Involving communities in promoting healthy lifestyles. Autonomous non-profit organization for spiritual revival and strengthening of moral values ​​"women of the Smolensk region" Why promoting a healthy lifestyle is relevant

Since 2014, the Belarusian Red Cross Society together with the Swiss Red Cross has been implementing the project “Involving communities in promoting a healthy lifestyle” in partnership with the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus, the Republican Center for Hygiene, Epidemiology and Public Health and their structures and institutions, as well as other government and public organizations of Belarus.

General goal of the project

promoting health and changing behavior towards a healthy lifestyle among the population of Belarus.

The project is being implemented

  • 2 areas– Vitebsk, Grodno
  • 4 districts– Sennensky and Polotsky, Slonimsky, Oshmyansky
  • Gorki Mogilev region.


The project uses a community-based approach to mobilize communities to promote healthy lifestyles through the creation of grassroots volunteer groups in local communities.

Members of initiative groups

These are active people united by the common goal of promoting a healthy lifestyle and improving the health of the residents of their community, who actively participate in the planning and implementation of activities aimed at improving the health of the residents of their community, and involve others in these activities. Initiative groups operate with the support of the regional organization of the BCCC, representatives of partner organizations from healthcare institutions, education, culture, social protection, and local authorities.

Currently created and actively working 14 initiative groups (IG) on healthy lifestyle – about 200 people – in 12 settlements of Belarus: Senno, urban settlement. Bogushevsk, ag Khodtsy, Sennensky district, Vitebsk region; Polotsk (2nd group), ag Zelenka, Polotsk district, Vitebsk region; Oshmyany, ag Zhuprany, ag Golshany, Oshmyany district, Grodno region; Slonim, Zhirovichi village, Pavlovo village, Slonim district, Grodno region, Gorki, Mogilev region (2nd group).

A circle has formed in the pilot regions partners who are ready to actively participate in the implementation of the project and activities to involve the population of local communities in promoting a healthy lifestyle. Partners represent a wide range of different bodies and organizations - healthcare, education, social protection, sports and tourism, culture, local authorities. The number of partners is about 50 people.

A logo and slogan for the project have been developed, which became the basis of the corporate identity, into which the ideas of the project were embodied - to create a movement of volunteers and unite under their wing everyone who is engaged in a healthy lifestyle, to change together and together to help others change; People find it easier to change their lifestyle when they feel supported by others. The project logo and slogan “Together to Health” reflects these principles and represents a handshake between two people, converted into a graphic image.

Representatives of partner organizations,

as well as BOKK employees

received training on working with active participation in communities and approaches to involving communities in promoting a healthy lifestyle, on preventing NCDs and promoting a healthy lifestyle:

Training “Information for the purpose of changing behavior patterns in the field of prevention of non-communicable diseases”(facilitator – IFRC consultant Nancy Claxton).

— on working with active participation in communities regarding the promotion of a healthy lifestyle - 72 participants.

— to train instructors (facilitators) to conduct training on the prevention of NCDs and promotion of a healthy lifestyle among volunteers in the pilot regions of the project - 51 participants.

The initiative group “Let’s start with ourselves” is developing breathing exercises

The trainings were conducted on the basis of a module on healthy lifestyles and NCD prevention, developed by the IFRC and the BCRC gave consent to the use of methodological materials. The translation of the original methodological materials was adapted and trainings were conducted by project staff (T. Svetlovich, S. Anatsko).

Educational materials can be downloaded here:

Methodological manual for trainers: module on healthy lifestyles and prevention of non-communicable diseases (NCDs)

VOLUNTEER Guide: module on healthy lifestyles and prevention of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) VOLUNTEER Guide: module on healthy lifestyles and prevention of non-communicable diseases (NCDs)

Community Toolkit: Module on Healthy Living and Prevention of Noncommunicable Diseases (NCDs)

Trainers who completed the training received special kits necessary to effectively conduct training on the prevention of NCDs and the formation of a healthy lifestyle among volunteers. The kits include manuals, posters, other visual materials, scales and blood pressure monitors for assessing personal risk of developing non-communicable diseases and monitoring the health status of local community residents.

Initiative groups (IG) were trained on organizational development and healthy lifestyle issues:

— on approaches to working with active participation in communities with a focus on promoting a healthy lifestyle — 160 participants;

Training on effective methods of informing the population and planning information events - 58 leaders and representatives of the Islamic State;

— on the prevention of NCDs and promotion of a healthy lifestyle for volunteers in pilot communities — 290 participants.

Trained volunteers began working with residents of local communities to change behavior towards a healthy lifestyle: Each trained volunteer accompanies (supports) at least 3 residents of the local community - about 580 people in total - will assess the risk of developing NCDs, help develop a personal action plan for healthy lifestyle and NCD prevention, and provide regular support at the stages of behavior change.

Members of the Senno initiative group demonstrate a master class in sports dancing.

In October – December 2015, events were held in pilot areas as part of the healthy lifestyle campaign “Increasing physical activity”.

The choice of the topic of physical activity was dictated by the results of a sociological study conducted as part of the project in 2014 with the aim of characterizing the lifestyle of the population and identifying behavioral risks. In addition, the WHO Regional Office for Europe adopted the first Strategy to combat sedentary lifestyles 2016–2025, aimed at reducing the number of people suffering from noncommunicable diseases by increasing the level of physical activity of the population.

