Insulation of a pitched roof from the inside. How to insulate the roof of a house from the inside

High-quality thermal insulation of a private house allows the owner to save on heating costs in winter. Most often, owners insulate the floors and walls, but heat also leaves the living room through the roof, which many people forget about. Insulating a roof with mineral wool or polystyrene foam from the inside is a fairly simple and very useful task. If you are careful and precise in detail, insulating an ordinary gable or mansard roof with your own hands will only take a few days. You just need to read in detail all the recommendations in this article, approach the selection of insulation with all responsibility and look at the instructions for the correct implementation of these construction works.

Scheme of the best roof insulation from the inside

The optimal solution would be to insulate the roof from the inside with high-quality materials in three layers:

  • vapor barrier;
  • thermal insulation;
  • waterproofing.

The best insulation results can be achieved by using the rafter system as the basis of the entire structure, which will provide the functions of a kind of base link. Usually, when implementing such a scheme, an additional thermal insulation layer is laid inside. The basis for high-quality insulation of a roof from the inside with your own hands is the correct selection of materials for each thermal insulation layer. That is why you should consider in detail all the main options and in no case concentrate on cheap construction tools.

The main purpose of the waterproofing layer is considered to be insulation protection from moisture from outside. Water and condensate, which accumulate inside the material, destroy its structure and quickly render it unusable, and the vapor barrier layer in this situation is an obstacle to rising steam.

To protect the house from excess moisture, special film and membrane materials are used, and to completely seal the insulation, the use of ventilation seams and gaps is also provided.

Selection of optimal materials for insulation

The modern market offers consumers many types of thermal insulators for insulating a roof from the inside with their own hands, which can easily confuse an inexperienced builder. Below is list of main operational characteristics which all high-quality building materials should have:

The most common building materials for do-it-yourself roof insulation from the inside are glass wool and mineral wool, since they have the most necessary characteristics and can be easily used even by inexperienced craftsmen.

Another popular means of insulation is expanded polystyrene with high thermal insulation properties. This hard and durable material almost does not absorb moisture, is resistant to open fire and high temperatures, but rodents often breed in it, which leads to negative consequences.

Less common methods of insulating a roof from the inside with your own hands are the use of spraying and liquid compounds (for example, polyurethane foam or foam concrete). They are not very popular because they require large material costs and the use of specialized equipment by professional craftsmen.

The process of insulating an attic roof

Before insulating the attic roof from the inside with your own hands, you must insulate all wires and move the electrical wiring as far as possible from the insulation. It is also recommended to strictly follow the instructions and carry out construction work on roof insulation in stages.

The greatest heat loss in the entire house occurs precisely through the attic, so insulating this type of roof is the most difficult, and for a high-quality result it is still necessary to use expensive materials.

The process of insulating a flat roof

There are two ways to insulate a regular pitched roof:

  • according to the principle of a rolled ceiling (insulation is laid on top of the rafters);
  • according to the principle of a false ceiling (work is carried out with the roof laid with the obligatory use of waterproofing and vapor barrier).

The above methods for insulating a house from the inside are so simple that even an inexperienced builder can do all the necessary work with his own hands without any additional instructions. However, it is also recommended to watch a video on how to insulate a flat roof with your own hands.

As a type of construction work, roof insulation is completely simple, but there are a number of often ignored rules, compliance with which will ensure a much faster work process, the safety of the structure in the future and a high-quality result.


Even you can do high-quality roof insulation from the inside with your own hands. non-professional builder. This improvement in thermal insulation will reliably retain heat in the house for many decades and prevent overcooling of the room.

The developers with whom I once worked were always concerned with questions such as whether it is necessary to insulate the roof from the inside and, if so, whether it can be done without the help of a specialist, i.e. with your own hands?

Here the answer is the purpose of the building itself; if it is residential and there is an attic floor equipped as a room, then it is definitely worth insulating.

Therefore, I will tell you in more detail about how to insulate the roof of a house from the inside with your own hands in this article.

What will keep the heat inside the attic?

In any area of ​​construction, you should not give preference to cheap materials. This stingy trait of a person's character often leads to consequences when he pays many times the amount.

