Total War: Attila - Guide to the Western Roman Empire. Total War: Attila - a visual aid for beginner barbarians Total war attila Huns troop formation

Before we start delving into our next collection of tips, we’ll immediately note that this is the first non-standard and at the same time original game in the series Total War for the last few year s. Here you will find a very unusual gameplay among the nomads, a game policy worked out to the smallest detail and a hundred other innovations that will undoubtedly be able to easily throw off even the most experienced player in the Total War series. As always, we encourage you to take a look at our carefully compiled guide to learn more about public policy, combat and much more.

Let's return to Rome 2 and remember the heavy infantry, which played almost the most important role in the battle. When starting to play, remember that this is not, so heavy infantry no longer plays a key role here. Heavy cavalry is now the main striking force. In addition, archers and various throwing units have now faded into the background, thereby giving way to newer warriors - crossbowmen. Of course, one cannot say that these are some kind of rapid-fire units, but their destructive power is simply enormous, so it allows them to immediately destroy some elite squad. Remember: the crossbow in the game is a real killing machine, and in combination with fire bolts you will also thoroughly demoralize the enemy troops!

If you decide to play some kind of barbarians (Alans, Huns and others) - then remember that for you robbery is the main source of income that will support both your economy and military-political power! Therefore, we strongly recommend that after the next raid on an enemy settlement, do not demolish it to the ground, since the owner will eventually rebuild this city again and you will be able to return back to get more money. If you completely level a province or even a region, then there will be nowhere to return for loot and therefore you will have to look for a new place to make money.

Are you short of gold and at this very moment you need to get money as quickly as possible? It's very simple - raise taxes to the maximum, and then lower them back the next step! Thus, you will quickly be able to collect gold for a new armed army, and the people will not have time to blink an eye when everything will fall into place. But first, in order to carry out such frauds, you should raise the economy of your faction: build trade buildings, study technologies in the civilian branch that will reduce corruption (since corrupt people are much worse than the invasion of the Huns!). For example, the Western Roman Empire starts with 80+% corruption, that is, the government receives absolutely nothing.

Please note that it is best to appoint only your most loyal Generals to any positions! If some dubious General sits in a very “strong” post, then most likely he will use his position to take control of power, and subsequently a real civil war will break out! But to prevent this from happening, it is best to place his trust in your favor, that is, you can marry your daughter to him, or an alternative option is to order a murder.

It has such a feature that any outbreak of disease can lead to an epidemic, and that in turn to unrealistic losses and generally to the collapse of the empire! Sick regions will not only bring you less gold, but also food, and this will also lead to unstable order. Therefore, we recommend that you spare no expense in building various aqueducts, baths, sewers and many other buildings that increase the level of sanitation. The cleaner and healthier your people are, the less likely they will be to encounter any kind of plague.

The barbarian migrant troops are not just a bunch of wandering population, but also an army. They represent a kind of mobile settlement, since nomads can leave their campaign at any time, establish a camp, or even start raising livestock along with construction. Remember that the safest way to roam the continent is in a huge horde, keeping your troops close to each other, but also remember that food consumption takes twice as long, so when a province runs out of food, your troops will no longer be replenished with new recruits like this up to the point of hunger strike. To do this, you will have to divide your troops into groups as a couple and go plunder local settlements so that you have everything in abundance.

If you decide to play for the Eastern or Western Roman Empire, then it is best to destroy all cathedrals and temples that relate to the Catholic faith in the first moves and return Roman paganism as the main state religion. This is because Christian churches and so on will cost you more than a penny, and the bonus of these buildings is simply meager. Without these Christian cathedrals, your profits will immediately double and returning to the original faith will give you access to aqueducts, higher level baths. As a result, you will get a lot more benefits.

