Tap water. Is chlorinated tap water dangerous to your health? Tap water What is tap water

Skin rashes and stains on teeth are the most innocent things that bad tap water can give us. In every region of Russia, tap water has its own disadvantages: it does not hurt citizens to learn more about them.

Text: Ruslan Bazhenov

WITH sulfates

Exceeding the maximum permissible concentration (hereinafter referred to as MPC) of sulfates in drinking water leads to a decrease in gastric acidity and diarrhea. When the norm is five times higher (MPC - up to 500 mg/l), they accelerate significantly. It is this excess that is typical for tap water Rostov, Samara, Kurgan regions and Altai Territory.

In regions even with a twofold excess of sulfates (for example, in Central Asia) the local population gets used to them, while visitors instantly experience “interruptions” in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Nitrates and nitrites

In the human body, nitrates are reduced to nitrites, and they, in turn, interact with hemoglobin, forming a stable compound - methemoglobin. As you know, hemoglobin carries oxygen, but methemoglobin does not have this ability. As a result, tissues begin to experience oxygen starvation, and a disease develops - nitrate methemoglobinemia. Outbreaks of this disease, mostly among children, have been reported around the world in regions with high levels of nitrates in water. All sick children drank water containing nitrates from 18 to 257 mg/l (in Russia, the maximum permissible concentration for nitrates is 45 mg/l). The content of nitrates in drinking water, three or more times higher than the norm, occurs in the Rostov, Lipetsk, Bryansk, Tula and Voronezh regions.

F torides

For Russia, the problem is exactly the opposite - an excess of fluorine. Studies have shown that when the fluorine content in water is 5-7 mg/l, pronounced osteosclerosis (bone tissue thickening) develops, and at 10-20 mg/l children experience significant

Fluorosis is provided to residents, drinking water with a fluorine content of 2 mg/l, despite the fact that the level of fluoride in drinking water recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) is 1.5 mg/l. A number of cities and districts of the Moscow, Tver, Penza and Vladimir regions, the Republic of Bashkortostan, Mordovia and Krasnodar region, where the fluorine content in water exceeds the norm. For example, in such cities of the Moscow region as Vidnoye, Podolsk, Yegoryevsk, Odintsovo, Krasnogorsk, fluorosis was detected in 25 percent of the population.

The press, manufacturers of bottled water and fluoride-containing toothpastes willingly exaggerate the alleged problem of lack of fluoride in the Russian Federation. tap water. But in fact, the amount of fluoride (0.01 mg/l), which, being insufficient, leads to caries, in water sources practically never occurs in our country. This is evidenced by research data from the Gorno-Altaisk state university. To be fair, we would like to add that on the question of how much fluoride is required to prevent caries, the scientific community has not yet reached a consensus.


Iron in a concentration three times higher than the norm (MPC - 0.3 mg/l) is present in the water supply systems of the Tomsk, Vologda, Tambov, Arkhangelsk, Chelyabinsk, Tver, and Novosibirsk regions. This excess leads to itching, dryness and rashes on the skin; the likelihood of development increases.

Iron of natural origin enters drinking water from underground sources in the central and southern regions of Russia, as well as the Siberian region. In addition, an increased concentration of iron occurs when using steel and cast iron water pipes, which are destroyed due to corrosion. St. Petersburg is especially unfavorable in this regard, where soft water increases corrosion.


Sad fact: 65% of the Russian population drinks water with insufficient iodine content. The average iodine consumption in our country is 40-80 micrograms per day per person, which is half the physiological requirement. Lack of iodine leads to the development of Graves' disease, delays in physical and mental health. Water iodization, which they tried to put forward as a countermeasure, turned out to be ineffective, as did iodization of salt.

B rum

The bromine content in the underground springs of the Eastern Trans-Urals exceeds the standards by 40 times (MPC - 0.2 mg/l) - in such concentrations it contributes to the development of pathologies cardiovascular system, . Analysis of statistical data revealed a direct relationship between indicators total mortality population and bromine levels in drinking water in this region.

M arganese

Manganese in concentrations exceeding the norm (maximum concentration limit - 0.1 mg/l) three times is found in tap water in the Tomsk, Vologda, Tambov, Arkhangelsk, Chelyabinsk, Tver, and Novosibirsk regions. In a number scientific research It has been established that this amount of manganese negatively affects, has a toxic and mutagenic effect on the human body. The manganese content in drinking water directly depends on the activities of nearby industrial enterprises.

