Increase in salaries for doctors. Gradual increase in salaries for medical workers in Russia

In 2018, there will be another increase in the salaries of doctors, which will ensure the implementation of the May presidential decrees. Officials note that next year’s budget provides resources for indexing the salaries of medical staff. However, experts believe that the imbalances in the current system compulsory insurance, may jeopardize the implementation of the authorities’ ambitious plans.

In 2018, the goals set out in the May decrees will be achieved. In particular, the salary of medical staff will reach the target level, representatives of the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund emphasize. As a result, the authorities plan to achieve the following ratio:

  1. Doctors' salaries should be twice the regional average.
  2. The remuneration of junior and mid-level medical staff should correspond to the average salary in the region.

The budget for next year provides for MHIF revenues at the level of 1.89 trillion rubles. At the same time, the fund’s expenses will exceed 1.99 trillion. In such conditions, the targeted increase in medical salaries in 2018 is under threat, the Accounts Chamber warns. In addition to the planned deficit, the fund's real expenses will be higher by 43.1 billion rubles, which will call into question the future indexation of income.

This year, the government implemented two stages of indexation of doctors’ salaries:

  • by 7.5% at the beginning of the year;
  • up to 180% of the regional average from October 1 (for middle and junior medical staff this figure should be 90% and 80%, respectively).

Previously, representatives of the Ministry of Health noted structural problems of the current insurance system, which could interfere with the targeted increase in the salaries of doctors from January 1, 2018.

Finding the necessary resources

The government planned to attract resources for the planned increase in wages for health workers from three sources:

  1. MHIF funds (including support from federal budget).
  2. Regional finance.
  3. Internal optimization (staff reduction, sale of property, etc.).

The revenue portion of the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund is generated from insurance premiums, the Ministry of Health emphasizes. At the same time, fund representatives are quite optimistic about future income, which may not correspond to economic realities. According to Rosstat, this year the income of doctors in the public sector continues to lag behind the average (especially for junior medical workers).

Table of salaries for doctors in 2013-2017, which calls into question the fulfillment of targets for 2018:

The Ministry of Health warns that compliance with the established standards will increase the MHIF budget deficit by 95 billion in 2019 and 170 billion in 2020. HSE representative Sergei Shishkin believes that next year the government will be able to implement targeted salary adjustments for medical workers. During 2016-2017 The MHIF was able to form a reserve of financial resources, which will be used for future increases. However, in the future, the authorities will have to choose one of the alternatives:

  • adjust contributions to the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund, which will provide the fund with the necessary resources;
  • increase transfers from the state treasury.

Some regions cannot cope with the planned rate of salary increases, which forces local authorities to turn to the federal center for help. Experts from the Health Foundation also emphasize that in many regions of the federation the target indicators for 2016-2017 have not been achieved, which casts doubt on future salary increases. Local budgets should provide 30% of future increases in wages for medical personnel, experts say.

Internal optimization did not bring the expected savings in financial resources (officials planned to finance up to 30% of future salary increases from this source). The number of personnel has decreased by only 5-7%, and the plan for the sale of property is systematically not being implemented. As a result, 70% of the upcoming increase will be financed by the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund (including taking into account transfers from the federal budget). Given the lack of fund resources, future salary increases will be provided from the state treasury.

Analysts believe that the planned increase in salaries of public sector employees (including doctors) in 2018 will lead to a significant increase in the budget deficit. As a result, much will depend on the dynamics of the oil market, which forms the lion's share of state treasury revenues.

Oil factor

Increase in oil prices to 60-65 dollars per barrel. significantly increased the government's financial capabilities. However, the dynamics of the oil market remain unstable, which could provoke a new collapse in oil prices.

The pessimistic scenario allows for a reduction in the cost of a barrel to $40. In this case, the federal budget will not have the necessary resources to finance the social sphere. In addition, during the crisis, the reserves of the Reserve Fund and the National Welfare Fund decreased significantly.

