Paper trampoline for cars. Building a straight springboard

If you love roller skating, you will probably miss the thrill over time - because in addition to regular skating, there are a variety of tricks that you can perform on roller skates, reaching the heights of mastery in the art of skating. The simplest trick device that roller skaters can use is springboard, which the roller can do independently using simple tools and available materials. In this article we will tell you how to make a flat wooden springboard using a wood saw, jigsaw, drill and screwdriver.


  1. Start with making springboard and not too steep. To begin, draw a sketch in the form of a right triangle, the lower leg of which is 145 cm, and the side 60 cm. The hypotenuse will be the immediate length springboard A. Take a sheet of birch plywood 24 mm thick, as well as 10 meters of boards 4 cm thick.
  2. Draw the outline of a triangle on the plywood springboard and apply along the contour of the board. Saw off the corners so that they form a triangle. Using a hacksaw, cut out boards of the desired shape for the longitudinal sides of the triangle, and then shorter ones.
  3. Fasten the side frames springboard and using a drill and self-tapping screws. Do not make more than four holes with a drill in the place where the frame is attached. Also, do not use ordinary nails and a hammer for fastening.
  4. After making two side triangles, cut four cross boards that you will secure between the triangles. They will ensure structural strength and allow you to secure the site even better springboard and on top of the frame. Attach the cross boards at right angles to the inclined line of the slope with self-tapping screws.
  5. Now take a sheet of plywood of the required length and width that matches your frame and its dimensions, adding 1 cm on each side. Using screws and a drill, attach the sheet to the frame, leaving 10-12 cm gaps between the screws.
  6. To springboard has become stronger, in its wide part, under the rise, strengthen the transverse board. To visit springboard it was more convenient and safer, on the lower bevel touching the ground, strengthen a narrow metal strip 30 cm wide and 3 mm thick.
  7. Fasten the steel strip with screws so that its leading edge extends slightly beyond the edge of the plywood sheet. This will allow you to drive into the car without any shocks. springboard from any surface. Soak up springboard protective impregnations and paint.

Straight springboard

First, let's start building springboards - flat and with a radius. The springboards themselves can be of almost any design: all-wood, metal with wood, and even concrete... We will focus on the all-wood structure, and here's why: no special equipment is needed. tools, welding and other additional equipment. Tools you will need: a wood saw, an electric or hand drill, and screwdrivers. If you find a jigsaw, you will make this micro-construction much easier for yourself.

Let's start with the flat jumps: they are easier to build and will give you a little hands-on training before building the other elements of the site.

Flat trampolines, despite the primitiveness of their appearance and design, are quite a necessary thing: especially for starters, they make you understand the sensations of height and flight (even if symbolic).

There are no “standard” configurations in this matter. The ratio of length and height (i.e. steepness) of such a springboard, in principle, can be anything, but you need to remember that a flat springboard with too much steepness will greatly dampen the speed, and the sensations after such a “sticking” into an inclined plane will not Very...

When marking, it is easier to calculate the steepness by degrees: let’s say a springboard with a slope of 10 degrees. with a height of 40 cm, it is quite suitable for beginners. And on the springboard the slope is 25 degrees. and 1m high. you can do serious things.

Let's start with a sketch: let's assume that we are building a springboard 145 cm long and 60 cm high - these dimensions provide it with an acceptable average steepness. For the springboard you will need:

plywood: 1 sheet 24 mm or 2 sheets 12 mm, it’s better to look for plywood hardwood- birch, etc.

boards: 40 mm thick, total length 10 meters (2-3 floor boards are suitable). The width of the boards is any.

Frame markings. I recommend drawing a triangle with the layout of the springboard directly on a sheet of plywood. Then place the boards on the contour of the drawing (i.e. along its contour) as they will be located in the structure of the springboard frame and transfer the cutting lines to them. You will get marked blanks for the frame; saw off the excess on them with a hacksaw.

First, make longitudinal elements (long) and only then, from the remaining pieces, make transverse (short) ones.

