Education (essay). An example of an essay based on the text by A. Dorokhov The problem of education Essays on topics

  • Category: Essays on the Russian language

What is good manners? What should a truly educated person be like? How to acquire good communication manners? Such questions involuntarily arise in every person.

There are many people in the world whom we consider well-mannered, but it may turn out that this is far from the case. They are alone with us, at home they are completely different, and at work they are already different. This problem is very relevant in modern world. The problem of true politeness is social.

I believe that a well-mannered person is one who knows how to listen and take into account others, one who is polite to both elders and younger ones. Good manners should be demonstrated at home, in the family. At the heart of all good manners is caring - caring that a person does not disturb another person, so that everyone feels good together.

I completely agree with the opinion of most people that you need to treat all people with respect, listen to their opinions, advice, and take into account the interests of other people.

The problem of true politeness and good manners is discussed in many works. I believe that nineteenth-century writers address this issue more fully. For example, in L. M. Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace”, the main character Andrei Bolkonsky was taught from childhood to be polite, honest and respectable. In my eyes, he is an example of a truly well-mannered person.

To support my words, I will give another example regarding this problem - the series “Desperate Housewives”. One of the main characters of this series was extremely polite, honest with all people, and respected everyone’s opinion. Her politeness is especially pronounced in her interactions with her family.

It is very important what kind of person you are. After all, each of us wants to communicate with well-mannered people, and not with boors. By helping our friends, acquaintances, family members, listening to them, treating them politely and kindly, we show our true upbringing.

From early childhood we are surrounded by various educators. Some people go to nurseries, others start with kindergarten. Then we find ourselves at school.

In addition, edification and education strives for us from the pages of books, from educational programs, words from loved ones who care about us and convey various experiences. Sometimes it is difficult to understand why we are being educated, and even sometimes education does not seem entirely useful. After all, in order to educate someone, a person himself needs to be someone.

In many ways, external education is created in order to form a personality useful for a particular society. We simply learn to repeat after our elders, absorb some moral standards and try to act as others expect. At the same time, external education in different communities can be completely different.

One way or another, there is always self-education, which belongs to a completely different hypostasis and represents personal work on one’s own personality, no matter how tautological such a phrase may sound. External conditions and upbringing can indeed shape a personality, but such a person will be, as it were, incomplete and practically without his own experience. As many people know, only one’s own experience and one’s own thoughts allow one to understand a lot, and when it comes to someone else’s experience and thoughts, much is simply not assimilated.

This is why self-education is so meaningful and valuable. No matter how much a person talks about the value of education or maintaining his own health, he always needs his own experience, which will allow him to really understand why he needs this.

In order to engage in self-education, you need a sound assessment of your own personality, you need to be able to look at yourself from the outside and draw appropriate conclusions. Essentially, you need an inner educator who can tell you in which direction you need to move. In my opinion, the essence of self-education lies in developing one’s own personality and working on one’s qualities.

Thus, a person engaged in self-education develops his positive qualities. At the same time, he cultivates a personality not only pleasing to society, but also valuable as such, possessing uniqueness.

Option 2

Many adults are still arguing whether it is necessary to introduce such a subject as Self-Knowledge in schools, because it teaches the child to know himself, to build himself as an individual, and therefore teaches the child to engage in self-education. Why not? What's bad about it?

Of course, the majority believes that parents should be involved in raising a child, and if they do not have time, then this responsibility is transferred to the shoulders of teachers. But no, this is completely wrong. I believe that a child should develop on his own, and adults should only push him. I am very glad that my parents adhere to such tactics; they teach me to be independent. Self-education helps me in life to acquire my own opinion on all life situations, gain experience and become an individual, and not a copy, which teachers are so quickly trying to make. And why does it become a copy?

My father often says that a person who does not have his own opinion will always obey, he will be a robot and he will be unhappy. I don’t really want to become a robot, I have my own thoughts in my head and I believe what others are trying so hard to refute. When faced with various life situations, you understand that some advice does not work and you will have to get out of this situation only by relying on yourself. So self-education is not such a bad thing. I would advise many parents to let go of the situation a little and let the child feel life from a completely different side, then he will begin to understand it, and will definitely no longer be afraid. And the most sustainable education is not parental education, but self-education, since you more often obey your own thoughts than the thoughts that your parents put into you. So you need to learn and improve yourself throughout your life.

Essay on the topic What is Self-education 15.3

Self-education is one of life’s main teachers. Here no one will run after you and hammer the rules into your head, here you are faced with your most important enemy, friend and teacher - yourself. And when you stand in front of yourself, that same struggle occurs in which only one wins. This is all self-education, when you mold yourself into the person you want to see or whom everyone around you wants to see. Life path A person’s life is determined by his upbringing, where he sets his priorities, and there his life will pass. Self-education allows you to become a bright spot among all this human gray mass.

