Stability and reliability of the bank. financial analysis of alpha bank

The key factors that had a positive impact on the rating included the bank’s strong competitive position in the field of lending, servicing individuals and legal entities, as well as in socially sensitive segments (4th place in terms of the volume of personal deposits in Russia and 3rd in terms of the volume of personal funds on demand (1st among private banks in Russia) as of 08/01/2017). As of August 1, 2017, Alfa-Bank is the largest private bank in Russia in terms of assets, capital, loan and deposit portfolios. The agency notes a high level of diversification of operating income - a third of income is generated from risk-free commission income. The level of coverage by net interest and commission income of operating expenses associated with supporting activities is high and amounts to 210.2% for the second quarter of 2017. The rating is supported by a wide geography of activity, an acceptable level of concentration of active operations on objects of large credit risk, as well as a high diversification of the resource base by client and corporate loan portfolio by industry. In addition, the agency positively assesses the effective risk management system, the high quality of the corporate governance system and the presence of a positive public credit history, in particular, more than ten years of experience in attracting subordinated bonds, including perpetual bonds, on international capital markets. Positive influence The rating assessment was also influenced by a good supply of liquidity (as of 08/01/2017, the coverage of attracted client funds with highly liquid assets amounted to 17.4%; with liquid assets - 29.8%). In addition, agency analysts note that the bank has access to a wide range of sources of additional liquidity. The bank is included in the list of systemically important credit institutions according to the criteria of the Bank of Russia, which indicates a high probability of support for the bank from the authorities if necessary. At the same time, the main beneficiaries of the group, in addition to the bank, have a significant amount of assets in different industries, generating significant income, and have the opportunity to provide support to the bank if necessary (this support is not taken into account by the agency as external support factors).

Pressure on the rating assessment is exerted by the high dependence of the financial result on volatile components (currency revaluation), which is due to a significant share of loans in foreign currency to corporate borrowers (they account for more than a third of gross assets as of 08/01/2017). The agency also notes a decrease in the N1.0 standard in April 2017 by 2.5 percentage points, which was due to the early return of OFZ received as part of the bank’s participation in the state program for additional capitalization, at the initiative of the bank. The rating is negatively impacted by the moderately high share of loans of IV-V quality categories in the total loan portfolio (13% as of 08/01/2017), which is in particular due to the bank’s conservative approach to the recognition of problem loans under RAS. Among the bank's largest borrowers, the agency notes the predominance of large companies from various sectors of the economy with a high credit rating. The level of the rating is limited by the bank’s practice of creating reserves close to the minimum level established by Regulation No. 590-P within the quality categories and the low level of property security of the loan portfolio (as of 01.08.2017, the coverage of the loan portfolio excluding issued interbank loans with collateral excluding sureties and guarantees amounted to 53.5%). First of all, this is due to the fact that a significant part of the loan portfolio is formed by loans issued to high-quality borrowers - the largest companies in Russia, leaders in their industries.

The bank was registered in January 1991 in Moscow. Founded by the famous Russian businessman Mikhail Fridman and his partners.

Since December 2004, the credit institution has been a participant in the deposit insurance system.

In 2014, the Bank of Russia made a decision on the financial rehabilitation of Baltiysky Bank. The reorganization procedure was initiated by the Deposit Insurance Agency based on the results of an inspection of a financial institution in 2014. As a result of winning the tender in August 2014, the Central Bank announced the reorganization of the Baltic Bank with the participation of Alfa-Bank. Thus, PJSC Baltic Bank became part of the Alfa-Bank Banking Group. It is worth noting separately that this is the only credit institution taken by Alfa-Bank for reorganization since the 2008 crisis, when it acquired Severnaya Kazna.

For the rehabilitation of the Baltic Bank, which became necessary as a result of a protracted conflict between its owners, a ten-year loan from the DIA was allocated at a rate of 0.51% for 57.4 billion rubles. These funds were provided by the DIA from the Central Bank. The bank's recovery plan assumed that by 2020 it would be merged with Alfa-Bank. The procedure for joining the Baltic Bank was completed in May 2019.

Main subsidiary banks Russian Alfa-Bank are Amsterdam Trade Bank N.V. (Netherlands) and JSC SB Alfa-Bank (Kazakhstan).

As of July 1, 2019, the volume of net assets of the credit institution amounted to 3.39 trillion rubles, the volume of equity funds amounted to 403.46 billion rubles. At the end of the first half of 2019, the bank showed a profit of 13.70 billion rubles.

