Delicious smoothies for easy weight loss. Delicious smoothie recipes for losing weight and cleansing the body Smoothie recipes for the evening

A smoothie is a healthy, nutritious, low-calorie cocktail that is prepared from various products using a blender. A smoothie serves as a complete replacement for your usual food for lunch or dinner, depending on the ingredients added to the drink. By drinking a fresh cocktail, you can quickly get rid of a few extra pounds without feeling hungry or causing harm to your body.

The benefits of vegetable and fruit smoothies

A smoothie for weight loss is a satisfying drink because it contains a huge amount of dietary fiber, which has a positive effect on intestinal function. The cocktail cleanses the walls of the digestive organs from decay products and speeds up metabolism. The smoothie is digested, leaving a feeling of heaviness. Drinking the drink for weight loss is recommended even for those who have gastrointestinal diseases.

To the question: “how to dull your appetite in order to lose weight?” we can confidently answer that consuming fat-burning smoothies is optimal, and most importantly - useful option to suppress hunger. Low calorie delicious drink Suitable even as a replacement for a full lunch or dinner. To prepare it, it is important to use mainly vegetables, fruits, fresh natural juices and other low-calorie ingredients.

Is it possible to lose weight with smoothies?

The puree-like consistency of the cocktail maintains a normal water-salt balance in the body, saturating the body with essential minerals and vitamins, and contributes to long-term hunger satisfaction, thereby preventing the desire to snack between main meals. This way, dietary smoothies allow you to avoid overeating, and this amount of calories consumed will not be stored as excess weight, so the weight loss process will be effective and accelerated.

  • Setting the habit of eating small meals.
  • Normalization of the functioning of the organs of the digestive system.
  • Reduce body weight up to 8 kg in 3 weeks without strict diets or fasting.
  • Improved well-being, increased immunity, and overall tone of the body.
  • Strengthening the effectiveness of any chosen diet (the body will be easier to tolerate a reduced amount of carbohydrates).
  • Victory over problems of skin, hair, nails (thanks to the richness of vitamins and minerals in fruit and vegetable smoothies).
  • Form the habit of eating a lot of fresh fruits.

Rules for preparing and consuming dietary smoothies

For a smoothie to help with weight loss, it must be prepared and consumed correctly. Since the cocktail has a liquid consistency, many people want to drink it in one gulp. However, with this method of taking vegetable smoothies, the signal of saturation arrives to the brain late and the feeling of hunger forces you to eat something else.

Since some types of berries and fruits are high in calories, drinks prepared using them cannot be called “light.” How to make smoothies for weight loss? So that you don’t have to wait too long for the results of losing weight, and so that the hated fat deposits disappear forever, you should adhere to some rules of the smoothie diet.

  1. Choose only low-calorie ingredients for preparing a diet drink.
  2. Eat the smoothie slowly, using a teaspoon, then the feeling of fullness will come in time.
  3. Eat a smoothie drink every 2 hours. During breaks you can drink water or unsweetened green tea.
  4. Eliminate sugar from your diet. Consume only low-fat dairy products.
  5. If you decide to stick to a non-strict diet, include lean broths and cereals in your menu. You need to exclude everything fatty, smoked, salty, coffee and alcohol.

Important: If you decide to follow a smoothie diet, you should ensure your body has a smooth transition to the diet to prevent stress. A couple of days before you start losing weight, reduce the total amount of food consumed, start drinking more water (2 liters per day), add to your diet fresh vegetables, fruits, berries, eat often, but little by little. It is forbidden to use the smoothie diet for pregnant women or during lactation.

Smoothie recipes for weight loss in a blender

Smoothies for weight loss saturate the body with vitamins from vegetables and fruits without stretching the stomach big amount food consumed. To satisfy an adult’s need for nutrients, you need to eat about 3 kilograms of fresh fruits. This is a huge burden for the digestive organs if a person is not limited in the consumption of other foods. Recipes for weight loss smoothies will be an excellent option for losing weight and providing the body with the right amount of vitamins and minerals. How to make smoothies at home?

Protein with oatmeal for breakfast

Properly prepared weight loss cocktails can increase the nutritional value of your diet by reducing the usual serving size. Oatmeal smoothie prepared at home is recommended to eliminate digestive problems.

  • 2 tbsp. oatmeal.
  • One medium banana.
  • 3 tbsp. water.
  • Cranberry to taste.
  • ½ cup skim milk or yogurt.

Preparing a protein shake for weight loss:

  1. Pour water over the oatmeal and leave to steep.
  2. Using a blender, grind banana, oatmeal, cranberries.
  3. Add milk to the drink.

From kiwi and banana

A weight loss cocktail with banana and kiwi has a pleasant taste and is a remedy for women who want to quickly lose a couple of extra pounds. The smoothie does not contain dairy products or sugar, but the drink contains a lot of vitamin C and other beneficial substances, thanks to which it supports a person’s health, preventing him from becoming depleted on a diet.

  • One banana.
  • One kiwi.
  • 1 tbsp. lemon juice.
  • 3 tbsp. water.
  • 1 tsp honey

How to make a kiwi smoothie for weight loss:

  1. Peel the banana and kiwi.
  2. Place fruit in blender jar.
  3. Add a spoonful of honey, water, lemon juice.
  4. Turn on the device and beat the cocktail until smooth.
  5. Drink a fresh vitamin smoothie for breakfast.

From celery

Celery deserves the title of a magical plant. The fruit is good for health and figure, because it effectively promotes the process of losing weight. If you prepare a smoothie with celery correctly, you will get the benefits and pleasure of drinking the drink.

  • Carrot.
  • Medium apple.
  • A couple of celery stalks.
  • A spoon of honey (optional).

How to make a green smoothie for weight loss with celery:

  1. Peel the apple and carrots.
  2. Cut the ingredients into pieces and place them in a blender.
  3. It is better to drink a green smoothie for dinner, as it will improve the digestion of food and will not “burden your stomach” before bed.

With pumpkin

Pumpkin contains a large amount of pectin, fiber and carotene. The fruit is rich in vitamins B, C, E, PP, T and K, minerals and trace elements. Vegetable improves health cardiovascular system, organs of vision and has a positive effect on metabolic processes. The low calorie content makes pumpkin an ideal product for weight loss.

  • 100 grams of pumpkin.
  • Medium apple.

Making a pumpkin smoothie for weight loss:

  1. Wash the fruit, trim the peel and cut into slices.
  2. Hold the pumpkin over steam so that the fruit acquires the desired softness.
  3. Place the fruits in a blender bowl and blend until smooth.

With ginger

The components of a fat-burning cocktail can enhance metabolism. Regularly drinking a drink with ginger in the morning and evening will help you lose 2-3 kilograms in a week.

  • Ginger root.
  • A glass of kefir (up to 1% fat content).
  • Cinnamon.

How to make a smoothie with ginger for weight loss:

  1. Pour kefir into the blender bowl.
  2. Add 1 tsp. cinnamon and the same amount of ground or grated ginger.
  3. Mix the ingredients and turn on the blender for 20-30 seconds.

From grapefruit

Grapefruit is considered one of the best products for weight loss. Everyone knows about its fat-burning properties, and smoothies using this healthy fruit are prepared simply and quickly.

  • Orange.
  • Grapefruit.
  • ½ lime or lemon.
  • A couple of apples.
  • ½ banana.

How to make a weight loss cocktail with grapefruit:

  1. Beat all ingredients in a blender.
  2. Before serving, sprinkle the drink with grated ginger.

With kefir for dinner

The smoothie diet is considered healthy, effective and tasty. After drinking a cocktail, the body does not feel hungry for a long time, so smoothies are suitable for weight loss. In addition, including a fermented milk product in the drink is a way to supplement diet menu proteins.

  • A bunch of dill.
  • A glass of low-fat kefir.
  • 150 g broccoli florets.
  • Natural spices to taste.

Preparing a smoothie with kefir for weight loss:

  1. Boil the broccoli for 2 minutes, let the cabbage cool.
  2. Mix the ingredients in a blender bowl and turn on the device for 30 seconds. The fat-burning cocktail is best taken for dinner.

Fat-burning green smoothie with spinach

Green smoothies for weight loss are prepared using any type of plants and fruits. The main rule for their use is to drink smoothies on an empty stomach. This is a great breakfast option for people who want to lose weight.

  • A couple of frozen bananas.
  • 2 cups spinach greens.
  • A couple of ice cubes.
  • A glass of low-fat milk.

How to make a fat burning drink with spinach:

  1. Place the ingredients in a blender and blend for 15-20 seconds.
  2. Add ice to the prepared weight loss cocktail.

How to make a curd smoothie

A curd cocktail for weight loss is suitable for athletes who are cutting because it contains proteins necessary for the building of muscle tissue. It is better to prepare and drink the drink in the evening, 3 hours before bedtime.

  • 50 grams of cottage cheese.
  • 2 tbsp. frozen currants.
  • A couple of teaspoons of honey.
  • A glass of pineapple juice.

Making curd smoothie:

  1. Place the ingredients in a blender bowl and blend thoroughly until smooth.
  2. Drink your weight loss cocktail fresh.