As a result, the government will be forced to use the following tools:

  1. Increase borrowing volumes.
  2. Increase tax burden for business representatives.
  3. Devalue the ruble, which will provide additional share premiums.

Putin promised doctors an increase in salaries:

It is important that depending on the region, the level of remuneration may vary significantly. Both capitals have the ability to maintain the level of income of doctors and other workers in the field at a decent level, but in other regions of the country things are not always as good. If the country's leadership sets the task of leveling these levels, then the capital authorities are trying to preserve the privileges of Moscow doctors. Recently, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin announced that in 2017-2018, salaries of employees of Moscow medical institutions will be raised by 40% compared to 2016. In absolute figures, it will be 120 thousand rubles per month in 2018, the mayor promised. The mayor also called on health officials to monitor the workload of doctors. What do we have in reality today? Everything is clear with Muscovites.

Increasing salaries for doctors in 2018: plans and realities

How to live? Dmitry Nikolaenko →Sat, 01/20/2018 — 22:54 #7 Having received my first salary as a resuscitation doctor in 1994, everything became clear to me, with my prospects and the prospects of my family, but since it was a pity to leave the profession, and I love my work, I had to master a parallel non-medical business and create my own office, while also remaining on the stand in a state-owned enterprise! An income of about 500 rubles a month seems to me to be quite commonplace, go for it colleagues and don’t expect handouts!) E-lena→ Wed, 01/24/2018 — 16:15 #8 Salaries are not being increased! The rate remains minimal! But there is a system of additional payments... and they throw you a bone before the elections so that you can take it away at any time. Everything is at the discretion of local authorities. And they believe that people should be treated by hungry doctors and nurses.

This is how it is in Rostov. It's a shame.

Increase in salaries for doctors in 2018

Cool, isn't it?? Alina7777777777…→Sat, 01/13/2018 — 22:03 #3 and at my work, a doctor received 12 thousand and a nurse received 18,600. Olga →Fri, 03/09/2018 — 00:31 #4 Envy is a great force! Let’s give the nurses a job the Inquisition.
Elena_ 2018→Tue, 16/01/2018 — 18:35 #5 As always, lies!! I also received 20 thousand for December at 1.5 rates. Since 1990 I have been working in my specialty, the highest category.
Mira→Fri, 01/19/2018 — 17:17 #6 Today is 01/19/2018. They force me to write an application for transfer from nurses to cleaners.
All benefits, harmfulness and 14 days leave are removed. And the salary does not need to be increased, as the government promised! It’s a deception! We graduated as nurses six months ago. Now with the same amount of work for a lower salary.

The unpleasant truth about increasing doctors' salaries in 2018

It was previously noted that the base salary for doctors increased by 3 thousand rubles, while junior medical staff's salaries were increased by 2 thousand rubles, and for average medical staff - by 600 rubles. People, however, are indignant that in practice the increase that occurred was stolen by constantly growing inflation, when prices for basic goods and services in our country are growing very quickly.


The assurances of the federal authorities about priority tasks in terms of fulfilling previously assumed obligations are also striking. In this context, doctors are not left out of the list. They are promised a constant improvement in living conditions through higher wages.

But as soon as it comes to concretely increasing the material support of doctors, difficulties arise. People on the ground often do not get what they are promised.

Average salary in the hospital: doctors and nurses will divide the money of nurses

As a result, the authorities plan to achieve the following ratio:

  1. Doctors' salaries should be twice the regional average.
  2. The remuneration of junior and mid-level medical staff should correspond to the average salary in the region.

The budget for next year provides for MHIF revenues at the level of 1.89 trillion rubles. At the same time, the fund’s expenses will exceed 1.99 trillion. In such conditions, the targeted increase in medical salaries in 2018 is under threat, the Accounts Chamber warns.

In addition to the planned deficit, the fund's real expenses will be higher by 43.1 billion rubles, which will call into question the future indexation of income.