Preparing the frame: fasten the sides. We place the cut pieces of the longitudinal (which are long) parts on the plywood according to the pattern (triangle); these blanks can be lightly attached to the plywood with long, thin nails to prevent them from moving during the assembly process. Then we place the crossbars on top of them, drill them at the joints with a 4 mm drill and fasten them to the longitudinal parts using self-tapping screws 75x7 mm (75x8 mm) or screws 65-75 mm long. Make no more than 4 holes at each fastening point - a large number of them will not add strength, but on the contrary, will only weaken the place where the frame is stitched. Nails should not be used unambiguously - knots fastened with nails quickly weaken and become loose under single-ton loads.

Frame assembly. First you need to decide on the width of the springboard:

Based on the width, you need to make 4-5 crossbar blanks for the sheathing. Each must be attached to the sidewalls at right angles to the slope; for this, two or three self-tapping screws 75-80 mm long with a board width of 15-18 cm will be enough.

We cover the frame with plywood. This is the simplest operation - measure the length and width of the top of the springboard, add an allowance of 1-2 cm on each side, then you can cut it out.

Fastening: depending on the thickness of the plywood - with self-tapping screws (screws) of the appropriate length, the distance between the fastening points is 10-12 cm. After covering the top, the structure will become rigid.

The main thing is not to hammer the screws in with a hammer.

Finishing up. We place crossbars in front of the springboard. You can strengthen it with braces and from below.

In general, the most important part of the work in the manufacture of any trampolines, slides, etc. - correct design check-in This is done like this: fasten a steel strip 300 mm wide and 3 mm thick with M5 screws with a conical head (countersunk) so that 10 cm of the strip protrudes before the start of the race. When the springboard sits on the asphalt, this free edge will bend itself as it should. The ride will be smooth and durable.

The finished springboard should be impregnated with water-repellent impregnation and painted. There are many such antiseptic impregnations, both Russian and imported.

The cheapest and most accessible option is to soak the entire tree with hot drying oil and paint it with oil paint.

13 cool ways to make a track, track, parking, slides, car wash, garage, road for children with your own hands. All this can be made from ordinary materials that almost everyone has at home. Let's take a look at these creations.

1. DIY track made of foam plastic (cardboard) for children’s cars.

A track for cars that can be made with children and for children. Fast, clean, easy and economical. All we need is:

  • white polystyrene foam, if you don’t have it, you can use large cardboard, pre-painting it;
  • decorative tape;
  • scissors;
  • wooden cubes, if you don’t have them, you can use any building blocks that you have at home;
  • brushes

We paint wooden cubes acrylic paint. The colors can be any, we have pastel colors of yellow, carrot, and blue. We mark the route with a simple pencil, then cover it with decorative tape. That's all, the track is ready. You can play with it at home or on the street. Easy to store because It's flat, so you can hide it under the bed or behind the closet.

2. DIY car wash for cars made from a cardboard box.

Cool idea for summer time. You can play with such a car wash on the street, in your dacha, as you can actually wash children’s cars there. Children simply love to play with water. And here you can spray cars with a spray bottle.

To make a children's toy we will need:

  • cardboard box;
  • cellophane to cover the walls and floor of the car wash;
  • felt;
  • wooden rolls, and two toilet paper rolls;
  • scissors, hot glue.

We start work by cutting off the roof and one side of a cardboard box, and on the opposite side we make something like a door. Next we start painting. We need to paint all the outer walls and the bottom of the box, this way we will protect it from moisture.

After the box is dry, glue cellophane to the inside. You probably guessed that this will save the box from moisture and it will last longer.
We cut the felt and glue it to wooden bushings (you can also sticks), to toilet paper bushings. We attach everything to our car wash. Children can play with this for hours.

3. DIY children's road.

Very simple road from a cardboard box. All you need is time, desire and creativity. But seriously, cardboard, pencil, scissors, paint, brush.

We cut out trees and houses from the box, and then color it all. Children will be happy to color everything, and at the same time we stimulate the development of creativity and fine motor skills our little ones.

4. Race track for children's cars.

A racing track for four cars at once. It’s easy to make with your own hands, and children will really like it, because four cars can slide down it at the same time. Both boys and girls will be able to figure out which car goes faster.

To make the route we need:

  • cardboard box;
  • hot glue;
  • paint, brushes.

