Moisture-resistant OSB plywood: description, characteristics, dimensions and reviews. OSB board: sizes and prices, selection and application OSB standard sizes

OSB boards are becoming more and more popular every day. What is OSB? These are oriented strand boards, which are made using wood shavings and sawdust. The plates are very durable, flexible, and have excellent technological characteristics. They are used in frame construction work to sheathe walls, make roofing or partitions.

This slab looks like a pressed panel made from wood chips, shavings and various sawdust. Having carefully examined this canvas, you will see that it includes more than one layer. The layers that are on the outside are placed lengthwise, and the layers that are on the inside are made in the other direction. All layers are perfectly glued together using various resins, wax, and impregnation, so the product itself is very durable.

We will look at what types of OSB boards there are, how they are used in construction, we will see all their advantages, and we will list the most popular types of boards.

Types of OSB boards and areas of their application

Today, experts make four types of OSB. Their difference is that they have different characteristics and are used in different industries.

  1. Plate OSB 1- This is a board made of wood-based material that has a low density. This tile does not like moisture, so it is mainly used to make furniture.
  2. Plate OSB 2- denser and stronger than the previous one, but is also afraid of water and moisture. The fact that these boards are very dense in structure makes it possible to use them in the internal cladding of load-bearing objects, while the humidity should be low.
  3. Plate OSB 3- is the most popular. It is very durable and resistant to moisture. However, it is worth considering that humidity here only means getting wet for a very short time. To cover the outside of an object with it, you will also need to protect this sheet with additional materials, that is, paint or impregnate it.
  4. Plate OSB 4– especially durable, super resistant to moisture. It can be in a humid environment for a long time, and additional protection is not required. But such boards are quite expensive, so they are not used as often as OSB 3.

Also, sheets of slabs are classified according to their thickness. Thin slabs are used for sheathing objects that do not load the slab. For example, walls, a frame for soft covering, wood floor covering.

A thick slab is used for objects with a very high load on the sheet. Floors are laid from them, structures are made where, according to the plan, heavy materials will stand.

Characteristics of OSB boards

OSB boards have many positive characteristics, which is why they are so often used for construction work.

Characteristics of OSB boards:

  1. Very durable. The thicker the slab, the more load it can bear. It can even be one hundred kilograms per square meter.
  2. Flexible and lightweight. This characteristic allows the use of slabs for sheathing uneven surfaces with high curves.
  3. Homogeneous. Such sheets are intact, even during loading. Not prone to delamination, unlike ordinary plywood.
  4. High quality, like natural wood. Moreover, there are no disadvantages of uneven shape or defects during use.
  5. Easy to handle. It is very easy to saw, attach, and join such materials.
  6. They have high thermal insulation and sound insulation, compared to other means.
  7. Resistant to chemicals and damage.
  8. Antiseptic. These sheets contain additives that prevent fungal and mold bacteria from multiplying.
  9. Unchangeable in form even with long-term use and after it.

The only disadvantage of OSB is that they often contain glue with formaldehyde, and this substance is harmful to health. But not all manufacturers use it.

Important! Be careful when choosing slabs, paying attention to the adhesive base, it must be safe!

Table of physical and mechanical characteristics of OSB boards

Indicators Mill-
Thickness, mm 10-18 10-18 6-10 10-18 18-25 6-10
Thickness tolerance, mm:
- unpolished slab
- polished plate
EN 324-1



Length tolerance, mm EN 324-1 3 3 3 3
Width tolerance, mm EN 324-1 3 3 3 3
Squareness, mm EN 324-2 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5
Straightness, mm/1m EN 324-1 2 2 2 2
Elastic modulus, N/mm²:
- longitudinal axis
- transverse axis
EN 310



Bending strength, N/mm²:
- longitudinal axis
- transverse axis
EN 310





Transverse tension, N/mm² EN 310 >0,75 >0,75 0,34 0,32 0,3 0,34
Formaldehyde, mg/100g EN 120 <6,5 <6,5 <8 <8
Swelling in 24 hours when completely immersed in water, % EN 317 12 6 20 15

Dimensions of OSB boards

These sheets usually have a thickness of approximately 8-25 millimeters. Thus, they are divided into three subgroups:

  • thin;
  • average;
  • thick.

