Extracurricular event “Talk about proper nutrition. Conversations with children about proper nutrition Conversations for schoolchildren about healthy nutrition

Extracurricular activity in elementary school. Topic: Do we know how to eat properly?

Target: create conditions for the formation of ideas about basic nutrients, products containing them, and rational nutrition.

Equipment: cards with images of healthy and harmful foods; cards with images of vegetables and fruits.

Progress of the lesson

I. Introductory part.

Organizing time. Setting goals.

First reader.

A person needs to eat

To stand up and to sit down,

To jump, tumble,

Sing songs, make friends, laugh.

To grow and develop

And at the same time not to get sick,

You need to eat right

From a very young age to be able to.

Presenter. These verses are not a joke, but the truth. You also learn from a young age in health lessons how to eat properly. And for proper nutrition you need... ( healthy foods). They contain nutrients: fats, proteins, carbohydrates.

II. Main part.

1. Role-playing game “We are going to the store.”

The postman is knocking on the door.

Postman. I brought a letter from Carlson:

Hello, friends! I am writing my letter from the hospital. My health has deteriorated, my head hurts, there are stars in my eyes, my whole body is lethargic. The doctor says I need to eat right. I made a menu for lunch: cake with lemonade, chips, jam and Pepsi-Cola. This is my favorite food. I'll probably be healthy soon.

Yours, Carlson.

Teacher. Guys, did Carlson put together the menu correctly? Now we are going to the store and choosing products for him. (First and third row - buyers. Second row - controller)

Customers add pictures of various products to their shopping cart.

Teacher. We have selected the healthiest products. Now let’s put the rest of the products on two plates: on the yellow one - healthy products that are used quite often, on the red one - products that are rarely present on the table.

The second row is working. The rest are controllers.

2. Conversation on the topic.

Teacher. To eat healthy, you need to fulfill two conditions: moderation and variety.

What does "moderation" mean?

Ancient people had wise words: “We eat in order to live, and we do not live in order to eat.” Overeating is very harmful; the stomach and intestines do not have time to digest everything.

What does "diversity" mean?

No single food provides all the nutrients you need to maintain good health. Some foods give the body energy to move, think well, and not get tired (honey, buckwheat, rolled oats, raisins, butter). Others help build the body and make it stronger (cottage cheese, fish, meat, eggs, nuts). And still others - fruits and vegetables - contain many vitamins and minerals that help the body grow and develop (berries, greens, cabbage, carrots, bananas).

Explain how you understand the proverb: “Vegetables are the pantry of health”? Come up with riddles about vegetables and fruits.

Think about how you can prepare a three-course meal if you only have beets, potatoes, beans, onions and rose hips?

III. Wellness moment.

Game "Tops and Roots".

If we eat underground parts of food, we need to sit down, if we eat above-ground parts, we need to stand up to our full height and stretch our arms up. (Potatoes, beans, carrots, tomatoes, beets, cucumbers, turnips, pumpkin)

IV. Final part.

1. Re-enactment of “Vegetable Dispute”.

Each vegetable (the child holds a picture with the corresponding vegetable in his hands) proves that it is the healthiest and tastiest.

2. “Before I sit down at the table, I will think about what to eat.”

Draw healthy foods.

V. Summary.

Second reader.

Let us now summarize.

To grow you need protein

For protection and warmth

Nature created fat.

Like an alarm clock without a winder

It won't go either way,

So we are without carbohydrates

There's no way around it.

Vitamins are just a miracle!

How much joy they bring:

All diseases and colds

They will be turned away.

That's why it's always

For our health

Complete food -

The most important condition.

O. P. Vlasenko



, teacher

MBDOU kindergarten No. 62 “Golden Beehive”

Conversation with children 4-5 years old on the topic

“What is porridge made from and how to make it tasty?”

Target: To form in children an idea of ​​the benefits and variety of cereals.

Material: Spikelets of cereals; plates with cereal; additives to porridge: jam, dried fruits, fruits, nuts, chocolate; plates of porridge - for each child.

Progress of the conversation:

Educator. Children, what do we often eat for breakfast?

Children. Porridge.

Educator. What kind of porridge do you like? (Children's answers). Why do you think they say about some people: “He didn’t eat enough porridge”? Who are they talking about?

Children. This is what they say about the weak.

Educator. Right. Porridge is a healthy food that helps you become healthy and strong. In Ancient Rus', special porridges were cooked in honor of any important event. Russian princes had a custom of cooking porridge as a sign of reconciliation between enemies. Since then they say about intractable people: “You can’t cook porridge with him.” Do you know what porridge is made from? (Children's answers).

Porridge is cooked from cereals. You will find out what cereal is made from if you solve the riddle.

I'll go to the warm earth,

I will rise towards the sun like a spikelet.

Then there are people like me in it,

There will be a whole family. (Corn).

Educator. Cereals are obtained from grains. Listen to the story about the grain.

We planted small grains in the ground in the spring. Soon green shoots appeared from them. Earth, water and sun helped them grow. At the end of spring, a spikelet with small grains appeared on each sprout. All summer the spikelets gained strength and plumped up. The grains in them turned yellow and became larger. In the fall, the spikelets were collected and threshed. The grains were used to make cereals from which porridge could be cooked.

Let's play. I will show the spikelets and ask riddles. You need to guess the riddle and show the saucer with the desired cereal.

Black, small baby.

They'll collect a little

They will cook in the water,

Whoever eats it will praise it. (Buckwheat).

Like in a field, on a mound,

There is a chicken with earrings. (Oats).

In the field with a broom,

There are pearls in the bag. (Wheat).

Educator. Well done. Now let’s play the “Guess and Name” game. I will show the spikelets, and you must name the plant, the cereal that is made from its grains, and the porridge from this cereal.

· Spikelet – millet; cereal – millet; porridge - millet.

· Wheat – semolina – semolina.

· Wheat – wheat – wheat.

· Oats – oatmeal – oatmeal.

· Buckwheat – buckwheat – buckwheat.

Educator. Well done. Want to play some more? (Children agree).

Game "Hens and Cockerels". Beans, peas, buckwheat seeds and semolina are mixed on the plate. First you need to choose beans, then peas and buckwheat.

Children complete the task.

Educator. What's left on the plate?

Children. Semolina.

Educator. Right. What kind of porridge can be cooked from this cereal?

Children. Manna.

Educator. There is a saying: “You can’t spoil porridge with butter.” But you can add not only butter to the porridge, but also berries, fruits, raisins, jam, and chocolate. And who doesn’t like very sweet porridge, you can add nuts to it.

The teacher has a pot of warm semolina porridge on the table.

Educator. Now I will give everyone a plate of porridge, and you add whatever you want to it: apples, bananas, raisins, jam, nuts - and try it.

