Training contractions at 28 weeks. Do you know how to distinguish training contractions from real ones when labor is already close? Which medical facility will provide the best care for premature birth?

The third trimester of pregnancy began quite recently, but the expectant mother has already fully experienced all the “charms” of this period: heaviness in the back, lack of flexibility and ease of movement. However, if you have the right attitude towards your condition, you can feel happy even in this difficult and important period, because the long-awaited baby will be born in a few weeks.

By the way, starting from the 28th week, in the event of premature birth, the child will be legally considered a human being and the appropriate birth documents will be required for him. Until this time, the premature birth of a fetus was considered a miscarriage, and a birth certificate was issued only if the baby survived. Fortunately, such situations are relatively rare, so the expectant mother should be prepared for the fact that the baby will be born on time.

Fetal growth and development

With the onset of the 28th week of pregnancy, the full body length of the fetus reaches 35 cm. Its body weight during this period can range from 1100 to 1200-1300 grams.

In the body of the unborn baby at this stage development, the following changes occur:

  • convolutions form in the cerebral cortex;
  • subcutaneous fatty tissue actively accumulates fat;
  • the fetus occupies almost all the free space in the uterus;
  • fingernails grow rapidly;
  • strengthens bone;
  • The baby's skin gradually smoothes out.

It is quite possible that by this time the baby has already taken the head-down position in the uterus, which is the most optimal. If this is not the case, there is still a possibility that the baby will “change his mind” and take a different body position.

Changes in the female body at 28 weeks

During this period, the following changes occur in the body of the expectant mother:

  • the total weight gain of a woman from the moment of conception can be up to 9-9.5 kg;
  • the uterus is located about 8 cm above the navel;
  • gait may become awkward due to a change in the body's center of gravity;
  • “training” contractions occur periodically;
  • The baby immediately reacts to any changes in the woman’s neuropsychic state and begins to push and move more intensely. This is why the expectant mother should avoid stressful situations;
  • Some women may experience swelling in the legs and other parts of the body. If such symptoms appear, you should consult a specialist.

With the onset of the 28th week, the expectant mother may be prescribed the following tests:

  • analysis to detect antibodies to the fetus. This type of examination is necessary in cases where the child’s father has a Rh-positive blood type;
  • blood test to determine the level of glucose tolerance. It is carried out to detect at an early stage diabetes mellitus, which can develop in some women during pregnancy;
  • general blood and urine tests;
  • determining the level of iron in the blood - allows you to determine the presence or absence of anemia.

If necessary, the expectant mother may be prescribed other types of tests at week 28, for example, an unscheduled ultrasound if it is necessary to clarify some indicators of fetal development.

Although relatively rare, situations still occur when contractions begin at 28 weeks. What to do in this case and how to increase the chances of a safe birth of the baby?

First of all, it is necessary to take into account that a 28-week-old baby can survive only in a specialized medical institution equipped with special equipment for caring for premature babies. Despite the fact that all the systems and organs of the fetus are already formed, the lungs are not yet quite ready for independent breathing, and the digestive system is also not entirely perfect.

Therefore, an expectant mother in the third trimester of pregnancy is strongly recommended to refuse not only long trips, but also short trips to the country or to rural areas where there are no appropriate conditions for providing quality medical care during childbirth.

In the event that a woman begins to feel contractions that differ from “training” contractions of the uterus in greater intensity, as well as the frequency of sensations, it is necessary to contact a medical facility as soon as possible.

Since the body expectant mother At this stage, the baby is not yet fully prepared for full-fledged labor; when providing medical care, doctors take all measures to avoid various complications during childbirth. Such complications include premature release of water with the subsequent development of infant hypoxia, cervical ruptures, insufficient preparedness of the birth canal, too weak labor, severe bleeding during and after childbirth.

If the uterine contractions are fairly minor, doctors may try to stop them and prolong the pregnancy. If this is not possible, then the birth is carried out as an emergency one. The newborn is immediately handed over to neonatologists, who examine him and provide the necessary assistance (start the breathing process, connect the baby to special equipment, etc.).

During the entire period of nursing, the newborn is in a special incubator, in which the specified environmental parameters (temperature, air humidity) are maintained. In addition, the baby may be given medications to help the lungs expand. If the child weighs one kilogram or more at birth, the chances of survival under these conditions will be quite high.

At 28 weeks of pregnancy, the following recommendations regarding lifestyle and self-care will be especially relevant for the expectant mother:

  • You should consult your doctor about taking medications containing calcium. This microelement is necessary for the normal formation of bone tissue and tooth buds of the baby, so the need for it during pregnancy increases sharply. However, you should not take calcium-containing medications on your own, so as not to provoke the formation of kidney stones and other negative consequences. In addition, excess calcium can cause the fetus to ossify the skull too early, which can lead to complications during childbirth;
  • You should constantly pay attention to the nature of the discharge. In the third trimester, the likelihood of leakage of amniotic fluid increases, therefore, if the volume of discharge increases and traces of excess fluid appear on the underwear, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible;
  • You should rest your tired legs as often as possible. During pregnancy, the vessels of the legs experience increased stress, so the woman becomes significantly tired both while walking and standing still. Sitting on a chair or armchair for a long time is also harmful, so best option– periodically change body position and perform simple gymnastics for the feet;
  • The total daily calorie intake during this period should be about 3000 kcal. Energy value of products and ready meals can be determined using special tables that are easy to find on the Internet. It is advisable not to deviate unnecessarily from the recommended indicators, so as not to provoke excessive weight gain, but also not to starve;
  • you should limit lifting weights and do not lift loads weighing more than 3-5 kg;
  • in order to prevent the development of late gestosis, it is recommended to reduce the proportion of flour and sweet foods in the diet;
  • you should pay attention to the nature of the discharge. The appearance of traces of blood in them may indicate placental abruption or other serious complications of pregnancy. In this case, you must urgently seek medical help;
  • Now is the time to stock up on bedding and hygiene items that you may need in the maternity hospital, and then at home after the baby is born. Everything must be ready: starting from stock detergents and ending with a warm blanket for the child.

It is also recommended to reduce activity at work within reasonable limits if the expectant mother has not yet gone on maternity leave for some reason. Modern work in the office or in production is often associated with a whole series of stresses and worries that are completely unnecessary now.

28th week of pregnancy - mid-seventh month and third trimester. There is not much time left before the birth, however, you should still thoroughly prepare for this event physically and mentally. Most expectant mothers continue to work actively, but are already thinking about a well-deserved rest - maternity leave.

At 28 weeks attention photo of the baby
changes how much
in the clinic phase

By week 28, the baby’s height is 33-34 cm, weight is about 1-1.3 kg. What happens to the baby at this stage of pregnancy.

  1. The baby already uses his senses, feels the taste and smell of foods that enter the mother’s body, and gets used to them. A woman’s taste preferences become the main ones in shaping the child’s tastes. So, if the mother prefers spicy dishes, the child also gets used to them.
  2. The eyes open and the baby begins to blink.
  3. The brain is actively developing, improving, and its mass is increasing. Convolutions appear in the cortex.
  4. The heart rate is 140-150 beats per minute. Changes in heart rate are observed. For example, a baby’s heart begins to beat faster when he hears his mother’s voice.
  5. The cartilages of the ears and nose are still soft, the nails continue to grow, however, they do not yet protrude beyond the edges.
  6. At week 28, the fetus takes a certain position in the uterus. The correct position is considered to be the baby's head down, but he can also rest his legs against the mother's pelvic area. There is no need to worry about this; it is possible that before the birth he will change the situation.
  7. The vellus hair covering the baby's body begins to gradually fall off this week. A little remains on the lower back, back and shoulders.
  8. The child’s endocrine system begins to work independently, freeing the mother’s pancreas and thyroid glands from doubling their work.
  9. At 28 weeks of pregnancy, the bronchi develop. The adrenal glands synthesize hormones responsible for the intensive formation of surfactant in the alveoli. The alveoli themselves (vesicles located at the ends of the bronchi) begin to contact with blood vessels. This is preparation for the baby to breathe independently after birth.

Already in the third trimester

If premature birth occurs at 28 weeks, the baby is not yet able to survive on his own, since his lungs are not fully developed. However, with the help of qualified neonatologists and special equipment, it can be recovered. Therefore, childbirth at this stage mostly ends positively, it’s just that subsequently the baby spends some time in the incubator, where he continues his development.