A skillful and competent General must always calculate everything in advance before launching a military campaign against his enemy. Remember about such a nuance as the change of seasons: spring, summer, winter, autumn. To perform in the autumn or winter season is a real suicide, since you will lose a large number of your soldiers! And don’t forget about global cooling, which was the reason for the resettlement of most peoples. Every year the temperature will drop, thereby the fertility of the provinces will decrease. It is best for nomads to move to the southern lands, as otherwise their armies will be greatly reduced due to lack of food.

Once you learn certain technologies, you can upgrade your units to stronger and more elite units. By the end of the game, the ordinary cavalry of the peasants turns into a heavy cataphract, and seemingly ordinary militias turn into fierce defenders of the emperor! But it is also worth considering that a considerable amount of gold will be spent on paying such soldiers! In addition, as soon as you hire stronger warriors, the opportunity to hire less unprofitable warriors immediately disappears. Based on this, remember that if your treasury is empty, then you should not rush to improve.

Surely everyone has heard that the company of the Western and Eastern Roman Empires is unrealistic, even terribly complex. But indeed, the developers did not exaggerate this at all, because companies are simply terribly complex. Two parts of a once great and vast empire are hanging by a thread from complete destruction! Dozens of barbarian factions attack them without any interruption, the provinces constantly suffer from disease and hunger. Competitors conspire, and corruption haunts us. Even experienced fans of the Total War series will not be able to beat the campaign of any of the two factions, let alone two, on the first try. Beginners should start with something more or less easy.

And the barbarians came

Admit it, after the announcement your fingers on your mouse were itching... and for good reason! Studio Creative Assembly, while painting her ninth creation in the series, did not skimp on promises. We won’t list it, it’s enough to express it like this: “We’ll improve everything that was good in our predecessors; we’ll fix everything that was bad; we’ll add new features and serve it with the sauce of a great picture.”

The trailers for the game were pleasing to the eye and called to decide the fate of history, and he Attila- threatened Great Rome with cruel reprisals! And now this day has come, the world froze in anticipation. At least the world of series fans...

First stone

Unfortunately, to arrange a cheerful life for the Romans, Franks, and other Saxons in the name of Attila it won’t work - the great leader of the Huns, although he gave the name to the game, is not a playable character. Apparently, so that novice commanders would not drag his glorious name into the mud with their inexperienced actions.

And such actions, whatever one may say, will happen. And the reason for this is not so much the complexity of the game itself, but problems with optimization. The release version suffered from subsidence FPS and periodic crashes for many players (mostly those using Russian localization).

Of course, with such beautiful graphics, high system requirements were inevitable, but when the game starts to lag even on powerful computers, successfully controlling a huge army is very problematic. All that remains is to either dance with the tambourine in the settings menu, or wait for patches.

It would be a shame if there was a flight now and all these valiant warriors died in vain

To be fair, it is worth noting that the first patches at least eliminated the crash problem that was driving gamers into rage. – not a game where you can use it endlessly save/load, so crashing the game at the very end of a victorious and difficult battle threatens massive burnout of nerve cells. Which is what happened at first.

There were, of course, those who did not like the very concept of the new world. Like, all the gaming innovations could have been implemented without worrying about it. But, objectively, the few shortcomings of the game will soon be corrected with mods and patches. Why not treat yourself to something new?

Total war...Total war never changes

The game mechanics have not changed radically compared to the previous parts. We still have our own state, a brave army, and exorbitant ambitions to expand influence. In practice, bringing these ambitions to life will be very difficult, especially if you have not previously encountered the series.

There is, of course, training in the game, but to become a successful ruler, you need to study a lot of in-game training materials. It would seem typical "rock Paper Scissors": the cavalry crashes into the infantry like a hot knife, cutting to the right and left, the infantry quickly penetrates through the shafts of the pikemen, deftly wielding swords and hatchets, and the pikemen kindly impale the cavalrymen on spears, like sofas. And somewhere in the rear, under guard, stand archers, cooling the military passions with a rain of arrows. Doesn't it sound difficult? No matter how it is.