When and how to drink smoothies for weight loss

Smoothies are an easy-to-drink drink for weight loss. However, this does not mean that it should be drunk like water. You should not overuse the cocktail, because one serving contains at least 150 kcal. This drink should be considered as a snack or even as a substitute for a full meal.

How to take a weight loss cocktail? Switching to eating exclusively smoothies is convenient, but such a diet cannot be called balanced, so nutritionists do not recommend giving up other foods while losing weight. The best option It will be a cocktail for breakfast or lunch. The dietary fiber included in the components of the fat-burning drink gives you a feeling of fullness for a long time, so those losing weight can easily hold out without snacking until the next meal.

Drinking a fruit and vegetable smoothie for dinner is not the best solution, since the fruit contains a large amount of fructose, which the body can “store” as fat on the body. To ensure that losing weight does not disappoint and does not lead to health problems, nutritionists advise counting calories and sticking to the golden mean in food and drink.

The smoothie diet should not be continued for more than 7 days, since low-calorie drinks do not contain the required amount of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates that the body needs for normal functioning. To consolidate the weight loss results achieved with the smoothie diet, follow a low-calorie diet, including foods rich in fiber and drink plenty of still water. Experts recommend doing it once a week fasting days, during which you drink fat-burning cocktails.

The English word smooth literally means smooth, even, soft. We have not yet figured out how to adequately translate the name of the popular drink into Russian, so the word is borrowed, and the options differ - from smoothie to smoothie. The main thing is that the meaning remains unchanged: a smoothie is a cool dessert made from pieces of fruit crushed in a blender or mixer with the addition of kefir, milk or yogurt, juice, fruits, nuts and other ingredients. The blender must be powerful so that it can be used to easily puree anything - fruits, berries, vegetables, herbs, spices, ice cream, yogurt, ice.

The main condition is only natural ingredients; 500 ml of the product with various shades of berry-fruit flavor will replace the daily intake of fruit.

It is worth remembering that in Russia, 25-30 years ago, something similar was usually prepared in the summer from fresh fruits and berries, milk or ice cream with egg whites, sugar and was called mousse.

Children and teenagers especially loved this dish. The mousse can be made drinkable or thick, like melted ice cream, and eaten with a spoon. But it turns out that all this time we were making smoothies, and mousse is a very thick and sweet French dessert, which is almost always made with chocolate. However, the names of the dishes are very similar. A smoothie is a drink made from several components and is much thicker in consistency, as it is prepared from whole fruits and berries, sometimes even with seeds. Smoothies are served in tall glasses with two large-diameter cocktail straws.

By the beginning of this century, smoothie production had become a very profitable business. A few years ago, smoothies appeared on Russian market, but the final version of the name has not yet been settled. It is also presented in different ways: sometimes as a non-alcoholic cocktail, sometimes as a cold dessert, sometimes as a fruit and berry mix. Milkshake also seriously competes with smoothies, which many consider an excellent alternative to an as yet unknown overseas dish. Although a whipped mixture based on ice cream and full-fat milk is, of course, much less healthy than a light and tasty smoothie.

Now smoothies have become a product of high demand for those who prefer a healthy diet and adhere to a healthy lifestyle.

If necessary to cook smoothies for weight loss, then you don’t need milk: just clean water is enough to dilute the prepared puree. In fruit smoothies, use lower-calorie fruits and berries - apricots, tangerines, black currants. Low-fat foods include apples, grapefruit, pineapple, pomegranate, cherries, kiwi, and wild berries. In this case, it is better to avoid bananas, grapes, avocados, watermelon, melon and peaches.

Thanks to dietary fiber, you don't feel like eating for quite a long time, which makes smoothies an excellent product for weight loss.

However lose weight with smoothies It is possible only by following a few rules: consume smoothies without sugar, do not add ice cream, chocolate, raisins, heavy cream and nuts to it as ingredients; low-fat yogurt or kefir are suitable. Eating a smoothie should be considered a separate full meal, and not snacking on it in between meals. You should try to chew the smoothie rather than drink it, even though it is a product in a glass. You should not drink a very cold smoothie, since when the food temperature is low, the taste buds do not have time to recognize it. In this case, the feeling of fullness is delayed and you can go overboard with calories. The smoothie fits well with the slogan “losing weight without heroism.” So, to lose 1.5 kg in a week, you need to replace two meals (breakfast and dinner) with this refreshing smoothie. Breakfast is preferable to berries and fruits, dinner - vegetables.

The smoothie is very good because, unlike fruit juices, it contains fiber, which, swelling in the stomach, creates a feeling of fullness, while having a very low calorie content. In addition, almost all the vitamins it needs enter the body.

By the way, smoothies are prepared not only from fruits, but also from various vegetables, for example from celery, the processing of which by the body requires more calories than what enters the body when consuming this vegetable.

Try not to add salt to vegetable smoothies; it is healthier to add ground dry seaweed and spices, which will enrich the dish with iodine and give it a salty taste.

Tomatoes, carrots, beets, avocado, cucumber, pumpkin, bell peppers, and cabbage are suitable for vegetable smoothies. They add ginger, parsley, basil, cilantro, celery, spinach, and various spices.

Vegetable smoothie recipe simple: 1 glass of low-fat kefir, 1 large tomato, 1 cucumber, 3 glasses of dill, parsley, lettuce, celery, 1 clove of garlic, salt, black pepper, spices to taste, mix in a blender and pour into bowls.

Very helpful ginger green smoothie. Pass through a blender 1 cup of any berries, 2 cups of chopped spinach, and a half-centimeter cube of ginger root (it must be chopped first). Pour the resulting mixture with two glasses of water.

It is very useful to include protein or soy powder, lecithin, flax grains or sprouted wheat in smoothies: with their help you can increase the protein content and nutrients. How nutritious the drink should be is up to everyone to decide for themselves!

What is a smoothie and how is it useful?

Literally, translated from in English, smoothie - “smooth”, means: tender, soft. The birthplace of this cocktail is foggy England.

It was there that workers, mostly office workers, took it with them from home, or ordered it from a cafe for a hearty but light snack.

The dish is very satisfying, but not in terms of calories, but in terms of satisfying hunger for a long period.

Indeed, thanks to the many dietary fibers in the cocktail, it is great for a snack, while also perfectly improving the functioning of the digestive system, cleansing the intestines, improving metabolism, and so on.

Smoothies are very often consumed by adherents healthy eating, vegetarians, athletes.

It contains herbal ingredients, honey, dairy products, etc. This will be discussed in the recipes. All this means that this cocktail has extraordinary benefits!

What should be highlighted first:

Perfectly saturates the body with vitamins , minerals and other, no less valuable, useful substances for him. This is always relevant, and especially during the period of hypovitaminosis (in spring).

Is an inexhaustible source of fiber , which has a very positive effect on the condition gastrointestinal tract- a trigger for the whole organism.

✔ Well absorbed by the body , but, when properly prepared, is characterized as a dietary low-calorie product that helps maintain health, excellent figure and stable optimal body weight.

Helps relieve stress. This happens both due to its incredible taste, aroma, bright color (as you know, the “color” effect on the psyche has been scientifically proven), and due to the optimization of all processes in the body due to its saturation with the missing elements.

Removes toxins (very well, despite its delicate liquid consistency, cleanses the intestines) and toxins (allows you to cleanse the blood and soft tissues of the vast majority of poisons) from the body, which makes it possible to recommend smoothies for various types of intoxication.

Smoothies strengthen the body's immune system , which allows you to keep chronic diseases under control and prevents the development of new diseases.

In principle, by and large, we can distinguish two most important areas of the effect of smoothies on the body:

  1. saturating it with useful substances
  2. cleansing

The first comes from many positive aspects: the strength of the immune system, the general strengthening of the body, and a positive effect on the lungs, nervous system, visual organs, brain, cardiovascular, endocrine and other systems and organs. There is not a single organ that, with moderate consumption of healthy cocktails, would not benefit from it!

The second entails an improvement in overall well-being, an increase in vital energy, and also, which is important and attracts tens of thousands of men and women around the world, weight loss!

Smoothies have been noted to be beneficial when prepared correctly. And this is undoubtedly true. But it is equally important to know about the nuances of using these cocktails! This is precisely what the entire next section is devoted to.

General rules when using cocktails

Smoothies are world-famous low-calorie cocktails made from vegetables, fruits, berries, dairy products, water, juice, and so on. This does not mean that one cocktail should contain all these ingredients at once. No.

They can be combined in completely different ways. Recipes that are delicious and healthy will be discussed below. A smoothie satiates you for a long period of time, relieves hunger, provides energy, and easy-to-absorb (in the right form) mineral and vitamin compounds.

Why choose smoothies? The answer is obvious! This is an ideal choice for those losing weight, leading healthy image life, vegetarians and even those who have certain problems with blood sugar levels.

By the way, smoothies are fundamentally different from their close “relative” - yogurt - in that they do not contain sugars. But there is an abundance of fiber and easily digestible proteins in it.

Is it right to consume a smoothie instead of a meal, for example, breakfast, dinner, lunch, or as a snack? Absolutely!

But, if you replace a meal with this cocktail, then do it no more than once a day. That is: you can skip breakfast and drink a smoothie, but lunch should be “on schedule,” as well as dinner. Thus, you can create a certain energy deficit in the body, which will be consumed from fat reserves. Here, however, there are also two important nuances!

