Traumeel instructions for use for dogs. Dosage of traumeel drops for dogs Traumeel who gave dogs for a long time

The homeopathic preparation has found the widest application in veterinary medicine. It was developed to cure the most severe diseases of animals, especially pets such as dogs. It is characterized by anti-phlogistic, anti-exudative, analgesic actions and increases the level of the body's protective ability. It also provides an excellent opportunity to quickly eliminate the outpouring of blood and swelling, strengthens the weakened walls of arteries, veins and capillaries, reduces their vulnerability, normalizes blood rheology and relieves pain cider.

It is effective for global and minor damage to the integrity of the epidermis (burns, operable interventions). As a result of constant and competent use, the health of pets suffering from the most complex and constantly returning ailments is noticeably stabilized. It is taken to the emergency room to repair various kinds of injuries.


It consists of fourteen components of a vegetable and mineral nature, having unique properties:

  • Arnica mountain.
  • Calendula.
  • Hamamelis virginiana.
  • Echinacea.
  • Echinacea purpurea.
  • Chamomile.
  • Comfrey.
  • Daisy.
  • Hypericum perforatum.
  • Yarrow.
  • Aconite klobuchkovy.
  • Belladonna.
  • Mercury dissolved according to Hahnemann.
  • Sulfur liver.
  • Additional components.

Release form

Produced in the form of tablets, gel, ointment, as well as liquid for injection.


Tablets are intended for:

  • Violations of the most important functions of the spine and all limbs.
  • Bruises, broken ligaments, broken bones.
  • Pain syndrome with arthrosis, osteochondrosis, diseases of the internal organs of the small pelvis.
  • In order to prevent after childbirth, abortion and operations of varying complexity.
  • Bronchitis and pneumonia.
  • Diseases of the oral cavity.
  • Diseases of the eyeballs.
  • Furuncles, carbuncles, eczema, diaper rash, neurodermatitis.
  • Healing after strokes and brain injuries.
  • ENT diseases: otitis media, sinusitis.

The gel is needed for:

  • Arthritis for pain relief.
  • Sprains to relieve pain.
  • To reduce inflammation in radiohumeral bursitis.

As an ointment for:

  • Fractures, bruises and painful hematomas.
  • Gingivitis, periodontitis, periodontitis, gum suppuration.
  • Frostbite, neurodermatitis.
  • Damage to the musculoskeletal system.
  • Mastitis, suppuration of fistulas, ulcers.

In the form of injections for:

  • Concussion, sprains, displacements, bruises, hematomas, burns of varying degrees.
  • Swelling of the skin and surrounding tissues after the passage of surgical interventions.
  • The most complex violations of the functionality of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Localization (inflammation of the anal glands, ear infections, dermatitis, conjunctivitis).
  • Cases with unclear diagnosis.


With the help of it, the correct proper therapeutic treatment is carried out, during which vulnerable immunity is significantly activated, the elimination of accumulated toxic and poisonous toxins is accelerated. As a result, the weakened functions of organs are regulated, the period of treatment and rehabilitation for acute illnesses is reduced, and the general state. Also, the pharmacological effectiveness of the drug in the process of long-term use does not lose its effectiveness.

The drug in the form of injections is usually administered intramuscularly, subcutaneously, intraarticularly, intradermally, segmentally, periarticularly and into areas for acupuncture treatment. Also, this composition can be given to the dog for drinking. In acute cases, the injection solution should be administered daily until the anxiety symptoms disappear completely, in chronic diseases and a tendency to relapse - 1-3 times a week throughout the course. According to the size of the dog, a single dose is:

  • Large dog - 3-4 ml.
  • Average dog - 2 ml.
  • Small dog - 1-2 ml.
  • Puppies - 0.5-1 ml.

Traumeel in the form of an ointment and gel is applied to the skin of the animal about 2-3 times a day (for effectiveness, you can apply a bandage). Continue treatment until symptoms disappear.

The remedy in the form of tablets must be placed under the tongue and allowed to dissolve slowly. The dog should be given one tablet three times a day. The course of treatment lasts from two weeks to one month.

The drug in the form of drops is applied ten drops three times a day, and with soft tissue swelling, the dose is increased to thirty drops three times a day.

It in any form should be kept in a cupboard limited from sunlight at room temperature. The shelf life is five years from the date of manufacture printed on the packaging.

Be sure to consult your doctor before use!


Restrictions for use is the presence in a sick animal of such complex systemic diseases as collagenosis and leukemia. It is also not recommended for use during pregnancy and lactating dogs. With strict observance of the recommended dosage specified in the instructions, the medicine has no side effects with the exception of an allergy to some of the ingredients of the medicine. Ointment or gel is contraindicated to apply to open wounds on the body of animals.

Side effects

It is not observed, but sometimes allergic reactions, redness and itching are possible.

Traumeel for dogs - instructions for use

Traumeel for dogs is a homeopathic remedy that is used to treat joints, injuries, and other ailments. It is absolutely safe, does not give side effects, gently relieves the symptoms of chronic pathologies, and facilitates their course.