The thin plate has a thickness of 8, 9 and 10 millimeters. The average slab is 12 and 15 millimeters, and the thick one is 18, 22 and 25 millimeters. The thicker the sheet, the more the slab weighs. A slab with a thickness of 8 millimeters will weigh 16.6 kilograms, 9 millimeters - 18.4 kilograms, 10 millimeters - 20.6 kilograms, and so on.

The most popular sheets are those with dimensions of 2440 by 1220 millimeters. They are often used in construction work. According to European standards, a sheet of 2500 by 1250 millimeters is considered popular. The size 2440 by 590 millimeters is quite rare and is used mainly for covering the floor.

Table of sizes of OSB boards

Indicators Slabs with smooth edges Slabs with tongue and groove
Dimensions (LxW), mm 2440x1220, 2500x1250 2440x1220, 2440x590,
2450x590, 2500x1250
Thickness, mm 9 10 11 12 15 16 18 22 15 16 18 22
Number of sheets in the package, pcs. 100 80 75 70 55 50 45 35 55 50 45 35

Painting OSB boards

These products can withstand all types of finishing work perfectly. These slabs can be easily painted, varnished, plastered, covered with brickwork, and much more.

It is best to paint OSB boards with oil paint, but you can also use alkyd enamels, water-based emulsion, and all kinds of impregnations. Paints should be carefully picked up with a brush and applied to the slab. You can also use special rollers or sprayers.

Adhesives and paint solutions are perfectly applied to products. This gives ample opportunity to change the appearance of the slabs and protect them from moisture. Upon completion of painting the slabs, you can varnish the product, however, only when carrying out interior work; in the case of exterior work, more serious methods are used.

Before you start painting the slab, the surface needs to be prepared. First you need to sand it using sandpaper. This is done to prevent primer and paint from getting inside the slab. Then the working area at the fastening points must be leveled using putty. Dried putty should be sanded off. After this, the surface is evenly primed with acrylic or acrylic-polyurethane water-based wood varnish in a ratio of 1:10. You can purchase a special primer for this. Then the slab is painted and dried. At the same time, avoid drafts and temperature changes.

Oriented strand boards are a truly high-quality material for modern construction. Nowadays these products are popular in construction work and are used very often. For their price, the products are really very high quality and fully justify it. Among those people who have used these stoves, there is practically no one who would speak negatively about them. OSB sheets have a huge number of positive characteristics, which makes their use quite easy.

In order to cladding an object with high quality using these slabs, you need to approach their choice wisely, fully study their varieties and characteristics, so as not to regret the purchase later.

These sheets are considered to be an excellent solution for all professionals. They allow you to create entire houses using frame technology, ideal for finishing walls, roofs, and floors. All this is done with these materials in the shortest possible time. Housing made using OSB boards will last a long time and provide residents with comfort and coziness.

But there is one nuance hidden here that manufacturers and sellers will not mention - the slab is reliably protected from moisture only under short exposure. If such material is installed as wall decoration in the bathroom, then a layer of additional protection must be applied to the surface. Damage can be avoided by painting the surface and applying moisture-proof impregnation. In our country, OSB-3 is very popular as a material for subfloors - in this case, there is simply nothing better.

OSB-4 is, according to consumer reviews, a fabric of very high strength. One of its characteristics is high protection from moisture, even with prolonged exposure. There is a drawback, and it is the only one - this is how much the named OSB plywood costs. Its price is quite high - a sheet measuring 1250x2500 mm, which is a standard size, will cost from 500 rubles. The cost depends on the thickness - an 8 mm product costs from 500 rubles, 12 mm - from 680 rubles, 15 mm - from 880 rubles, 18 mm - from 980 rubles. But the price also depends on the manufacturer.

Dimensions and weight of OSB boards

Let's start with thickness. There are several options for these slabs, ranging from 8 to 25 mm. According to this indicator, the slabs are divided into three groups:

  1. Thin materials are 8, 9, and 10 mm.
  2. The average thickness is 12 and 15 mm.
  3. Thick canvas - 18, 22 and 25 mm.

The weight of the sheet is directly dependent on the thickness. So, with a slab thickness of 8 mm, its weight will be about 16.6 kg. A 9 mm product will already weigh 18.4 kg, 10 mm - 20.6 kg.

