such plates lies in their low cost.
  • Secondly, some small producers located in the post-Soviet space violate production technology. For example, modern manufacturers have achieved a reduction in the amount of harmful substances by dividing production. Namely:
    • The outer and inner oriented strand layers are mixed in different chambers: the first with the addition of natural resins with a minimum amount of chemicals, the second with the addition of formaldehyde and additional components.
    • This allows you to “seal” harmful fumes inside the sheet. But this method increases the costs of the enterprise.

Low price OSB boards may indicate not only poor quality of the material, but also a high content of harmful substances

That is why, when purchasing OSB, you need to pay attention to the following:

  1. Smell. Toxic substances give off a sharp, unpleasant odor that immediately “clogs” the sinuses.
  2. Certificate. Every seller must have this document. Even if this procedure is voluntary for some materials, a self-respecting manufacturer undergoes it without fail.
  3. Marking. The manufacturer must mark each sheet. The end contains all the necessary indicators and characteristics.
  4. Price. When a product is suspiciously cheap and sold on illegal markets, neither quality nor safety can be guaranteed.

But there are general rules, which can significantly reduce or completely reduce the release of harmful substances.

Marking of OSB boards – detailed information about the material

Some rules for greater safety

The first time (about six to seven months) after installation, the most intense release of harmful fumes occurs. If you regularly ventilate the room, the negative impact on the body will soon begin to subside. But for greater safety, additional processing of the slabs is carried out.

If the work takes place in a children's room, then compositions with detoxifying properties are chosen as a primer. For common areas, simple water-dispersed paints, varnishes, wax, and penetrating primer are suitable.

Special attention is given to the ends. It is through them that the main amount of harmful substances is released. It is enough to saturate them with varnish or primer.

Priming is one of the safety measures that allows you to reduce the amount of harmful substances released

On a note! Simple surface covering is the best guarantee of protection against the release of harmful substances.

It should be taken into account that the rate of release of toxic elements is affected by temperature. The higher the indicator, the more formaldehyde in the air. The norm is considered to be 30 °C.

In general, there are two main ways that allow, without making excessive efforts, to rid the room of chemical components and saturate it with oxygen. Namely, frequent ventilation and the presence of indoor flowers.

OSB is not recommended for use in rooms where temperatures exceed 30 °C

Any modern building or finishing material that is made using chemical components can emit harmful substances. But manufacturers are constantly trying to keep these figures to a minimum.

Today one of the most popular building materials OSB board is a wood composite used in both residential and commercial construction. It is often used instead of plywood for the construction of walls, roofing and floors.

OSB, like plywood, is made of wood material held together by resins and glue. Unlike plywood, which is made from thin sheets of shaved wood, this material is made up of flakes or strands of wood obtained by shredding whole logs. As a result of the simplified production process, the OSB product is less expensive and its quality is higher than that of plywood.

The two materials are similar in many ways and each has pros and cons depending on specific uses and environmental factors.

When wet, plywood will easily absorb water or moisture, but will dry out quickly once conditions change. OSB absorbs moisture more slowly and practically does not dry out. OSB does not tend to curl or warp at the edges, which is a significant plus.

But in addition to the functional characteristics of each building material, it is very important to consider how it affects human health. Especially when it comes to interior decoration. You should always pay attention to the level of moisture and fire resistance of a particular material.

How does RSD affect a person?

Dust and moisture entering the material are potentially hazardous to human health. Once covered with siding, shingles, or flooring materials, the mold-infested surface becomes hidden problem, only getting worse over time. Pollution can cause many health problems.

Common symptoms of mold exposure include:

  • irritated or stitching sensation in the throat and nose;
  • sinus congestion and infection;
  • breathing problems;
  • itchy eyes;
  • fatigue and general malaise.

Another health problem is the degassing of chemicals used in production. Plywood or OSB, in this case, are equally dangerous. They contain a formaldehyde-based resin called phenol formaldehyde (PF).

But compared to the commonly used urea-formaldehyde (UF) resin, PF resins emit relatively low levels of formaldehyde. UF resins found in composite materials used to make cabinets, shelving and trim are more toxic and have a higher proportion of formaldehyde than PF-based adhesives.