You can save on roofing if, for example, you give preference not to tiles, but to metal tiles. But if you are looking for the cheapest material from the same types, then know that you will be in trouble.

I’m not scaring you, but I advise you to warn yourself against possible problems.

High-quality insulation material, together with the correct installation technology, allows you to protect your building from the cold as much as possible and will even extend its service life.

  • According to some sources and household practice, 15% of the heat is lost through the roofing layers. Therefore, if the house is already in use, and you feel that there is somehow not enough heat, then look into the attic space. Most likely you will need additional insulation of the roof from the inside, but don’t worry because you can do it yourself without calling a specialist, just look at a couple of photos on the Internet
  • If your attic floor does not yet have a living room, and you need additional meters of space, then insulating the roof will allow you to occupy this room, while in the process of working with your own hands you will understand exactly how your roof structure is structured and at the same time you will carry out a preventive inspection of it

By the way, on the Internet there are quite a large number of sites and forums with the heading “we insulate the roof with our own hands,” which contain a large number of video materials.

When all the construction processes are completed, or rather, when the pie is already hidden under the roofing material, it suddenly turns out that these insulation boards will not be enough, then there are two ways of development of events.

  • The first thing is to disassemble the entire roof and get the required number of insulation boards. Moreover, you will need to call the construction team again, who may have been to blame for this anyway.
  • The second is to insulate the roof from the inside with your own hands.

I think if you are a reasonable person, you will act according to the second scenario.

If there are no errors in the building design, this does not mean that over time you will not become cooler or you will not improve your attic. Perhaps, by reading this article, you already need this. Therefore, below I will tell you the technological process of how to insulate the roof of a private house with your own hands.

Requirements for the pie and analysis of its components

In construction, the roofing cake is considered to be the vapor barrier, thermal insulation and waterproofing layers, which together is what it is. The cake is placed on the elements of the rafter system. If you make a cross section of the entire pitched roof, you can see the following layers:

  • Roof covering
  • Lathing (possibly a continuous covering in the form of boards)
  • Counter-lattice. It is organized to create gaps through which the wind will flow. This is called natural ventilation
  • Waterproofing material
  • Thermal insulation boards
  • Vapor barrier film
  • Internal lathing
  • Sheathing

If your roof consists of such layers, then we can say that it was done correctly. In winter, heat loss in its attic space will be minimal, but still, if they bother you, and you decide to equip the top floor, then order a team of builders, and they will insulate the attic roof from the inside in the shortest possible time, but if you do not have the funds, then You can always do it yourself, just watch a couple of videos in the article.

What role does the vapor barrier and waterproofing layer play in the construction pie?

If you insulate the roof of a private house with your own hands, then you should remember about a reliable waterproofing device. After all, she must:

  1. Limit the access of moisture to thermal insulation boards
  2. Remove water vapor coming from inside the room

Not all materials can cope with such tasks. They use special membranes and films. Waterproofing in the form of a film - most often micro-perforated material, usually has three layers. It is a polypropylene mesh laminated on both sides to polyethylene.

The membrane has a non-woven structure.

The layer located in the middle has a high hydro-vapor barrier, and with the help of outer layers it is provided with the necessary strength. This vapor barrier layer is often called superdiffusion.

They have one important distinguishing feature when compared with films. They can be laid without a gap on the insulation itself, when the use of films provides for some distance from it. This is due to the fact that the membrane is vapor permeable, but the film is not.

When using films, the gap in the cake is created by laying small slats on the insulating boards themselves. This technique allows the wind to move freely inside the cake and dry it.

If this is not done, then condensed moisture will form, which, if it gets into the insulating boards, will sharply reduce its beneficial properties. Even a small amount of moisture reduces the usefulness of the slabs by 50%.

What parameters should you look at when purchasing thermal insulation boards?

There are often cases when it is necessary to insulate the roof eaves from the inside, but do not think that some difficulties may arise here; all the work can also be done with your own hands, and if you need it, then you should choose the right material.

But what indicators should you look for when choosing it in a hardware store?