Salary of doctors 2018, increase for medical doctors, workers

This year, the government implemented two stages of indexation of doctors’ salaries:

  • by 7.5% at the beginning of the year;
  • up to 180% of the regional average from October 1 (for middle and junior medical staff this figure should be 90% and 80%, respectively).

Previously, representatives of the Ministry of Health noted structural problems of the current insurance system, which could interfere with the targeted increase in the salaries of doctors from January 1, 2018. In search of the necessary resources The government planned to attract resources for the planned increase in wages for health workers from three sources:

  1. MHIF funds (including support from the federal budget).
  2. Regional finance.
  3. Internal optimization (staff reduction, sale of property, etc.).

The revenue portion of the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund is generated from insurance premiums, the Ministry of Health emphasizes.

When will salaries and wages for doctors be increased in 2017 and by how much?


Internal optimization did not bring the expected savings in financial resources (officials planned to finance up to 30% of future salary increases from this source). The number of personnel has decreased by only 5-7%, and the plan for the sale of property is systematically not being implemented.

As a result, 70% of the upcoming increase will be financed by the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund (including taking into account transfers from the federal budget). Given the lack of fund resources, future salary increases will be provided from the state treasury.

Analysts believe that the planned increase in salaries of public sector employees (including doctors) in 2018 will lead to a significant increase in the budget deficit. As a result, much will depend on the dynamics of the oil market, which forms the lion's share of state treasury revenues. Oil factor Increase in oil prices to 60-65 dollars per barrel.

Salaries for doctors in 2018

The medical profession cannot be compared to others, given the important role that doctors play in life modern man. It would seem that representatives of this profession should be as well off as possible.

But in reality the picture looks much less optimistic. Doctors are constantly trying to figure out when and by how much their salaries will be increased. Based on the latest news, we can state that in the foreseeable future, namely in 2018, doctors should not count on any major changes in terms of real wage growth. The corresponding disappointing conclusions can be drawn by analyzing the draft budget of the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund for the next year. The Ministry of Health did not hide the fact that there is simply no money to increase doctors’ salaries.

In 2018, there will be another increase in the salaries of doctors, which will ensure the implementation of the May presidential decrees. Officials note that next year’s budget provides resources for indexing the salaries of medical staff.

However, experts believe that imbalances in the current compulsory insurance system may jeopardize the implementation of the authorities’ ambitious plans. Content

  • 1 Increase for health workers
  • 2 Finding the necessary resources
  • 3 Oil factor

Increase for health workers In 2018, the goals set out in the May decrees will be achieved. In particular, the salary of medical staff will reach the target level, representatives of the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund emphasize.
Let's imagine what these sources might be:

  1. Direct funds from the Mandatory Fund health insurance. Most likely, it will be he who will take the main cut, since he serves as the main target medical fund.
  2. Additional subsidies from the federal budget.

    Increasing salaries for doctors is a very public image measure for the country's leadership before the elections, so infusions of assistance from other budget sources are guaranteed.

  3. Funds of the subjects of the federation. In the context of sanctions and crisis, there has been a steady tendency to delegate part of the costs from the federal to the regional level.

    It is unlikely that the share of wage financing will bypass the budgets of the constituent entities.

  4. Optimization.

Is it true that salaries for health workers will be increased from July 1

The MHIF was able to form a reserve of financial resources, which will be used for future increases. However, in the future, the authorities will have to choose one of the alternatives:

  • adjust contributions to the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund, which will provide the fund with the necessary resources;
  • increase transfers from the state treasury.

Some regions cannot cope with the planned rate of salary increases, which forces local authorities to turn to the federal center for help.

Experts from the Health Foundation also emphasize that in many regions of the federation the target indicators for 2016-2017 have not been achieved, which casts doubt on future salary increases. Local budgets should provide 30% of future increases in wages for medical personnel, experts say.

And on average across the country, if the task set by President Putin is completed, by the end of 2018 doctors should have a salary of 90 thousand rubles. But there is one big trick: Starting from 2017, the income of not only state healthcare institutions, but also private sector owners is added to the common “piggy bank”.