Accumulating in brain tissue, mercury leads to severe nerve damage and contributes to disruption of the cardiovascular system. Even small doses are dangerous: the lower limits of mercury content in drinking water, at which it would not accumulate in the body, have not yet been established. One of the main sources (85%) of mercury in the environment is the activity of industrial enterprises. Exceeding hygienic standards was revealed in the Belgorod and Vologda regions. However, the natural high content of mercury in the water of some regions, for example in the Altai Mountains, also plays a role.


Lead is most dangerous for children and pregnant women. In children, it reduces IQ and provokes the development of heart defects. In women, it increases toxicosis and the birth of children with developmental defects, and in addition, leads to infertility.

Exceeding the maximum permissible concentration (norm - 0.03 mg/l) of lead is observed in drinking water in the Kaluga and Ryazan regions. The main source of lead in tap water is the destruction of lead-containing elements of water supply networks (solders, brass alloys).

And aluminum

It has a significant neurotoxic effect causing early onset. In addition, aluminum leaches calcium from the body, which is especially dangerous for a growing body. Exceeding the MPC of aluminum (norm - 0.5 mg/l) was recorded in drinking water in the Arkhangelsk, Samara and Omsk regions. The main source of aluminum in tap water are substances used during water treatment at treatment plants - coagulants.

X loroform

American researchers have established a direct relationship between the content of chloroform in drinking water and the increase in the number of cancers.

During the chlorination of tap water, chloroform is formed, and in fairly high concentrations. WHO sets the maximum permissible concentration for chloroform at 0.03 mg/l, which, according to many researchers, is an outrageous underestimation of the danger of this substance. But the situation is even worse in Russia, where the maximum permissible concentration for chloroform is many times higher than WHO standards - 0.2 mg/l!

Exceeding the maximum permissible concentration of organochlorine compounds was recorded in drinking water in the Kemerovo, Nizhny Novgorod, Perm, Sverdlovsk regions, and St. Petersburg.

P surfactants (surfactants)

They have a lot of negative qualities: from heavy metals; dissolve liquid and solid pollutants, which, if not for surfactants, would settle on the filters; serve as a breeding ground for dangerous microorganisms. An increased level of surfactant content was noted in the rivers: Volga, Oka, Kama, Irtysh, Don, Northern Dvina, Ob, Tom, Tobol, Neva.

Let's start with the fact that ideal water, defined chemical formula H2O does not exist in nature at all. Many people believe that H2O is distilled water, but this is not true: even in distilled water, obtained by distillation in special apparatuses, atmospheric gases are dissolved - oxygen, nitrogen and argon, plus a certain amount of others, and therefore it is not ideally pure. There is a well-known physical trick used during science shows - the experimenter immerses his hand with a plugged-in hairdryer or toaster into a filled aquarium, and does not receive an electric shock. The aquarium is simply filled with distilled water, which does not conduct electricity. Although in reality conductivity of such water, according to GOST, is not zero, but 0.5 mS/m, that is, there is a current flowing, it’s just so insignificant that it is safe for health. Well...how safe. Do not try this at home under any circumstances, because such tricks require special training.

Laboratory distiller for producing distilled water. Such a device produces about 3 liters per hour, in principle, you can install it at home. But why?

One way or another, distilled water is a technical liquid. It is used in areas where scale formation cannot be allowed, for example, for flushing cooling systems in internal combustion engines, when working with batteries and other elements of the electrical system. You can pour it into the iron - there will be no scale either. It is also widely used in pharmaceuticals (and not even this, but the so-called double-distilled water, which has gone through two stages of distillation). You can drink it too. But, firstly, it is not very tasty (in fact, distilled water does not have a distinct taste, and drinking it is like breathing ordinary air, a mechanical process that does not have a sensory component). And secondly, not all salts removed during distillation are useless for the body - on the contrary, water should serve as their source. This is why various healthy mineral waters are sold. Many people mistakenly believe that distilled water is expensive and rare, but here we will disappoint you: it is sold at any gas station and costs 100 rubles for 5 liters, about the same as regular drinking water in stores. That's it, we've sorted out the distilled water. You can drink it, but to some extent it is pointless.