Network of divisions:
head office (Moscow);
7 branches;
312 additional offices;
306 credit and cash offices;
170 operational offices;
4 operating cash desks outside the cash desk.

Mikhail Fridman - 32.86%;
German Khan - 20.96%;
Alexey Kuzmichev – 16.32%;
Petr Aven – 12.40%;
UniCredit S.p.A. (Italy) – 9.90%;
The Mark Foundation for Cancer Research (Cayman Islands) - 3.87%;
Andrey Kosogov – 3.87%.

100% of the bank through AB Holding JSC is controlled by ABH HOLDINGS S.A. (Luxembourg), the ultimate beneficiaries of which are the above-mentioned co-owners of Alfa Group* and other persons.

Board of Directors: Petr Aven (chairman), Andrew Baxter, Vladimir Verkhoshinsky, Artem Leontyev, Andrey Kosogov, Alexey Marey, Oleg Sysuev, Mikhail Fridman, Oscar Hartmann.

Governing body: Andrey Sokolov (chairman), Vladimir Verkhoshinsky, Mikhail Grishin, Michael Tach, Andrew Chulak, Denis Osin, Vladimir Voyekov, Ivan Pyatkov, Sergey Shevchenko.

* Alfa Group enterprises operate in such areas of the economy as commercial and investment banking, asset management, insurance, retail trade, water supply and sanitation, manufacturing and sales mineral water, as well as special investment situations. The main owners are Mikhail Fridman, German Khan and Alexey Kuzmichev.

In addition to the banking business (in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan and the Netherlands), the Alfa Group consortium controls or owns large shares in the AlfaStrakhovanie Group companies (the amount of insurance premiums at the end of 2017 is 159 billion rubles, excluding compulsory medical insurance), Alfa Capital Management Company (assets under management as of December 31, 2018 - 343.9 billion rubles), Alfa Asset Management (Europe S.A. (asset management company for private and corporate clients in Europe), A1 (investment company), X5 Retail Group (grocery retail, more than 14.4 thousand stores in the Russian Federation), Rosvodokanal Group of Companies, IDS Borjomi International (the largest producer of mineral water in Russia, Ukraine, Georgia and the CIS and Baltic countries).As of December 31, 2017, the consortium involved more than 330 thousand employees.

01 February 2020 01 January 2020 01 December 2019 01 November 2019 01 October 2019 01 September 2019 01 August 2019 01 July 2019 01 June 2019 01 May 2019 01 April 2019 01 March 2019 01 February 2019 01 January 2019 01 December 2018 01 November 2018 01 October 2018 01 September 2018 01 August 2018 01 I July 2018 01 June 2018 01 May 2018 01 April 2018 01 March 2018 01 February 2018 01 January 2018 01 December 2017 01 November 2017 01 October 2017 01 Sep Friday 2017 01 August 2017 01 July 2017 01 June 2017 01 May 2017 01 April 2017 01 March 2017 01 February 2017 01 January 2017 01 December 2016 01 November 2016 01 October 2016 01 September 2016 01 August 2016 01 July 2016 01 June 2016 01 May 2016 01 April 2016 01 March 2016 01 February 2016 01 January 2016 01 December 2015 01 November 2015 01 October 2015 01 September 2015 01 August 2015 01 July 2015 01 June 2015 01 May 2015 01 April 2015 01 March 2015 01 February 2015 01 January 2015 01 December 2014 01 November 2014 01 October 2014 01 September 2014 01 August 2014 01 July 2014 01 June 2014 01 May 2014 01 April 2014 01 March 2014 01 February 2014 01 January 2014 01 December 2013 01 November 2013 01 October 2013 01 September 2013 01 August 2013 01 I July 2013 01 June 2013 01 May 2013 01 April 2013 01 March 2013 01 February 2013 01 January 2013 01 December 2012 01 November 2012 01 October 2012 01 Sep Friday 2012 01 August 2012 01 July 2012 01 June 2012 01 May 2012 01 April 2012 01 March 2012 01 February 2012 01 January 2012 01 December 2011 01 November 2011 01 October 2011 01 September 2011 01 August 2011 01 July 2011 01 June 2011 01 May 2011 01 April 2011 01 March 2011 01 February 2011 01 January 2011 01 December 2010 01 November 2010 01 October 2010 01 September 2010 01 August 2010 01 July 2010 01 June 2010 01 May 2010 01 April 2010 01 March 2010 01 February 2010 01 January 2010 01 December 2009 01 November 2009 01 October 2009 01 September 2009 01 August 2009 01 July 2009 01 June 2009 01 May 2009 April 01, 2009 March 01, 2009 01 February 2009 01 January 2009 01 December 2008 01 November 2008 01 October 2008 01 September 2008 01 August 2008 01 July 2008 01 June 2008 01 May 2008 01 April 2008 01 March 2008 01 February 2008 01 January 2008 01 December 2007 01 November 2007 01 October 2007 01 September 2007 01 August 2007 01 I July 2007 01 June 2007 01 May 2007 01 April 2007 01 March 2007 01 February 2007 01 January 2007 01 December 2006 01 November 2006 01 October 2006 01 Sep br 2006 01 August 2006 01 July 2006 01 June 2006 01 May 2006 01 April 2006 01 March 2006 01 February 2006 01 January 2006 01 December 2005 01 November 2005 01 October 2005 01 September 2005 01 August 2005 01 July 2005 01 June 2005 01 May 2005 01 April 2005 01 March 2005 01 February 2005 01 January 2005 01 December 2004 01 November 2004 01 October 2004 01 September 2004 01 August 2004 01 July 2004 01 June 2004 01 May 2004 01 April 2004 01 March 2004 01 February 2004