Just lift the cardboard and the cars will quickly rush down. This is a great toy for indoors when it's bad outside. Older children will especially like it, as they love speed and movement.

Below is a slide from wooden board, more durable, larger. You can't do it without dad. Stock up on materials and call dad.

Detailed instructions with big amount photos in .

Children's fun for creative children and parents. Everything is very simple, but incredibly interesting. For this kind of entertainment, it is advisable to take water-based paints to make it easier to wash soiled clothes.

5. Do-it-yourself parking for children's cars from shoe boxes.

A simple parking lot (garage) made from shoebox lids, toilet paper rolls and cardboard.

6. Large multi-level parking with a city made of cardboard.

Such a structure will require a little puffing. The work is painstaking, but what a wonderful city it turns out to be for cars. There are tracks, slides, and multi-level parking. In a word, super!

Another very interesting option for crafts made from cardboard is a parking garage. You can make these kind of houses for cars yourself, and you can also play with them. For those who decide to make such parking garages, here is a link to the site with a description and photographs.

Other parking lots and garages made of cardboard, ideas for inspiration.

7. Do-it-yourself wooden parking for children's cars.

Cool parking for small children's cars. It is made of wood, so it will last a long time. The safety of the child is also thought out - there are no sharp corners, they are all beveled. For those who decide to make such a parking lot, see the instructions and description.

8. DIY road for cars.

This is perhaps the easiest way to make a children's track for small cars. All you need is special tape and scissors. If you wish, you can add plastic figures of a traffic light, a house, trees, in general, whatever you have at home.

A children's track, even a whole city. Detailed description You can view
Here, a children's road made of tape is glued to cardboard, thanks to which it can be moved around the house and even taken outside.
And here they glued tape in the form of a road directly to the floor.

And here we went even further by gluing the tape directly to the sofa and carpet. I wonder how many parents would agree to this. But how fun and comfortable it is for children. If you do not have special tape with the image of an asphalt road, you can use colored tape or regular electrical tape. If desired, markings can be applied to it.

9. Road for cars on an old wooden table.

If you have an unnecessary or old wooden table, then it can be turned into a track for children's cars. Mark the table with paper tape before painting. After painting, wait until it dries completely. The road is ready for the children.

Hill, parking, gas station wooden table with your own hands.

Large and wonderful table with play areas. How to make such a toy for children yourself, see

This version of the road for children's cars is convenient because it can be drawn as you like and as much as you like. To do this you need a piece of chalk and your or your child’s imagination. To make such a gaming table for cars, you need to cover the top of the old table with special paint for chalkboards, on which you can draw with chalk. That's it, the table for children's cars is ready!

10. Height meter in the form of a racing track.

For little car lovers, parents can make this bright stadiometer in the shape of a race track. We mark the child’s growth with a machine that is attached using Velcro. The road can be made of any width, with the number of lanes equal to the number of children. The photo shows that there are two children in the family. If you are interested in a stadiometer, then Full description you can see its production

11. Road for children's cars on the wall.

You can make a road for cars right on the wall in the children's room. This way we get an interesting design and play space for the child. The road itself can be made magnetic or made of felt, and magnets or Velcro can be attached to the cars, respectively.

12. DIY carpet for cars made of fabric.

Felt road mat with a surprise. He has a garage for three cars, these are pockets at the bottom. It’s great that this rug can be folded and won’t take up much space. It can be made of any size with any applications - mountains, trees, houses, hospitals, towers, skyscrapers, roads, slides, parking lots, various markings and all possible road signs. See this website for ideas and instructions with lots of photos.

13. Children's street track for small cars.

When making these children's tracks for cars, you will need cement. You dig a shallow trench in the ground, fill it with cement, paint it with black paint, and decorate the entire site. This is ideal playground for private houses and cottages.

Here are a few more options for outdoor play areas for boys made from scrap materials.

Children's town on the sand with a road for cars.

In conclusion, I would like to suggest the most fun and entertaining way for a children's road for small cars. The children won't be bored, but dad or mom will get a wonderful massage and a dose of relaxation.

Thank you for reading our article to the end! Have a fun and happy day to you and your children!