Chapter 2. Tap water and why it is dangerous

Tap water begins its journey in river water intake systems and flows from there to water treatment plants. In Moscow, for example, there are four such stations - in principle, you can roughly imagine the volume of work of each station, taking into account the size of the city. There are cities that do not have their own reservoirs - water comes there from distant rivers, lakes, reservoirs or “foreign” water intake systems, but one way or another it is purified at stations. The water is treated, in particular, with sodium hypochlorite (many city residents complain about “bleach”, well, this is its modern, safe and odorless version; 20 years ago they simply treated it with chlorine, and then the water smelled of “bleach” was simply inhuman). Ozonation, purification with carbon filters and a number of other methods are also used. In fact, the technology is highly dependent on the specific country, city, geographical and social factors. Popular Mechanics once wrote about water purification in Mosvodokanal, read it, it’s very interesting.

This is where one “but” arises. Water travels a very long way from the treatment station to your tap. And tanks and pipes of the water supply network in Russia do not always meet the standards for their operation in terms of timing. In other words, many houses built before the war, on the one hand, are wonderful monuments of the avant-garde, but on the other, have hydraulic systems that are completely unsuitable for use due to their age. A typical example is, for example, the constructivist communes of Yekaterinburg. Many houses of the 1930s series initially did not have kitchens (it was assumed that workers’ meals would be centralized in factory kitchens); they were “built in” into the layout along with water supply systems in the 1950s, and the pipes have been there ever since. leaving rust and more in the water. Ideally, of course, tap water should satisfy SanPiN in terms of the maximum content of various substances (MPC), sometimes quite unpleasant. These are iron, copper, lead, mercury, molybdenum, selenium, aluminum, magnesium, fluorine, hydrogen sulfide, calcium, magnesium, chlorine - not all at once and not always, but nevertheless. The reasons for the appearance of certain compounds in water are different. For example, lead can enter the water supply from waste water which are discharged into the river and then into the water intake for purification. Iron, zinc and copper most often result from contact with pipes and tank walls. And aluminum is added to water at treatment stations as a coagulant. The norms for the content of these substances are generally quite small (for example, for mercury, which is a poison, this figure is 0.0005 mg per 1 liter), but they are non-zero.

As independent researchers unanimously assert, water in large cities - Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan - meets all standards. But, firstly, today it satisfies, but tomorrow it doesn’t. Secondly, there is the concept of individual intolerance - for example, the norms for pregnant women differ from the standard ones to a lesser extent. Thirdly, many substances tend to accumulate. So compliance with GOSTs is not a panacea. Moreover, any norms are a compromise between a person’s physiological needs and his economic capabilities. You can make the water better, but it will cost much more. And since we use up to 95% of drinking water for household purposes, such a compromise is completely reasonable. The conclusion is simple: you can drink tap water (it’s better to boil it), but additional processing will not hurt it.

Chapter 3. Artesian waters: what to buy in the store

The simplest solution to the problem of “bad water” is to buy bottled water at the store. Moreover, it can be not only pure, but also mineral, that is, enriched with substances beneficial to humans. According to the degree of mineralization, such water is divided into three types - table water (total mineralization up to 1 g/l), medicinal table water (1 - 10 g/l) and medicinal water (more than 10 g/l or high content of individual elements). Boil mineral water It’s not worth it - the salts will precipitate, but drinking it is pleasant and healthy. The path of mineral water most often begins from an artesian well located on the territory of the manufacturing enterprise. The term “artesian” means that water is taken from an aquifer that lies quite deep, between two impermeable layers of rock. The main value of such water is that it is not subject to the influence of anthropogenic polluting factors (although, of course, there are exceptions - for example, an artesian reservoir can be polluted by an outpouring of oil as a result of improperly planned drilling). It happens that melt water from mountain streams or other sources of water are used, which also do not have contact with man-made pollutants.


Actually, such water is mainly mineral in itself. For example, the legendary Essentuki, depending on the well, have one or another natural mineralization. Let’s say, “Essentuki” No. 17 is hydrocarbonate-chloride-sodium, that is, it contains bicarbonates with a volume of more than 600 mg/l, chlorides with a volume of more than 200 mg/l, as well as Na + cations. Artificial mineralization is most often carried out in order to give water a more pleasant, familiar taste. There are special additives for mineralization, as well as mineralizer devices. Do they make sense? Certainly. For the most part, natural mineralization is sufficient, and the choice of waters containing a wide variety of substances is huge. But if water is not bought in a bottle, but comes from the tap, it can and sometimes even needs to be artificially saturated with minerals. Let’s put it this way: artificial mineralization exists in parallel with the sale of natural mineral water and does not pretend to be its “niche.” To summarize: you can buy bottled water in stores. Usually this is artesian water, and additionally purified. In any case, it will be better than tap water, and richer in useful composition than distilled. There are two stopping factors: firstly, cost - water is not very expensive, but you need a lot of it. And secondly, the need for constant supplies. Even 19-liter tanks run out quickly, and you need to buy new ones. Not to mention five-liter bottles.