Starting from the 28th week, even in the case of a fatal birth, the newborn baby is considered a full-fledged person and is given an identity document. Premature birth before 28 weeks leading to fetal death is officially considered a miscarriage.

The 28th week of pregnancy with twins follows a similar scenario, but still has its differences. Since there are two babies in the uterus, their weight may be less than 1 kg. However, starting next week, the twins will certainly gain weight and begin active preparations for birth. If twins develop in a woman’s womb, week 28 is the time for maternity leave. For triplets, rest is required from the 26th week of pregnancy.

At 28 weeks of pregnancy, an ultrasound is usually not done, since the second planned examination has already passed, and the third will occur at 32 weeks. The exception is vital indications and the need to establish some kind of diagnosis so as not to miss the presence of pathology in the mother or child.

If you look at the ultrasound photo at week 28, you can see a fully formed little man who is no longer much different from an ordinary newborn. His movements and changes in facial expression are clearly visible in the video. The baby can smile or frown, bat his eyes, suck his thumb, clench and unclench his hands.

Changes in the mother's body and her sensations

Week 28 is quite a long period of time, when a woman is already accustomed to her situation. What changes are happening to her by this time?

  1. By the end of week 28, the total weight gain is approximately 9 kg. With twins or triplets, the increase can be 15 kg.
  2. Expectant mothers notice that they are urinating more frequently than in previous weeks of pregnancy. This is due to the enlarged uterus, which increases pressure on the bladder.
  3. The uterus has risen above the pubic symphysis by 28 cm, the weight of the placenta is about 0.4 kg.
  4. You may feel severe itching on the skin of your abdomen as it stretches more and more every day. With insufficient skin elasticity or lack of prevention, purple stripes appear - stretch marks.
    5. Heartburn continues to torment, to which are added pain in the back and lower back, caused by an increase in the load on the spine.

If you look at a photo of a mother’s belly at 28 weeks of pregnancy, you can see a rather large and heavy belly, because the weight and size of the baby are quite large.

Treat yourself with great attention, because now there are two of you

A woman’s feelings are quite versatile. On the one hand, the exciting period when she anxiously awaited a miscarriage or complications was left behind. Peace of mind comes from the knowledge that in case of an unforeseen situation, the baby can be saved. On the other hand, new worries arise about the upcoming birth.

  1. The woman feels the baby's active movements. He can kick quite sensitively under the ribs or in the bladder area. Moreover, the baby is most active at night, preventing the mother from sleeping fully. This is due to the fact that during the day the mother’s movements have a calming effect on the child, so he prefers to sleep during the day.
  2. The expectant mother constantly listens to the baby’s movements, showing concern about the lack of movement, or, conversely, the baby’s excessive activity. From this date it is already necessary to count fetal movements. Normally, there should be about ten of them per hour.
  3. On the eve of the 29th week of pregnancy, a woman may feel moderate cramps in the abdomen - so-called false contractions. This is considered the norm and is a signal that it is time for the expectant mother to retire. However, if sharp, cramping pain occurs, you should urgently call a doctor.

A woman’s main task is to listen to her condition and maintain a good psycho-emotional background. The following recommendations should be followed.

RecommendationWhat to do?
Have a good restIt has been proven that pregnancy requires healthy sleep and proper rest. If you continue to work at 28 weeks, give yourself several breaks during the working day, often place your feet on a horizontal surface.
Eat rightThe nutritional pattern now plays a particularly important role, since the expectant mother helps the child develop fully and instills in him eating habits. It is optimal to consume about 3100 kcal per day, and it is advisable to adhere to fractional meals (5-6 meals per day). Food should not only be tasty for mother and child, but also bring undoubted benefits to both. Special attention Give food high in iron: honey, dried apricots, nuts, cranberries, etc.
Limit fluid volumeSince edema is common in pregnant women, it is recommended to drink no more than 1.5 liters of fluid per day.
Walk moreLeisurely walks on fresh air perform several functions at once:
  • provide the expectant mother with oxygen;
  • provide the necessary physical activity;
  • bring positivity and peace.
Monitor your psycho-emotional backgroundThe baby is already sensitive to the mother’s mood and worries. If you feel like you can't control your emotions on your own, start seeing a therapist.
Start preparing for childbirthIt's time to start actively preparing for an important event - childbirth. Start attending preparatory courses, perform special breathing exercises, as well as gymnastics to strengthen the pelvic muscles.

Possible risks

Starting from the 28th week, expectant mothers should visit an obstetrician-gynecologist at least 2 times a month and regularly undergo urine tests. This will help control the condition of the pregnant woman and prevent unwanted complications such as edema, gestosis, and gestational diabetes.

Photo of the baby after ultrasound

Many women are concerned about discharge at 28 weeks of pregnancy. In general, they do not change their character and remain the same as in previous periods: light, of uniform consistency.

If the mother notices any suspicious changes: the appearance of mucus or pus, a yellowish, grayish, greenish color, itching in the perineal area, it is necessary to go to the hospital and get tested, as this is a consequence of an infection and needs treatment.

The following symptoms may indicate premature birth:

  • bloody vaginal discharge, signaling placental previa or placental abruption;
  • nagging or sharp pain in the lower abdomen;
  • copious watery discharge, indicating the release of amniotic fluid.

If these warning signs are present, you need to act immediately, take a horizontal position and call ambulance. Premature labor often progresses rapidly, so you should not try to get to the doctor on your own. Remember: the baby’s chances of survival are great, but only if you immediately seek help.

Many parents are afraid of intimacy during pregnancy for fear of harming the baby. Doctors reassure: sex at 28 weeks of pregnancy is not prohibited, and is even useful as a source of positive emotions. However, you should have sex carefully and choose positions to avoid putting pressure on mommy’s belly.

: Borovikova Olga

gynecologist, ultrasound doctor, geneticist

28 weeks pregnant

The third trimester does not promise to be easy, because already at the very beginning you are susceptible to all the unpleasant manifestations of pregnancy: nausea, dizziness, weight gain, swelling, varicose veins. Remember that you can survive all this and very soon you will be able to hold a small miracle in your arms - your child.

Changes in the body at 28 weeks of pregnancy

It is believed that seventh month of pregnancy- the most noticeable for the expectant mother, since it is during this period that serious changes in fetal growth and a significant enlargement of the uterus occur.

Do not be afraid of pain in the back and lower back, as they indicate a shift in the center of gravity, softening of joints and ligaments, as well as growth of the abdomen. Unpleasant sensations in the lower back can radiate to the knees and even ankles.

The pain should be mild and occur spontaneously.

Ultrasound photo at 28 weeks

By this time, the uterus rises 8 centimeters above the navel and 28 centimeters above the pubic bones. And weight gain can vary from 7.5 to 11.5 kilograms. Unfortunately, swelling will continue to bother expectant mothers right up to childbirth, but the degree of swelling can be adjusted.

To do this, you need to reduce the amount of fluid consumed and change your diet. You should drink no more than 1.5 liters of liquid per day, including juices, kefir and soups. Meals should be complete, but excluding fried, smoked and spicy foods, provoking thirst.

If the swelling is extremely severe and you are unable to wear comfortable sneakers, you should consult your doctor, as there is a risk of late gestosis.

Photos of mothers at 28 weeks

At the twenty-eighth week of pregnancy, you should be especially careful about the sensations in your stomach. The baby's kicks and movements, as well as unpleasant pulling of the muscles and ligaments that support the uterus, are considered normal.

In addition, you should not be afraid of training contractions, during which the stomach may tense and harden, but for a short time.

Braxton Hicks contractions are random, usually painless and last from a few seconds to several minutes.

However, if you feel pulling sensation in the abdomen at 28 weeks of pregnancy and it is not like training contractions - you should lie down in a comfortable position, warm your stomach with your hands or with a blanket. Experts also tend to say that it is optimal to take the fetal position when experiencing pulling sensations; this will relax the muscles and weaken the tone of the uterus.

If you felt severe cramping pain in the lower back, then they may indicate premature birth and in this case it is necessary to call a doctor. Tolerating discomfort and even more so putting off visiting a specialist is extremely dangerous. The same applies to severe pain in the lower abdomen with vomiting, nausea and severe heartburn. They may indicate the presence of gallstone cholecystitis.

