Investments over 3 years. Compare offers of banks on deposits for three years

A three-year deposit involves keeping funds in a bank for three years, but in most cases, the agreement also indicates the possibility of early withdrawal of part of the funds or the entire amount. This reduces the interest rate, but gives the client more freedom to use the funds. There are also products that do not involve early withdrawal or retention of accrued interest in such a case. They usually have a higher interest rate and are beneficial for those who are not going to use the money anytime soon.

Deposits for 3 years are beneficial for targeted storage of funds. In this way, you can save any amount for a mortgage, buying a car, paying for education or travel. Over a long period of savings, the accrued interest will also be significant, which will help not only maintain, but also increase the initial amount.

Our services

You can choose a profitable product on our website using a special filter. The search is carried out by several parameters at once:

  • minimum investment amount;
  • interest rate;
  • currency;
  • storage period;
  • rating.

The rating allows you to get an idea of ​​cooperation with the bank even before the registration of any products in it. When ranking the offers of banks in the list, the most important indicators of the convenience of cooperation with the bank are taken into account:

  • profitability;
  • the reliability of the institution;
  • deposit options (replenishment, interest capitalization);
  • availability.

Current offers

Among the most profitable deposits for 36 months with a high interest rate at the moment, the following options can be noted:

  • with a minimum deposit amount from 1,000 to 500,000 rubles;
  • with an interest rate of up to 7.06%.

In order to leave only deposits for three years in the list, you must select the appropriate filter item. The issue contains offers of both large international banks and small regional branches. You can make a deposit in rubles, dollars or euros.

Learn more about deposits

Not satisfied with any of the presented deposits for three years? You can subscribe to our newsletter and receive news about all current and new contributions. To subscribe, just enter your email address in the appropriate field.

The databases on the site are automatically updated every 24 hours, and with us you will always be aware of the highest interest rates for this type of banking service today. Even on the portal, you can learn about the current situation on the market and get acquainted with the opinions of the most famous experts. Using a convenient service with a mailing list format, you will be aware of the most latest news and shares on deposits.
the site is a really high-quality and useful resource in investing and saving personal funds.

The bank is a familiar method of storage and accumulation for ordinary citizens. This article will consider aspects related to the choice of a bank, as well as deposit products to get the maximum benefit when placing money for 3 years. In addition, the reader will be able to get acquainted with the most profitable offers of Moscow banks in the most common currencies - ruble deposits will be considered, as well as deposits in US dollars and euros.


The placement of a bank deposit is the transfer by the depositor of his own funds for storage to any credit institution. The Bank has the right to dispose of these funds - to invest them in various enterprises in order to generate income, and as payment for the use of these funds, the client receives remuneration according to the agreed conditions (deposit interest).

An additional advantage for the investor is a higher degree of safety Money- during storage, the bank assumes all the risks of their loss. In addition, this storage of money facilitates the process of accumulation, since there is no temptation to spend the amount on hand.


The interest rate on deposits differs, depending on the length of the period during which the bank can use the client's funds to generate income, the longer the term of the agreement, the higher the interest. Also, the interest rate depends on the amount of invested funds - banks are interested in attracting as much money as possible for their operations, therefore they increase the percentage for large deposits.

Do you want to fix a favorable interest rate for a longer period? Then read how to do it:

Current as of March 2018.

Of course, " best contribution" is a relative concept. It is all the more difficult to choose the most profitable option among the existing variety of deposit products on Russian market. Statistics show that today in our country there are about nine hundred financial institutions with a banking license. About three hundred such institutions operate in the Moscow region. And each of them offers several types of deposits for individuals at once. The number of urgent savings offers in one bank sometimes reaches 10 with different opening and management conditions.

Therefore, we decided to consider only 3 options for deposits of those large banks that annually confirm their high reliability rating. Among them are institutions that ranked 4.7 and 9th in terms of net assets as of October 1, 2014. Yes, and for others economic indicators reliability VTB 24, Alfa-Bank and UniCredit Bank consistently rank among the top ten Russian credit institutions.