Children try the porridge, exchange impressions - who liked it better with which additive.

Educator. Now you know how to make porridge tasty.

“Are you eating right?”

Form of conduct: thematic conversation with children with elements of role-playing dialogue

Goal: demonstrating to children the importance of their physical and mental health.

Equipment: poster depicting the pyramid of proper nutrition.

Progress of the conversation:

Before we start our conversation, I'm going to ask you guys a few questions, and you're going to answer them by raising your hand. Do you like to get sick? Why?

So it's better to be healthy. Tell me, please, what is health in general? How do you understand it and why do we need health?

How many of you consider yourself healthy? Why? How can we even determine whether we are healthy or not? What can we call health indicators? Appearance, well-being, mood. Guys, what does our health depend on?

From lifestyle, work and rest patterns, exercise, and what we eat and how we eat.

We will devote our conversation today to what has the greatest impact on our health - proper nutrition.

Do you know which foods are healthy and which are harmful? What would you prefer for breakfast - a hamburger and Coca-Cola or oatmeal and fruit juice? For lunch - cabbage soup with beef and compote or fries with pork with sauce and black coffee? For an afternoon snack - cottage cheese, banana and fermented baked milk or grilled chicken and chips with Fanta? For dinner - fish with vegetable salad and tea or instant noodles with semi-finished meat, Snickers and a tea drink?

Fans of chips, crackers, ketchup, mayonnaise, carbonated drinks, hot dogs, hamburgers, French fries, which contain many very harmful substances, should know that fast food, with beautiful name“Fast Food” is not just harmful to our body, but simply very dangerous and poses a serious threat to our health. Despite the dubious advantages of fast food - speed of preparation and its special taste- it has a number of undoubted and very serious disadvantages. Our stomach and intestines are not accustomed to such foods, fatty and heavy. It does not contain any useful substances, it is very fatty, and contains many calories. It is much easier and healthier for our body to eat what our ancestors ate for centuries - porridge from various cereals, first courses for lunch and a lot of their own vegetables and fruits.

Frequent consumption of fast food is fraught with heart disease, allergies, obesity, diabetes, stomach and liver disorders, diseases such as gastritis, pancreatitis, ulcers and cancer of the stomach and intestines.

No wonder most of The US population suffers from obesity, because fast food has long become a part of their daily life and is so taken for granted that it is already considered the same complete food as home-cooked food.

So, guys, not only your health, but also appearance directly depends on what, in what quantities and how you eat.

How should we eat to be healthy?

There is only one answer to this question - healthy eating, the surest way to be healthy.

Food should be varied, and, of course, age, traditions and place of residence must be taken into account. In general, these recommendations boil down to the following pyramid.

It is based on bread, cereals and pasta.

At the dawn of our civilization, bread and grains were one of the main human foods. Preference is given to varieties of bread made from flour coarse(rye bread, bran bread). They contain a lot of vegetable protein, vitamins and fiber. The daily diet of both adults and children should include porridge at least once a day: oatmeal, buckwheat, rice, millet. All these products contain coarse fiber, which is simply necessary for our intestines.

The second step of the pyramid is fruits and vegetables.

On average, an adult should eat 180 kg of vegetables and fruits per year, then he will not be afraid of spring avitaminosis. But according to statistics, Russians eat about 85 kg per year. There should be at least 600 grams of live plant food on our table per day.

Berries, fruits and vegetables are a real storehouse of vitamins.

The next level of the pyramid includes meat, fish, poultry and dairy products.

We are accustomed to consider this set as the main and main one. But meat is animal protein. It takes 6-8 hours to digest. This is what explains the feeling of drowsiness after eating a lot of meat dishes. The kidneys, liver, heart and lungs work hard to digest what you eat. You should try to control the amount of food and chew a salad or vinaigrette of raw vegetables and herbs before a meat dish. Regular consumption of meat strains metabolic processes in the body, which leads to premature aging. It is correct to consume meat 2-3 times a week in the amount of 100-150 grams per day.

Frankfurters, frankfurters, sausages and other semi-finished meat products include various artificial food additives, preservatives, fillers and are therefore unlikely to be beneficial.

Another thing is fish. It also contains protein, but, unlike meat, fish is digested faster. It contains fatty acids and various minerals - iodine, fluorine, copper and zinc, which increase the body's resistance to infections, improves twilight vision, and regulates the exchange of phosphorus and calcium. Seafood is also healthy - squid, mussels, seaweed.

Milk is ideal for a growing body. It is a balanced product, providing the child’s body with almost everything necessary. And kefir and yoghurt also contain beneficial bifidobacteria that form human immunity.

At the top of the pyramid healthy eating- salt, sugar and sweets.

How little space is given to them. There should be just as little of them in our diet. Indeed, excessive consumption of salt and sugar leads to disease and obesity. Sugar lovers risk ruining their teeth. You need to accustom yourself and your loved ones to consume these foods minimally: instead of sugar, cakes, sweets, for example, it is healthier to eat jams and fruits.

The child’s body especially needs proper balanced nutrition, as it grows and develops rapidly. This is why it is very important to monitor what you eat and whether you adhere to your diet throughout the day.

Please tell me what conclusions did you draw today? What food should you prefer? How should you eat?

“Where can I find vitamins?”

Target: To introduce the importance of vitamins and minerals in human life.

Material: Carlson (toy); a jar of sauerkraut; dried fruits on plates - for each child; onion garlic.

Progress of the conversation:

Educator. Today an amazing little man flew into our window. Guess who it is?

Funny man

Lives on the roof.

He loves jam

Candy and honey.

Children. Carlson!

Educator (shows a doll - Carlson). Of course, Carlson. But it seems to me that he is somehow sad and lethargic.

Carlson (the teacher speaks for him). Hello guys.

Educator. Carlson, dear, what happened, why are you so sad?

Carlson (sad). Yes, I’m not in the mood, I don’t want to be naughty or hooligan. I want to sleep all the time, lie on my favorite sofa. I don’t even want to walk on the rooftops with my friend Baby!

Educator. Do you eat with gusto?

Carlson. I have no appetite! I can’t even eat a jar of jam – I don’t want to, that’s all!

Educator. Yes, everything is clear! You, dear Carlson, have a lack of vitamins.

Carlson. What are vitamins?

Educator. Vitamins are substances that we need for health and vitality. If there are not enough vitamins in food, a person gets sick, becomes lethargic, weak, sad - just like you are now.

Carlson. Where can I get vitamins?

Educator. Let's try to help Carlson. We know that there are a lot of vitamins... Children, where?

Children. In vegetables, berries and fruits!

The teacher reads the fairy tale “Masha and Orchard».

Educator. But when vegetables and fruits are stored for a long time, they contain less vitamins. Where can I get vitamins in spring?