The total number of people who took part in the campaign was 4 460 Human

Sennen district – 1561 people

Polotsk district – 545 people

Oshmyany district – 876 people

Slonim district – 1130 people

Gorki – 348 people


Mulikova S.A. 1Kenzhebaeva S.K. 1Abdakimova M.K. 1

1 Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsouz

The content of the article was the results of a sociological study conducted using a focus group method in a youth audience to understand the need to develop a healthy lifestyle. In Kazakhstan, in 2008 and 2013, program and strategic documents were adopted aimed at creating a healthy lifestyle among Kazakhstanis. But as official statistics show, a healthy lifestyle has not become the norm for most citizens of the republic. As a result of a sociological study, the authors of the article attempted to identify young people’s understanding of the content of a healthy lifestyle, conditions, factors and principles of its formation. According to respondents, there is a need to change society’s views on a healthy lifestyle, so that a healthy lifestyle becomes the norm for every person, a perceived necessity, without which the development of society cannot move forward.

healthy lifestyle

focus group

the youth



1. On approval of the “Healthy Lifestyle” program for 2008-2016. URL: (accessed November 21, 2013).

2. The ratio of men and women over 10 years in Kazakhstan is not.... URL: (accessed November 21, 2013).

3. In Kazakhstan, 24 thousand tobacco smokers die annually. URL: (accessed November 21, 2013).

4. In Kazakhstan, the percentage of smokers and alcohol drinkers was calculated. URL: (accessed November 21, 2013).

5. Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated February 27, 2013 No. 191 On the Concept of the state youth policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2020 “Kazakhstan 2020: the path to the future.” URL: (accessed November 21, 2013).

In 2008, the “Healthy Lifestyle” program for 2008 - 2016, developed by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, was launched in Kazakhstan. The main goal of this Program is to improve the health of the population and increase the average life expectancy of citizens of Kazakhstan.

According to the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, during the implementation of the program, the average life expectancy of Kazakhstanis is expected to increase to 68.1 years by 2010, to 69.7 years by 2013 and to 71.3 years by 2016.

But as the data show, in the past 2013, the average life expectancy in Kazakhstan was 64.8 years for men, 74.3 years for women, and the average for the republic was 69.5.

In addition, among the primary goals of the program is to reduce the prevalence of smoking and drinking alcohol in dangerous doses. The program expects to reduce smoking prevalence to 19.3% by 2010, to 17.8% by 2013 and 16.8% by 2016. The rate of alcohol abuse should be reduced to 14.6%, 13.4% and 12.5% ​​respectively.

According to statistics, in 2013 in Kazakhstan the percentage of smokers per capita was 27%. In the country, 11% of Kazakhstanis start smoking at the age of 12, and 5% at the age of 9. According to 2013 data, the population of Kazakhstan is about 17 million people (more precisely 16,911,911), of which 4.5 million are smokers, of which almost 750 thousand are minor children.

In addition, according to official sources, in 2013, 17% of Kazakhstanis consumed alcohol in dangerous doses, and 37% are overweight. And only 15.5% of people exercise at least 30 minutes daily.

Based on the above statistical data, the conclusion suggests itself that the priorities laid down in the Program turned out to be to a certain extent unattainable, and to some extent ahead with a minus sign. All this allows us to talk about the need to study the problem of creating a healthy lifestyle, as well as finding ways and developing effective mechanisms for creating a healthy lifestyle.

According to the World Health Organization, human health depends on the healthcare system by only 10% and by 50% on lifestyle, which is formed under the influence of a person’s environment, the right to choose, quality of life and the availability of opportunities to improve health.

A healthy lifestyle is a prerequisite for the development of various aspects of human life, achieving active longevity and full performance of social functions, active participation in labor, social, family, and leisure forms of life.

Kazakhstanis are a dynamic and young nation: every second resident of the republic is under 30 years old. The future of Kazakhstan is connected with the level of development of Kazakhstani youth, their integration into society, the foundations of which are laid in the present.

Today the republic sets itself new large-scale tasks for social modernization, accelerated innovative industrialization and economic integration. Kazakhstan intends to become one of the 30 developed countries of the world in the third decade of the 21st century.

Solving the set economic tasks is not possible if young Kazakhstanis are not physically healthy. In 2013, the Concept of the state youth policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2020 “Kazakhstan 2020: the path to the future” was adopted. The principle of joint responsibility for one’s health has become an integral part of the state youth policy.

The Concept states that young people need to give up bad habits, increase motivation to lead a healthy lifestyle, paying attention to preventive measures. Sports and physical education should be a special priority. The concepts of “youth” and “physical education” should become an integral part of a young person’s lifestyle.

As part of the implementation of youth policy in Kazakhstan and the relevance of the problem of creating a healthy lifestyle among young people, the authors of the article conducted a sociological study using a focus group method among representatives of school, student and working youth. The purpose of the study was to identify the characteristics of young people’s attitudes towards a healthy lifestyle and to reveal young people’s ideas about a healthy lifestyle.

The first block of the study included questions aimed at assessing the general idea of ​​a healthy lifestyle among modern youth.

As the study showed, the youth audience is quite well aware of what health is and what its types are. As the respondents' answers to the questions showed, young people, despite their age, have a great idea of ​​what health is, understand its value for an individual and society, and understand its necessity for their own development. To the question “What is health? What types of health do you know?”, the following types of answers were given:

- “Health is the physical and physiological state of the body.”

- “Health is the moral state of a person.”

- “Health is a mental state, it is the norm, the normal state of the body.”

- “Health is the right way of life.”

