The influence of animated films and feature films. The influence of animated films on children

The influence of animated films on the process of socialization in children preschool age

Along with the family and the education system, today the strongest objects of social influence on the individual increasingly include: print, radio, television, and the Internet.

Socialization is a special process of including a child into society, the process and result of assimilation and active reproduction of social experience by an individual. This process continues throughout a person’s life, but the foundations for successful socialization are laid in childhood. Preschool childhood is a period of active mastery of the mechanisms of socialization and assimilation of norms social behavior, acquiring social orientation, social role.

For successful adaptation, a child needs not only to master social communication skills, the language of social communication in its verbal and non-verbal forms, but also to identify the differences between the world of things and people, to find out the patterns of interaction with both the objective world and the social world.

The course of the socialization process of preschool children is revealed through such indicators as: gender-role behavior; ability to resolve conflicts; self-awareness; self-esteem; assimilation of social information.

writes: “Models of behavior for children are, first of all, adults themselves - their actions, . The most significant impact on a child is exerted by the behavior of those closest to him. He is inclined to imitate them, adopt their manners, borrow from them their assessment of people, events, and things. However, the matter is not limited to loved ones. The behavior of peers who are approved and popular in the children's group can also serve as a model for the child. Finally, the patterns of behavior presented in the actions of fairy-tale characters endowed with certain traits are of considerable importance.” Modern preschoolers are faced with fairy-tale characters on the pages of books, on television screens when watching feature films and, most often, animated films. Thus, today the cartoon has become for a child one of the main carriers and transmitters of ideas about the world, about relationships between people and the norms of their behavior.

Currently, due to the rapid development of means mass media There is a constant increase in television channels, and the number of foreign feature and animated films is increasing.

Modern animation has a number of the following features: brightness and imagery; brevity and dynamism of changing images; the presence of real and fantastic, good and evil forces; animism (animation of inanimate objects, endowing animals and plants with human abilities).

The influence of animated films on preschoolers can be explained by the action psychological mechanisms: infection, and imitation.

Contagion is the process of transferring an emotional state from one individual to another. In relation to preschoolers, cartoon characters can act as carriers of a certain emotional state or behavior. An animated film helps immerse a child in a special emotional state, makes it possible to emotionally contact the characters, which a child, due to his age, urgently needs.

Suggestion is the influence on a person, verbal or non-verbal means, which cause certain states, create certain sensations, and form ideas. The cartoon demonstrates not only the emotional states that its characters experience, but also forms stereotypes of behavior and resolution of situations. Its imagery and brightness enhances suggestion, since it meets the needs of a preschooler.

The next mechanism is imitation. Imitation is following an example or model. In a preschooler, imitation is extremely developed, since in this period the most important mechanisms of behavior develop through imitation. In this regard, preschoolers imitate the behavior of cartoon characters and use the methods of resolving situations demonstrated in cartoons. Moreover, the behavior of cartoon characters is perceived as correct and natural.

notes: “Some children (especially boys) before school age are internally oriented towards a negative standard of behavior. In their actual actions, they behave in accordance with social expectations, but at the same time they often emotionally identify with people (or with characters) who are characterized by negative forms of behavior."

In general, it can be noted that animated films form in children primary ideas about good and evil, standards of good and bad behavior. By comparing himself with his favorite characters, a child has the opportunity to learn to perceive himself positively, cope with his fears and difficulties, and treat others with respect. The events taking place in the cartoon allow us to educate children: raise awareness, develop thinking and imagination, and form a worldview.

Here are examples of the psychological meaning of famous cartoons:

"Cheburashka and the Crocodile Gena" (1969-1983), "Little Raccoon" (1974), "Lost and Found" (1982), "The Smurfs" (1981-1990, Belgium, USA), "The Adventure of Luntik and His Friends" (2006 , Russia), “Valiant. Feathered Special Forces" (2005, USA) - the ability to make friends, altruism, respect and love for neighbors, mutual assistance.

“Three from Prostokvashino” (1980), “The Adventure of Kuzi the Brownie” (1982) - friendliness, independence, thriftiness.