Therefore, when purchasing a product for your home made from this material, it is important to clarify what type of resin was used in the production of raw materials.

The amount of this resin can affect the health of everyone around you.

How to protect yourself from harmful effects?

Are OSB boards harmful to health? The answer to this question will depend on the method of production of raw materials. After all, the most important negative effect on the human body is the resin used to glue wood particles together.

To protect yourself from future problems, it is important to pre-inspect panels used to build or renovate a home for signs of water damage or mold.

Avoid materials made from formaldehyde. Give preference to a manufacturer that makes its products without formaldehyde. If, nevertheless, it was not possible to find such material, then slabs containing quite a lot of formaldehyde should be used for arranging exclusively non-residential spaces.

During the period of client-oriented innovative technologies Leading companies around the world are trying to produce their products without adding harmful products, noting that this material has an “Eco class”. According to the standards of many countries, OSB material is exactly like this. It fully complies with E1 or E0 class to ensure safety and poses absolutely no harm to human health.

Therefore, if you need material for interior decoration, then you need to pay attention to the product class and ask the seller to confirm the quality of the products with the appropriate certificates.

Features of the building material

To be sure exactly how this material harmful or safe for humans, you need to study the panel production technology in detail.

Outwardly, it looks like a multi-layer cake; the material contains natural wood and sawdust. They are connected to each other using synthetic resin and wax.

The special strength of this material is achieved using special manufacturing technologies. The whole peculiarity is in how the shavings are laid out. In each layer it is laid in different directions. In the inner layer it is located throughout the sheet, and on the outer layer, perpendicular to each other. Thanks to this production method, special bending strength of the material is achieved. It is quite rigid and is able to hold fasteners.

Depending on the properties of the material and the method of its production, four types of plinth boards can be found on the construction market. Each of them has its own technical characteristics, therefore it is used in different areas:

  • OSB-1 is used in low humidity conditions (production of packaging, furniture, interior walls in dry rooms);
  • Type 2 has high strength and is used for dry load-bearing structures of a building;
  • the third type has high moisture resistance and is recommended for decorating rooms with high levels of humidity or for the production of structures installed in such a room;
  • OSB-4 provides maximum strength and stability suitable for heavy-duty applications.

All types of materials have their own characteristics, so they are used only for a specific purpose.

What is important to remember when using OSB?

Before purchasing any building material for your home, it is important to first clarify the possible health hazards from use. Only after you can make sure that these products are absolutely safe can you make a purchase.

What to choose - chipboard or OSB? The answer depends on the purpose for which the material is purchased, the process of its production, what components were added to the wood, we are talking about resin. If it contains a lot of formaldehyde, then it is recommended to refuse the purchase.

An important role in the choice is played by what kind of room it is planned to decorate with this material. You need to know the moisture level in the room and take into account whether it is a residential or non-residential building. If there are no contraindications, then you can safely make your purchase.

Today there are quite a lot of building materials that are harmful to use for interior wall decoration or as flooring.

  1. For the construction of blocks of frame houses.
  2. To install external walls, only the surface must be carefully primed and packed.
  3. In the arrangement of floors.
  4. For installation of internal partitions.

Pre-study the features of a specific product and find out all the information about the material from a consultant or experienced specialist. Usually the foreman or repairman knows this information. Similar questions can be asked to employees of the trade organization where the purchase is made. The more information the buyer receives, the higher the likelihood that the purchased product will be safe for his health. You need to ask the seller to show documents confirming the quality of a particular material.

Oriented strand boards are used for external and internal repair and construction work. At the same time, debates about their environmental friendliness and safety for others continue. Are OSB panels harmful to human health?

Various types of wood are produced from shavings of industrial wood species. sheet materials, including the so-called oriented strand boards or OSB, by analogy with the English name Oriented Strand Board. Finely planed large-sized chips are mixed with synthetic thermosetting resins, then multi-layer products are produced from the semi-finished product using special technology.