    Select a report:

By bank reliability we mean a set of factors under which the bank is able to fulfill its obligations, have a sufficient margin of safety in crisis situations, and not violate the standards and laws established by the Bank of Russia.

It should be borne in mind that it is impossible to accurately determine the degree of reliability of a bank solely on the basis of reporting, therefore the study below is indicative in nature.

Bank stability is the ability to withstand any external influences. Dynamics over a certain period may show stability (either improvement or deterioration) of various indicators, which may also indicate the stability of the bank.

JOINT STOCK COMPANY "ALFA-BANK" is largest Russian bank and among them ranks 5th in terms of net assets.

On reporting date(January 01, 2020) the net assets of ALFA-BANK Bank amounted to 3834.56 billion rubles. In a year assets increased by 12.11%. Net asset growth negative influenced the return on assets ROI: net return on assets fell over the year from 4.52% to 1.98% .

In terms of services provided, the bank mainly attracts client money, and these funds are sufficient diversified(between legal entities and individuals), and invests funds mainly in loans.

ALFA BANK - is on the pawnshop list , and the Bank of Russia accepts bonds of the credit institution in question as collateral; has the right to work with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and can attract its funds into trust management, into deposits and savings for housing provision for military personnel; has the right to work with non-state pension funds implementing compulsory pension insurance , and can attract pension savings and savings for housing for military personnel; has the right to open accounts and deposits in accordance with Law 213-FZ of July 21, 2014. , i.e. organizations of strategic importance for the military-industrial complex and security of the Russian Federation; to a credit institution authorized representatives of the Bank of Russia have been appointed.

AgencyLong term internationalShortNationalForecast
S&P BB+ B(Some vulnerability) stable
Moody's Ba1(Highest rated in speculative category) stable(the rating will most likely not change)
Fitch BB+(Speculative rating)B(Speculative level of short-term creditworthiness) positive
Expert RA ruAA stable
ACRA AA+(RU)(High level of creditworthiness)stable

Liquidity and reliability

A bank's liquid assets are those bank funds that can be quickly converted into cash to be returned to their depositor clients. To assess liquidity, consider a period of approximately 30 days, during which the bank will be able (or not be able) to fulfill part of its financial obligations (since no bank can return all obligations within 30 days). This "portion" is called the "estimated outflow". Liquidity can be considered an important component of the concept of bank reliability.

