Water supply. external networks and structures


Updated edition

SNiP 2.04.02-84*

With change No. 1, No. 2, No. 3

Moscow 2015


Rulebook Details

1 CONTRACTORS - LLC "ROSEKOSTROY", OJSC "Research Center "Construction". Amendment No. 1 to SP 31.13330.2012 - JSC MosvodokanalNIIproekt

2 INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 465 “Construction”, Federal Autonomous Institution “Federal Center for Standardization, Standardization and Technical Assessment of Conformity in Construction” (FAU “FCS”)

3 PREPARED for approval by the Department of Architecture, Construction and Urban Development Policy. Amendment No. 1 to SP 31.13330.2012 has been prepared for approval by the Department of Urban Planning and Architecture of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Construction of Russia)

4 APPROVED by order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Regional Development of Russia) dated December 29, 2011 No. 635/14 and put into effect on January 1, 2013. In SP 31.13330.2012 “SNiP 2.04.02-84* Water supply. External networks and structures" amendment No. 1 was introduced and approved by order of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation dated April 8, 2015 No. 260/pr and put into effect on April 30, 2015.

5 REGISTERED by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology (Rosstandart)

In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this set of rules, the corresponding notice will be published in the prescribed manner. Relevant information, notices and texts are also posted in the public information system - on the official website of the developer (Ministry of Construction of Russia) on the Internet

Items, tables, and appendices to which changes have been made are marked in this set of rules with an asterisk.


The update was carried out by LLC "ROSEKOSTROY" with the participation of OJSC "National Research Center Construction"

Responsible executors: G.M. Mironchik, A.O. Dusko, L.L. Menkov, E.N. Zhirov, S.A. Kudryavtsev(ROSEKOSTROY LLC), R.Sh. Neparidze(LLC "Giprokommunvodokanal"), M.N. Orphan(JSC "TsNIIEP engineering equipment"), V.N. Shvetsov(JSC "NII VODGEO")

Change No. 1 to this set of rules was made by MosvodokanalNIIproekt OJSC (development managers: Doctor of Technical Sciences O.G. Primin, Doctor of Technical Sciences sciences E.I. Pupyrev, Ph.D. tech. sciences HELL. Aliferenkov), LLC Lipetsk Pipe Company Svobodny Sokol (eng. I.N. Efremov, Eng. B.N. Lizunov, Eng. A.V. Minchenkov).

Change No. 2 to this set of rules was made by specialists of RESECOSTROY LLC. Responsible persons: engineer. E.N. Zhirov, Ph.D. tech. sciences D.B. Frog. Participants in the work on making changes: Dr. Tech. sciences V.G. Ivanov, Doctor of Technical Sciences sciences ON THE. Chernikov(PGUPS), Ph.D. tech. sciences L.G. Deryushev(FSBEI HPE "MGSU"), Ph.D. tech. sciences DI. Privin.

Amendment No. 3 to this set of rules was developed by the team of authors of NPO Stekloplastik JSC (Ph.D. A.F. Kosolapov), ANO "Standartcomposite" ( V.A. Antoshin), Association of Legal Entities "Union of Composite Manufacturers" ( S.Yu. Vetokhin, A.V. Geraltovsky), LLC "NVK System Innovations" (Doctor of Technical Sciences) S.V. Bukharov, A.S. Lebedev).



Water supply. Pipelines and portable water treatment plants

Date of introduction 2013-01-01

1 area of ​​use

This set of rules establishes mandatory requirements that must be observed when designing newly constructed and reconstructed external water supply systems for populated areas and national economic facilities.

When developing water supply system projects, one should be guided by the regulatory, legal and technical documents in force at the time of design.

2* Normative references

At the same time, water supply projects for facilities must be developed, as a rule, simultaneously with sewerage projects and a mandatory analysis of the balance of water consumption and wastewater disposal.

4.2 Water, along with electrical and thermal energy, is an energy product, and therefore it is necessary to take into account the relevant requirements for the economic efficiency of its use.

4.3 The quality of water supplied for household and drinking needs must comply with the hygienic requirements of sanitary rules and regulations.

(Changed edition. Amendment No. 2).

4.8 Pipes, fittings, equipment and materials used in the construction of external networks and water supply structures must comply with the requirements of this set of rules, interstate and national standards, sanitary and epidemiological standards and other documents approved in the prescribed manner, and must ensure failure-free implementation of regulatory requirements on the functioning of an uninterrupted supply of water of the required quality. Pipes according to GOST 10704, GOST 18599, GOST R 52134, GOST R 52318 and GOST R 53630, GOST R 54560, GOST R 55068, GOST R 53201 should be used. It is not allowed to use steel pipes, bends, fittings and equipment that were previously used.


1 Pipes made of thermoset plastic reinforced with glass fiber (hereinafter referred to as glass-composite pipes) with adhesive joints should be used only for water supply networks for technical purposes.

2 When choosing metal structures (profiles, beams, sheets, strips, piles, sheet piles, etc.), it is necessary to comply with the requirements.

(Changed edition. Amendment No. 2, No. 3).

4.9 When designing water supply systems and structures, progressive technical solutions, mechanization of labor-intensive work, automation of technological processes and maximum industrialization of construction and installation work must be provided, as well as ensuring environmental safety requirements and human health during the construction and operation of systems.

4.10 The main technical decisions taken in projects and the order of their implementation should be justified by comparing the indicators of possible options. Technical and economic calculations should be performed for those options whose advantages and disadvantages cannot be established without calculations.

The best option determined by the lowest value of reduced costs, taking into account the reduction of material resources, labor costs, electricity and fuel, as well as the impact on the environment.

5 Estimated water flows and free heads

Estimated water consumption

5.1 When designing water supply systems for populated areas, the specific average daily (per year) water consumption for household and drinking needs of the population should be taken according to the table.

Note - The choice of specific water consumption within the limits indicated in the table should be made depending on climatic conditions, the power of the water supply source and water quality, the degree of improvement, the number of floors of the building and local conditions.

N g - the estimated number of residents in residential areas with varying degrees of improvement.

Estimated water consumption per day of highest and lowest water consumption Q day.m, m 3 /day, should be determined:

Estimated hourly water consumption q h, m 3 / h, should be determined by the formulas:

where α is a coefficient that takes into account the degree of improvement of buildings, the operating mode of enterprises and other local conditions, taken as α max = 1.2 - 1.4, α min = 0.4 - 0.6,

β is a coefficient that takes into account the number of residents in a locality, taken from the table.

Before sending an electronic appeal to the Ministry of Construction of Russia, please read the rules of operation of this interactive service set out below.

1. Electronic applications within the sphere of competence of the Ministry of Construction of Russia, filled out in accordance with the attached form, are accepted for consideration.

2. An electronic appeal may contain a statement, complaint, proposal or request.

3. Electronic appeals sent through the official Internet portal of the Ministry of Construction of Russia are submitted for consideration to the department for working with citizens' appeals. The Ministry ensures objective, comprehensive and timely consideration of applications. Review of electronic appeals is free of charge.

4. In accordance with Federal Law No. 59-FZ dated May 2, 2006 “On the procedure for considering appeals from citizens of the Russian Federation,” electronic appeals are registered within three days and are sent, depending on the content, to the structural divisions of the Ministry. The appeal is considered within 30 days from the date of registration. An electronic appeal containing issues the solution of which is not within the competence of the Ministry of Construction of Russia is sent within seven days from the date of registration to the relevant body or the relevant official whose competence includes resolving the issues raised in the appeal, with notification of this to the citizen who sent the appeal.

5. Electronic appeal is not considered if:
- absence of the applicant’s surname and name;
- indication of an incomplete or unreliable postal address;
- the presence of obscene or offensive expressions in the text;
- the presence in the text of a threat to the life, health and property of an official, as well as members of his family;
- using a non-Cyrillic keyboard layout or only capital letters when typing;
- absence of punctuation marks in the text, presence of incomprehensible abbreviations;
- the presence in the text of a question to which the applicant has already been given a written answer on the merits in connection with previously sent appeals.

6. The response to the applicant is sent to the postal address specified when filling out the form.

7. When considering an appeal, disclosure of information contained in the appeal, as well as information relating to the private life of a citizen, is not permitted without his consent. Information about applicants’ personal data is stored and processed in compliance with the requirements of Russian legislation on personal data.

8. Appeals received through the site are summarized and presented to the leadership of the Ministry for information. Answers to the most frequently asked questions are periodically published in the sections “for residents” and “for specialists”

Before sending an electronic appeal to the Ministry of Construction of Russia, please read the rules of operation of this interactive service set out below.

1. Electronic applications within the sphere of competence of the Ministry of Construction of Russia, filled out in accordance with the attached form, are accepted for consideration.

2. An electronic appeal may contain a statement, complaint, proposal or request.

3. Electronic appeals sent through the official Internet portal of the Ministry of Construction of Russia are submitted for consideration to the department for working with citizens' appeals. The Ministry ensures objective, comprehensive and timely consideration of applications. Review of electronic appeals is free of charge.

4. In accordance with Federal Law No. 59-FZ of May 2, 2006 “On the procedure for considering appeals from citizens of the Russian Federation,” electronic appeals are registered within three days and sent, depending on the content, to the structural divisions of the Ministry. The appeal is considered within 30 days from the date of registration. An electronic appeal containing issues the solution of which is not within the competence of the Ministry of Construction of Russia is sent within seven days from the date of registration to the relevant body or the relevant official whose competence includes resolving the issues raised in the appeal, with notification of this to the citizen who sent the appeal.

5. Electronic appeal is not considered if:
- absence of the applicant’s surname and name;
- indication of an incomplete or unreliable postal address;
- the presence of obscene or offensive expressions in the text;
- the presence in the text of a threat to the life, health and property of an official, as well as members of his family;
- using a non-Cyrillic keyboard layout or only capital letters when typing;
- absence of punctuation marks in the text, presence of incomprehensible abbreviations;
- the presence in the text of a question to which the applicant has already been given a written answer on the merits in connection with previously sent appeals.

6. The response to the applicant is sent to the postal address specified when filling out the form.

7. When considering an appeal, disclosure of information contained in the appeal, as well as information relating to the private life of a citizen, is not permitted without his consent. Information about applicants’ personal data is stored and processed in compliance with the requirements of Russian legislation on personal data.

8. Appeals received through the site are summarized and presented to the leadership of the Ministry for information. Answers to the most frequently asked questions are periodically published in the sections “for residents” and “for specialists”

“CODE OF RULES SP 31.13330.2012 WATER SUPPLY. EXTERNAL NETWORKS AND STRUCTURES Updated edition of SNiP 2.04.02-84* Official edition Moscow 2012 SP 31.13330.2012 Preface Information about the code...”

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CODE OF RULES SP 31.13330.2012



Updated edition

SNiP 2.04.

Official publication

Moscow 2012

SP 31.13330.2012


Rulebook Details

1 CONTRACTORS – LLC “ROSEKOSTROY”, OJSC “Scientific Research Center “Construction”. Amendment No. 1 to SP 31.13330.2012 – JSC MosvodokanalNIIproekt

2 INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 465 “Construction”, Federal Autonomous Institution “Federal Center for Standardization, Standardization and Technical Assessment of Conformity in Construction” (FAU “FCS”) 3 PREPARED for approval by the Department of Architecture, Construction and Urban Development Policy. Change No. 1 to SP 31.13330.2012 was prepared for approval by the Department of Urban Planning and Architecture of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Construction of Russia) 4 APPROVED by order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Regional Development of Russia) dated December 29, 2011 No. 635/ 14 and came into force on January 1, 2013.

In SP 31.13330.2012 “SNiP 2.04.02-84* Water supply. External networks and structures" amendment No. 1 was introduced and approved by order of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation dated April 8, 2015 No. 260/pr and put into effect on April 30, 2015.