The discussion participants, when asked “Name the factors influencing health,” almost without exception, named only negative ones. At the same time, young people understand that the micro and macro environment have a direct impact on human health. But among the judgments there were no answers about positive factors affecting health. Among the dominant negative factors, young people identify: bad habits, unfavorable environmental situation, poor-quality and irregular nutrition, alcoholism of relatives and friends, addiction to computer games. At the same time, they also reveal a fairly wide range of “non-standard” threats. For example, inappropriate living conditions, the negative influence of youth groups, destructive subcultures, etc. For example, girls and boys made the following judgments:

“The family initially has a great influence on human health. Parents have influence from birth, then the environment, friends, school.”

“The environment, climate, the situation in the country, and the sanitary and epidemiological situation have a great impact on human health.”

- “The level of economic development in a state affects health, because The higher the level of economic development, the more money is allocated for health.”

Respondents clearly understand what a healthy lifestyle is. To the question “What do you mean by a healthy lifestyle?” respondents answered:

- “Every sane person should lead a healthy lifestyle.”

- “A healthy lifestyle is purity of spirit and thoughts.”

- “A healthy lifestyle is purity of spirit, a good incentive to achieve a lot in life.”

- “A healthy lifestyle is about perceiving life with your heart, and not driving yourself into a dead end.”

- “A healthy lifestyle is not only physical health, but also the ability to adequately perceive various information.”

- “The formation of a healthy lifestyle is influenced by the moral values ​​of society.”

Respondents have an idea of ​​what signs can be used to judge whether a person leads a healthy lifestyle. Among the signs were the following:

- “Skin color, appearance, hair.”

- “Excess weight is the first sign of ill health.”

- "Lifestyle".

- “Drinking alcohol, smoking. Men who drink beer produce female hormones, which affects their appearance, breasts grow, and a “beer belly” appears.

At the same time, the following answers were heard:

- “A person can end up in an unfavorable health environment.”

- “It is very difficult to lead a healthy lifestyle if you have not been healthy since birth, and you live in an environmentally unfavorable environment: Semey, Balkhash, Temirtau, etc.”

Respondents cite the following as the main reasons for leading a healthy lifestyle:

- “The desire to be beautiful.”

- "The instinct of self-preservation".

- "To be an example".

- “Create a healthy family.”

- “Longevity.”

- “Easy life, easier to be healthy.”

- “It is beneficial for the state for society to be healthy.”

Respondents believe that for today’s youth, a healthy lifestyle is the norm; leading a “healthy lifestyle” has become a fashionable trend.

The second block of questions was related to identifying young people’s ideas about the basic principles of leading a healthy lifestyle.

The data obtained indicate that a healthy lifestyle is widely understood by young people and is determined not only by the physical component. A positive trend is that hobbies, interests and associated positive emotions, in the understanding of young people, are also an integral part of a healthy lifestyle. The inclusion of physical education and sports in the process of developing a healthy lifestyle indicates a correct understanding by the younger generation that an active lifestyle is the right path to maintaining health. To the question “What does an active lifestyle include?” respondents answered:

- “Activity means playing sports.”

- “Sport is activity, sport allows you to keep yourself in shape.”

- “I do dancing. Dancing develops correct posture and gait.”

- “You need to lead an active lifestyle to keep yourself in shape.”

To the question, “What habits do you consider harmful?” respondents answered:

- “Smoking, alcohol, drugs.”

- “Aggression”.

- “Lack of daily schedule and diet.”

- “Internet addiction.”

I was pleased by the fact that among those discussing there were no people who drank alcohol, smoked or were drug addicts. All group members have a negative attitude towards these preferences. Focus group participants were clearly aware of the harm caused by addiction to social networks; there was even an opinion that this addiction is comparable to alcohol addiction. According to one of the participants in the discussion, the state after a night spent on VKontakte resembles the state of an alcoholic hangover.

The question “What is the influence of the level of culture of society on the formation of a healthy life among young people?” made it possible to determine the influence of the macroenvironment on the health of individuals in society. Young people believe that the values ​​set by society and the state influence the formation of attitudes towards a healthy lifestyle among young people. Respondents support the state’s initiatives in the development of sports among youth, maintaining environmental cleanliness, and anti-alcohol and anti-tobacco campaigns. Young people believe that the state should systematically and systematically carry out work to combat smoking.

In this regard, it must be said that Kazakhstan has introduced a ban on smoking in public places since October 2009.

In the discussion on issues related to healthy eating, diets, vegetarianism and whether they are related to a healthy lifestyle, focus group participants expressed different opinions.

The vast majority of interviewees are of the opinion that diets should only be followed as prescribed by a doctor. The following statements were made:

- “Diets or vegetarianism - as prescribed by a doctor.”

- “Diet has a direct bearing on a healthy lifestyle.”

- “Vegetarianism is harmful to the child, detrimental to the child.”

- “Vegetarianism is a person’s choice.”

- “Diet is a consequence of a healthy lifestyle.”

Diametrically opposite judgments were also made. For example:

- “Diet is a consequence of an unhealthy lifestyle and poor nutrition.”

- “A person must adhere to a genetically predisposed diet. The Kazakh diet involves meat-eating.”

- “Buying healthy and wholesome products is very expensive, and not everyone can afford it. The food basket of the majority of the population consists of flour products and semi-finished products.”

- “Tastes and food preferences are shaped by advertising. And in most cases it does not pursue the goal of creating a healthy diet.”

Thus, an analysis of the respondents’ opinions allowed us to conclude that today’s youth understand the role of proper nutrition in creating a healthy lifestyle, but are not always ready to give up their own preferences or do not have enough funds to do so.