Its peculiarity is the multidirectionality of the layers: each layer is oriented perpendicular to the previous one. Therefore, finished OSB boards are resistant to abrasion and pressure, do not delaminate, do not warp, and demonstrate good stability when changing temperature or humidity conditions.

Many buyers already know that laminate flooring is made from MDF with a density of 750 kg/m3. For comparison: the density of OSB varies from 600 to 650 kg/m3. That is, particle boards have sufficient mechanical strength and elasticity to withstand significant loads, including bearing and vibration. In addition to the above, OSB has the following advantages:

  • Ease of working with the material. OSB sheets are easy to cut, saw, plan, and apply finishing products (varnishes, paints, putty, wallpaper).
  • Wide selection of formats and types. OSB is produced in approximately 12 varieties, including fire-resistant, water-resistant, airtight, structural, load-bearing and others. The size range is more modest than that of its competitor chipboard, but also not bad: length - from 2.44 to 2.8 m, width - from 0.59 to 1.22 m, thickness - from 6 to 40 mm.
  • Low price for particle boards - from 400 rubles/sheet.

OSB is used in:

1. Manufacturing of rigid packaging containers and frames.

2. Installation of formwork for the foundation or in monolithic construction.

3. Wall cladding inside and outside for finishing.

4. Formation of partitions, dividing systems, screens, etc.

5. Production of prefabricated panels for quick construction.

6. Frame construction as the main material for the construction of walls.

7. Alignment of internal enclosing structures: floors, walls, ceilings.

8. Manufacturing of furniture or its elements.

Manufacturers do not like to talk about shortcomings, but this does not mean that they do not exist. Let's name three main ones:

  • Instability to biological damage. OSB will appeal to rodents, mold, and fungi, especially in conditions of high humidity and lack of external protection for the boards.
  • Fire hazard. According to Russian standards, OSB is classified as 5, a high fire hazard class. That is, products made from shavings are highly flammable (G1), flammable (B3), have high smoke-generating ability (D3), and combustion products are toxic to humans even in small concentrations (T4).
  • OSB boards are not environmentally friendly and have no guarantee of safety for humans, that is, they are harmful. Let's consider this criterion in more detail.

Can the stove be harmful or not?

As is known, OSB contains binder resins based on formaldehyde compounds, which constantly release toxic substances - formaldehyde, and some phenol, toluene, benzene. All these components, when exceeding the maximum permissible concentration (MPC), are poisonous for humans; their harm to health has long been proven.

To protect us from low-quality products, government organizations have developed special documents regulating the harmfulness of materials, products, and other things used in everyday life. The Russian Federation has approved a so-called set of maximum permissible concentrations for each of the toxic compounds. That is, for example, the content of formaldehyde in the air in a volume of 0.003 mg/m 3 does not have a negative impact on the health of any person. These standards came from SNiPs and GOSTs compiled in the USSR.

For reference: OSB began to be produced in Canada in 1982, and in the USSR their production began in 1986. A few years later, the USSR Ministry of Health banned the boards for use in construction and transport, as cases of negative effects of the products on human health were recorded. Namely, severe poisoning from toxic fumes of formaldehyde. The harm was proven, the ban came into effect. It is known that this legislative act is still legally legitimate.

Let’s make a reservation right away: how much harm OSB will actually cause today is unknown, since independent full-fledged examinations have not been carried out or the results have not been brought to the attention of the public.


The EU has adopted the DIN EN120 standard, according to which OSB must be marked by emission class:

  • E3 – up to 30 mg per 100 g of dry matter;
  • E2 – 10-20 mg;
  • E1 – up to 10 mg;
  • E0 – up to 6.5 mg.

Products belonging to the first group (E3) are products the use of which will cause obvious harm to humans. OSB is not produced in this category.

For household use slabs of the following groups are manufactured:

1. E2 - only for external rough work with subsequent finishing or cladding. Health will not suffer from short-term contact during the installation process, and in the future, a possible increase in the concentration of formaldehyde will be difficult to notice, since everything will happen on the street and not inside the house.