One of the factors by which OSB plywood is selected is size. Actually, there are several of them. The most popular among domestic buyers is 2440x1200 mm, the standard European size is 2500x1250 mm and a very rare size is 2440x950 mm. It is believed that the latter slabs are popular for flooring, although all products can be used for this with equal success.

Which is better: OSB or plywood

For those who are sure that OSB is something new and ultra-modern, it is worth saying that these boards were manufactured many years ago. At that time, there was not as much plywood on the market as there is today, and OSB was bought because it was a more affordable analogue of plywood.

In the production of oriented strand boards, natural resins are used, as well as waxes and boric acid. Formaldehyde is used in the production of plywood. From a safety point of view, OSB is much better - this board can be used in residential areas. Plywood is not suitable for this due to the presence of harmful substances.

In addition, for laying floors, for example, OSB of a special design is used - the ends of such products are tongue-and-groove. This was done to achieve high-quality and simple joining of materials with each other.

When choosing, of course, it is important to navigate depending on the specific situation. And if you choose by price, then OSB is also cheaper than plywood.

True, although the price of the material is much lower than what is asked for plywood, this board should not be used for finished floors - the appearance will not be aesthetic at all. But, as has already been noted, in the debate - on gender - the latter wins significantly in environmental terms.

OSB or plywood for walls?

Plywood as a material for walls is not recommended by experts, due to the same formaldehydes. On top, both materials can be coated with various protective compounds or varnishes. It is better and faster to sand the slab; it also tolerates primer better.

Thus, it can be seen that in different situations it is necessary to use different materials that are more suitable for a particular task.

OSB boards (oriented strand board, OSB) are a popular material used primarily for express finishing of premises, as well as in frame house construction for exterior work. Construction stores offer several brands characterized by different moisture resistance. OSB-1, OSB-2 are used for finishing interiors with normal humidity, OSB-3 and OSB-4 are designed for cladding facades and external structures. The key feature of this building material is the natural origin of the raw materials, high strength and low cost compared to wood.

OSB: production features

The use of OSB board for exterior work as a facing material is determined by its characteristics and production features. We are talking about the production of building boards with a multilayer structure; usually 3 or more layers of material are used from small wood waste, glued together using boric acid, synthetic wax and resins. The most commonly used name in Russian is a direct transcription of the English translation; the correct abbreviation OSB comes from the name oriented strand board.

The strength of this façade material is comparable to and superior to hard wood. At the same time, the presence of resins and wax in the composition during surface treatment helps to maintain a rigid structure and load-bearing capacity even in a constantly wet state. High hardness is also associated with the direction of the chipping mass; in different layers of the slab it is located with different orientations - vertically and horizontally.

Depending on the application, a classification of brands has been introduced:

  • OSB-1 – used for the manufacture of non-load-bearing structures used in dry rooms;
  • OSB-2 – for load-bearing structures in interior spaces;
  • OSB-3 – for load-bearing structures with high humidity, including facades;
  • OSB-4 – for structures bearing increased loads and operating in conditions of high humidity;
  • varnished OSB boards - for finishing without additional coating;
  • laminated - for concrete formwork;
  • tongue and groove - with tongue-and-groove fastening on four sides, mainly for installation indoors (large area floors).

For external cladding of facades, OSB-3 and OSB-4 grades are used, more often OSB-3, as it has a much lower cost. The use of OSB-4 is recommended in buildings with small roof overhangs, when the facade is systematically wet and there is no drainage system (to avoid or minimize wetting, specialized moisture-resistant paints and coatings are additionally used).

Advantages of OSB boards as a facade material

Grades OSB-3 and OSB-4 are an improved version of particle board. Short-term resistance to moisture, low vapor and water permeability are qualities characteristic of all types of OSB. Moisture-resistant brands change their dimensional parameters by only 7-10% after being in water for 24 hours. In terms of swelling coefficient, OSB is inferior to cement-bonded particle board, but is much lighter in weight. Does not require labor-intensive installation, can be installed on high-rise structures without additional crane equipment.

Table 1. Strength characteristics (slabs up to 1 cm thick)

The key advantages of OSB as a facade material for cladding include the following qualities:

  • moisture resistance with a low swelling coefficient in a damp room;
  • easy processing comparable to wood (fastening, painting, gluing);
  • holds fasteners 20% better than coniferous plywood;
  • has virtually no defects (irregularities and voids);
  • not damaged by rodents and insects.