“Larry and his team” (2008, Australia) - teamwork, friendly attitude towards home and the environment.

"Cinderella" (1979) - hard work, tolerance, finding a loved one, a friend.

“Mother for a Baby Mammoth” (1981), “Finding Nemo” (2003 USA, Australia) - love for parents and children, the value of family.

"K.O.A. P.P." (1984), “Lessons from Aunt Owl” (Russia, Ukraine. 2006) - knowledge of the surrounding world, the concept of “I - you”, coexistence, community.

However, the plots of modern cartoons often contain completely unchildish components: fights, death, murder, criminal showdowns. For example: “Transformers”, “Spider-Man”, “Superman”, “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles”.

Let's consider possible consequences influences of such cartoons:

    The main characters of the cartoon are aggressive, they seek to harm others, often maiming or killing other characters, and the details of the cruel, aggressive attitude are repeated many times and revealed in detail. The consequence of watching such a cartoon can be a manifestation of cruelty, ruthlessness, aggression by a child in real life. cartoon characters are not punished by anyone. As a result, the preschooler’s idea of ​​the acceptability of such forms of behavior is reinforced, and the standards of good and bad deeds, acceptable and unacceptable behavior are undermined. forms of behavior that are dangerous to the child’s life are demonstrated, and it is inappropriate and dangerous to repeat them in reality. Watching such role models can result in a child’s decreased sensitivity to danger, which means potential injuries. forms of non-standard gender-role behavior are broadcast: male creatures behave like females and vice versa, wear inappropriate clothes, and show special interest in characters similar in gender. Preschool age is a period of active gender identification of a child. Scenes of disrespect towards people, animals, and plants are common. Unpunished mockery is shown, for example, of old age, infirmity, helplessness, and weakness. The effect of systematically viewing such cartoons manifests itself in the form of cynical statements, indecent gestures, indecent behavior, and the rudeness of a child. Unlikable and sometimes even ugly heroes are used. According to the opinion, for a child the appearance of a cartoon doll is of particular importance. Positive characters should be cute or even beautiful, while negative ones should be the opposite. In the case when all the characters are terrible, ugly, scary, regardless of their role, the child does not have clear guidelines for assessing their actions. In addition, when a child is forced to imitate and identify with an unsympathetic main character, the child’s inner sense of self inevitably suffers.

To clarify the influence of animated films on the socialization of a preschooler, a survey of parents was conducted on the topic “The role of cartoons in the life of a modern preschooler,” the results of which are presented below.

38 parents took part in the study. Each parent raises a preschool child from 2 to 6 years old. Out of 38 children: 23 boys, 15 girls; All parents participating in the study indicated that their child watches animated films. About 87% of preschoolers in this sample watch cartoons daily, with 50% of preschoolers spending an unlimited amount of time watching cartoons during the day, 26% of children spending one hour, only 18% of children watching cartoons no more than 20 minutes a day.

Children's preferences can be indicated as follows: 40% of children often watch domestic cartoons, 18% foreign ones, 42% of preschoolers often watch both domestic and foreign cartoons. Parents noted that, in general, children do not have any special preferences in choosing cartoons; they are ready to watch almost any. Therefore, what kind of cartoon a child will watch depends on the parents. However, the following results raise questions about whether parents always see and control what their children watch.

When choosing cartoons, parents are guided by the following factors: 45% semantic load of the cartoon, 29% entertainment, 13% popularity, 13% of parents do not think about this issue.

The respondents' answers indicate that only 34% watch cartoons with their child: 60% of parents sometimes, and 6% of parents do not watch cartoons with their child at all. 47% of surveyed parents constantly discuss and analyze what they saw in the cartoon, 47% of respondents do this occasionally, 6% of parents do not talk about the content of the cartoons they watch with their child.

In general, parents recognize the value of cartoons - 86% of parents believe that cartoons are necessary for the development and upbringing of children.

Parents identified the following positive qualities, the development of which is promoted by watching cartoons: kindness, sympathy, perseverance, prudence, respect, musicality, the ability to analyze situations, the need to share, friendship, courage, safety, various patterns of behavior, responsibility, love. Also indicated as positive results is the development of speech, memory, imagination, thinking, the opportunity for the child to receive new information, development of values.