1) Moderate nutrition and smoothie consumption

Drinking smoothies should be combined with a moderate, balanced diet. That is, if you drink a smoothie instead of breakfast, and overeat heavily at lunch and during dinner, but of course there can be no talk of any weight loss. Everything should be in moderation.

And the process of weight loss itself is a complex combination of many factors that it is advisable to take into account. Smoothies in this process are only one of the key factors, but not the only one.

2) Exercise and drinking smoothies

It is best to combine drinking smoothies with moderate to moderate-intensity physical activity if you want to “modernize” your figure and lose weight.

It's about the secrets of metabolism. Many people believe that by going on a diet, or, roughly speaking, by simply refusing a certain amount of food and starving, they will lose weight.

Moreover, the “weight loss effect” is already observed after 5-7 days of such a diet. Know: in the vast majority of cases, you do not lose body fat, but muscle mass.

Plus, the effect seems to be positive due to a certain degree of reduction in the volume of intestinal contents (during fasting) and dehydration of soft tissues.

Why, during fasting, does the body get rid of muscle tissue and not fat?

Our body is a system thought out to the smallest detail. Fasting means reducing the amount of calories entering the body. This may mean that in the near future it will have to operate in an economical, or even critically limited in energy reserves, mode. What consumes energy the most? Naturally - muscles!

It turns out that their volume needs to be reduced, and fat should be left for the most extreme case, as a last reserve. This is how the body works. And this is correct for certain conditions, especially those in which our ancestors lived.

What to do to remove fat, not muscle?

Everything is very simple! You need to let the body understand that they are needed no less than fat, and maybe much more. That is, actively use them: at work, in gym and so on.

The conclusion is obvious: smoothies, plus a passive lifestyle, plus poor nutrition equals no result, or, at best, minimal result in terms of weight loss. Here's a smoothie, plus the right one balanced diet, plus moderate physical activity equals the maximum possible result, namely: a slim body and ideal weight!

Smoothies can be consumed at least daily, but not more than once a day. This, of course, is in the absence of contraindications, which will also be discussed below. This is the first general rule that applies to everything said above.

Fasting days with smoothies

Second: with the help of smoothies you can do so-called “fasting” days. They will allow you to lose weight a little, keep your weight under control, cleanse your intestines of toxins, and so on.

Fasting days should be done once a week. It is not recommended to consume any food other than smoothies throughout the day.

They are consumed 4-5 times a day, every 4-5 hours. And it’s best if the smoothies have different compositions.

What else you should know:

Smoothies practically do not quench your thirst - a proven fact.

Do not overuse this product! If you are not having a fasting day, then one or two servings during the day is quite enough.

A smoothie is an ideal substitute for an afternoon snack or breakfast.

You should try to avoid drinking a cocktail instead of dinner (although this is not at all critical, it’s just that at lunch, for example, it will bring more benefits).

Use only freshly prepared cocktails. In general, depending on the composition, it can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 1-3 hours.

Basic rules for making smoothies for weight loss

Compliance with these rules is very important to achieve the result - weight loss. Please note that not all smoothies are diet friendly.

A lot depends on the ingredients used during the preparation of the cocktail. It is important to consume the cocktail correctly, as discussed in the section above.

It should be added that smoothies are usually consumed cool (but not cold!), but they can also be consumed at room temperature (especially for weight loss purposes), depending on your preferences and health status.

The main rules for preparing a healthy and dietary smoothie cocktail:

— For it it is necessary to use exclusively high-quality, in every sense (environmentally friendly, fresh, and so on) products.

— You need to prepare smoothies only from low-calorie ingredients.

— Do not add sugar there; you can add natural honey.

— The ideal smoothie cocktail is one that is not diluted with water, milk, or anything else liquid.

- You should not add cereal, nuts, chocolate or cocoa, raisins, etc.

— If you prefer salty smoothies, do not use salt in the process of preparing them; it is better to replace it with seaweed;

— It is advisable not to mix vegetables with fruits; this is only permissible when it comes to apples.

— When diluting the cocktail, use only natural, high-quality freshly squeezed juices!

How to make a smoothie for weight loss

Cooking rules, rules of consumption, and so on - all this led to finally telling you about the most healthy and very tasty, wonderful recipes.

Preparing a cocktail that will allow you to reduce your body weight, improve your health and maintain the result at the optimal level for you is easier than it might seem at first glance. You will find out about this right now.

Delicious smoothie cocktail recipes for weight loss - 10 recipes

Smoothies can be drunk through a straw or consumed using a teaspoon.

1 Banana smoothie

Very easy to prepare. All you need is: 2-3 ripe bananas, low-fat kefir in a volume of 280-290 milliliters. All this is turned into a cocktail using a blender and consumed with pleasure and benefit for the whole body, just like cocktails prepared according to the following recipes.

2 Kiwi banana

Here, as is already clear from the name, an equally healthy fruit is added to the healthy and satisfying banana - kiwi. Take a banana (small, 1 pc.), 2-3 kiwis, parsley (a large bunch, don’t regret it), half an apple or pear, it is advisable to add a little pure quality drinking water(about 180-200 milliliters).

3 Strawberry smoothie

You will need: a glass of fresh strawberries, buttermilk (also one glass), 150 milliliters of cranberry juice.

4 Tangerine smoothie

Take and peel about 4-6 tangerines (depending on their “caliber”), add a few small pieces of ginger roots. Here are all the ingredients for an amazingly tasty and healing drink.

5 Apple-carrot

A few apples, the same number of carrots (small), a small bunch of mint, plus two teaspoons of flaxseed oil.

6 Fruit and vegetable mix

Ingredients (can be added in any order): boiled broccoli (about 80 grams), the same amount of fresh spinach, half an apple of any green variety, one small orange, one carrot, 150-170 milliliters of fresh grapefruit juice.

7 Vegetable

Red or yellow tomato, cucumber (one piece each), two glasses of any chopped greens according to your taste and capabilities, low-fat kefir (250 milliliters), garlic, one clove, a little ground black pepper and a little kelp.

8 Cherry-strawberry

Take one glass of strawberries and the same amount of ripe cherries, seedless. Add 250 milliliters of low-fat milk and a little bit of natural vanillin.

9 Fruit-cereal recipe

Very interesting to prepare and no less useful! Take any seasonal fruit (a couple of pieces, be guided approximately by the volume of the finished cocktail you need), freshly picked sprouted wheat (1.5 tablespoons), a spoonful of low-fat cottage cheese, 200 milliliters of low-fat milk.

10 Savory smoothie

Watercress (weight, volume - optional, approximately), kiwi fruit - one piece, purple or green variety of sweet seedless grapes (80-90 grams), natural bee honey (about 200 milliliters), the same amount - natural yogurt.

Benefits of drinking smoothies for the body

A smoothie is a delicious, smooth cocktail that is usually drunk through a straw or eaten with a small spoon. It is a healthy and healthy drink that has the following advantages:

  • Smoothies saturate the body with beneficial vitamins and minerals, and also strengthen the immune system and increase the body's resistance to fighting viruses.
  • Due to its high fiber content, it helps normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and also cleanses the body and removes toxins.
  • The cocktail helps maintain vitality, strengthen nervous system, and is also used as a stress reliever.
  • Drinking this drink instead of dinner will help you lose weight. So, by adhering to such a cocktail menu, you can lose up to 8 kg in three weeks.
  • Smoothies are good to give to young children. Milk, kefir, and yogurt should be added to the drink, since a growing body simply needs various microelements. You should not give your child diet cocktails; you can add nuts, chocolate, and cream to it. Only it is best to replace sugar with a few tablespoons of honey.

By consuming a smoothie, a person not only saturates the body with vitamins, but also enjoys its taste.

Negative effects of smoothies on the body

Many girls choose smoothies as a drink. Recipes for weight loss can be read further in the article. Now we should consider the negative effects of the drink on the human body in the following cases:

  1. When there is an allergic reaction to one of the ingredients of the cocktail. In this case, it is necessary to select components very carefully so as not to harm the body.
  2. If an upset stomach occurs due to non-compliance with the preparation technology. The highlight of the smoothie is the consumption of vegetables and fruits in in kind, i.e. without heat treatment. Therefore, you should carefully prepare the products: wash them under running water and, if necessary, peel them.
  3. When drinking only one drink throughout the day without a full meal. You cannot completely give up solid food, it is necessary and only brings positive effects for the body.
  4. Pregnant and nursing mothers should not get carried away with this cocktail; it can only be drunk in moderation.

It is necessary to remember that the consumption of such a drink should be in moderation.

Diet smoothies

To lose excess weight, girls drink diet smoothies. They find recipes for losing weight in print publications or on the Internet. Conventionally, cocktails for getting rid of extra pounds can be divided into:

  • fruit and berry;
  • vegetable;
  • mixed (which includes vegetables, fruits, berries).

Properly selected vegetables and fruits will give the drink a unique taste.