Add to this regional “scissors” - and the picture becomes even more confusing. Now officially the average salary for doctors is 47 thousand rubles.

In private clinics today, the “average” cosmetologist or other specialist has 90 thousand. A municipal therapist in Ingushetia can count on only 23 thousand per month, but in the Yamalo-Nenets and Chukotka Autonomous Okrug it reaches 110 thousand (including northern allowances).

Nurses are content with a salary of 20 thousand, and also on average.

Published 08/24/18 17:12

Salary increase for public sector employees in 2018, latest news: teachers and doctors are expected to receive a salary increase in 2018 in September.

Last year, the head of the Ministry of Labor last year said that in 2018, budgetary organizations would increase wages. Some time after this statement, the head of the Ministry of Finance emphasized that the increase would take place in stages.

Starting from the new academic year, all budget organizations will begin to receive more money. It is also reported that the salary increase intkbbee The payments will affect not only teachers, but also medical workers. In turn, everyone who works in a cultural institution and other municipal organizations will receive a 15% increase in their basic salary, and young teachers and class teachers They will receive five thousand rubles in addition to their salary.

Last spring in Russia the minimum wage increased to 9,489 rubles. Also, the authorities promised to increase social benefits, including: pensions, benefits, maternity capital. Teachers will also receive a salary increase, which they will be able to experience from September 1. As a result, the minimum wage will be 11,163 rubles.

The average earnings of all budgetary organizations will be increased by 15%, and this exceeds the expected inflation by almost 3.5 times. Depending on the size of the increase in the minimum wage, the salaries of public sector employees will depend, and this applies not only to teachers, but also to technical and administrative personnel.

Teachers junior classes will receive a salary increase of 10%; for high school teachers, the increase will be 24%. In addition, they will be paid bonuses ranging from 3 to 20%, depending on the size of the minimum wage.

Teachers will also be given the opportunity to undergo a free medical examination every year. They will also be given vouchers to various boarding houses and sanatoriums. The trade union will be responsible for this.

The Health Care Modernization Program, which began in 2011, had the goal, among other things, to increase the earnings of medical workers to 200% of the average for the corresponding region. For this purpose, the concept of “incentive payments to health workers” was introduced.

Who is entitled to incentive payments in 2020?

The above program fundamentally changed the payroll system for both doctors and nurses.

However, not all healthcare workers are covered by it.

  1. Stimulants are not allowed:
    Enterprise administration. Managers may be an exception to the rule if they practice medicine.
  2. For doctors covered by the Health program, and more specifically:
    those involved in providing assistance during childbirth, while caring for infants;
    pediatricians, local therapists, family doctors, junior staff working with them in tandem.
  3. Specialists providing high-tech assistance.

Payment of incentives to doctors should help to intensify their activities and improve the level of service to the population. More money to those who help people better!

Incentive payments are awarded only to those employees who have a standard certificate in their main working specialty.

Documentary base of the Program

Federal legislation generally regulates the remuneration of public sector employees, including medical workers.

In Art. 129 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation specifies the following types of charges:

  • basic, otherwise called basic;
  • compensation depending on the specifics of the region;
  • stimulating;
  • social.

The first, main part is paid to everyone without exception. The second point indicates charges depending on specific conditions work. They vary by region. Incentive payments to doctors that interest us are calculated based on an assessment of the performance of doctors and nurses.

The basic legal act on which the administration of a medical institution relies is the Regulation on the establishment of remuneration systems for employees of federal budgetary, autonomous and government institutions, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 05.08.2008 No. 583 (hereinafter referred to as the Regulation).

This paper states that all parts of income, except for incentives, for medical workers are strictly regulated by central and regional legislative acts. But incentives are given to the medical institution.

The administration of the enterprise is obliged to publish a document regulating incentive payments to healthcare workers, then familiarize workers with its contents!

Where are incentive criteria developed?