According to experts, some long-term deposits are a more profitable investment of money than the option of buying an apartment and then renting it out. In addition, each person assesses the risks of transactions with real estate and bank deposits in his own way. The stability and ease of income generation speak in favor of the latter, the size interest rate, which is higher, the longer the term and amount of the contract.

The overview of three-year deposits in this article includes only products with monthly interest capitalization. In this case, the attractiveness of the deposit for Russian depositors, who traditionally choose not a stable bank, but a service with an increased income, is growing.

VTB24 deposit "Target - Telebank"

Of all the bank's deposit products, half are intended for individuals who prefer modern technologies in everything, even in managing bank accounts. Citizens who actively use technical innovations can remotely draw up several deposits, among which the “Target - Telebank” deposit compares favorably with its characteristics. Free online transfers between customer accounts are available around the clock, even on weekends. Therefore, depositors can open and monitor the balance on their accounts at any time without wasting time visiting the bank's office.

Despite the fact that the maximum interest rate is stated as 6.75% for deposits in rubles, its size can be increased at the expense of capitalized interest to the level of 7.46% per annum. In addition, the deposit is replenished.

Additional contributions from 1 ruble / euro / dollars can be made remotely and non-cash throughout the entire term of the contract, which leads to an increase in the rate when the amount on the account begins to exceed a certain amount limit

The product has the following relationship between the income percentage and the monetary range with a shelf life of 3 years:

- 5.9% for 10,000 - 100,000 rubles,
- 6.2% for 100,001 - 300,000 rubles,
- 6.5% for 300,001 - 1,000,000 rubles,
- 6.65% for 1,000,001 - 5,000,000 rubles,
- 6.7% for 5,000,001 - 9,500,000 rubles,
- 6.75% for 9,500,000 and more.

Similarly, for foreign currency savings, the rate increases from 1.75% (minimum $500) to 1.95% (minimum $400,001) or from 1.10% (minimum €500) to 1.30% (minimum $400,001). Euro).

Perhaps the only unattractive moment is the lack of the possibility of debit transactions on the deposit. When you make a deposit for 3 years, it is difficult to predict in advance the need for early withdrawal of funds, which may appear quite unexpectedly. However, the situation is compensated by more than favorable conditions for early termination of the contract. In this case, all interest previously paid to the depositor for each past month is not recalculated by the bank and is not returned back.

The largest credit institution, VTB24, is a retail structure of another Russian bank, VTB, the main shareholder, which lists the Federal Agency for State Property Management. The volume of VTB24's retail business exceeds a trillion rubles attracted on deposits, not counting other private investments. Today, only Sberbank can boast of higher rates.

Alfa-Bank deposit "Potential"

UniCredit Bank deposit « Universal»

If the depositor is ready to choose the highest interest rate in exchange for the inability to replenish and spend the savings account for 3 long years, then UniCredit Bank offers suitable conditions for small amounts under the Universal agreement. Another advantage of this deposit product lies in the choice of the deposit currency. You can open a deposit in traditional rubles, as well as in euros or US dollars.

Here, the profitability also depends on the amount of savings, but the small amount of the deposit, combined with a high interest rate, which is also capitalized monthly, draws attention. increases as a result of accumulation. The rate for investments for a three-year period (1101 days) will be 9.50% in rubles with a deposit amount of 10,000 to 8 million rubles, 2.50% with a deposit amount of 300 to 200,000 dollars, 2.25% with an amount of 300 to 200,000 euros.

It should be noted that the accrued interest and the amount of the deposit at the end are credited to the current account from which the deposit was placed. At the same time, the withdrawal of money from the current account is subject to a commission from 1% to 5%. When withdrawing money from a card account, no commission is charged, however, there are daily and monthly withdrawal limits.

In 2013, UniCredit Bank's private deposit portfolio increased by 21%, i.е. the growth amounted to almost 13 billion rubles. According to the results of October this year, the bank ranks 9th among Russian colleagues in terms of net assets.

