Lessons of kindness (based on the story “The Horse with a Pink Mane” by Viktor Astafiev) (Unified State Examination in Literature). Essay on the topic: Lessons of kindness in the story The Horse with a Pink Mane, Astafiev Several interesting essays

>Essays on the work The Horse with a Pink Mane

Lessons in Kindness

An important place in the story by V. P. Astafiev “A Horse with pink mane"The theme of kindness occupies. This story is autobiographical and included in the collection “The Last Bow.” In it, the author talks about an incident from childhood that remained in his memory for the rest of his life. The main character of the work, the boy Vitya, was left without a mother at an early age and raised by his grandparents. The boy’s grandmother, Katerina Petrovna, although a strict woman, loved her grandson very much. One day she sent him with the neighboring boys to pick berries. With the money raised, she promised to buy him a gingerbread horse with a pink mane. In those years, such sweets were rare, and boys from all over the village could only dream of such gingerbread.

The Levontiev children were hooligans and ill-mannered, which is why the boy’s grandmother did not like them. And this time they started a fight on the way, ate all the collected berries and forced the boy Vitya to do the same. Then he shared his berries so as not to be branded as greedy. I didn’t want to return home with an empty vessel, especially knowing my grandmother’s character. There were no tears or excuses with her. Then the guys advised him to fill the container with grass and cover it with a few berries on top. That's what they did. When they returned, Sanka, the most mischievous of the Levontyev boys, began to threaten that he would hand him over to his grandmother if he did not bring kalachi. Then Vitya faced another moral choice: to steal rolls from his grandmother or not. Still, he stole it and wore it until Sanka had his fill.

The incidents of that day worried the boy so much that he could not sleep. In the morning I decided to tell everything to my grandmother and ask for forgiveness, but she was no longer there. She went to the city to sell berries. When Katerina Petrovna returned, she was very angry with her grandson, and he hid in the closet and did not come out all day. The grandmother told all her neighbors how her grandson treated her. The boy was terribly ashamed. The next day, the grandfather arrived from his farm and advised Vita to talk to his grandmother and ask for forgiveness. He did just that. At first his grandmother scolded him for a long time, and then finally gave him “a horse with a pink mane.” So many years have passed since then, my grandparents have been gone for a long time, and the author himself has aged. However, he never forgot that “lesson” of his grandmother and the gingerbread horse.

Victor Astafiev's story “The Horse with a Pink Mane” immerses the reader in the light and exciting world of childhood. The plot of the story is realistic from beginning to end, but the reader is left with the feeling of a fairy tale, the magic of what is happening. From the first to the last word the story is full of love and kindness. The author conveys to the reader the idea that the most important lessons in life are precisely those lessons of kindness.

The narration is told in the first person. The main character, a little boy, dreams of a pink gingerbread horse. This horse is simply a miracle! You can admire it, it’s so nice to hide it in your bosom, thanks to it you can feel your power and superiority over the Leontief children. And how delicious it is!

To deserve such a miracle, you need to try a lot - to pick a whole bunch of strawberries in the forest. But how can you dial it when there is a noisy group of mischievous kids nearby, who are trying to fight or fool around. And so it happened by itself that main character returns in the evening to his grandmother with an empty stomach and in a depressed state of mind. WITH light hand Insidious Sanka, a solution is found quickly - the boy fills the container with grass, which he sprinkles on top with berries, and gives it to his grandmother.

The deception is revealed quickly, literally the next day: the grandmother almost sold the “strawberries” that the “poor little orphan” had collected at the market. Of course, the elderly woman had suffered shame, and the little prankster seemed to face an inevitable and severe punishment. Anticipating trouble, the boy sleeps poorly the night before and spends the whole day in anxiety. There is no choice, he has to go home. And there... of course, the grandmother is beside herself with worry and indignation. A wave of remorse rolls over the little naughty boy, he feels so guilty, so lost...

The grandfather comes to the rescue, trying to encourage his grandson. And this unexpected kindness in response to his prank causes abundant tears in the boy, which come from the very depths of his heart, like pure repentance. Now he wants only one thing - to be forgiven, so that his soul will be light, pure and joyful, as before.

The culmination of the story is reconciliation with grandmother and an unexpected gift in the form of a treasured gingerbread horse. This horse is even more than a dream come true, it becomes a symbol of reconciliation, forgiveness and selfless love. The boy understands perfectly well that his behavior only deserved punishment, so for him the horse becomes much more than just a delicacy. This is a lesson in love that he remembers throughout his life and remembers fondly as an adult.