The improved characteristics of the third and fourth grades of OSB are achieved due to the formulation of the adhesive base used. Multilayer construction is made using different types of resins:

  • external with increased moisture resistance - based on melamine-formaldehyde resin;
  • internal - based on urea-formaldehyde resin, in some cases (in case of violation of technology) phenol-formaldehyde;

All resins used have increased toxicity in production and release toxic substances. For this reason, if the origin of building materials is unclear, OSB is used only for external structures. In outdoor conditions, the released concentrations of toxins are insignificant and completely safe for humans and nature.

Geography of production as an indicator of quality

Despite the fairly affordable technology, there are only a few largest manufacturers of OSB boards in the world. The main production facilities are located near large wood processing enterprises: Kronospan (Austria), Norbord (Belgium), Louisiana Pacific (USA), Glunz, Ainsworth (Germany).

A number of large production facilities have been built in China, but the value of raw materials is low, much lower than that of products from the EU countries, the USA and Canada. In addition to using more toxic resins, poplar shavings are used. It is significantly inferior in terms of strength compared to coniferous wood.

In Russia, the first production was launched in 2012 in the city of Kirov, in the Vladimir region (Hilman), the Kalevala DOK is operating, and the Kronospan plant is expected to be put into operation in the Moscow region. Today, there is production of OSB-3 and OSB-4 in the city of Torzhok, and projects have also been announced in Komi, Bashkiria, the Pskov region and Siberia.

The quality of the slabs directly depends on the supplier, the cost - on the region of delivery. Russia is characterized by the deployment of new production lines and the use of softwood shavings. Chinese OSB is not in demand due to unstable parameters. The most popular brand is Kronospan, which guarantees stable quality and environmental safety. Due to its features, OSB is one of the best materials for facade cladding, but if its quality is not guaranteed, it is not recommended for use in interior design.

Consumer characteristics - weight, thickness, size

Trading companies offer OSB boards in a range of thicknesses and sizes. These products are not standardized and are therefore supplied in acceptable factory sizes. The available assortment and range of thicknesses allows you to choose the most suitable option, managing the budget for finishing work. Smaller sheets are suitable for independent fastening and cladding; they are supplied by American and European manufacturers. The weight of products with the same thickness and size parameters may vary slightly.

Table 2. Technical parameters of OSB boards from European manufacturers

The NordBord company produces products measuring 2550 * 590 mm with tongue and groove fastening on 4 sides, used primarily for laying floors. OSB boards are available for purchase individually and in packages; the quantity on a pallet depends on the thickness of the sheet. With a thickness of 10 mm, the package contains 90 pieces.

Table 3. Features of OSB boards made in Europe



Ecological cleanliness

European-made boards can be used for interior and exterior decoration and are controlled by the E1 environmental safety standard. A hygiene certificate was received in the Russian Federation.

Moisture resistance

Swelling coefficient:

OSB-3 – 10-12%


It does not deform, so it can be used for load-bearing structures. The sheets do not have internal stress, such as, for example, remains during the manufacture of plywood.


Not damaged by mold, mildew, or insects. Does not require additional processing.

Dimensions and thicknesses

Stable dimensions are ensured thanks to computerization of production.

Joinery processing

Easy sanding, the sheets have no defects, cracks, knots or voids.

Installation requirements

Fastening is done with nails using pneumatic tools, self-tapping screws, and staples.

For external cladding of facades, OSB-3 and OSB-4 with a thickness of 15-25 mm are used. The cladding has low vapor permeability and does not require the installation of a vapor barrier. The spacing of the slabs during installation provides the necessary micro-ventilation.

Independent installation and finishing of OSB sheets on the facade

Installation of OSB is assessed at the technology level as a low-labor job that can be done independently. Without involving assistants, it is recommended to first cut the sheets into several parts and mount them on the wall using a fastening tool.

The next step is painting the OSB. Cladding a house using this type of material can be completed in 7-10 days with a complete finish. OSB sheets are covered with putty, plaster, ordinary and specialized facade paints, including without a pre-applied leveling layer. In some cases, the house is finished with a contrasting lath in the popular “half-timbered” architectural style.