Based on clause 6 of the above-mentioned resolution of the Ministry of Health and Social Development, recommendations that are mandatory for implementation when developing internal documents have been developed and sent to all institutions. Guided by this paper, each organization approves its own Regulations on incentive payments to medical workers. In addition, relevant acts are issued at the regional level.

Ask the administration of the medical institution about the contents of the above document in order to understand exactly how the accruals are made.

Union control

When developing and approving recommendations for medical institutions, the Government of the Russian Federation consults with trade unions.

This format is called a tripartite commission, in which employers also participate. It meets annually, therefore, it provides recommendations to the administration of medical institutions once a year.

This means that the Regulation on stimulating labor with money should also be approved locally only for a specified period.

It reflects the following points:

  • sources of financing from which incentives will be paid (a special fund is created at the enterprise);
  • categories of specialists subject to the Regulations;
  • a specific accrual scheme divided into financing from: compulsory insurance and money received from business activities;
  • criteria for the effectiveness of medical work.

Nuances of charges

Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development dated December 29, 2007 No. 818 “On approval of the list of types of incentive payments...” contains a number of specific factors to be encouraged, namely:

  • duration and continuity of experience;
  • results of the work;
  • achievements associated with intense activity;
  • quality of work.

The first two criteria are usually understood unambiguously; they are quantitative indicators. But in order to assess the level of efficiency, quality, intensity and effectiveness, it was necessary to create a special methodology. The Ministry of Health, by order No. 421 dated June 28, 2013, proposed to regional departments a list of performance indicators that should be taken into account when addressing incentive issues described in the Methodological Recommendations.

According to this document, the factors characterizing the effectiveness of the work of doctors are:

  • how many ailments according to his profile the doctor identified at an early and advanced stage;
  • how many misdiagnoses he made;
  • were there any cases of untimely hospitalization;
  • how many complications were identified after operations (other manipulations with the body);
  • customer complaints and complaints;
  • errors and inaccuracies in document management;
  • unsanitary conditions;
  • other.

A specially created commission within the organization carries out performance assessments. Every month this body issues a special expert assessment Act, which is the basis for an order on incentives.

The above criteria must be described in the Regulations on remuneration of the enterprise. The regional Ministry of Health is obliged to establish in its document the minimum value of each of the listed factors.

If at the end of the year it turns out that the hospital has unused funds under the Program, they can be paid to doctors (annual bonus).

How does combination and substitution affect the amount of incentives?

Health workers often have to work for an absent or temporarily absent colleague. This does not always lead to higher salaries.

Part-time workers will receive incentives only if their additional responsibilities are properly documented, that is, in an employment contract. Doctors who replace their colleagues on vacation can also be paid extra. But this type of combination should be formalized by an additional agreement.

Combining positions within the framework of the main contract is not subject to additional incentives.

Deprivation of incentives

The head of the organization decides who to pay and when to refuse. The law does not provide for mandatory payment of incentives to doctors, which suggests a hypothetical probability of deprivation of this part of the salary.

This requires a serious reason, for example, disadvantages in all of the above criteria (the doctor did nothing) or a gross violation of labor discipline.

If you are faced with a refusal to accrue any part of your salary, ask for an order from management on the basis of which the accountant acted. Look for reasons in this paper. Only after studying them should you decide to file a complaint.

Last changes

In connection with the work to implement the so-called May Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation (from 2012), in 2017 there was a serious redistribution of funding for the parts that make up the salaries of doctors. There is a decrease in incentives for doctors throughout Russia.

Reducing the amount of incentive payments occurs in two ways.

In the first case, citing the need to comply with federal legislation, the base salary was increased. At the same time, some types of incentives were cut back or completely canceled.

In the second case, payments were reduced, which are not regulated by government regulations. This mainly affected incentives for the quality and intensity of work.

Since the end of 2018, the calculation procedure and the amount of insurance premiums for compulsory medical insurance for the non-working population have changed, including in terms of the increase in the cost of medical services. An increase in such indicators should entail a corresponding increase in the remuneration of health workers, calculated based on the number of citizens served with this type of compulsory medical insurance. However, whether the remuneration of health workers will actually change or this is yet another reshuffle within the framework of the FFOMS budget - only practice will show.

