Long-lasting fertilizers in granules. Application of Osmokot fertilizer

Dear beginning farmers, entrepreneurs, owners of new greenhouses and nurseries, large and not so big!

Thinking about Hydroponics? - Great choice!!! - but only if you have a lot of money and if you don’t care what taste your vegetables, fruits and berries will have.

If you decide to start your own farming business and produce natural, environmentally friendly products, but you do not have enough funds, then you have a real opportunity to save on expensive hydroponic equipment (component mixers, solution dispensers, pumps...) and electricity. At the same time, it will significantly simplify your work and ensure stable high performance harvest.

Requires nothing other than watering plain water.

Completely eliminates human contact with the fertilizer.

How to make your work easier - with APION, plants only need watering (read); - You get the harvest two weeks earlier - always of high quality (read); - You grow developed and persistent plants and flowers (read), - You save your time, money and other resources (read) - You do not pollute the soil with excess fertilizers, moreover, you improve it (read). - More details on Wikipedia The only operation you need to do is to place the APIONs in the root zone of a growing plant or when planting it, and then simply water it and carry out normal care. APION will do the rest for you, while ensuring high productivity and quality. - Contact of people with fertilizers is excluded (read more) If you feel that the cultivation technology you used before does not bring the desired result and does not make your work easier, then you can switch to APIONS at ANY TIME, even if it is the middle of the season. With normal watering, the result will be noticeable within two to three weeks. Be careful! APION - package - DO NOT OPEN!!! APION contains all the main macro-/micro-elements and humates. APION is placed in a hole near a growing plant or under the root ball when planting seedlings, then you only need watering (preferably drip) and normal care, WITHOUT ADDITIONAL ROOT FEEDING! Foliar feeding on the leaf is allowed. We recommend additionally adding dolomite flour, a source of calcium and magnesium, to artificial soil mixtures (substrates). Only initial filling of the soil with ready-made compost, rotted manure and other fertilizers is allowed. We produce a special fertilizer - APION. This is a long-acting fertilizer, with a service life for various brands from several months to one and a half years. APION carefully and evenly doses the nutrients it contains throughout the entire period of action, preventing “starvation” or “oversaturation” of the plant and provides optimal nutritional conditions throughout the entire growing season. APION contains a specially selected complex of macro-elements, micro-elements and growth stimulants, forming a basic nutritional composition with the formula 18-6-18 according to NPK, which is suitable for almost all plants, subject to local application. The use of APION fertilizer allows you to completely eliminate labor costs for periodic feeding of grown plants, since it implies its one-time application for a certain period of time, during which no other actions other than watering are required. With the use of APION fertilizer, in most cases, no measures to protect against diseases are required, since under the conditions of ideal nutrition that you create with its help, the plant is not afraid of either disease or frost, APION is used both in open ground and in greenhouses or when grown in pots. Nutrients are not carried by irrigation water, as in traditional technologies cultivation, and are not washed into the lower layers, which eliminates soil poisoning. Instead, a slowly dosed amount of solution is almost completely absorbed by the plant as it grows and bears fruit. Now many are concerned about finding environmentally friendly food products, but the content of harmful substances in fruits grown using APION is one and a half times lower than the established norm - this is easily verified. For beginner greenhouse vegetable growers, APION - great opportunity reduce the initial investment in expensive dispensing equipment and transfer these costs to operating costs. All you need to organize is a greenhouse, drip irrigation ordinary water, APIONs and the seedlings themselves. Next, general care of the greenhouse and plants - and yours greenhouse business ready! Also, APION is widely used in landscape design and gardening, as it allows you to significantly increase the survival rate of green material and optimize their care. These factors are very important for landscaping companies, since they eliminate the need to replace expensive plants from clients, often at their own expense, and also reduce labor costs for periodic excavation work associated with feeding plants. For end clients, these factors are also important because they help avoid fuss and unnecessary waste of money. APION belongs to the class of safe fertilizers, since the APION package cannot be opened and is placed directly in the shell, which eliminates direct human contact with the fertilizer or solution. This also has a beneficial effect on weed control, since the fertilizer is released only in the root area of ​​the plant, but not on the soil surface. The membrane shell of APION is made of a material that completely decomposes in the ground after a certain time after completion of its work, which makes this fertilizer also environmentally friendly. TU 2186-001-02068870-99. Trademark RF No. 100154 ®. Russian patents. . General Instructions on application - (read - here) How to install APION - (view - here) Sanitary and Epidemiological conclusion - (view - here) Extract from the approved rules for caring for green spaces in Moscow. Photo materials, as well as experiences, reviews and results - (read here) Here we share our experiences and answer your questions - Country Club - Forum - Local or General catering? - Decide for yourself - here. APION - Automatic Feeding Osmotic Pump is a long-acting fertilizer that provides local nutrition in the root zone of the plant throughout the growing season. Content according to NPK (18:6:18 + microelements + humates). APION is sometimes called a long-acting osmotic fertilizer. This is a dosing device in the form of a soft container containing nutrients, which functions in the root habitat and controls the release into the soil of a solution of a balanced complex of macro- and microelements and growth bioregulators, without the use of any energy sources (replaces a complex complex of hydroponic systems). - Synchronous operation of APION with a plant (read here) Areas of application: Growing almost all types of plants in open and protected ground - industrial greenhouses, farming, personal plot, landscape design, landscaping, winter Garden, greenhouse, house plants.