5 REGISTERED by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology (Rosstandart) In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this set of rules, the corresponding notification will be published in the prescribed manner. Relevant information, notices and texts are also posted in the public information system - on the official website of the developer (Ministry of Construction of Russia) on the Internet. Items, tables, applications to which changes have been made are marked in this set of rules with an asterisk.

Ministry of Construction of Russia, 2015 This regulatory document cannot be fully or partially reproduced, replicated and distributed as an official publication on the territory of the Russian Federation without permission from the Ministry of Construction of Russia II SP 31.13330.2012 Contents Scope of application

2* Terms and definitions

General provisions.

Estimated water flows and free heads

Water supply sources

Water supply schemes and systems

Water intake structures

Water treatment

Pumping stations

Water pipelines, water supply networks and structures on them

Water storage tanks

Placement of equipment, fittings and pipelines

Electrical equipment, process control, automation and control systems

Construction solutions and structures of buildings and structures

Additional requirements for water supply systems in special natural and climatic conditions.

Appendix A* (mandatory) Terms and definitions


IIISP 31.13330.2012

Introduction* Updating was carried out by LLC "ROSEKOSTROY" with the participation of OJSC "National Research Center Construction"

Responsible persons: G.M. Mironchik, A.O. Dushko, L.L. Menkov, E.N. Zhirov, S.A. Kudryavtsev (ROSEKOSTROY LLC), R.Sh. Neparidze (Giprokommunvodokanal LLC), M.N. Sirota (JSC TsNIIEP Engineering Equipment), V.N. Shvetsov (JSC "NII VODGEO") Change No. 1 to this set of rules was made by JSC "MosvodokanalNIIproekt" (development managers: Dr. Tech.

Sciences O.G. Primin, Dr. Tech. Sciences E.I. Pupyrev, Ph.D. tech.

Sciences A.D. Aliferenkov), LLC Lipetsk Pipe Company Svobodny Sokol (eng. I.N. Efremov, engineer B.N. Lizunov, engineer A.V. Minchenkov).

Change No. 2 to this set of rules was made by specialists of RESECOSTROY LLC.

Responsible executors:

Eng. E.N. Zhirov, Ph.D. tech. Sciences D.B. Frog. Participants in the work to make changes: Ph.D. tech. Sciences D.I. Privin (JSC MosvodokanalNIIproekt), Doctor of Engineering. Sciences V.G. Ivanov, Doctor of Engineering. Sciences N.A. Chernikov (PSUPS), Ph.D. tech. Sciences L.G. Deryushev (FSBEI HPE "MGSU").

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Water supply. Pipelines and portable water treatment plants

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1 Scope of application This set of rules establishes mandatory requirements that must be observed when designing newly constructed and reconstructed external water supply systems for populated areas and national economic facilities.

When developing water supply system projects, one should be guided by the regulatory, legal and technical documents in force at the time of design.

SP 5.13130.2009 Fire protection systems. Fire alarm and fire extinguishing installations are automatic. Design standards and rules SP 8.13130.2009 Fire protection systems. Sources of external fire-fighting water supply. Fire safety requirements SP 10.13130.2009 Fire protection systems. Internal fire water supply. Fire safety requirements SP 12.13130.2009 Determination of categories of premises, buildings and outdoor installations for explosion and fire hazard SP 14.13330.2011 “SNiP II-7-81* Construction in seismic areas”

SP 18.13330.2011 “SNiP II-89-80* Master plans for industrial enterprises”

SP 20.13330.2011 “SNiP 2.01.07-85* Loads and impacts”

SP 21.13330.2012 “SNiP 2.01.09-91 Buildings and structures in undermined areas and subsidence soils”

SP 22.13330.2011 “SNiP 2.02.01-83* Foundations of buildings and structures”

SP 25.13330.2012 “SNiP 2.02.04-88 Foundations and footings on permafrost soils”

SP 28.13330.2012 “SNiP 2.03.11-85 Protection of building structures from corrosion”

SP 30.13330.2012 “SNiP 2.04.01-85* Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings”

SP 35.13330.2011 “SNiP 2.05.03-84* Bridges and pipes”

SP 38.13330.2012 “SNiP 2.06.04-82* Loads and impacts on hydraulic structures (wave, ice and from ships)”


Official publication SP 31.13330.2012 SP 42.13330.2011 “SNiP 2.07.01-89* Urban planning. Planning and development of urban and rural settlements"

SP 44.13330.2011 “SNiP 2.09.04-87* Administrative and domestic buildings”

SP 48.13330.2011 “SNiP 12-01-2004 Organization of construction”

SP 52.13330.2011 “SNiP 23-05-95* Natural and artificial lighting”

SP 56.13330.2011 “SNiP 31-03-2001 Industrial buildings”

SP 66.13330.2011 Design and construction of pressure water supply and sewerage networks using high-strength pipes made of nodular cast iron (with amendment No. 1) SP 72.13330.2011 “SNiP 3.04.03-85 Protection of building structures and structures from corrosion”

SP 80.13330.2011 “SNiP 3.07.01-85 River hydraulic structures”

SP 129.13330.2011 “SNiP 3.05.04-85* External networks and water supply and sewerage structures”

SP 132.13330.2011 “Ensuring anti-terrorism security of buildings and structures. General design requirements” GOST R 53187–2008 Acoustics. Noise monitoring of urban areas GOST–80 Nature conservation. Hydrosphere. Classification of groundwater according to the purposes of water use GOST 7890–93 Single-beam overhead bridge cranes. Specifications GOST 13015–2003 Concrete and reinforced concrete products for construction. Are common technical requirements. Rules for acceptance, marking, transportation and storage GOST R ISO 2531–2008 Pipes, fittings, fittings and their connections made of nodular cast iron for water and gas supply. Technical conditions SanPiN Drinking water. Hygienic requirements for water quality in centralized systems drinking water supply. Quality control SanPiN “Zones of sanitary protection of water supply sources and drinking water pipelines”

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 27, 2004 N 861 (as amended); GOST 2761-84* Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation dated July 30, 2007 N 195 “On approval of the classification of reserves and forecast resources of drinking, technical and mineral groundwater.”

3 Terms and definitions This set of rules uses terms and definitions in accordance with GOST R 53187, as well as terms with corresponding definitions given in Appendix A*.

4 General provisions

4.1 When designing, it is necessary to consider the feasibility of cooperating water supply systems of objects, regardless of their departmental affiliation.

At the same time, water supply projects for facilities must be developed, as a rule, simultaneously with sewerage projects and a mandatory analysis of the balance of water consumption and wastewater disposal.

SP 31.13330.2012

4.2 Water, along with electrical and thermal energy, is an energy product, and therefore it is necessary to take into account the relevant requirements for the economic efficiency of its use.

4.3 The quality of water supplied for household and drinking needs must comply with the hygienic requirements of sanitary rules and regulations.

4.4 When treating, transporting and storing water used for household and drinking needs, equipment, reagents, internal anti-corrosion coatings, filter materials that have sanitary and epidemiological certificates confirming their safety should be used in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population.

4.5 The quality of water supplied for production needs must comply with technological requirements, taking into account its impact on the manufactured products and ensuring sanitary and hygienic conditions for operating personnel.

4.6 The quality of water supplied for irrigation to independent irrigation water pipelines or industrial water supply networks must satisfy sanitary, hygienic and agrotechnical requirements.

4.7 In projects for domestic and drinking water supply systems, it is necessary to provide for sanitary protection zones (SPZ) of water supply sources, water supply facilities, pumping stations and water pipelines in accordance with the provisions of SanPiN

4.8 Equipment, materials and other products must ensure failure-free operation in meeting regulatory requirements for the operation of an uninterrupted supply of water of the required quality.

General-purpose industrial products must take into account the specifics of their use in water supply systems.

4.9 When designing water supply systems and structures, progressive technical solutions, mechanization of labor-intensive work, automation of technological processes and maximum industrialization of construction and installation work must be provided, as well as ensuring environmental safety requirements and human health during the construction and operation of systems.

4.10 The main technical decisions taken in projects and the order of their implementation should be justified by comparing the indicators of possible options.

Technical and economic calculations should be performed for those options whose advantages and disadvantages cannot be established without calculations.

The optimal option is determined by the lowest value of the reduced costs, taking into account the reduction in the consumption of material resources, labor costs, electricity and fuel, as well as the impact on the environment.

5 Estimated water flows and free heads Estimated water flows

5.1 When designing water supply systems for populated areas, the specific average daily (per year) water consumption for household and drinking needs of the population should be taken according to Table 1.

SP 31.13330.2012 Note – The choice of specific water consumption within the limits specified in Table 1 should be made depending on climatic conditions, the power of the water supply source and water quality, the degree of improvement, the number of storeys of the building and local conditions.

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SP 31.13330.2012 End of Table 1 Notes 1 For areas with buildings using water from standpipes, the specific average daily (per year) water consumption per inhabitant should be 30–50 l/day.

2 Specific water consumption includes water consumption for household, drinking and domestic needs in public buildings (according to the classification adopted in SP 44.13330), with the exception of water consumption for holiday homes, sanitary and tourist complexes and children's health camps, which must be accepted in accordance with SP 30.13330 and technological data.

3 The amount of water for the needs of industry that provides the population with food, and unaccounted expenses, with appropriate justification, may be accepted in an additional amount of 10–20% of the total consumption for household and drinking needs of the settlement.

4 For districts (microdistricts) built up with buildings with centralized hot water supply, the direct selection of hot water from the heating network on average per day should be 40% of the total water consumption for household and drinking needs and at the hour of maximum water intake - 55% of this consumption. In case of mixed development, one should proceed from the number of people living in these buildings.

5 Specific water consumption in settlements with a population of over 1 million people.

may be increased upon justification in each individual case and in agreement with authorized government bodies.

6 The specific value of the norm for specific household and drinking water consumption is adopted on the basis of resolutions of local authorities.

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SP 31.13330.2012 SP 31.13330.2012

5.3 Water consumption for irrigation in populated areas and on the territory of industrial enterprises should be taken depending on the coverage of the territory, the method of watering it, the type of plantings, climatic and other local conditions according to Table 2.

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5.4 Water consumption for household and drinking needs and the use of showers at industrial enterprises must be determined in accordance with the requirements of SP 30.13330, SP 56.13330.

In this case, the coefficient of hourly unevenness of water consumption for household and drinking needs at industrial enterprises should be taken:

2.5 – for workshops with heat release more than 80 kJ (20 kcal) per 1 m3/h;

3 – for other workshops.

5.5 Water consumption for the maintenance and watering of livestock, birds and animals on livestock farms and complexes must be accepted in accordance with departmental regulatory documents.

5.6 Water consumption for the production needs of industrial and agricultural enterprises should be determined on the basis of technological data.

SP 31.13330.2012

5.7 The distribution of costs by hour of the day in populated areas, industrial and agricultural enterprises should be taken on the basis of calculated water consumption schedules.

5.8 When constructing calculation schedules, one should proceed from the technical solutions adopted in the project, which exclude the coincidence in time of maximum water withdrawals from the network for various needs (installation of control tanks at large industrial enterprises, replenished according to a given schedule, water supply for irrigation of the territory and for filling watering machines from special control tanks or through devices that stop the water supply when the free pressure decreases to a given limit, etc.) Calculated schedules for water withdrawals for various needs made from the network without the specified control must be accepted to coincide in time with the schedules for drinking water supply water consumption

5.9 Specific water consumption for determining the estimated water consumption in individual residential and public buildings, if it is necessary to take into account concentrated expenses, should be taken in accordance with the requirements of SP 30.13330.