Redistribution will continue in 2020 Money in order to equalize wage indicators for public sector employees. The remuneration of health workers should be in accordance with the average salary in the region as a whole.

The increase planned for junior medical staff by 4.3% in 2019, by 3.8 in 2020 and by 3.4% in 2021 actually indexes wages to the inflation rate.

2018 is the last year in the long-term plan to improve the living standards of teachers and doctors, which was provided for by the so-called May 2012 decrees. In the new year, the income of medical workers should double the average salary in the region in which the doctor lives. For this purpose, in particular, a decisive increase in the salaries of doctors is planned in January. Salaries of doctors from January 1, 2018 - what the latest news from the government says about what percentage the income of medical workers will increase after indexation.

How are the May 2012 decrees implemented and can they be implemented?

Those who have at least half an eye been watching all these years what is happening around the so-called May decrees know that to achieve them, a variety of government tricks were used. Of course, in 2018 there can be no talk of real implementation and of the average doctor’s salary reaching twice the average salary in the region in which he lives.

One of bright examples which directly affects medicine. For paramedical personnel, that is, orderlies and nurses, as well as junior nurses, according to the May decrees, the goal was set to bring their incomes to the level of the average salary in the region. The goal is certainly correct. However, in some regions a simple step was invented - the nursing staff was reduced, but the workers were not fired, but transferred to technical staff positions. At the same time, their salaries turned out to be even lower than before.

For example, in the Sverdlovsk region, most hospitals did exactly this, and a nurse who received 17 thousand rubles a month began to receive 12 thousand, and her annual leave was reduced by more than half - from 60 working days to 29 calendar days. This situation is proven not only by the stories of the workers themselves, but also by documents - in job descriptions cleaners were included in the duties of an orderly.

In principle, even officials do not deny this situation. The Minister of Health of the same Sverdlovsk region directly said that by 2018 junior medical staff will be reduced fourfold. In large and seemingly wealthy St. Petersburg, there is a similar story - the authorities directly announced that they had laid off half of the junior medical workers, transferring some of them to the category of technical workers, for the same purpose - saving wages and distributing money in favor of the remaining medical workers to perform May decrees.

Thus, it was formally promised that medical workers would live better, but in fact many began to live even worse.

Although officials will most likely be able to bring the necessary indicators to the required level, and on the eve of the presidential elections, President Putin will report that his decrees of 2012 have been implemented, which means he has coped with his responsibilities perfectly and has the right to lead the country again.

The given example of how medical personnel were treated is just one of many examples of fraud with statistics. Journalists wrote about more global works with the numbers, when average salaries in the regions were artificially restrained, and the average salaries of doctors were artificially increased. Including, for example, by including in the calculation of the income of doctors of private clinics, who most often receive far more than their colleagues from public hospitals medical institutions.

What will happen to doctors’ salaries from January 1, 2018

Judging by latest news, which come from the government, the percentage of salary indexation for doctors will indeed turn out to be quite good in 2018. Finance Minister Anton Siluanov called the indexation percentage for public sector employees included in the May decrees at 23%.

This is significantly higher than the indexation percentage of 4%, which most other public sector employees expected in 2018 - from the police and army to the officials themselves.

Back in the fall of 2017, Health Minister Veronika Skvortsova reported on how much medical workers in Russia receive. According to its data, in the first half of 2017, medical workers in Russia received on average per month:

  • 52.9 thousand rubles - doctors,
  • 29.4 thousand rubles - nursing staff,
  • 19.3 thousand rubles - junior medical staff.

Such data were announced at the congress “Russian healthcare today: problems and solutions.”

According to the portal Trud.Com, the income of doctors in Russia is much more modest than in the minister’s report. According to portal analysts, the average doctor’s salary in 2017 was 30-35 thousand rubles per month.