Basic cooking rules

Before you try smoothie recipes for weight loss, you need to know the rules for preparing such a drink:

  1. For a diet shake, you need to choose natural products that are low in calories. Of course, to saturate the body, you can use high-calorie fruits, but only in small quantities.
  2. Never drink smoothies cold or add ice to them. If you eat such food, the receptors will not be able to recognize the taste, and then there is a risk of overeating.
  3. The recipe for diet smoothies does not use sugar; such a drink will only bring extra pounds. Also, you should not add raisins, ice cream, chocolate (even bitter), as sweet ingredients increase hunger and contribute to excess weight.
  4. You can consume smoothies instead of a full meal, for example, replacing breakfast or dinner. You should not drink it with your main meal or enjoy it at any time of the day; such a diet will not get rid of extra pounds, but will only add new ones.
  5. Vegetable smoothie recipes for weight loss do not use salt. This is a rather harmful component, so it is better to add dried seaweed or seasonings.
  6. It is not recommended to drink smoothies instead of regular water. It must be chewed thoroughly, as this drink contains a lot of plant fiber.

By following simple preparation rules, you can achieve a truly tasty and nutritious drink.

Healthy smoothie ingredients

You need to know which products will help you get rid of extra pounds. Here is a list of the most basic and healthy ingredients for smoothies:

  • Fruits. The best of them are apples, pears, citrus fruits, cherries and apricots.
  • Vegetables. Tomatoes, cucumbers, basil, carrots, cauliflower will delight your taste buds and help you lose weight.
  • Dairy products. To reduce weight, low-fat kefir, cottage cheese and yogurt are used in preparing smoothies.
  • Berries. The best fat burners are raspberries, cranberries, blueberries, strawberries, currants and gooseberries.

By combining a variety of vegetables and fruits in a drink, you can achieve effective results in losing excess weight.

Smoothie recipes from fruits and berries for weight loss

The most popular among the population are fruit cocktails, an abundance of which can be found in supermarkets at any time of the year. The recipes are quite simple. To prepare such a drink, you need to use special kitchen equipment. Best Recipes Blender smoothies for weight loss are presented below. Remember that if you follow the instructions, you will get a really tasty drink. So, the recipes:

  1. Hearty smoothie recipe. Many girls prefer this cocktail recipe, as it is quite nutritious and can replace a full breakfast or dinner. To get this drink, you need to take 1 glass of strawberries and half a ripe banana. Grind the fruits using a blender, then add a glass of zero-percentage kefir or low-fat yogurt and beat. At the end, low-fat cottage cheese is added.
  2. Kiwi smoothie recipe. In this case, the drink is made from four kiwis, freshly squeezed juice of one orange, a glass of low-fat yogurt, and one large spoon of honey. Grind all ingredients with a blender.
  3. Raspberry smoothie recipe. Add one ripe banana, one kiwi, and a glass of raspberries to the grinding container. At the end, you need to pour in a glass of low-fat kefir or yogurt.
  4. Tangerine smoothie for weight loss. Homemade recipes give you the opportunity to independently adjust the amount of ingredients depending on your preferences. So, in this recipe you need to grind one banana, two tangerines in a blender, adding 100 ml of low-fat yogurt, 300 ml of milk, one large spoon of honey. If the smoothie is too rich, you can use half or 1/3 of a banana.
  5. Fruit smoothie with green tea. To prepare, you need to mix a banana, an apple, two kiwis, 70 g of light grapes and one glass of brewed green tea. Then, using a blender, grind all the ingredients until smooth. It is worth noting that the seeds must be removed from the grapes.
  6. A smoothie recipe that can replace a full breakfast. To prepare it, you need to mix half an avocado, one ripe banana, two large spoons of oatmeal, half a glass of milk, a small spoon of honey and a pinch of cinnamon. All components are crushed with a blender and poured into glasses. You can serve immediately after preparation.
  7. Smoothie recipe with oatmeal. Add a banana, a quarter cup of oatmeal, half a glass of low-fat milk and yogurt, and half a small spoon of honey into a special mixing container.
  8. Smoothie recipe for weight loss with kefir. To prepare a healthy and dietary drink, you need to mix one banana, two glasses of zero-percentage kefir, one large spoon of honey and a small spoon of lemon juice in a blender bowl. All ingredients must be ground for a few minutes until smooth.
  9. Raspberry smoothie recipe. To prepare, you need to take one banana, half a glass of raspberries, 100 ml of milk and a pinch of cinnamon. Using a blender, grind the ingredients, then pour the finished drink into glasses.
  10. Blueberry smoothie. Almost every recipe for such a drink contains banana. This fruit perfectly nourishes the body; its natural trace elements make the cocktail moderately sweet and airy. This recipe also requires one banana, a third of a glass of blueberries, and half a glass of low-fat milk or yogurt. Grind the ingredients in a blender until the drink is free of pieces.
  11. Smoothie recipe with kiwi and cottage cheese. First, put three kiwis, peeled and diced, and one large spoon of honey into the blender bowl. Everything is whipped and placed in glasses. Then three bananas and two large spoons of cottage cheese are chopped, everything is carefully laid out on kiwi puree.

If you have questions about the technology for preparing a particular drink, then at any time you can turn to smoothie recipes for weight loss with photos. Such step by step instructions make it possible to make truly healthy and nutritious cocktails.

Vegetable smoothie recipes for weight loss

Vegetables are very healthy in any form (due to their high content of carbohydrates, fiber, essential microelements and vitamins). Therefore, such smoothies can replace a full dinner. Some representatives of the fair sex believe that cocktails made from vegetables are not very tasty. This belief exists until they try such a drink. A variety of detox smoothie recipes for weight loss:

  1. Smoothie recipe with cucumber and tomatoes. Place one cucumber, one tomato, two drops of Tabasco sauce, a quarter of bell pepper, one glass of low-fat yogurt, herbs, and seasonings to taste in a blender bowl. All components are ground to a homogeneous mass.
  2. Broccoli smoothie recipe. The preparation of this cocktail begins with boiling the broccoli (do not add salt or seasonings). When the vegetable is ready, place it in a container for blending, add a bunch of greens and a glass of zero-percentage kefir. This drink resembles green soup, so it should be consumed warm.
  3. Smoothie recipe with cucumber and onion. This cocktail will perfectly quench your thirst, give you strength and vigor. To prepare it, you need to grind until smooth: one cucumber, one bell pepper, a stalk of green onion, a small spoon of lemon juice and grated ginger root, one glass of mineral water.
  4. Smoothie recipe for weight loss with celery. To prepare this drink, you need to prepare the vegetables in advance: grate the beets and squeeze out the juice, scald the tomatoes and remove the skin, chop two carrots in a blender, and finely chop two celeries. Then all components are placed in a container and beaten until smooth.
  5. Garlic smoothie recipe. Finely chopped three carrots, beets, radishes, garlic and parsley are placed in a blender bowl. All vegetables are chopped within a few minutes. The finished cocktail is poured into glasses.

As a result of taking it, those losing weight not only get rid of excess weight, but also saturate the body with vitamins and nutrients.

Blended Smoothie Recipes

Drinks made from vegetables and fruits are unusual and tasty. They combine quite different components and create an explosion of taste. The most unusual combinations of vegetables and fruits:

  1. Smoothie recipe for weight loss at home with seaweed. To prepare this drink, place 100 g of chopped white cabbage in a container, one large spoon seaweed, 70 g spinach, kiwi, pear, two large spoons of low-fat cream and half a glass of water. All ingredients are blended with a blender until smooth.
  2. Cranberry smoothie recipe. First, the pear, apple and cucumber are peeled and transferred to a mixing container. Add a bunch of spinach, one celery, 100 g of cranberries and chop with a blender. This cocktail is an excellent diuretic.
  3. Mango smoothie recipe. To prepare, you need to take one peeled mango, 100 g of white cabbage, two celery, a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice, and a few sprigs of mint. All components are crushed in a blender within a few minutes. This drink will perfectly cleanse the intestines of toxins and restore microflora.

Despite the (seemingly) incompatible ingredients, the drinks are tasty and nutritious.

Smoothies: an effective tool for weight loss

Smoothies are a very tasty and healthy cocktail. But you shouldn’t use it as the only dish in your diet. You can get more effect by combining the use of smoothies and other healthy products. This article listed many recipes for smoothie cocktails for weight loss, and now two ways to lose weight with their help will be described:

By consuming drinks in this way, you can achieve a positive effect in the process of losing weight.

Stellar smoothie recipes

Hollywood actresses constantly drink smoothies to achieve a slim and toned body. Here are some striking examples:

  • Bob Harper prefers a berry-apple smoothie with greens for breakfast.
  • But the charming Jessica Alba calls her favorite cocktail “ Green monster" This is a mixture of berries and vegetables, a completely dietary product.
  • Many people watched the series “Friends”, where the main character Jennifer Aniston is crazy about this drink. Her favorite smoothie is the vegetarian cherry smoothie.
  • There are no boring banana drinks in Katy Perry's diet. Her morning smoothie is like dinner in a small glass.

Smoothies are a surprisingly easy to make and delicious drink. His useful action everyone who decides to drink this cocktail regularly will feel it. So, getting rid of extra pounds will not be difficult.

Rules and advantages of the smoothie diet

The smoothie diet involves drinking low-calorie drinks instead of regular meals. As a rule, it is possible to lose from 3 to 6 kg, depending on its duration. The rules that should be followed with this method of losing weight are quite simple, but at the same time, the health benefits are noticeably significant.

