DIY refrigerator installation. What should be the temperature in the refrigerator lg How to set the refrigerator temperature mode lg

A refrigerator is an important thing in the kitchen of every home. This is an excellent assistant in storing food, and thereby saving your budget. But for technology to be truly useful, it must be used correctly. This concerns mainly compliance with the required temperatures for each chamber of the device.

What should be the temperature in the refrigerator?

Average and normal temperature

Each food product stored on refrigerator shelves requires certain conditions. But the device is designed to store various categories of food, therefore the climate inside it must be acceptable for various types of products.


According to experts, the optimal temperature in the refrigerator is 4⁰C. This indicator is due to normal climatic environmental conditions.

However, the average temperature in the refrigerator can vary from 2⁰C to 5⁰C. What is this connected with?

  1. Season. With the onset of warming, the need for frequent use of chilled foods and drinks increases. This affects the regular opening and closing of the refrigerator door, which, in turn, affects the degrees Celsius inside the appliance. Therefore, in spring and summer it is necessary to set the indicator at 2⁰–3⁰;
  2. Number of products stored. The established environmental climate inside the chambers will also depend on how full the refrigerator shelves are. The more products, and the closer they are located to each other, the colder it should be in the chamber.

Storage area depending on temperature

Devices from various manufacturers have two storage chambers: a freezer and a refrigerator.

Each of these chambers is designed to perform its own functions: cooling and freezing. Therefore, the optimal temperature in the refrigerator and freezer will be different.


The temperature range in the freezers of different refrigerators ranges from -6⁰ to -25⁰С (a deviation of a couple of degrees is possible). Many manufacturers indicate the lowest possible freezing rate in their operating instructions. But you can determine it without resorting to the instructions: the temperature in the refrigerator’s freezer is indicated either on the device’s settings panel, or is indicated in the form of snowflakes, each of which determines -6⁰C.

The lowest value is set for flash freezing. And the optimal temperature in the freezer is -18⁰ Celsius.

Cooling chamber

This compartment is designed for storing food in a refrigerated state. Since different products “require” different conditions to prolong freshness, they must be stored systematically in the refrigerator:

  • The highest temperature is distributed on the shelves of the device door, so it is better to fill them with drinks and various sauces;
  • The lowest temperature of the refrigerator is distributed along the upper shelves, closer to the rear walls. In such a place, chilled meat, milk, and fish retain their freshness longer and better;
  • The normal temperature in the refrigerator is on the middle shelves. The average indicator was noted there: +3–5⁰С. This is an ideal place to store sausages, cheeses, sweets and kefir;
  • On the lower shelves, which are installed near the boxes for vegetables and fruits, the indicator is no more than +8⁰. In such conditions, soups, main courses, and salads will be stored longer.

The temperature in the refrigerator also depends on how often the door is opened. Actually, this also affects such a spread in the refrigerating chamber.

In modern models of appliances, such as LG, Samsung or BOSH, manufacturers have installed a separate section called the “freshness zone”, in which the temperature is always constant (+1⁰С), regardless of the frequency of use of the refrigerator. Meat in such a zone retains its freshness for 3 days.

Remember! Not only the safety of products, but also the duration of operation of the equipment depends on compliance with the rules of temperature conditions.

Temperature by model in the refrigerator and freezer: Atlant, LG, Indesit, Samsung, Stinol, Bosch, Nord, Haier, Biryusa

What temperature should be in the freezer and cooling chamber is set at the manufacturer's factory. The indicators are almost identical, but may differ slightly.

How is the temperature adjusted? Control methods on different models

The temperature of food storage in the refrigerator can be adjusted manually or mechanically, as well as via an electronic panel, depending on the model used. There is equipment that is equipped with various types of adjustment.

Mechanical regulation

In older models, adjustment is made by moving levers or handles.

This type of temperature setting can be found from the following manufacturers:

  1. Atlant. The refrigerator assembled at the Minsk plant is equipped with a mechanical switch type. The device has a special handle built into it, which changes 7 positions, in which 1 is the highest indicator, 7 is the lowest;
  2. Indesit. The adjustment knob is set to 5 different indicators: 1 - the highest.
  3. Biryusa. The temperature regulator is made in the form of a 7-mode knob, which is switched by turning.

What temperature should be in a refrigerator of this type is indicated in the attached instructions. Depending on the need, the indicator can be changed.

Electronic switching

Expensive brands of equipment are equipped with this type of control. The temperature in the refrigerator and freezer is regulated separately.

Such devices can adjust the internal temperature automatically, depending on the ambient air condition.

