Unified form of work completion certificate. Certificate of completed work

When performing various services, an agreement is drawn up, which is signed by both parties. It reflects the timing, type of service provided (legal, medical, educational, transport, etc.), the essence of the service and details of the parties. The document has a registration number and a stamp is affixed to it. Each party receives one copy, which can become the basis for transferring money for the service provided.

After some time, a controversial situation may arise in which the parties begin to find out whether assistance was really provided or not. Another piece of paper will help clarify the situation – the certificate of services performed.

An act of performance of services is a document certifying the fact that the service was actually provided (work was performed) and displaying the fee for it and the terms of provision. It is drawn up to document the completion of a service or work in accordance with the agreement.

The act of performing services refers to primary reporting documents and can become the basis for including expenses for the service or work provided as expenses. The legislation does not establish a unified form of the act.

According to Federal Law No. 402-FZ of December 6, 2011, documents with an unapproved form must necessarily include the following data:

  • Document title;
  • Date of compilation;
  • Full name of the institution;
  • The essence of the business transaction performed;
  • Equivalents of the performed operation in value and physical terms;
  • Indication of the positions of persons responsible for the implementation of a business transaction and the correctness of its reflection in the documentation;
  • Listings of the listed officials.

Certificate of performance of works and services - you can download a sample

Why do you need a certificate of services performed under a service agreement?

The certificate of services performed, drawn up for the service agreement, is signed by the two parties to the transaction. It is usually drawn up by the performer, since it is the performers who are most often accused of failure to perform the service or of not providing it in full.

If work is carried out under a contract with the customer (for example, repair, construction, turning and others), i.e., such work, the material expression of which is the result, it is not necessary to draw up an acceptance certificate for the service provided. This is because if the case goes to court, the direct evidence will be the result of the work itself.

The document can become powerful evidence in court if a dispute arises between the parties regarding the service provided, the result of which cannot be viewed, shown or measured.

In this case, we are talking about intangible services, i.e. the use of the intellectual or professional knowledge of the performer for the purpose of providing assistance. The fulfillment of the terms of the contract for the provision of services is evidenced by the date of full implementation of services or work and the signature of the parties to the agreement.

The customer is no less interested in drawing up the act, since the document confirms that the money was paid for a reason, but for the acquired benefit from the actions of the performer.

You can read how to draw up an agreement between an individual entrepreneur and an LLC or any other legal entity.

What does the legislation say?

The legislation does not force the parties to the agreement to draw up an act of performed services under a service agreement, however, Chapter 39 of the Civil Code provides clarifications regarding the provision of services for a fee. The contract must include a clause explaining exactly how and on what basis the fact of carrying out the work or service is confirmed.

It turns out that even before the execution of the contract begins, the need to draw up such a document is indicated. Such documents are usually called an acceptance certificate or a certificate of services performed.

Since the law does not establish a special form of the document, the act is drawn up in any form. The main thing is that it makes it possible to understand when and what services were actually provided. The document can be the basis for calculations and subsequent taxation; it represents an addition to the main agreement.

Tax Code Provisions

How to correctly draw up an act of performed services under a service agreement?

As noted above, there is no unified form for the work completion certificate. The exception is construction and installation work, for which a standard form KS-2 has been drawn up.

Mandatory document details

The acceptance certificate for the work performed is drawn up in any form, but a number of details must be reflected in it:

  • Title of the document (various options are acceptable: act of completion of work, act of acceptance of work performed, act of acceptance of work performed, act of performed services (or work), etc.);
  • Registration number;
  • Date of drawing up the act;
  • A reference to the number and date of the contract under which the work was carried out or services were performed;
  • Names of the customer and contractor (full full name);
  • Representative positions;
  • Type of work performed or services provided;
  • Total cost of work or services (excluding VAT or including VAT);
  • Scope of services provided and deadlines;
  • Listings of responsible persons and

The act of performance of work or services is drawn up and signed by the contractor in two copies. After this, the document is sent to the customer for signature. One copy with signatures of the parties is given to the customer, the other remains with the contractor.

Certificate of completion of work under a service agreement - sample document completion:

Sample certificate of work performed under a service agreement.