Brief structure highly liquid assets Let's present it in table form:

Indicator nameJanuary 01, 2019, thousand rublesJanuary 01, 2020, thousand rubles
funds in the cash register87 030 303 (11.80%) 85 819 439 (10.15%)
funds in accounts with the Bank of Russia75 579 983 (10.24%) 118 927 544 (14.07%)
NOSTRO correspondent accounts in banks (net)62 027 564 (8.41%) 135 582 456 (16.04%)
interbank loans placed for up to 30 days303 889 503 (41.19%) 237 119 060 (28.06%)
highly liquid securities of the Russian Federation207 632 203 (28.14%) 264 819 072 (31.34%)
highly liquid securities of banks and states1 897 139 (0.26%) 3 334 747 (0.39%)
highly liquid assets taking into account discounts and adjustments (based on Directive No. 3269-U dated May 31, 2014)737 772 124 (100.00%) 845 102 106 (100.00%)

From the table of liquid assets we see that the amount of funds on hand has changed slightly, the amount of highly liquid securities of the Russian Federation has increased, the amount of funds in accounts with the Bank of Russia, NOSTRO correspondent accounts in banks (net), highly liquid securities of banks and states has increased significantly, the amount of interbank loans placed for a period of up to 30 days, while the volume of highly liquid assets taking into account discounts and adjustments (based on Directive No. 3269-U dated May 31, 2014) increased over the year from 737.77 to 845.10 billion rubles.

Structure current liabilities is given in the following table:

Indicator nameJanuary 01, 2019, thousand rublesJanuary 01, 2020, thousand rubles
deposits of individuals with a maturity of over a year70 194 342 (3.23%) 100 458 505 (4.00%)
other deposits of individuals (including individual entrepreneurs) (for a period of up to 1 year)1 024 335 165 (47.18%) 1 128 222 887 (44.91%)
deposits and other funds of legal entities (for a period of up to 1 year)956 596 926 (44.06%) 1 178 016 807 (46.89%)
incl. current funds of legal entities (without individual entrepreneurs)539 986 352 (24.87%) 716 032 554 (28.50%)
correspondent accounts of LORO banks38 650 699 (1.78%) 36 119 992 (1.44%)
interbank loans received for a period of up to 30 days22 026 824 (1.01%) 11 403 310 (0.45%)
own securities15 063 388 (0.69%) 13 026 340 (0.52%)
obligations to pay interest, arrears, accounts payable and other debts44 389 261 (2.04%) 45 203 113 (1.80%)
expected outflow Money 608 712 176 (28.04%) 694 804 692 (27.65%)
current liabilities2 171 256 605 (100.00%) 2 512 450 954 (100.00%)

During the period under review, what happened to the resource base was that the amounts of other deposits of individuals (including individual entrepreneurs) (for a period of up to 1 year), correspondent accounts of LORO banks, own securities, obligations to pay interest, arrears, accounts payable and other debt, the amount of deposits of individuals with a maturity of over a year, deposits and other funds of legal entities (for a period of up to 1 year) increased, incl. current funds of legal entities (without individual entrepreneurs), the amount of interbank loans received for a period of up to 30 days decreased significantly, while the expected outflow of funds increased over the year from 608.71 to 694.80 billion rubles.

At the moment under consideration, the ratio of highly liquid assets (funds that are easily available to the bank within the next month) and the expected outflow of current liabilities gives us the value 121.63% what does it say good safety margin to overcome the possible outflow of funds from bank clients.

In correlation with this, it is important to consider the instant (N2) and current (N3) liquidity standards, the minimum values ​​of which are set at 15% and 50%, respectively. Here we see that the standards H2 and H3 are now at sufficient level.

Now let's track the dynamics of change liquidity indicators during a year:

Using the median method (discarding sharp peaks): the amount of the instant liquidity ratio H2 during of the year quite big and tends to increase, however, over the last half year tends to decrease, the amount of the current liquidity ratio N3 during of the year tends to significant growth, however, for the last half year tends to decrease, and the expert reliability of the bank during year and last half year tends to increase.

Other ratios for assessing the liquidity of the bank JSC "ALFA-BANK" can be seen at this link.

Structure and dynamics of balance

The volume of assets generating income for the bank is 85.68% in total assets, and the volume of interest liabilities is 81.80% in total liabilities. The volume of profitable assets approximately corresponds to the average for the largest Russian banks (87%).