Ensuring fire safety requirements

5.10 Issues of ensuring fire safety, requirements for sources of fire water supply, estimated water consumption for fire extinguishing facilities, estimated number of simultaneous fires, minimum free pressures in external water supply networks, placement of fire hydrants on the network, category of buildings, structures, structures and premises according to fire and explosion fire hazards should be taken in accordance with the Federal Law, as well as SP 5.13130, SP 8.13130, SP 10.13130.

Free heads

5.11 The minimum free pressure in the water supply network of a settlement with maximum domestic and drinking water consumption at the entrance to the building above the ground surface should be taken for a one-story building of at least 10 m, with a higher number of floors, 4 m should be added to each floor.

Notes 1 During hours of minimum water consumption, the pressure on each floor, except the first, can be taken equal to 3 m, and water supply to the storage tanks must be ensured.

2 For individual multi-storey buildings or a group of them, located in areas with fewer storeys or in elevated areas, it is allowed to provide local pumping installations to increase the pressure.

3 The free pressure in the network at the water dispensers must be at least 10 m.

5.12 Free head in external network industrial water supply must be taken according to technological data.

5.13 The free pressure in the external network of the drinking water supply system for consumers should not exceed 60 m.

Notes 1 Free pressure in residential buildings should be consistent with the provisions of SP 30.13330.

2 For network pressures of more than 60 m, installation of pressure regulators or zoning of the water supply system should be provided for individual buildings or areas.

SP 31.13330.2012

6 Sources of water supply

6.1 Watercourses (rivers, canals), reservoirs (lakes, reservoirs, ponds), seas, groundwater (aquifers, under-channel, mine and other waters) should be considered as a source of water supply.

For industrial water supply to industrial enterprises, the possibility of using treated wastewater should be considered.

Filled reservoirs with water supplied to them from natural surface sources can be used as a source of water supply.

Note – In the water supply system, the use of several sources with different hydrological and hydrogeological characteristics is allowed.

6.2 The choice of water supply source must be justified by the results of topographical, hydrological, hydrogeological, ichthyological, hydrochemical, hydrobiological, hydrothermal and other surveys and sanitary surveys.

6.3 The choice of source of domestic drinking water supply must be made in accordance with the requirements of GOST; GOST 2761-84*.

The choice of source of industrial water supply should be made taking into account the requirements of consumers for water quality.

Water supply sources accepted for use are subject to approval in accordance with current legislation.

6.4 For domestic and drinking water supply systems, available groundwater resources that meet sanitary and hygienic requirements should be used as much as possible.

The assessment of underground drinking water resources should be carried out on the basis of Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation dated July 30, 2007 N 195 “On approval of the classification of reserves and forecast resources of drinking, technical and mineral groundwater.”

If exploitable reserves of natural groundwater are insufficient, the possibility of increasing them through artificial replenishment should be considered.

6.5 Groundwater use drinking quality for needs not related to domestic drinking water supply, as a rule, is not allowed. In areas where there are no necessary surface water sources and there are sufficient supplies of groundwater of drinking quality, it is allowed to use this water for industrial and irrigation needs with the permission of the authorities regulating the use and protection of water.

6.6 For industrial and domestic drinking water supply, with appropriate water treatment and compliance with sanitary requirements, the use of mineralized and geothermal waters is allowed.

6.7 The availability of average monthly water flows from surface sources should be taken according to Table 3, depending on the category of the water supply system, determined in accordance with 7.4.

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6.8 When assessing the use of water resources for water supply purposes, the following should be taken into account:

flow regime and water balance by source with a forecast for 15–20 years;

water quality requirements set by consumers;

qualitative characteristics of the water at the source, indicating the aggressiveness of the water and a forecast of possible changes in its quality, taking into account the influx of wastewater;

qualitative and quantitative characteristics of sediments and litter, their regime, movement of bottom sediments, coastal stability;

the presence of permafrost soils, the possibility of freezing and drying out of the source, the presence of snow avalanches and mudflows (on mountain watercourses), as well as other natural phenomena in the catchment area of ​​the source;

autumn-winter regime of the source and the nature of ice and snow phenomena in it;

water temperature by month of the year and the development of phytoplankton at different depths;

characteristic features of the spring opening of the source and flood (for lowland watercourses), the passage of spring-summer floods (for mountain watercourses);

reserves and recharge conditions of groundwater, as well as their possible disruption as a result of changes in natural conditions, the construction of reservoirs or drainage, artificial pumping of water, etc.;

groundwater quality and temperature;

the possibility of artificial replenishment and formation of groundwater reserves;

requirements of authorized state bodies for regulation and protection of waters, sanitary and epidemiological services, fisheries protection, etc.

6.9 When assessing the sufficiency of water resources of surface water supply sources, it is necessary to ensure below the point of water intake a guaranteed flow of water necessary in each season of the year to meet the water needs of downstream settlements, industrial enterprises, Agriculture, fisheries, shipping and other types of water use, as well as to ensure sanitary requirements for the protection of water supply sources.

6.10 In case of insufficient water flow in a surface source, regulation of the natural flow of water within one hydrological year (seasonal regulation) or a multi-year period (multi-year regulation), as well as the transfer of water from other, more abundant surface sources, should be provided.

Note – The degree of provision for individual water consumers when the available water flows at the source are insufficient and the difficulty or high cost of increasing them is determined in agreement with the authorized state bodies.

6.11 Assessment of groundwater resources should be made on the basis of materials from hydrogeological searches, exploration and research.

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water supply sources, pressure requirements, water quality and security of supply.

7.2 The following must be justified by comparison of options:

sources of water supply and their use for certain consumers;

the degree of centralization of the system and the feasibility of identifying local water supply systems;

combining or separating structures, water pipelines and networks for various purposes;

zoning of the water supply system, the use of control tanks, the use of control stations and pumping stations;

use of integrated or local water recycling systems;

the use of waste water from some enterprises (workshops, installations, technological lines) to produce the needs of other enterprises (workshops, installations, technological lines), as well as for watering the territory and green spaces;

use of purified industrial and domestic wastewater, as well as accumulated surface runoff for industrial water supply and watering of reservoirs and swamps;

the feasibility of organizing closed cycles or creating closed water use systems;

the order of construction and commissioning of system elements by launch complexes.

7.3 The centralized water supply system for populated areas, depending on local conditions and the adopted water supply scheme, must ensure:

household and drinking water consumption in residential and public buildings, the needs of municipal enterprises;

household and drinking water consumption at enterprises;

production needs of industrial and agricultural enterprises that require potable water or for which it is not economically feasible to build a separate water supply system;

fire fighting;

own needs of water treatment stations, flushing of water supply and sewerage networks, etc.

If justified, it is allowed to install an independent water supply system for:

watering and washing areas (streets, driveways, squares, green spaces), operating fountains, etc.;

watering plantings in greenhouses, greenhouses and open areas, as well as personal plots.

7.4 Centralized water supply systems are divided into three categories according to the degree of water supply:

First category. It is allowed to reduce the water supply for household and drinking needs by no more than 30% of the calculated consumption and for production needs up to the limit established by the emergency work schedule of enterprises; The duration of the reduction in flow should not exceed 3 days. An interruption in the water supply or a decrease in supply below the specified limit is allowed while the damaged elements of the system are turned off and the reserve elements of the system are turned on (equipment, fittings, structures, pipelines, etc.), but not more than 10 minutes.

SP 31.13330.2012 A break in the water supply or a reduction in supply below the specified limit is allowed while the damaged elements are turned off and the backup elements are turned on or repairs are carried out, but not more than 6 hours;

A break in the water supply when the supply drops below the specified limit is allowed for a period of no more than 24 hours.

United drinking and industrial water supply systems of populated areas with a population of more than 50 thousand people. should be classified in the first category; from 5 to 50 thousand people. – to the second category; less than 5 thousand

If it is necessary to increase the availability of water supply for the production needs of industrial and agricultural enterprises (productions, workshops, installations), local water supply systems should be provided.

Projects of local systems that provide the technical requirements of objects must be considered and approved together with the projects of these objects.

Elements of water supply systems of the second category, damage to which may disrupt the supply of water for fire extinguishing, must belong to the first category.

7.5 When developing a water supply scheme and system, a technical, economic and sanitary assessment of existing structures, water pipelines and networks should be made and the extent of their further use should be justified, taking into account the costs of reconstruction and intensification of their work.

7.6 Water supply systems that provide fire protection needs should be designed in accordance with the instructions of SP 8.13130.

7.7 Water intake structures, water pipelines, and water treatment stations should, as a rule, be designed for the average hourly flow rate per day of maximum water consumption.

7.8 Calculations of the joint operation of water pipelines, water supply networks, pumping stations and control tanks should be made to the extent necessary to justify the water supply and distribution system for the estimated period, establish the priority of its implementation, select pumping equipment and determine the required volumes of control tanks and their location for each construction queues.

7.9* For water supply systems in populated areas, calculations of the joint operation of water pipelines, water supply networks, pumping stations and control tanks should be performed for the following typical water supply modes:

per day of maximum water consumption - maximum, average and minimum hourly consumption, as well as maximum hourly water consumption for fire fighting;

per day of average consumption - average hourly consumption;

per day of minimum water consumption - minimum hourly flow.

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Carrying out calculations for other modes of water consumption, as well as refusal to carry out calculations for one or more of the specified modes, is allowed if the sufficiency of the calculations is justified to identify the conditions for the joint operation of water pipelines, pumping stations, control tanks and distribution networks for all typical water consumption modes.

Note – When calculating structures, water conduits and networks for the fire extinguishing period, emergency shutdown of water conduits and ring network lines, as well as sections and blocks of structures, is not taken into account.

7.10 When developing a water supply scheme, a list of parameters must be established, the control of which is necessary for subsequent systematic verification by operational personnel of compliance with the design of actual water consumption and coefficients of unevenness of water consumption, as well as the actual characteristics of equipment, structures and devices. To carry out control, the relevant sections of the project must provide for the installation of the necessary instruments and equipment.

8 Water intake structures

Structures for groundwater intake. General instructions

8.1 The choice of the type and layout of water intake structures should be made based on the geological, hydrogeological and sanitary conditions of the area.

8.2 When designing new and expanding existing water intakes, the conditions of their interaction with existing water intakes in neighboring areas, as well as their impact on the natural environment (surface runoff, vegetation, etc.) must be taken into account.

8.3 The following water intake structures are used in groundwater intakes: water intake wells, shaft wells, horizontal water intakes, combined water intakes, spring catchments.

Water wells

8.4 Well designs must indicate the drilling method and define the well structure, its depth, the diameters of the pipe strings, the type of water intake part, water lift and well head, as well as the procedure for their testing.

8.5 The well design must provide for the possibility of measuring flow rate, level and taking water samples, as well as carrying out repair and restoration work when using pulse, reagent and combined regeneration methods when operating wells.

8.6 The diameter of the production pipe string in wells should be taken when installing pumps: with an electric motor above the well - 50 mm more than the nominal diameter of the pump; with a submersible electric motor – equal to the nominal diameter of the pump.

8.7 Depending on local conditions and equipment, the wellhead should be located in an above-ground pavilion or underground chamber.

8.8 The dimensions of the pavilion and underground chamber in plan should be taken from the condition of placing an electric motor, electrical equipment and instrumentation (instrumentation) in it.

SP 31.13330.2012 The height of the ground pavilion and underground chamber should be taken depending on the dimensions of the equipment, but not less than 2.4 m.

8.9 Top part the production pipe string must protrude above the floor by at least 0.5 m.

8.10 The design of the well head must ensure complete sealing, preventing the penetration of surface water and contaminants into the annular and annulus spaces of the well.

8.11 Installation and dismantling of downhole pump sections should be carried out through hatches located above the wellhead, using mechanization.

8.12 The number of reserve wells should be taken according to Table 4.

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Notes 1 Depending on hydrogeological conditions and with appropriate justification, the number of wells can be increased.