Despite their age, most of the discussion participants have heard a lot about various methods of hardening the body. Respondents are unanimous in their opinion that hardening is good for health. This is illustrated by their following statements:

- “Hardening is necessary to strengthen the immune system.”

- “You need to harden yourself, but gradually.”

- “Nowadays young people do not adhere to hardening.”

As the survey showed, none of those present had been hardened using any method. The youth present at the focus group were not interested in winter swimming as a way of hardening.

A significant portion of respondents believe that a person’s health is greatly influenced by his psycho-emotional state. The discussion participants formulated their answers in the following form:

- “70% of diseases come from nerves. Morally unstable people are more vulnerable.”

- “Family, good work - protection from ill health.”

- “A person’s health status can affect others.”

- “Attitudes towards a healthy lifestyle should come from the state.”

“Society imposes stereotypes on people that everyone should have a car, a house, a good job. If reality does not coincide with this, then a conflict arises and a person may become depressed.”

The third block of questions was aimed at identifying the youth audience’s understanding of such concepts as healthy and unhealthy lifestyles.

To the question “Obesity, smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction - diseases of the century or careless attitude towards one’s health?” The respondents answered unequivocally:

- “These are diseases of the entire modern society as a whole.”

At the same time, respondents expressed mixed opinions about the accessibility of a healthy lifestyle for the population:

- “A healthy lifestyle is a pleasure for which you pay dearly. You have to pay to go to the gyms and swimming pools.”

“There’s no time to walk and keep yourself in good physical shape. We get tired at work."

- “A healthy lifestyle is expensive: swimming pool, meat, food.”

- “There are free sections for children in Kazakhstan. Children's sports are free."

- “We pay more for visiting fast food restaurants. It’s better to spend this money on fitness.”

- “The cost of a healthy lifestyle is an investment in health, Kazakhstan has a high average salary, people can afford to play sports.”

- “The average salary does not correspond to reality. There is too much difference between the largest and smallest indicators.”

To the question: “Does the ecology of Kazakhstan and our region contribute to a healthy lifestyle or not? What needs to be changed, what needs to be done?” all respondents, without exception, answered negatively. The respondents' responses were as follows:

- “The ecology in Kazakhstan is in poor condition. The air is polluted."

- “In production we need cleaning facilities.”

- “Production should be outside the city limits.”

- “Bike paths in the city.”

The fourth block of questions was aimed at understanding the mechanisms and measures for promoting a healthy lifestyle among young people.

The respondents were unanimous in their opinion about the need to organize outreach activities to promote a healthy lifestyle, with the mandatory involvement of the media.

- “The media should organize cycling competitions, sports races, skating, etc.”

- “The media should make a healthy lifestyle fashionable and attractive to the population.”

- “It is necessary to improve the qualifications of teachers and educators in the field of a healthy lifestyle. Because these are the people who should become participants in the process of creating a healthy lifestyle among young people. Teachers cannot always do this job well.”

- “Young people learn many things concerning human physiology and sexual relations from their friends; teachers are embarrassed, afraid, do not know how and do not want to talk about these topics. This can often explain sexual illiteracy among young people and the diseases associated with it.”

- “To form a healthy lifestyle, there should be no taboo topics; there are problems of enlightenment in education”;

- “HIV prevention, people do not assess the degree of risk, absolutely healthy people become infected.”

Respondents believe that an infrastructure should be created in the city to promote a healthy lifestyle among young people. Young people would like to see bike paths in the city. This would allow cycling, switching from a car to a bicycle, and also environmentally clear the city of smog.

To the question, “What forms and methods can you offer to promote a healthy lifestyle? What needs to be done at the social, infrastructural, personal level to promote a healthy lifestyle?” Respondents suggested the following as answer options:

- “A healthy lifestyle is human behavior; conditions for a healthy lifestyle should be created in the country.”

- “It is necessary to educate children from early childhood about health.”

- "Take care of nature. A safe environment contributes to a healthy society. Surround yourself with safe things made from environmentally friendly products. Eat organic foods."

- “Educate the population about the impact of the environment and objects on health. Inform people about the quality of products sold. Put the health of the nation above the profit of the state."

- “The whole world should conduct campaigns to give up bad habits: smoking, drinking alcohol and drugs.”

- "Eat properly".

- "To live an active lifestyle. Do exercises in the morning, move according to your age and physiological characteristics.”

- “Toughen up.”

- “Creating normal conditions in the family.”

- “Carry out and take part in promoting a healthy lifestyle.”

- “Follow the rules of personal hygiene.”

- “Always develop. So that words do not diverge from deeds.”

- "Smile. Enjoy life. Experience positive emotions."

- “Think and think positively”

- "Keep calm. Love yourself. To sleep more".

- “Go out and relax in nature.”

- “Have a specific goal in life. Have friends, love people."

As a result of the sociological study, conclusions were drawn.

1. Young people have an idea about health and its types. According to representatives of this social group, health is not limited to a person’s physical condition. Health is the physical, mental, spiritual, emotional and social state of a person. In order for a person to be healthy, it is necessary that he be in harmony with himself and with the world around him. Human health depends both on himself and on the influence of the environment.

2. Young people have a clear understanding of the factors influencing the formation of a healthy lifestyle. Among the factors influencing the quality of health are: family heredity, values ​​acquired from childhood and in the family and cultivated in society, the level of socio-economic development in the country.

3. Young people perfectly understand the essence of a healthy lifestyle, realize the need for every member of society to lead a healthy lifestyle, and name the motives for following a healthy lifestyle.

