Cottage cheese apple diet menu. The essence of the diet on cottage cheese, kefir and apples

The cottage cheese-apple diet is often recommended even for pregnant women. Both products are extremely filling. Apples contain pectin and fiber, which helps them fill the stomach effectively. Cottage cheese is a source of complete protein. 100 grams of high-quality low-fat cottage cheese contains up to 18 grams of protein. At the same time, it works better for weight loss than chicken breasts. Still, even lean-looking meat contains a certain amount of saturated fat, and therefore its calorie content is higher. In addition, you can make something like a dessert from cottage cheese and apples, which means that those with a sweet tooth can lose weight. There are several diet options with these two foods.

Cottage cheese and apple diet for nine days

The first diet is designed for 9 days. During this time, you can lose up to 10 kg of excess weight, get rid of swelling and get used to fractional meals. But it is worth keeping in mind that such weight loss is not healthy - in order to maintain the results, you will have to go on a diet for at least another 2 months, but it should be a varied plan of about 1200-1500 kcal, with a high protein content and a low content of sweets and baked goods and saturated fats. In addition, after a nine-day series, it is recommended to have one fasting day with cottage cheese and apples per week.

So, you should eat according to the following plan: the first three days - only apples. For one day you need to take one and a half kilograms of fruit, or half a kilogram of apples and a liter apple juice. If you don't like fresh fruit or get bored with it, you can make applesauce without sugar or bake the fruit in the oven with cinnamon. The main rule is not to increase the amount of the main product. According to some versions of the diet, you should eat apples three times a day, in approximately equal portions; according to the second, you should eat whole fruits for breakfast and lunch and have juice for dinner; and the third version suggests that you divide the entire allowed number of apples into five or six servings and eat slowly during the day.

For the next three days you eat only cottage cheese. It is recommended to consume 400 grams of this product per day, the fat content should be no more than 2%. Sometimes you are allowed to eat up to 600 grams of cottage cheese or add 0.5 liters of 1% kefir to this product. 600 g of cottage cheese is similarly divided into 3 or 6 servings.

For the final three days, you need to eat 0.5 kg of apples and 400 g of cottage cheese; you can replace the apples with half a liter of freshly squeezed apple juice without added sugar. It is allowed to “mix” foods, but it is better to stick to a three to five meal plan rather than eat everything in two meals.

Cottage cheese and apple diet for three days

The second version of the diet with apples and cottage cheese involves making cocktails. For one meal you should take 1 baked apple and 150 g of low-fat cottage cheese. The products are crushed with a blender. If you can’t get a creamy consistency, you can add 1-2 tablespoons of kefir. Cinnamon is also allowed, but it is better not to use sugar and sweeteners. You should have this smoothie for breakfast, lunch and dinner. You can also snack on fresh or baked apples twice a day. It is recommended to adhere to this diet for three days, and repeat it no more than once a month.

In a similar way, they arrange a fasting day on cottage cheese and apples. Although all of these diets contain protein and fiber, they cannot be fully classified as rational weight loss plans. First of all, a monotonous diet can provoke overeating. And sticking to such diets long enough to completely get rid of excess weight is almost impossible. Use them as a little “shake-up”, and do not forget about the need to eat properly in your free time from the diet.

Important: before going on the cottage cheese-apple diet, consult your doctor.

Especially for – fitness trainer Elena Selivanova

How to use the cottage cheese-apple diet for weight loss, as well as what such nutrition is, permitted foods, menus and contraindications.

Today there are a huge number of diets that pursue different goals. Most often, representatives of the fair sex use diets to lose weight. If your goal is to lose weight as quickly as possible and with minimal stress on the body, then the cottage cheese-apple diet will be one of the most suitable. Moreover, it not only promotes weight loss, but also effectively cleanses the intestines and improves skin condition.

What is the diet?