Copes well with acute conditions. If you want to cure your dog without causing harm, this drug is perfect. Must be prescribed by a veterinarian. Produced by the German company Heel, the most famous company of licensed homeopathic or homotoxicological preparations in the world.

They make not only medicines for animals, but also for people. In particular, traumeel is widely used in "human" medicine.

The composition of the drug

It is a complex homeopathic remedy. It includes 15 components, in ten-thousandth dilutions. Microscopic doses of each substance have their own effect on the body. Here is their brief description:

  • Aconite napellus - relieves acute inflammation, as well as neurological pain.
  • Arnica montana and Bellis perennis - stops bleeding, treats diseases of the arteries and veins, relieves muscle pain caused by overexertion.
  • Atropa belladonna - fights fever and inflammation in the joints and on the skin.
  • Calendula - used for wounds of a different nature, burns, frostbite.
  • Chamomilla - helps to fight sharp pains in a dog, overexcitation and depression
  • Echinacea angustifolia and purpurea e planta tota - these components help treat a dog with severe fever and reduced immunity
  • Hamamelis - effective for bleeding of mucous membranes, varicose veins, hemorrhoids.
  • Hypericum - used for lesions of the nervous system.
  • Millefolium - relieves convulsions, stops bleeding.
  • Symphytum - a component accelerates the healing of bones in dogs.
  • Hepar sulfuris - effective for purulent inflammation of the skin and mucous membranes.
  • Mercurius solubilis Hahnemann is used to treat dogs with rheumatism (relieves pain), as well as inflammatory processes in the lymph nodes, mucous membranes.

The spectrum of action of traumeel is very wide. Therefore, it is prescribed for a variety of diseases. Let's take a closer look at the application.


In what situations do veterinarians prescribe traumeel to dogs? The instruction gives a whole list of diseases that are effectively treated with this homeopathic remedy.

Most often, the medicine is used for various injuries, fractures, bruises, wounds. It is also prescribed for lameness caused by diseases of the joints (rheumatism, arthritis).

Copes well with the consequences of operations. Dogs come out of anesthesia well, wounds heal faster. The medicine stops pain syndrome occurring in the postoperative period.

Assign traumeel to bitches during childbirth, especially the first. Indications are also weak contractions, severe uterine spasms, stenosis of the birth canal, fear.

The medicine not only relieves symptoms, but also cleanses the body as a whole. It provides effective drainage of the lymphatic system, elimination of toxins.

This action is very important in long-term chronic diseases, as well as in acute conditions, which are accompanied by severe intoxication.

All those who gave traumeel to the dog for a long time note that her health improved significantly, she became more active, pain in the joints and muscles was relieved. At the same time, no side effects were observed, unlike other medications.


Traumeel is produced in tablets, tubes with gel and injections. Most often, veterinarians prescribe injections. They are the most effective, they are easier to enter.

Do intramuscularly, intravenously or subcutaneously, from one to three times a week. The single dose depends on the weight. Small - 1-2 ml, medium - 2 ml, big dogs- 3-4 ml.

Tablets need to dissolve under the tongue. Unfortunately, not everyone can do this. Therefore, this form is not very popular in veterinary medicine. How many tablets to give? Assign one piece three times a day.

The gel is often used along with injections as an adjunct treatment. It is applied 1-2 times a day. To prevent the dog from licking it off, you need to put a bandage on top.

How much does it cost and where can I buy a traumel? The medicine is sold both in conventional and homeopathic veterinary pharmacies. You can also order it online.

One ampoule of medicine, 5 ml, - 280-300. The price of tablets is 360. Gel or ointment in a tube weighing 50 g is about 470.

Traumeel for dogs

The article considers the main options for using one of the most common drugs in veterinary medicine, which often has to be dealt with in practice.

You must always remember that only a veterinarian should prescribe treatment to a dog or puppy, as well as choose the dosage and medicine. It is for this reason that all the articles on this site are only informational and allow you to get an idea of ​​how this or that drug can be used in the treatment of an animal.

Traumeel for dogs description, where to buy, price, reviews

Traumeel for dogs is a homeopathic remedy that helps relieve pain, removes toxins from the body and reduces inflammation.

You can buy traumeel in a regular and veterinary pharmacy.

Warning. This article is for informational purposes only and does not serve as a guide to action. Self-medication in most cases leads to bad consequences. Each individual case of the disease requires a diagnosis and complex treatment, which is carried out and prescribed only by a veterinarian.

One experienced veterinarian during a consultation on hip dysplasia said a very important and correct phrase: “Unfortunately, pet owners turn to the veterinary clinic in cases where the problem with their pets is acute and requires drastic treatment. Most people do the same, ignoring annual preventive medical examinations, which can detect many diseases at an early stage, which would greatly facilitate the process of treatment and increase the speed of complete recovery. While not giving a damn about their health, pet owners also care about the health of their pets. It is not enough to carry out annual vaccinations on time. Regular external examination, tests and other examination methods can not only detect diseases at an early stage, but also save the life of the animal. The problem also lies in the fact that we are used to treating an acute disease, this also applies to hip dysplasia - the dog cannot stand on its paws or just sit down, or the animal is very lame. Hip dysplasia is a disease that requires proper nutrition, compliance with the load regimen, avoiding sudden movements and even walking up stairs, but most importantly, with early detection of a problem (at the age of a puppy), preventive treatment can be carried out, for example, with homeopathic remedies. Homeopathy works gradually and effectively. However, few dog owners will do this.”