Recycling waste from the wood processing industry is no longer news. They are used to make plywood, chipboard, fiberboard, and laminated veneer lumber, which are actively used in the furniture industry. OSB particle boards have gained recognition relatively recently, and now we will describe the characteristics of this product, its varieties, as well as the areas in which it is used.

OSB boards: types and methods of application

Currently, there are four types of oriented strand boards "OSB". These include OSB1, OSB2, 3 and 4. They all have different technical characteristics, which implies a variety of areas of their application.

OSB1 is a board characterized by low material density. As a result, they cannot withstand contact with moisture without suffering serious damage. They are mainly used in the furniture industry.

OSB2 – have greater strength and density compared to the first type. What the first two types have in common is moisture intolerance. Due to the increased density of these boards, they are used for cladding structures in rooms with average humidity levels.

OSB3 has become the most widely used today. It is characterized by high strength and resistance to use in environments with high humidity. However, with prolonged contact with water, it still begins to deform. To use this material outside, it must be pre-treated with paint or appropriate impregnation.

OSB4 is already a level higher than the previous ones. It is ultra-durable and does not suffer from water damage even when used for long periods of time in a humid environment. This material has only one drawback - its price. It is approximately twice the price of OSB3.

OSB (OSB) board - characteristics, size and weight

Another criterion for dividing oriented strand boards is their thickness. This is one of the most important characteristics of OSB boards. After all, this is also not an insignificant factor when choosing materials in certain areas. The length and width (2500x1250 mm) remain standard in OSB sheets, but the thickness ranges from 8 to 26 mm, in increments of 2 millimeters.

Slab sizes

For cladding structures in which a high load on the slab is not expected, for example, thin sheets up to 16 mm thick are used. They are used to make walls, create a base for a soft roof, and cover walls and existing wooden floors with them. In cases where a load of hundreds of kilograms per square meter is provided, thicker slabs are used. Basically, it is necessary to create a base for the installation of heavy equipment, as well as for flooring and for roofing structures.

Strength and moisture resistance table

Technical characteristics of OSB boards (OSB)

Modern OSB boards can boast quite high performance. This is what made them such a widespread material in construction.
Here is a list of the main properties of oriented strand boards:

  • Relatively high strength. They can withstand a weight of several centners, the main thing is to choose the required thickness;
  • Lightness and elasticity. Thanks to these two characteristics, OSB can be used for covering various curved surfaces that have a significant radius of curvature;
  • Structural homogeneity is a property that ensures the integrity of the slab is preserved when bent. This gives OSB an advantage over plywood, which will delaminate in such cases;
  • The advantage of OSB over wood is that it is devoid of instability of shape due to excessive humidity, and the risks of defects appearing on OSB, in comparison with wood, are much lower;
  • Oriented strand board is very easy to process using tools such as a drill or saw. This greatly simplifies the work when connecting sheets together;
  • Compared to other materials, OSB has very high rates of heat and sound insulation;
  • Resistance to chemical and mechanical influences is another advantage of this material;
  • Special impregnation prevents the formation of mold and mildew on the slabs.

Table of physical and mechanical properties

Indicators Mill-
Thickness, mm 10-18 10-18 6-10 10-18 18-25 6-10
Thickness tolerance, mm:
unpolished slab
polished plate
EN 324-1



Length tolerance, mm EN 324-1 3 3 3 3
Width tolerance, mm EN 324-1 3 3 3 3
Squareness, mm EN 324-2 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5
Straightness, mm/1 m EN 324-1 2 2 2 2
Elastic modulus, N/mm²:
longitudinal axis
transverse axis
EN 310



Bending strength, N/mm²:
longitudinal axis
transverse axis
EN 310





Transverse tension, N/mm² EN 310 >0,75 >0,75 0,34 0,32 0,3 0,34
Formaldehyde, mg/100g EN 120 <6,5 <6,5 <8 <8
Swelling in 24 hours when completely immersed in water, % EN 317 12 6 20 15

Working with OSB (OSB) boards and their application

OSB boards can be used in many areas of construction due to their technical characteristics. This building material is primarily used to construct the walls of frame buildings and to create partitions between rooms. Also, using oriented strand boards, they install flooring and level the floors that were installed earlier. In addition, OSB acts as an excellent base for certain types of roofing materials.

