Quiz “Bird Day” for children of the preparatory group. Quiz "What do we know about birds?" What bird is the children of the wind called?

Quiz for schoolchildren with answers

1. What bird lives from two to four years: eats, drinks, sleeps and mates on the fly? (Common swift)

2. What birds breed on ice at an average temperature of minus twenty degrees Celsius and a wind speed of twenty-five to seventy-five kilometers per hour? (Penguins)

3. Which bird, when running at full speed, can have each step equal to seven meters? (In the African ostrich)

4. Which modern bird has the largest wingspan? (The albatross, wandering in the southern seas, has a wingspan of three meters and sixty-three centimeters)

5. Which birds make the longest flights? (Arctic terns breed in the Arctic Circle, fly to Antarctica for the winter, and then return back, making a flight of thirty-five thousand kilometers)

6. Which bird flaps its wings more often than others? (Hummingbird. The usual frequency of beats is ninety beats per second, during courtship - two hundred beats per second)

7. Which birds have each feather equipped with a small muscle that controls its movements: on land, the feathers puff up, creating an insulating layer of air, and in water they are tightly pressed to the body, like a waterproof barrier? (Penguins have the densest feathers: there are eleven to twelve feathers per square centimeter)

8. Which bird has a beak length of forty-seven centimeters? (In the Australian pelican)

9. What amazing bird, having left the nest, does not return to earth until full maturity, which takes from three to ten years; Does she fly all the time, only occasionally resting on the water? (Sooty Tern)

10. Which birds of prey are the most vigilant and are able to spot a pigeon at a distance of eight kilometers? (Peregrine falcons)

11. This little bird is making a nest in a hollow tree. And if someone wants to feast on her chicks, she skillfully imitates a snake - she stretches her neck and hisses. It is for such masterly control of her neck that she got her name. Which? (Wryneck)

12. Which bird got its name from its large crop, which increases the size of its throat? (Dove)

13. The finch is not at all afraid of the cold; it flies in early spring, when there is snow on the fields, and flies away in late autumn. Why was he nicknamed the finch? (He flies and arrives in cold, “chilly” times)

14. The beak of this bird is bent crosswise, as if it were compressed, squeezed. This bird got its name from the shape of its instrument-like beak. Which? (Klest. The Russian word “klest” meant “to squeeze, squeeze, squeeze.” The word “pincers” came from this verb)

15. This bird’s beak is huge, like a net. Horseflies, flies, mosquitoes, which so disturb livestock, will not escape this trap. So this bird flies to where there is a lot of livestock and feasts on insects. And people thought that she was flying in to milk the cattle, so they called her... What? (Nightjar)

16. The name of which wading bird comes from an ancient Russian verb meaning “to move slowly”? (“Heron” from the verb “chap” - walk slowly)

17. Which bird’s name indicates that it trembles with one part of its body? (Wagtail)

18. What family of birds does the peacock belong to? (To the chicken family)

19. What bird can swim better than fly and run? (Penguin)

20. Which sacred bird, according to ancient legend, could be reborn from the ashes, why did it become a symbol of immortality? (Phoenix)

21. Which parrot has a crest? (At the cockatoo)

22. What birds’ arrival do we consider the beginning of spring? (Arrival of rooks)

23. Which songbird gets its food by diving into the water under the ice? (Dipper)

24. What bird breeds chicks at any time of the year, even in the snow? (Crossbill. Crossbills feed their chicks with pine and spruce seeds)

25. What birds spend the night buried in the snow? (Grouse, partridge, hazel grouse)

26. Which bird has eyes moved to the back of its head and why? (In the woodcock, because it gets its food by sticking its beak deep into the ground)

27. What flying nocturnal predator appears in our country only in winter? (Polar white owl)

28. What bird makes a nest out of fish bones? (Kingfisher)

29. Which forest bird is white in winter and piebald in summer? (Ptarmigan)

30. Which birds are the smallest in our country? (Roadroot (wren) and wren. They are almost the same height: smaller than the rocker dragonfly)