  • Density of the purchased material. Low density implies the presence of a larger number of pores in the body of the product, which will certainly be a positive quality for thermal insulation. For example, if you take polystyrene foam, it has high thermal conductivity, and this quality is the main one for thermal insulation
  • Thermal conductivity. A low value indicates how well the material can insulate heat. In addition to porosity, such material can be affected by air temperature and humidity. The higher their performance, the greater their thermal conductivity
  • Water absorption. This figure should be as small as possible if you do not want to do roof repairs every year
  • Resistance to negative temperatures
  • Flammability
  • Chemical resistance
  • Environmental friendliness

The last point is the most important in light of recent events, when the whole world is striving to use air pollutants in as small quantities as possible.

Yes, I think you yourself will not be too comfortable living in a house and knowing that the roof of your building is stuffed with harmful building materials.

What materials are most often used as insulation boards?

Today, the three most commonly used insulation materials are known.

  • Mineral wool or glass wool. Both products are produced by manufacturers in the form of rolls or slabs. Glass wool is slightly worse in its characteristics than mineral wool, judging by heat resistance

  • Polystyrene foam (or scientifically polystyrene foam). You've probably met him often in your life. It is produced in slabs and already in extruded products. Its only drawback can be considered high flammability. In order to protect your roof from such protection, it itself must be equipped with decent fire protection. By the way, when burned, this material releases a large amount of toxic substances.

  • Polyurethane foam. Manufacturers of such material supply it to the store in liquid form or in slabs. Using the first type of this material, you are unlikely to be able to insulate the roof from the inside with your own hands because this is a rather difficult process that requires certain tools. If you don’t believe me, then find a video on this topic online and look at it with your own eyes.

The technological process of insulating the attic space, regardless of the roof structure

In modern construction, more and more unique projects are being created. And the higher the uniqueness of the building, the more likely it is that its roof is complex. Therefore, some people in the past came up with special techniques for producing insulation on various roofing structures.

For example, on a sloped roof they use methods that are completely unsuitable for a flat type.

According to technology, when doing such work as insulating a pitched roof from the inside with your own hands, a certain order in actions must be observed and safety precautions must be followed.

IMPORTANT: All work must be performed with maximum quality. No cracks, depressions or voids are allowed. If there are some damages on the insulated surface, they should be eliminated before starting the main work.

Remember that waterproofing on the elements of the rafter system must always be present. This does not depend on whether the roof will be insulated in the future. The waterproofing layer will provide reliable protection against condensed moisture, which quickly forms if there is no gap between the wooden elements and the back side of the roofing.

If your roof is similar to that described above, then you should first organize decent protection from moisture, because, as already mentioned, the penetration of water vapor into the insulation boards reduces its useful properties by half, or even more. At the same time, do not forget to leave a gap in the necessary places. For this, as a rule, 2cm is enough.

For waterproofing, I advise you to purchase a superdiffusion membrane. It will allow you to avoid creating additional gaps between the layers of waterproofing and insulation.

So, when the words are said, you can move on to the process. We insulate the roof with our own hands and do the following:

  • The installation site is being prepared. At this stage, various protruding nails or screws are removed, problem areas on the wood are rubbed, so as not to tear the thin components of the pie
  • We lay thermal insulation boards. Its installation is carried out between the rafters in several layers. Their minimum number is 2. This will remove end-to-end joints between the mats. The total thickness of the laid material must be at least 20cm. There are cases when rafter legs interfere with the laying of the second or subsequent layers. Then you should simply fasten the slabs directly on top of these elements. This will give you a more durable layer.
  • Lathing device. It acts as a kind of holder and is usually attached to the rafters through a layer of insulation, while capturing the vapor barrier

Insulating a pitched roof from the inside with your own hands is a simple matter, but what can be said about a flat one? If you watch some videos on this topic, you can clearly say that working with the second type is somewhat more complicated, but overall it also looks simple.