It is difficult to imagine a fully developed person without the ability to self-educate. The problem of insufficient self-education is so relevant at the moment that it makes no sense to remain silent about it. Instead, it is necessary to analyze in detail this stage, its periodization and specificity. Initially, from birth, we are influenced environment, we put forward our social needs, we demand respect for ourselves and our opinions - that is, we are not deprived, and are to a greater extent endowed with the dominant factor of selfishness and complacency. Later, under the pressure of parental education, our perception is transformed, although it is not complete. It is also logical that the next link in the chain of formation of an individual with his own values ​​is self-education.

It should be noted that the sooner it declares itself and begins its activities, the better man further in terms of adaptation and resilience. Since upbringing is often unconsciously subject to the power of false ideals and edifications that are instilled in us, an urgent need quickly arises for independent analysis and the construction of our own norms and rules, not forcibly imposed on us by anyone. Similar problems exist in the process of self-education. In the case of teenagers, without the slightest experience and understanding of the world order, they can also fall under the control of a youth subculture that carries an alleged “protest”, behind which lies a banal desire to stand out from the monotonous crowd by using substances and leading a promiscuous sex life. The results are known and, unfortunately, disastrous.

Based on all of the above, it should be noted that the tendency towards harmful or positive self-education is created precisely by parental education, which supervises the aspirations and desires of the child, which is a kind of compass that teaches to distinguish, albeit at a primitive level, good from evil, truth from lies, truth from delusions.


1. What does a person mean by the concept of “upbringing”?

2. Is it possible to educate a person?

3. Do you need to be well-mannered?

“Upbringing is the most complex of all processes of personality change towards improvement” M.P. Alpatov

What is education? And should modern man to be well-mannered? Is this necessary for today's society? I will try to answer all these questions in my short essay on the topic “Education”. We read a good definition of “education” in the epigraph. Everyone educates: parents, school, society, i.e. the world around a person. But how do we understand whether a person is educated or not?

Modern society wants to see someone who is honest, respectable, intelligent, tactful, respectful of others, understanding and able to sympathize with others, i.e. educated person. It evaluates high moral qualities, a sense of empathy, willingness to help, and the ability to love. It is these concepts that we put into the definition of “education.”

How to raise such a person? Family is the basis of education. Parents often influence their child's life choices, their profession, their choice of friends or spouse. This influence can also be violent. The child follows the orders of his father or mother to study to become a diplomat, although he is interested in photography or street graffiti. Talent, creativity, and the desire to be useful with one’s skills are not realized.

But nothing is stronger than own example. From childhood, a child sees the behavior of his parents, their actions, words, and this turns out to be a better educator for him than the spoken words “correct”, “beautiful”, “necessary”. And if the parents are educated, then the child will be like that. He will accept this from them as a natural rule of life. Undoubtedly, school plays an important role in a person’s upbringing. The teacher passes on to the child not only his knowledge, but also the ability to behave in society, communicate with people, live honestly and be a worthy citizen of his homeland.

A well-mannered person will always be valuable. History does not yet know such examples when the unworthy and ill-mannered were chosen. Knowing how to be educated is a difficult task, but life will appreciate these efforts. Parenting is beauty. Beauty of body, consciousness, mind. Beauty of the soul.

The problem of education and good manners is relevant at all times of a person’s life, regardless of development human society. Good manners is an important prerequisite for mutual understanding between people and the key to equal communication between people. Modern writer A. Dorokhov reflects on what a well-mannered person should be and what rules he should be guided by.

The hero of the story considered himself educated up to a certain time (sentences 1-6). But having accidentally witnessed a conversation between the headman and the cook, he learns not very pleasant details about himself. The conversation he overheard completely changes the young man’s confidence in his upbringing. This conversation served as an impetus for thinking about what qualities a well-mannered person has. Boy “on reflection, I realized that the cook was absolutely right in her own way”. It is not enough, for example, to say hello first; it is important to earn the respect of others. Generally accepted rules of behavior must be followed, that’s why they exist. But they can manifest themselves in different ways: depending on the conditions in which a person finds himself.

The author’s position in the proposed text is clearly formulated: “ Respect others, take them into account. Strictly follow the rules of behavior, you will be a good friend to everyone who communicates with you" One cannot but agree with the last lines of the story. If a person follows the rules and norms of behavior and shows respect for others, then the attitude towards him will be the same. Characteristic for different social strata different standards behavior. But no matter what environment you find yourself in, it is important to follow the rules that apply in this society. By respecting others, you gain respect for yourself and become a truly educated person.

There are many examples of well-mannered people. Even in the works of great masters of words, this quality is inherent in many heroes. For example, in the novel “War and Peace” Tolstoy endows his Bolkonsky with nobility and honesty. He respects the people around him and does not allow anything bad towards them. He listens to his father’s opinion and tries to act to please him even when he doesn’t want to.

The problem of education is also raised by Turgenev in the novel “Fathers and Sons.” His Bazarov, preaching nihilism, denies the usual norms of behavior among the “fathers”, and therefore there is no mutual understanding with the older generation.

There are also many examples of real good manners in life. There is a well-known case with the artist Vasily Kachalov. Returning from a rehearsal, he saw two women trying to board a tram, but since both were blind, nothing came of it. The actor changed the route he was taking and helped blind people.