31. Which of our forest birds have yellow males and green females? (At the crossbills)

32. Which bird screams like a torn cat? (Oriole)

33. Which bird “barks”? (A male ptarmigan makes a sound similar to a dog barking during the spring in the spring)

34. Name the pink bird that the song says is “the child of the sunset.” (Pink flamingo)

35. Hairy caterpillars are covered with poisonous bristles, and birds avoid touching them. These caterpillars can cause pain even to humans if they get on the skin, eyes, mouth or nose. And only one bird eats them with pleasure without harmful consequences. What kind of bird is this? (Cuckoo)

36. Australian radio begins its broadcasts with very unusual call signs, borrowed from the world of wildlife. Every morning the voice of the kookaburra (or kookaburra) bird is heard on the radio. What is unusual about the calls of this bird? (She laughs loudly and contagiously. This sound is intended to give all waking people a good mood for the whole working day)

37. Which bird is a symbol of pedagogy? (Pelican. It has been observed that in times of hunger, pelicans can selflessly peck meat from their bodies to feed their chicks)

38. Which bird in Rus' symbolizes marital fidelity? (Swan. Since a pair of swans, having met once, live together all their lives)

39. Which bird “guards the family hearth”, serves as a symbol of family well-being and ensures that the family has more offspring? (Stork)

40. What birds mutter in the spring: “I’ll buy a robe, sell a fur coat,” and in the fall: “I’ll sell a robe, buy a fur coat”? (Male black grouse (kosachs). These words were chosen in imitation of the spring and autumn muttering of kosachs)

41. When they say about a bird: “It flew overseas to die”? (When the hunter “misses” her)

42. Which bird can kill a person with a kick? (Ostrich)

43. Which bird has the longest legs and the longest neck? (A flamingo. It flies, stretched out like an arrow)

44. What are the most birds on the globe? (In first place in number is the order of gallinaceae. In second place are passerines)

45. Which birds walk most of the way from the south? (Crake, marsh hen)

46. ​​What is a “woodpecker forge”? (This is the name of a tree into the crack of which a woodpecker puts cones in order to process them with its beak. On the ground under such a “smithy” a whole mountain of torn cones often accumulates)

47. Which bird gets its name from the island on which it lives? (Canary from the Canary Islands)

48. The ancient Indians called this bird parapushta, which means “fed by another.” What do we call this bird? (Cuckoo)

49. What bird do Americans not go through every Thanksgiving without? (No turkey)

50. Which bird from the raven family can imitate the voices of other birds? (Jay)

51. This bird became known after the discovery of America, and it is called after an Asian country. What kind of bird is this? (Turkey, turkey)

52. What birds, according to legend, saved the city of Rome? (Geese)

53. What are the names of American ostriches? (Nandu) What about African ones? (Emu)

54. Why did the raven fall into the category of the wicked, according to Christian doctrine? (The Bible says that after the end of the rain, Noah’s ark stopped at Mount Ararat. Noah was the first to release a raven from the ark so that it would fly around the surroundings and find out if there were places from which the water had gone. But the raven flew away and did not return, as it was busy searching for corpses)

55. What second bird did Noah send from the ark to scout? (A dove. He returned with an oil branch in his beak and was ranked among the sacred birds)

56. What birds, according to legend, fed the Babylonian queen Semiramis? (When Semiramis's mother, the goddess Derketo, refused to raise the girl, she was fed by pigeons, stealing milk from the shepherds)

57. Which artist made the Dove of Peace drawing in 1947? (Pablo Picasso)

58. What song about what bird did Vasily Ivanovich Chapaev and his comrades sing in the famous movie? (“Black raven, black raven, why are you crawling over me? You won’t get any prey. Black raven, I’m not yours...”)

59. Who calls cuckoos: male or female? (Only the male cuckoos)

60. Tradition says that the famous statesman, archon, strategist and commander Themistocles during the war proposed to include bird fighting in the combat training program of young Athenians. Which ones? (Cockfights so that warriors learn from them dedication, perseverance and courage)

61. Which European country bore the rooster name for a long time? (France was formerly called Gaul from the Latin word "gall" - rooster)

62. What birds were mercilessly exterminated in China in 1959 as crop destroyers? (Sparrows. When these birds were exterminated, locusts came and ate the entire harvest)

63. What birds do the Chinese specially train to capture fish with their beaks and bring them to their owner? (Baklanov)

64. Why doesn’t a trained cormorant swallow the fish it catches? (They put a special leash around their throat, which prevents them from doing this)