Children. You can grow fresh herbs, such as onions, on the windowsill.

Carlson. Onion? Yes, I ate it once - it was bitter, tasteless, and it stung my nose and made tears flow.

Educator. Onions contain substances that protect humans from diseases. There is even a saying: “The bow cures seven diseases.”

Carlson. Wow, how useful it is. Now guess what it is: Luke’s little, bitter brother.

Children. Garlic!

Carlson. Yes, you guessed it. Is he useful too?

Children talk about the benefits of garlic.

Carlson. I got it, I got it! Now I will only eat onions and garlic.

Educator. Carlson, there is no such product that would contain all the vitamins, because there are a lot of them. You need to eat fruits, dairy products, cereals, and vegetables. Guess the riddle.

What's that creak, what's that crunch?

What kind of bush is this?

How can there be no crunch?

If I ……..

Children. Cabbage!

Educator. You know, Carlson, cabbage retains a lot of vitamins until the end of winter. There are a lot of them in sauerkraut. Try it, it is very tasty and healthy. Previously, sailors, going to long voyage, be sure to take barrels of sauerkraut with you.

Treats Carlson and the children to sauerkraut.

Carlson. Oh... I feel like I have more strength. And the mood became better! I ate chips, cakes, drank soda, I didn’t know that there were healthy and necessary foods.

Educator. Dried fruits contain many vitamins.

Carlson. I know I know. Dried fruits are raisins.

Educator. And not only. Let's play.

The children and Carlson taste dried fruits and guess what fruits they are made from, solving the crossword puzzle “Dried fruits”.

Carlson. Thank you, I already have a lot good mood! I’ll fly to the market, buy onions, garlic, vegetables, fruits and, of course, dried fruits.

Educator. And we, Carlson, will serve you a jar of sauerkraut. Eat and don't get sick!

Carlson thanks the children and flies away.



Once upon a time there lived a girl Masha. Every morning she came to her orchard, where various trees and shrubs grew. Apple trees, cherries, plums, chokeberries, sea buckthorn, rose hips, gooseberries, red and black currants greeted the little housewife with the rustle of leaves.

Masha liked to walk in the garden, care for trees and shrubs, water and fertilize them.

One day Masha fell ill. Her temperature rose, her throat turned red, and it became painful to swallow. The trees and bushes became worried and wondered how to help the girl. A breeze flying through the garden whispered that their fruits could help their pet. Rose hips, black and red currants are rich in vitamins that will help Masha cope with illnesses. And tea with delicious and healthy raspberry jam will lower your temperature and relieve a sore throat. Compotes: apple-cherry, pear, plum will help quench your thirst and improve your appetite.

The trees and bushes rejoiced, straightened their branches, rustled their leaves. Masha's mother heard their noise and immediately guessed what her daughter's pets wanted to say. She prepared an infusion of rose hips, brewed tea with raspberries, and gave Masha something to drink.

The girl ate black and red currants, drank a healthy compote and immediately felt better.

The next day Masha went out to her favorite orchard. She thanked the trees and bushes for their help. They rustled the leaves for a long time, rejoicing at the girl’s recovery.

Conversation with children 3-4 years old on the topic

"Who Lives in Dairy Country"

Target: Reinforce the concept of the benefits of milk and dairy products. Foster a food culture.

Material: Dairy products; mixer, glasses and cocktail products. Buckwheat, salt, sugar are placed separately on the table; egg, salt; flour, egg, salt.

Progress of the conversation:

Educator. Guys, today we have a wonderful and long-awaited guest. And which one, you will now find out.

Behind the door there is a rustle of soft paws:

Have a treat!

Of course this is...

Children. Red Up!

Educator. What doubts are there?

Red Up (adult) appears.

Red Ap. Hello, dear guys! Finally I have come to you! You were waiting for me?

Red Ap. The fact is that I, along with other dairy products, live in the distant Dairy Country. Do you know any dairy products?

Children. We know.

Red Up plays the game “Who Lives in Dairy Country” (with a ball). Children list: milk, kefir, baked milk, cream, cheese, glazed cheese curds, yogurt, sour cream, etc.

Red Ap. One day, several residents of the country argued.

A dramatization of the fairy tale “Milk, Yogurt and Kefir.”

Red Ap. What do you think is the most important product?

Children. Milk.

Red Ap. Why do you think so? (Children's answers.) Correct. Milk is used to make other dairy products. Shows a glass of full-fat milk. See that layer on top of the milk? This is the cream. Remember how we use them? What are they needed for?

Children. Cream can be added to tea and coffee.

Red Ap. You can also whip the cream with a mixer and decorate cakes and pastries with it. You can't eat a lot of cream, because it's very fatty, and you know that a lot of fatty...

Children. Eating is harmful.

Red Ap. You can also make sour cream from cream. The cream is carefully skimmed from the milk, placed in a bowl, and after a while it turns into sour cream. Do you want to play? Then come to me.

Game "Find out by taste."

Children try dairy products with their eyes closed and name them.

Red Ap. Well done! Let's play some more: What dishes can be obtained from these products if milk is added to them?

Red Up shows a group of foods, children name the dish ( buckwheat, omelet, pancakes, etc.).

Red Ap. Well done!

Educator. Red Up, we are very glad that you are our guest, and we want to give you a song that is called: “Red Up.”

Children sing a song.

Red Ap. How amazing! I won’t leave you without a gift either; now we’ll make a strawberry cocktail together.

(All lines of the poem are accompanied by actions.)

Strawberry milk carton –

Definitely from Red Up.

Three spoons of sugar

Two yolks

Drizzle a little orange juice.

Cut half a banana into slices

Heavy cream - half a glass,

And finally add here

Coffee cup of crushed ice.

Beat in a mixer

And pour into glasses -

Cocktail offered

Girls and boys.

The children drink and thank Red Up.


Yu. Chuprina


In the dairy store, on the neighboring shelves there was milk, kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese, yogurt, fermented baked milk, and sour cream. People bought these dairy products, put them in bags, brought them home, and put them in the refrigerator. And they were put in the refrigerator because these products did not like heat and heat. The warm air made them feel sick and they turned sour.

One day Milk, Kefir and Yogurt ended up in the same refrigerator. They stand there, cool down. Suddenly Milk began to stir, fuss and speak:

Come on, Kefir and Yogurt, move over! It is not suitable for me, the king of all dairy products, to stand in a cramped space. I need space.

Why are you, Milk, so proud? Explain it to us! - asked Kefir.

Why explain? Not only does it contain a hundred different substances that every person needs, but it is also easily absorbed by the body.

Just think, it's easy to digest! - Yogurt objected. – I’m also very easy to learn. But I have special bacteria that, when they enter the human body, fight pathogens of all kinds of diseases! Here!