Chapter 4. Home cleaning: filters and reverse osmosis

The fourth type of water that we can get in the city is tap water that has passed through an additional filter. Tabletop, in the form factor of a jug, or more complex, installed under the sink. Many people consider such filters to be a panacea (this is not true), others, on the contrary, are sure that they are of no use (this is also not true). A filter is most often thought of as a kind of mesh through which large particles of contaminants cannot pass. This is a correct idea of ​​the very first stage of filtration, which filters out mechanical impurities - but the main cartridge in a good filter is a completely different device, the so-called reverse osmosis membrane. Osmosis was discovered quite a long time ago - in 1748 it was observed and described by the French physicist Jean-Antoine Nollet, and in early XIX century, another Frenchman, Henri Dutrochet, studied this phenomenon in detail and published a number of works on it that are still fundamental to this day. The essence of the phenomenon is as follows. Imagine that we have two solutions of different concentrations, separated by a partially permeable membrane that allows solvent molecules to pass through, but not solute molecules. As a result of osmosis, the solvent from a less concentrated solution will penetrate through the membrane into a more concentrated one - until the concentrations are equal. In the case of water, salts are the solutes and water is the solvent. Excess hydrostatic pressure, which leads to equalization of concentration in both zones, is called osmotic pressure.

But if pressure greater than osmotic pressure is applied to a more concentrated solution, then osmosis will become reverse - that is, the solvent will penetrate from a zone with high pressure to a zone with less, from a more concentrated solution to a less concentrated one. Since osmosis separates the solvent and solute at the molecular level, almost pure water accumulates on one side of the reverse osmosis filter membrane. “Practically”, because, as we wrote at the very beginning, it is impossible to purify water 100% under any circumstances; something will still penetrate and remain. The higher the pressure on the solution, the more efficient the passage of the solvent (water) through the membrane. A reverse osmosis filter is somewhat similar to a juicer. We press the orange to the grater, the juice passes through it, but the peel, films, seeds and everything else that we don’t like so much do not pass through. And when this happens at the molecular level, filtration approaches distillation in quality. The disadvantage of such a filter is its speed. It works very slowly, and therefore must have a storage tank. The second disadvantage is that reverse osmosis is too high-quality a cleaning method. Like, imagine, an eternal light bulb. On the one hand, it’s nice that it’s always on, but on the other hand, with such light bulbs, all the electric companies will go bankrupt, and there will be no more light bulbs. Therefore, after purification, reverse osmosis water is artificially mineralized (exactly what we wrote about earlier) with calcium and magnesium in optimal concentrations. Well, or other substances - mineralizers come in different forms. This, among other things, gives the water a more familiar taste.

Filters with reverse osmosis membranes are relatively expensive (on average from 6,000 to 15,000 rubles), but do not forget that this device is installed for many years, like, say, a refrigerator or a TV. In Russia, a major manufacturer of filters is, for example, the Aquaphor company; there are a number of other manufacturers - the choice depends on specific requirements and a detailed consideration of a particular model. The “bonus” of Russian filters relative to German ones is that the quality is equal, and the manufacturers are closer, that is, installation and service will be from the original company, and not from a dealer who deals with a number of brands. So, a home filter is a good thing. Yes, for certain purposes you will still have to buy bottled water - for example, if you need some specific mineral water with specified mineralization parameters. Or, say, distilled, for filling the battery. But since we still use tap water for most household - and culinary tasks in particular - purification using reverse osmosis and subsequent artificial mineralization are the optimal solution for a big city. If you live in the area of ​​“Shelter 11” at an altitude of 4100 meters on Elbrus, then this article does not concern you - at such an altitude, to exaggerate, you can even eat snow, and it will be many times cleaner and healthier than water from the tap.

P.S. Be careful, scammers!

We cannot help but add. Recently, a huge number of scammers and unscientific methods of “purifying” water have emerged. Absolutely any context in which you see the terms “structured water”, “water structuring” and the like is fraudulent. Water has no memory, does not react in any way to hieroglyphs, mantras and other attempts at structuring, and famous movie"The Great Mystery of Water" is pseudoscientific and is classified as non-science fiction rather than documentary. Be careful!