Quiz on the topic “Birds”

1. Bird, a symbol of purity and nobility. (Swan.)

2. Fidget bird. (Wagtail.)

3. Stupid handsome men. (Pheasants.)

4. Who has a bag under its beak? (At the pelican.)

5. Which bird hatches its chicks in the rain? (Swan.)

6. Which bird flies the highest? (Eagle.)

7. Which bird flies the fastest? (Swift.)

8. What is the favorite treat of storks? (Frogs.)

9. What bird can fly tail first? (Hummingbird.)

10. Which bird is the smallest in our country? (Korolek.)

11. What bird is called the forest doctor? (Woodpecker.)

12. What bird reminds people on a summer evening that it’s time to sleep? (Quail.)

13. Which bird is called a gossip? (Magpie.)

14. What birds are said to be “messengers of young spring”? (About larks.)

15. Who sleeps during the day, flies at night, scares passers-by (Owl.)

16. Who flies to us first - swifts or swallows (Swallows.)

17. Why shouldn’t you touch eggs in nests with your hands? (Because birds then abandon their nests.)

18. What is more terrible for birds - the cold or the hunger of winter? (Hunger.)

19. With the arrival of which birds does spring begin? (With the arrival of rooks.)

20. What birds spend the night buried in the snow? (Grouse, partridge, hazel grouse.)

21. Which bird, returning from the south, walks part of the way (Crake, or jerk.)

Quiz for junior schoolchildren "International Bird Day"

Chelysheva Irina Vasilievna, teacher of the educational institution "S(K)O boarding school of the VIII type No. 5" in Kursk.

Correctional and educational:
-summarize and consolidate children’s knowledge about birds;
Correctional and developmental:
- develop interest, observation, broaden children’s horizons, arouse interest in the natural world;
Correctional and educational:
- cultivate a caring attitude towards feathered friends.
Equipment: recording of bird voices, presentation, multimedia projector, chips, certificates for awarding winners.
Quiz progress:
Educator:- Today we will talk about our friends. Which ones? Listen to the recording and you will understand. (A phonogram of birdsong sounds).
There are a lot of birds in the world - about 9000 species. There are very large birds, and there are tiny ones, no larger than a butterfly or dragonfly, weighing several grams. There are birds that can fly above the clouds, and there are also those that cannot fly, for example, penguins.
Some birds live in the forest, others in the steppe. But there are also birds that cannot live either in the forest or in the steppe. They live only in the desert or mountains, while others live only on the seashore.
Some eat fish, others insects. There are birds of prey that feed on animals. And there are those who eat only plant foods: Mainly berries and seeds (woodpecker, goldfinch).
Some settle in hollows, others build nests on the ground or on the branches of trees and bushes.
Today we will conduct a quiz on the topic: “What do we know about birds.” Let's split into two teams. Each team must come up with a name for itself. Our quiz will consist of four competitions. For each correct answer, the team receives one chip. If a team does not have an answer, the opposing team has the right to answer.
- Before we start the quiz, we’ll warm up with you a little.
First competition "Warm-up"
Educator:- The first team to give the correct answer earns a chip.
I'm blue-winged
Everyone has been calling me since childhood.
As a symbol of peace
They both love and honor. (Pigeon.)

This bird loves the sea.
I'm used to living in open spaces.
Will dive into the blue sea -
He will bring a fish in his beak.
What kind of bird? Guess what!
Everyone knows what it is. (Gull.)

Flies all night -
Gets mice.
And it will become light -
Sleep flies into the hollow. (Owl.)

The brothers stood on stilts,
They look for food along the way.
Are you running or are you walking?
They can't get off their stilts. (Cranes.)

Sits in a cage all day,
And he repeats under his breath,
But when I heard the door creak,
He shouts "Philip-Philip"
Give Kesha a drink quickly,
Who is this - (Parrot.)

Feathers are black and shiny,
Can be quite cocky
That's it - the end of the pests!

The name of that bird is ... (Starling.)

She lives under the roofs
He builds his nest from clay,
He fusses all day long,
Doesn't sit on the ground
Flying high in the clouds,
Eats midges on the fly,
Sweetheart in a black tailcoat,
Is it called?…..(Swallow.)