Currently, many people are returning to the treatment of various diseases with the help of folk remedies or trust the less common non-traditional methods - homeopathy, acupuncture and Su Jok therapy. But few people know that all these methods are applicable to our pets.

Acupuncture for dogs

Acupuncture or acupuncture is an ancient method that came to us from Chinese medicine. This is the process of inserting thin needles into certain points on the body, which stimulates the immune system, relieves pain and speeds up the healing process. Acupuncture is used not only for the treatment of humans, good results have been achieved after a series of sessions in dogs. Acupuncture for pets is done primarily to relieve pain and reduce cramps, is indicated for arthritis, hip dysplasia, as well as diseases of the digestive system and skin problems. As with humans, the number of sessions for animals should vary from 5 to 10 times. Only a professional should carry out the procedure, otherwise acupuncture can turn into a torment for a pet.

When there is an imbalance of energy in the body, disease occurs. This is the basic idea of ​​the ancient philosophy of Chinese medicine. To balance the energy is quite within the power of acupuncture. Thus, acupuncture helps relieve muscle spasm and pain, increases blood circulation and stimulates the nerves.

The reaction of animals to the procedure may be different, however, the needles, being in the body of the animal, should not cause any pain. Most often, during acupuncture, pets calm down and can fall asleep. After the procedure, animals may be lethargic and sleepy throughout the day. In some cases, there is an exacerbation of the condition up to two days. Both the first and second cases indicate changes in the body that will ultimately lead to an improvement in the condition.

Homeopuncture for dogs

Recently, such a method as homeopuncture has become widespread - the introduction of homeopathic remedies to the point. Homeopuncture involves the introduction of microdoses of homeopathic remedies directly into painful areas, which significantly increases the effectiveness of treatment. Such treatment is usually carried out every third day, taking a break of two days.

In oncological diseases, acupuncture is contraindicated, since, by activating energy flows in the animal's body, cancer cells can also be activated. However, homeopuncture with the introduction of antitumor homeopathic preparations into the points affected by the tumor of the organs can have a positive effect in the treatment.

Both acupuncture and homeopuncture for advanced chronic diseases after the first procedures can exacerbate and, at first glance, aggravate the disease. Often, pet owners believe that these methods not only do not help, but even worsen the health of their pets. This is a wrong opinion, such manifestations indicate that the animal's body responds to treatment, which means that the methods work, and eventually the process of relief and recovery will come.

Homeopathy for dogs

Homeopathy is a method of treatment in which the body's own forces are activated in order to heal the animal from diseases. Treatment with homeopathic remedies begins like any other treatment - with a diagnosis. Moreover, for a homeopathic veterinarian, not only the results of the analysis are important, but also a detailed record of monitoring the pet: behavior, nutrition, activity, mood, any little things, deviations from standard behavior are important. All this is necessary for the doctor to draw up a picture of the general health of the animal and develop a comprehensive treatment for it.

There are several rules for taking and storing homeopathic remedies:
- the medicine should go directly into the pet's mouth and not be mixed with food, which can neutralize the effect of the drug;
- medicine is given to a pet 20 minutes after or 30 minutes before a meal;
- liquid medicine contains alcohol, which is very disliked by animals, so it can be mixed with a few drops of filtered water;
- liquid medicine is poured into the mouth with a pipette or syringe without a needle, and balls or tablets are placed in the mouth, while taking them in hand is not worth it, it is better to use a spoon;
- for old or very sick animals, tablets and balls are diluted in clean filtered water;
- a homeopathic remedy should not be stored on a shelf with spices, on a windowsill, or near electrical appliances.

Acti Vet (Akti Vet)- a preparation for improving the functions of joints in dogs, as well as for the prevention of joint diseases. The composition of the drug includes: D-glucosamine hydrochloride, which provides the joints with substances that contribute to their recovery; chondroitin, which helps to moisturize the tissues of the joints and provides elasticity to the cartilage, preventing their wear. Another important component of the preparation is boswellia extract, which is a natural anti-inflammatory and analgesic for dogs, it strengthens and renews blood vessels and joint tissue.

For the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, such as "Chondratron", which is available both in the form of tablets and in the form of a solution for injection.

The composition of the solution for injection "Chondratron" includes:
- rhododendron, which traditional medicine used to treat gout and rheumatism, helps reduce joint pain;
- poisonous sumac - effective for polyarthritis, having a beneficial effect on connective tissue;
- comfrey pharmacy - promotes rapid healing and recovery from periosteal injuries and bone fractures;
- marsh cinquefoil - an excellent folk remedy for inflammatory diseases of the joints, gout and rheumatism;
- a solution of bee venom - has an anti-inflammatory effect and helps to reduce tissue edema;
- other useful medicinal plants and components.

"Chondratron" is prescribed for osteochondrosis, spondylarthrosis, hip dysplasia, arthritis, arthrosis, synovitis, bursitis, weakness of the ligamentous apparatus, injuries - fractures, dislocations, sprains and other diseases.