As the name suggests, the cottage cheese-apple diet consists of only two products - cottage cheese and apples. Moreover, you need to take fat-free or with a low percentage of fat content (up to 5%). And apples should be sour or sweet and sour, preferably green varieties. This is due to the fact that sour apples contain less fructose and more enzymes needed by the body. But with increased stomach acidity, you can also take sweet fruits. Green apples are considered hypoallergenic.

The combination of these two products is very effective. Cottage cheese contains a large amount of protein, essential amino acids, calcium, potassium, sodium salts, phosphorus and magnesium. Fermented milk protein is absorbed by the body much easier and longer than meat protein. Undoubtedly, this is a big plus of the diet, since satiety occurs quickly, and the feeling of hunger does not make itself felt for a long time. The essential amino acid methionine breaks down fat, and accordingly reduces the thickness of the unwanted fat layer. Calcium not only strengthens teeth and bones, but also accelerates fat metabolism, which is what promotes weight loss. Potassium copes well with excretion excess liquid and reduces the risk of edema.

Apples are a low-calorie product. They contain pectin and fiber. These two components stimulate the intestines and suppress appetite. In addition, pectin effectively reduces the amount of bad things in the blood, thereby preventing the development of strokes, heart attacks and atherosclerosis. And organic acids and vitamins very quickly speed up metabolism. That is why apples, along with their low calorie content, always occupy a leading position in many diets.

Indications for use of the cottage cheese-apple diet

  • if you urgently need to lose a few extra pounds without special effort;
  • when you need to give the body a little shake-up, cleanse, strengthen, improve the condition of hair, nails and skin;
  • in case of emotional breakdowns, a cottage cheese-apple diet will also be useful. Cottage cheese has the property of renewing the nerve fiber and its myelin sheath;
  • for the prevention of cardiovascular and kidney diseases.

Allowed and prohibited foods on the diet

It is possible that some people with a sweet tooth may find such a diet difficult and harsh. To make their plight a little easier, it is allowed to diversify the diet by adding some products. If you have a strong feeling of hunger, you can add low-fat kefir to your daily menu, but not more than 0.5 liters per day.

You can also add oatmeal. But it will definitely reduce the rate of weight loss. The only condition is that you cannot combine it in one meal with cottage cheese. Let the oatmeal be for dinner, which will take place no later than 18.00.

It is recommended to add a pinch of vanillin or cinnamon to dishes. If the apples are boring, you should replace them with an equal amount of apple juice. Still water, rosehip decoction, green and herbal teas can be drunk in unlimited quantities. In this case, water should be at least 1.5 liters per day. But sugar, salt and sweeteners are extremely undesirable in such a diet. They block the weight loss process.

Menu for 7 days

The cottage cheese-apple diet can vary in duration - 3, 7 or 9 days. The most optimal and effective option is a 7-day diet. Daily norm products should consist of 200 grams of cottage cheese and 1.5 kg of apples. This amount should be divided into 5 meals. It is advisable to consume foods that are not thermally processed. If it is difficult to adhere to such rules, you can diversify the menu with permitted products and even prepare some dishes. Here are a few of them.

Apples baked with cottage cheese

Choose large fruits. Cut off the top and carefully cut out the core. You can rub the inside of the apple with cinnamon. Fill the cavity with cottage cheese mixed with 1-2 tablespoons. l. kefir Bake in the oven until done.

Apple salad

Peel the fruits from seeds and peel. Grate. Mix with a small amount of cottage cheese, pour kefir on top and sprinkle with chopped dill.

Oatmeal baked with apples

Peel the apples, cut into small pieces and place in a clay pot. Sprinkle on top oatmeal and fill cold water. Place in a preheated oven and bake for 40 minutes. You can add a little vanillin to the finished dish.

Stewed apples

Take four medium-sized fruits, remove seeds and cut into slices. Place skin side down in a multicooker bowl or enamel pan. Sprinkle lemon juice on top. Pour 150 ml of water into the bottom of the bowl and simmer for 40 minutes.