Kar-kar-kar! Kar-kar-kar! –
That's the whole repertoire.
Announces the maple crown
With his singing...(Crow.)

Tuft on the head,
In the swamp, as in the canteen:
Thinking about food
Walks and wanders on the water,
Where the stranded fry are swarming.
Catches fish and frogs.
Grab, frog throw, up-la.
The juggler, apparently... (Heron).

This white-winged bird
It doesn't fit in the zoo.
To make people smile
He flies towards them with a package... (Stork.)

The second competition “Don’t yawn, answer questions!”

Educator:- Each team must quickly answer ten questions; if you don’t know the answer, say “next.” The second team is silent and does not give any hints. For this competition you will receive as many chips as you give correct answers.
Questions for the first team:
1. What birds do not land either on the ground, or on the water, or on branches (Swifts)
2. The smallest bird (Wren)
3. Which bird hatches chicks in winter (Crossbill)
4. Which bird barks like a dog (Male Ptarmigan)
5. What bird is named after the writer (Gogol)
6. Where do starlings nest except in birdhouses (in Hollow)
7. Where are penguins found (in Antarctica)
8. Which birds are the fastest (Swifts)
9. The largest bird in Russia (bustard)
10. Which bird drums (Woodpecker)
Questions for the second team:
1. Which bird makes the longest flight (Arctic Tern)
2. Does the chick breathe in the egg (Yes)
3. Which birds have females and males singing (Bullfinches)
4. Which bird is named after an insect (Flycatcher)
5. Do our migratory birds build nests in the south (No)
6. A bird that sings only high in the sky (lark)
7. Which bird has the same name as the boy? (Slavka)
8. Which bird's name is associated with a horse? (Skate)
9. What bird runs underwater? (Dipper)
10. Which bird is named after the dance? (Tap dance)
Third competition "Living Synonyms"

Educator:- It is necessary to select the names of birds in order to obtain expressions used in comparison with people. For example, “wet” (helpless), like a hen (wet chicken).
Assignment to the first team:
1. Wise as ... (owl)
2. As cocky as... (rooster)
3. Thieving, like ... (magpie)
4. Important, pompous, like... (turkey)
5. Long-legged, like ... (heron)
6. Big-eyed like... (eagle owl)
7. A predatory look, like ... (a hawk)
8. A keen gaze, like that of... (a falcon)
9. A nose with a hump, like ... (an eagle)
10. The neck is tender, long, like that of ... (swan)
Assignment to the second team:
1. Loyalty... (swan).
2. Love and tenderness... (pigeon).
3. Big-eyed, like... (eagle owl).
4. Yellowmouth, like... (chick, chick).
5. Chat or chatter like... (magpie).
6. Twitter, chat happily, like... (sparrow, bird)
7. Coo like... (dove).
8. Caw (cause trouble) like... (crow).
9. Pound (say the same thing) like... (woodpecker).
10. Majestic gait, like ... (a peacock) (performs like a peahen).
Fourth competition “Proverbs about birds”.

Educator:- I start, and you finish.
1. That bird is bad (whose nest is not nice).
2. The word is not a sparrow, (if it flies out, you won’t catch it).
3. Better is a bird in the hands (than a pie in the sky).
4. Goose is a pig (not a friend).
5. An old sparrow (you can’t fool him on chaff).
6. On someone else’s side, (glad about my little crow).
7. The raven won’t peck out the crow’s eye.
8. Every sandpiper (praises his swamp).
9. For forty martyrs (forty birds fly).
10. Annunciation - (the release of birds to freedom).
Summing up
Awarding the winners and the most active players (certificates).
Educator:- I would like to end our quiz with the poem “Request” by N. A. Zabolotsky.
The wounded bird was not given into the hands,
A wounded bird remained a bird.
I still have this old dream:
A bird flinched on the bloody grass.
Birds, fish, animals look into people's souls.
Feel sorry for them, people! Don't kill in vain!
After all, the sky without birds is not the sky,
And a sea without fish is not a sea,
And a land without animals is not a land.
Giant people, giant people,
You have rifles, nets and traps.
You have fearlessness, you have strength forever.
And there must be a heart. Human heart!
Human people, countries and peoples,
We are now forever debtors to nature!
We need to pay off this debt somehow.
Let the wounded bird spread its wings!