Parents also identified more negative developmental qualities that are promoted by watching cartoons: addiction, violence, aggression, distorted perception of reality, agitation, repetition of negative actions, fears, cruelty, irritability, repetition of negative words and actions.

To the question “Cartoons are for you…”, the following responses from parents were received: parents, child’s free time, entertainment, pleasant pastime, educational tool, interesting fairy tale, good positive emotions, help in raising a child, relaxation, peace of mind, childhood memories, a childhood that you want to return, a fairy-tale world, a way to calm a child.

An analysis of the literature on this issue and the results of the survey indicate that the environment that surrounds the baby, what he sees and hears, undoubtedly influences his development and his socialization in society. And the cartoon is one of the significant factors influencing a preschool child.

In conclusion, I would like to note that the cartoon itself is neither bad nor good; What a child will take away from watching a cartoon, what experience he will gain, depends on the adults.


How to watch cartoons profitably? [Electronic resource]: Website Your Psychologist –– Access mode: http://tvoypsiholog. ru Laletina educational potential of animated films [Text] / // Primary school plus Before and After, 2010, No. 08, p. 82–87 [Electronic resource]: Website School 2100 –– Access mode: http://www. Melkozerova animation as a form of modern art in the teaching and upbringing of preschool children. [Text]/[Electronic resource]: Website Journal of graduate students and doctoral students – Access mode: http://www. jurnal org/articles/2008/ped27.html Mudrik of Man [Text] / -Moscow, 2006, 304 p. Cartoons: their influence on the child’s psyche. [Electronic resource]: SiteBaby. RU–– Access mode: http://www. baby. ru/blogs/post/31701845-15708935/ Mukhina psychology: phenomenology of development, childhood, adolescence [Text] / V. S. Mukhina – Moscow, 1999. - 456 p. Mukhina psychology [Text] / V. S. Mukhina - Moscow, 1985.–272 p. mass psychology [Electronic resource]: WebsiteLibrary Gumer - psychology – Access mode: http://www. gumer. info/ Human psychology from birth to death [Text] /Ed. A. A. Reana - St. Petersburg, 2002. – 656 p. Sokolov modern cartoons in children's games and toys [Text]/// Psychological science and education. 2011. No. 2. – pp. 68-74

As is known from psychology, any external stimuli, affecting the human senses, are able to penetrate consciousness. This property of the human body is widely used in the processes of training and education. Teachers use visual aids in order to explain the material being studied in an accessible form. Educators use phonetic material to psychologically influence their students. Recently, presentations using a selection of photographs, graphics, video material, music and speech have become very popular. This combination has a maximum impact on the child’s main senses – eyes and ears. This feature must be taken into account when it comes to what films children should watch.

Modern cinema has powerful means of influencing the human psyche. Modern films use all kinds of three-dimensional and four-dimensional effects: surround sound, stereo images, vibration. All this creates the illusion of complete immersion in the virtual world of cinema, as a result of which sometimes the connection with the real world is completely lost. If we are talking about paintings that tell about real events that are necessary for study, then there is nothing wrong with that. And fairy tales that tell about the eternal struggle between good and evil are, to a certain extent, quite acceptable for viewing by a child of preschool and school age. For educational purposes, older schoolchildren can even watch films that contain scenes of violence and eroticism within acceptable limits.

But we have to admit that recently there has been some degradation in the cinema of certain genres and trends. This is especially true for cartoons or, as they are called in the West, animated films. It would seem that these films, intended for the most part exclusively for children of preschool and primary school age, should contain elements of education of generally accepted norms and traditions. But, unfortunately, this is far from the case. As many film critics have already noted, most modern cartoons are not intended for viewing by children and people with unstable psyches. Many of them contain elements that, to put it mildly, are not at all intended for viewing, not only by children, but also by their parents.