“Education is a great thing: it decides a person’s fate”- this quote belongs to Belinsky. And you can’t argue with the great Russian critic. Indeed, education plays an important role in life, and our lives largely depend on it. It is no coincidence that Dorokhov dedicated his work to the problem of education. As long as at least one person lives, education will exist.

A person who has received a good upbringing and has learned to treat people with respect is a mature person who follows the norms of generally accepted behavior. To become educated, you need to grow and improve every day. Our daily affairs and actions are nothing more than the result of upbringing. The concept of a “well-mannered person” is, of course, relative, since everyone has their own idea of ​​the level of good manners. But the main criterion remains respect for others and mutual politeness.

The material was prepared by Larisa Gennadievna Dovgomelya

Original text:

(1) In my youth, I considered myself a well-mannered person. (2) When meeting acquaintances, he knew how to say hello politely. (3) During the conversation, I listened carefully to my interlocutor, not allowing myself to interrupt his story, no matter how long it was. (4) In a dispute, even the most heated one, he never shouted, much less used rude words. (5) There was never a time when I accidentally pushed someone and didn’t apologize or go through the door first without giving way to my companion. (6) In a word, my upbringing seemed impeccable to me.

(7) But it only seemed. (8) And it turned out completely unexpectedly. (9) Once, during a student internship, I had to live for two weeks with a team of lumberjacks. (10) And then one evening I accidentally overheard a conversation that I will remember forever.

(11) Sitting down on the threshold of our spacious dugout, the artel leader quietly talked with the cook. (12) It was about me.

“(13) He’s a fine guy,” said the cook, “literate, but he’s too gray!” (14) There is no upbringing.

- (15) What? - the headman became interested.

- (16) Yes, he doesn’t do everything like a human being. (17) If he starts to wash himself, the whole floor will flood, then wipe up after him. (18) He sits down at the table - no, to slurp the liquid first, immediately, without a command, he begins to drag meat from the bottom. (19) Even though it’s not a difficult thing to do - bring a spoon to your mouth, you’re not accustomed to it. (20) He won’t put bread under a spoon, he’ll drip it on the table. (21) And where did he live until now?..

(22) I listened and felt myself blushing. (23) “Well, well! (24) So, that means I’m “gray”?

(25) At first, of course, I was offended. (26) But then, on reflection, I realized that the cook was completely right in her own way.

(27) True, in the morning I did not forget to say hello to her, I politely stood aside when she brought a boiling samovar or a heavy pot of cabbage soup to the table, and when I got up from the table, I thanked her for lunch. (28) But this did not surprise her. (29) For her, all this was familiar and natural. (Z0) But those gaps in my upbringing that were discussed were very noticeable. (31) And she could not reconcile with them.

(32) However, there was no great fault on my part here. (33) Since childhood, I lived in an apartment with running water and ate from a separate plate. (34) I never had to wash myself over a bucket from a ladle, nor did I happen to eat from a common artel cauldron. (35) Therefore, I did not know the special rules of behavior that were mandatory for people living in other conditions. (36) And fulfilling them was no less important than those of the city, to which I was accustomed to obey.

(37) This incident made me think for the first time about what a well-educated person is. (38) What actually are the rules of behavior that we are obliged to obey?

(39) Subsequently, I became convinced more than once that these rules exist in every society, in every team. (40) In some ways they differ. (41) It depends on the conditions in which people live.

(42) But no matter what rules of behavior you touch upon, in the main they are always the same: respect those around you, take them into account. (43) By strictly observing the rules of behavior, you will be a good friend to everyone who communicates with you in the family, at school, and on vacation.

(According to A. Dorokhov*)

First, let's turn to the explanatory dictionary. “Good manners is the ability to behave.” What does it mean to be able to behave in a team? Being a well-mannered person means being able to say hello, maintaining a conversation in society, eating and dressing correctly, and the ability to behave in public places.

And those who believe that good manners comes down to only good manners think incorrectly. When we say “well-mannered person,” we mean something deeper in a person, and above all, inner intelligence. And that means to be

Attentive to others, tactful, modest.

Being a polite, well-mannered, self-controlled person is not so easy. What is needed here is self-discipline, and a willingness to sometimes sacrifice one’s own benefits, habits and, most importantly, a sense of respect for other people, for the team, and responsibility for one’s actions before society.

Judge for yourself: after having breakfast somewhere in a forest clearing, the easiest thing, of course, is to “forget” the remains of food and paper there. It’s more trouble to collect it all and bury it or take it with you and then throw it in the trash.

Giving up your seat on a crowded bus to an elderly person means...

Feel noticeable awkwardness yourself. And every educated person will do this without hesitation. She will not allow herself to turn on the transistor under the windows of a residential building. She knows: we live in an age when everything around us is so noisy, how can we not protect peace and quiet?

Good manners is not only politeness and friendliness. This is also humanity. This is to be a Human among people. To do this, first of all, you need to have such internal qualities as sincerity and kindness. A well-mannered person will resolve an unexpected life conflict with humor rather than with annoyance.

External culture and human behavior are not separated by a blank wall from his inner, spiritual world. Listening to music, contemplating works of art, reading books - all this enriches a person’s spiritual world, and therefore contributes to education.

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