Cognitive and educational quiz “Bird Experts”

Target: to intensify children's cognitive interest in the world of birds.


Develop logical thinking, memory, attention, communication skills, friendly attitude towards each other; Foster love and respect for nature.

Venue: assembly hall Equipment: computer, screen, projector, images of different types of birds, stereo system, audio recordings of bird voices, songs about birds, tokens.

Game participants: studying 7-9 grades.

Event plan


The game consists of 5 rounds, each round has a specific set of questions and tasks, and for correct answers you receive tokens. After four rounds, the winners with the most tokens are determined and play the last round. The jury will evaluate the answers.

Leading:(The song “Blackbirds” is played by the ensemble “Pesnyary”; slides of photos of birds are projected. Screensaver slide “Bird Experts”)

Main part

ROUND 1 "Riddles"
- At night it flies to hunt, does not see during the day, and does not want to sleep (Owl)
- There is a palace on the pole, in the palace there is a singer, and his name is... (Starling)
- I swam in the water, but remained dry. (Goose)
- It flew through the forest, fell into the water - it didn’t gurgle. (bird feather)

You can catch it, but you can’t throw it over the mountain. (Pooh, feather)
- The house stands on a shelf, the owner sits on the porch. (birdhouse, starling)
-Not a woodcutter, not a carpenter, but the first worker in the forest. (Woodpecker)
- In the summer he follows the plowman, and in the winter he leaves screaming. (Rook)
-Whiter than snow, blacker than soot, higher than the house, lower than the grass. (Magpie)
-Red paws, long neck, Pinches your heels, run without looking back. (Goose)
-Even though I’m not a hammer, I knock on wood, I want to explore every corner of it (Woodpecker)
-As black as soot, as white as sour cream. I like to tell everyone in the forest where I have been. (Magpie)
-Lives in the forest, hoots like a robber. (Owl)
-Grey-backed, red-breasted, lives in winter groves,
- Which bird is named after the insect? (Flycatcher)
-Which bird has the longest tongue? (Woodpecker, 15 cm)

What is the smallest bird in our country? (Korolek)

Which bird has a very long tail? (Magpie)
- Which bird is named after the dance? (Tap dance)
-Which bird has the writer’s surname as its name? (Gogol)
-Which city can float in the air? (Eagle)

ROUND 2 « Find out by description".

1 “I reliably destroy various harmful insects and their larvae. Only I eat hairy silkworm caterpillars. Bronze chafers are a favorite delicacy. I do not harm either seeds or berries. The foresters respect me very much, but the birds really don’t like me, and people don’t like me either, they think that I’m a bad mother to my children. What do you think about me? (Cuckoo)

2 In the ancient book “Biographies of dumb animals,” published in the 17th century, it is stated: “These birds can also be attached to hypocrites, who in the sun or in front of people want to appear like saints, but at night they commit all sorts of wickedness.” What birds are we talking about?( Owls)

3The English name of this bird - the petrel - comes from the name of St. Peter, who, as is known, could walk on water. And these birds seem to be able to do the same thing at sea even in a storm. Give them their Russian name.( Petrel)

4 It is from these nests that the famous soup is made: when cooked, the nests look like a tasty gelatin solution. Because the nests of these birds are eaten, large colonies of them have become very rare.( swiftlets)

ROUND 3 "Characteristics"

Participants will be offered a form - a task,

Participants' task connect the signs with the names of the birds.

The one who is the first to complete the task correctly will receive an additional token. (The song “Stork on the Roof” plays)

Form - task

Forest cat oriole

Builder bird cormorant

Bird acrobat nightingale

Feathered nuthatch soloist

Swallow fishing bird

ROUND 4 “Do you know?

Birds in music.

* What bird is the name of the famous romance by A. A. Alyabyev based on the poems by A. A. Delvig? (romance "The Nightingale")
* What is the name of the famous ballet by P.I. Tchaikovsky, dedicated to beautiful birds? (Swan Lake)
* What bird is present in the title of one of Rossini's operas? (Magpie – “The Thieving Magpie”)
What birds’ voices were reflected in one of Rimsky-Korsakov’s operas “The Snow Maiden”? (Cuckoo, blackbird, bullfinch)

Birds in literature.