Pros of the diet

Smoothies are the best for weight loss. The positive qualities of this drink are given by its liquid consistency and composition rich in useful substances. It is easily digestible, contains few calories and has a number of other advantages over traditional dietary products.

Positive qualities of smoothie diets:

  • good tolerance;
  • wide selection of products;
  • diet rich in nutrients;
  • high degree of absorption of products by the body;
  • health promotion;
  • cleansing the body of toxins;
  • good rates of weight loss in a short period of time;
  • lack of stress for the body;
  • long-term effect.

It is especially worth noting another positive quality of the smoothie diet - it develops the habit of eating right. Small portions of the cocktail do not stretch the stomach, and over time the body gets used to being content with a small amount of food. In addition, a person learns to include fresh vegetables, berries and fruits in his daily diet, which contain substances necessary for health.

Advice! Before going on a smoothie diet, you should consult your doctor and find out if you have any contraindications.

Rules for preparing and consuming dietary smoothies

Not all smoothies always contribute to weight loss. This drink has a liquid consistency and sometimes you are tempted to drink it in one gulp. However, in this case, the signal of satiety from the stomach to the brain will arrive late, and the feeling of hunger will force you to eat something more, and this will lead to overeating. There are other nuances to smoothie diets. For example, some fruits and berries have a fairly high calorie content, which means that drinks containing them also cannot enjoy the right to be called “light”.

So, how to prepare smoothies for weight loss and how to use them correctly? So that the result does not keep you waiting and the hated kilograms disappear forever, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Only low-calorie products are used for smoothies.
  2. It is better to eat smoothies slowly, with a small spoon, then the feeling of fullness will come in time.
  3. Eliminate sugar, or significantly reduce its amount.
  4. Eat every 2 hours, and in between drink only water or green tea.
  5. Dairy products should not contain more than 1% fat.
  6. Coffee, fatty meats, smoked meats, cheese, pickles, and alcohol should not be consumed; if you are on a non-strict diet, you can include porridge and low-fat broths in your diet.

If you decide to go on a smoothie diet, then you need to follow one more rule that will ensure a smooth transition to a new diet and relieve your body of stress. You need to prepare in advance, namely, do the following:

  • within a day or two, trim your diet by reducing the amount of food;
  • drink at least 2 liters of water;
  • eat more vegetables and fruits;
  • eat often, but in small portions.

Following these simple rules will lead to a guaranteed result and help you lose excess weight. In conclusion, here are a few smoothie recipes for weight loss.

Important! The smoothie diet is contraindicated for pregnant women and during breastfeeding. You cannot lose weight with its help if you have certain diseases of the stomach, liver and kidneys.

Berry and fruit smoothies

The most common for Russian people are berry and fruit smoothies. Recipes for drinks for weight loss can consist of one type of fruit or combine several of them. At the same time, you can fantasize, add something of your own or replace some products. If you have fresh berries or fruits, that’s good; if it’s difficult to get them, then frozen ones are quite suitable.

Strawberry Banana Smoothie

Banana has a fairly high calorie content, so drinks with it are an excellent substitute for breakfast or dinner.

Required Products:

  • a glass of strawberries;
  • half a banana;
  • a glass of kefir with zero fat content;
  • low-fat cottage cheese – 1 tbsp. spoon;

To prepare a strawberry-banana smoothie for weight loss, first grind the berries and banana in a blender. Then kefir is poured into the resulting mass and whisked. Cottage cheese and crushed ice - 2-3 cubes, added at the end of cooking. If desired, kefir can be replaced with low-fat yogurt. If you are using frozen strawberries, you do not need to add ice.

Banana-apple smoothie

Banana goes well with apple, and the ingredients for such a drink are available at any time of the year.

You will need:

  • banana;
  • apple;
  • orange juice – 100 ml;
  • yogurt – 200 g;
  • 2 ice cubes.

A banana and an apple cut into slices are first crushed in a blender. Then add juice, yogurt and beat. Ice is placed in glasses before serving.

Advice! It is best to keep the banana in the refrigerator for a while before chopping, then the smoothie will turn out fluffy and smooth.

Citrus smoothie

Citrus fruits are high in vitamin C, which speeds up metabolism and promotes weight loss. To prepare this drink you will need the following products:

  • grapefruit;
  • orange;
  • lemon - ½;
  • apple;
  • banana - ½;
  • 2 ice cubes.

Pre-prepare the ingredients. Grapefruit, orange, lemon are peeled, divided into slices, and seeds are removed. Apples and bananas are peeled and cut into slices. Place everything in a blender bowl and beat. Separately crush the ice. It is added to glasses immediately before drinking.

Smoothie “Cheerfulness”

Green tea can be used as a liquid base. These smoothies are low in calories and can be used as a light snack between meals.


  • grapefruit – ½;
  • kiwi – ½;
  • banana – ½;
  • apple;
  • ginger root – 2 g;
  • a glass of green tea;
  • honey – 2 teaspoons.

Beat all ingredients in a blender until smooth. Ginger root is pre-grated. You can add ice if desired.

Vegetable smoothies

The healthiest smoothies for weight loss are vegetable cocktails. They contain many vitamins and microelements. In addition, such drinks have very low calorie content. Fiber, which is always present in vegetable smoothies, helps cleanse the body and enhances intestinal motility. And this helps get rid of constipation, which is not uncommon during diets.

Smoothie “Vegetable”

This smoothie contains only 85 kcal per 100 ml of drink. To prepare it you will need:

  • medium sized cucumber;
  • green onion - stem;
  • green bell pepper;
  • lemon juice – 1 teaspoon;
  • ginger root - a third of a teaspoon;
  • "Borjomi" - 100 ml.

First, the cucumber is peeled and cut into slices. The pepper is cut into pieces and freed from seeds. Finely chop the onion with a knife. All ingredients, except Borjomi, are placed in a blender and crushed. At the end they add mineral water, beat for a few seconds. The drink can be decorated with a feather of onion or a slice of cucumber.

From broccoli

Broccoli contains many useful substances and is perfect for vegetable smoothies.

Required ingredients:

  • boiled broccoli – 150 g;
  • low-fat kefir – 1 glass;
  • greenery.

First, chop the cabbage, then add finely chopped herbs, kefir and beat well. Kefir can be replaced with ayran. This drink should be consumed warm.

With tomato and celery

Celery smoothie for weight loss is suitable like no other drink. It contains a very small amount of calories, but at the same time perfectly saturates and relieves hunger. In order to prepare it, you will need the following products:

  • tomato;
  • 2 carrots;
  • beet;
  • celery – 2 pcs.

Vegetables are pre-prepared. The tomato is scalded with boiling water and the skin is removed. The beets are grated and the juice is squeezed out of them. Carrots are crushed in a blender. Celery is finely chopped with a knife. Then put all the ingredients in a blender and beat.

Fruit and vegetable smoothie

Fruit and vegetable diet smoothies are very tasty and extremely healthy. Recipes for their preparation can include a variety of combinations of products. We recommend trying to make a smoothie from seaweed, kiwi, pear, and spinach. This drink contains many vitamins and minerals. To prepare it you need the following products:

  • white cabbage – 100 g;
  • kiwi;
  • pear;
  • seaweed - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • spinach – 60 g;
  • low-fat cream - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • water – 200 ml.

First, prepare the ingredients. Peel pears and kiwis and cut them into slices. Cabbage and spinach are finely chopped with a knife. Then everything is put into a blender and crushed. At the end, add water, cream and beat.

Cleansing smoothies

No matter how hard we try to eat right, unnecessary harmful substances are still deposited in our body. They poison us, interfere with normal metabolism, and worsen our well-being and health. What to do? How to get rid of them? The answer is simple - you need to include green smoothies in your diet. We present to your attention the best smoothie recipes for cleansing the body.

Smoothie “Invigorating”

Spinach, which is part of this drink, has excellent cleansing properties. In addition, it is rich in vitamins and minerals.

Required Products:

  • spinach – bunch;
  • kiwi;
  • half a banana.

Kiwi and banana are peeled and cut into slices. Spinach is finely chopped with a knife. Place everything in a blender and beat. The cocktail is diluted with water to the desired consistency and garnished with half a slice of kiwi.


A smoothie made from garlic, carrots, radishes, and parsley perfectly cleanses the body and promotes weight loss. To prepare it you will need:

  • carrots – 3 pcs.;
  • beet;
  • radish;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • a bunch of parsley.

Peel carrots and beets and cut into cubes. Garlic and parsley are finely chopped using a knife. Then put all the ingredients in a blender and blend for a few seconds.


A smoothie made from cranberries, celery and spinach has diuretic properties.

Required Products:

  • cranberries – 100 g;
  • pear;
  • cucumber;
  • spinach – bunch;
  • celery – 1 pc.;
  • apple.

Before chopping, peel the pear, cucumber, and apple. Spinach and celery are finely chopped. Then everything is whisked. The cocktail can be decorated with cranberries.

Choose a food that you are delighted with: a smoothie that looks attractive, tastes amazing and melts in your mouth will give you a lot of positive emotions. And they, at the subconscious level, will return a slender body, an easy gait, and the flight of the soul!