Structure income-generating assets currently and a year ago:

Indicator nameJanuary 01, 2019, thousand rublesJanuary 01, 2020, thousand rubles
Interbank loans337 243 365 (11.13%) 258 846 104 (7.88%)
Loans to legal entities1 589 112 980 (52.44%) 1 626 538 165 (49.51%)
Loans to individuals454 425 870 (14.99%) 666 290 481 (20.28%)
Bills of exchange1 530 478 (0.05%) 1 728 696 (0.05%)
Investments in leasing operations and acquired rights of claim57 544 680 (1.90%) 129 607 276 (3.95%)
Investments in securities528 733 606 (17.45%) 564 362 979 (17.18%)
Other income loans12 245 824 (0.40%) 15 729 810 (0.48%)
Income assets3 030 532 764 (100.00%) 3 285 307 614 (100.00%)

We see that the amounts of Loans to legal entities, Bills of Exchange, Investments in securities have changed slightly, the amounts of Loans to individuals have increased, the amounts of Investments in leasing operations and acquired rights of claim have increased significantly, the amounts of Interbank loans have decreased, and the total amount of income-generating assets increased by 8.4% from 3030.53 to 3285.31 billion rubles.

Analytics by degree of security issued loans, as well as their structure:

Indicator nameJanuary 01, 2019, thousand rublesJanuary 01, 2020, thousand rubles
Securities accepted as collateral for issued loans166 797 628 (6.86%) 212 975 426 (7.92%)
Property accepted as security1 086 710 664 (44.71%) 1 020 370 040 (37.93%)
Precious metals accepted as collateral (0.00%) (0.00%)
Received guarantees and warranties6 075 726 672 (249.97%) 6 141 970 844 (228.31%)
Loan portfolio amount2 430 572 719 (100.00%) 2 690 211 185 (100.00%)
- incl. loans to legal entities1 384 637 034 (56.97%) 1 432 737 785 (53.26%)
- incl. personal loans persons454 425 870 (18.70%) 666 290 481 (24.77%)
- incl. loans to banks317 243 365 (13.05%) 258 846 104 (9.62%)

Analysis of the table suggests that the bank focuses on diversified lending, the form of security of which is guarantees and warranties. The overall level of loan security is quite high and possible loan defaults will likely be offset by the volume of collateral.

Brief structure interest obligations(i.e. for which the bank usually pays interest to the client):

Indicator nameJanuary 01, 2019, thousand rublesJanuary 01, 2020, thousand rubles
Bank funds (interbank lending and correspondent accounts)203 676 060 (7.35%) 155 283 558 (4.95%)
Legal funds persons1 165 294 996 (42.07%) 1 461 037 510 (46.58%)
- incl. current legal funds persons567 349 983 (20.48%) 741 450 618 (23.64%)
Deposits from individuals persons1 067 165 876 (38.52%) 1 203 263 328 (38.36%)
Other interest-bearing liabilities334 011 576 (12.06%) 317 007 703 (10.11%)
- incl. loans from the Bank of Russia7 946 804 (0.29%) 8 586 144 (0.27%)
Interest obligations2 770 148 508 (100.00%) 3 136 592 099 (100.00%)

We see that the amounts of Individual Deposits have changed slightly. persons, the amounts of legal funds increased. persons, the amounts of Bank funds (interbank loans and correspondent accounts) decreased, and the total amount of interest obligations increased by 13.2% from 2770.15 to 3136.59 billion rubles.

You can consider the structure of assets and liabilities of JSC ALFA-BANK in more detail.


Profitability of sources of own funds (calculated from balance sheet data) decreased over the year from 30.77% to 12.38%. At the same time, return on equity ROE (calculated using forms 102 and 134) decreased over the year from 33.55% to 15.87%(here and below the data are given in percentage per annum as of the nearest quarterly date).

Net interest margin changed slightly over the year from 3.95% to 3.99%. The profitability of loan operations changed slightly over the year from 9.86% to 9.96%. The cost of funds raised changed slightly over the year from 4.17% to 4.08%. The cost of funds of the population (individuals) increased over the year With

Date of credit report 07.06.2019
Recommendations are valid for 1 year

1. Full name of the issuer


Reg. number: 1326

The table shows the final rating.

Main components:

  • The bank's own rating in a stable situation is A.
  • The bank's stress rating is A.
  • The expected level of support is high.