This “disease” affects not only American animated films, but also some Russian films. If previously there were various schools of Russian and Soviet animators, brought up in the best traditions of the Disney school, now there is a clear focus on “consumer goods”. Literally everything, from the storyline to special computer graphics techniques, is copied from Western sources. Moreover, joint projects of Russian and American filmmakers are created, as a rule, on the basis and under the strict guidance of American colleagues.

Perhaps film critics are very picky about such details and do not adequately perceive the artistic intent of such films, but taking into account the above about the impact of video material on the senses, cartoon creators should be more careful. And educators, teachers and parents should first of all pay attention to the repertoire of animated films that their children prefer.

The same applies to films of the adventure and fantasy genres. Some of them are quite harmless at first glance, but upon closer examination they do not stand up to criticism. Let’s not get personal now, mention specific films and give practical recommendations. Every teacher must, firstly, be able to carefully, soberly and impartially evaluate modern films of any genre and any subject. And secondly, he must develop his own strategy in order to correctly interpret those details and scenes that his students may have seen in the paintings and misunderstood.

Particularly noteworthy is the disdainful attitude toward the issue of family and marriage that the vast majority of American filmmakers explicitly or implicitly portray in their films. It is also worth saying a few words about the so-called natural needs of the human body. For the prim British, even a casual mention of this was considered unacceptable. However, for the whole of Europe, the liberties of American films seem blasphemous. The psychology of Americans can be understood. This country was a colony of England in its past. After liberation from the influence of the English crown, the Americans challenged British traditions and tried in every possible way to annoy the snobs of Foggy Albion. This was manifested in everything from the manner of communication to the style of clothing. Over time, bad manners became the norm and successfully transferred to cinema screens. But Russian filmmakers, with their rich folk traditions, should not imitate them.


Polyakova T.Yu. 1

1 Taganrog State Pedagogical Institute named after A.P. Chekhov

1. Mukhina V.S. Child psychology. M.: 1985. 272 ​​p.

2. Sobkin V.S., Kaznacheeva K.N. Game preferences of modern preschoolers (based on a survey of parents) // Psychological Science and Education. No. 2. M.: 2011.

3. Melkozerova E.V. Possibilities of animation as a form of modern art in teaching and educating preschoolers. Website of the journal of scientific publications of graduate students and doctoral students. Access mode:

Primary school age is called the peak of childhood. As researchers say, this is the most significant period of personal development. Modern periodization of mental development covers the period from 6-7 to 9-11 years. During this period, a worldview is formed, which includes the definition of values, the concepts of good and evil, and norms of social behavior are learned.

Mukhina V.S. writes: “Models of behavior for children are, first of all, adults themselves - their actions, relationships. The most significant impact on a child is exerted by the behavior of those closest to him. He is inclined to imitate them, adopt their manners, borrow from them their assessment of people, events, and things. However, the matter is not limited to loved ones. The behavior of peers who are approved and popular in the children's group can also serve as a model for the child. Finally, the patterns of behavior presented in the actions of fairy-tale characters endowed with certain traits are of considerable importance.”

Modern children encounter fairy-tale characters on the pages of books, on television screens when watching feature films, but most often, animated films. Thus, today the cartoon has become for a child one of the main carriers and transmitters of ideas about the world, about relationships between people and the norms of their behavior, which form the ideological views of younger schoolchildren.

Sobkin V.S., Kaznacheeva K.N., considering the structure of the activities of junior schoolchildren, drew attention to the fact that this activity has fundamentally changed. “Several years ago, the main activities of children of this age were games, drawing, modeling and reading, listening to fairy tales. Currently, all these types of activities have been largely replaced by watching cartoons. According to sociologists, from 20 to 40% of all free time a preschool child spends watching a television screen.”

It's hard to disagree with the fact that cartoons have a huge influence on children. They don't have it yet life experience and the necessary knowledge, they learn the whole world through visual images and sensations.

Melkozerova E.V. notes that “The cartoon has a number of the following features: brightness and imagery; brevity and dynamism of changing images; the presence of real and fantastic, good and evil forces; animism (animation of inanimate objects, endowment of animals and plants with human abilities).

The influence of animated films on younger schoolchildren can be explained by the action of psychological mechanisms: infection, suggestion and imitation.