2 For water intakes of all categories, it is necessary to provide for the presence of backup pumps in the warehouse: for the number of working wells up to 12 - one; with a larger number - 10% of the number of working wells.

8.13 Wells existing in the water intake area, the further use of which is impossible, are subject to liquidation by plugging.

8.14 Filters in wells should be installed in loose, unstable rock and semi-rock.

8.15 The design and dimensions of the filter should be taken depending on the hydrogeological conditions, flow rate and operating mode.

8.16 The final diameter of the casing pipe during percussion drilling must be at least 50 mm larger than the outer diameter of the filter, and at least 100 mm when filling the filter with gravel.

With the rotary drilling method without fastening the walls with pipes, the final diameter of the wells must be at least 100 mm larger than the outer diameter of the filter.

8.17 The length of the working part of the filter in pressure aquifers with a thickness of up to 10 m should be taken equal to the thickness of the formation; in free-flow – formation thickness minus the operational decrease in the water level in the well (the filter must be flooded) taking into account 8.18.

In aquifers with a thickness of more than 10 m, the length of the working part of the filter should be determined taking into account the water permeability of the rocks, the productivity of the wells and the design of the filter.

8.18 The working part of the filter should be installed at a distance from the roof and base of the aquifer of at least 0.5–1 m.

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8.19 When using several aquifers, the working parts of the filters should be installed in each aquifer and connected to each other by blind pipes (overlapping weakly permeable layers).

8.20 The upper part of the above-filter pipe must be higher than the casing shoe by at least 3 m at a well depth of up to 50 m and at least 5 m at a well depth of more than 50 m; in this case, if necessary, a seal must be installed between the casing and the above-filter pipe.

8.21 The length of the settling tank should be no more than 2 m.

8.22 Filterless well designs for collecting groundwater from loose sandy deposits should be accepted provided that stable rocks lie above them.

8.23 After completing the drilling of wells and equipping them with filters, it is necessary to provide pumping, and when rotary drilling with a clay solution, declaying until the water is completely clarified.

8.24 To establish whether the actual flow rate of water intake wells corresponds to that adopted in the project, it is necessary to provide for their testing by pumping.

Mine wells

8.25 Mine wells should be used, as a rule, in the first free-flowing aquifers from the surface, composed of loose rocks and lying at a depth of up to 30 m.

8.26 When the thickness of the aquifer is up to 3 m, shaft wells of the perfect type should be provided with the opening of the entire thickness of the formation; with greater power, perfect and imperfect wells are allowed with the opening of part of the formation.

8.27 When the water intake part is located in sandy soils at the bottom of the well, it is necessary to provide a return sand-gravel filter or a porous concrete filter, and in the walls of the water intake part of the wells - porous concrete or gravel filters.

8.28 The return filter should be made of several layers of sand and gravel, each 0.1–0.15 m thick, with a total thickness of 0.4–0.6 m, with small fractions placed in the lower part of the filter and large fractions in the upper part.

8.29 The mechanical composition of individual filter layers and the ratio between the average grain diameters of adjacent filter layers should be taken in accordance with Table 5.

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8.30 The top of shaft wells must be at least 0.8 m above the ground surface. At the same time, a blind area 1–2 m wide should be provided around the wells with a slope of 0.1 from the well. Around wells supplying water for domestic and drinking needs, in addition, a castle made of clay or rich loam with a depth of 1.5–2 m and a width of 0.5 m should be provided.

8.31 In wells, it is necessary to provide a ventilation pipe located at least 2 m above the ground surface. The opening of the ventilation pipe must be protected by a cap with a mesh.

Horizontal water intakes

8.32 Horizontal water intakes should be provided, as a rule, at a depth of up to 8 m in unconfined aquifers, mainly near surface watercourses. They can be designed in the form of a stone-crushed stone drain, a tubular drain, a drainage gallery or a drainage adit.

8.33 It is recommended to provide water intakes in the form of stone and crushed stone drains for temporary water supply systems.

Tubular drains should be designed at a depth of 5–8 m for water intakes of the second and third categories.

For water intakes of the first and second categories, drainage galleries must be adopted.

Water intakes in the form of an adit should be taken in appropriate orographic conditions.

8.34 To prevent the removal of rock particles from the aquifer, when designing the water intake part of horizontal water intakes, a return filter of two or three layers should be provided.

8.35 The mechanical composition of individual layers of the return filter should be determined by calculation.

The thickness of individual filter layers must be at least 15 cm.

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8.36 For water intake in the form of a stone-crushed stone drain, water intake should be provided through a crushed stone prism 3030 or 5050 cm in size, laid on the bottom of the trench, with a return filter device.

The stone-crushed stone drain should be taken with a slope of 0.01–0.05 towards the drainage well.

8.37 The water intake part of water intakes from tubular drains should be made of non-metallic pipes with round or slotted holes on the sides and in the upper part of the pipe; the lower part of the pipe (no more than 1/3 in height) must be without holes.

The minimum pipe diameter should be 150 mm.

Note – The use of metal perforated pipes is allowed if justified.

8.38 Determination of the diameters of pipelines for horizontal water intakes should be made for a period of low groundwater levels; the calculated filling should be taken as 0.5 of the pipe diameter.

8.39. The slopes towards the drainage well must be no less than:

0.007 – with a diameter of 150 mm;

0.005 – with a diameter of 200 mm;

0.004 – with a diameter of 250 mm;

0.003 – with a diameter of 300 mm;

0.002 – with a diameter of 400 mm;

0.001 – with a diameter of 500 mm.

The water flow speed in the pipes must be taken to be at least 0.7 m/s.

8.40 Water intake galleries should be made of reinforced concrete with slotted openings or windows with canopies.

8.41 A foundation must be provided under the reinforced concrete sections of the gallery to prevent their settling relative to each other. A return filter should be installed on the sides of the gallery within its water intake part.

8.42 Horizontal water intakes must be protected from surface water entering them.

8.43 To monitor the operation of tubular and gallery water intakes, their ventilation and repair, inspection wells should be installed, the distance between which should be no more than 50 m for tubular water intakes with a diameter of 150 to 500 mm, and 75 m for a diameter of more than 500 mm; for gallery water intakes – 100–150 m.

Inspection wells should also be provided in places where the direction of the water intake part changes in plan and vertical plane.

8.44 Inspection wells should be 1 m in diameter; the top of the well must rise at least 0.2 m above the ground; around the wells there must be a waterproof blind area at least 1 m wide and a clay castle;

wells must be equipped with ventilation pipes in accordance with 8.31.

8.45 Pumping stations of horizontal water intakes should, as a rule, be combined with a drainage well.

8.46 Combined horizontal water intakes must be used in two-layer systems with upper free-flow and lower pressure aquifers. Water intake should be provided in the form of a horizontal tubular drain that captures the upper free-flow formation, to which the filter columns of vertical intensifier wells installed in the lower formation are connected from below or on the side.

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Radial water intakes

8.47 Radial water intakes should be provided in aquifers, the roof of which is located from the surface of the earth at a depth of no more than 15–20 m and the thickness of the aquifer does not exceed 20 m.

Note – Radial water intakes are not used in pebble soils with a fraction size D of 70 mm, in the presence of boulder inclusions in aquifers in an amount of more than 10% and in silty fine-grained rocks.

8.48 In heterogeneous or thick homogeneous aquifers, multi-tiered radial water intakes with beams located at different elevations should be used.

8.49 A water collection well with a water intake capacity of up to 150–200 l/s and in favorable hydrogeological and hydrochemical conditions should be designed as a single section; when the water intake capacity is over 200 l/s, the catchment well must be divided into two sections.

8.50 Beams with a length of 60 m or more should be of a telescopic design with a reduction in the diameter of the pipes.

8.51 When the length of the beams is less than 30 m in homogeneous aquifers, the angle between the beams must be at least 30 °.

8.52 Water intake beams must be made from steel perforated or slotted pipes with a duty cycle of no more than 20%; valves should be installed on water intake beams in catchment wells.

Captage of springs

8.53 Capture devices (catchment chambers or shallow sinkholes) should be used to capture groundwater from springs.

8.54 Water should be captured from an ascending spring through the bottom of the capture chamber, and from a descending spring through holes in the wall of the chamber.

8.55 When capturing springs from fractured rocks, water can be received in the capture chamber without filters, and from loose rocks - through filters.

8.56 Capture chambers must be protected from surface contamination, freezing and flooding by surface water.

8.57 In the capture chamber, an overflow pipe should be provided, designed for the highest flow rate of the spring, with a flap valve installed at the end, a ventilation pipe in accordance with 8.31 and a drain pipe with a diameter of at least 100 mm.

8.58 To free spring water from suspended matter, the capture chamber should be divided by an overflow wall into two compartments: one for settling the water with subsequent purification of sediment, the second for collecting water with a pump.

8.59 If there are several water outlets near a descending spring, the capture chamber should be provided with flaps.

Artificial recharge of groundwater reserves

8.60 Artificial recharge of groundwater should be taken for:

increasing productivity and ensuring stable operation of existing and projected groundwater intakes;

improving the quality of infiltrated and withdrawn groundwater;

creation of seasonal groundwater reserves;

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security environment(prevention of an unacceptable decrease in groundwater levels, leading to the death of vegetation).

8.61 To replenish the groundwater reserves of exploited aquifers, surface and groundwater must be used.

8.62 Replenishment of groundwater reserves should be provided through infiltration structures of open and closed types.

8.63 As infiltration structures open type should be used: swimming pools, natural and artificial relief depressions (ravines, gullies, oxbow lakes, quarries).

8.64 Open infiltration structures should be used to replenish groundwater reserves of the first aquifer from the surface in the absence or low thickness (up to 3 m) of cover low-permeable sediments.

8.65 When designing infiltration basins, the following should be provided:

insertion of the bottom into well-filtering rocks to a depth of at least 0.5 m;

strengthening the bottom at the point of water release and protecting slopes from erosion;

devices for regulating and measuring the flow of water supplied to infiltration structures;

access roads and ramps for cars and mechanisms.

8.66 The width along the bottom of infiltration pools should be no more than 30 m, the length of the pools should be no more than 500 m, the water layer should be 0.7–2.5 m, and the number should be at least two.

8.67 Water supply to the pool should be provided through sprinklers or a cascade with a free spout.

8.68 When constructing pools in gravel and pebble deposits with coarse aggregate, provision should be made for loading the bottom with coarse sand with a layer thickness of 0.5–0.7 m.

8.69 When using natural depressions in the relief, preparation of the filter surface should be provided.

8.70 Wells (absorption and drainage-absorption) and mine wells should be used as closed-type infiltration structures.

8.71 When designing absorption and drainage-absorption wells and mine wells, it is necessary to provide devices for measuring and regulating the flow of supplied water and measuring dynamic water levels in structures and the aquifer.

8.72 The design of infiltration structures must ensure the possibility of restoring their productivity in open infiltration structures by mechanical or hydraulic removal of the clogged layer from the filter surface, in closed ones - by methods used for the regeneration of water intake wells.

Note – Emptying and regeneration of open infiltration structures during periods of negative temperatures is not allowed.

8.73 The selection of the layout of infiltration structures, determination of their quantity and productivity should be made on the basis of complex hydrogeological and technical and economic calculations, taking into account the purpose of artificial replenishment of groundwater reserves, the layout of water intake structures, the quality of the supplied water and the operating features of infiltration and water intake structures.

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8.74 The distances between infiltration and water intake structures should be taken on the basis of a forecast of the quality of the withdrawn water, taking into account the additional purification of the water supplied for infiltration and its mixing with groundwater.

8.75 The quality of water used for artificial replenishment must meet the requirements of state standards.

8.76 The quality of water supplied to infiltration structures of domestic drinking water supply systems must, taking into account its additional purification during infiltration into the aquifer and mixing with groundwater, meet the requirements of sanitary standards and regulations.

