Important rules for cooking balyk from carp meat at home. How to cook fish balyk at home? How to cook fish balyk

Balyk is a dish with a delicate taste and pleasant smell. The dish was originally made from fish fillets. Now balyk is prepared from meat, fish or poultry.

The most important thing in the preparation of balyk is its processing. The dish is prepared by smoking, salting and drying. It is this processing that allows you to make a balyk. You can buy it in the store, but it's better to do it yourself.

Balyk at home is prepared very simply. To prepare it, you will need to choose the right meat, fish or poultry. The most juicy dish is obtained from pork. Pork contains fatty streaks that give the dish juiciness. Not only meat, but also spices are responsible for the taste quality. Properly selected spices allow you to make balyk for every taste.

How to choose meat?

The most important part of the dish is meat. Its quality and quantity affects the final result. It is advisable not to use frozen foods. For cooking, you need a sirloin. The best option would be the neck, because it has fatty layers. You can take a tenderloin in the cut or filet mignon. Filet mignon is an expensive product, so it’s easier to get by with a regular loin. All products must be fresh.

Beef balyk

This recipe allows you to make tasty dish at home.


Cooking method:

The dish will be ready in 3-4 days. Must be served chilled.

Pork balyk

Pork balyk is juicy and tender.


  1. Pork tenderloin.
  2. 0.5 cups of salt.
  3. Spices.

Cooking method:

Chicken balyk

The advantage of this dish is that it can be consumed after 2 days. To make the dish drier, it must be cooked for more than 2 days.


Cooking method:

The dish will be ready in 6 days, but it can be consumed after two days.

Balyk from fish

There are a large number of recipes for making a fish product. Nevertheless, they are similar to each other.

Fish varieties:

Any other fish that has fillets from 3 kilograms will do.

Cooking method:

Pork salmon is a type of cured meat and is easy to make at home. Such hand-made harvesting is a guarantee that the meat does not contain harmful additives and preservatives. Pork balyk at home is delicious both simply dried and smoked in smoke (cold) from fruit sawdust. This allows you to get delicious snack with an appetizing crust and delicate aroma.

Despite the fact that homemade balyk ripens (withers) for a long time, the result cannot but rejoice. Pink pieces of pork, laid out on a plate, can decorate any table. As practice shows, any preparations from meat and fish can be successfully cooked at home, the main thing is the presence of such a desire.

What is needed for this?

In order to make pork balyk at home, you need to choose the meat well. The right choice would be loin or pork neck. It is best to make this delicacy from fresh meat, as thawed product has a distorted taste and provides a lot of moisture. If you decide to opt for fresh pork, keeping it in the refrigerator for a day or two is the best choice. Thanks to this, the finished product will turn out softer and juicier, and will have an appetizing aroma. The recipe for pork balyk at home can be different - both with the use of dry salting, and with dipping in brine with and without various spices. If you use any spices, it will give the meat a specific taste and increase its shelf life.

Natural salting

It is best to use coarse sea or rock salt for salting pork. This kind of it dissolves in meat juice not too quickly, and the meat is salted less. The time required for salting may vary, depending on the size of the piece. As a rule, for one kilogram of pork, about three days will be enough. In addition, you need to take into account the age of the pig - the meat of a young animal will be cooked faster.

How to cook pork balyk at home?

For this you will need the following ingredients:

  • 1 kg of pork;
  • 100 grams of salt;
  • spices.

First of all, you need to properly process and prepare a piece of meat. It is imperative to remove all cores and films, as well as, if desired, fat (you can leave it). Then the cleaned pork must be washed under running water and dried, then grated with salt and put in a pre-prepared dish. A plastic bag with a zipper is good for salting pork. It is convenient to salt the meat in it, because you can turn it over several times without getting your hands dirty.

How to dry meat?

After that, the salted pork must be removed to a cold place, with a temperature not exceeding 6 degrees. If you salt meat while warm, there is a risk of developing dangerous bacteria. Pork balyk at home during cooking will release juice, which does not need to be drained. Pieces of meat need to be turned over several times a day. As soon as the salmon is salted, it should be dried with a clean towel and rubbed with a mixture of any spices to taste. For dried pork, spices such as allspice and black pepper, coriander, marjoram, rosemary, cumin, bay leaf, chili pepper, and paprika are well suited. There are also ready-made spice mixes for pork on the market, but they tend to contain a lot of salt.