Based on the results of the risk assessment, there are no restrictions on placing funds in the Bank’s financial instruments. In the event of a stressful situation, the Bank is highly likely to receive support from the state and the main shareholder

3. SWOT analysis

Key positive points:

  • Alfa-Bank is one of the largest Russian banks (6th place in terms of assets and 5th place in equity capital).
  • Good industry diversification of the loan portfolio, wide geography of activity, acceptable level of concentration of active operations on objects of large credit risk, high diversification of the resource base.
  • An effective risk management system and high quality corporate governance system, experience in raising funds on international capital markets.
  • A comfortable amount of liquid assets, sufficient to cover potential, including stress, outflows. The funding structure is balanced relative to the asset structure. If necessary, the Bank has access to a significant amount of funding from the Central Bank (repo operations and operations in accordance with Bank of Russia Regulation No. 312-P), market and government refinancing.
  • The bank meets the capital adequacy requirements with a reserve, including taking into account allowances from 01/01/2019 and systemic significance (N1.0 = 12.888, N1.1 = 10.015% as of 06/01/2018 with thresholds of 8% and 4. 5% respectively).

Key negative points:

  • Possible risks associated with the “oligarchic” origin of the Bank’s capital and the assets of its owners.
  • Relatively high concentration of loans to large clients (ten largest borrowers - 20.5% of the portfolio).
  • High dependence of financial results on currency revaluation, due to a significant share of loans in foreign currency to corporate borrowers.
  • Losses based on results

4. Ownership structure

The direct shareholders of Alfa Bank JSC as of March 31, 2018 were AB Holding JSC and Alfa Capital Holdings (Cyprus) Limited. The ultimate parent company of the Bank is ABH Holding S.A., (“ABHH”), registered in Luxembourg, owned by seven shareholders: Fridman M.M. (share in ABH - 32.8632%), Khan G.B. (20.9659%), Kuzmichev A.V. (16.3239%), Aven P.O. (12.4018%), Kosogov A. N. (3.6716%), UniCredit S.p.A (9.9%) and the charitable trust “The Mark Foundation for Cancer Research” (3.8736%).

4.1. Primary ultimate beneficiary

None of the 7 major shareholders individually or jointly controls and/or owns 50% or more of the shares of ABHH.

4.2. Probability of shareholder support in case of crisis

Alfa-Bank is included in the list of systemically important credit institutions of the Bank of Russia. The default of Alfa Bank will most likely lead to a systemic crisis in a number of segments of the Russian banking market. The Bank can count on support both from shareholders (owning various assets in different industries) and from the state (within the framework of instruments for supporting systemically important Banks).

5. Analysis of key financial indicators

Reporting of Bank GPB (JSC) as of 05/01/2019 (billion rubles, changes for 4 months) according to RAS (data and interpretations according to IFRS for 2018 and the 1st quarter of 2019 are also used).

Capital - 425,587 billion rubles (+20.656 billion rubles)123 eachform.

Assets - 3420.336 billion rubles. (+719.488 billion rubles.).

228.506 billion rubles. (+0.289 billion rubles.) - cash register and correspondent accounts.

528.734 billion rubles. (+170.574 billion rubles.) - attachmentsVvaluablepaper.

337.243 billion rubles. (+54.849 billion rubles.) - interbank loans

RUB 1,589.113 billion(+268.151 billion rubles)- loans to legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, including balance sheet overdue debt - 83.700 billion rubles. (+10.475 billion rubles) or 5.65% according to RAS.

454.426 billion rubles. loansphysicalpersons. (+163.068 billion rubles), including balance sheet overdue debt - 39.767 billion rubles. (-10.081 billion rubles) or 8.08% according to RAS.

27.271 billion rubles.(+1.444 billion rubles) - fixed assets and capital investments


RUB 1,165.295 billion (+157.672 billion rubles)- legal means persons

174.387 billion rub. (+134.887 billion rubles)- funds from budgets, the Ministry of Finance, constituent entities of the Russian Federation and authorities local government.

RUB 1,067.166 billion (+259,331 billion rubles) - contributions from individuals. persons

211.623 billion rubles. (-20.228 billion rub.) - funds from credit institutions.

106,941 billion rubles (+32.839 billion rubles.) - issued debt obligations.

244.583 billion rubles. (+12.788 billion rubles.) - formed reserves

Profit (according to RAS):

For 4 months of 2019 - +34.565 billion rubles. For 2018, net profit amounted to +110.768 billion rubles. For 2017 +50.686 billion rubles.

Appendix 1. Dynamics of the values ​​of the main mandatory standards (liquidity and capital).

Appendix 1. Dynamics of the values ​​of the main mandatory standards (liquidity and capital)

Dynamics of adequacy and capital standards

Dynamics of liquidity ratios

Appendix 2. Dynamics of the composition of assets, including the structure of the loan portfolio.

Asset composition

Loan portfolio

Appendix 3. Quality of the loan portfolio (RAS and IFRS).