"Chondratron" has an anti-inflammatory effect, prevents the development of degenerative processes in cartilage tissue, anesthetizes, and also has a chondroprotective effect.

Tablets "Chondratron" are prescribed for arthritis, synovitis and bursitis. The main actions of the drug are anti-inflammatory and analgesic, in addition, it relieves swelling, accelerates the fusion of bone fragments, restores metabolism in the affected joint, improving its blood supply and nutrition, prevents cartilage destruction, as well as joint deformity.

The use of different methods in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system of dogs

In diseases of the musculoskeletal system, heavy loads are contraindicated, however, if there is no intense pain, light physical activity, such as walking, is quite acceptable and even necessary to strengthen the muscles and quickly heal bone lesions. In some diseases of the musculoskeletal system, massage, warm baths and compresses can be of great benefit to improve microcirculation in the affected area and maintain flexibility.

Strange as it may sound, however, recently, not only human preparations, but also preparations and ointments developed for other animals, in particular horses, have been used to treat pets. These cute animals, due to their natural characteristics, are often exposed to health problems that are associated specifically with the joints.

Yes, drug "Chionat", developed for the treatment of lameness in horses, which is caused by synovitis and osteoarthritis of non-infectious etiology, has become quite often used to treat similar problems in dogs. The drug is a solution of glycosaminoglycan (hyaluronic acid), which is isolated from the shell of selective microorganisms and purified from protein and nucleic acids. Hyaluronic acid contributes to the viscosity of the joint fluid and restores its lubricity, normalizes the cellular composition, and prevents dysfunction of the joints. Dosage, methods of administration of the drug and the number of procedures performed are set only by a veterinarian!

Another discovery among preparations for horses was creams and balms for joints. Alezan (Alezan) cream for the joints has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect on the injured joint, improving its metabolic processes. The composition of the cream includes a large number of medicinal plants - phytoextracts of celandine herbs, wormwood, thyme yarrow and St. John's wort, calendula and chamomile flowers, rose hips, cumin and fennel, licorice root, pine buds and peppermint leaves; sea ​​buckthorn oil, mummy, sodium hydroxide, highly purified water with silver ions, etc.

Normalization of metabolic processes in articular cartilage occurs due to the presence of glucosamine hydrochloride in the cream, which stops the development of destructive processes in the joints. Cream Alezan (Alezan) is suitable for pets suffering from diseases such as osteoarthritis, osteochondrosis, shoulder-shoulder polyarthritis.

The ointment is rubbed into the area of ​​the affected joint, if the dog has long hair, then with the help of a comb it moves apart and the ointment is applied to the skin with rubbing movements. After applying the cream for some time, this place is massaged very gently. The advantage of this cream is also that it does not leave greasy marks, it is well absorbed, and the hair does not stick together, forming tangles.

Zoo VIP Cream balm for joints (Veda) is perfect for restoring joints after minor injuries and sprains. The composition of the balm includes extracts of herbs - wormwood, arnica flowers, comfrey, Kalanchoe leaves, pine buds, hop cones, chestnut seeds, as well as castor, olive and essential oils, glycerin, pine resin, etc. The method of using Zoo VIP balm is similar to cream Alezan.

Almost the same homeopathic principles are used to treat arthritis, hip dysplasia and spondylitis. From the list of homeopathic medicines that are used to treat people, but are also suitable for effective treatment of the musculoskeletal system of dogs, stand out - "Target", "Traumel", "Discus compositum".

homeopathic medicine"Discus compositum"(solution in ampoules) is prescribed for the following diseases: osteochondrosis, spondylosis, arthrosis, arthritis, sprain, hip dysplasia, rheumatism, rickets.

Homeopathic medicine "Traumeel"(solution in ampoules) is prescribed for injuries, disorders of redox processes, dislocations, fractures, sprains, as well as for the treatment of bursitis, arthritis, periarthritis, etc.

Homeopathic medicine "Target"(solution in ampoules) copes well with chronic diseases of bones and ligaments, is prescribed for polyarthritis, periarthritis, arthrosis, rheumatic diseases of soft tissues.

A typical symptom of arthritis is pain in the joint area during movement. The cause of such pain is most often a change in the composition of the intra-articular fluid or damage to the cartilage tissue. There is an increase in friction of the articular surfaces of the bones, traumatization of the periosteum, which is rich in nerve endings, which causes quite severe pain. There are two types of arthritis - osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. An autoimmune disease, rheumatoid arthritis, is a process in which cells of the immune system attack the body's tissues and joints, causing inflammation. Osteoarthritis occurs as a result of age-related degeneration of cartilage tissue, which occurs due to malnutrition of the tissues of the joint, or as a result of prolonged trauma to the joint. Osteoarthritis can develop as a result of chronic hip or elbow dysplasia.

Traditional treatment prescribed by a veterinarian usually consists of the use of drugs that have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.

Of the non-traditional methods, good results are achieved with acupuncture and Su Jok therapy.