Various types of adjustment

  1. The temperature in the Samsung refrigerator, both in the refrigerator and in the freezer, is adjusted independently. In the refrigeration chamber, the manufacturer initially recorded a reading of + 3⁰. But it can be changed by pressing a special button;
  2. The temperature in the freezer compartment of a Bosch household refrigerator is controlled using a button panel. The same system is used in the refrigerator compartment. In addition, Bosch devices are equipped with the “Super Cooling” function, as a result of which, after intensive cooling, the temperature indicator is fixed at 2⁰;
  3. LG. The vast majority of refrigerators of this brand are also equipped with separate controls;
  4. Nord: the same operating principle.

What temperature should be in the flower refrigerator chamber?

The owners of points selling flowers know how many degrees the refrigerator should be in order to preserve their goods longer. The optimal temperature for maintaining the presentation of flowers is 0 - 4⁰.


LG GR-349/389SQF two-chamber refrigerators were actively sold in Russia in 2002-2005. Models differ in overall dimensions and interior decoration. Refrigerators are equipped with a No Frost system and have electronic control. This article describes in detail the device control system: test mode, self-diagnosis and electronic module (EM). In preparing the article, materials provided by the administration of the site were used.

Service test

The service test (ST) is a built-in function of the refrigerator and allows you to check the performance of its main components in various operating modes.

To activate the ST, you must press the TEST button located on the electronic module (EM) of the device (shown by an arrow in Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Wiring diagram of the electronic module board

To access the module, partial disassembly of the refrigerator in its upper part (at the location of the control panel) is necessary. If the ST execution was not forcibly terminated in manual mode (see description below), the refrigerator will automatically switch to normal operating mode 2 hours after the ST start. Also, to switch to normal operation, you can simply unplug the refrigerator's power cord and then turn it on again. In CT mode, the VACATION and QUICK FREEZE buttons located on the control panel (CP) of the refrigerator do not function - when they are pressed, only a sound signal is given. When passing the CT, if the diagnostic system has detected a particular malfunction, the corresponding error code is displayed on the control panel, and the execution of the current CT procedures is stopped. Checking the indicators on the control panel (only in CT mode) is performed by simultaneously pressing the VACATION and QUICK FREEZE buttons - after 1 s, all LEDs will light up simultaneously. If the buttons are released, the display will return to the previous state.

ST has three stages, two of which ensure the direct execution of test procedures, and the third - the transition to the normal operating mode of the refrigerator. The procedure for launching any ST stage and a description of these ST stages are given in Table 1.

Table 1. Stages of CT implementation


Steps to activate a stage



Press the TEST button once

The compressor and fan are operating in normal mode, the defrosting heating element is turned off, all indicators on the control unit do not light up

Press the TEST button one more time from the "Test 1" state or twice from the normal mode state

The compressor and fan are turned off, the defrosting heating element is turned on, only the indicators of the VACATION and QUICK FREEZE buttons are lit on the control panel

If, due to the operation of the defrosting heating element, the temperature rises to 7°C (controlled by a defrosting sensor), the refrigerator is switched to normal operation

Normal mode

Press the TEST button one more time from the “Test 2” state

The refrigerator returns to normal operation

The compressor starts 7 minutes after the refrigerator switches to normal operation


The electronic control system of the refrigerator has a built-in error diagnostic function. If malfunctions occur during operation or various malfunctions appear, the control system generates appropriate error codes. Error codes are displayed on the control panel using LEDs for setting the temperature of the freezer compartment FREEZE TEMP (Fig. 2), and only four out of five indicators are used.

Rice. 2. Error code indicators on the refrigerator control panel

Error codes can be displayed both in normal operating mode of the refrigerator and during CT testing. If an error code is displayed on the control panel, the functional buttons are blocked. If the cause of the error has been eliminated or has resolved itself, the refrigerator automatically returns to normal operation.

Error indications and causes of their occurrence are given in Table 2.

Table 2. Error indications and causes of their occurrence

Error indication*

Error name




An open or short circuit has been detected in the freezer temperature sensor (F-SENSOR) circuit

At the point of connection of the F-SENSOR sensor with the EV (pin 2 of connector CON4 - see Fig. 1), a voltage different from 0.5...4.5 V is recorded. If there is a break in the sensor circuit, the voltage at the indicated point will be 5 V, with short circuit - 0 V

The compressor is switched to operating mode: 15 min on/15 min off

An open or short circuit has been detected in the defrost temperature sensor (D-SENSOR) circuit

At the point of connection of the D-SENSOR sensor with the EV (pin 4 of connector CON4), a voltage different from the values ​​of 0.5...4.5 V was recorded

Defrost heating element is turned off

Defrost mode does not work

The D-SENSOR sensor does not detect an increase in temperature after turning on the defrosting heating element. The error indication appears 4 hours after the fault is detected. In such a case, check the power supply circuits of the defrosting heating element.

* ● - the indicator does not light up, ○ - the indicator lights up.