Having analyzed popular cartoons among children of primary school age, we can highlight several of the following stories with positive qualities:

The ability to be friends, respect and love for neighbors, mutual assistance, mutual assistance. (“Winnie the Pooh”, “The Adventures of Leopold the Cat”, etc.);

Friendliness, independence, thriftiness. (“Three from Prostokvashino”, etc.);

Hard work, tolerance, finding a loved one, a friend. (“Cinderella”, “Rapunzel”, etc.);

Love for parents and children, the value of family. (“The Lion King”, “Finding Nemo”, etc.);

And vice versa, negative aspects plots that negatively affect the child:

The main characters of the cartoon are aggressive, they seek to harm others. The consequence of watching such a cartoon can be a manifestation of cruelty, ruthlessness and aggression. (“Tom and Jerry”, “Catdog”, “Happy Tree Friends” - the cartoon is full of “black” humor);

Forms of behavior that are dangerous to the child’s life are demonstrated, which are inappropriate and dangerous to repeat. Watching such role models can result in a child’s decreased sensitivity to danger, which means potential injuries. (“Spider-Man”, “Kung Fu Panda”, etc.).

It must be remembered that visual images have a much stronger impact on a child, so a parent needs to understand how much cartoons influence the formation of worldviews. To do this you need:

After watching the cartoon, talk with the child about what he learned, understood, realized.

Watch a child play, inspired by a cartoon.

Compare whether the division into positive and negative characters present in the cartoon coincides with how the child imagines it.

To summarize, we can highlight that primary school age is the main period for the formation of a worldview. Children tend to imitate what they see in cartoons, make ideas about norms of behavior, respect for elders, friendship, good and evil, and values. It is necessary to realize that a cartoon is not a harmless toy and not the most best time delivery, a good cartoon for a child should be a holiday, a reward, and by no means the only source of formation of a worldview!

Scientific supervisor: Varaksin V.N., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Personality Psychology, Professor Russian Academy Natural sciences.

Bibliographic link

Polyakova T.Yu. THE INFLUENCE OF CARTOONS ON THE FORMATION OF THE WORLDVIEW VIEWS OF JUNIOR SCHOOLCHILDREN // International Journal of Experimental Education. – 2014. – No. 6-1. – pp. 18-19;
URL: (access date: 01/04/2020). We bring to your attention magazines published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural Sciences"

« The influence of animated films on the behavior of children of primary school age"

Chicken A.P.

The injection of morality is done only in childhood...

M. Bulgakov

Modern children are different from children of previous generations. On the one hand, they are more mobile and liberated, on the other hand, they are unrestrained and selfish. What has changed the modern child? The formation of a person’s personality begins in early childhood, the main means of influencing the development of children in early age is a cartoon. Cartoon is talent and creativity, painstaking work of people. Compared to fairy tales, cartoons are relatively new. There are still not enough specific psychological studies in the field of the influence of cartoons on the formation of children’s ideals, but psychologists do not leave this topic without attention. V.V. Abramenkova writes that cartoons play a significant role in the development of a child; they participate in preparing him for later life. According to V.S. Mukhina, for a child the appearance of a cartoon doll has a special meaning. Positive characters should be cute or even beautiful, while negative ones should be the opposite. In the case when all the characters are terrible, ugly, scary, regardless of their role, the child does not have clear guidelines for assessing their actions. Research by A. Bandura, conducted by him and his colleagues back in the 60s of the twentieth century, proved that scenes of cartoon violence seen by children increase their aggressiveness and form not the best character traits.

Having considered various points of view on this issue, we devoted our research to the issue of the influence of cartoons on children’s behavior.

For recent years A large number of different cartoons appear on television, both domestic and foreign, mainly American, produced. New technologies for creating cartoons (computer graphics, various special effects, etc.) raise many questions. If the old puppet and hand-drawn cartoons were natural, both in the method of production and in perception, and did not harm the unstable psyche of the child, modern cartoons often do not bring goodness, peace-building and decency.

The question arises: do cartoons have an impact on the emotional state and behavior of a child? What cartoons should children watch?

These questions are of interest not only to psychologists and teachers, but also to parents.