I am also a very healthy and medicinal food product. Children love me very much! – Kefir did not calm down.

And I come in cherry, blueberry, and apricot. You can drink me, or you can eat me with a spoon! – Yogurt said proudly.

Yogurt and Kefir argued for a long time. But then Milk intervened again:

Whatever it is, I, Milk, am still the basis for you, Yogurt, and for you, Kefir, and for fermented baked milk, and for cottage cheese. Even butter is obtained by churning cream, and cream is obtained from milk.

Yes, you can’t argue with that! Indeed, you, Milk, are the king of all dairy products, said Yogurt and Kefir.

After listening to all this, Milk became kinder:

Okay, brother Yogurt and brother Kefir, you are also very useful, you are like brothers to me, let’s stand next to each other on the same shelf. We don't need to quarrel!

Conversation with children 5-6 years old on the topic

“Porridge is our joy”

Target: to formulate in children the need to take care of their health and, first of all, proper nutrition. To clarify children's knowledge of vitamins A, B, C, D. To teach them to recognize fruit additives in porridges by taste.

Fix the names of cereals, table setting skills to different nutritional regimes, KGN. Exercise children: in guessing riddles, reading words, in gluing cereals onto a finished form. To cultivate feelings of friendship, caring for each other, goodwill, politeness. Make children want to help fairy-tale characters who are in trouble. Liberate children with the help of fairy-tale play motivation.

Material: figures on the panel: boys - thin and plump, house number. On the “rockers” are “pans” with cereal. On the desks there is a pencil case with various cereals, a “saucepan”, glue, napkins. Flannelgraph and for it - pictures of products suitable for the group of vitamins A, B, C, D. There are napkins and plastic dishes on the tables.

Preliminary work. Conducting conversations about proper nutrition: “How to eat correctly”, “The amazing transformation of an apple”, “The healthiest foods”, “It’s time for dinner”, “If you’re thirsty”, “It’s a bad lunch if there’s no bread”,

"Every man to his own taste". Making “pots” and pencil cases with cereals. Cutting vegetables and fruits. Table setting for breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner. Learning riddles about vegetables and fruits. Conversations on the topic “My favorite porridge.” Drawing up a “vitamin table”.

Progress of the conversation:

Guys, today we are going to visit the best chef - Yakov. He lives in the village of Kashkino, house No. 7. Look who's coming! Hello.

Meet these two friends - Alyosha and Seryozha. How you have changed! Seryozha, you have lost so much weight! Alyosha, you've gained so much weight! What happened to you?

Alyosha: “We played, as always. Grandmother passed by. She invited us to visit her - to show us miracles, to give us various treats. And, suddenly, I remembered that you can’t leave with strangers. At parting, she gave us delicious, big "I gave away the sweets. We just ate them, when suddenly, Seryozhka lost weight, and in an instant I became fat. What a disaster! And since then I only eat sweets, and Seryozhka - nothing."

Yes! Trouble! We won't leave you in trouble. Let's go visit the chef. He - fairy tale hero. I met that witch. Maybe he can help you.

Here is his house - No. 7. Let's knock.

/ A “saucepan” appears and sings about porridge / (an adult plays the role)

Hello! We came to visit Yakov.

Pan: “He went out for a while. Come on in and wait a little.”

In the meantime, I have some riddles:

I prepared porridge for the mind.

Do you want to be smart? (Yes! Yes! Yes!)

Find a saucepan and tell us what kind of cereal is in it,

And what is the name of my porridge?

Who can tell me what kind of porridge we are talking about? (Millet). Why did you decide so? (Porridges contain many different nutrients. And millet contains a useful substance - potassium. It helps the brain work, and we think better and solve problems: That’s why it is called mental porridge.)

Pan: “Yes, that’s right.

There is porridge that gives strength.
Eat it more often and you will live for many years.
She will even help
So that your beauty is preserved.
What grain did I use to make porridge?"

Who guessed what kind of porridge we are talking about? (Hercules)

Find a pan with oatmeal porridge.


“I have white porridge.
It is useful for cleansing.
White grains float in it.
All our skin will become whiter."
What kind of porridge are we talking about? (Rice)

Find a pot of rice porridge on the rocker.


"I offer black porridge.
Despite this, it is very tasty.
All the substances in it are very useful.
Getting into the blood they help:
Don’t get sick and grow up faster.”

Who guessed? (Buckwheat) (children approach the pan with buckwheat porridge.)

Pan: “Do you like porridge?” (addresses the characters in the panel)

Alyosha and Seryozha: “No. The porridge is not tasty.”


“How is it not delicious!? You’ve just never eaten delicious porridge. Recipe delicious porridge simple

Take any cereal and cook it with milk.
Then add butter and sprinkle with sugar.
And if you add vitamins to the porridge,
Then we are not afraid of colds and sore throats."

Alyosha: “Vitamins? They’re the little round yellow ones they sell at the pharmacy!”

Pan: “No, natural vitamins are added to the porridge.”

And the guys and I know the table of vitamins.

Game “Find a place for the products in the table” (children lay out cards with various products on the flannelgraph next to “A”, “B”, “C”, “D” with various products in which vitamin “A” or another prevails.)

Saucepan: “While you were playing, I prepared you porridge with different fruits. Try what vitamin supplement the porridge contains. (Children try rice porridge with various fruit additives)

Well done! You guessed correctly."

Saucepan, can we cook this porridge ourselves and serve it to all the guests?

Pan: “Let two girls and two boys help me. Put on aprons and wipe your hands with a damp cloth. Spread the porridge and add fruit.”

Thank you, Pan! Will Yakov come soon? Maybe you can go get him and call him?

Saucepan: “I can’t. I still have to cook the combined porridge.”

We will help you. While you walk, we will cook.

/ The pan leaves /

What should you do before you start cooking porridge? (You need to wash your hands, put on an apron, tie a scarf or put on a special hat)

/ all answers are accompanied by actions /

To prepare porridge you need dishes. Let's choose dishes and do a warm-up.

Conversation with children 5-7 years old on the topic

“Bread is our wealth”

Goals: to clarify children’s knowledge about who makes bread, where and from what: from what grain crops flour is obtained; introduce various types bread and bakery products; clarify what shape different products have; to cultivate a caring attitude towards bread, towards the work of those people thanks to whom bread appeared on our table.

Equipment: reproduction of Shishkin’s paintings “Rye”, SS illustrations depicting a feast, feast, dried ears of rye, wheat, panicles of oats. An ear of corn, types of bread and bakery products, even sticks, plot pictures to accompany the conversation “Bread is our wealth.”

Preliminary work: examination of a reproduction of Shishkin’s painting “Rye”; conversation “Where did the bread come from”; excursion to a bakery store;

production of bakery products from salt dough for role-playing games; learning poems and proverbs about bread.