Homeopathy is most effective as a preventive measure. For treatment, both specially developed veterinary drugs for dogs and drugs intended for humans are used. As for the latter, regardless of the cause of inflammation of the joint, the main remedy for treatment is the drug "Target", with severe pain, Traumeel is also used. Both drugs are used only in the form of injections. If arthritis is exacerbated, then injections are made daily, with chronic arthritis 1-2 times a week. The volume of drugs administered and the frequency of their use is prescribed by a veterinarian, depending on the size of the dog and its state of health.

Folk remedies for the treatment of arthritis in dogs: applying raw cabbage leaves to sore spots, which allows the pain to subside. Decoctions and infusions from medicinal plants - pharmacy chamomile, thyme, medicinal dandelion, calamus, yarrow, St. John's wort, elecampane, nettle.

arthrosis- a chronic disease of the joints, resulting from the complex effects of internal and external causes, which lead to metabolic disorders and degenerative changes in the articular components. With arthrosis, animals try to take care of the diseased limb, lie more, the joint is swollen and painful, if the disease is chronic, joint deformity occurs, lameness develops over time, and in some cases a crunch is heard.

The diagnosis of arthrosis is confirmed by x-rays. In addition to drugs prescribed by a veterinarian, the animal is shown heat, for example, irradiation with a blue lamp.

Non-traditional methods - acupuncture and Su Jok therapy

As with arthritis, "Target" and "Traumeel" are used as homeopathic (human) remedies in the form of injections. Treatment is prescribed for a long time 2-3 months at intervals of 5-7 days. According to the indications of the veterinarian, the drug "Target" is changed from time to time to "Discus compositum".

Folk remedies - decoctions and infusions from medicinal plants - black elderberry, chamomile, thyme, calamus, St. John's wort, wormwood, nettle, yarrow, elecampane.

Hip dysplasia is hereditary and can occur at any stage of the animal's growth. In this disease, the cavity of the pelvic bone has an irregular depth and shape, resulting in incomplete articulation of the articular surfaces and the joint is unstable. Hip dysplasia is more common in large, fast-growing dogs of the following breeds - Sheepdog, Great Dane, Mastiff, Labrador, St. Bernard, Boxer, Diver, English and Scottish Setters, Briard, Collie, Golden Retriever, Bernese Mountain Cattle Dog, as well as some small breeds , for example, in pugs or Pekingese.

The disease is manifested by the following symptoms: decreased motor activity, stiffness, lameness, unsteady, swaying or jumping gait, when the dog runs, it connects the hind legs like a hare, the animal climbs and descends the stairs heavily. The front part of the chest is well developed, since the main load is on the front legs, and the muscles on the hind limbs are poorly developed.

Proper nutrition, a balanced diet, medicated foods containing glucosamine and chondroitin have been proven to have a significant impact on the disease, acting as an excellent preventive measure and keeping it under control.

The goal of the treatment of hip dysplasia is to reduce pain, reduce the rate of development of degenerative changes, in case of a chronic disease - to restore the function of the limb.

The main homeopathic (human) remedy in the treatment of hip dysplasia is Discus compositum. German experts, based on many years of experience, argue that the use of this drug twice a week, almost from the first days of life of puppies, reduces the risk of disease to zero. Treatment should begin no later than 6-7 months of age of the dog and be applied regularly until at least 9 months of age. Injections are made 1-2 times a week, which alternate with methods of administration - subcutaneous and intramuscular. If inflammation appears in the joint, then Traumeel injections are additionally prescribed. In some cases, the drug "Target" is used, but not simultaneously with other drugs.

Folk remedies - decoctions and infusions from medicinal plants - yarrow, thyme, tricolor violet, pharmacy chamomile, wild rosemary, St. John's wort, black elderberry, dioica nettle, elecampane.

Inflammation of the synovial membrane of the joint is a synovitis disease that occurs as a result of injuries (stretching, bruises). In dogs, synovitis of the knee, hip, and hock joints is most commonly observed. If you touch the injured joint, you can feel a hot swelling, painful when touched.

Treatment is prescribed by a veterinarian. Homeopathic (human) preparations - the main drug "Target" and for pain "Traumeel", are used daily in the form of injections, in some cases 2 times a day.

Folk remedies - decoctions and infusions from medicinal plants - yarrow, thyme, tricolor violet, pharmacy chamomile, wild rosemary, St. John's wort, black elderberry, dioica nettle, medicinal dandelion, bitter wormwood, tansy.

Movement is life. Yard dogs live as long as they can move, as this is the only way for them to provide themselves with food. At home, the owners can provide care for their motionless friend, however, the psychological trauma of a person and the oppressed state of the animal do not lead to anything good. Therefore, it is worth taking care of the health of the dog's musculoskeletal system as early as possible in order to prolong the life of your pet, full of the joy of movement and unforgettable communication.
Information on medicinal products is for informational purposes only. You can ask an additional question about any of the drugs to your veterinarian or get acquainted with the action, composition of the drug prescribed by the veterinarian. In any case, self-medication without diagnosis and laboratory tests categorically unacceptable and would rather harm the health of a pet than help him recover. If the veterinarian refuses to give advice on drugs, just contact another specialist, you have the right to know which medications prescribed to your animal and what side effects may result from their use!
Only you are responsible for the health of your pet, and only you will have to look after him, take care of him and look into the faithful eyes, asking to ease the pain and help him recover.