When considering the possibility of placing a deposit for 3 years in a bank, do not forget that a lot can change over such a long period of time. If you are not sure that you are ready to deposit money for three years, it may make sense to look at other savings options. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with ours.

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    • Changing rates

      Energobank has revised the conditions for deposits

      Energobank announced a change in the conditions for placing ruble deposits. The rate on the "Pension Mood" deposit currently reaches 5.1% per annum. The minimum amount of placement under the program is 5 thousand rubles. The term for placing funds is 200 or 367 days. The maximum rate on the "Convenient" deposit is now 4.7% per annum.

      18 Feb 2020
    • Changing rates

      Genbank has revised the rates on the deposit "Winter's Tale"

      Genbank has reduced interest rates on the seasonal deposit "Winter's Tale" by 0.3%. Now the yield is from 4.45% to 5.1%, depending on the amount and term of placement. As part of the deposit program, the bank accepts funds for 45 or 91 days, the minimum amount is 50 thousand rubles. Replenishment and partial withdrawal funds are not allowed. Interest

      13 Jan 2020
    • Bank Rossiya presented a special deposit "Welcome"

      Inhabitants Nizhny Novgorod and Simferopol can issue a deposit "Welcome" in the bank "Russia". The deposit was developed in honor of the opening of new representative offices of the bank in the capital of the Republic of Crimea and the largest city of the Volga Federal District. The "Welcome" deposit can be opened for a period of 1 or 3 months (31 or 91 days). Yield

      23 Oct 2019
    • New Product

      RRDB introduced a "Festive" deposit with a yield of up to 7.1% per annum

      The All-Russian Bank for Regional Development has a new deposit service with increased profitability. The rate of 7.1% per annum is provided when placing funds in the amount of 5 million rubles or more for a period of 6 to 12 months. When placing a smaller amount, the deposit rate is reduced by 0.1 percentage points. Minimum deposit amount

      16 Sep 2019
    • Actual

      The Central Bank of the Russian Federation has set the level of basic profitability of August deposits

      Profitability of urgent ruble deposits decreased in August, on demand - increased. Bets on currency deposits may be reduced. Such recommendations were published by the Central Bank. In August, the basic rate of return on demand deposits was increased from 6.24% to 6.338%. For term deposits - reduced by 0.11-0.26%. Profitability dropped the least

      July 19, 2019
    • New Product

      NS Bank presented "Solnechny" deposit

      NS Bank has developed a new short-term deposit service. Solnechny deposit can be opened by both existing and new clients financial structure until the end of the current month. The yield of the deposit product is 7.5% per annum. The minimum placement amount is 100,000 rubles. A "solar" deposit is issued for 3 months (91 days).

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    • New Product

      United Capital presented new deposits for individuals

      Bank "United Capital" has developed new deposit products for retail clients, which can be issued in the remote banking system. "Term online" deposit is issued for a period of 3 months to 2 years. The maximum yield of the deposit service is 7.3% per annum. Rate provided upon placement

      04 Apr 2019
    • New Product

      Vozrozhdenie reactivated the Good Traditions deposit

      Vozrozhdenie Bank resumed accepting household funds under the Good Traditions deposit program, which appeared in the assets of the credit and financial structure at the beginning of 2018. The starting amount for placement under the Good Traditions service is set at 30,000 rubles. The deposit is issued for 1.5 years. Deposit rate taking into account

      31 Jan 2019

    Some banks offer depositors long-term deposits, namely for three years, which, in fact, is a rarity. For the most part, banks do not offer deposits for more than one year, but interest rates for such programs are somewhat higher. Consider the tariffs and conditions for deposits for three years in some banks.

    Sberbank line

    Sberbank of Russia offers three fixed-term deposits for a period of three years. But, only one of them provides for operations on the expenditure of funds and replenishment of the account. Consider the conditions of the bank.

    Contribution "Manage". The minimum amount to open a deposit is 30,000 rubles, while the interest yield will be 6%. The higher the deposit amount, the higher the percentage. In this way, maximum bet will be 6.5% with a minimum balance of 2 million rubles.