Basacote® is a complex fertilizer for the production of substrates and feeding in the planting hole, a fertilizer with a gradual release of nutrients.

How the fertilizer works

Granular fertilizer is based on the principle of precise placement nutrients under a layer of polymer shell.

The elastic membrane of the capsule retains its properties throughout the entire working period: the shell is not damaged by mechanical impact on the soil or low temperature (withstands temperatures below minus 20 degrees).

The shell consists of an elastic polymer that slowly breaks down in the soil and guarantees the availability of substances depending on the needs of the plants.

Each Bazacotta granule contains all the nutrients, which ensures an even distribution of the fertilizer in the substrate.

Granule size: 2.5-3.5 mm.

Fertilizer composition

NPK structure: 16-8-18 (+2MgO+5S+TE)


16% Nitrogen (N)

8% Phosphate (P 2 O 5)

12% Potassium Oxide (K 2 O)

2% Magnesium Oxide (MgO)

5% Sulfur (S)


0.02% Boron (B)

0.05% Copper (Cu)*

0.4% Iron (Fe)*

0.06% Manganese (Mn)*

0.015% Molybdenum (Mo)

0.02% Zinc (Zn)*

* - EDTA chelates. Chelated complexes of microelements ensure excellent absorption of microelements by plants.

Controlled release

Each plant has its own growing season. Therefore, you can buy fertilizer in 4 versions - with a duration of action of 3, 6, 9 or 12 months.

Release depends on temperature and soil moisture. Bazakot long-acting fertilizer guarantees controlled release for all climate zones.

Types and periods of nutrient release

Application rates

The application rate is 2.5 - 3 g per 1 liter of substrate. When preparing a large volume of substrate, the recommended dose is 2.8 kg per 1 m³.

Basacote® Tabs fertilizer has granules that are collected in groups. One such block weighs 7.5 grams. This is made for the convenience of those who grow plants in pots and containers. 1 block (tablet) is the optimal dose for 1 2 liter pot. For a 3 liter container. - the norm is 2 tablets, per 4.5 liters. - 3 fertilizer tablets. Validity period: 6 months.

Safe for plants and the environment

Basacote® is a safe complex fertilizer for optimal and uniform plant development. Even if the roots come into contact with the fertilizer granule, the plant does not get burned.

Bazakot fertilizer is environmentally friendly due to minimal leaching. Since the fertilizer is located in granules, it remains available to plants for a long period.

Long-acting fertilizers "Basacote Plus" are complex granular fertilizers with a controlled release of nutrients with a validity period of 3, 6, 9 or 12 months.

Bazakot fertilizers contain all the nutrients necessary for healthy plant growth. When using the Bazakot fertilizer, no additional fertilizing is required.

How the fertilizer works

Granular fertilizer is based on the principle of precise placement of nutrients under a layer of polymer shell. The elastic membrane of the capsule retains its properties throughout the entire working period: the shell is not damaged by mechanical impact on the soil or low temperature (withstands temperatures below minus 20 degrees).