Surface water intake structures

8.77 Water intake structures (water intakes) must:

ensure the intake of the calculated water flow from the water source and supply it to the consumer;

protect the water supply system from biological fouling and from the ingress of sediment, litter, plankton, sludge, etc.;

in water bodies of fishery importance, satisfy the requirements of fisheries protection authorities.

8.78 Water intakes according to the degree of water supply should be divided into three categories in accordance with 7.4.

8.79 The design scheme of water intake should be adopted depending on the required category, the hydrological characteristics of the water source, taking into account the maximum and minimum water levels indicated in Table 6, as well as the requirements of authorized state bodies.

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8.80 The class of main water intake structures is established in accordance with its category.

The class of secondary water intake structures is taken to be one less.

Notes 1 The main ones should include structures, if damaged, the water intake will not provide the calculated water flow to consumers, and the secondary ones should include structures, the damage of which will not lead to a decrease in water supply to consumers.

2 The class of water-lifting and reservoir dams that are part of a water intake hydraulic system should be taken in accordance with the instructions of SP 80.13330, but not lower than:

8.81 The choice of the design and location of the water intake must be justified by forecasts:

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water quality at the source;

reformation of the riverbed or coastline;

changes in the boundary of permafrost soils;

hydrothermal regime.

8.82 It is not allowed to place water intakes within the zones of movement of ships, rafts, in the zone of deposition and vein movement of bottom sediments, in areas of wintering and spawning of fish, in areas of possible destruction of the shore, accumulation of driftwood and algae, as well as the occurrence of sludge and congestion.

8.83 It is not recommended to place water intakes in the downstream areas of hydroelectric power stations adjacent to the hydroelectric complex, in the upper reaches of reservoirs, as well as in areas located below the mouths of tributary watercourses and at the mouths of backed-up watercourses.

8.84 The location of water intakes for water intakes of domestic drinking water supply should be taken upstream of the watercourse of wastewater outlets, settlements, as well as ship parking, timber exchanges, commodity transport bases and warehouses in the area ensuring the organization of sanitary protection zones.

8.85 On seas, large lakes and reservoirs, water intakes should be located (taking into account the expected processing of the adjacent shore and coastal slope):

outside the surf zones at the lowest water levels;

in places sheltered from disturbance;

outside the concentrated currents emerging from the surf zones.

At water intakes with gravity and siphon conduits, it is advisable to move the water intake mesh well, pumping station and other structures beyond the expected shore processing limits, without installing bank protection coatings.

8.86 Conditions for water intake from surface sources should be divided depending on the stability of the banks and bed of the source, channel and slushy ice regimes, and contamination according to the indicators given in Table 8.

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8.87 Water intake devices should be taken according to table No. 13 SNiP 2.04.02-84*, depending on the required category and the complexity of the natural conditions for water intake. In water intake structures of I and II reliability categories, sectioning of the water intake part should be provided.

placement of water intakes in a floodable, self-flushing water intake bucket;

supply to water inlets warm water in an amount of at least 20% of the intake flow and the use of special nanoprotective devices;

providing a reliable backwash system for debris-holding grates, fish barriers of water intakes and gravity water conduits.

8.89 The choice of the design and layout of a water intake structure in severe and very difficult local conditions should be made on the basis of laboratory research.

8.90 Water intake structures should be designed taking into account the future development of water consumption.

8.91 When drawing water from reservoirs, the feasibility of using a bottom drainage tower or a spillway head structure as a water intake should be considered.

When combining a water intake structure with a water-raising dam, it is necessary to provide for the possibility of repairing the dam without stopping the water supply.

8.92. The dimensions of the main elements of the water intake structure (water intake openings, nets, fish protection devices, pipes, channels), as well as the estimated minimum water level in the coastal water intake mesh well and pump axis elevations must be determined by hydraulic calculations at the minimum water levels in the source for normal operating and emergency modes work.

Note - In emergency mode (switching off one gravity or siphon water pipeline or section of a water intake for repair or revision) for water intake structures of categories II and III, a reduction in water intake by 30% is allowed.

8.93 The dimensions of water intake openings should be determined by the average speed of water inflow into the openings (in the clear) of trash-holding grates, nets or into the pores of filters, taking into account the requirements of fish protection.

8.94 The bottom of the water intake openings must be located at least 0.5 m above the bottom of the reservoir or watercourse, the top of the water intake openings or flooded structures

– at least 0.2 m from the lower edge of the ice.

8.95 To combat icing and blockage of water intakes by slush in severe slush-ice conditions, electrical heating of the grates, supply of warm water or compressed air to the water intake openings, or pulse flushing in combination with reverse flushing should be provided. The rods of debris-holding grids must be made of or coated with hydrophobic materials. To remove sludge from coastal water intake wells and mesh chambers, appropriate devices must be provided.

8.96 If necessary, measures should be taken to combat the fouling of elements of the water intake structure by dracena, balanus, mussels, etc. by treating water with disinfecting solutions.

Doses, frequency and duration of water treatment with reagents should be determined based on technological research data.

SP 31.13330.2012 In the absence of these data, the dose of chlorine should be taken at 2 mg/l more than the chlorine absorption capacity of water, but not less than 5 mg/l.

8.97 Approximate speeds of water movement in gravity and siphon water pipelines during normal operation of water intake structures can be taken according to Table 8.

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8.98 Siphon conduits may be used in water intakes of categories II and III.

The use of siphon conduits in category I water intakes must be justified.

8.99* Siphon and gravity water conduits should be made of steel pipes or pipes made of high-strength nodular cast iron (ductile iron). The use of polymer and reinforced concrete pipes is allowed.

8.100 For gravity water pipelines in the area adjacent to the underground part of water intake wells and pumping stations, carried out using the lowering method, the trenchless installation method is recommended.

8.101* Steel and polymer pipelines, ductile iron pipelines must be checked for floating. Steel pipelines and pipelines made of ductile iron must be equipped with anti-corrosion insulation. If necessary, steel pipes are provided with cathodic or sacrificial protection. Pipelines made of ductile iron with socket connections under a rubber sealing ring do not require cathodic protection.

When gravity and siphon conduits cross areas with permafrost soils, measures must be taken to prevent freezing of water inside the conduit.

8.102 Gravity and siphon conduits within the watercourse bed must be protected from the outside from abrasion by bottom sediments and from damage by anchors by deepening the conduits under the bottom by at least 0.5 m, or by covering them with soil and strengthening them from erosion.

8.103 The choice of the type of grids for preliminary water purification should be made taking into account the characteristics of the reservoir and the productivity of water intake.

8.104 When using filter elements or filter-type water intakes as fish protection measures, in some cases the possibility of refusing to install water treatment nets should be considered.

8.105 Pumping stations of water intake structures should be designed in accordance with Section 10.

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8.106 When designing water intake structures, devices should be provided for removing sediment from water intake chambers (wells).

To wash the screens, use water from pressure water lines. If the pressure is insufficient for flushing them, it is necessary to install booster pumps.

9 Water treatment General instructions

9.1 The requirements of this section do not apply to water treatment installations at thermal power facilities.

9.2 The method of water treatment, the composition and design parameters of water treatment facilities and the estimated doses of reagents should be established depending on the quality of water in the water supply source, the purpose of the water supply system, the productivity of the station and local conditions based on technological research data and operating experience of structures operating in similar conditions.

9.3 The selection of water treatment methods and technologies for the designed centralized drinking water supply systems must be made taking into account the requirements of SanPiN

If justified, it is allowed to discharge them into drains or reservoirs, or to sewage treatment plants.

9.5 When designing equipment, fittings and pipelines of a water treatment plant, the requirements of sections 13 and 14 should be taken into account.

9.6 The total water consumption supplied to the station should be determined taking into account the water consumption for the station’s own needs.

Approximately average daily (per year) consumption of source water for the own needs of the clarification station, deferrization, etc. should be taken: for reuse rinsing water in the amount of 3–4% of the amount of water supplied to consumers, without reuse – 10–14%, for a softening station – 20–30%. Water consumption for the station’s own needs should be clarified by calculations.

9.7 Water treatment stations must be designed for uniform operation during the day of maximum water consumption, and it must be possible to shut down individual structures for routine inspection, cleaning, routine and major repairs. For stations with a capacity of up to 5000 m3/day, it is allowed to operate during part of the day.

9.8 Communications of water treatment stations should be expected to allow the passage of water flow 20–30% more than the calculated one.

Lightening and discoloration of water. General instructions

9.9 Waters from water supply sources are divided into:

SP 31.13330.2012 depending on the calculated maximum turbidity (approximate amount of suspended solids) by:

low turbidity – up to 50 mg/l;

medium turbidity - St. 50 to 250 mg/l;

cloudy - St. 250 to 1500 mg/l;

high turbidity - St. 1500 mg/l;

depending on the calculated maximum content of humic substances that determine the color of water, on:

low-colored – up to 35 °;

medium color – St. 35 to 120°;

high color – St. 120°.

Calculated maximum values turbidity and color for the design of water treatment plant structures should be determined based on water analysis data for a period of at least the last three years before selecting a water supply source.

9.10 When choosing facilities for clarification and decolorization of water, it is recommended to be guided by the requirements of 9.2 and 9.3, and for preliminary selection - by the data in Table 9.

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high-turbidity waters 11 Tubular sedimentation tank and Up to 1000 Up to 1.5 Up to 120 Up to 20 Up to 800 factory-made pressure filter Drum screen filters

9.11 Drum mesh filters should be used to remove large floating and suspended impurities from water (drum meshes) and to remove said impurities and plankton (microfilters).

Mesh drum filters should be placed on the site of water treatment stations; if justified, their placement on water intake structures is allowed.

Mesh drum filters should be installed before adding reagents to the water.

9.12 The number of reserve drum mesh filters should be taken:

1 – with the number of working units 1–5;

2 – with the number of working units 6–10;

3 – when the number of working units is 11 or more.

9.13 The installation of mesh drum filters should be provided in the chambers. It is allowed to place two units in one chamber if the number of working units is more than 5.

The chambers must be equipped with drain pipes. An overflow pipeline should be provided in the supply channel of the chambers.

9.14 Washing of mesh drum filters should be carried out with water passing through them.

Water consumption for own needs should be taken as follows: for drum screens - 0.5% and microfilters - 1.5% of the calculated capacity.

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Reagent facilities

9.15 The brand and type of reagents, the calculated doses of reagents should be established in accordance with their characteristics for different periods of the year, depending on the quality of the source water, and adjusted during the commissioning and operation of structures. In this case, their permissible residual concentrations in treated water should be taken into account.

9.16 Doses of alkalizing reagents Dsh, mg/l, necessary to improve the flocculation process, should be determined by the formula Dk Dsch Ksch Shch0 1, (5) ek where Dk is the maximum dose of anhydrous coagulant during the alkalization period, mg/l;

ek – equivalent mass of coagulant (anhydrous), taken for Al2(SO4)3 – 57, FeCl3 – 54, Fe2(SO4)3 – 67 mg/mg-eq.;

Ksh is a coefficient equal to 28 for lime (according to CaO), and 53 for soda (according to Na2CO3);

Sh0 – minimum alkalinity of water, mEq/l.

An alkalinizing reagent should be introduced in case of low alkaline reserve for coagulant input. Reagents should be administered simultaneously with the introduction of coagulants.

9.17 Preparation and dosing of reagents should be provided in the form of solutions or suspensions. The number of dispensers should be taken depending on the number of input points and the performance of the dispenser, but not less than two (one reserve).

Granular and powdered reagents should generally be taken in dry form.

9.18 The concentration of the coagulant solution in solution tanks, based on pure and anhydrous product, as well as the conditions for preparing their solutions should be taken according to the manufacturer’s recommendations.