*. Which bird in S. Ya. Marshak’s poem dined with the animals at the zoo? (Sparrow)
*. Name the bird from whose pen many literary masterpieces came? (Goose)
* What was the name of the goose in A. P. Chekhov’s story “Kashtanka”? (Ivan Ivanovich)
*. He is not in the list of characters in Shakespeare's tragedy "Hamlet". However, in the first act of the play you can hear his voice. Please play his only line. (Crow)
Blitz tournament for the most, most...( See Appendix 2 )

5TOUR "Chasing the Leader"

Students are required to give as many correct answers to questions as possible in 30 seconds. (Questions are read out)

Conclusion ( Summing up the results of the quiz) Awarding the winners and participants of the game.


Questions for round 5 “Chasing the leader”

    What birds come to us first in the spring? (Rooks.)

    What bird's chick doesn't know its mother? (Cuckoo chick.)

    Which birds have special nurseries? (In penguins.)

Who is called the king of birds? (Eagle.)

What is the largest bird in the world? (Ostrich.)

What is the smallest bird? (Hummingbird.)

    Which bird flies the fastest? (Swift.)

    Which bird flies the highest? (Eagle.)

    What is the smallest bird that lives in our country? (Korolek.)

What birds catch insects in flight? (Swallow, swift.)

Which bird has the longest tongue? (At the woodpecker.)

Which bird's beak looks like a hook? (Hawk.)

15. Which bird's beak is a real bag? (Pelican.)

16. Bird house. (Nest.)

17. Mass settlement of birds. (Market.)

18. Whistle for luring birds and animals. (Decoy.)

19. Hole in the birdhouse and budgie house. (Tray.)

20. Hands of a bird. (Wings.)

21. Duck legs. (Paws.)

22. Forest doctor. (Woodpecker.)

23. Feathered messengers of spring. (Rooks.)

24. Child of any birds. (Chick.)

25. Bird's mouth and nose. (Beak.)

26. Cackling hen. (Chicken, or whooping hen.)

27. Bird soaring over the ocean. (Albatross.)

28. American large multi-colored long-tailed talking parrot. (Ara.)

29. Large eared night bird of the order of owls. (Owl.)

30. Northern waterfowl. (Loon.)

31. A bird that looks like a swallow. (Swift.)

32. Hen of the woods from the proverb: “Deaf as...”. (Grouse grouse.)

33. Is a penguin a bird? (Yes.)

34. Because of her love for shiny objects, she is called a thief. (Magpie.)

35. Which bird makes bedding in its nest from fish bones? (Kingfisher.)

36. What bird does not land on the ground, on water, or on a tree? (Swift.)

37. What bird runs along the river bottom for food? (Dipper.)

38. Which bird has three different colors throughout the year? (White partridge.)

39. Which birds have wings covered not with feathers, but with scales? (At the penguin.)

40. When is a sparrow’s body temperature lower – in winter or summer? (Same.)

41. Which night bird does not build nests? (Nightjar.)

42. Which bird has green females and yellow males? (At the oriole.)

43. A bird with completely black plumage? (Crow.)

44. Birds that breed in winter? (Crossbill.)

45. What does the word “Archaeopteryx” mean? (Ancient wing.)

46. ​​What birds are called albinos? (Birds that do not have pigment.)