Modern city water flows into apartments and houses in populated areas through a supply system - a water supply system. After special cleaning, the flow passes through many metal pipes terminating in the house with a tap. This is how a system is formed that provides drinking and technical water to residents of cities, towns and sometimes villages. IN water pipes The water comes from a common city reservoir, which is filled from rivers or reservoirs.

  • Settling - in this case, heavy inclusions and debris settle.
  • Filtration through screens – removes floating and suspended debris.
  • Primary chlorination, which destroys most bacteria and plankton.
  • Ozonation is carried out to destroy bacteria; gives water a more pleasant taste.
  • Coagulation with aluminum sulfate - is done to separate small suspended particles from water, gluing them and further removing them by filtration through sand and coal.
  • Secondary chlorination.

Unfortunately, tap water can often only be directly used for household needs. For drinking, it is recommended to purify it in a home filter system designed to turn household tap water into truly drinkable water. After all, its quality determines the duration of our life.


Tap water is characterized by several indicators, the most well-known of which are hardness and temperature:

  • Hardness is the quantitative content of salts and minerals. Increased rigidity negatively affects household appliances(scale in washing and dishwashers, in teapots, etc.) and on human health. The allowed value is up to 14 mg per 1 liter.
  • The hot water temperature is from 50˚C to 70˚C, and the cold water temperature is from 5˚C to 20˚C.

Additional characteristics: taste, smell, color, amount of suspended residue, oxidability and ability to react actively, content of bacteria and E. coli.


  • Drinking water for internal consumption and cooking.
  • Non-potable cold water for household needs.
  • Non-potable hot water for household needs.
  • Non-potable industrial water for irrigation.


The chemical composition of tap water and the permissible amount of impurities is regulated by SanPiN

They ensure the safety of human consumption of water and limit the content of impurities and residues of disinfectants used for its purification. It may contain the following chemicals and their compounds.

Reagent substances

Reagents are those substances that were added to the water during preliminary purification. They are partially preserved in the water supply and have a destructive effect on humans. These are various coagulants, flocculants, reagents for preventing pipe corrosion, chlorine.


The most common water treatment disinfectant is chlorine. Its content is limited to 0.3-0.5 mg per 1 liter. However, even such small doses of toxic compounds cause diseases in many people: inflammation of the mucous membranes of the esophagus, a tendency to asthmatic manifestations, and an increased level of allergic reactions. The content of sodium hydrochloride and hypochlorous acid compounds explains the popularity of purchased bottled drinking water and apartment filter systems. The chlorine present in water disappears from an open container within 24 hours.

Substances contained in natural water

Fluorine, iron, copper, manganese, molybdenum, zinc, mercury, lead (up to 0.01 mg per liter), selenium may be contained in natural water in relatively small quantities (in the absence of pollution by industrial wastes, agriculture and highways).

Substances from wastewater

Wastewater is formed from domestic, industrial and agricultural runoff and waste. Residues of chemical compounds of fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides from farming activities, heavy metals from industrial production they first end up in groundwater, then in rivers and water supplies. Without the possibility of neutralization, they cause poisoning, illness, weakened immunity and early old age.

Salts of various substances (potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron) and minerals increase the hardness index.

Each chemical substance or its compound has its own effect on the human body:

We have described the most unfavorable situation. If the established requirements for the quality of tap water are not violated, then it does not cause serious damage to the body. But doctors recommend additional cleaning using home filters.

Consuming quality water in the right quantity is a necessary component of a healthy body.

The quality of tap water in Moscow is discussed in the video below:

Photo from the production of artesian water “Khvalovskaya”. Leningrad region.

Water is, by default, the most abundant substance in our diet (and in ourselves). Therefore, it is important to understand what you are buying, drinking, filtering. Elena Chernova answered Zozhnik’s questions Ivanovna, head of the laboratory of the artesian water manufacturer Khvalovskaya.

Purified by filters or nature

Artesian water is supplied from a well, tap water is usually taken from open reservoirs and purified.

Artesian water is often rich in fluoride, iron, magnesium and calcium; ordinary tap water contains much less minerals. By the way, this is why artesian water can produce sediment when boiled.

Doctors consider artesian water to be the cleanest and healthiest; it does not contain microorganisms, viruses and bacteria (however, this does not mean that they are necessarily present in the tap water), and, therefore, completely absent danger of contracting infectious diseases.