4. Young people understand that a healthy lifestyle is also an active lifestyle. An active lifestyle includes sports and hardening. A healthy lifestyle involves giving up bad habits, following a daily routine, and maintaining a proper and healthy diet.

5. Young people are in solidarity with the state in the prevention and fight against various addictions, and are ready to take an active part in promoting a healthy lifestyle. Modern youth are not always ready to give up their own preferences in their fascination with advertised “unhealthy” food products and lifestyles.

6. Young people are sure that a person’s health is greatly influenced by his psycho-emotional state. Attitudes towards a healthy lifestyle should come from both the family and society and the state.

7. Young people are ambiguous in their understanding of the availability of a healthy lifestyle, because they believe that for a certain part of the population it is cheaper to lead an unhealthy lifestyle. Among young people there is some distortion in the idea of ​​​​the conditions for organizing a healthy lifestyle. Not all young people associate a healthy lifestyle with the use of those conditions that already exist; some of them understand a healthy lifestyle as attracting expensive and comfortable conditions and means.

8 Young people are confident in the need to organize production and industry outside the city; use of treatment facilities; concerns of every member of society and the state about the environment.

9. Young people are convinced of the need to organize infrastructure for a healthy lifestyle for members of society. It is necessary to organize places for morning jogging, for health treatments, and bicycle paths. Young people are firmly convinced of the need to change society's views on a healthy lifestyle, so that a healthy lifestyle becomes the norm for every person, a recognized necessity, without which development cannot move forward.

10. Young people for promoting a healthy lifestyle, for involving public and government structures in this work.

Bibliographic link

Mulikova S.A., Kenzhebaeva S.K., Abdakimova M.K. PROMOTION OF HEALTHY LIFESTYLE IN YOUTH ENVIRONMENT // International Journal of Experimental Education. – 2014. – No. 3-2. – P. 97-102;
URL: (access date: 10.30.2019). We bring to your attention magazines published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural Sciences"

The modern state, in addition to the external and internal economy, defense and education, deals with many other issues that previously fell exclusively on the shoulders of the country's citizens. For example, the problem of organizing population health. Below we will look at how a healthy lifestyle is promoted in Russia.

A healthy lifestyle is an integral part of the life of an adult who cares about his well-being. However, it is also important to promote a healthy and healthy lifestyle among children and youth. After all, it is in childhood that useful habits are born and reinforced. In Russia, this is facilitated by specially developed programs to preserve and improve health , as well as the popularization of sports in general. How is the popularization of a healthy lifestyle structured in the Russian Federation?

Health as a national problem

The state did not always pay due attention to issues of sports and a healthy lifestyle. In the 90s, aspects that form the high quality of life of the population faded into the background. There was practically no promotion of a healthy lifestyle and physical culture values. The consequence of this was disappointing statistics (data from 2002 studies) of criteria for the effectiveness of a healthy lifestyle:

  • excess mortality among men of working age, leading to economic imbalance;
  • about 1 million children are exempt from physical education for health reasons due to chronic diseases, which creates a lack of physical activity and provokes the development of diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • increase in neuroses, depression, suicide, crime;
  • the overall incidence rate increased by 15%;
  • the number of smoking men under 40 has increased to 70% of the total population;
  • Every tenth schoolchild is addicted to tobacco;
  • 20% of the population abuse alcohol: drunkenness leads to accidents and health problems;
  • millions of Russians live with disabilities;
  • life expectancy has decreased.

But the government, headed by V.V. Putin, realized the mistakes it had made and came to grips with the problem facing it. In January 2002, a meeting of the State Council for the Development of Sports in Russia was held, at which the president voiced the main idea of ​​the meeting: a healthy lifestyle is a social phenomenon that contributes to the development of a strong state. It influences human behavior in everyday life, at school and at work, and contributes to the solution of health, educational and socio-economic problems. It was after this meeting, at which the social and personal significance of a healthy lifestyle was determined, that the vector of the country’s sports development changed dramatically. And although sport is only one aspect of a healthy lifestyle, it directly affects the quality of life, demography, and the general health of the nation.

Leo Bockeria, director of the Center for Cardiovascular Surgery named after. Bakuleva, believes that the creation of a special program, thanks to which children could play sports for the sake of something, is the main thing that will help preserve the health of Russians.

Objectives of healthy lifestyle in modern Russia

Now that one of the main goals of the state was to transform the program to promote a healthy lifestyle into a national idea, the government had to engage in a whole range of activities, the main directions of which were:

  • prevention of mental and physical healthy lifestyle of people;
  • popularization of sports among students;
  • raising a generation capable of saying “no” to drunkenness, smoking, and drug addiction;
  • development of national systems of sports and healthy lifestyles;
  • ensuring access to sports for all segments of the population;
  • the birth of a healthy generation;
  • creation of a powerful sports industry;
  • effective rehabilitation of disabled people;
  • formation of a new way of covering in the media the program for the formation of a healthy lifestyle and its advertising.

Having formed the basic requirements for organizing a healthy lifestyle, the state immediately began to implement them.

Main directions of healthy lifestyle activities

To carry out events aimed at promoting a healthy lifestyle , the simultaneous development of various departments and ministries, commercial organizations, public structures, specialists and scientists is necessary. To implement the plan, concepts were formed containing programs to promote a healthy lifestyle:

  • development of physical culture and sports;
  • public health protection;
  • state policy in the field of healthy nutrition;
  • demographic development of the Russian Federation.