2. E1 – suitable for external and internal rough work. That is, in any case, the OSB board must be covered with finishing material after installation. This can be thin-layer plaster, putty, wallpaper, panels and much more. The following condition is a required device forced ventilation. Even if before finishing the room there was an increased level of formaldehyde and other substances, after treatment and constant air exchange this indicator will decrease significantly and will not affect health in any way.

3. E0 - all imported products have been labeled this way for several years now, since natural binding resins are introduced into the OSB composition. The damage to OSB is reduced significantly, but the price of the boards increases, significantly - by 60-150%. But you must admit, if you are going to live in a house lined with OSB panels, you should not save money - your health is more expensive.

How to protect yourself from toxic fumes? It's simple - you need to follow the manufacturers' recommendations on the use of materials. Firstly, use chip products strictly for their intended purpose, namely for rough work.

Secondly, if OSB is used as a finishing coating, then its surface must be treated with something. This can be varnish, water-dispersion or alkyd paint, wax compositions, laminating film and much more. When laminating, do not forget about the ends. To minimize damage, they should be lined with edge tape.

Thirdly, do not allow the indoor temperature to rise above +40 °C. It has been proven that the activity of removing formaldehyde compounds and methynol groups sharply increases several times when the temperature threshold is exceeded.

And lastly, take care of good ventilation. If natural is not enough, then it is better to turn to engineers or architects to develop an optimal supply and exhaust system. All these measures will help neutralize the possible harm of OSB on the human body.

OSB boards are made from natural wood and have a unique appearance thanks to the solar surface. As a construction and finishing material, wood chip panels have some advantages over chipboard and fibreboard.

Manufacturers and sellers claim that OSB boards are not harmful to health, since they emit formaldehyde does not exceed the norm. The substance is present in most building materials, clothing dyes and even cosmetics. The negative impact of fumes from stoves can be neutralized.

In contact with

What and how are OSB panels made from?

There are various names particle boards on store labels. What characteristics does OSV have, what is it? The English name OSB is pronounced in the Russian way, and every person writes it in familiar letters as they hear it. OSB - the abbreviation in translation from English means Oriented Strand Boards. In fact, long large chips are compressed and glued together. It is not oriented strictly along the axis, but chaotically, at an acute angle to a given direction. The inner layer is directed perpendicularly. Due to this, the plate is resistant to bending in any direction and can withstand heavy loads.

The degree of environmental friendliness of OSB boards is determined by the materials included in their composition:

  • softwood chips;
  • formaldehyde based glue.

The chips are oriented layer by layer and impregnated with glue, then compressed at high temperature. The top is laminated or varnished. As a result it turns out to be a USB plate, in which the bulk is natural wood.

Pine is a resinous tree

Pine grows quickly, has few knots and waste when making boards and timber. Widely used in house construction. Its cost is lower than hardwood .

The wood is impregnated with plant resins, which increase stability it against fungus, larvae, moisture. The pleasant smell of forest remains in the house for a long time.

The vapor permeability of pine is lower than that of deciduous trees - the walls allow air to pass through less well and remove moisture outside. The material is characterized by an increased fire hazard; even damp wood burns actively. When heated or humidified resins are released into the air - the well-known aroma of a Christmas tree.

Attention: Experts prohibit finishing the inside of saunas and steam rooms with coniferous wood.

Formaldehyde is the basis of glue

Formaldehyde in its pure form is in a gaseous state, has no color, and is a toxic element with a specific strong odor. Formaldehyde gas dissolves easily in acids, alkalis, water, reacts, creating compounds harmful to health such as:

  • carbamide-formaldehyde;
  • melamine formaldehyde.

When burning, pure formaldehyde additionally evaporates. WITH Formaldehyde compounds are stable in the temperature range of 80 – 100 degrees. When heated to this temperature, evaporation is insignificant, and in a dry room the OSB board does not pose any harm to human health.

Polymerization of formaldehyde-based glue takes about six months. After this, the release of harmful substances is significantly reduced.

Advice: Soak building materials with formaldehyde for 6 months, then use.

Material characteristics

What technical characteristics does the osb board have and how harmful it is to the human body. Currently, chips are used for gluing different types resins for outer and inner layer.