Soon the dawn silence will be broken by the sound of metal and the screams of the dying.

Each type of troops (and there are plenty of them in the game, in accordance with real historical tribes and their warriors) has both unique and common skills. Different construction options for different situations. You need to hide the warriors behind a wall of shields in time, you need to quickly rush at the enemy, reducing the distance, constantly maneuver, attack from the rear, press the enemy from the flanks.

You will definitely have to take into account weather and terrain conditions. Soldiers, as a rule, do not fight very well, having made a forced march through a snow-covered forest in a blizzard, and then crawling up a mountain.

The battlefield is not just a great landscape, where hundreds NPC They are waging a life-and-death war, surrounded by smoke and burning buildings, these are dynamically changing events. The one who learns to respond competently to them and turn them to his advantage will emerge victorious from many glorious battles. Otherwise, even a more powerful and trained army will lose to a good tactician.

I walked like Attila on the charred earth

The developers tried to please as much as possible the players who prefer to conquer nations not with words and economics, but with fire and sword. New gaming features allow you to literally burn cities and terrain to the ground, plunging the enemy into horror.

Even ordinary archers do not hesitate to add some light to their arrows. What can we say about the huge siege engines spraying incendiary shells across city streets. This whole extravaganza looks dark and beautiful, especially when, before the player’s eyes, the besieged city gradually turns into ruins.

However, one should not forget that the player and his opponents are on equal terms. If the war takes a sharp turn and enemy troops flock to the city stronghold, then sometimes the best thing to do is to set fire to a populated area with your own hands and rush to save people and supplies. The enemy will either have to spend a lot of time and resources on its restoration, or, excuse me, a cozy winter in the warmth will be cancelled. All around are walls and ashes. And this is another innovation, as well as the possibility of building barricades, helping during the siege (if there is a chance of surviving it).

This is the vaunted Roman hospitality

The developers also promised to return diseases and epidemics. And here – no deception, to the delight of gamers. Or not for joy? Everyone will decide for themselves, I will just allow myself to give advice: keep your settlements and cities clean. If people start drinking water, as they say, from a goat’s hoof... of course, no one becomes a baby goat, it’s just that dysentery has a bad effect on morale and performance. And they also die from it.

Sea sieges are still here. Why walk halfway across the world to express your dislike to a distant leader, if you can simply sail to him? Moreover, the size of the map is quite impressive (about the same as in). The ships allow you not only to deftly land on the shore, but also to destroy the enemy fleet in the romantic setting of the expanses of water. We won’t even mention the sad possibility of going to the bottom on our own.

Not with a single sword

One might get the impression that this is an extremely cruel and militarized game, but this is not so. If there is no desire (or opportunity) to make a cup for mead from the skull of the next leader, you can try to share bread and salt with him. This is where diplomacy comes into play. Moreover, it is inseparable from war.

You can’t just rush around the map, crushing those who are right and those who are wrong. Each move takes time, and significant time at that. Game years fly by, cities without the participation of the player and proper development fall into decay and cannot compete with their developing neighbors. And the neighbors themselves, harboring a grudge, can unite and cruelly take revenge on the self-confident conqueror.

The redesigned interface helps a lot to understand the global situation. By comparison, the interface has received a lot of criticism as inconvenient and uninformative. There is no such problem. After reading and studying HUD becomes an indispensable tool. It shows the number of troops, money, resources, profits from their territories, and gives access to tons of educational treatises.

What is important is that the dynasty system, which was cut out at the root in . You can manage the conclusion of marriages (or simply produce bastards), monitor the development of family trees, and appoint characters to various state and municipal positions. This is where development takes place. military leaders– each, with increasing influence, is able to learn additional abilities that improve the art of war or diplomacy.

They even returned the ability to change religion their subjects. They themselves may not be delighted, but new levers of political influence are emerging.

The territories are impressive, the possibilities of wars and alliances are more than enough

The technology system is divided into two branches: diplomacy and militarism. Their development helps you develop your own playing style, gaining distinctive strengths and weaknesses.