The shell consists of an elastic polymer that slowly breaks down in the soil and guarantees the availability of substances depending on the needs of the plants. Each Bazakot granule contains all the nutrients, which ensures an even distribution of the fertilizer in the substrate. All necessary nutrients and trace elements (B, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo, Zn) are placed directly under the shell layer of each granule.

Controlled release

Each plant has its own growing season. Therefore, you can buy fertilizer in 4 versions - with a duration of action of 3, 6, 9 or 12 months.

The release of nutrients depends on soil temperature. Long-acting fertilizer "Bazakot" guarantees controlled release for all climatic zones. The release of nutrients from the fertilizer granule meets the requirements of plants during their growing season. The action of "Bazakot" begins at temperatures above 0 degrees Celsius. The higher the soil temperature, the faster the plant will develop, and the release of nutrients from the Bazacotta granule will also occur faster. This way you will get the programmed effect of feeding your plants. The level of acidity of the soil, the content of salts and microorganisms in it do not affect the release of nutrients from the Bazacotta granules

Types and periods of nutrient release

Application rates

The amount of fertilizer applied depends on its type and the plant’s nutrient needs. You will find application rates for each Bazakot fertilizer on the page with its description.

When preparing a large volume of substrate, the recommended dose is 2.8 kg per 1 m³. The range also includes fertilizer for potted crops - Basacote Tabs, the granules of which are collected in convenient tablet cones. One such cone weighs 7.5 grams.

This is made for the convenience of those who grow plants in pots and containers. 1 cone (tablet) is the optimal dose for 1 2 liter pot. For a 3 liter container. - the norm is 2 tablets, per 4.5 liters. - 3 fertilizer tablets. Validity period - 6 months.

Safe for plants and the environment

"Basacote®" is a safe complex fertilizer for optimal and uniform plant development. Even if the roots come into contact with the fertilizer granule, the plant does not get burned.

Fertilizer "Bazakot" is harmless to the environment due to minimal leaching. Since the fertilizer is located in granules, it remains available to plants for a long period.

Other fertilizers do not have this effect. Their most of immediately goes into the soil - this eliminates the stable absorption of macro- and microelements by plants. Such fertilizers are more polluting environment. Long-acting fertilizer "Bazakot" does not cause soil salinity.

The shell of the Bazakot fertilizer granules not only provides a controlled release of nutrients, but also allows the granules to be in direct contact with the roots of the plant. Some time after feeding the fertilizer, you may notice how the roots entwine the fertilizer granules, and this does not cause burns or other damage to them.

In addition, doses of Bazakot long-acting fertilizer are lower than those of instant-acting fertilizers, which makes their application faster and safer.

The polymer shell for the granules is also manufactured at the high-tech Kompo plant. This provides a guarantee of quality control at all stages of production. You don't have to worry about nutrient release varying from batch to batch. "Bazakot" fertilizers will provide reliable feeding every year.


You can buy fertilizers in 25 kg and 15 kg packaging for “Bazakot Mini”. Packaging is a dense three-layer bag (film-foil-film), which guarantees protection of the fertilizer from external influences. "Basacote Tabs" and "Bazakot Mini" are packaged in convenient plastic containers.

Benefits and test results

Complex long-acting fertilizers "Bazakot" are widely and successfully used in leading nurseries in Europe. The advantages of granular fertilizers are obvious:

One application instead of frequent feedings
- Labor saving; excellent digestibility of fertilizer
- One fertilizer replaces a whole complex of seasonal fertilizing
- Minimal leaching even on clean sand
- Fine granules ensure even distribution of nutrients
- Does not cause soil salinity and burns even when the plant comes into contact with granules

Compo fertilizers are produced in Germany.

Fertilizers are registered with the State Chemical Commission of the Russian Federation and have all the necessary documentation. The Agbina company is the exclusive supplier of these fertilizers.

Long-acting fertilizers "Basacote Plus" are complex granular fertilizers with a controlled release of nutrients with a validity period of 3, 6, 9 or 12 months.

Bazakot fertilizers contain all the nutrients necessary for healthy plant growth. When using the Bazakot fertilizer, no additional fertilizing is required.

How the fertilizer works

Granular fertilizer is based on the principle of precise placement of nutrients under a layer of polymer shell. The elastic membrane of the capsule retains its properties throughout the entire working period: the shell is not damaged by mechanical impact on the soil or low temperature.