RAS loan portfolio quality

Quality of the loan portfolio at the end of 2017 according to IFRS

Analysis of loans to individuals by overdue period as of December 31, 2018

Analysis of loans to legal entities by overdue period as of December 31, 2018

Appendix 4. Dynamics of the composition of liabilities (including raised funds) and profitability indicators.

Composition of liabilities

Involved funds

Appendix 5. Main indicators according to RAS, thousand rubles.







Funds in accounts with the Bank of Russia

Funds in accounts with credit institutions


222 537 182

232 284 588

228 506 491

186 679 404

160 932 982

Interbank loans (deposits) provided (placed)

Loans to the Ministry of Finance, constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments

Legal loans individuals and individual entrepreneurs

incl. Overdue debt on loans to legal entities and individual entrepreneurs

89 576 700

90 122 878

83 700 053

73 427 741

73 523 792

Loans to individuals

incl. Overdue debt on personal loans

40 953 572

40 077 251

39 766 557

41 290 112

45 081 193

Requirements for letters of credit

Other loans

Investments in financial lease (leasing) operations and acquired rights of claim

Loan debt

2 480 479 434

2 485 898 280

2 452 103 197

2 218 174 853

2 202 052 929

Financial assets

471 399 160

451 032 255

578 429 567

625 529 238

406 527 736

Funds in settlements

Accounts receivable

105 898 146

79 002 407

88 867 476

77 701 508

79 575 661

Requirements for receiving interest

17 033 281

16 350 734

9 447 598

7 956 849

8 403 566


28 069 163

28 323 434

27 271 116

26 754 149

26 422 917

Other assets

34 658 941

36 609 215

37 262 053

41 055 019

39 076 868


3 360 293 579

3 329 688 669

3 421 887 498

3 184 038 735

2 923 124 678


Authorized capital

Extra capital

Retained earnings from previous years (uncovered losses from previous years)

Unused profit (loss) for reporting period

Other revaluation and reserve fund

Sources of own funds

397 060 528

407 210 358

360 027 883

330 513 953

303 408 381

Provision for possible losses

199 085 593

187 093 598

246 131 850

231 934 753

229 213 075

Funds from credit institutions

Legal funds persons

Funds from budgets, the Ministry of Finance, constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments

Deposits (funds) of individuals and individual entrepreneurs

Other raised funds from legal and individuals(incl. pending settlements)

Debt issued

Obligations to pay interest

Involved funds

2 701 329 426

2 657 292 673

2 754 325 705

2 559 538 086

2 335 451 985

Other obligations

38 369 658

59 200 950

32 303 377

37 417 970

25 107 374

Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss

24 448 374

18 891 090

29 098 683

24 633 973

29 943 863


3 360 293 579

3 329 688 669

3 421 887 498

3 184 038 735

2 923 124 678




Collateral for placed funds

1 324 853 177

1 323 835 651

1 253 508 292

1 150 728 673

1 136 691 979

Issued guarantees and warranties

Unused limits for issuing guarantees

Non-credit contingencies

Unused credit lines and overdraft

Contingent liabilities

1 754 233 127

1 737 739 420

1 974 684 379

1 744 664 443

1 433 245 534

Appendix 6. Main subsidiaries.

Appendix 7. Industry structure of the loan portfolio and concentration of customer funds according to IFRS

Industry structure of the Group’s loan portfolio according to IFRS (as of 01/01/2019)

Customer funds (by type and industry) and funds of financial institutions in liabilities according to IFRS (as of 01/01/2019)

Appendix 8.
Dynamics of the Bank’s financial results and assets since 2008.

Dynamics of financial results (million rubles)

Dynamics of assets (million rubles) and their growth rates (year/year, %).

Appendix 9. Scheme of relationships between the bank and persons under whose control or significant influence the bank is located

Rating moneyzzz(together with @riskovik) :

  • A - No restrictions - High level of reliability
  • B - Restrictions within the DIA - Average level of reliability
  • C - Do not place - Low level of reliability

Hermann: What can you say about Alfa Bank?

7th in terms of assets, this already says a lot. You don’t have to be afraid of a bank collapse and keep more than 700,000 rubles. Since in the event of bankruptcy of such a bank, the DIA money will still not be enough for everyone :) .