Artesian water also requires purification

However, the abundance of impurities is often do not allow drinking artesian water immediately after receiving it from wells. After some purification, which is much simpler and faster than the purification that tap water undergoes, artesian water becomes much better than tap water in all respects - healthy and tasty.

Almost all sources of artesian water are characterized by excessive salinity. This is no wonder - salt in water has accumulated over hundreds or even thousands of years. Therefore, pre-filtration is almost always necessary for consumption.

Only a specialist can help you select the right filter for the water you use, after analyzing data about a specific well, the composition of the water in it, and so on. Sometimes you have to use several filters at once, each of which will reduce the concentration of a certain substance in artesian water. A softener and iron remover are also required, the installation of which helps to get rid of metal and hardness salts in the water, preventing the appearance of scale and sediment.

Laboratory for the production of artesian water “Khvalovskaya”.

The use of artesian wells is quite expensive and also requires financial costs for cleaning. Cleaning systems installed in wells also require the attention of specialists who will determine the presence of certain salts, metal concentration and level of hardness.

Where does tap water come from?

The water that flows from our taps at home comes into the water supply system from open sources, practically unprotected from harmful influences. environment. Precipitation, which absorbs harmful elements present in the air, is the main resource for replenishing these reservoirs.

When taken into the water supply system, water is purified using special filters and then chlorinated. However, chlorine has a negative effect on the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, and also destroys beneficial microflora. To get rid of it, leave the water in an open container for some time or bring it to a boil. But in this case, the water is only freed from residual chlorine, while the bound chlorine remains in it and can be transformed into carcinogens hazardous to health. And one more unpleasant moment - after purification, the water travels a long way through the pipeline, the cleanliness of which cannot be guaranteed.

« As shown by the recent project of Khvalovskie Vody and Komsomolskaya Pravdaunconditional benefits of spring water – pure myth. Water may contain a large number of substances hazardous to health, which have a cumulative effect. And boiling will not eliminate these substances; on the contrary, it may even worsen their effect on the body. Therefore, we must approach the choice of water that we drink responsibly.”

Tap water + filters

As for a regular inexpensive filter, it certainly purifies the water to some extent. The most common option is carbon filters, which purify water from some contaminants, but, unfortunately, are practically powerless in the fight against microorganisms. The advantage of this filter is that it absorbs chlorine compounds, as a result of which the water gets rid of a dangerous carcinogen.

Thanks to this purification, the water becomes cleaner and tastes better. If you choose just such a device, be careful to change the filter element on time. Otherwise, the filter will no longer purify the water, but, on the contrary, will contaminate it.

Higher quality filtration is provided by industrial devices. In this case, the water goes through 5 to 7 stages of purification, becoming completely purified. However, at the same time, it is also deprived of minerals useful to the body, as a result of which it no longer carries the benefits that it should. Ideally, water after such purification should be enriched necessary elements. This is exactly how bottled water factories operate.

What is special about mineral waters?

In truth, any natural water can be called mineral, since salts and trace elements are dissolved in it in varying quantities. But their composition and concentration can have different effects on the human body. Therefore, not every water of natural origin containing salts and minerals is suitable for drinking; moreover, not every drinking water that has medicinal properties, suitable for daily use and cooking.

Natural mineral water is extracted from aquifers deep within the earth. The greater the depth the water comes from, the higher the degree of its mineralization. Its composition depends on geological structure region, the peculiarities of rock occurrence - this explains the countless variety of mineral waters. As a rule, wells are drilled to extract such water, but it can itself rise to the surface of the earth. Balneological resorts and sanatoriums are usually built near such sources.

What kind of water is called “artesian”

The main criterion according to which this or that water is classified as artesian is its depth (from 100 to 1000 meters).

Artesian waters are located between waterproof layers of rocks and do not interact with the surface in any way, and therefore, unlike ground and soil waters, they are not subject to pollution. The composition of artesian water depends on the time of formation of the formation.

Artesian water is purer than water from land sources, but this does not mean that it can be consumed completely without purification. Therefore, before you start drinking water from a particular well, laboratory tests are carried out and it is purified.

For example, Khvalovskaya Premium artesian water is extracted from a depth of 230 meters, purified and bottled near the village of Agalatovo Leningrad region. Photo: dagdagaz.livejournal.com.