All of the above allowed us to determine the purpose and objectives of the study, as well as the subject and object of the study.

Goal: To create a collection of cartoons that contribute to the education of emotional and moral responsiveness of younger schoolchildren.

1.Study scientifically – theoretical foundations the influence of cartoons on the behavior of younger schoolchildren.

2. Identify the behavioral characteristics of a child of primary school age.

3. Conduct experimental and pedagogical research work.

4. Analyze both domestic and foreign cartoons;

5. Create a website with cartoons aimed at emotional and moral responsiveness.

Object: animated films.

Subject: features of the influence of cartoons on the emotional and moral responsiveness of younger schoolchildren.

In our study, we conducted a survey among second-graders and their parents and tried to track the relationship between the behavior of children of primary school age and the behavior of the characters in their favorite animated films. We chose this age group because it is at primary school age that the child’s moral models of behavior continue to be formed and formed. moral feelings. 16 children aged 7-8 years and their parents took part in the study.

Analysis of the questionnaire for parents allowed us to identify the following:

94% - percent of children watch cartoons every day.

The answers to the questionnaires of parents and children agree.

When answering the question about which cartoon producers children like best, 70% answered that they were foreign and 30% were domestic.

Watching domestic cartoons has a positive effect on children’s behavior, they become more active, they show good-heartedness, honesty and love for family and friends. Parents noted a difference in their children’s behavior when watching foreign cartoons; children do not develop childish aggression, but sometimes fears.

The results obtained give rise to thoughts regarding the influence of foreign cartoons on the development and formation of the psyche of the younger generation.

Children repeat what they see in cartoons; this is a consequence of identification. Identifying themselves with a creature whose deviant behavior is not punished or even condemned on the screen, children imitate him and adopt his aggressive behavior patterns. When parents answered the question “How does watching a cartoon affect your child?”, it was revealed that all parents notice the activity of their children after watching cartoons and 70% of parents note that after watching a cartoon, children begin to imitate the main character.

On the one hand, favorite cartoon characters form a child’s primary ideas about good and evil, standards of good and bad behavior. By comparing yourself with your favorite characters junior schoolboy has the opportunity to learn to perceive oneself positively, cope with one’s fears and difficulties, and treat others with respect. The events taking place in the cartoon make it possible to educate children: increase their awareness, develop thinking and imagination, and shape their worldview.

On the other side, most The products of an American factory are not harmless; there is a big difference between domestic old cartoons and foreign ones (from American to Japanese). Behind this difference lie deep differences in the worldview. Soviet cartoons reflect the correct picture of the world for a child. At its core, it is Orthodox, because evil in this picture of the world is not eternal, but good is eternal. And in this good picture of the world there is a negative character who, as a rule, is easily re-educated. In foreign cartoons, the world, the background against which the events of the cartoon take place, lies hopelessly in evil. And evil, as a rule, is destroyed physically.

For example, the seemingly harmless and well-known “Tom and Jerry”. Tom the cat is chasing Jerry the mouse, choosing the most sophisticated methods of destroying the poor mouse, and meanwhile the mouse is also trying to take revenge on the no less poor cat. And for sure, the child will do the same thing that these two funny and cute heroes do. Since my parents let me watch this funny cartoon, it means there is nothing wrong here. This means you can beat and joke with those who are weaker.

It is necessary to regulate the frequency of schoolchildren viewing various Western and domestic cartoons. From the research we conducted, it was revealed that 94% of children watch cartoons every day. A good cartoon should be a reward, a holiday. It is useful to use cartoons as a tool for reward and punishment. In fact, a child always prefers communication to television, and if an adult communicates with him, then the child does not need a movie or a cartoon, and sometimes does not need it at all.

At primary school age, the moral qualities of a child are formed, therefore, in our opinion, one should choose cartoons that a child should watch; the best for this are domestic cartoons, in which a deep spiritual meaning is hidden under a short entertaining story. Moreover, many cartoons do not just show “positive” dolls and animals, but also provide a program for cultivating the qualities of a real person, instilling in the child mental Russian values: kindness, love, mutual assistance...