Funds of organizations amount to 482 billion, funds of individuals are slightly less - 338 billion. Over the year, balanced growth (by 26% and 29%, respectively).

The loan portfolio is dominated by corporate loans - 859 billion. Their growth over the year was 17%, while the amount of “bad” corporate loans remained virtually unchanged (increased by 0.03%). The final percentage of overdue loans to legal entities is very small and amounts to 1.5% of the corporate portfolio.

Lending to individuals grew faster, by 54%. As a result, the amount of the loan portfolio reached 204 billion. The main percentage of overdue accounts for this part of the portfolio, loans to individuals - 10.2% of them are overdue!

At the same time, due to the quality of corporate loans, the overall level of delinquency is low - 3.2% of loans are overdue.

The owner is AB Holding OJSC, which belongs to the Alfa Group structures.

I would like to note that Alfa Bank is one of the most non-customer-oriented banks. Wild queues and incompetent specialists are his brief and succinct description.

The tariffs are structured in such a way that at every step the bank tries to “rip off” you. Even withdrawing your money from an ATM should be extremely careful, because... there is a risk of “subscribing” to various unnecessary services (SMS notifications and the like).

Therefore, I would not recommend contacting Alfa Bank. The interest on the deposit is low, I think similar ones can be found in VTB-24 or in other banks from the TOP-10. However, the service at VTB-24 is far superior to the service at Alfa Bank.

The most reliable banks in Russia are the subsidiaries of foreign banks and the largest state banks: Sberbank, Rosselkhozbank and VTB. This year we changed the principles of rating formation (see “”), in particular, we took into account Russian rating agencies accredited by the Central Bank with a large number of ratings. Details are in the photo gallery.

Return on Equity

Shows how effectively the bank's own funds are used. When calculating the indicator, net profit was cleared of gratuitous assistance from the owner, which in reporting under RAS is reflected in the income statement and often distorts profitability. If this situation persists for a long time, owners may become disillusioned with the banking business and stop supporting the bank or even begin to withdraw assets through loans to tech companies.
IN the latter case financial condition the bank can deteriorate quickly and dramatically.
Profitability is above average banking system(-4.4% for the 100 largest banks) may indicate a significant share of a cheap client base, successful speculative operations, and the placement of assets in highly profitable risky operations. This indicator is assessed in combination with capital adequacy (N1).

Instant liquidity ratio

Limits the risk of a bank losing its solvency within one day. This is the ratio of assets that a bank can sell within one calendar day to the obligations of the bank itself, which it must fulfill within one calendar day. The minimum value of H2 established by the Central Bank is 15%.

Capital adequacy

The combination of low capital adequacy (less than 11%) and low return on capital (less than 10%) is dangerous. Low capital adequacy means that further growth of assets requires an adequate rate of capital increase. If profitability is low, either the bank's business will stagnate, or the owners will have to constantly support it with capital injections.
With high profitability, to increase capital, owners only need to give up large dividends. In addition, a bank's low level of capital adequacy shows its vulnerability in the event of unexpected losses, for example in the event of a borrower's default, which previously did not raise serious concerns.

Public deposits

A high level of large credit risks is typical for banks engaged in lending to legal entities, and can indicate both a narrow client base and lending to very large companies. In both cases, a large borrower in negotiations with a bank has the opportunity to push through a low interest rate- hence the low profitability of such lending. Therefore, funding large loans with deposits of individuals, a rather expensive type of liability, can undermine the profitability of the bank, and after it financial stability jar.

What we thought

A rating from one of the agencies is the easiest way to assess the reliability of a bank. When problems arise and subsequent rating downgrades, banks often break contracts with agencies. The absence of a rating does not mean that the bank has problems, but the presence of a high rating can be considered a certain guarantee of reliability. A litmus test for what is happening in a bank can also be individual indicators, such as excessive concentration of operations on industries or clients against the backdrop of a small capital reserve and liquidity, low profitability combined with low capital adequacy against the backdrop of a significant share of household deposits, funding of long-term loans to legal entities through deposits individuals This year we have changed our methodology: in addition to international rating agencies took into account the ratings of the Expert RA agency accredited by the Central Bank. At the first stage, we selected banks based on three parameters: the presence of a rating, assets of more than 10 billion rubles, and the share of individual deposits of more than 3% of liabilities. If there were several ratings, the maximum was taken into account. In each of the five reliability groups, banks occupy places in accordance with their ratings and the size of their assets.