The shell consists of an elastic polymer that slowly breaks down in the soil and guarantees the availability of substances depending on the needs of the plants. Each Bazakot granule contains all the nutrients, which ensures an even distribution of the fertilizer in the substrate. All necessary nutrients and trace elements (B, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo, Zn) are placed directly under the shell layer of each granule.

Technical data

Formula NPK: 16-8-12


15% nitrogen (N)
7.0% NO 3 nitrogen
8.0% NH 4 nitrogen

8% phosphorus (P 2 O 5)
soluble in neutral ammonium citrate
5.6% aqueous solution

12% potassium (K 2 O)
as potassium sulfate, soluble in water

2% magnesium (MgO)
1.4% water soluble

5% sulfur (S)
4.0% water soluble


0.02% boron (B)
0.05% copper (Cu)*
0.4% iron (Fe) and which
0.15% Fe-EDTA*
0.06% manganese (Mn)*
0.015% molybdenum (Mo)
0.02% zinc (Zn)*

* -EDTA chelates. Chelated complexes of microelements ensure excellent absorption of microelements by plants.

Controlled release

The release of nutrients depends on the temperature and moisture of the soil. So, for example, fertilizer designed for 3 months. at t 21 C, when t decreases up to 15C extends its effect to 5 months.

Application rates

When preparing substrate for potted plants, the recommended dose is 2-5 g per 1 ldepending on nutritional needs.

Mix the required amount evenly with the soil.

Application rate per hole when planting plants in open ground depends on size:

Plants 0.3-2 m high: 10-50 g

Trees with a trunk diameter of 3-30 cm: 10-120 g.

When preparing the substrate for seedlings, the recommended dose is 2-3 g per 1 liter.

5 g - 1 teaspoon.

Safe for plants and the environment

"Basacote®" is a safe complex fertilizer for optimal and uniform plant development. Even if the roots come into contact with the fertilizer granule, the plant does not get burned.

Fertilizer "Bazakot" is harmless to the environment due to minimal leaching. Since the fertilizer is located in granules, it remains available to plants for a long period.

Other fertilizers do not have this effect. Most of them immediately go into the soil - this eliminates the stable absorption of macro- and microelements by plants. Such fertilizers pollute the environment to a greater extent. Long-acting fertilizer "Bazakot" does not cause soil salinity.

Benefits and test results

Complex long-acting fertilizers "Bazakot" are widely and successfully used in leading nurseries in Europe. The advantages of granular fertilizers are obvious:

One application instead of frequent feedings
- Labor saving; excellent digestibility of fertilizer
- One fertilizer replaces a whole complex of seasonal fertilizing
- Minimal leaching even on clean sand
- Fine granules ensure even distribution of nutrients
- Does not cause soil salinity and burns even when the plant comes into contact with the granules.


Germany, Compo company.

Fertilizers are registered with the State Chemical Commission of the Russian Federation and have all the necessary documentation.

Complex fertilizers consist of several substances that provide plants with the necessary nutrition for active growth and beautiful flowering. As a rule, such fertilizers are based on nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. Most complex fertilizers are presented in liquid form; they are diluted with water and used for root and leaf treatment of flowers. That is, the drugs begin to work immediately after use.

Effect of granular fertilizers

For a more prolonged action of beneficial microelements, complex ones are produced in granular form. They must be applied directly to the soil without first dissolving in water.

The advantage and peculiarity of the action of such preparations is that nutrients are supplied to plants gradually as the granules dissolve. This almost completely eliminates the possibility of burning root system flowers as a result of an overdose.

Depending on the air temperature and the amount of moisture, plants receive the required amount of minerals in small doses. As the temperature in the room decreases, the need of flowers for microelements also decreases, which also cease to be intensively released from the granules.

A single application of granules allows you to provide flowers with food for at least 2 months, which is very convenient.

Popular types of granular fertilizers

For fertilizers for indoor flowers, the following preparations in granular form are widely used:

The granular form of fertilizer provides indoor flowers with everything they need nutrients for a long time, which has a positive effect on their growth and flowering.

Long-acting fertilizer for indoor flowers Osmokot – video