Comparison of mineral water and artesian water is not entirely correct: the status of mineral water is assigned for its qualitative composition (the presence of a certain concentration of salts and minerals), artesian water - for its depth. The supply sources of artesian waters are often hundreds of kilometers from the places of occurrence and production.

Still, artesian and table mineral water have one thing in common - both are suitable for daily use.

How to distinguish between regular tap water and purified artesian water

The release date and expiration date must be clearly printed on the top or bottom of the bottle , they can be seen immediately.

The water itself must be absolutely clean, without any impurities or sediments (this does not apply to mineral water, but only to drinking water).

To avoid running into a fake, just read the label carefully. According to GOST, they must indicate:

– name of the enterprise, its legal and actual address;

– the source from which water is obtained (for example, an artesian well);

– expiration date and bottling date;

– storage conditions;

– according to whose order it was made;

– certificate of state registration of the product;

– degree of mineralization, hardness;

– a list of anions and cations (useful substances such as potassium, calcium, bicarbonates, sulfates, etc.);

And the main thing is GOST or TU water. If you don’t have this data, it’s better not to take such a product at all. Also on the water supplier’s website there should be a water quality passport or certificate available. For any request, it must be shown to the client.

How to independently control the composition of water

There are several standards for drinking water:

  • Russian standard, determined by relevant norms and GOSTs;
  • WHO (World Health Organization) standard;
  • US standard and European Union (EU) standards.

The quality of drinking water in Russia is determined by the norms of sanitary and epidemiological rules and standards approved by the chief state sanitary doctor Russian Federation. The main Russian GOST for drinking water is the Sanitary Rules and Norms (SanPiN) introduced in 2002.

In accordance with current standards and regulations, the term high quality drinking water means:

  • water with appropriate organoleptic characteristics - transparent, odorless and with a pleasant taste;
  • water with pH = 7-7.5 and hardness not higher than 7 mmol/l;
  • water in which the total amount of useful minerals is no more than 1 g/l;
  • water in which harmful chemical impurities are either tenths or hundredths of their maximum permissible concentrations, or are absent altogether (that is, their concentrations are so small that they are beyond the capabilities of modern analytical methods);
  • water in which there are practically no pathogenic bacteria and viruses.

You can check only basic indicators of drinking water quality at home yourself.

Experience with glass

To assess the degree of saturation of water with chlorine and salts, you can use the glass method. To do this, let a drop of water dry completely on the glass or mirror.

After this, the composition of the water is judged from the remaining trace. Thus, white stripes and concentric circles will indicate a high salt content, and white coating– for excessive chlorination of water. Accordingly, the absence of any traces will indicate clean water.

Experience with a jar

If you take water into a clean 3-liter jar and put it in a dark place for 3 days, then you can then judge its composition. It’s good when the water remains clear, odorless and sediment-free.

  • If there is sediment, then this indicates a high content of salts and impurities,
  • If there is a swampy putrid smell and the water is cloudy– this indicates the presence of bacteria.
  • If an oil film is visible- this indicates an excess concentration of hazardous chemical components.


Also, to assess the quality and composition, the liquid can be boiled. To do this, it is better to choose a container with a dark bottom and walls, and it is better to boil for 15-20 minutes. If there is a residue on the walls of the dish, it means that the composition of the water is not ideal and a more accurate analysis in the laboratory may be required.

In any case, an accurate water analysis can only be done by a laboratory with special equipment. And in any case, you need to read the labels, and if there is the slightest doubt, ask the water supplier for a quality passport or certificate.

It is believed that by mid-spring, tap water becomes worse: this is due to floods. Is it possible to drink tap water? How effective are pitcher filters? Is a lot of scale good or bad? What is the difference between bottled water for 20 rubles and water for 200? The Village decided to answer these questions.

Based on the popularity rating of drinking water brands in the Auchan, Dixie and Azbuka Vkusa stores, we selected the three most popular brands among Muscovites: Senezhskaya, Svyatoy Istochnik and Vittel. Also in the center of Moscow, we collected water from the tap and passed it through an Aquaphor brand filter jug ​​(Standard filter, at the time of the experiment it was used for 30 days). We took all five samples for biological and chemical analysis to the Chemical Analytical Center of Moscow State University, which specializes in water and has the appropriate accreditation for such research.

Water quality analysis

Analysis of water quality reveals the main properties that affect our body: hardness, amount of salts and oxidability. The results showed that all samples were safe to drink. At the same time, the used filter does not affect the quality of tap water, and water of the Senezhskaya and Vittel brands contains the highest amount of alkali.