Progress of the conversation:

Examination of a reproduction of the painting “Rye”, an illustration depicting a feast, feast.

Educator: Look at the reproduction. Who can remember the name of the painting and the name of its artist?

Once upon a time a man tried grains and liked them. A man began to grind grains with stones and thus flour appeared. Then the man learned to bake bread from flour. At first, the bread was unleavened, and then people came up with the idea of ​​fermenting the dough and the result was delicious, fluffy bread. Not a single feast was complete without bread. Dear guests were greeted with salt and bread. Previously, only rye bread was baked. They say: " Rye bread dear father of wheat.” How do you understand the meaning of this proverb? Close your eyes, inhale the aroma of rye and wheat bread. Taste them.

2. Examination of dried ears of rye and wheat, panicles of oats, ears of corn.

Consider. What are these plants called?

Children's answers.

Pay attention to what the ears of rye and wheat, a panicle of oats, and an ear of corn say. What are similar about these plants? Yes, that's right, all these plants produce grain and are therefore called grain crops. Bread is made from them.

3. Laying out an ear of wheat with even-numbered sticks.

4. Game “Name which one, which one, which one?”

Rye bread - rye.

Wheat bread – wheat bread.

Millet porridge – millet.

Oat porridge - oatmeal.

Barley porridge - barley.

Corn porridge – corn porridge.

Buckwheat porridge – buckwheat.

Field with rye - rye.

Field with wheat - wheat.

A field with oats is oat.

A field with barley is barley.

A field of corn is corn.

A field with buckwheat – buckwheat.

A field with millet is millet.

5. Game “Say the Word”

Educator: Complete the word, changing the word bread according to the meaning.

I know the proverb about...

Mom bought wheat...

Children eat soup with...

Vanya went to the store for...

I don't like to eat soup without...

I don't have a home...

6. Physical exercise. Children stand in a circle and show what is said in the poem:

Grew up in a field house
The house is full of grain
The walls are gilded
The shutters are boarded up
The house is shaking
On a gold pillar.

7. Conversation “Bread is our wealth.”

Bread is our wealth; the labor of many people is invested in it. Look at the pictures. How far did the ear of bread go to turn into a lush loaf on our table?

They say: “Bread is the head of everything.”

Who knows the proverbs about bread and labor (He who doesn’t work, doesn’t eat. If you don’t work, you won’t get bread. If you want to eat rolls, don’t lie on the stove.).


Rye bread, loaf and rolls
you won't get it while walking
People cherish bread in the fields
They spare no effort for bread.

8. Viewing an exhibition of natural bakery products.

Which bakery products are you familiar with them and which ones are not?

Which products are rectangular in shape? Square? Round?

9. Making proposals.

Choose who you would like to treat and what, and make a proposal. For example: I will treat Tanya to cake.

Please note that it is correct to say cake, cakes.

10. Tea party.

Conversation with children 5-6 years old on the topic

“Our friends are vitamins”

Target: to give an idea of ​​the health benefits of vitamins, where they are found, to teach children to choose the healthiest foods, to introduce children to the importance of vitamins and minerals in human life, to form an understanding of the connection between diet and lifestyle.

Materials: an envelope with a letter from Matroskin and Sharik, a picture depicting various food products, vitamins, fruits and vegetables.

Progress of the conversation:

Today a letter was brought to kindergarten from Prostokvashino from the cat Matroskin and Sharik. They got into trouble. Uncle Fyodor got sick. And here is what Matroskin and Sharik write: “Hello, dear children, girls and boys. We decided to contact you with a request. Maybe you can help us. Something bad happened. Uncle Fyodor got sick. Doesn't eat, doesn't drink, doesn't sing songs. Neither ice cream nor cake pleases him. We don't know how to treat it. And you are all so beautiful, healthy, and your cheeks are rosy. You probably know some secret. Share with us how to cure Uncle Fyodor. We just ask you to help quickly, otherwise he’s really unwell.”

Yes, it's a sad story. Guys, do you think we can help cure Uncle Fyodor?

(listen to the children's answers)

I know that it can help us to quickly cure Uncle Fyodor. These are vitamins! (show a picture of vitamins).

Who knows what vitamins are?

Vitamins help children and adults to be strong and healthy. Some vitamins help children grow, others help the eyes see well, others help the head think well and be smart. And there are vitamins that protect us from diseases.

Where do vitamins live? (In food products. Attach a picture of products to the board)

To be healthy, smart, strong, a person must receive vitamins from food. If a child does not receive enough of these vitamins, he begins to get sick often, loses his appetite and grows poorly. What do you think, at what time of year do we get the most vitamins? (summer and autumn). Why?

And at other times of the year, so that people do not lack vitamins, vitamin tablets are sold in pharmacies. (show).

Vegetables and fruits are especially rich in vitamins (attach a picture of vegetables and fruits to the board).

Name vegetables and fruits that you know and love.

Well, and of course, physical education helps our guys stay healthy, agile and strong.


Conversation with children 6-7 years old on the topic

"Vitamin Family"

Target: to give an idea of ​​what foods are most useful and necessary for a person’s health every day, to teach children to choose the healthiest foods, to introduce children to the importance of vitamins and minerals in human life, to form an idea of ​​the connection between diet and lifestyle; nurturing the ability for coordinated interaction; to instill in children a conscious attitude towards the need to toughen up, play sports, eat vegetables and fruits in order to resist diseases.

Equipment: posters with pictures of vegetables, posters about vitamins, drawings, models of vegetables and fruits, vegetables and fruits, fresh and boiled for salad, kitchen utensils.

Techniques and methods: a surprise moment (autumn brings a basket of vegetables and a letter from a sick friend), questions, conversation.

Progress of the conversation:

Educator: Guys, someone is knocking on our door. Open, please. And Autumn has come to us. Hello, autumn!

Autumn: Hello, children!

Educator: Autumn, what did you bring us?

Autumn: I brought you the “Letter” and my gifts, but first, please guess my riddles (attached).

Autumn is leaving, leaving its vegetables and fruits.

The teacher says goodbye to autumn and says that autumn brought us vegetables, fruits and a letter for some reason.

They read the letter: “Hello, friends! Semyon writes to you. I am writing my letter from the hospital. My health has deteriorated. My head hurts, I have stars in my eyes, my whole body is lethargic. The doctor says I need to eat right. I love: lemonade cake, chips, candy, marshmallows and Pepsi-Cola. This is my favorite food. I’ll probably be healthy soon!”

Educator: Guys, is it really bad to be sick? Why? How to recover? Game action. The teacher calls the children over and asks: “Which of you guys knows that hardening helps and is always useful to us?”

Children: Sun, air and water! Our best friends!

Children (one at a time)

So that we grow strong,

Clever and brave

Every morning

We are doing exercises.