Due to overstretching of the skin, itching may occur, and some pregnant women also develop vertical stripes on the abdomen - stretch marks.

Delete such stretch marks (striae) is possible only after breastfeeding has ended and using expensive modern cosmetic procedures.

To prevent the formation of stretch marks, you can rub it into the skin of the abdomen. essential oils, citrus or almond would be ideal. Olive oil will help maintain skin elasticity.

At the 28th week of pregnancy, the enlarging uterus begins to put pressure on the sciatic nerve, discomfort from this occurs unexpectedly and spreads to the thigh, sometimes reaching the knee and ankle. In this case, you will feel aching pain that periodically “shoots” in your leg.

Also, the uterus will continue to put pressure on the diaphragm from below, which leads to heartburn, constipation, hemorrhoids, pain in the hypochondrium, pulling on the sides and in the abdomen, and heaviness in the legs. Moreover, you may notice the appearance of a network of blood vessels on the legs. From the twenty-eighth week, the uterus will begin to grow even more rapidly and the prevention of varicose veins will be extremely necessary.

Fetus at 28 weeks of gestation

The future baby continues to grow actively and now his weight is approximately 1.1 kg, and his height reaches 38-39 cm. By the 28th week of pregnancy, bone tissue is strengthened and the child is able to breathe on his own. The convolutions and grooves formed earlier develop in the brain. The baby's heart beats at a frequency of 150 beats per minute and the pulse increases when the baby hears his mother's voice.

Records of mothers at 28 weeks

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I feel great, I have gained 8 kilograms of weight, which, in general, I consider normal. I don’t bother myself with physical exercises, I just walk a lot – my eldest doesn’t let me relax. I don't follow a diet...

The increase in fetal weight occurs due to subcutaneous tissue, which smoothes the baby's skin. There is less and less space in the uterus for the baby and it becomes more and more difficult for him to move. The baby already has his own routine: at one time, expectant mothers feel the baby’s activity, and at another time he sleeps.

Nutritionists recommend enriching diet at 28 weeks of pregnancy foods high in complex carbohydrates. Such food takes a long time to digest, causes a feeling of fullness and normalizes digestive processes.

Complex carbohydrates your body will receive from eating cereals, bread coarse, whole grains, as well as brown rice and corn. Plus, your body still needs cellulose, sufficient content of which is found in vegetables and fruits.

Let us remember that fiber activates intestinal motility and has a beneficial effect on digestive processes.

Regarding the non-recommended diet, in the third trimester of pregnancy the consumption of salt, which provokes fluid retention and thus causes the development of swelling, is excluded. You should also minimize your consumption of carbohydrate-containing foods, such as white rice, potatoes, confectionery, chocolate and candies.

A prevention of back pain caused by weight gain and a shift in the center of gravity, provides several simple exercises to alleviate this condition. Their implementation is not difficult and does not require special preparation from the expectant mother.

For example, you can sit on the floor “Turkish style”, keep your back straight, and straighten your arms to the sides, touching your fingers to the floor. As you inhale, you need to raise right hand and lean to the left. At this time, the other hand lies on the floor near the knee, slightly bent at the elbow.

As you exhale, we return to the starting position and do everything the same, but in the other direction. The exercise is repeated 5 times for each side.


False contractions

Every pregnant woman waits with trepidation and impatience to meet her baby. And the closer this cherished date of birth approaches, the more attentive she is to new sensations and listens to the baby’s behavior.

InformationFalse contractions (training or Braxton-Hicks contractions)- These are periodic, spontaneous contractions of the muscles of the uterus, the appearance of which is recorded already in the sixth week of pregnancy.

Most women begin to feel them only after mid-pregnancy (20 weeks), and some do not feel them at all. False contractions were first described by the English physician John Braxton-Hicks in 1872.

What does a pregnant woman experience?

As noted earlier, false contractions appear in the very early stages of pregnancy, but the woman may not feel them. As pregnancy progresses, training contractions will appear and the sensations will be brighter and more frequent.

Basically, Braxton Hicks contractions make themselves felt in the evening, when the expectant mother is relaxed and resting.

It is then that it is easiest for her to catch these infrequent, painless, irregular contractions of the uterus, which can last from 30 to 60 seconds, the uterus comes into tone and becomes, as it were, “stone”. Soon the tone disappears and everything becomes as before.

False contractions can also occur in the opposite situation - after a little physical activity (while walking, while shopping).


There are several assumptions that explain the reason for the appearance of training contractions:

  • The appearance of training contractions throughout pregnancy helps maintain the uterine muscle in working condition and ensures good blood flow to the placenta;
  • False contractions help the body prepare the cervix for the upcoming birth.

The occurrence of training contractions can be provoked by:

  • Touching the stomach;
  • Increased activity of the baby in the womb;
  • Sex;
  • Full bladder.

Differences between Braxton-Hicks contractions and regular contractions

Let's try to figure out what their differences are.

False contractions Regular contractions
Irregular Regular
There is no specific cyclicity, they can appear at any time of the day Periodic, characterized by a decrease in the interval between contractions and an increase in their duration
May occur 1-2 times a day/week, lasting from a few seconds to a minute At first they appear every 20-30 minutes, gradually the time interval decreases to 5-6 minutes
Painless. In rare cases, if contractions bring discomfort (more often this happens towards the end of pregnancy), then you can get rid of this feeling: by changing your body position, walking or, conversely, lying down, doing breathing exercises, taking a warm shower. Very painful, causing significant discomfort to the woman
The cervix does not dilate The cervix dilates and prepares for childbirth

When to see a doctor?

In some cases, false contractions are difficult to distinguish from real premature contractions, which pose a threat to the further bearing of the baby. Therefore, it is necessary to pay very close attention to cramping contractions of the uterus in the following situations:

  • If there are more than 3-4 weeks left before the expected date of birth (that is, you are less than 37 weeks pregnant), and you feel painful false contractions, then seek medical help immediately;
  • If you discover “suspicious” vaginal discharge: it has become thinner or thicker, or has acquired a pink or reddish color, then you should immediately call an ambulance;
  • If you feel pressure in the pelvis and sacrum, pain in the lumbar region, consult a doctor;
  • If the baby slows down his movements or, conversely, begins to move intensively.


Additionally The expectant mother cannot always correctly identify false contractions from real ones. And if you are not sure, you are worried about suspicions and doubts, then It's best to see a doctor.

The doctor will conduct an examination, listen to your symptoms and, based on all this, determine what is really happening to you, whether there is a threat or whether there is no need to worry about trifles. You will be able to ask him the questions you are interested in and get answers to them. This will make you feel more confident and calm.


What happens at 28 weeks of pregnancy

The long-awaited 28th week of pregnancy is a significant stage in the life of a pregnant woman and the baby, which is actively developing in her tummy.

On the one hand, the most exciting period is behind us.

On the other hand, the beginning of the last trimester is a time of increased responsibility: right now, when the previous week has ended, the body’s thorough preparation for the grandiose event will begin.

A woman will wait for the approaching birth with special trepidation, paying sensitive attention to every movement of the fetus.

What's happening to mom

Examining herself in the mirror, the expectant mother will see a familiar picture: as in the previous period, the silhouette is distinguished by noticeably rounded shapes.

  • The belly is large and quite heavy, because the fetus at this stage can weigh more than 1 kg. Until week 29, no noticeable visual changes in appearance will occur.
  • By the beginning of the 28th week, the body begins to prepare itself for the upcoming labor, so at this time a woman is likely to encounter such a phenomenon as prenatal contractions.

Usually, so-called “training” contractions do not pose any danger, but may be accompanied by moderate, nagging pain.

The woman feels a slight tension in her abdomen and can feel the uterus “learning” to contract. Training contractions do not harm the baby in any way and do not affect the development of the fetus.

  • Looking at the photo of the woman at 28 weeks, you note: by this time, the belly had acquired an impressive size. But a pleasant load is a serious test for your spine!

Nowadays, a feeling of discomfort and pain in the lower back occurs more often. When twins develop in the womb, it is especially difficult for a fragile lady with a thin build.

  • Moderate cramps on the eve of the next seven days can be considered the norm and a reason for a well-deserved rest, but sharp cramping pains are an alarming sign that may be a signal of premature birth.