And there are a lot of dachshund owners like me. On taxi forums I often see messages: the dachshund is paralyzed, the legs are paralyzed, the dachshund has a backache, what should I do?

But it is precisely due to edema and aseptic inflammatory process that the spinal cord is compressed, blood circulation is disturbed, which causes paralysis. Traumeel should act on these mechanisms, and also on pain.

Composition of Traumeel ampoules:

  • aconite pharmacy (has an anti-inflammatory effect and increases vascular tone);
  • mountain arnica (promotes tissue regeneration and dissolves hematomas);
  • belladonna (has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect);
  • witch hazel virginian (has the same properties as belladonna);
  • Hypericum perforatum (used as an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and tonic);
  • daisy officinalis (has anti-febrile, analgesic effect, regulates general metabolism);
  • chamomile (has anti-allergic and analgesic effects, enhances wound healing);
  • comfrey (contributes to the restoration of bone tissue);
  • common yarrow (used as a hemostatic agent for external and internal bleeding);
  • echinacea purpurea (has an anti-inflammatory effect and stimulates the immune system);
  • calendula (has an analgesic effect and promotes the formation of granulation tissue);
  • mercury (mercury);
  • sulfur liver.

Contraindications to the use of Traumeel -

During pregnancy and lactating mothers, the use of the drug Traumeel is allowed on an individual basis as prescribed by a doctor.

The next day, after I stabbed my spine twice with Traumeel - in the evening, it seems that the dog wagged its tail weakly, or did it seem to me?

The next day, my taxi started wagging its tail, even tried to stand up. I urgently dressed her again in a corset. Then we sit in a cage.

Treatment continues in full. Seeing such a result from Heel's homeopathy, she added to Traumeel

Discus 1ml and Zeel 1ml. She collected all this in one syringe, put a needle from an insulin syringe on it, and the mixture was injected subcutaneously along the lumbar spine.

Every day my sun got better and better. The next day I tried to get up and stood for two seconds. Actively moving paws and tail. But I kept her in the cage strictly until 14 days inclusive. Why is that? On the 15th day, the contents of the ruptured intervertebral disc harden, and even when moving, it is no longer squeezed out into the "bone tube" where the spinal cord is located.

Therefore, on the 15th day from the onset of paralysis, I released her from the cage, but in a corset.

Treatment with all drugs continued up to 3 weeks.

Then she canceled everything, and traumeel 1 ml + discus 1 ml + target 1 ml, as soon as the paralysis completely passed, then she pricked subcutaneously along the spine 1 time in 3 days for 2 weeks, and then 1 time per week 5 more times, i.e. month.

side effects there were none.

To prevent this from happening again, I constantly close the living room so that the dachshund does not jump up (and, accordingly, does not jump off) onto the sofa and armchairs. In the kitchen, I always put chairs on top of each other. In the room where we watch TV, there are no chairs, and we removed the bed from the support and put it directly on the floor. I take it out into the street only in my arms so that it does not go down the stairs. I don’t let her jump on her hind legs - I immediately pick her up in my arms.

Now my taxi is alive and well, feels great!

Health to you and your beloved pets!


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I will be glad to your comments and answer all your questions!

The homeopathic preparation has found the widest application in veterinary medicine. It was developed to cure the most severe diseases of animals, especially pets such as dogs. It is characterized by anti-phlogistic, anti-exudative, analgesic actions and increases the level of the body's protective ability. It also provides an excellent opportunity to quickly eliminate the outpouring of blood and swelling, strengthens the weakened walls of arteries, veins and capillaries, reduces their vulnerability, normalizes blood rheology and relieves pain cider.

It is effective for global and minor damage to the integrity of the epidermis (burns, operable interventions). As a result of constant and competent use, the health of pets suffering from the most complex and constantly returning ailments is noticeably stabilized. It is taken to the emergency room to repair various kinds of injuries.


It consists of fourteen components of a plant and mineral nature that have unique properties:

  • Arnica mountain.
  • Calendula.
  • Hamamelis virginiana.
  • Echinacea.
  • Echinacea purpurea.
  • Chamomile.
  • Comfrey.
  • Daisy.
  • Hypericum perforatum.
  • Yarrow.
  • Aconite klobuchkovy.
  • Belladonna.
  • Mercury dissolved according to Hahnemann.
  • Sulfur liver.
  • Additional components.

Release form

Produced in the form of tablets, gel, ointment, as well as liquid for injection.


Tablets are intended for:

  • Violations of the most important functions of the spine and all limbs.
  • Bruises, broken ligaments, broken bones.
  • Pain syndrome with arthrosis, osteochondrosis, diseases of the internal organs of the small pelvis.
  • In order to prevent after childbirth, abortion and operations of varying complexity.
  • Bronchitis and pneumonia.
  • Diseases of the oral cavity.
  • Diseases of the eyeballs.
  • Furuncles, carbuncles, eczema, diaper rash, neurodermatitis.
  • Healing after strokes and brain injuries.
  • ENT diseases: otitis media, sinusitis.