OSB, regardless of their area of ​​application, have an almost identical method of fastening. They are simply fixed using self-tapping screws onto a metal or wooden frame.
In the case when you need to install a floor covering using OSB, the slabs are attached to the joists, which must be pre-installed. The supporting structure for the manufacture of the roof can be a wooden sheathing. To cover walls with OSB boards, special metal profiles must first be installed on the wall, and the boards themselves must be mounted on them. To guarantee the indestructibility of the structure, the step when installing profiles, joists or sheathing should not exceed 400 millimeters.

As mentioned above in this article, OSB boards are very easy to process according to your wishes. Processing them is possible even using an ordinary hacksaw, but this will take a lot of time and effort, so we advise you to use an electric jigsaw. It should be equipped with a wood saw with a large tooth, so you will speed up the process of cutting the slab as much as possible.

Well, the obvious fact is that OSB boards are simply irreplaceable for builders. With their help, you can build a full-fledged frame house, including carrying out interior work - installing floors and walls. Such dwellings are built as quickly as possible and have a very long service life.


This wood-based building material was specially created for its intended use - in the construction industry. Due to the fact that OSB boards have many advantages and virtually no disadvantages, they are in high demand, especially in the private sector. Knowing the dimensions and approximate cost of an OSB board, it is easy to determine the required number of samples and optimize your costs for their purchase.

OSB has many differences from other types of board and sheet materials. The structure of samples, the technology of their manufacture, the appropriateness of use in a particular case and a number of other issues are separate topics. In terms of size, one of the GOST requirements is more interesting. Technical conditions for OSB are reflected in standard No. 32567 of 2013 (Table 1 - about dimensions). In particular, only the minimum values ​​of linear parameters are noted in it, and nothing is said regarding their upper limit.

All values ​​given below are in mm, prices are in rubles/pcs, in relation to the Moscow region.

OSB board sizes

Standard (according to GOST table):

  • Length (width) – from 1,200 (with gradations of 10 mm).
  • Thickness – from 6 (gradation 1 mm).

There is also a caveat that is typical for GOST with specifications for other sheets and slabs - the manufacturer has the right to produce OSB (by agreement of the parties) and other sizes different from the standard values. That is, there are no “strict” requirements in this matter. It turns out that all tabular data are approximate. Consequently, any slab, no matter what size it has, is manufactured without violating the relevant provisions of GOST.

Before planning construction (repair) work, drawing up diagrams and calculating the required number of products, it is worth carefully studying the OSB assortment on the local market and literally adapting to it.

Dimensions of OSB boards most often found on sale

The fact that the manufacturer has the right to determine their linear parameters himself does not mean that the choice is large enough. Any company focuses not least on demand. Based on this, the production of OSB in the most popular sizes is organized. What does the market mainly offer?

  • Length – 2440, 2500, 2700, 2800.
  • Width – 590, 1 200, 1 220, 1 250.
  • Thickness: 6 – 25.

When determining the feasibility of using OSB in each specific case, you need to focus on the optimal combination of structural strength and its weight. This means, first of all, a competent calculation of the thickness of the slab, and not its dimensions.

  • 10 – for unloaded elements, rough floors (can be used for the manufacture of I-beams).
  • 12 – partitions, continuous sheathing.
  • From 15 to 25 – facing OSB, for dry screeds and the like.

Prices of oriented strand boards

The cost of OSB depends on several factors: group (moisture resistance), sample dimensions, thickness, manufacturer, region of sale (that is, transport surcharge).

  • The most popular boards are in the “moisture resistant” category (OSB-3). The approximate price for such a sheet is 2,500 x 1,250 (9) – 602.5. An analogue with a thickness of 12 will cost 719 rubles.
  • A slab 2,440 x 1,200 (9.5) costs 538. The price of the same 12 mm OSB is about 676.

Examples for individual slab manufacturers are summarized in the table.

It is advisable to purchase products from well-known, reputable companies. If their interpretation (as noted above) of OSB dimensions is quite arbitrary, then the requirements for tolerances (various deviations of parameters) are as “strict” as possible.

This means that the discrepancy from the declared dimensions is minimal. Consequently, during the installation of the slabs there will be no problems with their joining, significant gaps formed, and so on. Even if such products cost a little more, you won’t have to waste time and money (for example, on sealants or mastics).