Carbamide resin is used on top, which is less dangerous to humans. The inner transverse layer is glued together with urea-formaldehyde resin, which releases various volatile formaldehyde compounds, pure gas and phenol.

In terms of technical characteristics, USB panels are not inferior to solid wood. They are easy to process with any tool. Absorbs less than 15% water by weight. Linear expansion due to the perpendicularly oriented fiber of the chips in the layers is significantly less than that of natural material. Strength and hardness are higher. The cost of the material is low, since not solid wood is used, but trimmings.

Wall cladding with osb board inside allows simultaneously insulate the room and reduce noise levels. You can install fasteners in the slabs and hang cabinets, shelves, and decor on the walls. The smooth surface can be wallpapered without pre-treatment and has good adhesion - adhesion to finishing materials, glue. A smoother surface is needed for painting. The walls need to be primed, putty, polished.

Manufactured OSB are divided into 4 groups with different characteristics and applications in construction.

According to European and Russian sanitary standards OSB is allowed 3 in a living room, you can finish the walls, hem the ceiling, lay the floor. The content of harmful substances in the air was determined by a calculation method, based on the amount of harmful substances emitted per unit of finishing area. No practical measurements were made.

Danger of osb boards for internal business

Developers are constantly trying to resolve the issue Is OSB harmful? for interior decoration, which is its main danger. Natural wood, like most materials based on it, has one big drawback - flammability. Natural and artificial stone can only crack at high temperatures. Plastic melts and does not support combustion. Wood burns, especially conifers.

A short circuit is enough for a fire to occur. electrical wiring or simply strong heating of the cable of powerful electrical equipment . A fire can be caused by an unextinguished cigarette butt or a spark from a stove or fireplace. When WWS burns, the panels cause harm to health. If the danger of fire is excluded, a strong release occurs:

  • formaldehyde;
  • phenol;
  • methyl;
  • their connections.

Concentration in several times higher permissible norm. The person in the room experiences instant intoxication - poisoning of the body through the respiratory system. Plus the danger of fire and high temperatures.

Additionally, when humidity increases, pine resins are released. In small quantities it has a pleasant smell. Increased concentrations may cause:

  • dizziness;
  • shortness of breath;
  • weakness.

Does OSB board cause harm to health, if we take into account the content of individual components in the air? According to sanitary standards, the formaldehyde content does not exceed the permissible level, phenol is also within limits, the rest substances are released in minute quantities. And all together it makes a dangerous cocktail. Inside the living room, evaporation from fabric dyes, furniture finishing, paint, and other items is added. This is approximately if you drink a glass of wine, a mug of beer, a glass of vodka and 50 grams of cognac. It seems that there is a little bit of everything, the norm for drinking each drink is not violated, but the result is not good.

How to reduce the concentration of formaldehyde in the air

Polymerization of formaldehyde-based resins occurs over a period of 6 months. After this, the release of harmful substances is significantly reduced. To protect family members living in the future home, This is possible by keeping the slabs outside.

To do this, they are stacked, arranged with slats for free access of air. Ventilation of a room lined with OSB panels is less effective - smaller area air access and ventilation.

Evaporation of resins reduces putty, . A film is created that partially traps evaporation and directs it into the wall.

Experts have created a detoxifying primer for OSB – Vasilol. A paste-like water-based substance, when applied to the surface of the slab, absorbs harmful substances released from OSB. The primer increases adhesion with putty and wallpaper glue. Creates good base for paint. At the same time, the vapor permeability of the walls does not decrease.

When protecting your home from the harmful effects of formaldehyde and phenol, you need to remember the ends and prime them in 2-3 layers. It is advisable to cover the panels on all sides with one layer before installation. Then prime a couple more times. Then there will be a fairly thick layer to protect against harmful fumes. At the same time, Vasilol protects OSB from moisture penetration and swelling.

Necessary . In a residential building, the main sources of heat are heating devices, stoves, and wiring. The choice between beautiful and practical should be made in favor of the latter. Open wiring will greatly improve safety. In the air it will heat up less than hidden in the wall.