47. Which bird has a floating nest? (In the great grebe.)

48. Which bird has a nest that looks like a mitten? (At the titmouse.)

49. What are the fastest birds? (Falcons - 300 km/h; swifts 170 km/h.)

50. Fishing bird? (Cormorant, pelican, gull, merganser, guillemot, eagle, loon, heron, kingfisher.)

51. What birds do not hatch eggs? (Cuckoos.)

52. What birds hatch an egg holding it on their feet? (Penguins.)

53. What does “pelican” mean in Greek? (Bag.)

54. A bird that looks like a mouse can squeak? (Pika.)

55. Which bird screams “it’s time to sleep, it’s time to sleep”? (Quail.)

56. Which birds are the only ones among the chicken relatives that are migratory? (Quail.)

57. Which birds have exactly the same name as mushrooms? (Toadstools.)

58. Crawling birds? (Nuthatch.)

59. What bird sings with its tail? (Snipe.)

60. What bird do people say about: “The beauty of an angel, the voice of the devil, the tread of a villain”? (Peacock.)

61. Sun birds, singers of the dawn. Who are we talking about? (About roosters.)

62. What is the popular name for a crow? (Hag.)

63. Which bird has the ability to sleep in flight? (Stork.)

64. Name the largest group of our birds. (Passerines - 63% of all birds, more than 5 thousand.)

65. Part of the lower limb, characteristic only of birds. (tarsus)

66. The science that studies birds. (Ornithology)

67. What types of sparrows nest here? (Brownie and Field)

Bird Quiz


1. Comb on the head

Two legs and two spurs

He's at the same time

He wakes us up early in the morning.


2. Sleeps during the day, flies at night,
It hoots and scares people.
Eyes glow in the dark -
She is a terror to all mice.


3. Loves to jump and fly,
Peck bread and grains,
Instead of “Hello” I’m used to
Tell everyone “Chick-Tweet.”


4. Motley fidget,
Long-tailed bird,
Talkative bird
The most chatty one.

5. The clothes are white and the legs are

Wearing red boots

They will go out of fashion - that's the problem!

He will never take them off


6. There is a palace on the pole.

There is a singer in the palace.

And his name is... (Starling)

7. All the migratory birds are blacker,
Cleans arable land from worms.
Jump back and forth across the arable land.
And the bird's name is...


8. I swam in the water, but remained dry. (Goose)

9. Although I'm not a hammer -
I'm knocking on wood:
Every corner of it
I want to examine it.
I wear a red hat
And the acrobat is wonderful.


10. This is an old friend of ours:
He lives on the roof of the house -
Long-legged, long-nosed,
Long-necked, voiceless.
He flies to hunt

For frogs to the swamp.


11. A gray bird lives in the forest,
He is known everywhere as a wonderful singer.


12. I am the biggest bird,

I live in steppes and deserts

On the hottest continent.

I can't fly anymore

But if I see a predator,

I'm running for my life (like an express train),

Close - I defend myself with my feet,

Look, don't meddle with me, you enemy.



What is the smallest bird in our country? (Korolek)

Which bird has a very long tail? (Magpie)

Which bird is named after the dance? (Tap dance)

What bird has the writer's surname as its name? (Gogol)

What city can float in the air? (Eagle)

What bird is called the forest drummer? (Woodpecker)

What bird bears the name of the ship? (Frigate)

What birds have botanical names? (Plantain, lentils)

What birds usher in spring? (Rooks)

What bird's chicks don't know their mother? (Cuckoo)

What kind of combs does no one use to comb their hair? (Rooster combs)

What birds cannot fly (Penguins, ostriches)

Which bird is a symbol of peace (Dove)

Which birds are a symbol of fidelity and love (Swan)

Questions to develop thinking

During severe frosts, birds become ruffled. Why is this easier?

tolerate cold. (The layer of air between the feathers increases,

due to poor thermal conductivity, delaying the transfer of heat from the body


In severe frost, birds freeze more often while flying than sitting still. How

can this be explained? (When flying, the bird's plumage is compressed and

contains little air)

Why do starlings and jackdaws land on horses, cows, and sheep in the spring?

(Plucking fur from animals for nest lining)

What bird secrets does leaf fall reveal? (The nests are clearly visible


Does the chicken breathe in the egg (Yes)

Guess a fairy tale or fable.

1. A fairy tale about a nondescript chick who grew up and became a beautiful bird.

(H.H. Andersen “The Ugly Duckling”

2. Russian folk tale, where a flock of birds carried away Alyonushka’s brother


3. A fable about a bird that was never able to have a satisfying snack because of its impudence.

cunning red-haired cheat (I.A. Krylov “The Crow and the Fox”)

4. Russian folk tale about a poultry that could

serve as a good source of income for grandparents

("Ryaba Hen")

5. A bird with a golden decoration on its head, in the service of the king

(A.S. Pushkin “The Tale of the Golden Cockerel”)

6. A fable in which three representatives of the animal world decided to move

from place means of transportation. (I.A. Krylov “Swan, Crayfish and Pike”)