9.19 The number of solution tanks should be taken taking into account the volume of a one-time supply, methods of delivery and unloading of the coagulant, its type, as well as the time of its dissolution and should be at least three.

The number of consumable tanks must be at least two.

9.20 The intake of coagulant solution from solution and supply tanks should be provided from the upper level.

9.21 The internal surface of tanks must be protected with acid-resistant materials.

9.22 When used as a dry coagulant ferric chloride a grate should be provided in the upper part of the solution tank. Tanks must be placed in an isolated room (box) with exhaust ventilation.

9.23 To transport the coagulant solution, acid-resistant materials and equipment should be used.

The design of reagent lines must allow them to be quickly cleaned and washed.

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9.24 Lime should be used to alkalize and stabilize water. If justified, the use of soda is allowed.

9.25 The choice of technological scheme for lime production at a water treatment station should be made taking into account the quality and type of the factory product, the need for lime, the place of its input, etc. If lump quicklime is used, it should be stored wet in the form of a dough.

When lime consumption is up to 50 kg/day for CaO, it is permissible to use a scheme using a lime solution obtained in double saturation saturators.

9.26 The number of tanks for lime milk or solution should be at least two. The concentration of lime milk in supply tanks should be no more than 5% CaO.

9.27 To purify lime milk from insoluble impurities during water stabilization treatment, vertical settling tanks or hydrocyclones should be used.

The rate of upward flow in vertical settling tanks should be 2 mm/s.

To purify lime milk using hydrocyclones, it is necessary to ensure that it passes through the hydrocyclones twice.

9.28 For continuous mixing of lime milk, hydraulic mixing (using pumps) or mechanical mixers should be used.

When hydraulic mixing, the upward speed of milk movement in the tank should be at least 5 mm/s. Tanks must have conical bottoms with a slope of 45° and discharge pipelines with a diameter of at least 100 mm.

Note – It is allowed to use compressed air at a flow rate of 8–10 l/(cm2) to mix lime milk.

9.29 The diameters of the lime milk supply pipelines must be:

pressure when supplying purified product is at least 25 mm, unpurified - at least 50 mm, gravity - at least 50 mm. The speed of movement in lime milk pipelines must be taken to be at least 0.8 m/s. Turns on lime milk pipelines should be provided with a radius of at least 5d, where d is the diameter of the pipeline.

Pressure pipelines are designed with a slope towards the pump of at least 0.02, gravity pipelines must have a slope towards the outlet of at least 0.03.

In this case, the possibility of flushing and cleaning the pipelines should be provided.

9.30 The concentration of the soda solution should be 5–8%. The dosage of soda solution should be provided in accordance with 9.17.

Mixing devices

9.31 Mixing devices must include reagent input devices that ensure rapid uniform distribution of reagents in the pipeline or water supply channel to water treatment facilities, and mixers that ensure subsequent intensive mixing of reagents with the treated water.

For low-turbidity and colored waters, it is recommended to organize a uniform injection of pulp containing an artificial “turbidity” of mineral origin immediately before the reagent injection point. At the same point, it is possible to uniformly introduce circulating water listed in clause 9.4.

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9.32 Mixing devices must ensure sequential introduction of reagents with the required time interval in accordance with 9.16, taking into account the length of time water remains in the pipelines or channels between the reagent input devices.

9.33 Reagent input devices should be made in the form of perforated tubular distributors or inserts into the pipeline that create local resistance. Reagent distributors must be accessible for cleaning and rinsing without stopping the water treatment process. The pressure loss in the pipeline when installing a tubular distributor should be assumed to be 0.1–0.2 m, when installing an insert – 0.2–0.3 m.

9.34 Mixing of reagents with water should be provided in hydraulic mixers (vortex, baffle) and mechanical type equipped with mixers.

9.35 The number of mixers (sections) should be at least two, with the possibility of turning them off during periods of intense flocculation.

Backup mixers (sections) should not be accepted, but it is necessary to provide a bypass pipeline bypassing the mixers with backup reagent input devices placed in it in accordance with 9.33.

9.36 Vortex mixers should be used when water with coarse suspended substances enters the station and when using reagents in the form of suspensions or partially clarified solutions.

Vortex mixers should be taken in the form of a conical or pyramidal vertical diffuser with an angle between inclined walls of 30–45 °, the height of the upper part with vertical walls from 1 to 1.5 m, with a water entry speed into the mixer from 1.2 to 1.5 m /s, the speed of upward movement of water under the drainage device is from 30 to 40 mm/s, the speed of water movement at the end of the drainage tray is 0.6 m/s.

9.37 Baffle mixers should be taken in the form of channels with partitions that provide horizontal or vertical movement of water with turns of 180°. The number of turns should be taken equal to 9–10.

9.38 The pressure loss h at one turn of the baffle mixer should be determined by the formula h v2 / 2g, (6) where is the coefficient of hydraulic resistance, taken equal to 2.9;

v – speed of water movement in the mixer, taken from 0.7 to 0.5 m/s;

g – gravitational acceleration equal to 9.8 m/s2.

9.39 Mixers must be equipped with overflow and drain pipes.

It should be possible to reduce the number of baffles to reduce the residence time of water in the mixers during periods of intense flocculation.

9.40 The speed of water movement in pipelines or channels from mixers to flocculation chambers and clarifiers with suspended sediment should be taken to decrease from 1 to 0.6 m/s. In this case, the residence time of water in them should be no more than 1.5 minutes.

Air separators

9.41 Air separators should be provided when using settling tanks with flocculation chambers with a layer of suspended sediment, clarifiers with suspended sediment, contact clarifiers and contact prefilters, as well as in schemes with two-stage filtration.

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9.42 The area of ​​the air separator should be taken based on the speed of the downward flow of water not exceeding 0.05 m/s and the residence time of water in it not less than 1 minute.

Air separators may be provided common to all types of structures or for each structure separately.

In cases where the design of the mixers can ensure the release of air bubbles from the water and the enrichment of water with air is excluded along the path of water movement from the mixers to the structures, air separators should not be provided.

Flocking chambers Settling tanks should be equipped with built-in mechanical type flocculation chambers 9.43 with 2-3 stages of mixing with low-speed mixers. Agitator drives must be equipped with a variable drive. Each subsequent mixing stage should have a lower mixing intensity compared to the previous stage.

Mixing modes are set during operation for different periods of the year, depending on the quality of the source and “clarified” water.

When justified, the use of flocculation chambers of a different type is allowed.

9.44 In horizontal settling tanks, hydraulic flocculation chambers should be baffled, vortex or contact with granular loading and thin-layer modules.

9.45 Baffled flocculation chambers should be installed with horizontal or vertical water movement. The speed of water movement in the corridors should be 0.2–0.3 m/s at the beginning of the chamber and 0.05–0.1 m/s at the end of the chamber by increasing the width of the corridor.

The residence time of water in the flocculation chamber should be taken equal to 20–30 minutes (the lower limit is for turbid waters, the upper limit is for colored waters with low temperatures in winter). It should be possible to reduce the time spent in the chamber.

The width of the corridor must be at least 0.7 m. The number of flow turns in the partition chamber should be taken equal to 8–10. The pressure loss in the chamber should be determined in accordance with 9.38.

9.46 Vortex flocculation chambers should be designed vertical or inclined. The residence time of water in the chamber should be taken equal to 6–12 minutes (the lower limit is for turbid waters, the upper limit is for colored waters).

The drainage of water from the flocculation chambers into settling tanks should be provided at a speed of water movement in collecting trays, pipes and holes of no more than 0.1 m/s for turbid waters and 0.05 m/s for colored waters. At the water inlet to the settling tank, a suspended partition should be provided, immersed at the height of the settling tank.

The speed of water movement between the wall and the partition should be no more than 0.03 m/s.

The pressure loss in the chamber should be determined in accordance with 9.38.

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SP 31.13330.2012 End of table 11 Notes 1 In the case of using flocculants when coagulating water, the rate of suspension precipitation should be increased by 15–20%.

2 Lower limits u0 are specified for domestic and drinking water supply systems.

9.47 If the number of flocculation chambers built into settling tanks is less than six, one reserve should be provided (9.49, 9.54).

9.48 In vertical settling tanks, thin-layer contact and thin-layer ejection flocculation chambers should be provided, located in the center of the settling tank.

Vertical settling tanks

9.49 The area of ​​the sedimentation zone Fw.o is determined for a vertical settling tank without installing thin-layer blocks in it based on the rate of precipitation of suspended matter retained by the settling tanks (see Table 10) for two periods:

1 – minimum turbidity with minimum winter water flow;

2 – the highest turbidity at the highest water flow corresponding to this period.

The calculated area of ​​the deposition zone should correspond to the largest value of volumeq / 3.6v p N p, (7) F v.o where q is the calculated flow rate for periods of maximum and minimum daily water consumption, m3/h;

vp is the estimated speed of the ascending flow, mm/s, accepted, in the absence of technological research data, no more than the values ​​of suspended sedimentation rates indicated in Table 15;

Np – number of working settling tanks;

r – coefficient taking into account the volumetric use of the settling tank, the value of which is taken to be 1.3–1.5 (the lower limit is when the ratio of diameter to height of the settling tank is 1, the upper limit is when the ratio of diameter to height is 1.5).

If the number of settling tanks is less than six, one reserve should be provided.

9.50 When installing thin-layer blocks in the sedimentation zone, the area of ​​the sedimentation zone is determined based on the specific loads related to the area of ​​the water surface occupied by thin-layer blocks: for low-turbidity and colored waters treated with a coagulant, 3–3.5 m3/(hm2); for average turbidity 3.6–4.5 m3/(hm2); for turbid waters 4.6–5.5 m3/(hm2).

9.51 The sediment accumulation and compaction zone of vertical settling tanks must be provided with inclined walls. The angle between the inclined walls should be 70–80°.

Sludge discharge should be provided without turning off the settling tank. The period of operation between sludge discharges must be at least 6 hours.

9.52 Collection of clarified water in vertical settling tanks should be provided with peripheral and radial gutters with holes or with SP 31.13330.2012 triangular cutouts, as well as flooded drainage pipes with holes in a checkerboard pattern directed downward at 45° to the vertical axis.

Horizontal settling tanks

9.53 Horizontal settling tanks should be designed with water collection dispersed over the area. Calculation of settling tanks should be made for two periods in accordance with 9.49.

The area of ​​horizontal settling tanks in terms of Fg.o, m2, should be determined based on the rate of precipitation of suspended matter retained by the settling tanks (see Table 10).

When installing thin-layer blocks in the deposition zone, the area of ​​the settling tank should be determined in accordance with 9.50.

For new and reconstructed structures, thin-layer blocks should be provided without fail.

9.54 The length of settling tanks L, m, should be determined based on the rate of sedimentation, taking into account the following parameters:

the average height of the deposition zone, m, taken to be 3–3.5 m depending on the altitude layout of the station;

the calculated speed of horizontal movement of water at the beginning of the settling tank, taken equal to 6–8, 7–10 and 9–12 mm/s, respectively, for low-turbidity, medium-turbidity and turbid waters.

The settling tank must be divided by longitudinal partitions into independently operating corridors no more than 6 m wide.

If the number of corridors is less than six, one reserve should be provided.

9.55 Horizontal sedimentation tanks should be designed with mechanical or hydraulic removal of sediment (without turning off the water supply to the sedimentation tank) or provide them with a hydraulic system for flushing sediment with periodic shutdown of the water supply to the sedimentation tank in the event of clarification of turbid waters with the formation of sedentary sediments.

9.56 For sedimentation tanks with mechanized removal of sediment using scraper mechanisms, the volume of the sediment accumulation and compaction zone should be determined depending on the size of the scrapers raking the sediment into the pit.