After sprinkling the balyk with spices, wrap it with gauze to avoid winding it and spices falling off. It is necessary to wrap a string over the gauze (as on sausage loaves), making a loop at one end, on which the product can be hung. Dry-cured pork balyk at home should be dried for several days at room temperature, and then it should be placed in the refrigerator. You can do it a little differently: place the meat near the hot battery for a couple of days, and then put it in the refrigerator. Until the final readiness, it is better to keep the pork for another 2-3 weeks, despite the fact that you can eat the product as early as the fifth day. If desired, you can dry it even longer - it only becomes tastier.

Brine method

You can cook pork balyk at home in another way. For this you will need:

  • 2 kg of pork loin on the bone or 1 kg of boneless meat;
  • 100 ml of water;
  • 6 grams of salt.

If you purchased a piece of bone-in pork, you will have to prepare it. It is necessary to separate the meat from the bones, holding the knife almost perpendicular. Once you cut the meat from the ribs, you need to carefully cut out the spine. After that, the loin needs to be cleaned, remove excess fat. The output should be a neat piece of meat with a small layer of fat.

After that, using a syringe, brine is introduced into the prepared pork, at the rate of 100 ml per kilogram of meat, with a salt concentration of 6 grams per 100 ml of water. After that, the meat is placed in a pre-prepared dish and pressed down with some heavy load. Then turn the meat several times a day.

Meat aging

After 3 days, the salted pork must be washed, tied with a strong linen thread, wiped with a clean natural cloth and hung to dry. Initially, pork balyk at home, the photo of which is presented in the article, is placed indoors at a temperature of 25-30 degrees per day. After that, the meat should be left for further drying in a cooler place or smoked in cold smoke on fruit sawdust. The product is ready for use in a few days.

Balyk from asp prepared according to the recipe at home will be both a dish for potatoes and a snack for beer. Asp balyk is easy and fast enough to prepare, and the resulting taste of balyk is simply amazing.

One of the best fish suitable for cooking balyk is asp. Asp balyk is fat and very tasty. The taste of asp meat is somewhat reminiscent of chum salmon and pink salmon. For salting, we recommend using coarse salt only. Of course, there is an opinion that iodized salt is not suitable, this opinion is fundamentally wrong. The use of this salt is justified by the fact that it removes moisture from fish meat much better and significantly speeds up the process of its preservation. Otherwise, you will simply spoil the fish and, of course, you will simply have to throw it away.

The best salmon from asp is obtained if the fish weighs from 1 to 3 kg, caught in the summer-autumn period. This is justified by the fact that at this time the asp is gaining significant fat.

Step by step cooking

After salting, the future salmon from asp is washed from salt and soaked. Soaking time is calculated according to the following scheme:

  • 3 kg asp - about an hour and a half;
  • 1-2 kg - from two to three hours.


In late autumn, asp balyk according to the recipe can be made more lightly salted, and in hot weather we naturally reduce the soaking time for fish.

To preserve the balyk from asp during drying, you can use ordinary gauze soaked in vinegar. This will save the fish meat from flies and other midges. You can also use the fan, directing its flow to the fish.

When the asp dries out slightly, it will take approximately 2 to 4 hours, and water will drain from it, we put dill sprigs inside the fish, you can also add a chopped garlic clove. Then we remove the salmon from the asp for a day in the refrigerator or some other cool place, wrapping it with parchment or cotton cloth. Closer to the night, when the midges and flies calm down, we hang the balyk from the asp in the open, blown air, placing spacers. In the morning we hide it again in the refrigerator, and in the afternoon we put it in the sun for an hour so that the fish is covered with fat.

Now the balyk from asp cooked at home according to this recipe is ready for use.

Asp salmon video

Cooking balyk from asp at home according to the recipe in the video application "Angler's School" - "Asp".

Cooking balyk from asp video detailed description on simple recipe from Kiryanov Dmitry Borisovich.

Pork balyk - dry-cured meat, cooked with your own hands at home! A wonderful product in which you can be 100% sure, because you personally controlled the process!
On the eve of the upcoming holidays, you will still have the opportunity and time to make this delicacy, which is perfect for a festive table as a cut.

Your attention - the classic recipe for pork balyk. Of course, you will have to "suffer" a bit with the salmon, but the final result will exceed all your expectations! The meat is very tender, beautiful in color and with a wonderful aroma. Balyk is stored in the refrigerator, wrapped in parchment paper. Good luck!

1-1.3 kg. pork neck
0.5 cup salt
spices to taste

pork for balyk - "neck"

If you bought meat with a little fat - leave it, the meat will be juicier.

I take a large bowl, and even better if you have a rectangular bowl (if your piece of pork is very thick, you can cut it lengthwise so that it is better salted, but I did not do this).