Applesauce with cinnamon

Remove seeds and skin from several green or yellow fruits. Cut into slices. Place in an enamel pan. Pour a small amount of water into the bottom. Boil apples until soft. Drain off excess water. Rub the finished slices through a sieve or grind with a blender. Add a little lemon juice and boil the puree for another 5-10 minutes. At the end add a pinch of cinnamon.

Is it possible to use the cottage cheese-apple diet for pregnant women?

This type of diet is considered quite gentle. Therefore, sometimes it is recommended even to pregnant women who, for some reason, have gained more weight than expected. But its duration should not exceed 3 days. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the cottage cheese-apple diet is not complete. This means that taking vitamin-mineral complexes internally will be a prerequisite. During pregnancy, such a diet should only be prescribed by a doctor, based on general condition pregnant.


A diet based on cottage cheese and apples cannot be used for illnesses gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys (for example, with gastritis, pancreatitis, gastroduodenitis, ulcers, urolithiasis, hepatitis). Especially in their acute course. It is also necessary to take into account that allergies to menu components are possible. If you have any chronic diseases, be sure to consult your doctor before using the diet.


Great diet! The first three days I sat only on cottage cheese and raw apples. Then it became a bit difficult and I started preparing the dishes described in the article. Thanks to this, sticking to the diet was not at all difficult. I lost 5 kg in 7 days!

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The cottage cheese-apple diet has gained popularity thanks to beneficial properties products that form its basis. Cottage cheese is an excellent source of easily digestible protein, as well as calcium, phosphorus, and B vitamins. Apples contain many vitamins and microelements, including iron, they are low in calories, but they also contain some carbohydrates, which help meet the body’s energy needs during a strict diet. . It’s not for nothing that cottage cheese and apples confidently occupy leading positions in various ratings of the healthiest foods!

However, a diet based on these products is quite strict and difficult. Moreover, there are several options for the cottage cheese-apple diet. I'll tell you more about them.

Three-day cottage cheese-apple diet

For three days, you need to drink a cocktail three times a day, for breakfast, lunch and dinner, which is prepared from 150 grams of low-fat cottage cheese and one baked apple. Cottage cheese and apple, of course, without a core, you just need to grind them with a blender. You can add another 1-2 tablespoons of kefir and a little cinnamon to the cocktail. You can also have a snack with a fresh or baked apple 2 times a day.

During the diet, you need to drink plenty of water, ordinary or mineral, at least one and a half liters a day, green and Herb tea.

You can lose 2-3 kilograms on this diet; you can repeat it no more than once a month.

Cottage cheese and apple diet for a week

For 7 days, the diet should be 200 grams of cottage cheese and one and a half to two kilograms of fresh apples, preferably green ones. These products should be more or less evenly distributed over 4-6 meals. You can eat cottage cheese and apples separately, or you can try to prepare some dishes from them, any that your culinary imagination suggests, which, however, has nowhere to run wild here. After all, you cannot add any other products, or heat-treat food.

Just like in the previous version of the diet, you need to drink more water, as much as you want. You will lose 2-4 kilograms on this diet; it is recommended to repeat it no sooner than after a month.

Nine-day cottage cheese-apple diet

Perhaps the most stringent version of a diet based on these products. Here's her diet.

  • For the first 3 days we eat only apples, one and a half kilograms a day. If desired, up to a kilogram of apples can be replaced with the appropriate amount of apple juice (a kilogram of apples - with a liter of juice, half a kilo - with half a liter). This amount should be eaten in small portions throughout the day.
  • The next 3 days are cottage cheese days. The daily diet is 400 grams of cottage cheese. If desired, you can add another 200 grams of cottage cheese or half a liter of low-fat kefir. Divide this amount of food into 4-6 meals.
  • The final 3 days are mixed: 400 grams of cottage cheese and half a kilo of apples (or half a liter of apple juice). These products should also be distributed evenly over 4-6 meals.