Note that malfunctions in the ambient temperature sensor circuit (RT-SENSOR) are not automatically recorded on the control panel in the form of a corresponding error code. To check this sensor, simultaneously press and hold the QUICK FREEZE and FREEZE TEMP buttons. If the sensor is working properly, after 1 s all the LEDs on the control panel light up, otherwise only the VACATION button indicator does not light up. The refrigerator control circuit considers that the sensor is working if a voltage in the range of 0.5...4.5 V is detected at its connection point with the EM (pin 1 of connector CON3).

Description of the electronic module

LG GR-349/389SQF refrigerators use an EM having the order code 6871JB1037A. The appearance of the EM is shown in Fig. 3, its circuit diagram is shown in Fig. 4, in Fig. 5 is a diagram of connecting external components and assemblies to the EM, and the arrangement of elements on the board is shown in Fig. 1.

Rice. 3. Appearance of EM

Rice. 4. Electrical circuit diagram of the EM

Rice. 5. Connection diagram of external components and assemblies to the EV

Let's consider the composition, purpose and principle of operation of components and assemblies as part of an electric vehicle.

The EM controls the following components and assemblies within the refrigerator:

Compressor (and its fan);


defrosting heating element;

LED indicators on the control panel;

Dynamic head (sound signal).

In turn, the EV receives signals from temperature sensors (RT/D/F-SENSOR), a door opening sensor and functional buttons on the control panel. The EM is connected to the PU board with a separate cable.

The EM includes the following elements and components:

Microcontroller (MK) IC1 type GMS81504 - see fig. 4;

Power supply (IC2 type 7812, IC3 type 7805);

Elements of power load control circuits (relay RY1-RY3 and transistor assembly IC4 type KID65003AP, analogue - ULN2003);

Voltage detector/initial reset signal conditioner IC6 (BMR 0101D, analogue - KIA7042);

Buffer stages on “digital” transistors in the circuits of the audio signal, display matrix and buttons on the control panel (Q1-Q4 type KRA106M);

Quartz resonator OSC1 (4 MHz);

Temperature compensation circuit elements (R1, R10);

TEST button (PT initiation).

Power supply

The power supply (PS) includes the following main components: power transformer, rectifier and filter (D1-D4, CE1, CM2), integrated voltage stabilizers IC2, IC3 types 7812, 7805, respectively, etc. The PS generates two constant stabilized voltages +12 V (power supply for relay control keys) and +5 V (power supply for MK, etc.).


The EM uses a GMS81504K type MCU from HYNIX SEMICONDUCTOR, housed in an SDIP-30 package.

MK has:

8-bit kernel;

4 kbit ROM;

128 bit RAM;

23 lines of universal input/output ports;

Separate port for connecting a sound alarm;

4-channel 8-bit ADC;

3 timers for various purposes.

Despite the modest resources of the microcontroller, they are quite sufficient to provide control of the refrigerator components.

To ensure the operation of the clock generator to the pin. 18, 19 MK an external quartz resonator with a frequency of 4 MHz is connected. To pin. 17 MK (RESET) voltage detector IC6 type BMR 0101D is connected.

The microcircuit contains a comparator and a transistor switch. If the voltage of the 5 V channel in the EM is below 4.2 V, the key transistor in IC6 will be open and a “log. 0” signal will be sent to the initial reset input of the MC. If the voltage is higher, the transistor turns off and the RESET signal is removed. The use of this microcircuit is also necessary in order to provide a hardware reset of the MK in case of possible interruptions in the power supply network.

The assignment of the MK pins in relation to this module is shown in Table 3.

Table 3. Pin assignments of MK IC1

Pin number



Compressor relay RY1 control output

Fan relay RY2 control output

Relay control output RY3 defrosting heating element

Connected by optional jumpers OP1, OP2 to a common bus (in relation to the considered version of the EM)

Signal input from door closing sensor

Signal input from the RT-SENSOR sensor (ADC input)

Voltage input from compensation circuit

Power supply 5V

Signal input from D-SENSOR sensor (ADC input)

Signal input from the F-SENSOR sensor (ADC input)

Sound alarm resolution

Audio output

Signal input from the TEST button (activation of PT mode)

Not used, connected to common bus

Initial reset input

Leads for connecting a quartz resonator

Not used, connected to common bus

Scanning signal input from control buttons

Connected to 5V power rail

DSP2 signal input from the LED matrix to the control panel

DSP1 signal input from the LED matrix to the control panel

DSP0 signal input from the LED matrix to the control panel

Output of the SCAN0 signal for scanning the LED matrix on the control panel

SCAN1 signal output for scanning the LED matrix on the control panel

SCAN2 signal output for scanning the LED matrix on the control panel

Supply voltage 5 V

The following control elements for the refrigerator's executive units are located on the EM:

  • Relay RY1 is used to control the compressor (Fig. 4). The control signal is generated at the pin. 1 IC1 and through pin. 6, 11 of the transistor assembly IC4 is supplied to the relay winding.
  • Relay RY2 is used to control the fan. The control signal is generated at the pin. 2 IC1 and through pin. 5, 12 IC4 is supplied to the relay coil.
  • Relay RY3 is used to control the defrosting heating element. The control signal is generated at the pin. 3 IC1 and through pin. 4, 13 assembly IC4 is supplied to the relay winding.

Control elements and measuring circuits

The following external signals are received by the EV:

  • from the RT-SENSOR sensor the signal comes through the contact. 9 connectors CON2, divider R19 RF3 on pin. 7 MK IC1;
  • from the D-SENSOR sensor the signal comes through pin. 1 CON3 connector, R16 RF2 divider per pin. 10 MK;
  • from the F-SENSOR sensor, the signal comes through contact. 3 CON3 connectors, R15 RF1 divider per pin. 11 MK;
  • From the door closing sensor, the signal comes through contact. 5 connectors CON3, divider R5 R7 on pin. 6 MK.

The EM contains a special compensation circuit designed to correct the temperature in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator in conditions where the external temperature is very different from normal.

The temperature compensation procedure is shown in Table 4.

Table 4. Freezer temperature compensation

Example: if the value of resistor R1 (Fig. 4) is changed from 10 to 18 kOhm, the temperature in the freezer will increase by 2°C.

The operation of the audible alarm, initial reset (RESET), keyboard and indication circuits does not require additional explanation (see above).

Table 5 shows the parameters of the D-/RT-/F-SENSOR temperature sensors.

Table 5. Parameters of refrigerator temperature sensors

Temperature (°C)

Sensor resistance F - SENSOR (kOhm)

Sensor resistance RT -/ D - SENSOR (kOhm)


1. LG refrigerators. A training manual for service technicians.

2. LG Electronics. Service manual. Refrigerator, model GR-349/389SQF.
The keyboard and display do not require additional explanation (see above).

Today, a built-in Wi-Fi module can be found not only on a smartphone, laptop or smart TV. Various devices are equipped with adapters for wireless communication - from a vacuum cleaner and coffee maker to a refrigerator and washing machine. Wi-Fi technology provides remote control and a number of other additional functions.

Benefits of Wi-Fi technology

Not every user of household appliances will be able to answer the question of why a refrigerator needs Wi-Fi support the first time. Most do without smart features and remote access. However, the wireless module still has advantages:

  • By setting expiration dates for certain products, you can receive messages from smart technology about the freshness of these products;
  • The temperature of a refrigerator with Wi-Fi can be changed remotely from a smartphone or tablet;
  • Some models perform automatic diagnostics and send a problem code to the service center.

Controlling the refrigerator from a smartphone running Android OS

More functional and expensive versions provide access to online radio stations, allow you to access the Internet and even social networks (if you have a large display), partially replacing a tablet or computer.

Smart “refrigerators” with a wireless communication module independently order products over the Internet or send information about such a need to users.

The built-in software and touch display make it possible to take notes (for example, recipes or household chores). And owners of models with cameras can get a picture of the interior space, remotely monitoring the contents of the refrigerator.

Setting up Wi-Fi on LG refrigerators

A special application will help connect an LG refrigerator with a wireless communication module to a smartphone. You can find it in the online store for the corresponding operating system (Play Market or App Store). Synchronization is performed in the following way:

  1. The LG Smart ThinQ application is downloaded to the phone.
  2. On the device, press the button with the Wi-Fi icon and hold it for several seconds.
  3. Once the wireless network symbol on the home appliance has stopped flashing and started to glow continuously, the setup is complete.

Application for managing LG smart refrigerators

Thanks to the same application, you can control various types of “smart” LG brand appliances from your mobile phone. These include washing machines, ovens, and robotic vacuum cleaners. Using LG Smart ThinQ and equipment with a Wi-Fi module allows you to create a real “smart home”.

Popular refrigerator models with Wi-Fi

The range of devices with wireless communication is quite large - a suitable option can be found in almost any price category. The most popular models include:

  • VioMi Smart Refrigerator iLive Four Door - from the Chinese brand Xiaomi. This is a model with a 10-inch display, built-in speakers (for hands-free calling when synchronized with a smartphone) and the function of ordering products online. The touch screen can be used as a tablet and even a light switch. The volume of the internal space of the refrigerator compartment is 288 liters, the freezer compartment is 70 liters.

Viomi Smart Refrigerator iLive Four Door in the kitchen interior

  • Two models from LG - LG GA-M549ZMQZ and LG GA-M429SARZ. They differ mainly only in size - 368 liters and 302 liters, respectively. Each can connect to the home network and allows the user to control the contents of the freezer. Both options have a stylish design and have a small screen at the top of the body. Installing the LG application on your smartphone makes it possible to self-diagnose faults - if a breakdown occurs, the equipment sends a message to the owner and to the nearest service center.

  • KGN39AI35 from BOSCH is a model that allows you to store up to 87 liters of food in the freezer and up to 279 liters in the refrigerator. When connected to the Home Connect system using a Wi-Fi module, the refrigerator can be controlled remotely, adjusting the temperature for each compartment.

Samsung Family Hub is not a popular model, but is a representative of a series of refrigerators running Tizen OS and having the functionality of a full-fledged tablet computer.

The list of advantages of the technology includes a 21.5-inch touch display, additional controls on the body, and several cameras for reviewing products. The owner of the model can order products online by paying with a card directly from the refrigerator screen. With Samsung Family Hub you can surf the Internet (there is a built-in browser), watch videos and listen to music, but the only drawback is the high price, exceeding $5,000.

Smart technology Samsung Family Hub

Refrigerators with wireless communication modules are a relatively new type of technology that simplifies the storage and purchase of food. The advantages of such models are obvious - and more and more options with a decent set of functions are appearing on the domestic market. The cost of such devices is higher than that of conventional refrigerators, but not so much as to refuse the purchase because of this.

It is difficult to imagine your life without household appliances. There are devices that we could do without, and there are those without which the arrangement of a living space is quite rightly considered incomplete. One of these vital items is the refrigerator. Do you agree?

Do-it-yourself repair of household appliances is a good help for the family budget. If desired, you can master many repair operations. For example, replacing a refrigerator thermostat is not that difficult. You just have to understand the design features and operating principles of the device.

We will tell you how to detect a faulty thermostat. The article we have proposed describes in detail how it is replaced during the repair of a Stinol brand refrigerator. The information is accompanied by a thematic selection of photo and video materials with expert advice.

The thermostat or thermostat is one of the main elements without which normal operation of the refrigerator is impossible. It records the readings of temperature sensors in the refrigerator and freezer compartments and sends a signal to the compressor start relay.

In accordance with these signals, the compressor turns on if the chamber is not cold enough and turns off when the temperature reaches a set level. Technically, the thermostat is a relay, at one end of which there is a sealed tube filled with freon.

On the other side there are contacts, the opening and connection of which sends a signal to the compressor. The end of the tube with freon, also called a capillary tube, is fixed to the evaporator.

The refrigerant placed inside reacts sensitively to heating and cooling. When the temperature decreases or increases, the pressure level inside the tube changes, causing the relay contacts to connect or open.

The movement of the contacts is controlled by a small spring. It is used to set the temperature level that should be inside the refrigerator compartment. A temperature adjustment knob is attached to the spring. Turning this knob changes the tension of the spring.

As a result, more or less force must be applied to close and open the contacts. This affects the level of pressure in the capillary tube at which the contacts are triggered.

A thermostat is a small device that is equipped with a sealed tube with a sensor filled with refrigerant. Based on changes in evaporator temperature, the relay turns the compressor on or off

This regulates the degree of cooling of the air in the refrigerator. When using an electronic regulator, this process is carried out slightly differently, but the principle remains approximately the same: the desired temperature level is set based on the actual indicators recorded by the capillary tube.

But such models use an electronic control module that can simultaneously manage data from several sensors. It is not always possible to repair or replace such a thermostat at home. Handling complex electronics requires knowledge and special equipment.

Typically, the thermostat is installed inside or outside the refrigerator compartment. Before starting repairs, it would not hurt to study the technical data sheet of the device. There may be a lot of useful information on the design of a specific thermostat model, as well as its location.

Usually the thermostat is located next to the handle for setting the temperature. The internal arrangement is typical for relatively old models. Inside the camera, the element is usually enclosed in a plastic protective housing.

The adjustment knob is located directly on it. To remove the thermal relay, you need to remove this handle and unscrew the mounting screws to remove the housing.

In more modern models, the thermal relay is placed outside the chamber in order to save precious cubic centimeters of internal space and not spoil the design with additional elements

But you also need to look for the thermostat near the control knob, usually under the refrigerator body somewhere at the top. The handle is removed in the same way, the fasteners are unscrewed and what you are looking for is found behind the protective panel.

Ways to detect the problem

If the thermostat breaks, this does not mean that the entire refrigeration unit will immediately stop working. But the lack of correct information about the current temperature will affect its operation.

Option #1 - check the functioning of the equipment

Symptoms of incorrect operation of refrigeration equipment may be as follows:

  • the compressor operates without interruptions or with very short and rare interruptions;
  • the temperature inside the refrigerator chamber drops to zero, and sometimes even lower;
  • a large amount of frost or even ice appears on the walls;
  • It's too warm inside the refrigerator;
  • The refrigerator does not turn on after being turned off, etc.

Of course, these signs can be associated not only with breakdowns of the thermal relay, but also with malfunctions of other elements.

In order to correctly determine the cause of problems identified during the operation of a household refrigerator, you will need to carry out a little diagnostics. You can do this yourself

Option #2 - diagnostics using a thermometer

To do this, you need to completely disconnect the refrigerator from the power supply, and then completely defrost it in accordance with the instructions. Of course, the contents will have to be removed.

After this, you need to turn on the device and move the thermostat knob to the position that will allow you to get the lowest possible temperature. If your refrigerator model has a freezing mode, it is recommended to use it.

To test the operation of the thermostat, you need to empty the refrigerator of all food, place a thermometer inside the chamber and check its readings after a few hours

In the refrigerator compartment, approximately in the middle, you need to place a thermometer designed to measure air temperature. It is better to use a device that allows you to take measurements below zero. The refrigerator is left in this mode for about two hours. After this, you need to check the thermometer readings.

If the temperature in the refrigerator compartment has dropped to about six degrees by this time, there is no problem with the thermostat. But when the inside becomes noticeably warmer or colder than this level, the thermostat will have to be replaced.

Option #3 - visual inspection of the refrigerator chamber

If a so-called snow cap forms inside the chamber very quickly, the initial diagnosis of the health of the thermostat can be performed very simply.

The appearance of a snow coat in the refrigerator compartment almost always means that the thermostat is not working correctly; you need to diagnose its condition

To do this, when the compressor is operating, the adjustment knob begins to be turned in the direction of increasing the temperature inside the chamber. If the relay is working properly, at a certain moment the sensors will record the desired temperature level, after which the compressor will turn off. If the engine continues to run, the thermostat needs to be changed.

After such diagnostics and if the thermal relay is working, it is recommended to remove all contents from the chamber and allow the device to run idle for about six hours. During this period, you need to pay attention to the duration of breaks in the operation of the compressor.

If it is about 40 minutes, everything is fine, you can use the refrigerator as usual. If the compressor turns on too often or infrequently, you should try to adjust this moment using the relay settings. If this fails, you will most likely have to install a new thermostat.

Rules for dismantling the thermal relay

If the refrigerator does not turn on at all, it will be impossible to carry out the diagnostics described above. The probable cause of the breakdown is an electrical failure of this element.

But a problem can also be, for example, a burnt-out motor winding. To determine whether the thermostat needs to be replaced, it will have to be removed from the refrigerator for examination.

Typically, the thermostat is located next to the control knob, which is used to set the air temperature in the refrigerator compartment. Double-chamber models are equipped with a set of two such handles

First you need to unplug the refrigerator. Now you should find the place where it is located, as described earlier. Usually you need to remove the adjustment knob, remove the fasteners and remove the protective elements.

Then you need to carefully inspect the device, paying close attention to the wires through which the power is supplied.

All of them have different color markings depending on their purpose. Typically, a yellow wire with a green stripe is used for grounding. This cable should be left alone, but all the others should be disconnected and shorted together.

Now the refrigerator is plugged in again. If the device still does not turn on, the thermostat is probably working properly, but there are serious problems with the compressor.

If the refrigerator does not turn on at all, the cause may be not only a malfunction of the thermostat, but also a breakdown of the compressor, for example, a burnt-out motor winding

If the engine starts working, we can clearly conclude that the relay needs to be replaced. Before starting work, it doesn’t hurt to arm yourself with a smartphone or camera in order to consistently record all operations. When installing a new thermostat, these pictures can be very helpful, especially for beginners.

You need to clearly remember which cable core was used for what purpose. Typically, a black, orange or red wire is used to connect the thermal relay to the electric motor. A brown wire leads to zero, a yellow-green wire provides grounding, and a pure yellow, white or green wire is connected to an indicator light.

To connect the thermal relay, wires with different color markings are used; you need to remember the purpose of each wire so as not to get confused during reassembly

Sometimes removing a damaged regulator can be difficult, especially when it is placed outdoors. For example, in some Atlant refrigerator models you have to completely remove the chamber door from its hinges. To do this, you need to remove the trim that is installed above the top hinge and unscrew the bolts hidden under it.

Before removing the adjustment knob, you also have to remove the plugs and unscrew the fasteners. All these operations must be done carefully. It is better to store fasteners and linings in a small container so that they do not get lost. The thermostat itself is usually screwed to the bracket; it must be carefully removed, unfastened and removed.

If the thermostat is located inside the refrigerator compartment, it is usually hidden under a plastic casing, where a lamp for illumination can also be mounted

A new thermostat is installed in its place, following the reverse assembly order. Sometimes the breakdown of the thermostat is associated with a malfunction of the so-called capillary tube or bellows. If you replace only this element, the relay can be left.

To perform this procedure, you will have to remove the thermal relay, following the method described above. The bellows must be disconnected from the evaporator and carefully removed from the device body. Now a new capillary tube is installed, connected to the evaporator, and the relay is mounted in its original place, and the disconnected wires are connected.

Replacement using the example of a Stinol refrigerator

Relay failure is a fairly common occurrence, especially after five to seven years of operation.

Most often, the bellows tube fails here, since this is the option provided by the manufacturer of this element. The Stinol-101 ​​model has only one compressor, but the Stinol-103 has two: separately for the refrigeration and freezer compartments.

This is a contact diagram for a K-59 type thermal relay, which allows you to get an idea of ​​which wires should be connected where. Color markings may vary; a photo on your phone will help you save the information; you can also draw a similar diagram yourself

The automation of different models is slightly different, which is reflected in the corresponding electrical diagrams, but otherwise these refrigerators are very similar, so it makes sense to consider the procedure for repairing them at the same time.

To understand that the Stinol refrigerator needs repair or replacement of the thermostat, you need to pay attention to the following signs:

  • the compressor runs non-stop and does not respond when the regulator is set to OFF;
  • when moving the adjustment knob to the OFF mark, there is no characteristic click;
  • the temperature in the refrigerator chambers noticeably exceeds the parameters set during adjustment.

The Stinol-103 refrigeration chamber uses a K-59 thermal relay; it is easy to check the markings, they are indicated on the body. To remove the adjustment knobs, you need to use a thin awl. You just need to pry them up and remove them. The Stinol-101 ​​model has only one adjustment knob, while the Stinol-103 has two, one for each compressor.

To remove the adjustment knob of the Stinol refrigerator (1), you need to use some sharp object, for example an awl. Then remove the decorative trim (2), which is held in place by four protrusions

After the handle is removed, you need to remove the decorative trim, which has six protrusions. This is a fragile item and must be handled with care to avoid damaging it. There are nuts under the cover that need to be unscrewed. After this, you need to unscrew the screws that secure the control panel.

Under the decorative trim there are mounting screws (1) that hold the thermal relay in the correct position; they must be unscrewed to continue dismantling the element

It is best to remove the screws holding the refrigerator door hinge last. To avoid possible damage, the door must be held. Now you can lift the panel and remove the door from its hinges.

The next step is to remove the top cover of the refrigerator.

The fasteners that secure the control panel and door hinge (1) of the Stinol refrigerator must be unscrewed, moving towards the door, and not away from it

The necessary fasteners are located on the rear side. They are unscrewed and the cover is removed. This will give you free access to the thermostat.

First you need to disconnect the relay contact connectors, after which you can remove the element from the refrigerator control panel.

After the doors and top panel of the Stinol refrigerator have been removed, you can carefully remove the thermal relay for inspection and diagnostics

At this stage, you need to remember or write down the color coding of the individual wires. To remove a worn capillary tube, remove the plastic cover.

Now you need to unscrew the fixing screw and remove the lighting unit. The tube is removed through the hole provided for this purpose.

To continue replacing the thermostat in the Stinol refrigerator, you need to remove the cover (1) in the refrigerator compartment and remove the capillary tube (2)

The new element is installed in such a way that the uninsulated area in its lower part is securely hidden under the overlay. The hole is closed with a plastic plug to restore the seal of the chamber.

Usually the capillary tube protrudes beyond the thermostat. It must be carefully placed under the top lid of the refrigerator; there is enough space there.

To remove the capillary tube (2) and replace it, you first need to disconnect the lighting unit, which is secured with a screw recessed into its housing

Now you need to reassemble the thermostat and the refrigerator: connect all the necessary connections, install and secure the refrigerator lid, and hang the door.

And again, screwing the door hinge fasteners is done last, when other similar screws are already installed.

The hole that appears on the rear panel during repair work should be sealed with plastic to restore the tightness of the refrigerator compartment

To check the condition of the Stinol refrigerator thermostat at home, you can use simple diagnostics. Contacts 3 and 4 of such a device should remain closed at room temperature.

If, after connecting them with a jumper, the compressor turns on, the thermal relay is faulty and needs to be replaced. If the thermostat settings are lost, they can be corrected by turning the adjusting screws, but this should be done in a service center that has the necessary equipment.

An equally important functional unit in the design of a refrigerator is the device, the purpose and repair methods of which will be introduced in our recommended article.

The procedure for replacing a thermostat cannot be called too complicated. However, if you mishandle this element, you can only worsen the situation. A detailed study of the repair procedure and attention to detail will help restore the functionality of the refrigerator.

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When the refrigerator has been selected and a new friend has arrived home, you need to set the temperature correctly.

Standard storage temperature:

  • From 0 to + 2 degrees ̶ will ensure the safety of raw meat, fish, and prepared dishes fresh;
  • -18 degrees ̶ for storing frozen foods;
  • -24 degrees ̶ temporary mode for quick freezing.

Features of setting up different models

As you can see in the photo, the Atlant refrigerator with two chambers has 2 relays rotating in all directions. The parameters are set by turning the relay to the mark from 1 to 7. Each mark corresponds to its own mode. 1 – highest, 7 – minimum temperature.