What is the difference between plywood and OSB

Is plywood harmful to health, because it also contains resins. Plywood is several layers, glued together. The outer wood fibers are located along the sheet, the inner ones across and along, depending on the number of layers. The name of plywood comes from the wood of the upper layers:

  • birch;
  • coniferous;
  • alder;
  • mixed.

In mixed plywood, the outer veneer is made from different types of wood. The inner layers consist of various woods and are not regulated by the standard. Based on the composition, the resin used to glue plywood is divided into two types:

  • FC – urea-pharmamaldehyde;
  • PSF – phenol-pharmamaldehyde.

FK multilayer plywood is easy to recognize by the light stripes of glue visible from the end. It is more expensive, unprotected and swells from moisture, but does not emit harmful substances.

Useful video

Selection of building materials– a personal matter for each developer. You need to know the positive qualities, as well as the harm, of cheap and durable slabs made from waste wood. If necessary, be able to reduce exposure to toxic substances by coating and curing until the resins are completely crystallized.

The time when only natural materials, passed. Brick, stone and wood are being replaced by new technological solutions that save money. Industrial materials are based on artificial components, which can have a negative impact on health in their pure form. Whether OSB boards are harmful to health is a heated debate on this issue.

Production technology

To understand how OSB can provide health impact person, requires knowledge of production technology. Particular attention should be paid components future material. The use of one low-quality component spoils the product as a whole.

Production stages:

The main component of OSB boards is wood shavings. This is an environmentally friendly component. The adhesive composition can be dangerous because it often contains formaldehyde resins.

Natural wood also can highlight permissible level of formaldehyde. Therefore, talking about the safety of fresh wood is a controversial issue. But since wood chips for OSB have been processed, they are considered safe.

Manufacturers who value their customers and reputation claim the safety of the material. According to them high quality OSB is achieved through endurance, and not through the power of the press. The press only gives the shape, and the chip material is bonded with resins over time. Since the binding period is long, formaldehyde has time to erode from the structure of the boards. The concentration of the substance drops, and it has no effect negative impact on human health.

Application: pros and cons

Material properties:

OSB is also used for the production of SIP panels:

  • The material is easy to process and easy to install.
  • Resistant to mechanical stress.
  • Relatively easily tolerates changes in temperature and humidity.

These properties, coupled with the low cost of the material and the relative ease of production, lead to widespread use in construction. Recently, the material has become widespread not only in industrial construction, but also for housing.

Negative aspects of the material:

  • Direct contact with water causes the material to swell. Material from some manufacturers can increase in size by up to 25%.
  • It is difficult to carry out communications under the mounted sheets, as well as to change the insulation.
  • The material is fire hazardous due to its high resin content. Treatment with fire retardants slightly reduces this factor.
  • Susceptible to fungi and mold, rodents and beetles can also damage the slabs.
  • It costs more than gypsum board and chipboard sheets.

This is a small thing compared to what is according to marketing research, potential buyers consider the material harmful to health and do not want to use it in construction.

Harmfulness of OSB

The production of slabs was first established in Canada more than 30 years ago. The technology then spread to North America and Europe. In the post-Soviet space, technological solutions were drawn from Western countries. For the most part, production is borrowed, but there are organizations that work on cheaper equipment. As a result, some stages fall out of the production process, which are removed or replaced with cheap ones.

Classification of OSB boards

Manufacturers mark OSB boards according to the European standard. Their classification is based on the formaldehyde content in the resin. Based on this, we can talk about the safety of the material.

Current marking:

  1. E 0.5. The permissible rate is no more than 4 mg per 100 g of dry slab. There should not be more than 0.08 mg/m3 present in the air.
  2. E1. No more than 8 mg. Concentration in the air - no more than 0.124 mg/m3.
  3. E2. Resin concentration up to 20 mg. There should not be more than 0.5 mg/m3 in the air.