We raise our hands to the sun,

Together, we walk merrily,

We squat and stand up

And we don’t get tired at all!

Educator: Let's check! So, let's take it as a rule:

Don't lie around for a long time in the morning,
Run, jump and gallop,
Take a cool shower,
Play sports
Temper with water.

How to learn -
And so learn everything.

Educator: We suggest everyone who is often sick to start the day with exercise. Children, what else do we do to keep our body always strong and healthy?

Children: We do physical education and sports, jogging, visiting the pool, walking barefoot, sunbathing. We eat vegetables and fruits, take fresh vitamins, garlic, onions, and drink decoctions of herbs and fruits.

Educator: Despite this, some children are prone to illness in the fall. Why?

Children: Because not all people are hardened, they dress out of season, there is constant rain, cold winds, sticky snow. The flu begins in the fall. This is a disease that is accompanied by high fever.

Educator: What other signs of the flu do you know?

Children's answers (sneezing, coughing, joint pain, headache).

Educator: Is it possible to go to kindergarten if you have the flu? Why? (you can infect others, there may be complications if you don’t get vaccinated against the flu) But our guys don’t get sick! How to protect yourself from diseases?

It's a special day for us!

Health day without embellishment!

We will learn a lot:

How can we be healthy?

Fruits and vegetables, how to wash. . .

Educator: Does the “green garden” on the window help us?

Educator: How?

Children's answers ( green onions, garlic all year round).

Educator: Are there vitamins in them?

Children: Of course!

Educator: Can vitamins cause harm?

Children's answers (you need to consume in a certain amount, otherwise you can get poisoned).

Educator: How does nature help maintain our health in order?

Children's answers.

Teacher (stands in front of the children at the stand)

Kindergarten where our children are
They live very happily
Filled with warm sunshine,
Washed by the fresh rain,
Fruits and vegetables are welcome.

Autumn brought us vegetables and fruits. And we almost forgot about them. What are we going to do with them?

Children's answers.

Educator: Children, would you like to prepare a vitamin breakfast using onions and garlic from your garden. Now, let's get to work together. Let's prepare a vitamin salad from fresh vegetables and fruits; vinaigrette of boiled vegetables. Please name what products are needed for the “Vitamin” salad. What products are needed for the vinaigrette?

Children's answers.

Educator: So, children, let's get down to business. Today we become magic cooks. Let's briefly remember the rules for life.

Where should I start?

Children: Wash hands, put on aprons, prepare work equipment, etc.

Educator: Now let's get to work!

The guys choose to distribute the work. Friendly work begins. Children willingly help each other (crush, grate, fold, etc.)

Along the way, they remember riddles about vegetables, proverbs, and sayings about work.


The day until the evening is boring if there is nothing to do.

Skillful hands do not know boredom.

Time for business - time for fun.

He who works, everything will come true.

You can’t even pull a fish out of a pond without effort.

Business before pleasure.

Who does not work shall not eat.

Work is not a wolf - it won’t run away into the forest.

One for all and all for one.

Conversation with children 5-6 years old on the topic

"Sources of vitamins"

Target: provide knowledge about vitamins, what foods they contain, and cultivate the habit of a healthy lifestyle.

Materials: stand (flannelgraph, board), pictures depicting canned fruits and vegetables.

Preliminary work: memorizing poems, selection interesting facts about the benefits of vegetables and fruits.

Progress of the conversation:

Educator: Berries, fruits, vegetables are the main sources of vitamins and minerals. Most vitamins are not formed in the human body and do not accumulate, but come only with food. This is why fruits and vegetables should be included in your diet every day and regularly. If some vitamins are missing in the body, then malfunctions begin. For example, a lack of vitamin E, which is observed in most people in our region, leads to impaired growth and decreased mental abilities. Therefore they use seaweed and the iodized salt we saved for our salad. Despite different taste preferences, every person, and especially children, needs a varied diet. A variety of foods is a guarantee that the body will receive the necessary substances.

People eat vegetables and fruits fresh, dried, or canned.

Interested in listening to the message on how to stock up on vitamins for the winter?

1 child:

Snow flies outside the window,
There are no berries in the empty garden...
Snow is no problem for berries
We'll ask them here.
In good jars behind glass
The berries breathe warmth...

The teacher places pictures on the stand showing different jars of jam and compotes:

2nd child:

They are for children in winter
Save summer
And they keep everything for us
Vitamin family!

Grape juice is good -
It’s like drinking the sun in summer!..
Let winter come here
White snows,
Our berries are always friends with kids.

Educator: For a long time in Rus' they fermented cabbage. When sauerkraut is preserved, it not only preserves well, but most importantly, it retains its vitamins. The famous English navigator James Cook carried 60 barrels of sauerkraut with him on his ship. It was thanks to the sauerkraut that Cook and his companions ate that they were healthy and withstood the trials along the way. Now we know that the vitamins contained in sauerkraut helped brave sailors not to lose their vigor and maintain their health. In addition, vegetables are also medicinal. For example, beets remove stones. If you drink beet juice for a long time, the stones will dissolve gradually and painlessly. The champion among low-calorie foods is cucumber. It contains less than 12 calories per 100 grams. Include it regularly in your menu. Onions - against all sorts of diseases.

Look what vitamins are in the vegetables from which we prepared our salad and vinaigrette. They are included in our diet, they treat us and help us stay young, healthy, strong and beautiful.

And now we invite everyone to a tasting of our signature dish.

3rd child:

To be healthy
Take the garden gifts!
Vitamin relatives -
Children of a sunny day!
The one who eats carrots
He will become strong, strong, dexterous.

And who loves, children, onions -
It grows quickly all of a sudden.
Who loves cabbage very much?
He will always be healthy.

Children: He will become strong, strong, dexterous!

Educator: That's right! And who loves, children, onions...

Children: Suddenly growing up quickly!

Educator: Yes. Who really loves cabbage...

Children: He will always be healthy!

Educator: Well done, children! Now you know what you need to do to be strong, fit and healthy! Always remember this. After all, health is a great power!

Conversation “On the role of nutrition in schoolchildren’s daily routine”

Form:thematic conversation with students with elements of role-playing dialogue.

Target: demonstrating to students the importance of their physical and mental health.


1. Educational:Foster a culture of preserving and improving one’s own health, a negative attitude towards harmful products nutrition, willingness to communicate, cultivate a culture of communication and behavior.

2. Developmental: Form the habit of eating right and following a diet. Develop choice skills the right products nutrition and daily diet planning

3. Educational:Introduce children to the principles of healthy eating based on modern research materials. Increase student activity in class. Work on conscious assimilation of the material

Equipment: colored chalk for decorating the board - drawing up a pyramid of proper nutrition.

Board design:During the lesson, a healthy eating pyramid is built on the board.