And you Brute!

Separately, it is necessary to dwell on the features network game . If you want to find out which of your friends is the best commander, then Attila will help resolve this dispute as objectively as possible.

There is a possibility custom battles based on significant battles - there are sieges, naval battles, and clashes in the open field, there is room for tactical ingenuity and imagination.

Among the interesting innovations, we cannot fail to mention the possibility co-op campaign. You must admit that it is not easy to exist alone in a hostile world, where behind-the-scenes games are constantly being played, military alliances arise and collapse, and betrayal and espionage flourish.

Often, in order to understand why relations with a faction have deteriorated, you need to scroll back a few moves in your memory and remember exactly where the mistake was made. Moreover, it can be allowed due to a banal lack of information about the enemy.

And with a friend, you can go both ways into fire and water. The main thing is to make sure that he doesn’t stick a knife in your back. Politics is a dirty thing.

Ad futarum memoriam

There is no need to keep in mind the rapidly changing situation in the political arena; the chroniclers will do it for you. All information received, be it the conclusion of an alliance, or even the smallest battle, is recorded in the game chronicles. Compared to this, the system has been optimized; now finding the information of interest is much easier and more convenient.

The game can take many weeks (and according to the gaming calendar, many years!), thanks to the complex, interesting, dynamic gameplay and the opportunity to share adventures with other players. There is a somewhat wooden animation of the troops, but given the scale of the battles, you simply don’t pay attention to this.

This is, of course, a worthy representative of the series and deserves an honorable place - in the real annals of the gaming industry.

The most difficult campaign is the passage of the Western Roman Empire. When playing with this civilization, you immediately encounter a bunch of problems, and the most important thing is that your eyes run wide from their number. Below we have prepared for you a list of the most important rules that will help protect and preserve this state.

Rule - 1: Fight corruption

The Roman Empire has a huge number of problems, so in addition to hordes of barbarians, it also has such a problem as corruption. This “rot” in the state will take away a huge amount of income from you, so if you start fighting it right away, then you can double your income! To solve the problem with corruption: appoint governors for the largest economic cities of the empire, you will also need to develop the appropriate skills among your generals, assemble a retinue for them, and be sure to first study technologies in the civilian branch that help fight corruption!

Rule - 2: Clear mind

You will need to immediately come to terms with the fact that you will not be able to hold all the areas of the empire that will be given to you at the very beginning of the game. Hordes of barbarian tribes will burst into Gaul and Italy, so they will constantly plunder everything they come across there! To be prepared for such consequences of attacks, it is necessary in advance to invest your funds in the development of those regions that are located in North Africa and southern Spain. It is there that Rome will have many fewer enemies and much more time to prepare for the barbarians that will soon arrive. Moreover, those lands are the most fertile.

Rule - 3: You must take risks

Sitting constantly on defense is the worst option. Especially when you have a bunch of enemies a few steps away that are ready to tear you apart. Moreover, the enemies will be able to restore their strength very quickly, so the attacks will not stop. You need to try to be the first! Give them pre-emptive strikes, try to burn them and plunder their cities. Having repulsed one attack, continue to lead the legions further, but to their lands! Without any hesitation, attack the barbarians that are in Northern Britain, as they will be very weak on initial stages games!

Rule - 4: Battlefield

By default, it is made so that the garrisons of the Roman Empire are powerful troops, so they can fight off even stacks of full barbarian armies, so if you see the numerical superiority of the enemy, never retreat and fight until the last legionnaire! Take a defensive position somewhere in the city square. Always remember that barbarians love to leave settlements destroyed, so such moments will be a critical blow for you.

Rule - 5: Generals

Barbarian hordes have low morale from the very beginning of the game, so try your best accessible ways eliminate enemy commanders. If a commander dies, then any army will be ready to go on the run at any moment! But also always remember about your commanders, because for you it will be no less a loss. The loss of your commander threatens a real disaster for the entire state.