Don't we, fatties, know how negative emotions disgustingly destroy the external and inner world person? Delicious smoothies made from fresh vegetables, juicy fruits and berries, spicy fragrant herbs– this is a real way to keep your body in good shape and always have a great mood.

As you know, some biological substances contained in foods especially quickly activate metabolic processes, burn calories, and prevent the deposition of fat.

What products are smoothies made from? All fresh fruits and berries, vegetables and herbs are rich in microelements that accelerate cell metabolism, but the following delicacies are considered the most useful for weight loss:


Reduces sugar levels and prevents the deposition of fat layers. Removes toxins, helps strengthen the immune system and, of course, the citrus aroma causes a surge of cheerfulness.

A pineapple

A wonderful, famous burner of fat cells. Stimulates the digestion process, breaks down proteins, enriches the body with especially valuable enzymes, vitamins and minerals. Aromatic oils carry the hormone of happiness and give it to people.


Helps speed up blood circulation, which is why the most high-calorie lunch is quickly digested. At the same time, there is no heaviness in the stomach, no excess reserves in the waist and abdomen. The fiery spice brings vitality and lightness throughout the body.


Rich in fiber, active breakdown substances. With the help of a smoothie made from sauerkraut, fresh cabbage and seaweed, you can lose several kilograms in a matter of weeks. There is no unsatisfied feeling of hunger and, as a result, a terrible mood. A surge of lightness and vigor is what awaits you on the cabbage diet.


Reduces blood sugar, thereby eliminating the feeling of hunger. Its aroma gives a deceptive feeling of satiety and speeds up metabolism. A berry smoothie with cinnamon is useful for everyone who has a fat tummy and constantly wants to eat.


It has the amazing ability to improve blood composition and accelerate blood circulation. Red blood cells intensively carry oxygen to the tissues, so no harmful reserves are formed in them, old deposits disintegrate. Raspberry smoothie is one of the best for weight loss.

Flax seed


They can relieve not only fat, but also stress. They regulate glucose levels, causing satiety. Enrich with energy for vitality.


Its shoots or seeds increase the activity of the metabolic process to such an extent that a quarter of the extra calories are burned directly during its consumption. Vegetable smoothies with the addition of mustard are a quick way to lose weight even with a regular, non-diet diet.

Low-fat fermented milk products

Rich in calcitriol. This hormone forces cells to get rid of fats. Yogurt, kefir and cottage cheese contain bacteria that normalize carbohydrate metabolism and protein, with the help of which the body quickly consumes fat cells.

Very important for losing weight. It contains more than 350 active elements that bring health to humans. Honey cocktails give you weight loss without unpleasant consequences: sagging skin and wrinkled folds.

We prepare products

To get rid of hated fat rolls as quickly as possible, some features of the smoothie making process are important. In order for all the active elements of the product to work at full strength, the products are first crushed:

1. Hard vegetables and fruits are grated.
2. Soft ingredients are cleared of large seeds and peels and cut into pieces.
3. Green herbs are chopped very finely.
4. Nuts and seeds must first be soaked and then chopped.

Then take a blender or food processor with a lid, add the ingredients there, and mix for 2-4 minutes. The dish, saturated with oxygen to the limit, is ready.

Diet smoothies for weight loss: recipes. Making smoothies - cocktails and creams

Only food that you can eat with pleasure is healthy. There are some rules for preparing diet smoothies:

1. Only healthy and fresh foods are placed in the blender. Fruits, vegetables with rotten barrels, watery berries, and wilted herbs are not allowed.
2. Ice cubes can steal both the aroma and taste, so for a cold smoothie it is better to take slightly frozen fruits.
3. To get a liquid smoothie from a very thick one, you need to dilute it not with water, but with juice or fresh juice.
4. Sugar or substitutes should not be added to the food; sweetness can be adjusted by combining sweet and sour ingredients. Vegetable smoothies should be salted as little as possible, or use seaweed instead of salt.
5. A healthy smoothie is not made from milk. To avoid digestive problems, only fermented milk products are added to the dish.

Features of the smoothie diet

1. Smoothies are eaten for breakfast, lunch, afternoon snacks and dinner, since the dish is a complete meal and not a snack.
2. Prepare a small spoon for eating so that you don’t swallow it quickly, but slowly enjoy the delicate aromatic taste.
3. Smoothies with citrus fruits or pineapples are consumed through a straw so as not to damage tooth enamel.
4. In addition to smoothies, be sure to eat lean boiled fish, meat, cereals, nuts, and low-fat cheese.
5. Cocktails and creams always replace only one or two meals, otherwise unwanted physical and mental disorders will occur.
6. Smoothie diets will only bring harm to sick people, pregnant and lactating women.
7. It is very important to play sports or simply move more in the fresh air.

10 best diet smoothies, recipes

1. Mandarin, blueberry, yogurt

3 tangerines, a glass of blueberries and 200 ml. Mix the yogurt in a blender until smooth and creamy, add cinnamon. You can replace blueberries with any wild berries and add a little wild honey.

2. Prunes, kefir and honey

4 pitted prunes, 200 ml. kefir, a little honey and cinnamon, stir and serve with ice.

3. Raspberries, curdled milk, milk

A glass of raspberries, 200 ml. curdled milk, 100 ml. milk. The berries are added to the blender after mixing the liquid and it is started again for 2 minutes.

4. Cabbage Apple juice, black currant

Shredded cabbage 2.5 cups, apple juice 1 cup, 100 ml. black currant. You can add 1 tsp to the smoothie. mustard seeds, they will add piquancy to the taste.

5. Spinach, apple, ginger and avocado

Spinach - a glass, an apple, 250 ml water, a piece of ginger, a little lemon juice and honey, 1/2 an avocado.

6. Apple, carrot, ginger

Apple, carrot, piece of ginger root, a glass of pieces of sauerkraut, ½ glass of water, 1 tsp. flax seed.

7. Kiwi, raspberry, pear

Kiwi - 2, raspberries - a glass, pears - 2, pistachios - 10, honey - a small spoon, water - 250 ml.

8. Cucumber, tomato, orange

Cucumber, tomato, orange, a sprig of arugula and mint.

9. Peach, banana, mango

Peach, half a banana, mango, a bunch of spinach, 150 ml of water.

10. Yogurt, pineapple, strawberry

Yogurt -250 ml., pineapple pieces - a glass, strawberries - 6 pcs.

Smoothies can be prepared in the form of cocktails, which are like juice with pulp, and thicker, with the consistency of soup - puree or slurry. The main secret of their excellent digestibility is the preparation process: when mixed in a blender, the products are saturated with oxygen. All vegetarian smoothies – ambulance for those who want to lose weight.

Smoothies are natural cocktails consisting of fruits, vegetables, dairy products and juice. This is a low-calorie product that can saturate the body necessary elements, is quickly absorbed. Unlike drinking yoghurts, smoothies do not contain sugar, but consist almost entirely of fiber and protein. This effective remedy will help you get rid of excess weight. There are quite a lot of smoothie recipes for weight loss, each of them has found its fans in different parts of the world.

Benefits of drinking smoothies for the body

A smoothie is a delicious, smooth cocktail that is usually drunk through a straw or eaten with a small spoon. It is a healthy and healthy drink that has the following advantages:

  • Smoothies saturate the body with beneficial vitamins and minerals, and also strengthen the immune system and increase the body's resistance to fighting viruses.
  • Due to its high fiber content, it helps normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and also cleanses the body and removes toxins.
  • The cocktail helps maintain vitality, strengthen the nervous system, and is also used as a remedy against stress.
  • Drinking this drink instead of dinner will help you lose weight. So, by adhering to such a cocktail menu, you can lose up to 8 kg in three weeks.
  • Smoothies are good to give to young children. Milk, kefir, and yogurt should be added to the drink, since a growing body simply needs various microelements. You should not give your child diet cocktails; you can add nuts, chocolate, and cream to it. Only it is best to replace sugar with a few tablespoons of honey.

By consuming a smoothie, a person not only saturates the body with vitamins, but also enjoys its taste.

Negative effects of smoothies on the body

Many girls choose smoothies as a drink. Recipes for weight loss can be read further in the article. Now we should consider the negative effects of the drink on the human body in the following cases:

  1. When there is an allergic reaction to one of the ingredients of the cocktail. In this case, it is necessary to select components very carefully so as not to harm the body.
  2. If an upset stomach occurs due to non-compliance with the preparation technology. The highlight of the smoothie is the consumption of vegetables and fruits in their natural form, i.e. without heat treatment. Therefore, you should carefully prepare the products: wash them under running water and, if necessary, peel them.
  3. When drinking only one drink throughout the day without a full meal. You cannot completely give up solid food, it is necessary and only brings positive effects for the body.
  4. Pregnant and nursing mothers should not get carried away with this cocktail; it can only be drunk in moderation.

It is necessary to remember that the consumption of such a drink should be in moderation.

Diet smoothies

To lose excess weight, girls drink diet smoothies. They find recipes for losing weight in print publications or on the Internet. Conventionally, cocktails for getting rid of extra pounds can be divided into:

  • fruit and berry;
  • vegetable;
  • mixed (which includes vegetables, fruits, berries).

Properly selected vegetables and fruits will give the drink a unique taste.