If you experience severe lumbar pain, you should immediately call your doctor.

  • At 28-29 weeks, purplish oblong spots are likely to appear on the abdomen, which will turn into stretch marks.

Those who have given birth know: dealing with stretch marks is extremely problematic, so it is better to prevent their appearance in a timely manner with the help of special cosmetic products - gels, creams or ointments.

By regularly lubricating the skin of the abdomen and thighs with cream, you can not only avoid their appearance, but also alleviate the itching of the skin that is characteristic of this period.

Development of the baby, how he behaves

After the 27th week, we can safely say that not just a fetus is developing in the mother’s belly, but a full-fledged personality.

The baby opened his eyes and began to explore the cramped space in which he was located.

It has been proven that at week 28, the unborn baby uses all the ways of perceiving reality:

  • taste,
  • hearing,
  • vision,
  • touch.

The child inside you listens carefully to voices and sounds, and reminds you of itself by regularly moving, pushing and turning.

By now, the baby has developed a more or less constant wakefulness and sleep pattern. You can notice: in the evening the fetus behaves more actively than in the morning and during the day.

This “wrong” schedule is explained simply: walking and other body movements of the mother, carried out throughout the day, have a soothing effect.

In the evening, when she herself wants to relax and lie quietly, the baby begins to entertain her with his acrobatic exercises.

Sometimes a woman perceives increased activity of a child as a possible sign of a multiple pregnancy - it seems to her that one baby is not able to push so hard and often. Only a doctor can confirm guesses based on ultrasound results.

Normally, one fetus makes about 10 pushing movements within an hour.

Adjusted for the temperament of a growing person, this indicator may deviate slightly in either direction.

However, no matter how calm or restless a child may be, he must certainly move in the womb.

It is recommended to carefully monitor movements: if the child has stopped pushing and does not make any movements for more than a day, you should visit a doctor as soon as possible - let a specialist check whether development has been disrupted.

What's happening to the baby

By the beginning of the 28th week, the child’s development enters the final stage.

Despite the fact that the fetus has already turned into a full-fledged child and in case of premature birth will be a full-fledged person, it is extremely important that it continues to develop in the womb.

  • After all, it is at week 28 that the decisive stage in brain development begins.

If before this period the cerebral cortex was smooth, now distinct grooves and convolutions appear on it. It is desirable that this process takes place in the mother’s womb, and not in a soulless incubator.

The baby is not yet able to breathe on his own - he is just learning to make his first breathing movements.

  • The development of the pulmonary alveoli is not complete, which means: in the event of premature birth at 28, 29 weeks, the child will not survive without artificial ventilation.
  • The fruit now weighs just over 1 kg and the size of the fruit, the full length from heels to crown, is about 35-39 cm.
  • Bone tissue rapidly strengthens, and a layer of subcutaneous tissue gradually accumulates under the wrinkled skin. By the beginning of the next 7 days, the baby will weigh another 200-300 grams.

If twins develop in the tummy, each fetus weighs about 900 g. At this stage, both babies actively use all the senses and delight the mother with their playful movements.

And on the 29th, the twins will certainly gain weight and continue active preparations for the birth.

Limitations and Responsibilities

A woman’s task at any stage is to listen to her feelings and keep herself in good psycho-emotional shape.

It has been proven that a pregnant woman needs good rest and healthy sleep.

If a girl still goes to work, then during the working day she must take short breaks (during which she must lift her legs higher and place them on a horizontal surface).

The determining role now is played by the nutritional pattern and structure of the diet. Literally all experts insist on the need for a special prenatal diet.

The essence of such a diet is not only the consumption healthy products, but also in giving up bad gastronomic habits.

A woman who is giving birth to twins should pay special attention to her diet. During multiple pregnancies, excess weight gain is especially dangerous.

You need to remember: the 28th week of pregnancy with twins is precisely the period from which the most rapid weight gain begins.

By controlling her body weight and adhering to a proper diet, the expectant mother supports the normal development of the baby.

According to experts, in the seventh month it is recommended to consume no more than 3100 calories per day, while the entire amount of daily food is recommended to be divided into 5-6 meals.

In addition to taste pleasure, food should benefit the expectant mother and the developing baby inside.

Since the body tends to swell while expecting a baby, from this time on it is important to limit the amount of fluid consumed to 1.5 liters and avoid fried, smoked, fatty, spicy and salty foods.

Favorite light carbohydrates that contribute to weight gain will also have to be eliminated, replacing them with complex analogues and foods high in fiber.

Here are the foods that should form the basis of your diet now:

  • porridge,
  • whole grains,
  • wholemeal bread,
  • brown rice,
  • vegetables,
  • fruits,
  • dairy products.

While worrying about proper nutrition, a girl should not forget about the need to stay in the fresh air and the importance of feasible physical activity.

A leisurely walk is an event that will provide the expectant mother with oxygen and the necessary physical activity.

When walking in the fresh air, it is important to think about something positive, cheerful, calming - for example, about how wonderful the baby will be, and probably twins.

Depressive, anxious thoughts, fears and worries are strictly contraindicated.

Advice: to get a dose of positivity, you can go with your husband to a maternity photo shoot.

If such an event is in your plans, it is better to take a photo now - at 28-29 weeks, when the tummy seems to be quite large and round, but has not yet reached its maximum size, making normal movement difficult.

Necessary activities

In the third trimester, a blood sugar test and an iron level test are added to the traditional general blood and urine tests. For women with a negative Rh factor at 28 weeks of pregnancy, an antibody test is required.

If the Rh conflict is confirmed, the doctor will be forced to prescribe an injection of immunoglobulin - a drug that suppresses the production of antibodies.

27 and 28 weeks are the optimal time to start prenatal preparation. It is at this time that doctors recommend starting to perform breathing exercises and exercises in order to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles.

From the 29th you can start attending courses for future parents. Perhaps there you will acquire a lot of useful skills and learn a lot of new information.

An ultrasound scan is not mandatory during this period. However, the expectant mother can undergo diagnostics on her own initiative in order to reassure herself. Ultrasonography - good way make sure that the fetus is developing as planned and that everything is going according to schedule.

By the way, ask the doctor to take a photo from the monitor - a photo of a healthy baby will be a constant source of positive emotions. And you will have something to show your loved ones who are looking forward to the birth of the baby with you.

Possible risks

After the 27th week, when fetal development has reached a decisive stage, the main risks and threats are associated with the woman’s incorrect behavior.

If the expectant mother:

the consequences can be the most unpredictable.

When a woman takes care of herself and her baby, listens to all the doctor’s advice and does not give in to fears, the likelihood of complications developing is minimal.

Alarm signals can be:

If the nature of the discharge changes or there is a feeling of constant itching in the genital area, you must immediately seek help.

Watery discharge indicates a violation of the integrity of the amniotic sac, and scarlet or brown discharge indicates a threat of premature birth.

Pay attention to your condition and everything will be fine!


28 weeks pregnant

We are already in the middle of the seventh month of pregnancy! It's time to decide on the choice of maternity hospital, because there is very little time left! Many expectant mothers are still working at this time. Try to rest more and devote time to health.

The baby can already distinguish tastes and smells, because all substances that enter the mother’s body reach his receptors. Taste preferences for food are beginning to form, and now is the perfect time to start instilling healthy eating habits in your baby!

The weight of the fetus at the 28th week of pregnancy is slightly more than 1 kilogram, and its height is 35 cm!

How many months have you been pregnant? The 28th obstetric week of pregnancy is a full seven months (one obstetric month is twenty-eight days).

Fetal development at 28 weeks of gestation

A week later, the baby has grown a little more, the mother feels how his activity is increasing, how his movements are gaining strength. The baby is already good at opening his eyes. If you watch the video, you can see how he curiously looks at his body, the umbilical cord, and tries to touch everything with his hands. At this stage, all babies have blue eyes. Already closer to childbirth, pigmentation will change.

The baby is very active, he is constantly trying to change his position in the uterus, but there is not so much space, and this is becoming increasingly difficult to do. Active strong movements can already cause discomfort to the mother.

A child at 28 weeks of pregnancy already has taste preferences. Like all kids, he loves sweets most of all. But depending on the mother’s diet, the baby’s preferences may change, and by this time every expectant mother already understands what he likes.