Rule - 6: Home Dear

At the very beginning of the game, the party that currently rules the Western Roman Empire will be very weak. You will have to put it in complete order within about ten turns, because if this is not done, various uprisings will begin throughout the country, which will eventually develop into a civil war that will put an end to the Western Roman Empire.

To begin with, you will need to make the party leader your best general and then send him to the front line. This is necessary for two reasons: you will be able to lead your troops more diligently and your emperor will be able to gain experience and authority faster. As your hero develops, you will need to accept new faces into your family and assign appropriate positions to them (it is better to place governors in developed regions, and generals in the most powerful). The strongest and most influential members of the opposition should be assigned to the most problematic regions (for example, Belgium and the border that runs with the Eastern Roman Empire).

Rule - 7: Diplomacy

Try to use any valuable means to delay the start of the war. If necessary, then even break the alliance with your influential neighbor in the east in order to reduce the number of conflicts. The Eastern Roman Empire will be the first to feel the full force of the Huns, so they will quickly deal with your allies.

Rule - 8: Fleet

In order to fight your enemies more effectively, you will need to have at least two huge fleets: one is best kept in southern Britain, the other somewhere in the Sicily region. It would be better if the fleet had mostly ramming vessels, since they can sink any ship at once.

Rule - 9: Legion

If you have a situation where you need to make a choice: saving a settlement or a legion, then it is better to make a choice in favor of your troops. The Roman troops have been restoring the size of their armies for quite a long time; even the usual hiring of heavy infantry will take up to two turns!

Rule - 10: Outposts

Once you have come to terms with the fact that you will have to lose a large number of settlements, immediately select those for which you will fight until the last warrior! It is best to move all strategically important buildings to those settlements that have walls. One large city will be able to block huge stacks of enemy armies.

There is something intriguing in projects of irreversible decline, collapse and even total degradation, because as they say: “breaking is not building,” and in general, any story ends someday. These are the conclusions that the developers from Creative Assembly came to, unanimously believing that it was time to bring the real-time strategy Total War Rome franchise to the finish line. Fortunately, the creatives are not some kind of triarchs with their beloved, so instead of the dull forcing of the line, we got the opportunity to personally put our hands on the already skinny necks of the Roman Empires, completely rotten in disease and corruption. Like Opposing Force from the Half-Life universe, we are offered a look at the events of the fall of great empires from the eternal antagonists of the Romans - the barbarian tribes of the Ostrogoths, Visigoths, Franks, Huns, as well as other lovers of ancient culture and part-time nomads. Looking ahead, we note that Total War Attila is not a remake of the Barbarians add-on for the first part of Rome, but an almost full-fledged part of the series, with many noticeable updates and significant optimization of the interface, which cannot be said about performance, but let's take it in order.

Briefly about the game mechanics of the Total War line

If you are keen, then at least half an ear, but you have heard about the products of Total Var. This hybrid strategy took the top RTS due to the fact that it competently combined strategic and tactical parts. Indeed, sometimes we ourselves find it difficult to distinguish tactics from strategy, but in the case of Total War Attila everything is quite simple. On the global world map, we make moves, as in, and during battles we switch to the already familiar micromanagement, leading our legions. Of course, we can close our eyes to diplomacy, sanitation, mass culture, religion and a dozen other “boring” elements and factors of this epic, because loading saves every half hour is so exciting and fun.

The decline of an empire is not for the faint of heart

Let's start with the fact that playing for the “rotting imperial West” is not just a worthy challenge for skilled commanders, but a real stress test of your skills and general understanding of this gameplay. The proletarians are bathed in lice, plump from hunger, bureaucrats of all stripes and ranks fill their pockets with taxes with impunity, and not a trace remains of the former border forts. The empire is literally bursting at the seams, and the number of available legions can be counted on one hand, so don’t be surprised that despite all your efforts, after just a dozen moves, flocks of dashing bearded men will annihilate a quarter of your provinces.