Basic cooking rules

Before you try smoothie recipes for weight loss, you need to know the rules for preparing such a drink:

  1. For a diet shake, you need to choose natural products that are low in calories. Of course, to saturate the body, you can use high-calorie fruits, but only in small quantities.
  2. Never drink smoothies cold or add ice to them. If you eat such food, the receptors will not be able to recognize the taste, and then there is a risk of overeating.
  3. The recipe for diet smoothies does not use sugar; such a drink will only bring extra pounds. Also, you should not add raisins, ice cream, chocolate (even bitter), as sweet ingredients increase hunger and contribute to excess weight.
  4. You can consume smoothies instead of a full meal, for example, replacing breakfast or dinner. You should not drink it with your main meal or enjoy it at any time of the day; such a diet will not get rid of extra pounds, but will only add new ones.
  5. Vegetable smoothie recipes for weight loss do not use salt. This is a rather harmful component, so it is better to add dried seaweed or seasonings.
  6. It is not recommended to drink smoothies instead of regular water. It must be chewed thoroughly, as this drink contains a lot of plant fiber.

By following simple preparation rules, you can achieve a truly tasty and nutritious drink.

Healthy smoothie ingredients

You need to know which products will help you get rid of extra pounds. Here is a list of the most basic and healthy ingredients for smoothies:

  • Fruits. The best of them are apples, pears, citrus fruits, cherries and apricots.
  • Vegetables. Tomatoes, cucumbers, basil, carrots, cauliflower will delight your taste buds and help you lose weight.
  • Dairy products. To reduce weight, low-fat kefir, cottage cheese and yogurt are used in preparing smoothies.
  • Berries. The best fat burners are raspberries, cranberries, blueberries, strawberries, currants and gooseberries.

By combining a variety of vegetables and fruits in a drink, you can achieve effective results in losing excess weight.

Smoothie recipes from fruits and berries for weight loss

The most popular among the population are fruit cocktails, an abundance of which can be found in supermarkets at any time of the year. The recipes are quite simple. To prepare such a drink, you need to use special kitchen equipment. The best blender smoothie recipes for weight loss are presented below. Remember that if you follow the instructions, you will get a really tasty drink. So, the recipes:

  1. Hearty smoothie recipe. Many girls prefer this cocktail recipe, as it is quite nutritious and can replace a full breakfast or dinner. To get this drink, you need to take 1 glass of strawberries and half a ripe banana. Grind the fruits using a blender, then add a glass of zero-percentage kefir or low-fat yogurt and beat. At the end, low-fat cottage cheese is added.
  2. Kiwi smoothie recipe. In this case, the drink is made from four kiwis, freshly squeezed juice of one orange, a glass of low-fat yogurt, and one large spoon of honey. Grind all ingredients with a blender.
  3. Raspberry smoothie recipe. Add one ripe banana, one kiwi, and a glass of raspberries to the grinding container. At the end, you need to pour in a glass of low-fat kefir or yogurt.
  4. Tangerine smoothie for weight loss. Homemade recipes give you the opportunity to independently adjust the amount of ingredients depending on your preferences. So, in this recipe you need to grind one banana, two tangerines in a blender, adding 100 ml of low-fat yogurt, 300 ml of milk, one large spoon of honey. If the smoothie is too rich, you can use half or 1/3 of a banana.
  5. Fruit smoothie with green tea. To prepare, you need to mix a banana, an apple, two kiwis, 70 g of light grapes and one glass of brewed green tea. Then, using a blender, grind all the ingredients until smooth. It is worth noting that the seeds must be removed from the grapes.
  6. A smoothie recipe that can replace a full breakfast. To prepare it, you need to mix half an avocado, one ripe banana, two large spoons of oatmeal, half a glass of milk, a small spoon of honey and a pinch of cinnamon. All components are crushed with a blender and poured into glasses. You can serve immediately after preparation.
  7. Smoothie recipe with oatmeal. Add a banana, a quarter cup of oatmeal, half a glass of low-fat milk and yogurt, and half a small spoon of honey into a special mixing container.
  8. Smoothie recipe for weight loss with kefir. To prepare a healthy and dietary drink, you need to mix one banana, two glasses of zero-percentage kefir, one large spoon of honey and a small spoon of lemon juice in a blender bowl. All ingredients must be ground for a few minutes until smooth.
  9. Raspberry smoothie recipe. To prepare, you need to take one banana, half a glass of raspberries, 100 ml of milk and a pinch of cinnamon. Using a blender, grind the ingredients, then pour the finished drink into glasses.
  10. Blueberry smoothie. Almost every recipe for such a drink contains banana. This fruit perfectly nourishes the body; its natural trace elements make the cocktail moderately sweet and airy. This recipe also requires one banana, a third of a glass of blueberries, and half a glass of low-fat milk or yogurt. Grind the ingredients in a blender until the drink is free of pieces.
  11. Smoothie recipe with kiwi and cottage cheese. First, put three kiwis, peeled and diced, and one large spoon of honey into the blender bowl. Everything is whipped and placed in glasses. Then three bananas and two large spoons of cottage cheese are chopped, everything is carefully laid out on kiwi puree.

If you have questions about the technology for preparing a particular drink, then at any time you can turn to smoothie recipes for weight loss with photos. Such step-by-step instructions make it possible to make truly healthy and nutritious smoothies.

Vegetable smoothie recipes for weight loss

Vegetables are very healthy in any form (due to their high content of carbohydrates, fiber, essential microelements and vitamins). Therefore, such smoothies can replace a full dinner. Some representatives of the fair sex believe that cocktails made from vegetables are not very tasty. This belief exists until they try such a drink. A variety of detox smoothie recipes for weight loss:

  1. Smoothie recipe with cucumber and tomatoes. Place one cucumber, one tomato, two drops of Tabasco sauce, a quarter of bell pepper, one glass of low-fat yogurt, herbs, and seasonings to taste in a blender bowl. All components are ground to a homogeneous mass.
  2. Broccoli smoothie recipe. The preparation of this cocktail begins with boiling the broccoli (do not add salt or seasonings). When the vegetable is ready, place it in a container for blending, add a bunch of greens and a glass of zero-percentage kefir. This drink resembles green soup, so it should be consumed warm.
  3. Smoothie recipe with cucumber and onion. This cocktail will perfectly quench your thirst, give you strength and vigor. To prepare it, you need to grind until smooth: one cucumber, one bell pepper, a stalk of green onion, a small spoon of lemon juice and grated ginger root, one glass of mineral water.
  4. Smoothie recipe for weight loss with celery. To prepare this drink, you need to prepare the vegetables in advance: grate the beets and squeeze out the juice, scald the tomatoes and remove the skin, chop two carrots in a blender, and finely chop two celeries. Then all components are placed in a container and beaten until smooth.
  5. Garlic smoothie recipe. Finely chopped three carrots, beets, radishes, garlic and parsley are placed in a blender bowl. All vegetables are chopped within a few minutes. The finished cocktail is poured into glasses.

As a result of taking it, those losing weight not only get rid of excess weight, but also saturate the body with vitamins and nutrients.

Blended Smoothie Recipes

Drinks made from vegetables and fruits are unusual and tasty. They combine quite different components and create an explosion of taste. The most unusual combinations of vegetables and fruits:

  1. Smoothie recipe for weight loss at home with seaweed. To prepare this drink, put 100 g of chopped white cabbage, one large spoon of seaweed, 70 g of spinach, kiwi, pear, two large spoons of low-fat cream and half a glass of water into a container. All ingredients are blended with a blender until smooth.
  2. Cranberry smoothie recipe. First, the pear, apple and cucumber are peeled and transferred to a mixing container. Add a bunch of spinach, one celery, 100 g of cranberries and chop with a blender. This cocktail is an excellent diuretic.
  3. Mango smoothie recipe. To prepare, you need to take one peeled mango, 100 g of white cabbage, two celery, a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice, and a few sprigs of mint. All components are crushed in a blender within a few minutes. This drink will perfectly cleanse the intestines of toxins and restore microflora.

Despite the (seemingly) incompatible ingredients, the drinks are tasty and nutritious.

Smoothies: an effective tool for weight loss

Smoothie is a very tasty and healthy cocktail. But you shouldn’t use it as the only dish in your diet. You can get more effect by combining the use of smoothies and other healthy foods. This article listed many recipes for smoothie cocktails for weight loss, and now two ways to lose weight with their help will be described:

By consuming drinks in this way, you can achieve a positive effect in the process of losing weight.

Stellar smoothie recipes

Hollywood actresses constantly drink smoothies to achieve a slim and toned body. Here are some striking examples:

  • Bob Harper prefers a berry-apple smoothie with greens for breakfast.
  • But the charming Jessica Alba calls her favorite cocktail “Green Monster”. This is a mixture of berries and vegetables, a completely dietary product.
  • Many people watched the series “Friends”, where the main character Jennifer Aniston is crazy about this drink. Her favorite smoothie is the vegetarian cherry smoothie.
  • There are no boring banana drinks in Katy Perry's diet. Her morning smoothie is like dinner in a small glass.

Smoothies are a surprisingly easy to make and delicious drink. Anyone who decides to drink this cocktail regularly will feel its beneficial effects. So, getting rid of extra pounds will not be difficult.