The amount of liquid you drink (water, green, herbal tea) is not limited. You are allowed to drink a cup of black tea or coffee without milk or sugar once a day.

You can lose up to 7 kilograms on such a diet; you can repeat it no more than once every two months. After finishing the diet, in order to maintain the achieved result, you need to seriously reconsider your usual diet: seriously limit sweets and fatty foods, give preference to light protein foods, vegetables and fruits, and also significantly reduce the amount of portions that was familiar to you before starting the diet.

Healthy and tasty breakfast, dessert with cottage cheese, grated apple, nuts. If you are not satisfied with breakfast, due to the high calorie content, oatmeal with milk, then this dessert is optimal for you. It is clear that then it is necessary to use low-fat cottage cheese so that breakfast is completely close to dietary nutrition. And not only because of the reduced calorie content, cottage cheese with apple causes a long-term feeling of fullness, without damage to the taste buds, so we eat dessert with cottage cheese, grated apple, and nuts.

Food combination.

An important factor in nutrition is the combination of different foods consumed at one meal. For each product, our digestive system secretes different enzymes for digestion, so in order to eliminate or at least reduce intoxication of the body from untimely digestion of certain products, or simply because of their rotting in our intestines, we should eat only compatible foods. Combined with the same enzymes for digestion, which are secreted by the human body.

In our dish, dessert with cottage cheese, grated apple, nut, apple is combined with a protein fermented milk product, cottage cheese. This information is provided by the product compatibility table, which was developed by the scientist G. Shelton. By the way, interesting fact, he adhered to a diet of combined foods all his life and died at the age of one hundred years from an accident, being healthy and vigorous.

Preparation of components.

Let’s move on directly to preparing the dessert recipe with cottage cheese, grated apple, and nuts. You select the cottage cheese for dessert by fat content yourself based on the tasks you set for yourself on the day of preparing the dessert. We rub the cottage cheese through a sieve to give it a smoother structure.

We wash the apple, cut it, remove the core and seeds, if necessary, you can cut off the peel. Grate the apple on a medium grater for a dessert dish with cottage cheese, grated apple, and nuts.

The selected nuts need to be crushed, and if you want, you can grind them in a coffee grinder, stopping the operation of the device at the moment when the fraction of nuts begins to suit you. True, for this there should be a transparent lid in the coffee grinder, if one is not observed, then a proven method of trial and error.

We wash the lemon, cut it into two parts and squeeze out the juice. The amount of lemon juice is a matter of personal taste.

Preparing dessert.

In a separate container, mix mashed cottage cheese, grated apple, crushed nuts, granulated sugar and table salt to taste. Mix thoroughly and place the treats in a beautiful bowl.

We decorate our dessert and invite you to the table!

For the dish, we buy it.

The cottage cheese diet is an ideal way to lose weight for those who love dairy products. As you know, cottage cheese is useful for both adults and children. A cottage cheese diet can be called low-calorie and therapeutic. The fact is that this product contains a lot of protein, which is perfectly absorbed by the body. That is why the cottage cheese diet is prescribed for atherosclerosis, diabetes and obesity.

Such a nutritional system will not only help you get rid of excess weight, but will also strengthen the nervous system, bones, and improve the condition of your nails and hair. There are many diet options based on cottage cheese. Today we will look at those options for losing weight using cottage cheese that are most popular.

What products can be combined with cottage cheese?

To create your own diet menu, you need to know what products cottage cheese goes with:

  • Dried fruits go well with cottage cheese, for example, dried apricots, raisins or prunes. But you need to take into account that they are very high in calories, so you can eat no more than 60 g of dried fruits at a time.
  • For quick weight loss, a diet based on cottage cheese and kefir or a diet based on cottage cheese and apples is ideal. In addition, these two diet options can be combined if desired.
  • You can add nuts to the cottage cheese, but not more than 50 g.
  • For those who cannot give up sweets, you can use honey (no more than a tablespoon per serving). It is better to take liquid fresh honey.