The degree of environmental friendliness of the material

It would seem that if the use of OSB boards in construction is not prohibited in Western countries, they do not affect human health. In the domestic market, not everything is clear - due to the following reasons:

  1. Manufacturers abroad strictly comply with environmental standards, but in the former USSR countries they often use cheap Asian materials containing harmful substances in quantities dangerous to humans. However, slabs made from such materials are popular due to their low cost.
  2. In the domestic market, small producers sin by failing to comply with production technology. You can reduce the amount of harmful substances as follows:
    • The layers of the slab are divided into external and internal. For the outer layer, natural resin is added to the chips, and for the inner layer, chemicals with additional components are added.
    • Production costs increase, but the harmful formaldehyde is sealed inside the slab.

The material by nature contains pores, whether it is polymers, paint or wood. Research into the direction of formaldehyde penetration through wood has not been carried out. This should be taken into account when choosing OSB.

Be vigilant when purchasing

Financial affairs have not been going well for domestic consumers lately. As a result, people try to purchase material at a low cost, but a low price may indicate poor quality of the material. It will contain formaldehyde in a significant amount, which clearly exceeds the permissible standards.

Therefore, when purchasing glued material, you should pay attention to the following characteristics:

  1. Presence of a pungent odor. Toxic glue gives off a sharp, unpleasant odor that goes into the nose.
  2. Availability of a certificate. Each seller must receive this document from the manufacturer. Sometimes the procedure may be voluntary, but a conscientious manufacturer will still provide documentation.
  3. Product labeling. Each sheet must be marked. By OSB boards technical characteristics are as follows: the indicator of harm to humans is indicated on the end.
  4. Price. The low price of the material, as well as sale on a spontaneous market from an incomprehensible seller, will not provide any guarantees regarding quality or safety.

If something is suspicious, it is better not to purchase such material. Overpaying for quality product, the consumer protects his health. This is especially true for young children.

Actions after purchase

Lucky is the one who read the article before going to the store. These readers can think about their decision, weigh the pros and cons.

The release of formaldehyde does not continue indefinitely - eventually its concentration in the material drops to a safe level, even in material that was manufactured in violation of environmental standards. But to do this you will need to do the following:

  1. Ventilate the material before installation until the characteristic pungent odor disappears completely. The same must be done with the room if the installation has already been completed. Airing will take a little longer.
  2. The surface of the material must not be wetted with water. Because of this, formaldehyde is released more strongly - in proportion to the increase in humidity.
  3. The room temperature should not exceed 30 degrees.
  4. If clothes smell toxic, they should be washed thoroughly several times.

If you don't mind the money, you can buy an air purifier with a photocatalytic filter, or at least rent it for a week or two. Such a device is capable of neutralizing a toxic substance from the air in a short time.

To know for sure whether the installed OSB board is harmful to health, there is a proven and reliable method. You will need an aquarium with fish. It must be installed in a room with OSB material. If the concentration of formaldehyde in the air exceeds the permissible limit, then the fish will not survive.

Dieffenbachia is indoor flower, which is capable of absorbing toxic substances from the air. Its presence will help reduce the amount of formaldehyde.

Effects of formaldehyde on the body

Few consumers question the impact of formaldehyde on human health. However, the impact of poisonous gas on human health is serious. Phenol contained in the air has the following negative effects:

  • The carcinogen poisons all human organs.
  • Causes irritation on mucous membranes.
  • Causes disruptions in the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  • Irritates the nervous system.

If, after moving to a new premises, residents began to complain of nausea, constant dizziness, and sluggish health, then it is worth checking the materials from which the interior of the rooms is made. Most likely, the reason is low-quality OSB boards.

The material should be treated with caution, especially cheap ones: in any case, it contains formaldehyde, which negatively affects health. The only question is the concentration - is it safe? However, by carefully selecting slabs, following advice on safe selection, you can purchase safe and high-quality material for construction that does not contain dangerous concentrations of formaldehyde.

It is not without reason that in the countries of Western Europe and North America This material has become widespread due to its relatively low cost. However, it should be remembered that production control there is strict, and the domestic consumer has no choice but to be strict about the choice in the store.

Those who have already purchased this material should not be upset. The effects of formaldehyde can be eliminated by normal ventilation. This will take considerable time, but will save your health.