These documents are updated every few years and represent a set of basic requirements for organizing a healthy lifestyle, consisting of general provisions, goals and objectives, as well as planned results and means of achieving them.

In many ways, government guidelines on healthy lifestyles coincide with the main personal guidelines for health promotion, which we talk about in this section.

Healthy eating

Prevention of healthy lifestyle cannot be carried out without regulating the nutrition of the population. The 2010 Regulations contain the following criteria for achieving a healthy lifestyle:

  • expansion of domestic production in the field of children's, diabetic and other specialized nutrition;
  • development of nutrition education programs accessible to the entire population;
  • monitoring the nutritional status of the population.


Until 2025, the goals of the demographic policy of the Russian Federation are:

  • stabilization of the population at 145 million people,
  • increasing life expectancy to 75 years thanks to the prevention of a healthy lifestyle.

The ways to achieve these goals are varied:

  • application of advanced technologies for early diagnosis of diseases;
  • improving the technical and material support of healthcare institutions;
  • implementation of tuberculosis, cancer and HIV prevention programs to maintain a healthy lifestyle;
  • the process of organizing a healthy lifestyle among older age groups of the population;
  • measures to preserve and improve health for rural residents;
  • formation of assistance to the poor (for example, maternity capital and other social payments).

Among other things, there are also legal frameworks for preserving and strengthening reproductive health, consisting of various factors and functions.

Public health protection

The basic principles that contribute to the preservation and strengthening of endurance and health of the population are:

  • restructuring of clinics, dispensaries, sanatoriums;
  • the creation of Health Centers as part of rehabilitation complexes with a developed program to promote a healthy lifestyle, telling the population everything about the basic principles of a healthy lifestyle;
  • increasing the social significance of a healthy lifestyle;
  • advertising healthy lifestyle in the media, etc.

On issues of physical activity, Federal Law No. 329 was issued in 2007, regulating sports criteria for the effectiveness of a healthy lifestyle and establishing economic, legal and other basis for activities in this area.

Thanks to government support in matters of social and personal importance of a healthy lifestyle, the level of health of the entire population increases, which has a beneficial effect on the quality of life of an individual and the level of development of the country as a whole.

Judging by the projects of the participants of the HR Brand Award 2012, targeted work to improve the health of employees is becoming increasingly important for many companies.

Headliners of the annual spring conference on HR branding, authoritative experts in the field of leadership and health Juliet and Michael McGannon believe that the introduction of various practices aimed at maintaining a healthy lifestyle has a significant and undeniable impact on the quality and efficiency of work. We found out from our experts whether their companies adhere to a similar view, and also how justified the costs of introducing and promoting such practices in Russia are.

Marina Rudkovskaya, HR director of the company Amway:

Caring for employees and commitment to a healthy lifestyle are among the key values ​​of our company. We have developed a whole program that includes a weekly consultation in the therapist's office, motivation to play sports, fruit and vegetable days on Fridays, and much more. The list of events is updated annually, which allows employees to choose the best option for taking care of their health.

The values ​​of a healthy lifestyle are supported primarily not by HR specialists, but by the company’s top managers, who set a personal example by participating in marathons, football competitions and thereby involving all staff in these initiatives. It is not for nothing that they say that in a healthy body there is a healthy mind, because it is our well-being that provides the opportunity to be more effective, faster, more attentive, and also gives us the ability to quickly cope with stress and receive satisfaction from what we do.

The costs of implementing and promoting these practices are small, but the returns are huge: we regularly conduct employee surveys and are very pleased that 80% of them are proud of their work in the company.

Ekaterina Maksimova, Director of Human Resources, Eli Lilly Russia-CIS:

Our company has many initiatives aimed at maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Some branches have outdoor sports grounds, massage chairs in the offices, healthy eating days, yoga classes, and even a whole fitness center at the company's main office in Moscow. It's not an easy task, but exercise is an important part of a healthy lifestyle, and we offer paid fitness memberships for employees and their families as an alternative to the compensation package. Our office is equipped with ergonomic furniture, which helps reduce the risk of employees developing various “office illnesses.”

Our team includes many specialists with experience in practical medicine. They regularly share their experience and knowledge with colleagues at educational events on the prevention of a healthy lifestyle. We also publish tips on healthy eating and preventing various diseases in newsletters and our corporate magazine.

In our branch in Ukraine, a healthy lifestyle has already become the norm: there are no smoking employees in the team, there are always herbal teas in the office, and honey is offered instead of sugar.

Such initiatives do not require large investments, but at the same time they provide significant practical results: employees get sick less, and the company does not lose workforce resources. However, in our opinion, the main advantage of all these initiatives is that in this way we support the values ​​of people, show concern for them, and this naturally strengthens the engagement of our employees.

Vasily Pigin, managing partner TriMetrix Solutions:

Indeed, research from TTI Success Insights, a leader in the field of psychodiagnostics of behavior and values, confirms that physical health is necessary for psychological health.

To do this, it is important to debug 4 factors:

  1. EQ-temperature (stress, work atmosphere, emotional state),
  2. physical activity (gymnastics in the workplace),
  3. nutrition (breakfast, lunch, weight control),
  4. sleep (road home, online work).

Moreover, research shows that effective work requires working with all factors simultaneously, comprehensively, and not just with one or two.