The gel is needed for:

  • Arthritis for pain relief.
  • Sprains to relieve pain.
  • To reduce inflammation in radiohumeral bursitis.

As an ointment for:

  • Fractures, bruises and painful hematomas.
  • Gingivitis, periodontitis, periodontitis, gum suppuration.
  • Frostbite, neurodermatitis.
  • Damage to the musculoskeletal system.
  • Mastitis, suppuration of fistulas, ulcers.

In the form of injections for:

  • Concussion, sprains, displacements, bruises, hematomas, burns of varying degrees.
  • Swelling of the skin and surrounding tissues after the passage of surgical interventions.
  • The most complex violations of the functionality of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Localization (inflammation of the anal glands, ear infections, dermatitis, conjunctivitis).
  • Cases with unclear diagnosis.


With the help of it, the correct proper therapeutic treatment is carried out, during which vulnerable immunity is significantly activated, the elimination of accumulated toxic and poisonous toxins is accelerated. As a result, the weakened functions of organs are regulated, the period of treatment and rehabilitation for acute illnesses is reduced, and the general condition is noticeably improved. Also, the pharmacological effectiveness of the drug in the process of long-term use does not lose its effectiveness.

The ingredients that make up its composition in small quantities do not accumulate in the body, and also do not have a harmful toxic effect. The drug contains microscopic fractions of plant components and homeopathic substances, as well as vitamins that are most useful for life. It is used to heal injuries in dogs and other mammals.

The drug in the form of injections is usually administered intramuscularly, subcutaneously, intraarticularly, intradermally, segmentally, periarticularly and into areas for acupuncture treatment. Also, this composition can be given to the dog for drinking. In acute cases, the injection solution should be administered daily until the anxiety symptoms disappear completely, in chronic diseases and a tendency to relapse - 1-3 times a week throughout the course. According to the size of the dog, a single dose is:

  • Large dog - 3-4 ml.
  • The average dog is 2 ml.
  • Small dog - 1-2 ml.
  • Puppies - 0.5-1 ml.

Traumeel in the form of an ointment and gel is applied to the skin of the animal about 2-3 times a day (for effectiveness, you can apply a bandage). Continue treatment until symptoms disappear.

The remedy in the form of tablets must be placed under the tongue and allowed to dissolve slowly. The dog should be given one tablet three times a day. The course of treatment lasts from two weeks to one month.

The drug in the form of drops is applied ten drops three times a day, and with soft tissue swelling, the dose is increased to thirty drops three times a day.

It in any form should be kept in a cupboard limited from sunlight at room temperature. The shelf life is five years from the date of manufacture printed on the packaging.

Before use be sure to check with your doctor!


Restrictions for use is the presence in a sick animal of such complex systemic diseases as collagenosis and leukemia. It is also not recommended for use during pregnancy and lactating dogs. With strict observance of the recommended dosage indicated in the instructions, the medicine does not have any side effects, with the exception of an allergy to some of the ingredients of the medicine. Ointment or gel is contraindicated to apply to open wounds on the body of animals.

Side effects

It is not observed, but sometimes allergic reactions, redness and itching are possible.

> Traumeel (gel, ointment, injection)

The information posted on this page is for informational purposes only and should not be used for self-treatment!
Before using drugs, it is MANDATORY necessary to consult a specialist!

Short description: This homeopathic complex preparation has an anti-inflammatory effect, improves immunity, improves the process of removing various toxins from the body, and reduces pain. As a result of its use, the condition of animals suffering from chronic or recurrent diseases improves. Taking this remedy reduces the period of complete recovery from many pathologies (mainly associated with the musculoskeletal system).

Traumeel contains microdoses of plant components and specific homeopathic substances, as well as vitamins. For animals, this drug is used mainly in the form of injections for the treatment of injuries of any origin and inflammatory processes. Veterinarians prescribe it for arthritis, bursitis, tendovaginitis, fractures, dislocations, dermatitis, conjunctivitis, inflammation of the anal glands, abscesses, phlegmon, postoperative swelling of soft tissues. In the form of an ointment or gel, this medicine can be used for animals with mastitis, bruises, sprains, burns.

For whom: for any mammal.

Vacation form: the injection solution of this drug is a colorless liquid packaged in 5 ml ampoules. In the form of a gel or ointment, the drug is available in tubes of 50 g.

Dosage: the recommended single dose of this drug in the form of a solution for injection is 5 ml for cows, horses and pigs, 2-3 ml for pigs, goats and sheep, 2-4 ml for dogs (depending on the weight of the animal), for cats 1 -2 ml, for kittens and puppies - 0.5-1 ml. The solution can be administered both intramuscularly, subcutaneously or intravenously, and periarticularly or intraarticularly. In order to treat acute processes, injections are carried out daily, and in order to eliminate chronic diseases - 1-3 times a week. Traumeel in the form of a gel or ointment is applied to the damaged areas of the animal 2-3 times a day (to improve the effectiveness of the drug, you can apply a bandage). The gel is absorbed faster than the ointment, leaving no oily residue on the skin.