The baby responds well to various sounds, he is more active with loud music and calms down when he hears the voices of mom and dad.

Mother's feelings at 28 weeks of pregnancy

The expectant mother’s well-being remains the same. Swelling of the arms and legs may bother you.

This condition can occur after overwork, and then it is enough to rest, do light exercises for the legs (slightly raise them from a horizontal position and lower them), which will improve blood flow, and do a light lymphatic drainage massage.

If severe swelling occurs, be sure to consult your doctor! He will help determine the cause, prevent conditions that threaten complications for you or your baby, and, if necessary, prescribe appropriate medications.

Be sure to ask your doctor what vitamin supplements you need and what microelements to add. If leg muscle spasms are bothering you, you may need to prescribe calcium and magnesium supplements. But only a doctor can do this correctly.

Muscle spasms in the legs can be relieved by warm baths or a special massage that your spouse can help you do.

To do this, you need to lie comfortably on your back, and your spouse, holding your leg slightly elevated, first brings your foot to your shin, stretching the back group of muscles, and then kneads the calf muscles with intense movements.

The third trimester is the best time to take care of proper nutrition, because the baby, who already feels all the tastes, remembers everything! Great importance has the frequency of food intake, as well as its quantity. Follow the following dietary rules:

  • Eat small portions, but often. This is useful for both the baby and you, because the enlarged uterus puts pressure on the stomach. When nutritional components are supplied to the baby in doses and often, he feels very comfortable. It is on this principle that the nutrition of newborns is based - most often babies choose their diet at intervals of 2-3 hours. A large portion of food in the stomach can also disturb the mother, because the baby has already grown up, there is less space in the uterus, and the blows of fists and heels on an overfilled stomach are very noticeable.
  • Try to allow about two hours between your last meal and bedtime. Immediately after eating, the baby becomes active, his body receives a large amount nutrients. And he really needs healthy sleep. If too much time passes after eating, the baby will be active, but due to a lack of nutrients - he will simply be hungry. Therefore, even if you strictly control the caloric content of your diet, do not forget about the needs of your baby. Excess weight is not necessary, but fasting can lead to insufficient weight gain in the fetus.
  • Switch to eating only freshly prepared foods. Prepare the dish for one meal. This way, the nutrients will be preserved as much as possible. Yes, it takes more time, but after the baby is born, you will prepare dishes for him this way, and the training will only be beneficial.
  • Experts say that positive emotions during meals improve the absorption of valuable substances and activate the functioning of the intestinal villous apparatus. The baby gets more benefits this way.

Belly at 28 weeks of pregnancy

At the 28th week of pregnancy, the uterus is already located 28 centimeters above the womb or 8 cm above the navel.

In the seventh month, the belly has significantly increased in size and may prevent the mother from leading her usual lifestyle. The figure is becoming more and more rounded, and stretching skin on the abdomen can cause concern.

To prevent the appearance of stretch marks, as well as unpleasant subjective feelings(skin may itch) you can use special pharmacy skin care products during pregnancy.

Pay special attention to proper nutrition, because an enlarged uterus can disrupt the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

The 28th week of pregnancy with twins is accompanied by even greater subjective discomfort, because the size of the uterus is much larger than in a singleton pregnancy. A woman should definitely rest, lie on her side several times a day with her legs slightly adducted - this eases the load on the spine and reduces pain in the lumbar region.

As a rule, by this time the expectant mother has already gained about nine kilograms. Despite your increased weight and rounding belly, you can still be quite active.

However, be more careful about the load: do not overexert yourself, do not lift heavy objects. But gymnastics for pregnant women should be a must in your daily routine.

Watch your diet, as in the third trimester it is very important not to gain extra pounds - this will make childbirth and recovery easier.

Fetal movements at this stage

This period of pregnancy is characterized by a significant increase in the baby's activity. The mother feels his movements very clearly, she already feels where the elbow rests and where the heels are, she understands what position the baby is in.

Movements at the 28th week of pregnancy are very clearly visible on the surface of the abdomen: when the fetus changes position, the abdomen may shift slightly to one side or the other. However, the baby's weight still allows him to actively change his position.

Therefore, the ultrasound conclusion “Pregnancy 28 weeks, breech presentation” cannot be final - the baby can easily roll over, and more than once.

Possible pain at 28 weeks

In the third trimester of pregnancy, a woman already feels training contractions. This is usually a sensation of contraction of the uterus, which is completely painless. If you experience severe pain, or your stomach aches constantly, be sure to consult a doctor.

Abdominal pain during pregnancy may be associated with an enlarged uterus, stretching of its ligaments, pressure on neighboring organs, and may also be a sign of a threatened miscarriage.

You should not take painkillers or antispasmodics on your own, because only a doctor can determine the cause of this condition and prevent danger.

Necessary studies and analyzes

Usually at this stage standard tests are taken: general blood tests, urine tests, and a blood sugar test may be prescribed. During this period, women with Rh-negative blood type are prescribed an antibody test.

This study makes it possible to determine whether there is a Rh conflict and to prevent complications during pregnancy and childbirth. If there is still a Rh conflict, then immunoglobulin is administered.

It prevents the synthesis of antibodies to the child’s blood components in the mother’s body.

From the beginning of the third trimester, the expectant mother should already visit the gynecologist more often - twice a month. If your stomach hurts at 28 weeks of pregnancy, you must tell him about it during your consultation.

Ultrasound at the 28th week of pregnancy is not included in the routine examination. If your pregnancy is progressing normally, then you have already done two ultrasound examinations, you already know the gender of your baby, you know that he is growing and developing normally.

An ultrasound at this stage can be prescribed if there are health problems on the mother’s part.

But ultrasound is an absolutely safe method, and if the mother wants to see her miracle again, take an ultrasound photo at 28 weeks of pregnancy, this can be done!

Questions - answers

Tell me, is abdominal pain at the beginning of the third trimester normal? My stomach hurts slightly from time to time, I’m afraid that labor will not occur at 28 weeks of pregnancy.

Abdominal pain during your pregnancy may occur due to stretching of the uterine ligaments and the impact of the enlarged uterus on nearby organs. But these sensations should not be too intense and should be regular.

In the third trimester, training contractions are already felt; these sensations resemble muscle contractions, but should not be accompanied by pain.

If you are worried about abdominal pain, and especially if it is accompanied by bloody discharge, be sure to consult a specialist.

What kind of discharge can there be at 28 weeks of pregnancy? It seems to me that I have a water leak, but it’s still very early...

During this period, discharge may normally increase slightly. Liquid, clear, light discharge is considered normal. Typically, women report water leakage as more intense. However, it is possible to accurately determine whether it is discharge or leakage only after a smear. If water leaks in large quantities, this is an alarm signal: be sure to contact the clinic.

I am 28 weeks pregnant, the size of the fetus according to ultrasound is normal, and my stomach is very small. How can this be?

The belly size of each expectant mother is individual. A more important criterion is the height of the uterine fundus and the size of the fetus. If these indicators are normal, there is nothing to worry about.

If you look at the photos of bellies at 28 weeks that mothers exchange on forums, you can very clearly see that the visual parameters are different for everyone.

This depends on the woman’s weight, the size of her pelvis, whether this is her first pregnancy, and a number of other factors.

What to do if uterine tone is increased at 28 weeks? How bad is this and is it possible to have sex?

If you have tone at this time, you should definitely consult a gynecologist. He will determine whether the tone is really increased and will give appropriate recommendations. Try to rest more and limit physical activity. Sex at 28 weeks of pregnancy with increased tone should be limited.

Can the position of the fetus change at 28 weeks of pregnancy? And then we were diagnosed with breech presentation, and I was very upset...

Yes, at this stage the position of the fetus may well change. The baby is very active, he still has enough space, and he can still roll over into a cephalic position. In some cases, special gymnastics are recommended to help change the position.

Premature birth is defined as birth that occurs during pregnancy from 22 to 37 weeks (259 days), starting from the first day of the last normal menstruation with regular menstrual cycle, while the fetal body weight ranges from 500 to 2500 g.