If the customer has complaints regarding the scope and quality of the service, the appointed representative can reflect this in the document, as well as indicate the period during which the defects were corrected. The signatures of the representatives are sealed.

How to correctly draw up a power of attorney for the right to sign documents? The answer is contained

If both parties are satisfied with the quality and volume of the service provided or work performed, an entry similar to the following is made in the document: “There are no claims against the contractor.”

Certificate of acceptance of work performed and services provided (form to fill out):

Sample act of acceptance of work performed and services provided.

Since the act is an annex to the main agreement and has legal force, it may reflect the financial results of the transaction.

So, for example, if an advance was paid, it can be noted in the document that minus the prepayment, the amount to be transferred to the contractor’s bank account corresponds to a certain monetary equivalent. It is also possible to consider this unnecessary and arrange a reconciliation of the payment separately.

Thus, if services of an intellectual or other nature are provided that do not have material confirmation of the results of activities, a clause must be included in the contract on the execution of a document mutual with the customer, containing the fact and time of provision of the service. This document is drawn up in any form, but must contain the date of provision of services and the signatures of both parties.

You can find out how to draw up a power of attorney to receive a work book upon dismissal and download a sample of such a document

Is it necessary to draw up an act of services rendered? The answer is contained in the following video with expert recommendations:

After providing a certain service, the contractor sometimes faces the question of how to confirm the work done. After all, some contracts require actual results. In this case, the parties may be advised to draw up an act of provision of services. Everything will be clear and extremely clear.

Need and necessity

Recently, the service sector has become especially popular. Many organizations and individuals have emerged that are ready to satisfy the needs of their customers in a variety of areas. Services can be commercial and non-commercial, tangible and intangible. True, sometimes the consumer wants to be sure that he received what he wanted in full. Then there is a need for documentary evidence, the best option of which would be an act of provision of services.

Some consider it mandatory to have such paper among the primary documents when concluding such an agreement. However, this is not entirely true. None of the current Russian legislation contains requirements for the preparation of such acts. True, there is a mention in the Civil Code, but only about acts of work performed. And even those apply only to construction contracts. But any service, unlike work, is an intangible category, and the performer, in fact, has nothing to transfer to the customer. That is why there is a need to draw up an act of provision of services as confirmation.

Medical assistance

One of the types of activities where there may be a need to draw up such an act is medicine. People often turn to doctors for help. But here we must take into account that now there are a lot of clinics and other healthcare institutions that operate on a paid basis. Consequently, all actions and events carried out will have their monetary equivalent. According to generally accepted rules, a bilateral agreement is concluded between the customer (Consumer) and the contractor (Institution), which sets out all the circumstances of their future cooperation. Since the relationship between the parties in this case concerns payment, one party needs to confirm the fact of payment, and the other needs to prove that the work was actually completed. The patient, for his part, provides a cash receipt, and the medical institution draws up an act of provision of services (acceptance, delivery or performance of work). It must clearly indicate the volume completed and indicate the total amount taken from the pre-compiled estimate.

Document form

If the parties nevertheless decide to enter into an agreement for the provision of any services, then the moment will certainly come when they will have to confirm the fact of its execution. You will need to issue an act of provision of services.

In this case, you will have to draw up the form yourself, because a unified form of such a document simply does not exist. But there is nothing complicated about this, since it is, in fact, an ordinary act of completed work. It is compiled arbitrarily. The main thing is that the following main points are indicated there:

  1. The name of the document itself, as well as the date and place of its preparation.
  2. The act must refer to a specific contract, the execution of which it is evidence of.
  3. The name of the work that is specified in the subject of the contract should be displayed.
  4. Full cost of services under the contract. Moreover, two amounts must be present: with and without VAT.
  5. It is necessary to note the positions of the two parties on this fact, namely whether they have claims against each other.
  6. Details of both parties. In addition, you can also mark the details of their authorized representatives for information.
  7. Signatures and seals of the parties to the agreement.

Sometimes such a document indicates the guarantees that one party gives to the other regarding the work performed by it for a certain period.