1. Organizational moment. Greetings.

2 . Conversation about health. Topic message

3. Test “Are you eating right?”Conversation about healthy and unhealthy foods. Presentation of a healthy eating plan using the example of the “Healthy Eating Pyramid”. Development of a proper nutrition regimen and menu.

4. Conclusion

Classroom teacher:

Before we start our conversation, I will ask you a few questions and you will answerat them, raising his hand. Do you like to get sick? Why?

So it's better to be healthy. Tell me, please, what is health in general? How do you understand it and why do we need health?

How many of you consider yourself healthy? Why? How can we even determine whether we are healthy or not? What can we call health indicators? Appearance, well-being, mood. Guys, what does our health depend on?

From the environment, lifestyle, work and rest patterns, sports, and what we eat and how we eat.

We will devote our conversation today to the most important factor influencing our health - proper nutrition.

Do you think you are eating right? By what principle do you choose what to eat? Do you know which foods are healthy and which are harmful? What would you prefer for breakfast - a hamburger and Coca-Cola or oatmeal and fruit juice? For lunch - cabbage soup with beef and compote or fries with pork with sauce and black coffee? For an afternoon snack - cottage cheese, banana and fermented baked milk or grilled chicken and chips with Fanta? For dinner - fish with vegetable salad and tea or instant noodles with semi-finished meat, Snickers and a tea drink?

Fans of chips, crackers, ketchups, mayonnaise, carbonated drinks, hot dogs, hamburgers, and French fries that contain emulsifiers, sweeteners, carcinogens, spicy seasonings, preservatives, stabilizers, chemical food additives should know that fast food has a beautiful name " Fast Food" is not just harmful to our body, but simply very dangerous and poses a serious threat to our health. Despite the dubious advantages of fast food - speed of preparation and its special taste - it has a number of undoubted and very serious disadvantages. Our stomach and intestines are not accustomed to such foods, fatty and heavy. It does not contain any useful substances, it is very fatty, and contains many calories. It is much easier and healthier for our body to eat what our ancestors ate for centuries - porridge from various cereals, first courses for lunch and a lot of their own vegetables and fruits.

Frequent consumption of fast food is fraught with heart disease, allergies, obesity, diabetes, stomach and liver disorders, diseases such as gastritis, pancreatitis, ulcers and cancer of the stomach and intestines.

It is not for nothing that a large part of the US population suffers from obesity, because fast food has long become a part of their daily life and is so taken for granted that it is already considered the same complete food as home-cooked food.

Thus, guys, not only your health, but also your appearance directly depends on what, in what quantities and how you eat.

How should we eat to be healthy?

There is only one answer to this question - healthy eating, the surest way to be healthy.

TEST “Are you eating right?”

Food should be varied, and, of course, age, traditions and place of residence must be taken into account. In general, these recommendations boil down to the following pyramid.

It is based on bread, cereals and pasta.

At the dawn of our civilization, bread and grains were one of the main human foods. Preference is given to types of bread made from wholemeal flour (rye bread, bran bread). They contain a lot of vegetable protein, vitamins and fiber, which helps eliminate cholesterol and cleanse the intestines. The daily diet of both adults and children should include porridge at least once a day: oatmeal, buckwheat, rice, millet. All these products contain coarse fiber, which is simply necessary for our intestines.

The second step of the pyramid is fruits and vegetables.

On average, an adult should eat 180 kg of vegetables and fruits per year, then he will not be afraid of spring avitaminosis. But according to statistics, Russians eat about 85 kg per year. There should be at least 600 grams of live plant food on our table per day.

Berries, fruits and vegetables- a real storehouse of vitamins.

The next level of the pyramid includes meat, fish, poultry and dairy products.

We are accustomed to consider this set as the main and main one. But meat is animal protein. It takes 6-8 hours to digest, that is, 7-9 times more energy than carbohydrates. Meat does not contain vitamins and enzymes (digestion accelerators), so our body uses enzymes and vitamins from its reserves to break it down, practically weakening itself. This is what explains the feeling of drowsiness after eating a lot of meat dishes. The kidneys, liver, heart and lungs work hard to digest what you eat. You should try to control the amount of food and chew a salad or vinaigrette of raw vegetables and herbs before a meat dish. Regular consumption of meat strains metabolic processes in the body, which leads to premature aging. It is rational to consume meat 2-3 times a week in the amount of 100-150 grams per day.

Frankfurters, frankfurters, sausages and other semi-finished meat products include various artificial food additives, preservatives, fillers and are therefore unlikely to be beneficial.

Another thing is fish. It also contains protein, but, unlike meat, fish is digested faster. It contains fatty acids and various minerals - iodine, fluorine, copper and zinc, which increase the body's resistance to infections, improves twilight vision, and regulates the exchange of phosphorus and calcium. Seafood is also healthy - squid, mussels, seaweed.

Milk is ideal for a growing body. It is a balanced product, providing the child’s body with almost everything necessary. And kefir and yoghurt also contain beneficial bifidobacteria that form human immunity.

At the top of the healthy eating pyramid are salt, sugar and sweets.

How little space is given to them. There should be just as little of them in our diet. Indeed, excessive salt consumption leads to hypertension, obesity, atherosclerosis and kidney disease. Sugar lovers get metabolic disorders, diabetes, obesity, migraines and tooth decay. You need to accustom yourself and your loved ones to consume these products minimally: salt - up to 6 grams per day (we sometimes use 15 grams), instead of sugar, cakes, sweets - jams and fruits.

The body of a teenager especially needs proper balanced nutrition, since it is rapidly growing, developing, and all body systems continue to form. This is why it is very important to monitor what you eat and whether you adhere to your diet throughout the day.

Now let’s create an approximate daily diet in accordance with the proposed scheme. Divide into groups and in three minutes create your menu for one day, and then we will see what we got, justify your choice.

Please tell me what conclusions did you draw from today's class? What food should you prefer? How should you eat?

What is porridge made from and how to make it tasty?

Goal: To form in children an idea of ​​the benefits and variety of cereals.

Material: Spikelets of cereals; plates with cereal; additives to porridge: jam, dried fruits, fruits, nuts, chocolate; plates of porridge - for each child.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator. Children, what do we often eat for breakfast?

Children. Porridge.

Educator. What kind of porridge do you like? (Children's answers). Why do you think they say about some people: “He didn’t eat enough porridge”? Who are they talking about?

Children. This is what they say about the weak.

Educator. Right. Porridge is a healthy food that helps you become healthy and strong. In Ancient Rus', special porridges were cooked in honor of any important event. Russian princes had a custom of cooking porridge as a sign of reconciliation between enemies. Since then they say about intractable people: “You can’t cook porridge with him.” Do you know what porridge is made from? (Children's answers).