Cottage cheese and kefir diet

Dietary food based on cottage cheese and kefir can be designed for different periods (from three days to three weeks). Accordingly, the diet in different diet options is slightly different.

A three-day diet on cottage cheese and kefir takes away one or two kilograms in three days. The diet menu is extremely simple: daily you need to consume low-fat cottage cheese (400 g) and kefir (one liter). The optimal fat content of kefir is 1%. During the day, it is advisable to have at least six meals. If desired, you can add chopped herbs to cottage cheese, and a little cinnamon to kefir. Salt, sugar and other seasonings are prohibited. You can drink water, herbal infusions or green tea. If you feel weak, you can drink a cup of unsweetened natural coffee.

A weekly diet on cottage cheese and kefir repeats the menu described above, but you can diversify it with unsweetened fruits (for example, apples) or vegetables (a kilogram per day). In a week of such a diet you can lose three to four kilograms.

The three-week curd-kefir diet menu is more balanced. In three weeks it is quite possible to lose 4-5 kilograms.

Let's give indicative menu diet that needs to be repeated day after day:

  • Breakfast: 200 g low-fat cottage cheese, fruit puree;
  • Second breakfast: a glass of kefir.
  • Lunch: lean boiled meat (no more than 100 g), a portion of porridge without butter, vegetable salad. On some days, meat can be replaced chicken fillet or fish, the assortment of vegetables for the salad can also be changed.
  • Afternoon snack: a glass of kefir.
  • Dinner: cottage cheese (100 g), apple or any favorite fruit, green tea. In subsequent days, cottage cheese can sometimes be replaced with low-fat protein products.
  • Before bed, a glass of kefir.

Below we will look at two diet options based on cottage cheese and apples. Fasting days on apples and cottage cheese - one of the safest and most effective ways to correct your figure. Let’s look in detail at how to properly cleanse the body.

First option:

  • Breakfast: two green apples, a portion of cottage cheese (50 g). If desired, you can add a handful of steamed raisins and a glass of low-fat kefir to the cottage cheese. After two to three hours, you can drink another glass of kefir.
  • 2-3 ripe apples, baked in the oven (do not add honey or sugar when preparing the dish), a glass of kefir and curd mass. Her recipe for a cottage cheese diet: take fresh homemade cottage cheese (70-90 g) and mix it with natural yogurt (two to three tablespoons). Grind the resulting mixture thoroughly with any fresh berries until smooth.
  • Afternoon snack: two or three apples, rosehip infusion.
  • Dinner: homemade cottage cheese, mixed until smooth with grated apple, a glass of kefir. Before going to bed, drink another glass of kefir. You can add chopped herbs to taste (for example, parsley or celery).

Second option:

For the diet, you need to prepare apple juice from one and a half kilograms of green apples. Leave freshly squeezed juice in the refrigerator until the morning.

  • Breakfast: a portion of cottage cheese (80 g), a glass of apple juice. You can add a little cinnamon to the juice. If you wish, you can drink a glass of green or black tea with a spoon of honey.
  • Lunch: a portion of cottage cheese mixed with natural yogurt, a glass of apple juice.
  • Afternoon snack: 1-2 medium apples, rosehip infusion. The infusion can be replaced green tea or rosehip.
  • Dinner: you can complete your diet with a hearty and delicious dish. Here is his recipe for a cottage cheese diet: cut out the core of a large apple and expand it so that the fruit resembles a cup. Then mix two or three tablespoons of cottage cheese and chopped apple pulp. Stuff the apple with the resulting mixture and bake in the oven until the fruit becomes soft.

It must be remembered that you cannot follow a cottage cheese diet if you are intolerant to the main products. The above-described method of losing weight cannot be used in case of increased acidity of the stomach, in case of serious liver and kidney disorders, or in case of peptic ulcer disease.