Premature birth before 28 weeks of pregnancy

If birth occurs before 28 weeks (27 weeks 6 days inclusive), then such babies are considered very premature with extremely low body weight (up to 1000 g) and pronounced immaturity of the lungs (although in some cases the prevention of respiratory distress syndrome (RDS is a respiratory syndrome) disorders of newborns) is effective). The birth rate is about 5%. The prognosis for such births is extremely unfavorable. Perinatal morbidity and mortality rates are extremely high.

Childbirth at 28 weeks of pregnancy and its consequences for mother and child

Every woman dreams of giving birth to a healthy child on time; unfortunately, not everyone succeeds. Every year the number of women who cannot, for various reasons, carry their pregnancy to the natural term is growing.

Congenital pathology is rare; as a rule, the causes of the disease are unsuccessful abortions or injuries during previous births. What reasons can abruptly initiate premature birth? The timing of birth can be affected by: - ​​severe stress - poor living conditions - insufficient nutrition - too much physical activity - if pregnancy occurs at too young or too old an age - a sharp increase in body temperature

Some women's pregnancies are plagued by the threat of premature birth. 28 weeks is not a sufficient period for the development of a healthy child - this does not add optimism to expectant mothers, but the problem should not be exaggerated.

The risk of premature birth can be prevented.

You just need to remember about this possibility of events and keep everything under control throughout the entire period of pregnancy until childbirth.

First you need to know the answers to some frequently asked questions.

At what stage of pregnancy is birth considered premature?

Intensive resuscitation care can be provided if the weight is at least 500 g, and the birth date is not earlier than 22 weeks.

What is the frequency with which preterm birth occurs?

Premature births account for approximately 8%. The indicator varies for different countries and peoples. The reasons lie in the lifestyle and addiction of young people to smoking, alcohol and other healthy image life. This indicator is also influenced by the level of comfort in everyday life.

What reasons can cause premature birth?

One of the reasons is complications that occur during pregnancy.

Premature birth at 28 weeks can be caused by an incompetent cervix. The cervix cannot withstand the load necessary for successful pregnancy and fails at the most inopportune moment.

The next reason is genital infections. Infections lead to inflammation, as a result of which the uterine wall becomes insufficiently elastic and loses its ability to gradually stretch as the fetus grows. In this case, pregnancy lasts only as long as the walls of the uterus are capable of stretching, and then the mother’s body does everything possible to get rid of the pregnancy.

Give birth to a healthy baby The importance of folic acid in preparing for pregnancy and bearing a child

The causes of miscarriage may be rubella during pregnancy, hormonal disorders, pathologies of the structure of the uterus. Cervical insufficiency, immune incompatibility of the father and mother of the child. Regular nervous stress.

Premature birth at 28 weeks of pregnancy can also be caused by multiple pregnancies, too large a fetus, or polyhydramnios. All these reasons lead to excessive stretching of the uterus, and the body decides to expel the fetus from the uterine cavity by any means available to it.

There are also congenital pathologies of the development of the uterus, which lead to premature birth due to the body’s functional unpreparedness for pregnancy and childbirth.

A prerequisite for premature birth may be abruption, placenta accumbens, or antiphospholipid syndrome.

Premature birth can also be caused by disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine glands, diseases of the internal organs and cardiovascular diseases.

Another cause of premature birth is isthmic-cervical insufficiency (ICI). This disease is accompanied by the inability of the cervix to hold the embryo inside the uterus.

The strength of the muscle ring is simply not sufficient. The disease can be congenital or acquired. Congenital pathology is rare; as a rule, the causes of the disease are unsuccessful abortions or injuries during previous births.

Which women are more likely to be at risk for premature birth at 22-27 weeks of pregnancy?

Early labor at 28 weeks is usually associated with isthmic-cervical insufficiency and infections of the lower amniotic sac, which leads to its rupture. This occurs more often during repeated pregnancies.

Who is at risk for developing preterm birth at 28 weeks?

This risk group includes about 30% of women giving birth for the first time. The causes of premature birth can be very diverse.

Is it always possible to prevent premature birth?

If there is a threat of premature birth and timely measures are taken, in most cases it is possible to stop labor, but it is impossible to stop labor that has already begun. You can only detain them to organize assistance for the mother and child.

Is premature birth dangerous for a woman?

Such births are dangerous due to their suddenness and serious complications. The hormonal balance in such women in labor is usually disturbed and their childbirth, as a rule, takes place with big amount injuries than full-term birth.

Is premature birth dangerous for the baby?

Premature birth is certainly very dangerous for the baby. A child born at 28 weeks is still absolutely not ready for life outside the womb. Such children need to be created artificially. Enormous amounts of money are spent on this. But it is not always possible to help. Children sometimes die

What should a woman do if she is at risk of miscarriage?

It is urgent to call an ambulance. Take a sedative, lie down and calm down.

Which medical facility will provide the best care for premature birth?

Almost all obstetric institutions in large cities are already ready to care for premature babies with varying degrees of prematurity. Babies born at 28 weeks, weighing 1000 g, have a chance to survive.

But it won’t hurt to make inquiries about where they do it best in your area. If there is a danger of premature birth, go here. Ambulance teams can also help you with this; they know which clinic is best to go to for a particular pathology.

Is it possible to prevent premature birth?

Modern medicine has many methods in its arsenal to prevent abortion at dangerous stages. It is important to seek help in time. The sooner treatment is started, the better the result will be and it is quite possible that premature birth can be avoided

Treatment of women predisposed to premature birth, what does it consist of?

As a rule, the cause of premature birth is rupture of the fetal membranes. This leads to infection of the mother and fetus. In this case, the threat to the fetus is much higher. Therefore, in such cases, they prefer to wait and, if possible, fight the infection with medication without terminating the pregnancy.

Is there anyway to stop premature birth?

If a woman’s life is at risk, premature birth has to be specially initiated to save mother and child.

Is pain relief possible if a woman had to give birth at 28 weeks?

Pain management can be used, but in the case of spontaneous preterm labor, pain management must take into account many factors. And think not only about pain relief for the mother, but anticipate possible harm from the use of medications for a not quite full-term baby.

How can a woman who has had a premature birth prepare for her next birth? It is important to prepare everything correctly and undergo treatment before planning your next pregnancy. It is advisable to undergo critical periods of repeated pregnancies in a hospital under the supervision of a doctor.

Is it different postpartum period a woman who suffered premature birth from the postpartum period of a woman with a normal due date? There are no big differences, but if there are complications, the woman will be left in the maternity hospital for a longer period. If there are no complications, the delay in the maternity hospital may be more likely due to the condition of the child.

Premature birth

Premature birth- birth of a child between 22 and 37 weeks of pregnancy. This problem is quite serious. Despite modern equipment that makes it possible to care for even the most “difficult” premature baby, everyone understands that there is nothing better than its natural development in the mother’s womb rather than in an incubator. Therefore, the threat of premature birth worries and frightens many expectant mothers.

Signs of premature birth

Premature birth begins in exactly the same way as labor during a full-term pregnancy. A woman may feel nagging pain in the lower back and lower abdomen. Sometimes cramping pain occurs, indicating the onset of contractions. Watery brown or red-pink vaginal discharge may appear, mucous plug or amniotic fluid may pass. A pregnant woman may also feel slight pressure in the lower abdomen.

If at least one of the above symptoms appears, you must urgently call an ambulance, since in some cases doctors can stop premature birth.

Causes of premature birth

Premature birth can occur due to many factors. Let's look at the most common ones:

  • Isthmic-cervical insufficiency (ICI)- inferiority of the cervical muscles, which are unable to hold the fetus in the uterine cavity. ICI can be congenital (in rare cases) and acquired (injuries of the cervical canal during artificial labor, previous births, forced dilatation of the cervix - hysteroscopy, endometrial curettage).
  • Infectious diseases(chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, toxoplasmosis, mycoplasmosis, genital herpes and others) is the second most common cause of premature labor. Any inflammatory process has a negative effect on the walls of the uterus, making them inferior, so pregnancy continues as long as the uterus is able to stretch, after which the body begins to get rid of the fetus.
  • Congenital anomalies in the structure of the uterus.
  • Overdistension of the uterus, caused by polyhydramnios, multiple pregnancies, large fetuses.
  • Pathology of the placenta- premature aging, abruption or placenta previa can cause premature birth.
  • Preeclampsia- complication of pregnancy. In severe cases, in order to save the woman’s life, doctors decide on premature delivery.
  • Endocrinopathy- dysfunction of the endocrine glands (pituitary gland, thyroid gland, ovaries, adrenal glands).
  • Constant stress, poor living conditions, low social standard of living, hard physical work, too young or old, drinking alcohol, drugs, smoking can also trigger early labor.