The process of insulating a flat roof:

  • Preparing the base. Everything is clear here, the process is identical to a pitched roof. We clean elements that can damage the roofing pie
  • Installation of insulation boards. The catch here is that the installation is done on a purely horizontal surface. Therefore, the installation of supports is required. To do this, special bars are attached to the ceiling at the very beginning of the work. Their pitch should be slightly less than the entire width of the roll or slabs. In this case, their height should be equal to the width of all layers. It is worth noting that installation should be done as tightly as possible, and as an additional fastener, the plane of the material is often coated with glue or mastic
  • Installation of vapor barrier and sheathing

Insulation of the roof is a necessary task when arranging the attic floor. And it, in turn, is a good opportunity to increase living space, which often finds its use when guests arrive.

Choose the right choice of materials and you will always be enveloped in the warmth of your home.

A house built and furnished with one’s own hands is the real pride of any owner. An integral stage in the arrangement of any residential building is the internal insulation of the roof. And if in most cases no problems arise with the thermal insulation of walls, then the insulation of the roof structure can confuse an untrained craftsman. Therefore, before starting the practical part, study all the theoretical recommendations proposed below.

After installing the insulation and all related elements, the roofing system will look like a layer cake. The design is based on a rafter system. All other elements are laid and secured onto it.

Modern roofing “pie”

In the classic version, the layers of the pie, starting from the finishing roofing, are placed as follows:

  • roofing;
  • lathing for installation of finishing material. Can be solid or sparse;
  • counter-lattice bars. Needed to create a ventilation gap under the roofing material;
  • waterproofing film;
  • thermal insulation material;
  • vapor barrier material;
  • lathing for installation of insulating materials and internal cladding;
  • inner lining material.

A properly installed roofing pie will significantly reduce heat loss in cold weather and prevent overheating of the space under the roof in hot weather. Waterproofing will protect the insulation from atmospheric moisture, and the vapor barrier material will prevent the formation of condensation and the occurrence of all related problems.

How to insulate?

The modern market offers a huge range of materials that can be successfully used for internal roof insulation. Try to avoid excessive savings - materials must be of high quality.

Insulation parameters

When choosing a suitable insulation, you need to pay attention to a number of basic characteristics of the material, namely:

  • weight. The heavier the insulation, the more significant load it will place on the roof. This imposes a number of additional requirements on the rafters and sheathing - their configuration and strength must correspond to the characteristics of thermal insulation;
  • thermal conductivity. It is better for this parameter to be as low as possible, if possible no more than 0.04 W/m*C;
  • resistance to adverse external influences.

Preferred insulation materials

Not many materials meet the above requirements. Among all the existing insulation options, professionals recommend giving preference to mineral wool insulators and foam panels. All other things being equal, mineral wool is more preferable.

Additional insulation materials

In combination with insulation, the roof will need to be additionally insulated using vapor and moisture insulation materials. For roof waterproofing, polyethylene and roofing felt are usually used. These materials are highly resistant to moisture.

The vapor barrier layer is best equipped using special membranes, glassine or modern foil materials.

Regardless of the chosen insulation (installation is still carried out in the same sequence), during the work process you must adhere to a number of basic recommendations, without which you cannot count on high-quality internal insulation of the roof.

All the rules can be combined into one brief summary of tips, namely:

Thus, even before starting thermal insulation work, the master needs to study a fairly large amount of information and remember a number of important requirements. The work must be done to the highest possible quality. Properly equipped insulation will make living in the house as comfortable as possible and will significantly reduce the cost of heating the premises.

Use the recommendations received and remember: insulation must be done with the obligatory installation of vapor barrier and moisture barrier layers. Only such a complex will make it possible to obtain a reliable, durable roofing system that is resistant to any adverse external influences. It’s better to immediately do everything according to the rules and live peacefully in a safe home than to patch holes in the roofing pie after every heavy rain.

Preparing for roof insulation

The insulation procedure remains almost the same regardless of the type of roof, materials used and other points. Having understood the main points of thermal insulation work, you will be able to successfully apply them in practice.

First of all, carefully prepare the roof for the upcoming internal insulation.

First step. Inspect the rafter system. If you find rotted or damaged elements, replace them with new parts.

Second step. Treat all wooden elements with an antiseptic.

Third step. Check the condition of pipelines and electrical wiring if these communications are laid under the roof.