When hydraulically removing or pressurizing sludge, the volume of the sediment accumulation and compaction zone is determined based on the duration of operation of the settling tank between cleanings for at least 12 hours.

The average concentration of compacted sediment should be determined according to Table 11.

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SP 31.13330.2012 End of Table 12 Note – When treating source water with coagulants together with flocculants, the average concentration of the solid phase in the sediment should be taken 25% more for low-turbidity colored waters and 15% more for medium-turbidity waters turbidity.

9.57 For hydraulic removal of sediment, a prefabricated system of perforated pipes should be provided. The hydraulic sludge removal process must be automated using devices (turbidity meters) that initiate the start of the removal process upon reaching the maximum sludge level in the critical zone and stop the sludge removal process for a given period of time or after a decrease in turbidity in the discharge stream.

9.58 Pressure hydraulic sludge flushing systems, including telescopic perforated pipes with nozzles, a pumping unit, a wash water tank and tanks for collecting and compacting sludge before supplying it to dewatering facilities, should be designed to remove heavy, difficult-to-remove sediments from settling tanks, formed during the clarification of turbid and high turbidity waters.

9.59 The height of settling tanks should be determined as the sum of the heights of the sedimentation zone and the sediment accumulation zone, taking into account the excess of the construction height above the design water level of at least 0.3 m.

9.60 The amount of water discharged from the settling tank along with the sludge should be determined taking into account the dilution factor adopted:

1.5 – with hydraulic sediment removal;

1.2 – with mechanical removal of sediment;

2–3 – with pressure flushing of sediment.

When removing sediment hydraulically, the longitudinal slope of the bottom of the settling tank should be taken to be at least 0.005.

9.61 Collection of clarified water should be provided by a system of horizontally located perforated pipes or gutters with submerged holes or triangular weirs located at 2/3 of the length of the settling tank, counting from the rear end wall, or along the entire length of the settling tank when equipped with thin-layer blocks.

The speed of movement of clarified water at the ends of gutters and pipes should be 0.6–0.8 m/s, in holes – 1 m/s.

The top of the gutter with flooded holes must be 10 cm above the maximum water level in the sump; the depth of the pipe under the water level must be determined by hydraulic calculation.

Holes in the gutter should be located 5–8 cm above the bottom of the gutter, in pipes - horizontally along the axis. The diameter of the holes must be at least 25 mm.

The flow of water from gutters and pipes into the collection pocket must be free (not flooded).

The distance between the axes of gutters or pipes must be at least 3 m.

Suspended sediment clarifiers

9.62 Calculation of clarifiers should be made taking into account annual fluctuations in the quality of the treated water.

SP 31.13330.2012 In the absence of technological research data, the speed of the upward flow in the clarification zone and the coefficient of water distribution between the clarification zone and the sediment separation zone should be taken according to the data in Table 12, taking into account the notes to Table 10.

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9.63 For zones of clarification and sediment separation, the largest area values ​​​​obtained in the calculation for two periods in accordance with 9.49 should be taken.

When installing thin-layer blocks in the sedimentation and sediment separation zones, the area of ​​the zones occupied by the blocks must be determined in accordance with 9.50.

9.64 The height of the layer of suspended sediment should be taken from 2 to 2.5 m. The bottom of the sediment intake windows or the edge of the sediment pipes should be located 1–1.5 m above the transition of the inclined walls of the clarifier suspended sediment zone to the vertical ones.

The angle between the inclined walls of the lower part of the suspended sediment zone should be 60–70°.

The height of the clarification zone should be 2–2.5 m. The distance between collection trays or pipes in the clarification zone should be no more than 3 m. The height of the walls of the clarifiers should be 0.3 m higher than the calculated water level in them.

9.65 The compaction time should be at least 6 hours if there are no separate sludge thickeners at the station and 2–3 hours if thickeners are available and sludge release is automated.

9.66 Removal of sediment from the sediment compactor should be provided periodically with perforated pipes. The amount of water discharged with sludge should be determined according to Table 15, taking into account the sludge dilution factor, assumed to be 1.5.

9.67 Water distribution over the clarification area should be done using telescopic perforated pipes, laid at a distance of no more than 3 m from each other.

The speed of water movement at the entrance to the distribution pipes should be 0.5–0.6 m/s, the speed of exit from the holes of the perforated pipes should be 1.5–2 m/s. The diameter of the holes is at least 25 mm, the distance between the holes is no more than 0.5 m, the holes should be placed downward at an angle of 45 ° to the vertical on both sides of the pipe in a checkerboard pattern.

9.68 The speed of movement of water with sediment should be assumed to be 10–15 mm/s in sediment receiving windows, 40–60 mm/s in sediment drainage pipes (higher values ​​apply to waters containing predominantly mineral suspension).

9.69 Collection of clarified water in the clarification zone should be provided by gutters with triangular weirs 40–60 mm high with a distance between

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the axes of the weirs are 100–150 mm and the angle between the edges of the weir is 60°. The estimated speed of water movement in the gutters is 0.5–0.6 m/s.

9.70 Collection of clarified water from the sediment compactor should be provided by submerged perforated pipes.

In vertical sediment compactors, the top of prefabricated perforated pipes must be located at least 0.3 m below the water level in the clarifiers and at least 1.5 m above the top of the sediment intake windows.

In pallet sediment compactors, prefabricated perforated pipes for draining clarified water should be located under the ceiling. The diameter of the pipes for draining clarified water should be determined based on the water movement speed of no more than 0.5 m/s, the speed of water entry into the pipe holes of at least 1.5 m/s, and the hole diameter of 15–20 mm.

On collection pipes, when they exit into the collection channel, it is necessary to install shut-off valves.

The difference in elevations between the bottom of the collection pipe and the water level in the common collection channel of the clarifier should be at least 0.4 m.

9.71 Pipes for removing sediment from the sediment compactor should be designed based on the condition of removing the accumulated sediment in no more than 15–20 minutes. The sediment removal process needs to be automated similarly to clause 9.57. The diameter of the pipes for sediment removal must be at least 150 mm. The distance between the walls of adjacent pipes or channels should be no more than 3 m.

The average speed of sediment movement in the holes of perforated pipes should be no more than 3 m/s, the speed at the end of the perforated pipe should be no less than 1 m/s, the diameter of the holes should be no less than 20 mm, the distance between the holes should not be more than 0.5 m.

9.72 The angle between the inclined walls of sediment compactors should be taken equal to 70°.

When using clarifiers with bottom sediment compactors, the hatch connecting the suspended sediment zone with the sediment compactor must be equipped with a device that automatically opens when the water level in the clarifier drops below the top of the sediment pipes (during sediment release and emptying).

9.73 If the number of clarifiers is less than six, one reserve should be provided.

Facilities for clarification of highly turbid waters

9.74 To clarify highly turbid waters, two-stage sedimentation with water treatment with reagents should be provided before the settling tanks of the first and second stages.

The first stage settling tanks should be radial settling tanks with scrapers on rotating trusses or horizontal settling tanks with scraping mechanisms. It is allowed to use a hydraulic flushing system to remove sediment. When justified, it is permissible to use a floating water intake-clarifier with thin-layer elements without the use of reagents for the first stage of clarification.

9.75 The types and doses of reagents introduced into the water before the settling tanks of the first and second stages should be determined on the basis of technological research.

9.76 The flocculation chambers in horizontal settling tanks for clarification of high-turbidity waters should be designed of the mechanical type. No flocculation chambers are provided in front of radial settling tanks.

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9.77 The average concentration of compacted sediment in first-stage settling tanks should be taken as 150–160 g/l.

Quick filters

9.78 Filters and their communications must be designed to operate in normal and forced (some of the filters are under repair) modes. At stations with a number of filters up to 20, it should be possible to turn off one filter for repairs; for a larger number - two filters.

9.79 To load filters, you should use quartz sand, crushed anthracite and expanded clay, as well as other materials. All filter materials must provide technological process and have the required chemical resistance and mechanical strength. For domestic drinking water supply, the requirements of 4.4, 9.3 must be taken into account.

9.80 Filtration rates in normal and forced modes in the absence of technological research data should be taken according to Table 14, taking into account the duration of filter operation between washings, not less than: in normal mode - 8–12 hours, in forced mode or full automation of filter washing - 6 hours .

9.81 The total area of ​​the filters should be determined based on the filtration rate under normal conditions, taking into account the specific water consumption for washing and the downtime during washing.

9.82 The number of filters at stations with a capacity of more than 1600 m3/day must be at least four. When the station productivity is more than 8–10 thousand m3/day, the number of filters should be determined by rounding to the nearest integer numbers (even or odd depending on the filter layout) using the formula FTM / 2. (8) NTM In this case, the ratio vф vн Nф should be ensured / (Nф N1), (9) where N1 is the number of filters under repair (see 9.78);

vf – filtration speed in forced mode, which should be no more than that indicated in Table 14.

The area of ​​one filter should be no more than 100–120 m2.

9.83 The maximum pressure loss in the filter should be taken for open filters 3–3.5 m, depending on the type of filter, for pressure filters – 6–8 m.

9.84 The height of the water layer above the loading surface in open filters must be at least 2 m; the excess of the building height above the design water level is at least 0.5 m.

9.85 When some filters are turned off for washing, the filtration rate on the remaining filters should not exceed the value vf specified in Table 14.

In forced mode, the speed of water movement in the pipelines (supplying and discharging filtrate) should be no more than 1–1.5 m/s.

Tubular distribution (drainage) systems of high 9.86 resistance should be used with water exiting the collector into supporting layers (gravel or other similar materials) or directly into the thickness of the filter layer SP 31.13330.2012. The collector for filters with an area of ​​more than 20–30 m2 should be placed outside the load under the side pocket for draining the wash water. With a central collection channel, the lower compartment serves as a collector. It is necessary to provide for the possibility of cleaning the distribution system, and for collectors with a diameter of more than 800 mm - inspection.

9.87 The size of the fractions and the height of the supporting layers for high-resistance distribution systems should be taken according to Table 13.

Table 13 – Height of the loading layer of different sizes in filters

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Notes 1 When water-air washing with air supply through a tubular system, the height of layers with a particle size of 10–5 mm and 5–2 mm should be taken at 150–200 mm each.

2 For filters with a loading size of less than 2 mm, an additional supporting layer with a grain size of 2–1.2 mm and a height of 100 mm should be provided.

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9.88 Area cross section The manifold of a tubular distribution system should be assumed to be constant in length. The speed of water movement during flushing should be taken as follows: at the beginning of the collector 0.8–1.2 m/s, at the beginning of the branches 1.6–2 m/s.

The design of the collector must ensure the possibility of laying branches horizontally with the same spacing.

9.89 It is allowed to use a distribution system without supporting layers in the form of channels located perpendicular to the collector (discharge channel) and covered on top with polymer concrete slabs with a thickness of at least 40 mm.

9.90 The distribution system with caps should be accepted for water and air flushing; the number of caps should be 35–50 per 1 m2 of filter working area.

The pressure loss in slotted caps should be determined by formula (6), taking the speed of movement of water or water-air mixture in the slots of the cap to be at least 1.5 m/s and the coefficient of hydraulic resistance = 4.

9.91 To remove air from the pipeline supplying water for washing filters, risers-air vents with a diameter of 75–150 mm should be provided with the installation of shut-off valves or automatic devices for releasing air SP 31.13330.2012; The filter collector should also be provided with air risers with a diameter of 50–75 mm, the number of which should be taken for a filter area of ​​up to 50 m2 - one, for a larger area - two (at the beginning and at the end of the collector), with valves and other devices installed on the risers to release air.

The pipeline supplying water for washing filters should be located below the edge of the filter troughs.

Emptying the filter must be provided through a distribution system and a separate drain pipe with a diameter of 100–200 mm (depending on the filter area) with a valve.

9.92 To wash the filter media, use filtered water. It is allowed to use top washing with a distribution system above the filter loading surface.