In the field of transport services

Freight transportation is considered one of the most popular types of services. After all, not every company manager or other owner can have a sufficient fleet of cars. And sometimes specialized equipment is required, which is not cheap. In this case, you have to seek help from companies for which such work is their main professional activity. An agreement is concluded, and after its execution, an act of provision of transport services is drawn up.

Sometimes the parties first agree on the amount, terms and certain conditions. Then, based on this, an act is drawn up and partial or full payment is made, and after all, the work itself is done. The parties choose the sequence of actions independently. If an advance payment is made, it must be indicated in the act so as not to cause confusion in the financial statements. The act, like the contract, must be drawn up in 2 copies so that each party has its own original document.

Download the service provision form

Certificate of completion of work is a primary document confirming the completion of a certain amount of work or services. This is a two-sided document that is drawn up by the contractor and signed by the customer. Properly executed and certified on both sides, it proves that the work or services were performed to the extent specified therein and the customer has no complaints about the quality of their performance.

The certificate of completion of work is drawn up in two copies - one for each of the parties.

There is a regulated form of this document. Also, any organization can develop and approve its own form in its accounting policies. At the same time, it must contain a set of details required for the act:

Document title;
date of its registration;
full name of the organization that drew up the work completion certificate and the organization that accepted this work;
name of the work performed or services provided;
their expression in physical and monetary terms;
the names of the positions of representatives from both sides responsible for the delivery and acceptance of work or services;
personal signatures.

The certificate of completed work is also certified by the seals of the organizations - the contractor and the customer.

The need to draw up a certificate of completion of work is often indicated in the contract as a mandatory condition. Properly executed and certified with seals and signatures on both sides, it confirms that the contractor has completed the scope of work specified in the contract, and the customer has accepted them and has no complaints about the timing or quality.

On our website you can download for free both the officially recommended form itself and a sample of how to fill it out.

Download the certificate of completed work sample for free All forms

  • certificate of completed work form.doc
  • certificate of completed work sample.doc
  • act of completed work in excel.xls
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The form of the certificate of completion of work - a sample of filling out this document and the form itself are available for downloading in the "Forms" section. Document confirms the acceptance of the work by the customer and is the basis for payment, if such is made after the fact. When you need an act of completed work, how this document is drawn up - we will discuss all these issues below.

Legislative regulation of the procedure for drawing up a report on the work done

Certificate of completed work is a document that is drawn up when the contractor has completed the work and the customer accepts it. It confirms that the work has been completed and the customer either has no claims against the contractor. If deficiencies are identified, they are listed in the act and the work is accepted in the part that does not contain deficiencies.

The Civil Code of the Russian Federation does not establish requirements for this document. In practice, it is compiled in simple written form. However, if organizations act as counterparties, they can use the approved form KS-2 (Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation dated November 11, 1999 No. 100).

Don't know your rights?

Basic requirements for drawing up an acceptance certificate for completed work

  1. Among the mandatory details of such a document are the date of its preparation and name.
  2. Next, in the work completion certificate, you should indicate the names of legal entities or data of citizens who act as the customer and executor under the contract.
  3. This is followed by a description of the specific actions (work) that were performed by the contractor, and their material measurement is also indicated (that is, the amount of money at which the work performed is valued).
  4. After this, the persons involved in the delivery and acceptance of work are listed. If the act is carried out between legal entities, then it is necessary to indicate the positions of all participants and a reference to the authority giving the right to participate in the acceptance; if between individuals, it is sufficient to indicate the full names of those present.
  5. Finally, follow the signatures of the above persons with a transcript and indication of the personal data necessary to identify such persons. That is, if we are talking about employees of an enterprise, then it is enough to mention their positions and the name of the organization they represent; If we talk about individuals, then their passport details are required.

These are mandatory document details that must be present in the work completion certificate. At the same time, the content of the act may additionally include any other items that do not contradict the law.

Where to find a form or sample report on the work done

As we have already mentioned, there is no legally established form or sample certificate of work performed. You can develop the form yourself, taking into account the requirements listed above.

However, we have prepared both a form and a sample for filling out the act, which meet all the requirements of the law. They can be downloaded in the "Forms" section before the article.