A smoothie is not a drink, as most of us think, but a tasty, healthy, nutritious and low-calorie mixture (cocktail), prepared from various food components using a blender. A smoothie can be a complete replacement for lunch or dinner, depending on the products added to the mixture. With the help of smoothies, you can easily lose a couple of extra pounds in just a week, and you won’t feel hungry or constantly irritable.


What is a smoothie and its effectiveness for weight loss

Literally from English “smooth” means soft, insinuating, gentle. England is considered its homeland, where it is widely consumed as a light snack or lunch by office workers. Smoothie is very hearty dish, because it contains a large amount of dietary fiber, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the intestines, cleansing it and improving digestion processes.

The smoothie is easily digestible, does not leave a feeling of heaviness, helps normalize metabolism, and is recommended even for those who have problems with the digestive system. A tasty and low-calorie smoothie can be used effectively for weight loss, completely replacing dinner or lunch. To do this, when preparing it, you should use mainly fruits and vegetables (except for high-calorie bananas, grapes, etc., otherwise you can get the opposite effect), natural juices, as well as other low-calorie foods. The desired result will be achieved quite quickly and without special effort. The smoothie's puree-like consistency normalizes the water-salt balance in the body, saturates it with essential vitamins and nutrients, and helps quickly satisfy the feeling of hunger for several hours, which prevents unnecessary snacking between main meals. As a result, you do not transfer, and the small amount of calories consumed will allow you to lose weight painlessly.

Smoothies can be considered a tasty alternative to delicious buns and chocolate, which we often cannot deny ourselves. When using this cocktail for weight loss, it is important to know a few things. It is advisable to eat a smoothie for weight loss with a small spoon, rather than drink it, so the feeling of fullness will come faster, reducing your appetite. For those losing weight, it is better to use it as a replacement for lunch or dinner, or both. You can lose up to three kilograms per week on a smoothie diet. There are, of course, more strict diets when you only need to eat smoothies and drink water in between. But this option is suitable for people who have exceptional willpower. Not everyone can stand seven days on one cocktail, albeit always different, it simply gets boring. Therefore, such a diet is dangerous due to breakdowns.

A smoothie diet should not last more than a week, since low-calorie smoothies do not contain the required amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates that are necessary for the body to function properly.

To consolidate the weight loss results achieved by including smoothies in your diet, you must adhere to a low-calorie diet containing fiber, and also drink a lot of clean, still water. Also replace your afternoon snack or second breakfast with a smoothie. For the same purposes, the cocktail can be used as a fasting day.

Preparing to lose weight with smoothies

To easily transfer the diet, it is important to prepare for it correctly. To do this, a few days before the diet, reduce the calorie content of the diet (up to 1200 kcal) and the volume of consumed portions. It is best to eat porridge, fresh vegetables and fruits at this time, or lean boiled meats and fish. It is also necessary to drink at least two liters of pure water without gas per day. The number of meals per day should be at least four to five (about every 2-2.5 hours), but in small portions, and one of the meals should be replaced with freshly squeezed juice or just water.

When losing weight using smoothies, you should exclude spicy, salty, sweet, fatty, fried, smoked foods, as well as processed foods, canned food, caffeine-containing, alcoholic and carbonated drinks.

During the diet, the total amount of liquid consumed (smoothies, water, juices) should not exceed three liters per day.

You should exit the smoothie diet correctly. This must be done gradually, including solid foods in the diet over two weeks and increasing the calorie content to 1500 calories. And, of course, drink more water throughout the day.

  • To make the smoothie thicker, use more fruit (frozen is also suitable in winter).
  • When you mix sour and sweet varieties of fruit, you will get a richer and richer taste.
  • The basis of the cocktail can be low-fat kefir or natural yogurt; for sweetness, you can add a little natural honey.
  • You can use absolutely any juice for a cocktail, it all depends on your taste, season and preferences.
  • You can add a handful of your favorite nuts on top of the finished cocktail.
  • Do not use high-calorie additives such as sherbet, cream, or ice cream to prepare a cocktail.

How to make smoothies for weight loss

To mix the cocktail, the products should be washed in advance, peeled, seeds removed and cut into halves. It is effective to mix foods of different densities, for example, apple and orange, in equal proportions. There should be no sugar or sugar substitutes in smoothies!

Strict seven-day smoothie diet

During the week, eat only smoothies 4-5 times, 1 glass (about 250 g per serving) per day every 2-2.5 hours.

Three-day smoothie diet

It is more gentle. Provides for replacing three meals with cocktails; for the remaining meals you can eat porridge, boiled low-fat meat, vegetables, and low-fat kefir.

Sample menu.

Breakfast: a portion of oatmeal with water, a glass of apple juice.
Lunch: cocktail serving (250 g).
Dinner: boiled piece chicken fillet, a glass of broth from him.
Afternoon snack: glass of smoothie.
Dinner: a cocktail of pre-boiled vegetables with the addition of a teaspoon of olive oil and herbs.

Smoothie recipes for weight loss

Banana-strawberry smoothie.

Ripe banana pulp (you can use peach, apricot) – ½ part.
Fresh or frozen berries (blueberries, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries) – 150 g.
Low-fat kefir or natural low-fat yoghurt (1%) – 150 ml.
Low-fat cottage cheese – 1 tbsp. l.

Beat the fruits and berries into a homogeneous mass using a blender, then add kefir, beat again and finally add cottage cheese.

Video: Healthy and easy smoothie snack.

Apples with cinnamon for weight loss.

Large apple (remove seeds first) – 1 pc.
Skim milk – 150 ml.
Cinnamon powder – ½ tsp.

Bake the apple in the oven, preheat the milk. Remove the pulp from the baked apple and combine it with milk in a blender, add cinnamon. You can use yogurt instead of milk in this recipe. Get a cold cocktail.

Vegetable smoothie.

Broccoli (florets) – 150 g.
Dill - a small bunch.
Low-fat kefir – 150 ml.
Spicy herbs to taste.

Boil the cabbage for a few minutes, cool. In a blender, mix tender sprigs of dill, kefir, cabbage and, if desired, herbs.

Milk-fruit smoothie.

Orange – 1 pc.

Soy or skim milk - ½ cup.

Mix all ingredients thoroughly in a blender, add chopped nuts or pumpkin seeds to the finished cocktail.

Video: recipe for making a smoothie for weight loss.

Carrot-peach smoothie with flax seeds.

Ripe peach pulp – 2 pcs.
Carrot juice – ½ cup.
Flax seeds (grind in a coffee grinder) – 1 tsp.

Mix all ingredients into a puree in a blender.

Festive smoothie for weight loss.

Ripe banana pulp - ½ part.
Frozen or fresh strawberries – 6 pcs.
1% yogurt – ½ cup.
Freshly squeezed orange juice – ½ cup.
Pre-shredded flax seeds– 1 tbsp. l.

Combine all components into a homogeneous mass and beat with a blender. Add ice cubes to the finished cocktail.

Smoothie “Slimness”

Grapefruit – 2 pcs.
Mandarin – 4 pcs.
Ripe banana pulp – 1 pc.
Strawberry low-fat yogurt – 1 cup.
Country honey – 1 tbsp. l.
Ice cubes.

Beat all ingredients in a blender, add ice cubes.

Citrus smoothie.

Orange – 1 piece.
Grapefruit – 1 pc.
Apple – 2 pcs.
Ripe banana pulp - ½ pc.
Lemon or lime – ½ part.
Grated ginger – 1 pinch.

Combine all components into a homogeneous mass, add grated ginger to the finished cocktail.

Banana smoothie.

Freshly squeezed orange juice – ½ cup.
Ripe banana pulp – 1 pc.
Apple – 1 pc.
Yogurt 1% - 200 g.
Ice cubes.

Beat everything with a blender and add ice cubes.

Strawberry smoothie.

Chilled blueberries or strawberries – 100 g.
Skim milk – ½ cup.
Low-fat yogurt - ¼ cup.
Natural village honey – 2 tsp.
Ice cubes – 2-3 pcs.

First, beat the berries with yogurt, gradually add milk, and finally add honey and ice.

Spinach smoothie.

Spinach greens – 2 cups.
Skim milk – 1 glass.
Frozen banana pulp – 2 pcs.
Ice cubes – 2 pcs.

Whisk all ingredients thoroughly into a puree mixture, add ice.

Healthy smoothie.

Flax seeds – 2 tbsp. l.
Any berries – 200 g.
Powdered stevia – 1 tbsp. l.

Grind the ingredients in a blender.

"Almond chocolate"

Almonds – 30 g.
Water – 100 ml.
Strawberries (you can use any other berry to taste) – 200 g.
Cocoa powder – 1 tsp.

Soak the nuts in water and leave overnight. In the morning, transfer the nuts and other ingredients to a blender with high power and beat.

Delicious and nutritious smoothies for weight loss will be an effective and enjoyable way to lose weight and maintain normal weight.

The diet has contraindications, so you should consult your doctor before implementing it.


  1. Disease and various disorders of the liver and kidneys.
  2. Individual intolerance or allergic reaction to the components of the cocktail.
  3. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract at the acute stage.
  4. Ulcerative lesions of the digestive system.