The parameters for washing the quartz sand load with water should be taken according to Table 15.

When loading with expanded clay, the washing intensity should be 12–15 l/(cm2) depending on the brand of expanded clay (higher intensities refer to expanded clay of higher density).

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az – relative expansion of the filter load in percentage, taken according to table 15.

9.95 Water-air washing should be used for rapid filters loaded with quartz sand in the following mode: air purging with an intensity of 15–20 l/(cm2) for 1–2 minutes, then joint water-air washing with an air supply intensity of 15–20 l/(cm2) (cm2) and water 3–4 l/(cm2) for 4–5 min and subsequent supply of water (without purging) with an intensity of 6–8 l/(cm2) for 4–5 min.

Notes 1 Coarser-grained loads correspond to higher intensities of water and air supply.

2 When justified, it is allowed to use washing modes that differ from those specified.

9.96 When using water-air washing, a horizontal drainage system for washing water should be used with a sand-collecting chute formed by two inclined walls - a weir and a breaker.

Contact brighteners

9.97 At contact water clarification stations, mesh drum filters and an inlet chamber should be used to ensure the required water pressure, mixing and contact of water with reagents, as well as the separation of air from the water.

9.98 The volume of the inlet chamber must be determined from the conditions of water remaining in it for at least 5 minutes. The chamber must be sectioned into at least 2 compartments, each of which must have overflow and drain pipes.

Notes 1 Drum screens should be located above the inlet chamber; their installation in a separate building is permitted upon justification. Their design should be carried out in accordance with 9.11–9.14.

2 Mixing devices, the sequence and break time between the introduction of reagents should be taken in accordance with 9.31; For low-turbidity and colored waters, it is recommended to organize a uniform injection of pulp containing an artificial “turbidity” of mineral origin immediately before the reagent injection point. At the same point, it is possible to uniformly introduce circulating water listed in clause 9.4.

9.32; 9.15, 9.16.

In this case, it is necessary to provide for the possibility of additional introduction of the reagent after the inlet chamber.

9.99 The water level in contact clarifiers in the inlet chambers must exceed the level in the clarifier by the amount of the maximum permissible pressure loss in the filter media layer and the sum of all pressure losses along the path of water movement from the beginning of the inlet chamber to the filter media.

Water drainage from the inlet chambers of contact clarifiers must be provided at a level of at least 2 meters below the water level in the clarifiers. In chambers and pipelines the possibility of water saturation with air must be excluded.

9.100 Contact clarifiers when washed with water should be provided without supporting layers, when washed with water and air - with supporting layers.

Loading of contact clarifiers should be taken according to Table 16.

Notes 1 For contact clarifiers with support layers, the top of the 40-20mm gravel should be level with the top of the distribution system pipes. The total loading height should not exceed 3 m;

2 To load contact clarifiers, gravel and quartz sand, as well as other materials with a density of 2.5–3.5 g/m3 that meet the requirements of 9.79 should be used.

9.101 Filtration rates in contact clarifiers should be taken as follows:

without supporting layers in normal mode – 4–5 m/h, in forced mode – 5–5.5 m/h;

with supporting layers in normal mode – 5–5.5 m/h, in forced mode – 5.5–6 m/h.

When purifying water for domestic and drinking needs, lower filtration rates should be used.

It is allowed to operate contact clarifiers with a variable filtration speed that decreases towards the end of the cycle, provided that the average speed is equal to the design one.

9.102 The number of clarifiers at the station should be determined in accordance with 9.82.

9.103 Purified water should be used for flushing. It is allowed to use untreated water under the following conditions: its turbidity is not more than 10 mg/l, its coli index is 1000 units/l, pre-treatment of water on drum screens (or microfilters) and disinfection. When using purified water, a break in the stream must be provided before supplying water to the wash water storage tank. Direct supply of water for flushing from pipelines and filtered water tanks is not permitted.

9.104 The mode of washing contact clarifiers with water should be taken at an intensity of 15–18 l/(cm2) for 7–8 minutes, the duration of discharge of the first filtrate is 10–12 minutes.

Water-air washing of contact clarifiers should be provided with the following regime: loosening the load with air at an intensity of 18–20 l/(cm2) for 1–2 minutes; joint water-air washing with an air supply of 18–20 l/(scm2) and water 3–3.5 l/(scm2) for a duration of 6–7 minutes; additional rinsing with water at an intensity of 6–7 l/(scm2) for 5–7 minutes.

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9.105 In contact clarifiers with supporting layers and air-water washing, tubular distribution systems for supplying water and air and a horizontal drainage system for washing water should be used.

In contact clarifiers without supporting layers, a distribution system with side curtains welded along the perforated pipes must be provided.

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9.106 In contact clarifiers without supporting layers, the collection of wash water should be collected using chutes in accordance with 9.93–9.94. Above the edges of the gutters, plates with triangular cutouts 50–60 mm high and wide, with a distance between their axes of 100–150 mm, should be provided.

9.107 Channels and communications for supplying and draining water, tanks and pumps for washing contact clarifiers should be designed in accordance with 9.89, 9.91, while the bottom of the pipe draining clarified water from contact clarifiers should be 100 mm above the water level in the collection channel during washing.

Pipelines for discharging clarified and rinsing water must be located at elevations that exclude the possibility of flooding of the clarifiers during the operating cycle and during rinsing.

To empty contact clarifiers, a pipeline with a shut-off device with a diameter that ensures a downward flow rate of water in the clarifier of no more than 2 m/h with supporting layers and no more than 0.2 m/h without supporting layers must be provided at the bottom of the distribution system manifold. When emptying clarifiers without supporting layers, devices should be provided to prevent removal of the load.

Contact prefilters

9.108 Contact prefilters should be used in two-stage filtration for preliminary water purification before rapid filters (second stage).

The design of contact prefilters is similar to that of contact clarifiers with supporting layers and air-water washing; when designing them, 9.97–9.107 should be used. In this case, the area of ​​the prefilters should be determined taking into account the flow of water for washing the rapid filters of the second stage.

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9.109 In the absence of technological research, the main parameters of contact prefilters can be accepted:

height of sand layers, grain size, mm:

from 2 to 5 mm – 0.5–0.6 m;

from 1 to 2 mm – 2–2.3 m.

Equivalent diameter of sand grains: 1.1–1.3 mm, filtration speed in normal mode: 5.5–6.5 m/h, filtration speed in forced mode:

6.5–7.5 m/h.

9.110 It is necessary to provide for mixing the filtrate of simultaneously operating contact prefilters before feeding it to rapid filters.

Water disinfection

9.111 Water disinfection may be carried out using the following methods:

chlorination using liquid chlorine, sodium hypochlorite solutions, dry reagents or direct electrolysis;

chlorine dioxide;


ultraviolet irradiation;

integrated use of the listed methods.

The choice of disinfection method is made taking into account the performance of treatment facilities, as well as the conditions of supply and storage of the reagents used, climatic conditions, and the characteristics of the consumer’s water distribution network.

9.112 The decontamination method adopted should ensure that the quality is consistent drinking water before it enters the distribution network, as well as at water collection points of the external and internal water supply network.

9.113 At underground water intakes with a capacity of more than 50 m3/day, water disinfection systems (measures) should be provided, regardless of whether the source water meets hygienic standards.

9.114 Technological and design solutions for household and drinking water supply systems must provide for the possibility of disinfection of structures and on-site networks.

9.115 Disinfection of water from underground water sources using reagent methods should be carried out, as a rule, according to a one-stage scheme with the introduction of the reagent in front of the contact tanks, and for surface water sources - according to a two-stage scheme, with an additional entry point in front of the mixers.

Note – In cases where, during the transportation of drinking water to the first consumer, its necessary contact with the reagent is not ensured, it is allowed, in agreement with the territorial bodies of the State Sanitary Service, to provide entry points into the water pipelines of the 2nd rise.

9.116 The use of liquid chlorine should be provided at facilities with a chlorine consumption of at least 40 kg/day.

9.117 The organization of liquid chlorine supply warehouses is carried out in accordance with the requirements of safety rules for the production, storage, transportation and use of chlorine (PB), taking into account the following additions:

chlorine facilities must ensure the reception, storage, selection of chlorine, its dosing and transportation to entry points;

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at treatment plants, the territory of which has a fence that meets the requirements of industrial safety regulations, additional fencing for the consumable warehouse of packaged chlorine may not be provided;

9.118 The system for selecting and dosing chlorine into the treated water is designed in accordance with (PB), taking into account the following:

When consuming chlorine, a weight calculation of its current consumption and the degree of emptying of the container must be carried out.

to dose chlorine gas, it is necessary to use manual or automatic vacuum chlorinators, which include devices that automatically shut off the supply of chlorine to the apparatus and prevent the flow of the working mixture into the chlorination system when the ejector is stopped;

It is not allowed to operate one ejector on two or more chlorine input points, as well as two or more operating ejectors on one chlorine water line;

the number of reserve chlorinators is assumed to be at least one per two workers. At the same time, the total productivity of the installed devices should ensure a double increase in the supply of chlorine during emergency and scheduled work related to the shutdown of drinking water reservoirs and a reduction in the time of contact of chlorine with the treated water;

the diameter of chlorine pipelines should be taken at the calculated chlorine consumption with a coefficient of 3, taking into account the volumetric mass of liquid chlorine 1.4 t/m3, gaseous chlorine - 0.0032 t/m3 speed in pipelines 0.8 m/s for liquid chlorine, 10–15 for gaseous ;

the number of chlorine pipelines (chlorine supply lines) must be at least two, one of which is a reserve one. The number of shut-off valves on chlorine pipelines and connections between them should be minimal.

9.119 Electrolytic preparation of sodium hypochlorite should be carried out from a solution of table salt or natural mineralized waters with a chloride content of at least 40 g/l per water treatment plants with active chlorine consumption up to 80 kg/day.

9.120 The method of storing salt is selected depending on the conditions of its supply.

When the volume of a one-time supply exceeds 30-day consumption, wet salt storage warehouses should be provided at the rate of 1 m3 of salt storage volume per 300 kg of salt. The number of tanks must be at least two.

To store salt in quantities less than 30-day requirements, the construction of dry storage warehouses in covered premises is allowed. In this case, the salt layer should not exceed 1.5 m.

When storing salt dry, to obtain its saturated solution, consumable tanks are provided, located in the electrolysis room. In this case, the capacity of each tank must provide at least a daily supply (need) of salt solution, and their number must be at least two.

9.121 Electrolyzers must be located in a dry, heated and ventilated room. It is allowed to install them in the same room with other electrolysis equipment. The number of electrolyzers should not be more than three, one of which is a reserve one. If justified, installation is allowed more electrolysers. Electrolysis rooms must be equipped with gas analyzers (gas detectors), as well as an individual system

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ventilation to prevent the accumulation of explosive gases. There should be a self-help sink or emergency shower in the electrolysis room.

The capacity of the hypochlorite supply tank must provide at least the station's daily requirement for the reagent. A water supply and drainage of wastewater during washing and emptying must be provided.

9.122 Sodium hypochlorite is withdrawn for consumption from supply tanks using dosing pumps that are resistant to the medium being dosed. For two working pumps, at least one reserve pump should be provided.

9.123 The use of commercial sodium hypochlorite is advisable at facilities located no more than 250–300 km from the supplier plant.

When using chemical hypochlorites in the technological scheme, it is necessary to provide systems for flushing pipelines and containers.

9.124 To prepare solutions from dry chlorine reagents, it is necessary to provide supply tanks (at least two) with a total capacity determined from the solution concentration of 1–2% and one batch per day. Tanks must be equipped with agitators. For dosing, use a solution that has been left standing for at least 12 hours. Provision should be made for periodic removal of sediment from tanks and dispensers.

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