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  • Lessons in Kindness

    The theme of kindness occupies an important place in V. P. Astafiev’s story “The Horse with a Pink Mane.” This story is autobiographical and included in the collection “The Last Bow”. In it, the author talks about an incident from childhood that remained in his memory for the rest of his life. The main character of the work, the boy Vitya, was left without a mother at an early age and raised by his grandparents. The boy’s grandmother, Katerina Petrovna, although a strict woman, loved her grandson very much. One day she sent him with the neighboring boys to pick berries.

    With the money raised, she promised to buy him a gingerbread horse with a pink mane. In those years, such sweets were rare, and boys from all over the village could only dream of such gingerbread.

    The Levontiev children were hooligans and ill-mannered, which is why the boy’s grandmother did not like them. And this time they started a fight on the way, ate all the collected berries and forced the boy Vitya to do the same. Then he shared his berries so as not to be branded as greedy. I didn’t want to return home with an empty vessel, especially knowing my grandmother’s character. There were no tears or excuses with her. Then the guys advised

    fill the container with grass and cover it with a few berries on top. That's what they did. When they returned, Sanka, the most mischievous of the Levontyev boys, began to threaten that he would hand him over to his grandmother if he did not bring kalachi. Then Vitya faced another moral choice: to steal rolls from his grandmother or not. Still, he stole it and wore it until Sanka had his fill.

    The incidents of that day worried the boy so much that he could not sleep. In the morning I decided to tell everything to my grandmother and ask for forgiveness, but she was no longer there. She went to the city to sell berries. When Katerina Petrovna returned, she was very angry with her grandson, and he hid in the closet and did not come out all day. The grandmother told all her neighbors how her grandson treated her. The boy was terribly ashamed. The next day, the grandfather arrived from his farm and advised Vita to talk to his grandmother and ask for forgiveness. He did just that. At first his grandmother scolded him for a long time, and then finally gave him “a horse with a pink mane.” So many years have passed since then, my grandparents have been gone for a long time, and the author himself has aged. However, he never forgot that “lesson” of his grandmother and the gingerbread horse.

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    Research work. Lessons of kindness and forgiveness in “The Parable of the Prodigal Son” and in V. P. Astafiev’s story “The Horse with a Pink Mane.” Completed by a 6th grade student of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 2 in Mozhaisk Shudrova E. Supervisor: Trifonova I. V.

    Research work. Topic: Lessons of kindness and forgiveness in “The Parable of the Prodigal Son” and in the story “The Horse with the Pink Mane.” Goal: to show how kindness, mercy, forgiveness help people become better people. Tasks: 1. Compare the “Parable of the Prodigal Son” and the story “The Horse with the Pink Mane.” 2. Show how the father in the parable and the grandmother in the story “punish” children with kindness. 3. Reveal the lesson of kindness and forgiveness in works.

    3 In the “Parable of the Prodigal Son” it is said: “The younger son demanded a part of the inheritance from his father and, having collected everything, went to a distant place, and there he squandered his property, living dissolutely.” What did his life in a foreign land lead to, a life in which there was no place left for his father’s commandments?

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    How does his father greet him? His father happily accepted him into his arms and even threw a feast in honor of his return. And the father turned out to be wise: not a word of reproach, not a moral lesson. He understands that his son is already hard and ashamed, that the lesson life gave him was not in vain, and there is no need to add anything to this. .

    7 How do we understand the father’s words: “This son of mine was dead and is alive again, he was lost and is found?” The son was “dead” because he forgot the commandments of God and led a dissolute life, but now he realized his sin and repented; came to life - his soul returned to him. What idea does the parable convey? The parable conveys the idea of ​​repentance and forgiveness. It's never too late to admit your mistakes, repent of your sins, return to the right path and receive forgiveness.

    The grandmother in the story “The Horse with a Pink Mane,” just like the father in the parable, had a choice: she could hold a grudge and reproach her grandson for deception and theft. But grandma forgives him. And he forgives both out of his natural kindness and pity, and out of the ability of a subtle and sensitive understanding that the grandson is repenting. The grandmother “punishes” her grandson with kindness. And the point is not only that you cannot deceive and betray loved ones, but in realizing the need to forgive. She conquers evil with good. “A white horse with a pink mane galloped on pink hooves across the scraped kitchen table, like across a vast land with arable fields, meadows and roads. - Take it, take it, what are you looking at? Look, but even when you deceive your grandmother..."

    It turns out that parental love is something you cannot live without. She is above justice. Grandmother believed in him, understood that he was suffering and repenting. Mercy, kindness and forgiveness did what the heaviest punishment would not do. The writer is grateful to his grandmother for her kindness, for believing in him, for helping him realize his guilt. “How many years have passed since then! ..And I still can’t forget my grandmother’s gingerbread—that marvelous horse with a pink mane.” This is how the writer ends his story. He justified her trust and grew up to be a real person who understands what honesty, duty, conscience, and kindness are. .