In short, the legendary difficulty suggests eternal damnation, but experienced players quickly found holes in the mechanics. For example, you can “politically incorrectly” terminate the alliance with the Eastern Empire and thereby protect yourself from a couple more packs of radical roving groups. The same thing happens with religion: why maintain expensive temples and cultural assets if manufacturing chains and elements of the military-industrial complex are claiming their place? The people will still be dissatisfied, so we use this benefit to suppress riots and other democracy, which, in general, can disrupt the atmosphere of the game, but will significantly increase the chances of a favorable outcome.

An outside view or features of playing for nomads

Another thing is the nomadic and not very barbarian tribes, the gameplay of which clearly resembles modern culture tourism - they came to the clearing, had a lot of fun and left behind nothing but dirt and ashes. Thus, our tramps roll from one location to another, set up camps, at the same time cleaning up everything behind them with a wall of fires. The scorched area is one of the most spectacular innovations of Total War Attila, the essence of which is the so-called “wipe” of the region, which practically dooms it to death, since the restoration of such locations costs colossal sums to the already thin treasury.

It would seem that the game mechanics simply insist that it is time to burn out this intelligentsia “with fire and sword,” but as practice shows, you will have to pay bitterly for any short-sightedness in Total War Attila. We remind you that a horde is not one or two, but tens of thousands of hungry mouths that need to be fed and warmed with something during the cold season (yes, the seasons have been returned in Attila, so let’s welcome frostbite and minuses to stats). Thus, by cutting out the entire district to the roots, we are deprived of sources of food and income. In addition, scorched earth is in no way suitable for pastures, so veterans of the line recommend gripping the chairs less and thinking more about the future.

Peculiarities of playing for the Huns “liberals” faction

One way or another, the West and the Ostrogoths, as well as the barbarian tribes, can still play for “unrest”, as in, for example, but the hordes of the Huns are a different story. These free folk do not make long-term stops and are constantly on the move, so their main farming consists of raids and forays. Having one of the best cavalry among the factions, the Huns can afford a strategy that is quite flexible in terms of retreats and counterattacks, but here again there are some features. The fact is that large detachments of 50+ cavalry in urban conditions begin to wander in three corners, which turns them into an easy target even for yesterday’s outcasts with pitchforks.

It is interesting that our hero of the occasion, the semi-legendary leader of the barbarian tribes, Attila, was not even born at the beginning of the campaign. In other words, playing as the Romans you will have to live to see the great battle, and only then experience for yourself all the charm of nomadic culture and everything that follows from it. To prevent instant defeat, we recommend creating so-called buffer zones in Illyria, Austria, and Galia, where you need to place 1 legion each. Actively develop your defensive infrastructure and beware of incendiary shelling, since the game physics in Total War Attila is close to reality, where one random arrow can set a whole city on fire, and without any pigeons there.

A few words about innovations and optimization

The main difference between the Total War Attila strategy in terms of interface and graphics is the serious work on the bugs and wishes of the fans. Now all the necessary information about your state comes in separate tabs, and not in a single stream, as was the case in the previous part. At the same time, on the contrary, technological progress has removed the unnecessary, leaving all the necessary branches in one window, so in terms of interface and user friendliness, the Total Var line has taken a step forward. The global map has darkened, the bright colors have diminished, leaving the glow of fires to illuminate these dark times. The textures of fields and meadows now actively reflect the seasons, and the forest finally looks like a real grove, and not like a couple of bushes in the middle of a map. Indeed, graphic updates are always pleasing to the eye, but they also require much more system resources, so decide for yourself what to choose - plus 30 warriors per squad or global lighting of the bushes.