    The client can choose the conditions for the deposit. Namely, independently determine the size of the minimum balance and the method of paying interest - they can be capitalized, in which case the rate will be several positions higher. There are no incentives for early termination. At the end of the term, the contract is automatically renewed.

    "Replenish" can also be opened for a period of three years. This offer is more beneficial for those who want to get a good profitability for a certain period. The deposit does not provide for debit transactions. But you can replenish the main amount of the deposit throughout the entire term of the contract. At the same time, when the size of the minimum balance reaches the next amount range, the interest rate will be automatically increased. Thus, with a minimum investment of 1,000 rubles, the yield can be from 6.5% to 7%. If the investor prefers capitalization conditions, the interest rate will be higher than indicated. A feature of this deposit is an increased rate for pensioners (with a minimum balance of 1000 rubles - 6.5%).

    "Save" created for those who want to get the maximum benefit from investing money for a period of three years. Of the entire line of Sberbank, the most high percent and the lowest possible down payment, but this product does not allow expenditure and income transactions. With a minimum investment of 1,000 rubles, the yield can range from 6.90% (7.64%) to 7.4% (8.26%). Rates in parentheses include capitalization.

    All of the above deposits can be opened in US dollars or euros. In addition, each of these can be opened remotely through Sberbank Online. In this case, interest rates will be more favorable.

    Alfa-Bank deposits

    Alfa-Bank also offers deposits for 3 years, but here the interest rates are much higher. For example, contribution "Victory", as well as "Save" from Sberbank of Russia, you cannot replenish and withdraw part of the money from the account. The interest rate also depends on the amount of the down payment and the minimum balance and varies for a period of three years in the range from 12.42% to 12.96%. Accrued interest is paid only at the end of the term of the deposit, but their capitalization is carried out every month. Under the Pobeda program, the minimum balance must be at least 10,000 rubles and, unlike Sberbank, preferential rates are not provided for premature closing of the deposit. At the end of the period of placement of funds, the contract is automatically extended.

    The "Premium" deposit assumes the same conditions as the "Victory", but here you can use the accrued interest, which will be transferred every month to a current account or a plastic card. The rate for placing money for three years will be from 10.6% to 11%.

    Another interesting offer from Alfa-Bank is the Potential deposit, which is issued in the amount of 10,000 rubles at 7.9-8.3 percent per annum. This deposit is replenishable, interest is capitalized, and the possibility of partial spending of funds from the deposit is also allowed.

    As well as in the Sberbank of Russia, all of the above deposits can be opened in US dollars or euros. In addition, each of these deposits can also be opened online.

    Deposits in VTB24

    Less favorable interest, but more flexible terms for deposits for three years and more, is offered by VTB24 Bank. Here you can open several deposits for three years. Let's take a closer look at the product "Comfortable". It allows the depositor to replenish the deposit and use the accrued interest, as well as carry out debit transactions. The amount for opening a deposit is from 100,000 rubles, the percentage yield is 6.05-6.3 percent. Preferential rates are provided for premature closing of the deposit. At the end of the validity period, the deposit is automatically renewed.

    Another deposit from VTB24, which can only be opened remotely for a period of three years or more "VTB24 - Comfortable - Telebank". The amount to open a deposit is from 10,000 rubles, the yield is from 5.9% to 7.46%. The interest rate also depends on the amount of the down payment. This deposit allows you to replenish the principal amount of the deposit and use interest, which, at its discretion, will be transferred every month to the current account or capitalized. However, the contract does not provide for preferential terms for early termination. At the end of the validity period, the contract is automatically renewed, but no more than two times.

    Both deposits can be opened in US dollars or euros.

    Raiffeisenbank, unfortunately, does not offer deposits for a period of three years. The maximum validity period of ruble deposits is up to 730 days.

    Russian Standard Bank" also, like Raiffeisenbank, it prefers to conclude an agreement for a shorter period. The maximum term of deposits is less than a year, namely up to 360 days.

    More detailed information for the above deposits, as well as other products of banks, you can find on the pages of official websites.