Restrictions: a contraindication to the use of the drug is the presence of severe systemic diseases in the animal (collagenosis, leukemia, etc.). At observance of the recommended dosage medicine has no side effects with the exception of allergic reactions to certain components of the drug. Ointment and gel cannot be used to treat open wounds on the body of animals.

Reviews about "Traumeel (gel, ointment, solution for injection) for dogs and cats":

How to use drops orally during childbirth? Dosage and how many times during childbirth can be used?

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I have a 19 year old cat with arthritis. I had a poor appetite, I didn't move much, my eyes were sad...
I accidentally read about a good result after taking Traumeel and decided to try to help my kitty.
Within a day she felt better - appetite appeared. And now - after two months of taking Traumeel tablets, I can say with confidence that my cat's condition has improved a lot - she has gained weight, she even began to play. And what they did not expect at all - runs up the stairs as before!
Although in a different way - the hind legs are held together. But she got used to it. Of course, arthritis did not go away, but my cat's life has changed: Now she does not lie all day in her corner, but goes outside and walks on the grass, watching everything with keen interest.
Try to help your pets. Not everything is lost!

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Tanya, tell me, please, in what dosage were they given?

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Hello, tell me please, is it possible to half the ampoule by typing in 2 syringes, use the 2nd half the next day. Where to store (in the refrigerator or at room temperature). How many (maximum) days to inject a cat with joint disease (arthrosis of the hind limbs) ???

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Please tell me the dog's weight is 3800, how much to inject and where exactly?

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Two kittens climbed to take a bone from a shepherd dog - as a result, one clicked to death, the second bit through the neck and touched the cerebellum, which caused a complete lack of coordination, a tracheal injury caused a loss of voice, pus began to flow from the eyes ... .. the view was hopeless .. But I was a young schoolgirl and believed in miracles. I came home, found drops of Traumeel C, which my mother bought when I had a concussion and began to pour in the unfortunate one by force. Plus also some water and whiskas jelly .. I remember that day when she came home from school and Murka got up and ran to me, sometimes falling over on her side, but she ran ... I roared.

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How well done you are! I wish you great happiness and health!

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God bless you! There would be more such people, especially in veterinary medicine!

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Traumeel ointment is always in our family first aid kit because we have a small child. Naturally, he falls, stuffs bruises, bumps. And the homeopathic ointment is completely harmless and quickly copes with such troubles. But one day friends with a small dog (that terrier) came to visit us. The dog was very active, jumping all over the furniture, running around the parquet. And in one jump from the sofa, the dog somehow landed unsuccessfully, whined loudly and began to lick his hind paw. Everyone was alarmed, they were afraid of a fracture. To the touch, the paw was intact. I suggested to the hostess to anoint with Traumeel (the coat of the dog is short, it is convenient to smear). The dog did not go out anymore, but quietly lay on the pillow. The guests stayed for some more time and decided to show the dog to the doctor. They called us from the clinic and said that the doctor also recommended to smear the paw with Traumeel (there was no fracture, only a slight sprain). Therefore, this ointment is useful not only for families with children, but also for those who have pets.

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My friend took her miniature dachshund to the vet for an injection. Stab in the muscle of the thigh. Whether the syringe was unsuccessful, or the dog twitched, but the procedure did not go too smoothly. There was a slight induration at the injection site. The doctor said that it was a hemotomy and should pass by itself, it is better not to touch it. We decided to observe and, in case of deterioration, bring a fee for a second appointment. There were no changes, but the muscle on this foot was somehow tense, and on a walk the dog limped a little. On the advice of the same doctor, they began to smear the problem foot with Traumeel S ointment. The soreness disappeared almost immediately. The dachshund no longer limped, but cheerfully rushed around the apartment. But the bump itself resolved a little longer. It took two weeks until she stopped palpable. But the ointment is good, effective and is consumed moderately.

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Several times I used Traumeel-S in ampoules for my dog. Once with a severe bruise, the other with a crack in the front paw. The drug is really very good, it quickly helps to grow bones and restore muscles and tendons. With a crack, we pricked injections for 10 days, in the morning and in the evening. After 3 days, the dog began to stand on its paw and walk a little. You can buy Traumeel-S in ampoules in ordinary pharmacies and veterinary ones. In my experience, it is much more profitable to buy in veterinary pharmacies, since the volume of the ampoule itself is larger, and its cost is less than buying several ampoules in a regular pharmacy. But unfortunately not all veterinary pharmacies have it.

Subsequently, I had to resort to the drug when a furuncle on the dog's stomach came out (they treated first with Vishnevsky's ointment, and after the "breakthrough" - with Traumeel), everything healed quickly and without a scar. In my practice, "Traumeel S" I always use when whelping bitches, he greatly facilitates the entire process, as it has an analgesic, hemostatic effect, and heals soft tissue injuries. During whelping, I begin to apply immediately as soon as contractions begin and after childbirth, two hours later, 1 cube subcutaneously (dosage for my dogs up to 3 kg). If the birth is protracted, I give an additional injection in the interval between puppies. Then I use the drug for another four days, 0.5 cubes once a day. The dog without visible complications recovers very quickly after whelping. For fractures of the forelimbs, I inject the drug 1 cube once a day for 10 days, which speeds up the recovery process after an injury.

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