I roll the meat in salt on all sides, do it very carefully, you need the meat to be well salted.

dip the meat in salt

I send the meat to the refrigerator for 3-4 days, it will still be very good to put oppression so that the meat releases juice.

in the refrigerator under oppression

Periodically, the meat needs to be turned over in different directions, when I did this, I again lightly sprinkled with salt, I was afraid that it would not be salted, because I had a piece of 1.3 kg. - thick, I did not want to cut it.

I kept the meat in the refrigerator for 4 days, if your piece is lighter and thinner, 3 days is enough.

Then I take out the meat and blot it well with a hebash towel so that it becomes dry.

Now the meat can be rubbed with garlic, sprinkled with coriander, pepper, paprika - it all depends on your tastes and preferences.

sprinkle with paprika

sprinkle with paprika

Further, the meat needs to be wrapped in gauze (in several layers) or in any thin breathable cotton fabric, I still have gauze diapers for diapers from my children. Wrap the bundle with meat with twine or thick thread (wrap like sausage in stores), so that you can hang it.

wrapped in cloth and tied with twine
My balyk hung for 5 days. You need to hang it in a warm and ventilated place, it's not summer now and I hung it alternating - a day on the battery, the next day on the window, and in the summer you can hang it on the window.

Then I decided to unfold it and try it - it turned out super tasty, real salmon - raw-cured meat, perfect for holiday table as a cut, guests will be delighted.

cut off the balyk from the edge

And this is the view from the middle of the piece, it’s already translucent

pork salmon

You need to store pork balyk in the refrigerator in parchment paper.

Balik from the Turkic language means fish. Accordingly, only fish is used to prepare this dish. An excellent option for this fishy treat is oily fish, which has dense meat and few bones. Previously, this treat was considered a delicacy, but even now it has not lost its charm and excellent taste. For this reason, every housewife and fisherman must know how to properly cook carp balyk. This will require knowledge of some features and rules.

A delicious carp treat is balyk

Features of cooking balyk

Before you start cooking carp balyk, you should find out what kind of dish it is. Perhaps many have often heard this name, but not everyone knows what kind of treat it is and what it tastes like. Balyk is a salted fish, which is subsequently subjected to long-term drying. After that, the most delicate, soft and very fragrant fish is obtained.

Previously, balyk was considered only a fish treat, but later they began to make different types of meat according to this recipe.

At home, you can cook delicious carp balyk, but the following important conditions must be observed:

  • for balyk, it is recommended to use large-sized fish, it should be fatty, with dense meat and with a small amount of bones;
  • for cooking, you can use live or frozen fish, but the most delicious thing is fresh carp;
  • it is better to cook this delicacy in the cool season - in spring or autumn, in the hot season the fish can turn out with an unpleasant odor;
  • large fish must be washed, cleaned of scales;
  • it is better to cut large fish along the back so that after unfolding it, the abdomen is in the center, which will make it easy to remove all the insides;
  • if balyk is made from carp big size, then it should first be gutted, and then cut into pieces across.

The dish will be tastier if large carp is used for its preparation.

After the fish is prepared and cut, you can start cooking balyk. The recipe can be used by anyone, most importantly, strictly follow its rules and recommendations.

The classic way of cooking balyk from carp

At home, you can use the recipe for the classic preparation of balyk. The cooking process is simple, if you strictly follow all the recommendations and instructions in the recipe. The result will be simply amazing. Ready-made balyk will be a great addition to any dishes, it will go well with boiled potatoes, vegetables, various salads and other treats and drinks.

For cooking, you will need the following components:

  • large carp weighing from 6 to 7 kilograms;
  • salt at your discretion;
  • seasonings to taste.

First you need to prepare the carp. It should be washed, we clean the scales from above with a sharp knife, since the scales are quite dense and large, it is better to use a large knife to clean it. We wash the carp again with cool water, remove the remaining scales. We cut the belly of the fish and carefully pull out all the insides with our hands.

You can start cooking only after cutting the carcass

If there is caviar, then it is better to transfer it to a separate container. From caviar, you can cook delicious cutlets or you can just fry it.

Wipe the inside well with paper towels. Cut off the head and tail with a knife. After that, we cut the cleaned carp carcass along the back into two halves. Large bones and spine can be removed. We cut the carcass without bones into longitudinal pieces about 5 cm wide. In a separate cup, mix salt and spices. Rub the spice mixture on each slice. We spread the pieces of carp, grated with spices and salt in a large container, cover with a lid and put oppression on top. We remove the container with the fish in a cold place and leave it there to pickle for 5-7 days.