  • We try to reduce stress by using, on the one hand, predictability (clear plans, transparent evaluation and payment systems), and on the other, a human approach, that is, treating each other with care and respect. We have introduced into conversational practice the measurement of the so-called EQ temperatures(training on emotional intelligence). Anyone can say: “Don’t come near me, my glass is cloudy or red right now.” This means that the person asks to give him time to come to his senses and treat his emotional state with understanding. I think this is a must if you want to not only keep each other on your toes, but also maintain a high level of performance.
  • Gymnastics in the workplace. Here we didn’t come up with anything new, but we looked at how the Chinese do it and how it was done before in the USSR. Daily morning exercises awaken the body and attention, make the team more united, reduce the chances of going on sick leave and increase a person’s satisfaction with life.
  • Nutrition. If you eat breakfast yourself almost every day and give dinner to the enemy, then long years of active life to you. Do you have breakfast regularly every day? Really? Okay, how often do you follow the “Mediterranean diet”? I’m talking about the priority of unleavened cereals over aromatic cholesterol-laden bacon and insulin-stimulating French confiture with a fatty croissant. And to publicly step on the scales before the collective breakfast. Eating in the office helps you cope with yourself, and the valuable thing is that you have a head start in this fight 5 out of 7 days.
  • Dream. It is difficult to influence this factor directly, but you can optimize time by giving a person the opportunity to get enough sleep, sometimes work at home and not stay stupid in the office until night. It is necessary to develop a clear attitude towards regular overtime, destroying the stereotype that those who work more do more. A few years ago, I conducted an experiment: for 3 months I entered the time I woke up and fell asleep into an Excel spreadsheet. Sometimes I would sleep for 3 hours and then sleep off on the weekend. It's funny that when I added up the sleep time for all 90 days, I got the average... 8 hours a day. Observing workaholics who leave the office late and work on weekends, I noticed that they take time off more often and go on sick leave once a year. There are no miracles.

Caring is important for everyone, so you need to stop squeezing yourself and live as a family. This, of course, will entail a decrease in intensity and efficiency over short distances. One week a year without sick leave will pay for the juicer. A stable team for ten years means saving 36 salaries per person per year - this is the cost of changing one employee.

Sergey Karpov, Researcher Advanced Management Institute:

Let's look at the question from several sides.

  • Firstly, is it necessary to maintain a healthy lifestyle? Certainly, Yes.
  • Secondly, do people who lead a healthy lifestyle work more efficiently than others? Certainly, Yes.

But the justification for introducing such practices in Russia gives rise to some concerns. Let me explain: society is sick in itself, but attempts to improve it often take such bizarre forms that they give exactly the opposite effect, as well as the reaction of employees (organizations) and citizens (states). Initiatives on their own (without changing corporate culture, and possibly production processes and relationships) for Russian conditions, as a rule, either meaningless, or harmful. Few companies can implement this tool without a lot of extra work and serious effort. Processes developed for organizations and countries in one culture overwhelmingly do not work in another, or work in a way that would be better not to see it. The solution can only be comprehensive. However, if we are talking about the HR branch of a Western company in the Russian Federation, you are most likely in luck.

Margaret of Denmark, the president Advanced Management Institute (AMI Business School):

Of course, employee health is an extremely important topic. In my opinion, there is nothing new here - these are echoes of the “hygienic” approach. When a company exhausts the possibilities of ensuring loyalty at the salary level, it turns to factors of the same order, that is, health care is just another way to increase the attractiveness of the employer. But then we need to talk about what exactly at work can affect a person’s health: for example, stress associated with professional tasks or improper organization of the process itself will not override any healthy lifestyle.

In Russian HR practice, there is a huge gap in understanding the real sources of employee ill health and, as a result, there is a lack of stress management skills. In my opinion, talking about a healthy lifestyle without taking these factors into account is like cosmetic surgery: outwardly everything seems fine, but hidden mechanisms continue to operate and destroy the health, including that of the organization itself.

Alexander Belanovsky, motivation and recruitment trainer, training center BizMotiv:

Opportunities for personal growth and improvement of employee health should be used primarily as motivating factors that increase efficiency and retain people in the company.

In a period of low unemployment, which is now observed not only in Russia, but also in most European countries, the relevant issue for recruiting is not so much the selection of new personnel, but the use of technologies to stimulate existing employees and increase their loyalty to the employer. Therefore, a trend that will only develop is to devote more time and resources to employee health issues, as well as to encourage those who are engaged in the processes of self-learning and personal growth.

It is estimated that finding and training a newcomer costs a company 5-10 times more than organizing a set of measures to retain and motivate an employee who plans to quit.

Nina Arkhipova, PR manager, Personnel center "Etalon":

Healthy and happy people work better and more efficiently - this thesis does not require special evidence, it is empirically obvious, and many career-oriented people understand this very well. It has long been good practice to go to the gym, keep yourself in good physical shape, and watch your diet. When applying for a job, qualified specialists pay special attention to this issue and sometimes prefer to choose a company that includes a card of a nearby fitness club in its social package (in Moscow, the proximity of a sports facility to the office is of particular importance). At the same time, the nominal value of wages may not be the highest in the industry. In addition to the positive impact on health, visiting a sports complex with colleagues additionally unites the team and helps team building. Of course, this has a positive effect on work under stressful conditions, when the success of the project depends on the degree of involvement in the overall work.

Anna Mosolova, senior specialist of the personnel selection department, top 20 bank:

Our organization, of course, has programs to promote and maintain a healthy lifestyle for employees. They operate within the framework of voluntary health insurance programs, preferential fitness programs, as well as sponsorship of various sports: ice hockey, rugby, rafting, and motor sports.

Thus, the importance of maintaining and cultivating a healthy lifestyle among personnel is realized. Any company is a living organism, so it is necessary to understand the value of each person and show loyalty to his problems. This attitude is a marker of a reliable employer who cares about its HR brand.