Guide to internal roof insulation

Start working on the internal insulation of the roof. The event is held in several stages. Go through each of them sequentially, not forgetting the recommendations received earlier.

It is assumed that the rafters, sheathing and other necessary elements have already been installed and all you have to do is install the insulating materials and then lay the final roofing covering.

The first step is vapor barrier

Lay the film with a 10-centimeter overlap. To attach the vapor barrier to the bars, it is convenient to use a construction stapler with staples. Double-seal all joints with duct tape. Be especially careful and thorough when sealing various difficult areas, such as the junction of the film with pipes, walls and other structural elements.

The second step is insulation

EKOTEPLIN - roof insulation

Place the selected insulation in the cells of the sheathing. Usually the sheathing is assembled so that the step between its bars is a couple of centimeters less than the width of the insulation, so you can place the insulating boards as tightly as possible. The sheathing bars themselves must be nailed to the rafters perpendicular to them.

If you really want, you can do without lathing - you hammer nails along the edges of the rafter legs and stretch the wire between them. It will hold the insulation boards. However, it is better not to give up the sheathing - it is safer with it.

The insulation itself is usually laid in 2 layers. In this case, the top layer must be laid with a certain offset in relation to the bottom one - it is impossible for the joints of the insulation boards of both layers to coincide.

Third step - waterproofing

Place the waterproofing film so that it completely covers the insulation, sheathing and rafters. To fix the film, it is most convenient to use a construction stapler with staples.

Place waterproofing under the roof overhang - this will create the conditions necessary for effective water drainage in the future.

At the end, all you have to do is lay the selected roofing material on the roof.

Thus, although independent internal insulation of the roof is a very important and responsible undertaking, there is nothing overly complicated in its implementation. Do everything in accordance with the instructions, and very soon your home will become truly cozy and warm, and heating costs during the cold season will significantly decrease.

Good luck!

Video - Do-it-yourself roof insulation from the inside

Every owner is concerned about the issue of economical consumption of resources for heating a private home. The problem can be partially solved by performing the roof insulation procedure. Thus, it is possible to reduce heat loss by up to 15%. The complexity and result of the work largely depends on how to insulate the roof and what its design is.

If the attic space is not used, then insulating the ceiling is a sufficient measure to insulate the room.

If you do not plan to use the attic, you can limit yourself to insulating the ceiling of the house. The roof itself is insulated if the room underneath is to be used.

Features of a pitched roof

Before insulating the roof, it is important to find out exactly how this task is performed in accordance with the type of roof. Insulation of a pitched roof is done from the inside. In an old house, it is necessary to check the sheathing for the presence of rotten or damp boards. Damaged boards must be replaced with fresh ones, after which all wooden frame elements must be treated with an antiseptic and fire-resistant impregnation.

An insulated roof should be made from several layers. The following materials must be present: waterproofing, insulating layer and vapor barrier. If desired or necessary, interior finishing is carried out. There should be an air “cushion” between the roof and the insulation, and there should also be space between the waterproofing and the insulation. This is necessary to freely remove the resulting moisture. If you plan to decorate with lining or chipboard, you need to provide an air gap in front of these layers.

Ensuring air circulation when insulating a pitched roof.

Before insulating the roof, two openings should be provided between all layers to ensure free air circulation.

How to insulate the roof? To carry out work that can be done independently, the following materials are required:

  1. Directly insulating material. The use of mineral wool or glass wool is allowed. The second is produced in slabs or in the form of a roll, however, in order to make an insulated roof, it is optimal to use slabs that do not deform. In addition, you can use polystyrene foam.
  2. You can use roofing felt as a waterproofing material. A film that protects the layers from water, but allows the evaporation of moisture formed inside, is also suitable for this task.
  3. For vapor barrier, you can choose one of the materials: roofing felt, plastic film, foil, glassine. The recommended option is a special membrane that protects the insulating layer from water and steam, but allows the condensate that forms to be removed.

After selecting the material for each layer and preparing the roof, work can begin.

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Step-by-step instruction

Blocks of thermal insulation material cut to width are laid between the frame boards.