Drying features

After salting, it is better to place the carp in clean water for a while to rid the fish of excess salt. After soaking the carp, remove all pieces from the water and allow excess liquid to drain.

When drying, be sure to follow the following recommendations:

  • each piece of fish must be tied with twine;
  • hang the pieces in a cool, well-ventilated place;
  • in order for the pieces of fish to become shiny and smooth, pressing is required;
  • 3-4 days after the start of drying, the slices should be placed under oppression for 5-7 days;
  • then again the slices need to be hung for 3-4 days;
  • after about 12-15 days, the finished balyk can be served on the table.

The taste of the dish will depend on compliance with all the rules for drying fish.

Balyk from carp "New Year's"

Balyk according to this recipe is prepared in almost the same way as according to the classic version. The only difference is the use of spices and sugar. These components give the fish an unusual taste and aroma, it really turns out to be New Year's.

For New Year's balyk, you need to catch carp in the autumn, because it is during this period that the fish gains fat and is just right for making real balyk. And the recipe is called "New Year's" because the fish will be ready just in time for the new year.

  • a large carp carcass, its weight should be about 4-5 kilograms;
  • kilogram of rock salt;
  • incomplete large spoonful of granulated sugar;
  • 1 teaspoon hot pepper;
  • a mixture of spicy spices - 1.5 teaspoons.

To begin with, we clean the carp, remove the scales and rinse well with cold water. We clean all the insides, rinse thoroughly and wipe with a napkin. If there is caviar, then it can be removed in a separate container. The head, fins and tail must be cut off with a sharp knife.

Balyk can be cooked with the addition of various spices, changing the final taste of the dish

Cooking features

After the carp is prepared, you need to start cooking the balyk. It is done according to the following scheme:

  • the inner walls should be carefully rubbed with sugar;
  • pour salt into a cup, add spices and mix;
  • rub the carp skin with a spicy mixture, spices and salt should completely cover the fish, so do not feel sorry for the spices;
  • after that we wrap the carp carp with spices in plastic bag, from above we tie with a rope;
  • we remove the bag with fish and spices in a cold place or in the refrigerator, leave it for several days;
  • after that we take out the carp, remove the bag and rinse thoroughly under cool water from excess salt;
  • wipe with paper towels from excess moisture;
  • after that, again, put the carp in a plastic bag, tie it with twine;
  • put the carcass in a bag in the refrigerator;
  • fish should be left to ripen in the refrigerator for 2-3 months.

After the set drying time has elapsed, the fish can be removed from the refrigerator. We remove the package and cut the carcass into small slices. Serve on the table with the rest of the treats.

The peculiarity of the recipe is rubbing the carcass with sugar

A simple recipe for making balyk

There is not always time to wait for a delicious balyk to be cooked, because classic recipe it takes at least two weeks to prepare. For this reason, a simple recipe can be used. With this cooking option, ready-made fish can be obtained in two to three days.

What components are required:

  • medium carp per 2 kilograms;
  • table salt to your taste;
  • granulated sugar - 1 teaspoon;
  • seasoning mix - 30 grams.

First, as usual, you need to clean the carp, remove all the scales, rinse thoroughly. Next, we clean the insides, cut off the head, fins and tail. Pour salt and spices into a bowl. We rub the carcass with the finished mixture inside and out. We use granulated sugar to rub the inside of the carcass.

After that, the fish should be wrapped in cling film or placed in a plastic bag. We tie the bag tightly with a twine rope. We remove the bundle in a cold place or in the refrigerator on the middle shelf. It is recommended to keep the carp in the cold for 2-3 days. During this period, it will be saturated with salt and spices.

After that, we take the fish out of the refrigerator, remove the bag or film. The carcass can be slightly rinsed under cool water. Then it can be stored in the refrigerator until the next holiday. If you still can’t resist, then you can try balyk immediately.

For longer storage of balyk, you can use parchment paper.

There are several secrets:

  • For cooking, it is better to use a large carp of 4-7 kilograms. Large-sized fish have dense meat and a sufficient amount of fat.
  • To add flavor, when rubbing, in addition to salt, you can use spices, spices, fragrant herbs.
  • In order for the balyk to be stored for a long time, after cooking it should be wrapped in parchment paper and put in the refrigerator.

Cooking carp balyk at home is not such a difficult task. The main thing is to carefully prepare the carcass and rub it with spices and salt. Also, this business will require a lot of patience, because it takes at least two weeks to prepare a delicious balyk, although there is an accelerated option, according to which the fish is cooked for two days. But it is better to make it in the classic version, it is with its help that you can make a real and fragrant balyk.

The preparation of dried carp will be described in the video: