Installation for driving piles with your own hands. Manual installation of screw piles

The reliability and durability of the entire building depends on the quality of the foundation. Construction of a house on screw piles can be carried out on unstable soils, in a flooded area, on a site with difficult terrain, in seismically active areas.

This technology is one of the most cost-effective. It is quite easy to install screw piles with your own hands. From this article you can glean information on how to properly install screw piles so that the building will serve for many years without repair.

What are screw piles

Screw piles are made in the form of a metal pipe with a tip and screw blades at the bottom. Can be used on difficult soils. They are not suitable for installation on stony and rocky soils, as they will not be able to penetrate a very hard layer when drilling.

The lifespan of a house depends on the correct installation of piles

The dimensions of the supports depend on the mass of the raw materials from which the house will be built and the load-bearing load of building materials, people and objects in the house.

In addition, the calculation takes into account the average mass of the snow layer that may be on the roof in winter.

The service life of the entire building will depend on the correct installation of the pile-screw foundation.

Screwing screw piles is beyond the power of one person; auxiliary workers will be needed to complete the work.

Where to begin

To determine the type of soil, it is necessary to remove the soil from deep layers

Before deciding to build a house on stilts, you need to study the condition of the soil and determine the level of groundwater. Such information can be obtained from geodetic, construction organizations or from neighbors who are or have carried out construction.

To independently determine which soil layers lie beneath the construction site, test drilling is carried out. In several places on the site, wells are dug, 1.5 m deeper than the length of the pile. Particles of soil present inside the well remain on the drill blades.

If a flooded area is detected, you need to position the piles for the screw foundation so as to bypass it.

Obstacles to installation

Large stones in the soil mean that the place is not suitable for driving piles

Installation of pile-screw foundations is carried out using a hydraulic apparatus or manually.

Do-it-yourself installation of screw piles is done by screwing in the support like a self-tapping screw.

Obstacles to installing a pile-screw foundation may include:

  • the presence of large cobblestones (more than 5 cm in diameter) or debris in the soil;
  • occurrence of concrete structures from old buildings in the ground;
  • the root system of trees will significantly complicate the screwing of piles;

Manual installation technology involves using a long lever to screw in screw piles. If there is a building, fence, pole or tree close to the installation site of the foundation supports, the lever cannot be rotated 360 degrees. This will serve as an obstacle to constructing a foundation on screw piles.

Determining the length of the pile

On stable soils, it is enough to screw in the piles to a length of 2.5 m

The length of the supports used to construct a screw foundation will depend on the soil, the depth of its freezing and the level of the grillage.

If there is stable soil on the site, it will be enough to install supports 2.5 m long. On complex terrain with differences in height, structural elements of various lengths will be needed, depending on the height of the terrain.

On unstable soil, the support should be of such length that it reaches stable, compact soil. Its location is determined by test drilling.

You need to screw in the screw structure to the depth where sand and clay lie. Stable soil will ensure that the load-bearing element is firmly anchored in the soil. The presence of a dense fraction is determined by the particles remaining on the blades.

After this, the depth of the formation is measured. Lower a pebble into the well on a rope until it touches the bottom. Make a mark on the string, lift it and measure the length.

In seismically active areas, the length of the well must be at least 4 m. Supports are purchased half a meter longer than the design ones. It is better to cut off the excess later than during the drilling process it turns out that the length of the pile is not enough.

Choosing the right diameter

The diameters of piles produced in production and their purposes are indicated in the table:

1 5.7 cmSuitable for installing chain-link fences.
2 7.6 cmThey are used as supports for concrete fences, small utility buildings, and country houses.
3 8.9 cmSuitable for the construction of one-story houses. One such pile can withstand a load of 3 to 5 tons.
4 10,8 They are used in the construction of two-story houses made of light building materials. A support of this diameter can withstand a load of 5 to 7 tons.

Calculate the total weight of all construction and finishing materials that will be used during construction. The estimated maximum weight of furniture, household items, and people who will be in the house are taken into account. Calculate the mass of the bathtub or pool, taking into account that the tank will be filled with water.

Take into account the load of the snow layer that may lie on the roof in winter. This indicator is calculated on the map depending on the region:

Calculation of the number of piles

The number of supports that will be needed for the foundation will depend on the project and the load-bearing load of the house.

Regulatory requirements:

When carrying out construction in a climate zone with strong winds, the distance between supports is reduced to 2.5 m.

The number of piles is calculated by the formula: add up all possible loads, and divide the resulting value by the load-bearing load of one pile.

Rules for placing piles

Piles are placed at the corners of the future structure and in the center of the supporting structures

Before installing piles, you need to mark their location on the site. To do this, they initially draw on paper a plan for the placement of supports, guided by the design documentation.

The house plan is divided into rectangles, and the size of each plot is calculated. A pile is placed at each corner of the rectangle and in the center of all supporting structures.

After the location of the supports in areas with the maximum load-bearing load has been determined, the remaining distance between the elements is divided into equal segments. Depending on the estimated number of supports, they are evenly distributed around the perimeter. For more information about the layout, watch this video:

If the project provides for columns or a fireplace, there must be a support under them.

Marking on the ground

Transfer the plan for placing supports from the drawing to the area.

Installation sites are marked with wooden beams with a pointed lower end (for easier penetration into the ground), string is stretched between the stakes along the entire perimeter of the building and diagonally.

It is necessary that the marking of the perimeter and diagonals of the foundation made of screw piles be located strictly according to plan.

Do-it-yourself pile installation

To tighten the piles you will need several pairs of working hands

In small areas, installing a pile foundation using special equipment is unprofitable; it is much more profitable to tighten the piles yourself.

To do this, you will need a device consisting of a piece of pipe. It should be slightly larger in diameter than the cross-section of the screwed-in support. This pipe must have holes for connecting to the screw structure with bolts and two eyes for installing levers.

You can screw in one support yourself within an hour, depending on the type of soil in the area. You can twist load-bearing elements up to 400 cm in length using the strength of several assistants. Two people will screw in the screw structure, and one should ensure that the vertical plane is maintained using a magnetic level. For detailed instructions, watch this video:


You will need devices for tightening screw piles:

  • thick-walled pipes with a diameter of 5 cm and a length of 250 cm will be used as levers;
  • tape measure, magnetic level;
  • shovel, crowbar, sledgehammer, hammer;
  • chalk or marker;
  • wooden pegs or reinforcement rods;
  • grinder for cutting piles to height after completion of foundation installation.

Installation technology

Check the vertical level of the pile after each turn

To find out how to install screw piles, you need to study the installation technology. The work is carried out using a twisting device made by hand.

The question often arises of how to tighten screw piles with your own hands so that they do not deviate from the vertical level.

To do this, you yourself need to strictly control the actions of your assistants and the compliance of the screwed-in element with the vertical plane after each 360-degree turn.

After preparing and marking the area, the supports are treated with anti-corrosion compounds. According to the technology, screw piles are first installed in the corners.

Rules for installing piles:

When building a house on a pile-screw foundation, you must strictly adhere to the technology of installing screw piles.

Installation equipment

The use of special equipment for screwing screw piles alone simplifies and facilitates the work, but allows for some errors.

Portable devices have been developed that can be transported in a car.

Instructions for operation of the gasoline-hydraulic station UZS-1:

  • a hydraulic rotator is inserted into the support barrel, its shaft with a screw structure is secured with a stopper;
  • install the structure with the mechanism installed in it at the marked place;
  • a lever is attached to the hydraulic rotator, the end of which is fixed on the ground;
  • They turn on the station, it begins to screw in the support.

The unit is started and turned off using a lever. Such stations are suitable for screwing in structures with a diameter of 79 to 113 mm in individual construction. It is impossible to install screw piles for multi-storey buildings; they will not withstand significant load-bearing loads. Watch this video for more details:

For faster tightening, you can attach a drill to the structure

Another method for mechanized installation involves using a drill and a geared impact wrench.

The structure is fastened with bolts.

A significant force will act on the pipe, so a channel is laid to strengthen it and prevent it from deforming.

The drill is connected to voltage, rotating, it screws in the screw structure. It is necessary to strictly control the vertical level when diving.

A screw support will be reliable only if it transfers the load-bearing load from the house to dense, stable soil and does not sag under the influence of gravity. Screw it in all the way until it reaches the soil of such density that it does not allow it to sink lower.

Regardless of the chosen installation technology, tightening screw piles with your own hands should be done strictly in a vertical plane using a level.

Quite a complex process. It requires special knowledge and sometimes special equipment. Many amateurs in the field of construction believe that it is almost impossible to cope with such work on their own. However, this is not quite true.

Before starting the process, you need to familiarize yourself with the technology. It involves overcoming several stages. At the first stage, the foundation is calculated, then the field is marked. The third step will be the installation of piles, and the final step will be cutting the pillars to one level.

Preparation before installation

If you are faced with the question of how to tighten a screw pile yourself, then first you must prepare for the work. To do this, foreign objects and debris are removed from the construction site. If you plan installation in winter, then there is no need to get rid of snow. This is due to the fact that the piles should be driven into soft rather than deeply frozen soil. Snow is usually removed on the day of installation.

If you plan to use a special installation for driving piles, then it is important to worry about the availability of an entrance. For a concrete mixer, you must ensure that there is an outlet. You will also need process water.

About the depth of screw piles

Before starting work, it is necessary to determine the depth of the pile, taking into account the following factors:

  • soil composition;
  • calculated parameters of soil resistance;
  • soil freezing depth;
  • load-bearing capacity requirements.

Screw pile foundations are usually used for lightweight structures. Therefore, when determining the laying depth, the key point is the freezing point.

The minimum immersion depth of the support corresponds to the soil freezing line. The corresponding indicator can be taken from SNiP 01/23/99. Before driving screw piles in the southern region, for example in Voronezh or Belgorod, you must emphasize to yourself that in these areas the freezing depth is 1000 mm. But in the northern regions this parameter exceeds 2400 mm.

Possible obstacles

Before driving screw piles by hand, you should inspect the area. Sometimes conditions are created that prevent work from being carried out. This happens when there are trees nearby or there is buried construction debris or inclusions of stones in the ground. The process may be slowed down if there are poles or a fence near the support point.

It is impossible to install piles if there is a building nearby. Buildings must be removed by 30 cm or more. If the supports are supposed to be screwed in near an unuprooted stump or large trees, then the roots will diverge underground, this should be taken into account. During installation of the products, it may become clear that there are stones in the depths. If their diameter is up to 5 cm, then they will not have any effect. Large stones that get in the way of the pile will make screwing in impossible.

If the diameter of the elements increases to 10 cm, then they can interfere with twisting and cause displacement of the tip, which will cause the axis to deviate from the vertical. If you are wondering how to properly tighten screw piles, you should know that sometimes the products have to be pulled back out. In this case, the installation site should be excavated with a shovel, and then the stones should be removed from the soil. Then you can continue installation.

The excavated soil is poured back into the hole and compacted around the post. If there are concrete slabs or blocks, large obstacles or construction debris in the soil, then installing a screw pile will not be possible. When a large stone is in the path of the structure at a line below the freezing point of the soil, the support can be left as is. The stone located below will carry the load and distribute it throughout the soil.

A mandatory step when installing piles is applying an anti-corrosion coating

Among private builders, the question has recently arisen about how to manually tighten screw piles. This process is divided into several stages. One of them is the application of an anti-corrosion coating. In order for the foundation to serve as long as possible, the part of the structure that will be located at the border of air and earth should be protected from corrosion.

Such protection is necessary, which does not depend on soil conditions. You should not be afraid that the front coverings and the tip of the pile will wear off when screwing in. These parts of the product will be located in the ground at an impressive depth, where corrosion is difficult. When constructing simple and unimportant structures such as canopies and gazebos, you can use cold galvanizing or bitumen mastic.

If you have to work with slightly abrasive soil, you can use a double-action combined coating. This applies to the case when there is peat or wet plastic clay on the territory. The protection will consist of a layer and bitumen mastic, which is applied on top. This coating protects the foundation for many years.

If you are faced with the question of how to tighten screw piles with your own hands, then it is important to carry out geological research. If there is abrasive soil in an area with inclusions of sand and crushed stone, as well as small stones, it is necessary to apply a layer of heat-shrinkable film over the anti-corrosion coating. It will fit the pile and give the product high strength. Such an anti-corrosion coating will protect the support from abrasion.

Screwing in piles

Screw piles are installed without drilling devices. On their lower part there are screw blades, which allow installation into the soil. The disadvantage of this method is that twisting may involve inaccurate installation, which distinguishes this technology from the one when products are buried or filled with concrete.

Installation of piles manually is carried out in cases where the mechanized method cannot be used, or mechanized installation for piles is not economically feasible. If installation is carried out in a place where there is no access for equipment, then the manual method is the only correct one. It is used in the construction of foundations for small buildings that are located on plots outside the city. It can be:

  • gazebos;
  • baths;
  • wooden houses;
  • fences

When to use the manual method

Usually, the manual method of installing piles is used when constructing fences at the border of two areas. There are also cases when it is necessary to install a support near the cottage, which is much cheaper than using additional equipment. Before driving screw piles, you should enlist the help of several people.

Work methodology

The product must be mounted in a vertical position at a pre-marked point. A steel rod or crowbar is inserted into the technological hole in the support. After this, the resulting lever can be extended using a pipe. Its length should be 2500 mm or more.

If you are faced with the task of how to tighten screw piles, then you should know that one person in the process will guide the trunk so that it is immersed in a strictly vertical position. Two other people, grasping the lever, will move around the barrel, screwing the structure. The immersion speed of the support is approximately 192 mm per revolution. If conditions are favorable, then from 5 to 15 minutes will be spent on one pile. The rate of descent will depend on the type of soil.

What to do if an obstacle occurs

If the screwed-in blades have reached dense soil, and several people are not able to turn the pile, then there is no point in trying to bury the support deeper. This indicates that the product has reached the ground, which has a high bearing capacity. On such soil the foundation will be very reliable. During the process, you will have a question about how deep to screw the screw piles. Experts emphasize that it is necessary to deepen the support below the soil freezing line in your region. For more accurate installation, holes are pre-made. After this it will be easier to fit the pile.


If you are going to build a house, you must know how to tighten screw piles. They are suitable for light buildings, as well as for fences, gazebos and bathhouses. One of the key points is the freezing depth, which in the case of sandstone is higher than that of clay soils. But if you have to work with peat, then the immersion depth should be such that the support reaches solid soil.

Construction has always been and remains a responsible business. The durability of the structure depends on the quality of work. The foundation is considered an important part of any building. In modern construction, screw piles are often used. This technology helps to significantly reduce financial costs and construction time.

Screw piles are screwed into the ground using special equipment, but few people know that this can be done with their own hands. The article describes in detail how to install piles manually. But before considering the installation process, let's learn more about this modern technology.


Screw piles are used as supports in difficult soil: uneven terrain, swampy or frozen soils. Initially, the technology came from military craft, where it was necessary to quickly build and dismantle special-purpose objects. Now this method is actively used in civil engineering.

Used for the construction of the following structures:

  • frame and modular buildings, low-rise buildings;
  • light structures, fences, advertising boards;
  • supports for high-voltage lines and pipelines;
  • bridges, piers.

Installation is carried out hydraulically or manually. The piles are screwed into the ground like a self-tapping screw. If the soil is very frozen, a leader well is made. Their calculated load-bearing capacity depends on the correct installation of supports.

Advantages and disadvantages of a screw foundation

  • are erected faster than a concrete foundation;
  • used in swampy, unstable and icy soils;
  • ready for full load after screwing;
  • can be installed at any time of the year;
  • no need to level the landscape;
  • are cheaper than concrete foundations.


  • limited service life;
  • cannot be used on rocky ground;
  • It is difficult to make good anti-corrosion protection.

This is hard work, so small diameter piles are used because they are easier to screw in. Screwing in the supports manually occurs in order to save money or when it cannot be done by machine. The manual method allows you to build small buildings, for example, a bathhouse, a gazebo or a fence. To work, you will need simple tools and several assistants.

Possible obstacles
Manual installation becomes more difficult if there is a lot of debris or stones in the ground. Make sure that it does not contain large objects: crushed stone, iron, bricks, etc. Small fragments will not cause any harm, but large stones will cause the support axis to deviate or the blades will be bent.

Sometimes there are concrete blocks or slabs in the ground, which cannot be removed without seriously digging up the area. This problem can stop the entire installation process or make significant adjustments to the foundation layout.

Try to find an area where there are no thickets within a radius of 20 m. The root system, especially of large trees, is well developed. Even a rotten stump located nearby will significantly complicate the screwing of piles.

To manually screw in the pile, it is necessary to use long levers. If there is a building, fence or pole next to the planned construction, they will interfere with the installation of supports.

Preparatory work

  1. Installation of screw supports begins with searching and inspecting the construction site. Examine the soil carefully. The choice of piles of a certain diameter depends on its condition. It is difficult to screw in large supports in soil that is too dry or clayey.
  2. Having chosen suitable piles, calculate how many pieces you will need for the work. The distance between them during installation depends on their number.
  3. To ensure that screw piles serve properly for many decades, anti-corrosion treatment is performed. Apply several layers of protective coating.

There are several processing options:

  • primer for metal – standard coating;
  • bitumen mastic – protects the surface of the pile from contact with moisture;
  • cold galvanizing - zinc, interacting with the metal surface of the pile, creates a weak electric current that prevents corrosion;
  • cold galvanizing and bitumen mastic - combined processing;
  • cold galvanizing, bitumen mastic and polymer film - the first two layers of protection are covered with shrink film, this provides maximum protection.

Tools for installing screw piles

  • Shovel - for leveling screwing points.
  • Magnetic level - will help control the position of the pile.
  • Drill – should be smaller in diameter than screw piles.
  • Tape measure – necessary for taking measurements.
  • Hydraulic level – used to set horizontal marks.
  • A crowbar and two pipes 2 m long - these will make levers.
  • Hammer – will be needed to hammer in the peg.
  • Grinder – for cutting piles.
  • Thin rope - for marking the foundation.
  • Knife, gloves, pencil.

Foundation marking
Accuracy and accuracy in calculations are required. To work you will need rope and pegs. If the foundation is rectangular, first determine the corner support points. Hammer the pegs and connect them with rope. Try to make the rectangle shape even. On each side, determine equidistant points for the remaining piles. Once all the marks have been placed, you can begin installing the supports.

Screw pile installation technique
The supports must be installed in the corners first. To do this, drill guide holes. The depth should be equal to 1/3 of the length of the pile, and the size should be less than the diameter of the pile. Once you begin the installation process, try to control the evenness of the vertical position of the support. A magnetic level will help you.

The piles are screwed in using levers, in our case this is an ordinary crowbar. When the twisting becomes tight, the arms are extended with additional pipes. This process must take place evenly and on command so as not to displace the support.

If the pile stops turning, this means that you have reached a layer of soil whose density is sufficient to support the weight of the structure. In this case, you should not continue screwing. After the corner piles are installed, connect them with rope at the bottom and top. This will help align the remaining supports evenly – vertically and heightwise.

When the foundation is ready around the perimeter, place marks inside. To do this, columns of parallel sides are connected with a rope. At the crossing points, it is necessary to drill holes for the installation of internal foundation piles.

The manual method does not allow for smooth installation. Even if you screw in smoothly and slowly, the support will gradually move to the side. Therefore, it is periodically necessary to check the degree of deviation with a magnetic level. If the displacement is significant, then move the pile until it is level and make several turns.

The displacement is affected by stones stored in the ground. In this case, it is difficult to align the supports. There are two solutions: first, rotate the pile deeper than the stone and loosen it so that it can be placed evenly and make several turns. Second, pull out the support, use a drill to go through a difficult section of soil, and then continue installation.

Not all piles can be screwed in to the required level. Therefore, they are shortened with a grinder, leveling them in height. It is recommended to trim below the arm insert hole. It is convenient to draw marks using a hydraulic level - a long, thin hose filled with water and working on the principle of communicating vessels.


After trimming, the screw piles are filled with a mixture of concrete and sand. The solution should not be too thick or liquid. This procedure makes the supports stronger and more resistant to stress. Some builders add reinforcement to the pipe to provide additional rigidity.

Concrete protects the inner surface from oxygen and moisture and extends the life of the foundation. If the installation of piles takes place in the cold season, winter additives are added to the solution. They will make concrete resistant to low temperatures.

When the solution dries, the pipe is sealed with caps for subsequent piping. Welding seams are treated with an anti-corrosion agent.

Screw piles are a practical technology for the construction of any structures. Inexpensive cost and fast installation speed have made this type of foundation in demand. Screw pile technology is now available to everyone. You can apply it yourself or use the services of construction companies.

Video: tightening screw piles with your own hands

Have you decided to opt for a pile-screw foundation? We fully approve of your choice, and therefore we will give you some advice on how to install them correctly manually.

  • — Advice: do not try to manually tighten piles with a diameter of 89 mm or more or piles with a immersion depth of more than 2.5 meters - human effort is not enough to screw the pile to the load-bearing layer of soil, which risks subsidence of the support under load during installation of the structure.

Basic rules for manual installation

Service life of screw piles will be more than 500 years if installed correctly. There are several main installation rules. Firstly, the pile must reach a solid layer of soil (for example, driving a pile by hand into sandy soils is very problematic). Secondly, the pile must be installed strictly along the vertical axis.

  • — Advice: before installation, stock up on a magnetic level (be sure to be magnetic!), a shovel, a hand drill and two crowbars 2.5 - 3 meters long (the larger the arm, the easier it will be to rotate the pile).

Use a shovel to level the installation site, otherwise the pile may immediately go at an angle. Using a drill with a blade diameter smaller than the pile blade, drill a hole 50-70 cm, install the pile exactly according to the magnetic level. Insert a crowbar into the technological holes and try to turn the pile little by little. The optimal team composition is 3 people: one monitors the deviation of the pile (allowable angle is 1-2°), two tighten the pile. You can get a little help from companies offering foundation construction services.

A clear sign that the pile has rested against the load-bearing layer will be the deformation of the technological hole, which will be cut off at the end of the immersion. To make the pile go into the ground easier, it can be watered abundantly. After installing the pile, pour fine sand into the niches and fill it with water to compact it. And some more useful tips:

  • - accuracy is required. If the blade hits a stone, you will deform the weld with excessive force;
  • — in hard-to-reach areas (slopes, hard soil, narrow working space) you can use a small capstan (150 kg assembled);
  • - if the pile still hits an obstacle, then you can try to leave it alone, provided that it is immersed below the freezing level of the ground by 20-30 cm (1-1.3 meters);
  • — cutting of piles is carried out only when all foundation piles are screwed to the required level.

Did you find this work difficult or don’t have the right tool at hand? will be happy to help you resolve this issue by offering qualified assistance in installing screw piles and foundation construction in Moscow and turnkey areas. We not only work in full compliance with GOST, SNiP and ISO, but also provide services for the construction of individual and industrial structures, including their design.

— choose professionals with an impeccable reputation and extensive experience in the Russian construction markets!

Building a foundation yourself is an act that commands respect. But many refuse this idea, believing that without special education, heavy construction equipment and a lot of free time, this is impossible. For many, this task seems impossible without the involvement of a team of experienced builders. But few people know that the use of screw piles can significantly reduce the cost of construction, and the process of constructing a pile foundation with your own hands will take only 1-2 days.

But, be that as it may, you can’t do without special tools. For work we will need:

  • Screw piles suitable for your structure and future foundation plan. (If you were unable to select the piles yourself, our specialists are always ready to give a detailed and free consultation by phone or in the company’s office) However, let’s assume that you already have the piles.
  • Heads 250*250mm ( if provided for by the project)
  • Pegs for marking a pile field
  • Shovel
  • Roulette
  • White metal marker
  • Magnetic level
  • Water level or level
  • Scrap metal
  • Two levers. ( Pipes 2-3 meters long, mounted on scrap metal)
  • Grinder with cutting discs for metal
  • Welding machine
  • Generator (if there is no electricity on site)
  • Cement, sand, water
  • Container for mixing concrete mortar
  • Anti-corrosion coating for weld processing
  • As well as assistants, numbering three people.

Stages of installing screw piles:

Before you start driving screw piles, you should mark the pile field. The structures must be installed at a certain distance from each other (no more than 3 m). If this rule is not followed, the foundation will not gain the required load-bearing capacity and sagging of the strapping beam may occur in the future.

2. Setting the perimeter.

Then follows the setting of the perimeter. First of all, you should measure the diagonals and install pegs in the four corners around the perimeter of the house. The formula for calculating the diagonal is shown in the figure.

3. Driving corner piles.

4. Screwing in the remaining screw piles.

First you need to dig a hole in the place you have outlined. The depth of the pit should not exceed 0.5 - 0.7 meters. Piles should be screwed into the ground to a depth of at least 1.7 meters to avoid bulging under the influence of frost heaving. The process of screwing in screw piles can be done either manually or using special devices.

A crowbar is inserted into the technological hole at the end of the pile. Next, on both sides you should put a larger diameter pipe on it, which will serve as a lever. A magnetic level must be attached to the pile shaft. The angle of inclination should not exceed 1.5- 2 degrees. Otherwise, there will be an uneven distribution of the load, and as a result, deformation of the pile.The reliability and quality of the foundation as a whole depend on the correct tightening of screw piles.

After this, the piles need to be concreted. To do this, you need to use a cement-sand solution of grade M150. Concreting screw piles is only necessary to remove all the oxygen from the cavity of the pile shaft, thereby protecting it from corrosion from the inside. (No oxygen - no corrosion!)

7. Installation of heads.

The final stage of installation is welding the ends. The head needs to be put on the pile and welded. The weld seam should be cleaned and then treated with an anti-corrosion coating.

With proper construction of a pile-screw foundation, it can last for decades. It is important to immediately stop saving on material for building the foundation.

When ordering piles from our factory, you can be sure of their quality. We cooperate with leading metal suppliers. Therefore, we offer optimal prices for the range we sell.

Despite the fact that you can install screw piles yourself, it is sometimes difficult to navigate the sequence of actions. Our factory offers the services of qualified installers. They will install piles efficiently, in accordance with current standards and regulations. The foundation on our screw piles is durable regardless of the type of soil.

We will always help you choose the product by diameter and type. You can also calculate the required standard size of piles for your project. Thus, you will save not only money, but also time. Today, a screw pile is the optimal material for quick and reliable construction of a foundation.