  1. You should measure the distance between the rafters, as well as the thickness of the boards. Next, cut the slabs of insulating material. In this case, their width should be 1 cm greater than the pitch between the rafters.
  2. If there is no insulation layer between the roof and the frame, it must be laid so that it envelops the frame beams. The material is fixed with a stapler. Having laid it around the entire perimeter, the lower edges should be beveled to organize water drainage. Next, the thermal insulation is laid tightly to the previous layer, without forming voids.
  3. If there is already insulation under the roof, you should provide space between it and the insulation layer. For this purpose, nails are driven between the rafters (every 3-5 cm from the waterproofing). Then the thread is fixed on them, after which the nails are driven in until they stop.
  4. Fixing the insulating material can be done with a cord. In this case, nails need to be driven in along the edges of the frame.
  5. The next stage is laying insulation. Mineral wool is placed between the frame boards, and you need to press it lightly; later it will take the desired shape. The foam is located in cells between the frame elements. If necessary, you can make two layers. When laying slabs, you should not match the joints of adjacent layers. It happens that the thickness of the frame boards is not designed for a double layer of insulation. Additional bars can save the situation.
  6. Next, as after the previous layer, the thread or cord is pulled over the nails driven into the edges of the rafters. In addition to this method, fastening in the form of lathing made of slats is used. They are nailed to the rafters at a distance of 30-40 cm.
  7. The next task is fixing the vapor barrier. The canvas is laid with an overlap of 10 cm. The joints of the layers must be sealed with adhesive tape or tape, and the insulation itself must be secured with a stapler. It is important to properly fix the vapor barrier at the intersection of the roof and pipe. The service life of the insulating layer depends on how well this area is insulated.
  8. Finally, you need to do the interior finishing of the roof if you plan to create an attic. Chipboards, plasterboard or lining are suitable. It is important to maintain an air gap between the insulation and the finishing material. This can be achieved using not a stapler, but pressed strips for fastening.

Country living in a private house has ceased to be the prerogative of a single number of citizens. Individual housing construction is developing rapidly, and people have to resolve issues with landscaping, in particular with insulation. It is quite easy to insulate walls from heat leakage, but properly insulating the roof of a house is much more difficult. However, we can solve the problem - you just need to carefully select the material and competently carry out the thermal insulation work with your own hands.

Depending on the side of the roof on which the insulation is laid, there are two methods of thermal insulation:

  • from the inside (otherwise called the “solid ceiling principle”);
  • outside (“rolling ceiling principle”).

Most often, residents have to insulate the top of the house using the first method, since most moves to a new place of residence occur during the warm season. When the first frosts begin, the problem makes itself felt. This is due to the structure of houses - a large amount of heat leaves the room not only through doors and windows, but also through the roof. To minimize losses without dismantling the roof, the roof is insulated from the inside of the house.

Features of the choice of materials

The urgency of the problem has been established; Now you need to choose the right material. The issue of saving money should not be brought to the fore here. It is better to take into account three important factors, information about which is usually indicated on the packaging:

  • thermal conductivity of the insulating material (the value should be minimal; optimally - up to 0.04 W/m⁰С);
  • resistance to mechanical and climatic influences, which, in turn, depend on the region of residence;
  • weight of the insulation (the heavier it is, the greater the load on the roof elements, and this is undesirable).

To achieve the desired effect, it is recommended to choose a sufficiently soft and elastic material so that it fills the free space between the rafters. You will also need vapor and waterproofing. The best materials to prevent moisture from getting into the insulation are:

  • roofing felt;
  • glassine;
  • polyethylene film;
  • special vapor barrier membrane.

It is necessary to take into account the features of the terrain; If there is frequent precipitation, you should choose a denser material to insulate the roof from the inside.

There are several ways to ensure proper quality of thermal insulation. The most common are:

  • laying glass wool;
  • internal lining with mineral wool slabs;
  • installation of polystyrene foam panels;
  • filling with PPU (polyurethane foam).

The most expensive is the last method of insulation. It is also not recommended to apply polyurethane foam in the cold season, and when foaming the roof with it, ensure sufficient ventilation. If residents nevertheless decide to insulate the roof from the inside with their own hands using this material, they will have to take into account the rapid increase in its volume with subsequent hardening.