The alkalinity of water depends on the presence of caustic alkalis and salts of weak acids in it. Too much alkaline in drinking water can lead to digestive problems, inflammatory diseases(gastritis, ulcer) and the accumulation of alkalis in the body. This condition is called alkalosis.


Hardness is the total content of calcium and magnesium salts in water. The more salts, the higher the hardness index. In general, these elements are necessary for a person to grow and feel normal, but if they are in excess, certain diseases may develop. The most common: the appearance of kidney stones, hypercalcemia (increased calcium levels) and impaired conduction of the heart muscle. In addition, hard water dries out the skin and reduces efficiency. detergents and leaves more scale when boiling, which ultimately leads to damage to household appliances. In general, water hardness is not critical for the body if you boil water for drinking: scale is completely harmless. SanPiN requirements for the content of hardness salts are 7 mEq/l (milligram equivalents per liter). For comparison: hardness standards in Europe are 2.5 mEq/l.


The level of oxidability allows you to estimate in water the total content of organic and inorganic compounds capable of oxidation. The more nitrites in water from industrial enterprises, as well as microorganisms and algae from wastewater, the higher the oxidation rate will be. High levels of such pollutants can lead to poisoning and serious illnesses.

Analysis by water composition

Composition analysis shows which water contains the most macronutrients such as calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium. Usually, the more of them, the healthier the water. This analysis also showed that water from the tap and after the filter are no different, and water from the “Holy Source” brand is the least rich in useful elements. Nevertheless, the indicators of all five samples are within normal limits.


Calcium strengthens bones and teeth, and also helps smooth muscles and blood vessels shrink. Excess calcium can cause kidney disease, negatively affect the musculoskeletal system and alter metabolism.

Potassium and sodium

Potassium is inextricably linked with sodium; together they help conduct nerve impulses to muscles and organs. They also have a vasodilating effect, normalize heart rhythm and maintain acid-base and water balance.


Magnesium helps the body's cells grow and renew. It is also needed for the production of protein, the breakdown of glucose, the removal of toxins from the body and the absorption of certain vitamins. Magnesium has a positive effect on heart function.


Ammonium is an indicator of how contaminated water is with biological waste. Ammonium ions enter natural waters when ammonia is dissolved in them, which, in turn, is released during the decomposition of animal and plant proteins. In small doses, ammonium is present almost everywhere, but in large quantities it is toxic. You can get rid of its impurities using reverse osmosis filters.

In all tested water samples, ammonium is within normal limits, and in water of the Holy Source and Vittel brands its values ​​are almost zero. Interestingly, there is more ammonium in tap water after the filter than in the same water before the filter.

Igor Buzin

junior researcher,

Deputy Head of the Chemical Analytical Center of Moscow State University

All analyzed water complies with standards and is at least safe for health. Tap water is safe to drink. Bottled water contains more elements beneficial to the body, but tap water is safer for health.

It cannot be said that all brands of bottled water analyzed are the same in quality and there is no difference between them. But regardless of the brand, all water meets the standards.

As can be seen from the table, the filter used does not in any way affect the presence of macroelements in tap water. Apparently, this is a filter for purifying water from iron, but there was no iron in the presented water even before the filter. Therefore, it seems that the filter is essentially not needed. In fact, you need to buy a filter based on the characteristics of your specific tap water. If it is too hard, take a filter that reduces the hardness; if there is too much iron, take a filter for deferrization.

Water sommelier's opinion

We also asked a water sommelier to blindly rate the samples we selected.

Semen Sevostyanov

water and beverage expert, brand ambassador of the Kalinov Rodnik brand

Any water has an individual taste, which depends on the amount and proportions of minerals it contains. Water cannot be tasteless - this is a myth. If there are few minerals in the water, then the taste seems neutral.

By the taste of water, I can determine how healthy it is: how many minerals it contains and whether it has been purified by osmosis. Real artesian water is considered the most delicious.

"Holy Spring"

24 rubles

price for 0.5 liter

The water has a characteristic taste; it is slightly bitter. I think it's bottled with medium mineral content.



price for 0.5 liter

I feel a strange aftertaste. This is also bottled water, but of lower quality than the previous one. It is practically tasteless, which means it contains few minerals. In fact, this is ordinary drinking water.


20 rubles

price for 0.5 liter

It looks like this is also water from the store. It does not have an astringent aftertaste, it is soft, slightly sweet and velvety. It's definitely mineral.