Consequences of premature birth

For a woman, the consequences are minimal, since premature birth is no different from normal birth. Moreover, they pass with virtually no rupture of the perineum due to the small size of the child.

For a child, the consequences of premature labor depend on the stage of pregnancy at which he was born.

  • 22-28 week. In this case, babies are born with extremely low body weight (up to 1 kg). The survival rate of such children is very low. They cannot breathe on their own. Some babies die within 3-4 days after birth, while others remain disabled.
  • 28-33 week. In this case, a child is born weighing up to 1.5 kg. He also cannot breathe on his own, so he is placed in an incubator, where he receives oxygen and therapy aimed at accelerating the maturation of his lungs. The prognosis is usually favorable.
  • 33-37 weeks. Children are born weighing more than 1.5 kg. Their lungs are still underdeveloped, however, the introduction of drugs for their maturation is no longer required. The survival rates of such children are very high. Premature birth at this time is the most favorable.

What to do if there is a threat of premature birth

If there is a threat of premature birth, prolongation of pregnancy is possible, but provided that the cervix is ​​closed and the amniotic fluid has not broken. Treatment takes place in a hospital, the duration of which can range from several days to months, and in some cases until the birth itself.

First of all, during contractions, a woman is prescribed drugs that help reduce the tone of the uterus. First, the drug is administered intravenously, and when contractions stop, the woman will take it in tablet form until the 37th week of pregnancy.

At the second stage of treatment, the doctor identifies and tries to eliminate the cause of premature birth. If an infection is detected, the pregnant woman is prescribed antibacterial drugs. With the development of isthmic-cervical insufficiency for up to 28 weeks, sutures are placed on the cervix, which will prevent the fetus from “falling out” of it ahead of time. Sutures will be placed under short-term intravenous anesthesia, which has minimal impact on the fetus. After 28 weeks, if the cervix is ​​incomplete, a special Golgi ring is inserted into the vagina, which will support the fetus for a certain time.

Whenever there is a threat of premature birth, a pregnant woman is prescribed a special hormonal drug that accelerates the maturation of the fetus’s lungs. The drug is prescribed for reinsurance; if the baby is born prematurely, then thanks to the drug he will be able to breathe on his own.

In addition, treatment includes bed rest and avoidance of indigestible, spicy, and fatty foods.

The most difficult situation is leakage of amniotic fluid. If labor has been stopped up to 34 weeks, and the condition of the fetus and mother is normal, there is no increase in body temperature and no inflammatory changes in the blood, then it is possible to prolong pregnancy with the obligatory prescription of an antibacterial drug to prevent infection. The fact is that when amniotic fluid leaks, the integrity of the fetal bladder is disrupted, and now any infection can penetrate inside. That is why taking an antibacterial agent is a vital measure.

What you should know about preterm birth

One of the most common and serious fears among pregnant women is premature birth. Even if the pregnancy proceeds calmly, the woman is healthy and does not belong to any risk group, the fear of facing such a dangerous situation remains very strong. That is why it makes sense to familiarize yourself with the disturbing topic in advance and not think about it again. Unless, of course, God forbid, you happen to encounter her in person.

What is premature birth?

Premature birth is defined as birth before 38 weeks of pregnancy. For a long time, people talked about premature birth only starting from the 28th week; before this period, the onset of labor was called a miscarriage. However, modern medical technologies make it possible to care for children born after 22 weeks and weighing more than 500 g. Therefore, already at this stage, birth is called premature if the child was born alive and lived for at least 7 days.

Due to the fact that it is too difficult for children born before 28 weeks to be delivered, many doctors still say that premature birth is birth after 28 weeks, and before that we can only talk about miscarriage. After all, not every hospital has expensive equipment to save the lives of children weighing less than 1 kg.

However, no matter what you call the situation, doctors will be there to save the pregnancy or save the baby’s life, if the pregnancy could not be saved. Another thing is that without the appropriate equipment and medications, as well as without the ardent desire of the mother, it is very difficult to do this. That is why it is very important to go to a specialized hospital, a specialized maternity hospital.

Types of premature birth

According to the duration of pregnancy, premature birth is divided into 3 types:

  1. Very early - premature birth at 22-27 weeks - fetal weight during this period is usually from 500 to 1000 g;
  2. Early premature birth at 28-33 weeks - newborn weight from 1000 to 2000;
  3. Premature birth at 34-37 weeks - baby weight about 2500 g.

They also share threat premature birth, starting And started premature birth. On the type of premature birth, timing, as well as general condition mother and child will depend on the types of treatment. In addition, the chance of survival of the child also largely depends on the period at which premature birth occurs. However, in any case, the longer the baby is in the womb, the better for him. And every day that he manages to delay childbirth will make him healthier and stronger.

Premature birth statistics

As a reassurance for women who are worried about preterm birth, here are some general statistics on preterm birth. Please note, only 6-8% of all births are premature. Think about it, only 8 out of 100 women give birth prematurely, the rest carry their children to term safely.

37th week of pregnancy, what happens to the baby and mother, warning signs of labor, the onset of labor pains

And of this number, only 5-7% occur between 22 and 27 weeks. Of course, these children are the most difficult to rescue, but quite a few manage to save their lives. Between 27 and 33 weeks, just over 30% of premature babies are born. It is much easier for such children to emerge; significantly more than half of them survive.

More than 50% of all preterm births occur between 34 and 37 weeks. Babies born during this period differ from full-term ones only in size. All systems in their body are already developed enough to exist independently in the outside world.

As you can see, the vast majority of women have absolutely nothing to worry about. For the rest, the main thing is to see a doctor in time. The sooner treatment is started, the greater the chances of a successful outcome.

Causes of premature birth

What could be the causes of premature birth? There are simply a huge number of them. On early stages these are usually different inflammation and inflammation infectious diseases . Any inflammation in the uterine cavity affects the muscle tissue and prevents them from stretching. But as the baby grows and develops, the uterus must constantly stretch. If any obstacles arise to this, the uterus tries to throw off the fetus, and premature birth begins.

This is one of the reasons why doctors so strongly recommend testing for infectious diseases before conception. Ideally, infections should be treated before pregnancy. However, if you have not done this in advance, then the time to do it is at the beginning of pregnancy.

In any case, throughout pregnancy you need to be checked for infectious diseases. The sooner the disease is detected and treatment is started, the greater the chance of maintaining the pregnancy.

Premature birth at 27-29 weeks and later most often begins due to cervical pathologies, which is called isthmic-ecclesiastical insufficiency. With this pathology, the cervix is ​​too weak to support the gradually enlarging fetus. As a result, under his pressure, it begins to open, which provokes the onset of premature labor.

It is extremely rare that ICI is congenital. Most often, this pathology becomes a direct consequence of abortions and miscarriages, after which it is necessary to scrape out the uterine cavity, or other artificial interventions in this area, when it is necessary to dilate the cervix with the help of special instruments.

It follows that women after an abortion, especially if it was done during the first pregnancy, after miscarriages and complex gynecological diseases, the risk of premature birth increases.

However, sometimes the cause of ICI lies in an excess amount of male sex hormones in a woman’s body, which are produced in the mother’s adrenal glands, and, starting from a certain period, in the child’s body.

Infectious diseases and pathologies of the uterus are just the most common causes of premature birth. There are others too. So, multiple or polyhydramnios pregnancy, during which excessive stretching of the uterus occurs, can also result in premature birth.

We must not forget about pathologies of uterine development. Infantilism, saddle or bicornuate uterus can also cause premature birth. Various endocrine diseases often lead to premature birth, including diabetes or disorders of the thyroid gland.

In addition, it has been noted that the risk of preterm birth is higher in women from dysfunctional families, has influence and hard labour, constant stress, smoking, alcohol, drugs.

If a woman has already had premature birth in the past, the likelihood of the situation repeating increases in subsequent pregnancies.

As you can see, there are a lot of reasons. However, even if you have one or more signs, this does not mean that you will certainly give birth prematurely. In most cases, as you already remember, women manage to carry the child to the end of pregnancy. Moreover, if you know about all your problems, then doctors will monitor your condition and will certainly be able to prevent an undesirable situation.