It is much easier to implement any of the first three methods (list above), and the work can be reduced to several stages presented below. This applies to both types of roofs (flat or pitched), however, due to the popularity of the latter, the process will be considered specifically for them.

Preparing the roof for insulation

Direct thermal insulation of the roof with your own hands should be preceded by the following steps:

  • inspection of the truss structure, replacement of rotten or deformed elements with new ones;
  • treating the inner surface of the roof with an antiseptic to prevent the formation of mold and an anti-corrosion liquid to prevent metal parts from rusting;
  • analysis of the state of water supply, heating, communications, electricity and other networks if they pass under the rafters.

The insulation is selected according to the distance between adjacent rafters. If its width is less than this value, cracks or cold bridges will appear and the effectiveness of thermal insulation will decrease. Because of such an unreliable roof structure, all the work will go down the drain.

Do not work with wet insulation. It should lie in a dry, ventilated area with low humidity for 2-3 days. This is especially true for mineral wool - when interacting with moisture, its insulating properties are reduced by almost half.

Required Tools

In addition to waterproofing and insulation, for comfortable work you need to stock up on the following equipment:

  • construction stapler;
  • nails (preferably up to 50 mm long);
  • stationery/regular knife (for cutting insulator);
  • fishing line or slats (for fixing the insulation).

If the room under the roof becomes residential, most likely it will be covered with wood or plasterboard and wallpapered. It is advisable to perform the operation 2-3 days after the insulation work, since the insulating material will expand slightly, taking up additional space. After preparing the necessary things, it’s time to study the question of how to insulate a roof with your own hands and implement your plans.

Sequence of work on interior roof cladding

If the residents of a private house decide to do all the work themselves, it is important for them to adhere to the following sequential steps:

  1. The distance between the rafters is measured. The insulating material is cut 1-2 cm wider than measured.
  2. If there is no waterproofing, it must be installed. It should completely envelop the rafters and is attached to them with stapler staples. When fixing roofing felt (or other waterproofing material) in the spans, it is fixed to the sheathing on which the roof lies.
  3. The structure of the rafters and other elements is such that it makes it possible to provide insulation output under the overhang of the upper part of the house. There will be no layer between the insulation and roofing felt (polyethylene, membrane, etc.), so the moisture will be removed in a timely manner.
  4. After installing the waterproofing material along the edges of the rafters at a distance of 3-4 cm from it, nails are driven in 10 cm apart. A cord (fishing line) is stretched between them, creating a small air barrier to drain liquid.
  5. Next, the nails are nailed to the edge of the rafters if the material placed between them is secured with fishing line. When installing batten sheathing, nails are not required.
  6. The insulation is placed in the grooves between the rafters with slight compression. Then it will straighten out, optimally filling the space. It is advisable to make two layers of insulation, and the joints of the first layer should not coincide with the joints of the second.
  7. A fishing line is stretched over the heat-insulating material or a lath is nailed. There must be at least 30 cm between parallel horizontal sections.
  8. A vapor barrier is stapled on top of the insulation. It is laid with an overlap (10-15 cm), and the joints are taped. If the room will be used for living, the inside will need to be finished with chipboards, clapboard, and plasterboard. It is advisable to maintain a gap between the sheathing material and the vapor barrier; To do this, you need to fix the latter not with a stapler, but with strips.

Features of flat roof insulation

The construction of single- or gable roofs removes a greater amount of moisture compared to almost horizontal analogues. To ensure good insulation of the flat top of a residential building, a bulk layer is added, which is a mixture of cement, sand and expanded clay. It is located above the waterproofing, that is, it protrudes closest to the roof. The bulk mixture makes the structure heavier, but only such a “layer cake” device guarantees decent thermal insulation of a flat roof.

This instruction provides a comprehensive answer to the question of how to insulate a roof with your own hands quickly and conveniently. The whole process takes a little time, but requires a responsible approach at every stage, especially when choosing material.

Following the presented plan is doubly comfortable - the top floor of the room will be insulated from the inside, and the roof will remain intact. Obviously, even with your own hands you can get a durable warm roof without using the services of repair teams.