Porridge is cooked from cereals. You will find out what cereal is made from if you solve the riddle.

I'll go to the warm earth,

I will rise towards the sun like a spikelet.

Then there are people like me in it,

There will be a whole family. (Corn).

Educator. Cereals are obtained from grains. Listen to the story about the grain.

We planted small grains in the ground in the spring. Soon green shoots appeared from them. Earth, water and sun helped them grow. At the end of spring, a spikelet with small grains appeared on each sprout. All summer the spikelets gained strength and plumped up. The grains in them turned yellow and became larger. In the fall, the spikelets were collected and threshed. The grains were used to make cereals from which porridge could be cooked.

Let's play. I will show the spikelets and ask riddles. You need to guess the riddle and show the saucer with the desired cereal.

Black, small baby.

They'll collect a little

They will cook in the water,

Whoever eats it will praise it. (Buckwheat).

Like in a field, on a mound,

There is a chicken with earrings. (Oats).

In the field with a broom,

There are pearls in the bag. (Wheat).

Educator. Well done. Now let’s play the “Guess and Name” game. I will show the spikelets, and you must name the plant, the cereal that is made from its grains, and the porridge from this cereal.

Spikelet – millet; cereal – millet; porridge - millet.

Wheat – semolina – semolina.

Wheat - wheat - wheat.

Oats - oatmeal - oatmeal.

Buckwheat – buckwheat – buckwheat.

Educator. Well done. Want to play some more? (Children agree).

Game "Hens and Cockerels". Beans, peas, buckwheat seeds and semolina are mixed on the plate. First you need to choose beans, then peas and buckwheat.

Children complete the task.

Educator. What's left on the plate?

Children. Semolina.

Educator. Right. What kind of porridge can be cooked from this cereal?

Children. Manna.

Educator. There is a saying: “You can’t spoil porridge with butter.” But you can add not only butter to the porridge, but also berries, fruits, raisins, jam, and chocolate. And who doesn’t like very sweet porridge, you can add nuts to it.

The teacher has a pot of warm semolina porridge on the table.

Educator. Now I will give everyone a plate of porridge, and you add whatever you want to it: apples, bananas, raisins, jam, nuts - and try it.

Children try the porridge, exchange impressions - who liked it better with which additive.

Educator. Now you know how to make porridge tasty.

Conversation: “Healthy food”


Tell children about food and their importance for humans, introduce them to the concepts of “nutrients”, “proper” or “healthy nutrition”

Develop curiosity and the ability to identify healthy eating rules.

To instill in children an attitude towards their own health and the health of others. Cultivate a desire to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Manuals and materials:pictures depicting food products: fish, meat, sour cream, milk, vegetables, fruits, chips, lollipop, Pepsi-Cola, ice cream, cake, candy; dummies: potatoes, cabbage, carrots, beets, onions, apples, radishes, cucumbers, grapes; cards with pictures vitamins A, B, C, and on them products that contain this vitamin.


Educator: Guys, today our conversation will be about tasty and healthy food.

Tell me, can a person live without food?

Children: No

Educator: Maybe for a while, but just a little. In order for a person to grow and develop well, he needs to eat every day.

What does a person eat?

Children: Meat, fish, milk, vegetables.

Educator: Do the animals eat?

Children: Yes

Educator: That's right, guys! People, animals, birds, insects eat. Every organism, from the smallest to the adult, requires nutrition. As soon as food ceases to arrive in a timely manner for breakfast, lunch and dinner, our body weakens. Why is this happening? Yes, because foods contain nutrients that help our body grow and develop.

Guys, what nutrients do you know?

Children: Vitamins.

Educator: Foods contain many different vitamins. And each vitamin has its own name and house where they live. And now we will remember where, in what products vitamins A, B, C live.

The teacher calls three children in turn, and they show vitamins in the picture and name the foods that contain them.

Educator: Guys, every person has their own favorite food. Name your favorite food.


Educator: Guys, what do you think will happen if we eat only sweets - cakes, pastries, ice cream.

Children: Your teeth will hurt.

Educator: That's right guys, in order for you to grow up as strong and healthy kids, you need to eat a variety of foods, and not just sweet and tasty foods. This is called “proper” or “healthy nutrition”.

Guys, want to learn more about healthy eating?

Children: Yes.

Then guess the riddles:

Both young and old should eat
Vegetable always(salad)

He will be slim and tall
The one who drinks fruity(juice)

Know that it's not easy for a cow
Do for children(milk)

I will grow, I will become faster,
If I do, there is(sour cream)

Gleb knows it well since childhood
The most important thing on the table(bread)

Don't look for candy -
Eat with fresh cabbage(cabbage soup)

Outside is winter or summer
For the second we -(cutlet)

We are waiting for lunch hour -
It will be fried(meat)

It is needed in porridge, it is also needed in soups,
There are dozens of dishes from different(cereals)

Meat, fish, cereals, fruits -
Together they all -(products)

Educator: Well done guys! All the riddles were solved. Do you eat these foods?

We'll clap our hands
Friendly, more fun.
Our feet knocked
Friendly, more fun.
Let's hit you on the knees
Hush, hush, hush
Our hands rise up
Higher. Higher, higher.
Our hands are spinning
They went lower. Spun around, spun around
And they stopped.

Educator: Guys, imagine a hot soup in front of you, so that it cools down, let’s blow on it.

Held breathing exercises“Let’s cool the borscht”

Take air into your chest - inhale

Exhaling air, stick out your stomach - exhale

When exhaling, loudly pronounce the sound “f - f - f”

Repeat 3-4 times.

Educator: Our soup has cooled down.

Guys, do you like to drink milk?

Children: Yes, we love it

Educator: Do you know what products can be made from milk?

Children: Sour cream, cottage cheese, cheese, yogurt, kefir, yogurt, curd cheese.

Educator: Yes, well done guys. But I have one more task for you. You need to choose the foods you eat to be strong and healthy. Here are the cards, lay them out. In one direction there are healthy products, and in the other - unhealthy ones.

Game “Healthy and Unhealthy Foods”

Educator: Well, well done guys! You eat right and stay healthy for a long time.

But here are the Golden Rules of Nutrition, remember them and you will always be healthy:

1. The main thing is not to overeat.

2. Eat freshly prepared food at the same time.

3. Chew your food thoroughly and do not rush to swallow.

4. Avoid eating fatty, salty and spicy foods.

5. Vegetables and fruits are healthy foods

6. There are many sweets, but only one health.

Educator: Guys, tell me what foods you need to eat to grow up healthy?

Children: Fish, meat, salad, vegetables, fruits, milk, sour cream, cottage cheese, porridge.

Educator: Well done! In order for you to grow healthy, strong and agile, you need to eat right, exercise, exercise and maintain a daily routine.