Symptoms of premature birth

As mentioned above, the longer the baby is in the womb, the more viable and healthy he will be born. It follows that it is very important to provide timely assistance to a woman who has begun labor and, if possible, stop it. This means that it is very important to consult a doctor on time. And for this you need to know the symptoms of premature birth.

It is indeed possible to stop the process, but only if we are talking about threatening and beginning labor. If labor has already begun and the cervix begins to dilate, then it is impossible to stop labor. All that remains is to carefully guide them and try to save the baby.

The signs of preterm labor are very important to know. Threatening premature birth make themselves felt by pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. The uterus is toned, causing the stomach to become hard. However, the cervix does not dilate.

Beginning premature labor accompanied by cramping contractions of the uterus, a rhythmic increase in uterine tone. In fact, these are already full-fledged contractions. In this case, the cervix begins to shorten and open. Quite often in this case there is an outpouring of amniotic fluid.

How does premature labor begin? In terms of symptoms, they are practically no different from ordinary ones, although they are often accompanied by various complications: weak or, conversely, excessive labor, placental abruption and bleeding. Premature labor often takes significantly less time than normal labor.

Treatment for threatened preterm birth

If you discover symptoms of premature labor, the first thing you need to do is call an ambulance. Many women have a desire to get to the maternity hospital on their own, but it is better to refrain from doing so. Extra movements and stress can speed up the birth process, and the car or taxi simply will not have the necessary drugs and equipment.

In addition, if premature birth begins in the early stages, then it is very important to go to a maternity hospital that specializes in such complications. In this case, the hospital will have not only equipment and drugs that help maintain pregnancy, but also everything that is necessary for caring for premature babies.

After calling an ambulance, it is best to take a sedative, such as valerian or motherwort. An antispasmodic will also not hurt; as a rule, there is a nosh-pa in any home. You need to take 2 tablets at once. After this, you need to lie down and wait for the doctor to arrive. Talk to your baby, promise that everything will be fine. Such communication usually calms the woman down.

After arriving at the hospital, the pregnant woman will first be examined, including in a gynecological chair, to clarify the situation. Is it really about premature birth? What is the condition of the cervix and so on.

Treatment of the threat of premature birth and beginning premature birth, or rather stopping them, begins with the appointment drugs that reduce uterine tone, for example, patrusiten or genipral. While the situation remains unstable, drugs are administered intravenously. After the pregnant woman’s condition has stabilized, the injections are replaced with tablets, and they are kept for up to 37 weeks, that is, until the birth is considered full-term.

Increasing customs duties on foreign cars is premature

Can't do without sedatives. It is very important to normalize psychological condition women. A stressful situation contributes to the development of premature birth, and fear for the baby’s health is very stressful. A sedative will help break this vicious cycle.

The next stage of treatment depends on what caused the current situation. That is, if a woman is found to have an infection, she will be prescribed a course of antibiotics. By the way, they will be prescribed if, before 33 weeks, the amniotic fluid breaks or begins to leak, and the child remains defenseless against all infections with which the mother comes into contact - a course of antibiotics is simply necessary. If the amniotic fluid breaks at 34 weeks, premature birth will no longer be stopped.

If we are talking about ICN, then treatment will also depend on the duration. Apply until 28 weeks stitch on the cervix to prevent its dilatation and maintain pregnancy. The operation is performed under local, very short-term anesthesia.

At later stages, they put it on the cervix golgi ring, which tightens the neck and performs the same function as the sutures.

Another drug that will definitely be prescribed to a pregnant woman during premature birth is dexamethasone. This drug does not help maintain pregnancy in any way; its task is to make the child more viable. The fact is that the biggest problem that makes it difficult to save the lives of premature babies is that their lungs are underdeveloped.

In the lungs of children under 37 weeks there is too little of a special substance - surfactant. It should cover the entire inner surface of the alveoli and prevent them from collapsing during breathing. The hormone contained in dexamethasone promotes the accumulation of surfactant. If necessary, the same drug is administered to newly born children.

However, not in all cases doctors will try to preserve the pregnancy at all costs. In some cases, when the situation threatens the life of the mother or child, obstetricians will not only not stop the course of labor, but, on the contrary, will stimulate it. This is done in case of severe forms of gestosis, exacerbation of chronic diseases of a woman’s internal organs. If amniotic fluid ruptures after 34 weeks, there is also no need to continue the pregnancy.

Management of preterm labor

Managing premature birth requires a special approach: more careful and attentive. Particular attention is paid to pain relief. It is equally important to constantly monitor the condition of the mother and fetus, since the situation predisposes to various kinds of complications.

Consequences of premature birth for mother and child

What are the consequences of premature birth? For mother the consequences will be minimal. By and large, there are not many differences from ordinary childbirth. Moreover, due to the small size of the child, perineal tears are less likely to occur. In some cases, a woman is still detained in the maternity hospital, but, as a rule, this is due to the condition of the baby.

However, she will still need to undergo an examination to more accurately determine the causes of what happened, as well as prescribe treatment to prevent a recurrence of the situation.

The next pregnancy after premature birth, the woman will be under constant medical supervision. Especially at critical times. Naturally, the period at which premature birth began the last time will be considered critical.

Besides, deadlines are considered critical:

  • 2-3 weeks when the fertilized egg is attached;
  • 4-12 weeks, at this time the placenta is formed;
  • 18-22 weeks, at this time the most intensive growth of the uterus occurs.

You also need to be more careful on the days when menstruation was supposed to occur according to the calendar.

For a child the consequences of premature birth will be more complex, although much depends on how early the baby was born.

If the baby is born before 28 weeks, he will most likely be immediately transferred to a specialized hospital, where there will be all the necessary facilities to take proper care of him.

This does not mean that the mother will not be able to see her child. Most likely, she will be allowed to see him, and if the baby’s condition allows, they will be allowed to feed her and change diapers. In any case, the child really needs maternal love and care.

Babies born between 28 and 34 weeks are more viable, and the matter can be managed in an intensive care ward at a regular maternity hospital.

After 34 weeks, the baby's organs are already developed enough to exist in the outside world. He can already breathe, eat, digest food and remove waste. The only problem of premature babies at this stage is insufficient weight. In this case, the child can stay with the mother in a regular ward.

In all three cases, the mother and relatives will have to spend a lot of time and effort caring for the premature baby. However, the body of young children is very flexible, and most importantly, it is still developing, which means that over time the child will fully recover and will be no different from other children.

Prevention of premature birth

How to avoid premature birth? Prevention, as we know, is always better than cure. In order to minimize the risk of premature birth, it is necessary to take care of some very important points before the start of pregnancy:

  1. Undergo a full medical examination, during which all chronic diseases, individual characteristics of the body and uterus, as well as the presence of infections will be identified. As a result, all infections and inflammations will be treated in advance, and all chronic diseases and characteristics of the body will be known to doctors even before conception, which means they will be taken into account when managing pregnancy;
  2. Register in a timely manner antenatal clinic, and also tell the doctor in detail about all your diseases and characteristics, show medical documents - in general, inform the doctor as fully as possible about the state of your health;
  3. Avoid contact with infectious patients to avoid infection already during pregnancy;
  4. Avoid excessive physical activity, and also try to reduce the number of stressful situations as much as possible. If a woman has a difficult and nervous profession, or the situation at home is stressful, it makes sense to take sedatives throughout pregnancy. Naturally, after consulting with your doctor;
  5. Regularly undergo all necessary studies, including tests for viruses and infections, ultrasound, CHT, and so on;
  6. Closely monitor your condition before and during pregnancy.

All these measures will minimize the risk of premature birth. However, the main thing is to remember that no matter what week premature birth begins, at 25, 30, 35... doctors will do everything possible to preserve the life and health of the child and mother. Well, your task is to follow the doctors’ recommendations and worry as little as possible.

Some women try to delay the moment of hospitalization as much as possible. They can be understood: who wants to hang around in the hospital when you can spend a little more time at home? However, it is better to go to the hospital in a timely manner and begin treatment.

Remember that you are risking not only your condition, but also the life of your child. If the situation stabilizes, the doctors themselves will let you go home, because they also understand that you will be easier and calmer at home.