Mark 3 corresponds to +1-5 degrees in the refrigerator and -18 degrees in the freezer. If you need to store frozen, prepared, or fresh products for a long time, then it is advisable to set the relay at level 5.


Just remember that when you turn it on for the first time, in order to adjust the temperature in the Atlant refrigerator, you need to set the relay to number 3 or 4, since mark 5 causes the compressor to work in continuous mode and leads to breakdown.

Setting up the Atlant refrigerator is easy, and checking the adequacy of the obtained parameters is even easier. It should be taken into account that after the equipment is turned on for the first time, the temperature regime is set at the specified values ​​throughout the day. It is prohibited to overload the refrigerator with food during this time. The criterion for the effective operation of the Atlant refrigerator is the absence of frozen vegetables and fruits and the preservation of food in a fresh state. If you notice that your Atlant has a wet back wall, it means the mode is set incorrectly.

A distinctive feature of the Atlant refrigerator is the need to take into account the characteristics of the environment. In 30-degree heat, the relay position should correspond to the number 1 or 2.

The Samsung refrigerator allows you to separately set the operating mode of two compartments. To install, press Fridge and adjust from +1 to +7 degrees. Factory default setting: temperature set to +3. The refrigerator cannot be plugged in immediately after delivery home. It must stand upright for 2 hours. If it is frosty outside, this time increases to 4 hours. After connecting to the network, Samsung sets the required temperature within 5 hours. As soon as the temperature reaches the required value, you can load the food in small portions, starting from the freezer. You can set up a two-chamber Samsung refrigerator experimentally by trying out what degree of freezing and storage you like. All equipment requires certain placement conditions.

The Samsung refrigerator has the No Frost function, which allows defrosting no more than once a year. A fan located above the evaporator takes air from the chambers and passes it through the evaporator. Next, the cooled air enters the refrigerator and freezer.

Disadvantages of the No Frost system:

  • Blowing air over products leads to chapping and loss of moisture; storage in packaging is required;
  • It is noisy;
  • The price is higher than similar models without the No Frost function;
  • "Samsung" No Frost is more capricious in relation to fluctuations in mains voltage, because... has electronic control.


The Indesit refrigerator can be adjusted using the thermostat knob in the range from 1 – maximum to 5 – minimum temperature. It works quite noisily. Sounds reminiscent of gurgling, hissing, liquid pouring, gurgling, clicking, knocking, grinding appear due to the flow of refrigerant through the system pipes, the operation of the switching relay, and varying degrees of expansion of the heat-insulating layers of the chamber.

Setting up means not only setting the temperature in the refrigerator, but also setting the tilt angle correctly and ensuring adequate air exchange around the compressors. How is the required slope determined? The front panel should be located slightly higher than the back wall. The indesite should be slightly tilted back. You can check the adequacy of the tilt by opening the door, and it will slowly close on its own.


In order to set up the Biryusa two-chamber refrigerator, you need to turn the thermostat knob clockwise to decrease the temperature, counterclockwise to increase it. In the Biryusa 6, 8, 10 model, you can adjust the cooling by reducing or increasing the size of the tray window by moving the curtain. The more you need to cool the food, the more you will have to open the curtain. The Biryusa 153 model refrigerator can withstand a load of only 20 kg per shelf, provided that the weight is distributed evenly.

In Biryusa 151E, 153E models, defrosting occurs automatically. You will have to defrost the low-temperature compartment of models 6E, 8E, 10E yourself. To do this, unplug the device from the outlet and place a water tank close to the back wall. After everything has defrosted, wash with soapy water, rinse with running water, and ventilate for 2-3 hours. Turn on. It will be possible to download in 10 hours. To remove ice from the low-temperature chamber, do not use hair dryers, heaters, sharp or piercing objects.

Setting up also means distributing the products correctly. Products can spoil due to poorly selected refrigeration, as well as improper storage. Fruits and vegetables do not like to live together in the same tray, raw and prepared food are not stored on the same shelf, berries and greens can only be washed before consumption, but not before storage.

If food goes bad, it's not necessarily the refrigerator's fault. You are not the only user; other family members may not find products that, from your point of view, are laid out logically, in compliance with all norms and requirements. You will have to break the rules and place different types of food on the central shelves, then they will immediately catch the eye of the household and be disposed of.

Disadvantages of the Biryusa refrigerator:

  • The electronics are very slow and do not allow the temperature to be brought to the desired level. With the additional purchase of a stabilizer, this problem disappears.
  • In order to remove drawers from the freezer, you need to open the door more than 90 degrees.
  • The indicators and control system are hidden under the refrigerator door; in order to assess the temperature, you need to open the door.

The advantages of equipment with two compressors are obvious; they allow the two chambers to operate separately, independently, which facilitates repairs and alternate shutdowns during vacation or defrosting. But this option fundamentally affects the price.