Let's sum up the continuation of the Total War line

The real-time strategy Total War Attila will perfectly brighten up the leisure time of series veterans, thanks to truly hardcore campaigns for the Eastern and Western Empires, in which there will be many random events and unpredictable events. These surprises will test all your tactical management skills in stressful mode, and what’s most interesting is that you will have to learn to act outside of the mold in order to twist the game mechanics like a pig on a spit. For those who are getting acquainted with the Total War line for the first time, we recommend starting with the original Rome or its equally good remake, since without proper preparation, the peculiarities of the local gameplay will quite shake your nerves.

Hi all. The Gamebizclub team is with you, and, according to our tradition, we are starting to analyze another genre, the number of fans of which is growing every year. Today we will talk about the most popular tactical strategy, which has raised the bar for quality and gameplay to a new height. Have you ever thought about what happened during the period early Middle Ages, during the era of migration of peoples? Have you imagined yourself as a nomadic leader or army commander?

Consider that your dream has come true - now you can fully feel like a leader, commander or ruler of a huge empire. We will talk about the tactical strategy Total War: Attila, which continues the famous series of historical games.

When creating Attila, the developers of Creative Assembly sought to leave no one indifferent: they made a game without errors, understandable and at the same time not boring, allowing you to grow above yourself, and not mark time. Did the British succeed? We'll tell you.

From this article you will learn:

History is our everything

Let's start our review of Total War Attila with the history of the game. The action takes place during the Great Migration. At that time, the Roman Empire split into two parts - the Roman Empire, with its capital in Rome, and the Byzantine Empire, with its capital in Constantinople. At the same time, Rome is gradually losing its greatness, losing its financial position and military power.

And if we add to this trend a huge number of barbarians who try to settle close to the borders of the Empire and periodically raid the border areas, the picture will turn out to be completely bleak. For the Romans, of course.

But not for barbarians - there are many of them, they are strong and merciless. If you open a history textbook, you will find out that in those days the Romans hired barbarians to fight other tribes and guard the borders of the empire.

But what is a crowd with swords and axes compared to a legion? There are few legionnaires, and barbarian troops will not replace them! An easy victory, Attila thought, and destroyed the empire, conquering Rome. Learn history, gentlemen, because it tends to repeat itself. We advise you to watch the trailer for the game and get even more inspired by the historical battles.

Who to play for

We've sorted out the story, now let's move on to the game itself. There are 10 factions to choose from - you can choose any campaign and start building your empire. There are many options, so we will describe the main points, and you will make the choice yourself.

The Roman campaign may seem difficult. The empire under your control is too large, and there is a lot of unknowns in it, and the enemy is not asleep at the borders. It is suitable for those who are not looking for easy ways - turning the tide of history is not so easy. You will have at your disposal many overgrown provinces that do not have strong troops.

Therefore, the first steps are difficult and creaking: first the Goths will attack, then the Vandals, but how can you resist them? So you have to burn everything after yourself, thereby devastating your empire. This is a historical fact and this is the whole value of the game: the hopelessness of the situation of the Romans during the Great Migration is conveyed very accurately. Plus, it makes the gameplay even more fun.

In terms of finances, such “self-destruction” is not very profitable, but there are also advantages: the enemy will poke his nose in, but he has nothing to profit from. On the other hand, after returning the province, you will have to restore everything - and there definitely won’t be enough money for everything. What if one of the neighbors wants to “come with a sword”? It will be difficult, however!

If you want to win a few small victories first, then launch companies of other factions, for example, the Saxons or Franks. Although it is not easy to compete with such powerful neighbors as the Huns, if possible, why not try to gradually build your own empire? He who does not take risks does not win. After all, it’s great to take risks, and it’s interesting to get to know the provinces. There will be no other opportunity.

The gameplay for the “migrating” peoples is from the “challenge accepted” series: the enemies have an empire and troops, but initially you don’t have a single piece of land at all. Playing on the side of the Goths, Alans and Vandals, you will only set up camps until you capture the city.