Elena Vlasova, psychologist, candidate of sociological sciences (Ekaterinburg):

Working as the director of the HR department, I always had to deal with such issues. Participant observation and measurements of job satisfaction confirmed that practices of maintaining a healthy lifestyle are very important for people, because it directly affects their attitude towards work.

Everything is clear about sporting events: employees usually come there with family and friends, experience vivid emotions, throw out accumulated tension, get physical exercise - this is extremely useful.

Good day, dear readers. In this article we will talk about what the work of promoting a healthy lifestyle is. You will learn the definition of this concept. Find out what purpose this propaganda serves. You will become aware of what factors you need to consider in order to bring a healthy existence into your life.

Essence and purpose

When mentioning the promotion of a healthy lifestyle, we consider various areas, the purpose of which is to instill the right attitude towards oneself, to familiarize people with the minimum skills that affect the improvement of health.

A significant way to create a healthy society is to educate each individual to live a healthy life, promoting and informing about the significant role played by everyone in maintaining their health and the general well-being of the nation.

Propaganda aimed at developing the population needs to create a campaign that will involve various media: radio, print, television, etc.

The following methods are used to promote a healthy lifestyle:

  • printed - includes wall newspapers, information leaflets, booklets, various reminders and brochures, articles;
  • oral – conducting conversations, special lectures, introductory conferences is the most effective way;
  • visual – designed for visual perception;
  • combined - a method of propaganda that includes joint influence on several analyzers.

The main goal of a healthy lifestyle is to improve the quality of health, preserve it, and ensure the prevention of all kinds of diseases.

Promoting a healthy lifestyle is also an introduction to sports. The media in promoting this image should contribute to:

  • the emergence of interest among the population in their improvement from a physical point of view;
  • revealing the value of physical education in the formation of a clear attitude that life should be healthy, that health is too valuable for everyone individually and for society in general.

Every person wants to be cheerful, strong, healthy, and have a large supply of energy. Health is the greatest acquisition in the life of any individual.

In the younger generation

The health of the younger generation is the key to the successful development of any society. The issue of forming, strengthening and preserving the health of children, teenagers, and young people in general is of social importance. It depends on the younger generation whether the nation will be healthy.

Recently, the method of informing children and adolescents has been actively used by creating special Internet resources that post information materials promoting a healthy lifestyle.

Social workers occupy a special place in promoting healthy lifestyles in the lives of young people and older people. Their main task: to work with their wards in certain areas:

  • individual conversations and guidance for everyone;
  • mention of healthy lifestyle during correspondence;
  • publication of information materials telling about the importance of a healthy lifestyle;
  • organization of collective meetings.

Promotion of a healthy lifestyle among adolescents and children should be preventive in nature. The younger generation should be given the choice of any hobby and their place in life.


Following and mastering the principles of a healthy lifestyle means having an understanding of what is harmful and what is beneficial for the body, knowing how to discipline yourself, choosing the right daily regimen, giving up certain foods and bad habits, thereby prolonging your youth, and preventing the development of possible diseases.

Application of basic principles allows:

  • live much longer;
  • avoid a number of diseases, including senile diseases;
  • raise your offspring correctly;
  • Don’t harm yourself while making your way in life.

Let's look at what the basic principles of a healthy life are.

  1. Full sleep. It is extremely important to get enough sleep and sleep at regular intervals. The body must have time to recover, because a lack of night rest can lead to heart problems, increased blood pressure, and changes in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Physical activity. Regular exercise is important. It is impossible not to notice that in the modern world, many people spend most of their time sitting in front of a monitor screen or at a table, driving a car. When a person’s life lacks the necessary mobility, muscles weaken and problems with the cardiovascular system begin. That’s why it’s so important to at least do exercises, or better yet, work out in a fitness center or gym, or even devote yourself to some kind of sport.
  3. Proper nutrition. We are not talking about any diets here. It is important that the diet is chosen correctly. A nutritious diet does not mean eating only greens and sprouted wheat. It is important not to overeat, not to overeat before bed, to get rid of fast foods, carbonated drinks and all kinds of chips, crackers, and to introduce into the diet the maximum amount of fresh vegetables and fruits.
  4. Getting rid of extra pounds. It is necessary to understand that excess weight disrupts the functioning of the entire body. Fat accumulates not only under the skin, but also in the internal organs, lungs, liver, stomach, and heart. In addition, excess weight puts a certain pressure on the musculoskeletal system, as a result of which pathological processes in the joints can develop.
  5. Refusal of all kinds of bad habits, smoking, taking illegal drugs, alcohol abuse. Being under such substances allows you to temporarily feel satisfaction, but it is illusory. Bad habits cause a crushing blow to health.
  6. Maintain personal hygiene. It is important to remember that pathogenic microorganisms can multiply on dirty skin and in an unkempt oral cavity. By following basic hygiene rules, you can prevent the development of a number of diseases.
  7. Routine. It is necessary to calculate the time allocated for work, passive and active rest, and proper sleep. It is extremely important to plan everything and strictly follow your schedule.
  8. Hardening procedures. Doctors have proven more than once that an individual who is not afraid of the cold encounters diseases much less often.

Now you know what healthy lifestyle promotion is. As you can see, the basics of instilling healthy lifestyle skills appear in the lives of children from a very early age. Parents try to instill care for themselves and their bodies; educational institutions also play an important role in the formation of relevant skills. Remember that the health of each individual person shapes the health of the entire society.