On the other hand, it makes absolutely no difference to you where to found an empire. The entire huge map is at your disposal. Of course, you will have a strong army, with such a force it will be a piece of cake to beat the Romans, but the life of a nomad cannot be called cloudless. However, boring too: now on the road, now into battle, now to suppress the uprising. Or prevent it.

About gameplay and other nuances

Let us immediately note that Attila is in many ways superior to his predecessors from the Total War series. On the background new version they seem too complex and cumbersome. The battlefield has become much larger, and under your command there can now be more than 8 thousand soldiers - a huge army. Therefore, immediately prepare a powerful PC, because a weak computer will definitely not be able to handle the game.

The system of provincial government also changed. For each province, you appoint a legate (envoy), and he begins to actively legislate and maintain order. Moreover, it is necessary that he be a member of the ruling dynasty. Otherwise, goodbye to authority and hello to Civil Wars.

Attila is much more convenient and visual than its predecessors. Take the same strategic maps: their boundaries can be expanded, pushed apart and scaled. Not indefinitely, but enough to see all the objects on the map.

Another great feature is individual characters, such as spies and generals. All their talents and skills are shown on a special tree, and you will immediately understand in which direction you should develop. The process of diplomacy and trade has also become easier: you will clearly see income from trade, the degree of loyalty of allies and relationships with other factions.

In addition to all the gameplay nuances listed above, we will also talk about the AI. AI is artificial intelligence or a computer opponent. In the new part of the Total War saga, you will find updated AI, which is not so easy to compete with.

Previously, instead of a large enemy army, you had to fight with several dozen small ones: two, three, four or more times in a row. Now everything has come down to global battles and confrontations in which your opponents will act smart both at the strategic level and on the battlefield.

New battle tactics

The developers have done a great job - now the battles are very carefully and artistically, simply beautifully drawn. The choice of troop types and tactics is impressive, while everything corresponds to the spirit of the era. And, of course, fans of the series will definitely be pleased with such “vital” elements as troop fatigue and morale. Attila's heroes are not robots, but real people. That is, as close to reality as possible.

In battles, archers and horsemen perform best: they push back enemies well and do not know fatigue. During a siege, your marksmen can hide behind barricades, firing at the enemy's most important positions. The tactics of mounted battles have also undergone changes - new options have become available depending on the type of cavalry and race. The cavalry began to play one of the main roles, especially during the battles of nomadic peoples, as was the case in history.

You will have to create your own vision of the battle based on various types of troops and tactics, and the AI ​​will analyze your moves and try to outplay everyone possible ways. As before, the battle on the field remains main feature Total War series.

Main innovations

Separately, it should be said about new features that you will not find in previous series. In addition to 10 factions and more than a hundred new types of troops, you will have access to:

  • Abandonment and destruction of cities - you have the right to leave cities before opponents capture them. Just keep in mind that these same opponents can easily raze the city to the ground.
  • Governors - if you want to successfully manage the provinces, then you cannot do without them. The larger the empire, the more governors you will need to do everything for you.
  • Dynasties - in Attila it is important not only to belong to the ruling dynasty, but also to correctly appoint heirs and enter into successful marriages.
  • Nomadic tribes - some factions initially have no settlements at all. But they can set up camps - a kind of mini-towns.
  • Barricades during sieges are very helpful in defense.

Fans of the series, and those who play for the first time, will definitely not be disappointed. You will get acquainted with the history of the early Middle Ages, take part in many battles and be able to found your own empire. The game will definitely not bore you and will captivate you for a long time, during which you will plan and implement battle tactics and strategies for achieving victory.

You can buy Total War: Attila Here at a very attractive price. After the purchase, bonus points will be credited to your account, which can then be used to purchase one or more games.

If the adventures in Attila are not enough, then you can install the add-on - The Age of Charlemagne, which will add even more gaming opportunities. You can read more about this add-on, as well as many other gaming innovations, on the pages of our blog. Stay up to date - subscribe to our news and share the link to the article with your friends on in social networks. Bye everyone and see you soon.